SUBROUTINE ice_gas(nlay_i,kideb,kiut) ! !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! *** ice_gas *** ! ! Nov 2015 ! ! Version : source_3.10 ! ! to do ! - put the computation of solubilities in a subroutine ! - check conservation ! - brine characteristics to subroutinize ! - missing carbonate chemistry in the end !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------! USE lib_fortran INCLUDE '' INCLUDE '' INCLUDE '' INCLUDE '' INCLUDE '' INCLUDE '' REAL(8) :: & zsat, & zsat_diff LOGICAL :: & ln_write_gas = .TRUE. !==============================================================================! IF ( ln_write_gas ) THEN WRITE(numout,*) WRITE(numout,*) ' ** ice_gas : ' WRITE(numout,*) ' ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ' ENDIF ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! 1) Initialize conservation test and gas concentrations !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! !--- Gas concentrations DO jn = 1, ntra_bio ! Brine concentrations IF ( ( flag_active(jn) ) .AND. & ( biotr_i_typ(jn) .EQ. 'gas' ) ) THEN DO layer = 1, nlay_bio c_i_bio(jn,layer) = cbu_i_bio(jn,layer) / e_i_bio(layer) END DO ENDIF ! Carbonate chemistry IF ( ln_carbon ) CALL ice_carb_chem IF ( ( flag_active(jn) ) .AND. & ( biotr_i_typ(jn) .EQ. 'gas' ) ) THEN DO layer = 1, nlay_bio c_gtot_i(jn,layer) = cbu_i_bio(jn,layer) + & cbub_i_bio(jn,layer) END DO ENDIF END DO !--- Conservation test CALL ice_gas_column( ntra_bio , c_gtot_i, deltaz_i_bio, .TRUE., & mt_i_gas_init ) DO jn = 1, ntra_bio IF ( ( flag_active(jn) ) .AND. & ( biotr_i_typ(jn) .EQ. 'gas' ) .AND. & ln_write_gas ) THEN WRITE(numout,*) WRITE(numout,*) ' *** Initial values *** ' WRITE(numout,*) ' --- time step --- : ', numit WRITE(numout,*) ' --- Tracer --- : ', biotr_i_nam(jn) WRITE(numout,*) 'c_i_bio : ',c_i_bio(jn,layer_00:nlay_bio) WRITE(numout,*) 'cbu_i_bio: ',cbu_i_bio(jn,layer_00:nlay_bio) WRITE(numout,*) 'cbub_i_bio: ', & cbub_i_bio(jn,layer_00:nlay_bio) WRITE(numout,*) 'c_gtot_i : ',c_gtot_i(jn,layer_00:nlay_bio) WRITE(numout,*) WRITE(numout,*) ' mt_i_gas_init : ', mt_i_gas_init(jn) ENDIF END DO ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! 2) Bubble formation and dissolution !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! !--------------------------- CALL ice_gas_solu ! Saturation concentrations !--------------------------- IF ( ln_bubform ) THEN IF ( ln_write_gas ) THEN WRITE(numout,*) WRITE(numout,*) ' *** Bubble formation and dissolution *** ' WRITE(numout,*) ENDIF DO jn = 1, ntra_bio IF ( flag_active(jn) .AND. & ( biotr_i_typ(jn) .EQ. 'gas' ) ) THEN IF ( ln_write_gas ) THEN WRITE(numout,*) ' Tracer number : ', jn WRITE(numout,*) ' --- ', biotr_i_nam(jn) ENDIF DO layer = 1, nlay_bio zsat = csat_gas(jn,layer) * sursat_gas zsat_diff = zsat - c_i_bio(jn,layer) ! undersaturation ! bubble formation or dissolution rate IF ( zsat_diff .LE. 0 ) THEN ! sursaturation zbub_rate = bub_form_rate ELSE zbub_rate = bub_diss_rate ENDIF ! change in bulk bubble concentration zd_cbri = zsat_diff * zbub_rate * ddtb zd_cbri = MAX( -c_i_bio(jn,layer), zd_cbri ) ! cannot exhaust brines zd_cbri = MIN( cbub_i_bio(jn,layer)/e_i_bio(layer), ! cannot exhaust gas bubbles & zd_cbri ) c_i_bio(jn,layer) = c_i_bio(jn,layer) + zd_cbri ! change in bulk bubble concentration zd_cbub = - zd_cbri*e_i_bio(layer) cbub_i_bio(jn,layer) = cbub_i_bio(jn,layer) + zd_cbub ! Update bulk concentration cbu_i_bio(jn,layer) =e_i_bio(layer)*c_i_bio(jn,layer) ! Diagnostic % saturation ratio pc_sat(jn,layer) = c_i_bio(jn,layer) / & csat_gas(jn,layer) * 100. ! Update DIC for CO2 IF ( jn .EQ. jn_co2 ) & cbu_i_bio(jn_dic,layer) = & cbu_i_bio(jn_dic,layer) - zd_cbub END DO ! layer ENDIF ! flags, biotr_i_typ END DO ! ntra_bio ! ENDIF ! ln_bubform ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! 3) Bubble rise !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! IF ( ln_bubrise ) THEN IF ( ln_write_gas ) THEN WRITE(numout,*) WRITE(numout,*) ' *** Bubble rise *** ' ENDIF f_bub(:) = 0. IF ( ln_write_gas ) WRITE(numout,*) ' *** immediate rise' DO jn = 1, ntra_bio IF ( flag_active(jn) .AND. & ( biotr_i_typ(jn) .EQ. 