SUBROUTINE shine(tfsn, tfsg, ts, tsn, hgbq, hnbq, alb_c, alb_o) !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! ! Computes albedo of snow-sea ice following SHINE & ! HENDERSSON-SELLERS [1985]. ! Simplified by Martouf for use in LIM1D ! fucking scientists!!! ! INCLUDE '' ! OUTPUTS : ! alb_c : Albedo for clear sky. ! alb_o : Albedo for overcast sky. ! !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! 1) Computation of surface albedo. ! !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! WRITE(84,*) ' ' WRITE(84,*) ' shine ' WRITE(84,*) ' ~~~~~~' cgren = 0.06 ! corr factor under cloudy skies (Grenfell Perovich 84) alphd = 0.80 ! fixed boundary values of albedo alphdi = 0.72 alphs = 0.65 albice = 0.53 ! albedo of melting ice ! if ( then !------------------ ! Snow covered-ice !------------------ if ( ( .AND. ( ) THEN ! Cold snow. !------------ if ( then alb_c = alphd else if ( then alb_c = alphdi+(hnbq*(alphd-alphdi)/0.05) else if ( then al = 0.472+2.0*(alphdi-0.472)*(hgbq-1.0) else if ( then al = 0.2467+(0.7049*hgbq)-(0.8608*(hgbq*hgbq))+ & (0.3812*(hgbq*hgbq*hgbq)) else & al = 0.1+3.6*hgbq endif if (hgbq.le.1.5) alb_c=al+(hnbq*(alphd-al)/0.05) endif else ! Melting snow. !-------------- if ( then alb_c = 0.65 alb_c = alphs else alb_c = albice+((alphs-albice)/0.1)*hnbq endif endif else !---------- ! Bare ice !---------- if ( then ! Cold ice !----------- if ( then alb_c = alphdi else if ( then alb_c = 0.472+2.*(alphdi-0.472)*(hgbq-1.) else if ( then alb_c = 0.2467+ & (0.7049*hgbq)-(0.8608*(hgbq*hgbq))+ & (0.3812*(hgbq*hgbq*hgbq)) else alb_c = 0.1+3.6*hgbq endif else ! Melting ice. !-------------- if ( then alb_c = albice else if ( then alb_c = 0.472+(2.*(albice-0.472)*(hgbq-1.)) else if ( then alb_c = 0.2467+0.7049*hgbq & -(0.8608*(hgbq*hgbq)) & +(0.3812*(hgbq*hgbq*hgbq)) else alb_c = 0.1+3.6*hgbq endif endif endif !-------------------------- ! Correction due to clouds !-------------------------- alb_o= alb_c + cgren WRITE(84,*) ' alb_o: ', alb_o WRITE(84,*) ' alb_c: ', alb_c !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! !- Fin de la routine shine - RETURN END