subroutine flx(hi2,thsfc,tair,qair,fsens,flat,qsfc, & zchu1,zchu2,uair2,zref) ! inputs :hi2(m),thsfc(K),qsfc(kg/kg),tair(K),qair(kg/kg),uair(m/s),zref(m) ! outputs:fsens (W/m^2), flat (W/m^2) !--- Computes turbulent fluxes of sensible and latent heat (z=10m). !--- Based on Andreas, E.L., 1987: A Theory for the Scalar Roughness !--- and the Scalar Transfer Coefficients over Snow and Sea Ice, !--- Boundary Layer Meteorology, v.38, 159-184. ! implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) ! implicit real (a-h,o-z) integer ii !--- Constants: !real aw,cp,cw2,epsi,epss,epsw,gd,grav,hilead,pci,one ! real pcs,pi,qb2,qi,rd,rv,qs,qs0,rho2,rhoice,rhosf,rhosm,rhow ! real sigma,t0, ai2, bi, ts2, ta2 ! !real alphae,alphah2,alrs,CEN,CHN2,cte,ctf ! real kn,L2,lnztz0,lnzqz0,nu,psih2,psim2,psiq,uair ! real qair,qsfc,Ri2,Rstar,sqrtCD,tair,thsfc,uair,usave,ustar ! real Ri2,Rstar,sqrtCD,usave,ustar ! double precision tair,thsfc,uair2,hi2,qair,fsens,flat,qsfc ! double precision zchu1,zchu2,CH2,CE2,CD,CDN ! real u_data,x2,z0,zeta,zq2,zref,zt dimension b0t(3),b1t(3),b2t(3), b0q(3),b1q(3),b2q(3) real lv,kn,L2,lnztz0,lnzqz0,nu !!! include 'const.cmn' ! !--- Values of coefficients for polynomials, Table I, p.177 data b0t/1.250, 0.149, 0.317/ data b1t/0.000,-0.550,-0.565/ data b2t/0.000, 0.000,-0.183/ data b0q/1.610, 0.351, 0.396/ data b1q/0.000,-0.628,-0.512/ data b2q/0.000, 0.000,-0.180/ !--03/08/2001 uair=uair2 !--- Constants kn=0.4 nu=1.461e-5 alphah2=1.0 alphae=1.0 ai2 = 21.8746 bi =-265.5 grav = 9.81 ! gravitational acceleration (m/s2) lv = 2.501e+6 ! latent heat of vaporization (J/kg) rho2 = 1.275 ! density of dry air (kg/m3) cp = 1005. ! heat capacity of dry air (J/kg.K) zref = 10. ! (m) !--- cst rajoutees le 02/08/2001--- one = 1.d0 pi = 4.0 * dtan(one) !--- get surface sphum ts2=thsfc-273.16 qsfc = 0.622*6.11/1013.*exp(min(ai2*ts2/(ts2-bi),10.)) ! if(uair.le.0.) then fsens=0. flat=0. ctf=0. cte=0. return else if ( then !TEA save value (will linearly interpolate down from 0.5 m/s) usave = uair uair = 0.5 else usave = -1. endif ! Ri2=grav*zref*(tair-thsfc)/(tair*uair*uair) ! !--- Thickness dependent roughness length (Guest & Davidson 1991 JGR) if( then z0=8.0e-4 elseif( then z0=4.5e-4 elseif( then z0=2.4e-3 elseif( then z0=1.3e-3 elseif( then z0=2.0e-3 endif ! !--- Using reference height of 10 m, get u* from uair and z0 using (1) ! ustar = uair * kn / dlog(zref/z0) ! !--- Get roughness Reynolds number R* = u* z0 / v (p.163) ! Rstar = ustar * z0 / nu ! !--- Get ln(zT/z0) and ln(zQ/z0) from (53) and Table I Andreas (p.177) ! if(Rstar.le.0.135) then ii=1 elseif( then ii=2 elseif( then ii=3 endif alrs=dlog(Rstar) lnztz0 = b0t(ii) + b1t(ii)*alrs + b2t(ii)*alrs*alrs lnzqz0 = b0q(ii) + b1q(ii)*alrs + b2q(ii)*alrs*alrs zt = z0*exp(lnztz0) ! Roughness length for temperature zq2 = z0*exp(lnzqz0) ! Roughness length for q ! !--- Get neutral drag coefficient CD from (10) Andreas p. 162 ! CDN = kn**2 / (dlog(zref/z0))**2 ! !--- Get neutral CH2 and CE2 from (11), (12) using alphah2=alphae=1.0 !(p.162) ! sqrtCD = CDN**0.5 CHN2 = alphah2*kn*sqrtCD / (kn/sqrtCD - lnztz0) CEN = alphae*kn*sqrtCD / (kn/sqrtCD - lnzqz0) ! !--- Correct for stability dependence if(tair.eq.thsfc) then ! Neutral case CD=CDN CH2=CHN2 CE2=CEN go to 9 endif ! !--- Obukhov length (Stull 1988, eq.9.7.5k, p.386) L2 = ustar*tair*uair / (kn*grav*(tair-thsfc)) zeta = zref/L2 ! !--- Stability functions (Liu et al 1979, p.1723) become negative for !--- low wind speeds, now using stability parameters f(RiB) from !--- Louis (1979) and Louis et al. (1981) !--- (Note A&M and Stull use different sign conventions for psim2) !--- Monin-Obukhov similarity theory applied to the surface layer !--- works only when the winds are NOT calm and u* is not zero ! if( then ! Stable surface layer case psim2 = -7.*zeta psih2 = psim2 psiq = psih2 else if( then ! Unstable surface layer case x2=(1.-16.*zeta)**0.25 psim2 = 2.*dlog((1.+x2)/2.) + dlog((1.+x2*x2)/2.) - & 2.*dtan(x2)+ pi/2. psih2 = 2.*dlog((1.+x2*x2)/2.) psiq = psih2 endif ! !--- Get transfer coefficients from Andreas & Murphy (2.14-2.15) ! CD = kn**2 / (dlog(zref/z0)-psim2)**2 sqrtCD = CD**0.5 CH2 = alphah2*kn*sqrtCD / (kn/sqrtCD - lnztz0-(psih2-psim2)) CE2 = alphae*kn*sqrtCD / (kn/sqrtCD - lnzqz0-(psiq-psim2)) !---test 10 /08/2001 CH2 =0.00175 CE2 =0.00175 ! !--- For ECMWF or NCEP analyses, convert 10 m winds to 2 m winds ! 9 u_data = uair ! Save wind speed at 10 m ! fsens=rho2*cp*CH2*uair*(thsfc-tair) ! This line used to be numbered flat= rho2*lv*CE2*uair*(qsfc-qair) ! for goto 9 100 format(8f15.9) ! !---03/08/2001 calcul de zrchu---- ! zchu1=rho2*cp*CH2*uair zchu2=rho2*lv*CE2*uair uair = u_data ! Return wind speed to 10 m value ctf=CH2 cte=CE2 ! !TEA linearly interpolate if ( then fsens = fsens*(usave/uair) flat = flat*(usave/uair) ctf = ctf*(usave/uair) cte = cte*(usave/uair) endif !--- restrict flat to non-negative values ! test du 10/08/2001 ! flat = max(flat,0.) return end