! ! ice.F CLEANING REQUIRED ! ! tfsn Melting point temperature of the snow ! tfsg Melting point temperature of the ice ! xkn Conductivity of the snow ! xkg Conductivity of the ice ! rcpn Density times specific heat for the snow ! rcpg Density times specific heat for the ice ! rhog Density of the ice ! rhon Density of the snow ! emig Emissivity of the ice ! sglace Salinity of the ice ! hmelt Maximum melting at the bottom ! acrit(2) Minimum fraction for leads ! hgcrit(2) Ice thickness for lateral accretion ! hgmin Ice thickness corr. to max. energy stored in brine pocket ! hndif Computation of temp. in snow or not ! hgdif Computation of temp. in ice or not ! hglim Minimum ice thickness ! amax Maximum lead fraction ! uscomi =1.0/(1.0-amax) ! beta Numerical caracteritic of the scheme for diffusion in ice ! ddtb Time step for ice thermodynamics (s) ! swiqst Energy stored in brine pocket or not ! parlat Percentage of energy used for lateral ablation ! hakspl Slope of distr. for Hakkinen-Mellor's lateral melting ! hibspl Slope of distribution for Hibler's lateral melting ! exld Exponent for leads-closure rate ! hakdif Coefficient for diffusions of ice and snow ! hth Threshold thickness for comp. of eq. thermal conductivity ! hnzst Thickness of the surf. layer in temp. computation ! parsub Switch for snow sublimation or not ! cnscg ratio rcpn/rcpg ! nbits Number of time steps in Newton -Raphson procedure ! stefan Stefan-Boltzman constant ! vkarmn von Karman constant ! cevap Latent heat of evaporation of water ! zemise Emissivity of water ! rhoesn 1/rhon ! firg IR flux over the ice (only used for outputs) ! fcsg Sensible heat flux over the ice (only used for outputs) ! fleg Latent heat flux over the ice (only used for outputs) ! ts Surface temperature of the ice ! tfu Melting point temperature of sea water ! hnbq Snow thickness ! hgbq Ice thickness ! albq Leads fraction ! qstobq Energy stored in the brine pockets ! fbbq Heat flux at the ice base ! tbq Temperature inside the ice/snow layer ! dmnbq Variation of snow mass ! dmgbq Variation of ice mass ! qlbq heat balance of the lead (or of the open ocean) ! qcmbq Energy needed to bring the ocean surface layer until its freezing ! point (at a factor 2) ! thcm part of the solar energy used in the lead heat budget ! fstrbq Solar flux transmitted trough the ice ! ffltbq Array linked with the max heat contained in brine pockets (?) ! fscmbq Linked with the solar flux below the ice (?) ! fsbbq Also linked with the solar flux below the ice (?) ! qfvbq Array used to store energy in case of toral lateral ablation (?) ! xzo rugosity of the ice (no more used) ! dmgwi Variation of the mass of snow ice ! psbq Surface air pressure ! tabq Surface air temperature ! qabq Surface air humidity ! vabq Surface wind velocity ! hnplbq Snow precipitation ! fevabq Evaporation flux ! fsolcn Solar flux at the ocean surface ! fsolg Solar flux at the ice surface ! flecn Latent heat flux at the ocean surface ! fcscn Sensible heat flux at the ocean surface ! tenagx Wind stress at the ice surface (x) ! tenagy Wind stress at the ice surface (y) ! albg 03/08/2001 albedo obtenu du forcage simip2 ! albege Albedo of the snow or ice (only for outputs) ! tairox Wind stress at the ocean surface (x) ! tairoy Wind stress at the ocean surface (y) ! ratbqg Longwave downward radiation flux over the ice ! ratbqo Longwave downward radiation flux over the ocean ! cloud Cloud fraction ! tdew Air relative humidity ! albecn Albedo of the ocean (only for outputs) ! tauc Cloud optical depth ! runoff river runoff ! sdvt u*^2/(Stress/density) ! fcm1 Solar flux at the ocean surface ! fcm2 Non-solar flux at the ocean surface ! fwat Freshwater flux (change of definition between the routines) ! reslum Relative absorption of solar radiation in each ocean level ! !--COMMON blocs : !