---- '''''Documentation Développeur''''' '''Auteurs''' : Sébastien Denvil, Martial Mancip, Patrick Brockmann [[BR]] ---- '''Sommaire général''' [wiki:WikiStart libIGCM] [[PageOutline(1-2,Table des matières,inline)]] ---- = Stratégies de développement = * Développer le plus clairement possible * S'appuyer sur des commandes UNIX avec des options standards * Inclure une documentation dans le code {{{ #================================================== # The documentation of this file can be automatically generated # if you use the prefix #D- for comments to be extracted. # Extract with command: cat lib* | grep "^#D-" | cut -c "4-" #================================================== #D-This line will be extracted #D-This one too }}} * Fournir une fonction de test pour chaque librairie. Le test se réalise en faisant la différence entre les résulats courants et un fichier de résultats de référence. {{{ Check libIGCM_debug ..........................................[ FAILED ] }}} Indique que la librairie libIGCM_debug n'est pas opérationnelle. {{{ Check libIGCM_debug ..............................................[ OK ] Check libIGCM_card ...............................................[ OK ] Check libIGCM_date ...............................................[ OK ] }}} Indique que toutes ces librairies sont opérationnelles. = Règles de syntaxe = * Les noms des variables sont définies sans espace avec des majuscules : * ceciestunevariable <-- incorrect * !CeciEstUneVariable <-- correct = libIGCM_card = Cette librairie se charge de faire la lecture et l'écriture dans les fichiers carte. == Description du format card == Ce paragraphe décrit les éléments du format d'un fichier CARD (inspiré du format INI): * Sections: Les sections commencent par ''['' et se termine par '']'' comme pour les sections [Messages] et [Recipes] utilisées dans l'exemple ci-dessous. * Options: L'option ''Red = 120'' ci-dessous est un exemple d'option (aussi connu sous le nom de clé). Les options commencent par une clé ''Red'', suivie du signe égale '=', et elles se terminent par une valeur ''120''. * Commentaires: Toutes les lignes commençant par un '#' sont considérées comme étant des commentaires, et sont ignorées. * Continuation de lignes: Une option peut être écrite sur plusieurs lignes si le dernier caractère de la ligne est un '\' * Exemple: {{{ #!sh [Messages] Option1= "Hello Earth" Option2= "Hello Mars" # My comments [Recipes] Cake= "file1.doc" Starter= "file2.doc" [ColorValues] Red= 120 Blue= 230 Green= 178 [Couples] List1= (up, down), \ (humid, dry), \ (hot, cold), \ (far, close) List2= (ice, fire, air, water) }}} == Documentation interne == {{{ #!sh #================================================================== function IGCM_card_PrintOption * Purpose: Print an option from a given file.card and section * Usage: IGCM_card_PrintOption file.card section option * Only used by IGCM_card_Test.ksh #================================================================== function IGCM_card_PrintSection * Purpose: Print all options from a given file.card and section * Usage: IGCM_card_PrintSection file.card section * Only used by IGCM_card_Test.ksh #================================================================== function IGCM_card_DefineVariableFromOption * Purpose: Define a variable from a given file.card, section and option * Variable name is automatically defined as file_section_option * Usage: IGCM_card_DefineVariableFromOption file.card section option #================================================================== function IGCM_card_DefineArrayFromOption * Purpose: Define an array variable from a given file.card, section and option * Array variable is automatically defined as file_section_option * Usage: IGCM_card_DefineArrayFromOption file.card section option #================================================================== function IGCM_card_DefineArrayFromSection * Purpose: Define an array variable from a given file.card and section * Array variable is automatically defined as file_section * Usage: IGCM_card_DefineArrayFromSection file.card section #================================================================== function IGCM_card_WriteOption * Purpose: Write an option in a given file.card and section * Usage: IGCM_card_WriteOption file.card section newvalue * Examples: IGCM_card_WriteOption file.card Recipes Red 150 IGCM_card_WriteOption file.card Messages Option2 '"Hello Mercure"' IGCM_card_WriteOption file.card Messages ListVal1 '( 1, 2, 3 )' listname="(Sebastien, Martial, Patrick)" IGCM_card_WriteOption NewTestFile.card Messages ListVal2 "${listname}" #================================================================== function IGCM_card_WriteArrayOption * Purpose: Write an array option a given file.card and section * Usage: IGCM_card_WriteArrayOption file.card section option newarray * Examples: set -A MyArray -- 1 2 3 IGCM_card_WriteArrayOption file.card Recipes List MyArray #================================================================== function IGCM_card_Check * Purpose: Check the present file by comparison with a reference file * Usage: IGCM_card_Check }}} = libIGCM_comp = = libIGCM_config = = libIGCM_date = == Documentation interne == {{{ #!sh #================================================================== libIGCM_date This ksh library handles date calculs and convertions in different calendars. types of calendars are possible : - leap|gregorian|standard (other name leap) : The normal calendar. The time origin for the julian