#-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Parameter file for forcing # LIM1D, version source_3.04 - ISPOL forcing #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ts_forc time step of the forcing 86400.0 # n0_forc number of the first time step in forcing file wrt XXXX ???? 1 # n1_forc number of the forcing.nc last time step relative to XXXX ???? 366 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # forc_swi 0=read in nc, 1-N=computed, 99=prescribed # forc_uni multiplication factor compared to SI units # forc_val constant value in case of prescribed value (forc_swi = 99) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # forc_swi forc_uni forc_val # shortwave radiation (W/m2) ; 1=Shine; 2=Zillmann 1 1.0 0.0 # longwave radiation (W/m2); 1=Efimova; 2=Berliand 1 1.0 0.0 # incident PAR (muE/m2/s); 1=Computed from shortwave 1 1.0 0.0 # air temperature (K) 0 1.0 0.0 # atmospheric pressure (Pa) 0 1.0 0.0 # specific humidity (kg/kg) ! there is a bias at ISPOL 0 1.00 0.0 # wind speed (m/s) 0 1.0 0.0 # cloudiness (0-1) 0 1.0 0.0 # oceanic heat flux (W/m2) ; 5. is the ref 99 1.0 12.00 # snowfall (dimensions=length/timestep) 0.012 - 1h 0 0.25000 0.0 # albedo (0-1); 1=Shine & Henderson-Sellers, 2=parameterized using obs from ISPOL 2 1.0 0.00 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Some parameters #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # opt_dept : optical depth (m) in Efimova 1961 parameterization; SIMBA - 16.297; ISPOL - ; BARROW - WHY 30. ? 12.0