; ;--------------------------------------------------- ; This script makes plots of biological simulations ; (c) Martin Vancoppenolle, UCL-ASTR, june 2007 ; reviewed may 2008 ; works for BARROW-ISPOL ;--------------------------------------------------- ; ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Read input data in exp_id.dat ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; exp_id = 'E001' indir = '' outdir = '' dt = 86400 c_bio_model = 'BFMSI' site = 'TOURNAI' OPENR, 11, 'exp_id.dat' READF, 11, exp_id & READF, 11, indir & READF, 11, outdir & READF, 11, dt & READF, 11, c_bio_model & READF, 11, site & CLOSE, 11 file_name = exp_id+'_contours.ps' numplot_x = 6 ; number of horizontal plots numplot_y = 3 ; number of vertical plots device = 'PS' ; 'PS' or 'X' ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; DEFINE OUTPUT PLOT ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; figuresize_x = numplot_x * 4.0 ; figure size on x direction figuresize_y = numplot_y * 5.0 ; figure size on y direction set_plot, device IF ( device EQ 'PS' ) THEN BEGIN device, /COLOR, /LANDSCAPE, filename=outdir+file_name, $ XSIZE=figuresize_x,YSIZE=figuresize_y,FONT_SIZE=9.0 ENDIF IF ( device EQ 'X' ) THEN BEGIN xsize = 1200 ysize = 800 colorkey = 'rd' init_graphics_x, xsize, ysize, colorkey ENDIF !X.MARGIN=[6,3] !Y.MARGIN=[6,3] ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Read files ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; open_fields_v7, indir, exp_id, c_bio_model, $ numt, doy, ts_d, ts_m, $ h_i, h_s, z_ip, z_ib, s_i, t_i, e_i, PAR, Ra, $ dhib, dhisu, dhisi, $ AoCb, NO3b, PO4b, DSib, chla, eoCb, $ Argb, Argbub, $ Oxyb, Oxybub, $ DICb, Alkb, CO2b, CO2bub, $ CO2aq, HCO3m, CO32m, pH, pCO2, Ikab, $ dFeb, aFeb, eFeb, $ AoCt, NO3t, PO4t, DSit, eoCt, Argt, $ DICt, Alkt, CO2t, Ikat, $ dFet, aFet, eFet, $ FDAbd, FDAbpos, FDAsi, $ FNO3, FNO3bpos, FNO3si, $ FCO2_atm, FCO2_bub, $ syn, rsp, lys, rem, $ lim_lig, lim_no3, lim_po4, lim_dsi, lim_tem, lim_sal ;DEVICE, /CLOSE ;SET_PLOT, "X" ;!P.MULTI=[0,2,2] ;STOP ; conversion for carbon units if KRILL is used IF ( c_bio_model EQ 'KRILL' ) THEN BEGIN zunit = 12. AoCb = AoCb * zunit eoCb = eoCb * zunit AoCt = AoCt * zunit eoCt = eoCt * zunit syn = syn * zunit * 86400. lys = lys * zunit * 86400. rem = rem * zunit * 86400. ENDIF ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Extract size of arrays & time axis in months ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; zdummy = SIZE(z_ip) nlay = zdummy(1) zdummy = SIZE(z_ib) nlay_bio = zdummy(1) zdummy = SIZE(numt) PRINT, size(numt) nts = zdummy(1) numy = LONG ( (nts+364) / 365 ) ; number of years PRINT, ' nlay : ', nlay PRINT, ' nlay_bio : ', nlay_bio PRINT, ' nts : ', nts IF ( site EQ 'BARROW' ) THEN BEGIN mon = numt * dt / 86400. / 30.4166 + 1 ; time axis (Barrow) ENDIF IF ( site EQ 'ISPOL' ) THEN BEGIN mon = numt / 30.41666666 + 1 ENDIF IF ( site EQ 