'gas' ) ) THEN IF ( ln_write_gas ) THEN WRITE(numout,*) ' Tracer number : ', jn WRITE(numout,*) ' --- ', biotr_i_nam(jn) ENDIF DO layer = nlay_bio, 1, -1 zswitch = 0. ! by default, bubbles rise ! i_imper_layer: identifies the first impermeable layer above "layer" ! if no such layer, then i_imper_layer = 0 and gas get out of the ice ! via f_bub i_imper_layer = 0 IF ( e_i_bio(layer) .LE. e_thr_bubrise ) THEN i_imper_layer = layer ELSE DO layer_2 = layer - 1, 1, -1 ! find a layer above IF ( ( zswitch .LE. 0 ) .AND. & ( e_i_bio(layer_2) .LT. e_thr_bubrise ) ) THEN zswitch = 1. i_imper_layer = MAX(i_imper_layer, layer_2) ENDIF ! e_i_bio END DO ! layer2 ENDIF ! Transfer gas among layers IF ( ( i_imper_layer .GT. 0 ) .AND. & ( i_imper_layer .NE. layer ) ) THEN ! in-ice bubble transfer cbub_i_bio(jn,i_imper_layer) = ! add gas in the impermeable layer & cbub_i_bio(jn,i_imper_layer)+cbub_i_bio(jn,layer) cbub_i_bio(jn,layer) = 0. ! remove gas from the permeable layer ENDIF IF ( i_imper_layer .EQ. 0 ) THEN ! ice-atmosphere bubble transfer f_bub(jn) = f_bub(jn) + cbub_i_bio(jn,layer) * & deltaz_i_bio(layer) / ddtb cbub_i_bio(jn,layer) = 0. ! remove gas from the permeable layer ENDIF ! i_imper_layer END DO ENDIF ! flag_active, biotr_i_typ END DO ! jn ENDIF ! ln_bubrise ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! 4) Update total gas concentration !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! DO jn = 1, ntra_bio IF ( ( flag_active(jn) ) .AND. & ( biotr_i_typ(jn) .EQ. 'gas' ) .AND. & ln_write_gas ) THEN DO layer = 1, nlay_bio ! dégazage des couches 2 à nlay_bio c_gtot_i(jn,layer) = cbu_i_bio(jn,layer) + & cbub_i_bio(jn,layer) END DO WRITE(numout,*) ' *** After ice_gas *** ' WRITE(numout,*) ' Tracer : ', biotr_i_nam(jn) WRITE(numout,*) ' c_i_bio : ', ( c_i_bio(jn,layer), ! concentration of tracers in brines (mmol m-3) & layer = 1, nlay_bio ) WRITE(numout,*) ' cbu_i_bio: ', ( cbu_i_bio(jn,layer), ! concentration of tracers in bulk ice & layer = 1, nlay_bio ) WRITE(numout,*) ' cbub_i_bio : ', ( cbub_i_bio(jn,layer), ! concentration of tracers in bubbles in bulk ice & layer = 1, nlay_bio ) WRITE(numout,*) ' c_gtot_i : ', ( c_gtot_i(jn,layer), ! concentration of tracers in bubbles + bulk ice & layer = 1, nlay_bio ) WRITE(numout,*) ENDIF ENDDO ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! 4) Conservation test and output !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! CALL ice_gas_column( ntra_bio , c_gtot_i, deltaz_i_bio, .TRUE., & mt_i_gas_final ) IF ( ln_write_gas ) THEN DO jn = 1, ntra_bio WRITE(numout,*) ' tracer : ', biotr_i_nam(jn) WRITE(numout,*) ' mt_i_gas_init : ', mt_i_gas_init(jn) WRITE(numout,*) ' mt_i_gas_final : ', mt_i_gas_final(jn) END DO ENDIF DO jn = 1, ntra_bio zfbub = f_bub(jn) * ddtb WRITE(numout,*) ' tracer : ', biotr_i_nam(jn) WRITE(numout,*) ' zfbub : ', zfbub IF ( ABS( mt_i_gas_init(jn) - mt_i_gas_final(jn) - zfbub ) & .GT. 1.0e-10 ) & THEN WRITE(numout,*) WRITE(numout,*) ' ALERT!!! TOTAL GAS NOT CONSERVED ' WRITE(numout,*) ' at time step : ', numit WRITE(numout,*) ' tracer : ', jn WRITE(numout,*) ' mt_i_gas_init : ', mt_i_gas_init(jn) WRITE(numout,*) ' mt_i_gas_final : ', mt_i_gas_final(jn) WRITE(numout,*) ' diff : ', mt_i_gas_init(jn) - & mt_i_gas_final(jn) - zfbub WRITE(numout,*) ' zfbub : ', zfbub WRITE(numout,*) ENDIF ENDDO ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! x) Update DIC and carbonate chemistry !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! IF ( ln_carbon ) CALL ice_carb_chem !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! X) End of the routine !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! WRITE(numout,*) WRITE(numout,*) ' End of ice_gas ' WRITE(numout,*) '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' !==============================================================================| ! Fin de la routine ice_gas WRITE(numout,*) END