day in this case is 24 Nov -4713. - noleap|365_day : A 365 day year without leap years. - all_leap|366_day : A 366 day year with only leap years. - 360d|360_day : Year of 360 days with month of equal length. #================================================================== function IGCM_date_DaysInYear * Purpose: Return the number of days in a year * Usage: IGCM_date_DaysInYear yyyy if there is no argument on the command line, then assume that a yyyy is being piped in #================================================================== function IGCM_date_DaysInMonth * Purpose: Calculate the number of days in a month * Usage: IGCM_date_DaysInMonth yyyy mm or IGCM_date_DaysInMonth yyyymmdd if there are no command line arguments then assume that a yyyymmdd is being piped in and read the value. if there is only one argument assume it is a yyyymmdd on the command line other wise it is a yyyy and mm on the command line #================================================================== function IGCM_date_ConvertGregorianDateToJulian * Purpose: Convert yyyymmdd to yyyyddd * Usage: IGCM_date_ConvertGregorianDateToJulian 19980429 if there is no command line argument, then assume that the date is coming in on a pipe and use read to collect it #================================================================== function IGCM_date_ConvertJulianDateToGregorian() * Purpose: Convert yyyyddd to yyyymmdd * Usage: IGCM_date_ConvertJulianDateToGregorian 1998213 if there is no command line argument, assume one is being piped in and read it #================================================================== function IGCM_date_AddDaysToJulianDate * Purpose: Add days to a yyyyddd formatted date * Usage: IGCM_date_AddDaysToJulianDate 1998312 { ,-}14 Read the difference from the command lines and the date from the command line, or standard input #================================================================== function IGCM_date_AddDaysToGregorianDate * Purpose: Add days to a yyyymmdd formatted date * Usage: IGCM_date_AddDaysToGregorianDate 19980312 { ,-}14 Read the difference from the command lines and the date from the command line, or standard input #================================================================== function IGCM_date_DaysBetweenJulianDate * Purpose: Calculate the days difference between two dates and reports the number days as jul1 - jul2 * Usage: IGCM_date_DaysBetweenJulianDate jul1 jul2 where julian date is in the form yyyyddd #================================================================== function IGCM_date_DaysBetweenGregorianDate () * Purpose: Calculate the days difference between two dates and reports the number days as grg1 - grg2 * Usage: IGCM_date_DaysBetweenGregorianDate grg1 grg2 where gregorian date is in the form yyyymmdd #================================================================== function IGCM_date_DaysSinceJC () * Purpose: Calculate the days difference between a date and 00010101 * Usage: IGCM_date_DaysSinceJC grg1 where gregorian date is in the form yyyymmdd #================================================================== function IGCM_date_DaysInPreviousPeriod () * Purpose: Give the numbers of days during the previous prd1 period from grg1 date # OLD create_ts_begin_date * Usage: IGCM_date_DaysInPreviousPeriod grg1 prd1 [end] where grg1 gregorian date is in the form yyyymmdd where prd1 period is in the form N[Yy], N[Mm], N[Dd]. N integer where [end] is an optionnal keyword to specify grg1 is the end of prd1 #================================================================== function IGCM_date_DaysInNextPeriod () * Purpose: Give the numbers of days during the next prd1 period from grg1 date # OLD create_ts_next_date * Usage: IGCM_date_DaysInNextPeriod grg1 prd1 where grg1 gregorian date is in the form yyyymmdd where prd1 period is in the form N[Yy], N[Mm], N[Dd]. N integer #================================================================== function IGCM_date_DaysInCurrentPeriod () * Purpose: Give the numbers of days during the Current prd1 period from grg1 date * Usage: IGCM_date_DaysInCurrentPeriod grg1 prd1 where grg1 gregorian date is in the form yyyymmdd where prd1 period is in the form N[Yy], N[Mm], N[Dd]. N integer #================================================================== function IGCM_date_Check * Purpose: Check the present file by comparison with a reference file }}} = libIGCM_debug = == Documentation interne == {{{ #!sh #================================================================== function IGCM_debug_CallStack * Purpose: Echo the Stack #================================================================== function IGCM_debug_PushStack * Purpose: Push a function name in the stack #================================================================== function IGCM_debug_PopStack * Purpose: Pop a function name in the stack #================================================================== function IGCM_debug_Exit * Purpose: Print Call Stack and set ExitFlag to true #================================================== function IGCM_debug_Verif_Exit * Purpose: exit with number 1 if ExitFlag is true #================================================== function IGCM_debug_Verif_Exit_Post * Purpose: exit with number 1 if ExitFlag is true for Post-treatment #================================================================== function IGCM_debug_Print * Purpose: Print arguments according to a level of verbosity. #================================================================== function