# # bio.param # # Parameter file for sea ice biogeochemistry ISPOL, source v3.20 # # (c) Martin, Dec 2015, Paris # #================================================================================= # #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Type of model and fluxes #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # c_grid : type of grid: multilayer 'ML', deformed three layer 'DL', skeletal 'SL', or biologically-active 'BA' ML # h_skel : prescribed biologically active layers thickness (SL & DL) 0.10 # e_thr_bal : prescribed permeability threshold for BAL 0.05 # #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Process switches #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # ln_trbo : bottom entrapment for tracers or not .TRUE. # ln_trsi : snow-ice entrapment for tracers or not .TRUE. # ln_trdiff : diffusion of tracers or not .TRUE. # ln_trremp : remapping of tracers or not .TRUE. # ln_lim_dsi : limitation of growth by DSi or not .TRUE. # ln_lim_no3 : limitation of growth by NO3 .TRUE. # ln_lim_po4 : limitation of growth by PO3 .TRUE. # ln_lim_lig : light limitation or not .TRUE. # ln_lim_tem : temperature inhibition or not .TRUE. # ln_lim_sal : brine salinity inhibition or not .TRUE. # ln_lys : lysis or not .TRUE. # ln_rem : remineralization or not .TRUE. # ln_syn : diatom synthesis or not .TRUE. # ln_bubform : gas buble formation .TRUE. # ln_bubrise : gas buble ascent .TRUE. # ln_gasflux : gas flux to ATM .TRUE. # ln_carbon : activate carbon cycle .TRUE. # ln_ikaite : activate CaCO3 precipitation .TRUE. # #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Gas exchange / carbonate system / ikaite #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # i_gas_flux : Type of gas flux (1=Noflux, 2=ice-atm diffusive flux) 2 # brines_ar : Brines aspect ratio (vertical ellipsoid: <1; spheres: 1) 1.00 # bub_form_rate : Gas Bubble formation rate (s-1) 2.5e-7 2.5e-7 # bub_diss_rate : Gas Bubble dissolution rate (s-1) 2.5e-3 2.5e-3 # h_bl_gas : Boundary layer thickness for diffusive gas flux (Moreau et al. 2005) 0.5e-6 # e_thr_gasflux : Brine volume fraction threshold for gas fluxes 0.05 # e_thr_bubrise : Brine volume fraction thershold for bubble rise 0.10 # sursat_gas : Sursaturation tolerated in brines (1 = 100%) 1.00 # nn_carbonate : 1=Roy; 2=Mehrbach equilibration CO2 constants; Mehrbach (2) is default 2 # caco3_time : CaCO3 precipitation/dissolution time scale rate (360000s=100h by default) 360000. # #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Physiological parameters #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # nn_bio_opt : type of microbial formulation (0=NP; 1=NPD Redfield) 1 #--- Bio-optical parameters # # astar_alg : specific attenuation coefficient ( m-1 / ( mg chla m-3 ) ) - 0.01 Tedesco 0.005 # fdet_alg : fraction of detrital radiation absorption versus algal absorption - 0.2 (Arrigo et al 1993) 0.2 # #--- Growth, loss, remineralization # # pp_presc : prescribed GPP (ln_syn = false, mmol C m-3 s-1 ) DEFLT 1.0e-5 0.0e-5 # mumax_bio : maximum specific growth rate (s-1) ( Sarthou 5e-6 -> 3.8e-5 ) 1.00e-5 # klys_bio : loss rate (s-1) ( Sarthou 5.8e-8 -> 2.75e-6 ) 1.00e-6 # krsp_bio : respiration rate (s-1) 1.0e-6 # krem_bio : remineralization rate for carbon (2.0e-7 Moreau et al Elementa Oxy 2015) 5.0e-6 # frem_bio : Fraction of nutrient loss that is remineralized in case of an N-P formulation 1.00 # #--- Photosynthesis / light limitation # # nn_phs : type of photosynthesis parameterization (1-4) 4 # ek_bio : Light adaptation parameter (nn_phs = 1, muE m-2 s-1) - DEFLT 2 2 # alpha_bio : Photosynthetic efficiency (nn_phs > 1, gC/gchla/s/(muE/m2/s)) DEFLT 1.8e-4 - Fragiliariopsis 5.56e-5 (Mar FM) 2.50e-5 # chla_c : Chl/C in ice algae (g/g) - DEFLT 0.05 - Loern 95 0.003 - 0.05 (applies only for nn_phs = 1-3) 0.05 # Estar : PAR value at which Chl/C=min (nn_phs = 4) 360. 40. # nn_lys : type of lysis [ 1: klys_bio prescribed; 2: klys_bio*exp(rg_bio*T) ] 2 # nn_rem : type of remineralization [1: krem_bio prescribed; 2: krem_bio*exp(rg_bac*T) ] 2 # #--- Redfield ratios # # si_c : silicon to carbon molar ratio in diatoms (mol/mol) - 0.11 Sarthou 2005 0.11 # no3_c : nitrogen to carbon molar ratio in diatoms (mol/mol) - 0.14 Sarthou 2005; Redf - 0.151 0.14 # po4_c : phosphorus to carbon molar ratio in diatoms (mol/mol) - 0.014 Sarthou 2005; 0.0094 0.014 # oxy_c : oxygen release to carbon uptake ratio during photosynthesis (mol/mol) - Redf = 138/106 = 1.30 / Sarmiento Gruber 2006 150/106 = 1.41, Anderson et al 1.30 # #--- Nutrient limitation, temperature and salinity inhibition # # khs_si_bio : halfsat cst for Si uptake (micrmol m-3) - 3.9 Sarthou et al 3.9 # khs_n_bio : halfsat cst for N uptake (micrmol m-3) - 1.6 Sarthou et al 1.6 # khs_p_bio : halfsat cst for P uptake (micrmol m-3) - 0.24 Sarthou et al. 0.24 # rg_bio : Temperature coefficient for algal physiological processes (0.0633 degC-1; Eppley, 1972) 0.0633 # rg_bac : Temperature coefficient for bacterial respiration (0.41 degC-1; Moreau et al, Elementa 2015) 0.41 # nn_lim_sal : Salinity lim. 1=Power-log gaussian, Arrigo 93 data; 2=Gaussian 1 # lim_sal_wid : Width of the limitation function (nn_lim_sal=2) 20.0 # lim_sal_smax: Salinity where limitation function equals 1 (nn_lim_sal=2) 34.0