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ COMMON /ice_grid/ & deltaz_i_phy(maxnlay) , !: thicknesses of the physical ice layers & z_i_phy(maxnlay) , !: cotes of the physical ice layers & zb_i_phy(0:maxnlay) , !: cotes of the interfaces of the physical ice layers & deltaz_s_phy(maxnlay) , !: thicknesses of the physical snow layers & z_s_phy(maxnlay) !: cotes of the physical snow layers COMMON / ice_constants / & tfsn,tfsg,xkn,xkg,rcpn,rcpg,rhog,rhon, & emig,sglace,hmelt,acrit(2),hgcrit(2),hgmin,hndif, & hgdif,hglim,amax,uscomi,beta,ddtb,swiqst,parlat, & hakspl,hibspl,exld,hakdif,hth,hnzst,parsub,cnscg,nbits COMMON / fluxsf / & stefan,lvap,lsub,vkarmn,cevap,zemise,rhoesn COMMON / comdia / & firg(imax,jmax),fcsg(imax,jmax),fleg(imax,jmax) COMMON / comban / & ts(imax,jmax),tfu(imax,jmax),hnbq(imax,jmax), & hgbq(imax,jmax),albq(imax,jmax), & qstobq(imax,jmax),fbbq(imax,jmax), & dmnbq(imax,jmax),dmgbq(imax,jmax), & qlbq(imax,jmax),qcmbq(imax,jmax),thcm(imax,jmax), & fstrbq(imax,jmax),ffltbq(imax,jmax),fscmbq(imax,jmax), & fsbbq(imax,jmax),qfvbq(imax,jmax),xzo(imax,jmax), & dmgwi(imax,jmax),total(imax,jmax) c COMMON / comfor / & psbq(imax,jmax),tabq(imax,jmax), & qabq(imax,jmax),vabq(imax,jmax), & hnplbq(imax,jmax),fevabq(imax,jmax),fsolcn(imax,jmax), & hnpbq(imax,jmax), & fsolg(imax,jmax),flecn(imax,jmax),fcscn(imax,jmax), & tenagx(imax,jmax),tenagy(imax,jmax),albg(imax,jmax), & albege(imax,jmax),tairox(imax,jmax),tairoy(imax,jmax), & ratbqg(imax,jmax),ratbqo(imax,jmax),cloud(imax,jmax), & opt_dept, & tdew(imax,jmax), & albecn(imax,jmax),tauc(imax,jmax),runoff(imax,jmax), & sdvt(imax,jmax),fsolg2(imax,jmax) COMMON / comca / & fcm1(imax,jmax),fcm2(imax,jmax), & fwat(imax,jmax), & reslum(imax,jmax,0:kmax+1) c global characteristics of the ice pack COMMON / ice_global / & t_i(imax,jmax,maxnlay),t_s(imax,jmax,maxnlay),t_su(imax,jmax), & t_bo(imax,jmax),ht_s(imax,jmax),ht_i(imax,jmax),ht_w(imax,jmax), & s_i(imax,jmax,maxnlay) COMMON / heat_fluxes / & fc_int LOGICAL:: ln_evap LOGICAL:: ln_flo, ln_grd, ln_flu COMMON/snow_phy/ln_evap integer :: layer,layer_a,nconv,numofday integer :: modul0, modul1a, modul2, modul3, modul4 integer :: modul1b,modul5,nbot0,nbot1,ntop0,ntop1 c Number of layers in the ice and snow integer :: nlayi0, nlayi1, nlays0, nlays1 integer :: nlay_i, nlay_s COMMON/layers/ n_i, n_s COMMON/simip/zsim(0:maxnlay),tempsim(maxnlay),salsim(maxnlay), & tempint(maxnlay),salint(maxnlay), & thick0(maxnlay), & thick1(maxnlay), & hsold,hgold,hsnew,hgnew COMMON/vertres/zm0(0:maxnlay),zm1(0:maxnlay),qm0(maxnlay), & qm1(0:maxnlay+2), sal_new_layer COMMON/heateqcoe/lfus,cpg,cpw,gammac,betak,tmut,tpw, & cpoc,deltah, betak1, betak2, visc_br, thdiff_br, & beta_ocs COMMON/barrowconf/sal_read(11), hi_read(11), hgins, hnins, & tsuins, oce_sal, oce_flx, num_sal, nday1, & i_sal COMMON/snowprecip/numd_sn1, numd_sn2, numd_sn3, & sn_prec_1, sn_prec_2 COMMON/tuneforcing/sf_mult, tabq_ano COMMON/fluidtpt/flu_beta, rad_io, & frtr_si_phy, qsummer, d_br_mol, d_br_tur, & ra_c, ra_smooth, e_thr_flu, delta_cw, ini_swi, & s_ini, ln_flo, ln_flu, ln_grd CHARACTER*2 c_gravdr CHARACTER*4 alb_char, pre_char, sal_char CHARACTER*12 name_file_bar_par CHARACTER*17 name_file_bar_for CHARACTER*4 c_rad_scheme CHARACTER*3 c_rad_discr, c_sbr, c_perm, c_permeff COMMON/chars/c_gravdr, alb_char, pre_char, sal_char, & name_file_bar_par, namefile_bar_for, & c_rad_scheme, c_rad_discr, c_sbr, & c_perm, c_permeff ! radiation transfer in sea ice REAL(8) :: & rad_inot_s_dry, rad_inot_s_wet, & rad_inot_i_dry, rad_inot_i_wet, & h_not_s, h_not_i, & fpar_fsw, qpar_fsw, & rad_kappa_s_su_d, rad_kappa_s_su_m, & rad_kappa_s_de_d, rad_kappa_s_de_m, & rad_kappa_i_su_d, rad_kappa_i_su_m, & rad_kappa_i_de_d, rad_kappa_i_de_m COMMON/icerad/ & rad_inot_s_dry, rad_inot_s_wet, & rad_inot_i_dry, rad_inot_i_wet, & h_not_s, h_not_i, & fpar_fsw, qpar_fsw, & rad_kappa_s_su_d, rad_kappa_s_su_m, & rad_kappa_s_de_d, rad_kappa_s_de_m, & rad_kappa_i_su_d, rad_kappa_i_su_m, & rad_kappa_i_de_d, rad_kappa_i_de_m CHARACTER*5 c_bio_model COMMON/limbio/ & c_bio_model ! !--fin du fichier "ice.com" !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------