IGCM_debug_PrintVariables * Purpose: Print arguments when match a pattern according to a level of verbosity. #================================================================== function IGCM_debug_Check * Purpose: Check the present file by comparison with a reference file }}} = libIGCM_post = = libIGCM_sys = == Documentation interne == {{{ #!sh #================================================== LibIGCM_sys Default host #================================================== This ksh library if a layer under some usefull environment variables and shell commands. All those definitions depend on host particularities. It manages a stack mechanism and test validity of operations. All function described bellow must be prefixed by IGCM_sys. #================================================== Program used in libIGCM #================================================== #================================================== function IGCM_sys_ChangeArchive * Purpose: Just a dummy call on this machine * Examples: #================================================== function IGCM_sys_RshMaster * Purpose: Connection to frontend machine. * Examples: #================================================== function IGCM_sys_RshArchive * Purpose: Archive rsh command * Examples: #================================================== function IGCM_sys_RshPost * Purpose: Post-process rsh command * Examples: #================================================== function IGCM_sys_SendMail * Purpose: Send mail when simulation is over * Examples: #================================================== function IGCM_sys_Mkdir * Purpose: Master locale mkdir command * Examples: #================================================== function IGCM_sys_MkdirArchive * Purpose: Mkdir on Archive * Examples: #================================================== function IGCM_sys_MkdirWork * Purpose: Mkdir on Work * Examples: #================================================== function IGCM_sys_Cd * Purpose: master cd command * Examples: #================================================== function IGCM_sys_Chmod * Purpose: Chmod * Examples: #================================================== function IGCM_sys_FileSize * Purpose: Filesize * Examples: #================================================== function IGCM_sys_TestDir * Purpose: Test Directory that must exists * Examples: #================================================== function IGCM_sys_TestDirArchive * Purpose: Test Directory that must exists on Archive * Examples: #================================================== function IGCM_sys_IsFileArchived * Purpose: Test file that must NOT EXISTS on Archive * Examples: #================================================== function IGCM_sys_TestFileArchive * Purpose: Test file that must NOT EXISTS on Archive * Examples: #================================================== function IGCM_sys_TestFileBuffer * Purpose: Test file that must NOT EXISTS on Buffer * Examples: #================================================== function IGCM_sys_CountFileArchive * Purpose: Count files on Archive filesystem * Examples: #================================================== function IGCM_sys_CountFileBuffer * Purpose: Count files on Scratch filesystem * Examples: #================================================== function IGCM_sys_Tree * Purpose: Tree directories with files on ${ARCHIVE} * Examples: IGCM_sys_Tree ${R_IN} ${R_OUT} #================================================== function IGCM_sys_Tar * Purpose: master tar command * Examples: #================================================== function IGCM_sys_UnTar * Purpose: master un-tar command * Examples: #================================================== function IGCM_sys_Qsub * Purpose: Qsub new job * Examples: #================================================== function IGCM_sys_QsubPost * Purpose: Qsub new job on scalaire * Examples: ************************* File transfer functions ************************* #================================================== function IGCM_sys_Rsync_out * Purpose: treat return val of rsync * Examples: IGCM_sys_Rsync_out out_RET_rsync Error values and explanations can depend on your system version. #================================================== function IGCM_sys_Miror_libIGCM * Purpose: Mirror libIGCM PATH and lib to frontend * Examples: #================================================== function IGCM_sys_Cp * Purpose: generic cp * Examples: #================================================== function IGCM_sys_Rm * Purpose: generic rm * Examples: #================================================== function IGCM_sys_RmRunDir * Purpose: rm tmpdir (dummy function most of the time batch scheduler will do the job) * Examples: #================================================== function IGCM_sys_Mv * Purpose: generic move * Examples: #================================================== function IGCM_sys_Put_Dir * Purpose: Copy a complete directory on $(ARCHIVE) * Examples: #================================================== function IGCM_sys_Get_Dir * Purpose: Copy a complete directory from ${ARCHIVE} * Examples: #================================================== function IGCM_sys_Get_Master * Purpose: Copy a complete directory from MASTER filesystem * Examples: #================================================== function IGCM_sys_Put_Rest * Purpose: Put computied restarts on ${ARCHIVE}. File and target directory must exist. * Examples: #================================================== function IGCM_sys_PutBuffer_Rest * Purpose: Put computied restarts on ${SCRATCHDIR}. File and target directory must exist. * Examples: #================================================== function IGCM_sys_PrepareTaredRestart * Purpose: Prepare tared restart to be access by computing job. Identity here. * Examples: #================================================== function IGCM_sys_Put_Out * Purpose: Copy a file on ${ARCHIVE} after having chmod it in readonly * Examples: #================================================== function IGCM_sys_PutBuffer_Out * Purpose: Copy a file on ${SCRATCHDIR} after having chmod it in readonly * Examples: #================================================== function IGCM_sys_Get * Purpose: Get a file from ${ARCHIVE} * Examples: IGCM_sys_Get myfile /destpath/myfile_with_PREFIX IGCM_sys_Get /l Array_contain_myfiles /destpath/ #================================================== function IGCM_sys_GetBuffer * Purpose: Get a file from ${SCRATCHDIR} * Examples: IGCM_sys_GetBuffer myfile /destpath/myfile_with_PREFIX IGCM_sys_GetBuffer /l Array_contain_myfiles /destpath/ #================================================== function IGCM_sys_GetDate_FichWork * Purpose: donne la date filesys d un fichier sur le filesystem WORK * Examples: #================================================== function IGCM_sys_GetDate_FichArchive * Purpose: donne la date filesys d un fichier sur le filesystem ARCHIVE * Examples: #================================================== function IGCM_sys_Dods_Rm * Purpose: DO NOTHING ! Put ${ARCHIVE} files on DODS internet protocole. * Examples: #================================================== function IGCM_sys_Dods_Cp * Purpose: Copy $(ARCHIVE) files on DODS internet protocole. * Examples: #================================================== function IGCM_sys_Put_Dods * Purpose: Put ${ARCHIVE} files on DODS internet protocole. Dummy function here * Examples: #================================================== function IGCM_sys_rebuild * Purpose: rebuild parallel files * Examples: #================================================== function IGCM_sys_rebuild_station * Purpose: rebuild parallel files describing station * Examples: #================================================== function IGCM_sys_desactiv_variables * Purpose: set environement variables prior to execution * Examples: MPI specifications Other specifications #================================================== function IGCM_sys_desactiv_variables * Purpose: unset environement variables after execution * Examples: MPI specifications Other specifications #================================================== function IGCM_sys_build_run_file * Purpose: build run file (deprecated) * Examples: #================================================== function IGCM_sys_build_execution_scripts * Purpose: build execution scripts to be launch by ${HOST_MPIRUN_COMMAND} * Examples: #================================================== function IGCM_sys_check_quota. Dummy call here * Purpose: check user quota. Stop the simulation if quota above 90% * Examples: #================================================== function IGCM_sys_CountJobInQueue * Purpose: Check if job_name is currently running or in queue * Examples: IGCM_sys_CountJobInQueue ${JobName} NbRun #================================================== function IGCM_sys_ncap2 * Purpose: encapsulate ncap2 call so as to manage error code and retry * Examples: #================================================== function IGCM_sys_ncatted * Purpose: encapsulate ncatted call so as to manage error code and retry * Examples: #================================================== function IGCM_sys_ncbo * Purpose: encapsulate ncbo call so as to manage error code and retry * Examples: #================================================== function IGCM_sys_ncdif * Purpose: encapsulate ncdiff call so as to manage error code and retry * Examples: #================================================== function IGCM_sys_ncea * Purpose: encapsulate ncea call so as to manage error code and retry * Examples: #================================================== function IGCM_sys_ncecat * Purpose: encapsulate ncecat call so as to manage error code and retry * Examples: #================================================== function IGCM_sys_ncflint * Purpose: encapsulate ncflint call so as to manage error code and retry * Examples: #================================================== function IGCM_sys_ncks * Purpose: encapsulate ncks call so as to manage error code and retry * Examples: #================================================== function IGCM_sys_ncpdq * Purpose: encapsulate ncpdq call so as to manage error code and retry * Examples: #================================================== function IGCM_sys_ncra * Purpose: encapsulate ncra call so as to manage error code and retry * Examples: #================================================== function IGCM_sys_ncrcat * Purpose: encapsulate ncrcat call so as to manage error code and retry * Examples: #================================================== function IGCM_sys_ncrename * Purpose: encapsulate ncrename call so as to manage error code and retry * Examples: #================================================== function IGCM_sys_ncwa * Purpose: encapsulate ncwa call so as to manage error code and retry * Examples: #================================================== function IGCM_sys_cdo * Purpose: encapsulate cdo call so as to manage error code and retry * Examples: }}}