'YROSIAE' ) THEN BEGIN mon = numt / 30.41666666 + 1 ENDIF ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; OBS ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; ; OPEN FILE IF ( site EQ 'BARROW' ) THEN BEGIN data_dir = '/Users/ioulianikolskaia/Boulot/SCIENCE/PLOT_SCRIPTS/LIM1D_BIO/IDL/DATA/' file_name_2 = 'obs_barrow_seb.txt' OPENR, 10, data_dir+file_name_2 ; 'ouverture de l'accès au fichier' num_lines = 589 ; nombre de lignes jd_obs = FLTARR(num_lines) annee_obs = FLTARR(num_lines) jour_entier = FLTARR(num_lines) heure_obs = FLTARR(num_lines) hi_obs = FLTARR(num_lines) hs_obs = FLTARR(num_lines) FOR i = 0, num_lines - 1 DO BEGIN READF, 10, var1, var2, var3, var4, var5, var6 jd_obs (i) = var1 & annee_obs (i) = var2 & jour_entier(i) = var3 heure_obs (i) = var4 & hs_obs (i) = var5 & hi_obs (i) = var6 ENDFOR mon_obs = jd_obs / 30.467 + 1 CLOSE, 10 ENDIF IF ( site EQ 'ISPOL' ) THEN BEGIN data_dir = '/Users/ioulianikolskaia/Boulot/SCIENCE/PLOT_SCRIPTS/LIM1D_BIO/IDL/DATA/' file_no = NCDF_OPEN(data_dir+'ISPOL.nc', /NOWRITE) ;NCDF_VARGET, file_no, h_i_no, h_i day_obs_no = NCDF_VARID( file_no, 'nday' ) hi_ulb_no = NCDF_VARID( file_no, 'hi_ULB' ) hs_ulb_no = NCDF_VARID( file_no, 'hs_ULB' ) hi_awi_no = NCDF_VARID( file_no, 'hi_AWI' ) hs_awi_no = NCDF_VARID( file_no, 'hs_AWI' ) dsi_obs_no = NCDF_VARID( file_no, 'dsi' ) s_i_obs_no = NCDF_VARID( file_no, 'sal_phy' ) NCDF_VARGET, file_no, day_obs_no, day_obs NCDF_VARGET, file_no, hi_ulb_no, hi_ulb NCDF_VARGET, file_no, hs_ulb_no, hs_ulb NCDF_VARGET, file_no, hi_awi_no, hi_awi NCDF_VARGET, file_no, hs_awi_no, hs_awi NCDF_VARGET, file_no, dsi_obs_no, dsi_obs NCDF_VARGET, file_no, s_i_obs_no, s_i_obs NCDF_CLOSE, file_no hi_obs = ( hi_ulb + hi_awi ) / 2.0 hs_obs = ( hs_ulb + hs_awi ) / 2.0 mon_obs = day_obs / 30.467 + 1 ENDIF IF ( site EQ 'YROSIAE' ) THEN BEGIN hi_obs = [ 1.472, 1.609, 1.670, 1.690, 1.708, 1.714, 1.711, 1.677, 1.693 ] hi_obs_std = [ 0.023, 0.014, 0.009, 0.011, 0.011, 0.009, 0.016, 0.024, 0.014 ] hs_obs = REPLICATE(0.01, 9) day_obs =[ 263, 279, 292, 299, 306, 312, 318, 327, 355 ] mon_obs = day_obs / 30.467 + 1 ENDIF ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; PLOTS ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; !P.MULTI=[0,numplot_x, numplot_y] ; initialize plot positions i_plot = -1 horpos = 0.02 vertpos = 0.015 dv = 1./FLOAT(numplot_y) dh = 1./FLOAT(numplot_x) leveling = 1 cb_length = 0.8*dh IF ( site EQ 'ISPOL' ) THEN BEGIN zmin = -1.30 zmax = 0.30 ENDIF IF ( site EQ 'BARROW' ) THEN BEGIN zmin = -1.5 zmax = 0.5 ENDIF IF ( site EQ 'YROSIAE' ) THEN BEGIN zmin = -2.0 zmax = 0.0 ENDIF ;------------------- ; Salinity contours ;------------------- i_plot = i_plot + 1 i_plot_h = i_plot MOD numplot_x i_plot_v = i_plot / numplot_x + 1 ; contour parameters nlevels = 13 levels = [ 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12] colors = [ 241,221,201,181,161,141,121,101,81,61,41,21,1] ct = 1 ; colortable tmin = MIN(mon) tmax = MAX(mon) title = ' Salinity ' icecontour, s_i, h_i, h_s, nlevels, colors, levels, ct, z_ip, mon, nlay, nts, $ tmin, tmax, zmin, zmax, title LOADCT, 13 oplot, mon_obs, -hi_obs, PSYM=1, SYMSIZE=1.0, THICK = 3, COLOR =255 oplot, mon_obs, hs_obs, PSYM=1, SYMSIZE=1.0, THICK = 3, COLOR = 255 LOADCT, ct ; colorbar horpos = 0.02 + i_plot_h * dh vertpos = 0.015 + ( numplot_y - i_plot_v ) * dv ; position of colorbar. format='(f5.0)' colorbarn, horpos, vertpos, cb_length, 0.02, MIN(levels), MAX(levels), leveling, nlevels+1, levels, colors, format ;-------------- ; Brine volume ;-------------- i_plot = i_plot + 1 i_plot_h = i_plot MOD numplot_x i_plot_v = i_plot / numplot_x + 1 ; contour parameters nlevels = 11 levels = [ 0., 2., 4., 5., 8., 10., 15.,20., 25., 30., 50.] colors = [ 20, 60, 100, 150, 160, 170, 180, 190, 200, 210, 250 ] ;colors = [ 150, 140, 130, 100, 90, 80, 70, 50, 40, 30, 20 ] ct = 33 ; colortable title = ' Brine volume ' icecontour, e_i, h_i, h_s, nlevels, colors, levels, ct, z_ip, mon, nlay, nts, $ tmin, tmax, zmin, zmax, title ; colorbar horpos = 0.02 + i_plot_h * dh vertpos = 0.015 + ( numplot_y - i_plot_v ) * dv ; position of colorbar. format='(i3)' colorbarn, horpos, vertpos, cb_length, 0.02, MIN(levels), MAX(levels), leveling, nlevels+1, levels, colors, format ; ;----------------- ; Rayleigh number ;----------------- ; i_plot = i_plot + 1 i_plot_h = i_plot MOD numplot_x i_plot_v = i_plot / numplot_x + 1 ; contour parameters nlevels = 11 levels = [ 0., 1., 2., 3., 4., 5., 6., 7., 8., 9., 10. ] colors = [ 20, 40, 60, 80, 100, 160, 180, 200, 220, 240, 250 ] ct = 11 ; colortable title = ' Rayleigh number ' ; contours icecontour, Ra, h_i, h_s, nlevels, colors, levels, ct, z_ip, mon, nlay, nts, $ tmin, tmax, zmin, zmax, title ; colorbar format='(i2)' horpos = 0.02 + i_plot_h * dh vertpos = 0.015 + ( numplot_y - i_plot_v ) * dv ; position of colorbar. colorbarn, horpos, vertpos, cb_length, 0.02, MIN(levels), MAX(levels), leveling, nlevels+1, levels, colors, format ; ;-------------- ; PAR ;-------------- ; !P.MULTI=[0,numplot_x, numplot_y] i_plot = 0 i_plot_h = i_plot MOD numplot_x i_plot_v = i_plot / numplot_x + 1 ; contour parameters nlevels = 10 levels = [ 0.0,0.015, 0.1, 1.0, 10., 15., 20., 30., 50., 80.,120., 150. ] levels = [ 0.0,0.015, 0.1, 1.0, 10., 15., 20., 30., 40., 50., 60., 70. ] levels = [ 0.0,0.05, 0.1, 2.5, 5., 7.5, 10., 12.5, 15., 17.5, 20. ] colors = [ 20, 40, 60, 80, 140, 160, 180, 190, 200, 210, 220 ] ct = 3 ; colortable title = ' PAR (muE/m2/s)' icecontour, PAR , h_i, h_s, nlevels, colors, levels, ct, z_ib, mon, nlay_bio, nts, $ tmin, tmax, zmin, zmax, title LOADCT, 1 oplot, mon_obs, -hi_obs, PSYM=1, SYMSIZE=1.0, THICK = 3, COLOR = 150 oplot, mon_obs, hs_obs, PSYM=1, SYMSIZE=1.0, THICK = 3, COLOR = 150 LOADCT, ct ; colorbar format='(f5.1)' horpos = 0.02 + i_plot_h * dh vertpos = 0.015 + ( numplot_y - i_plot_v ) * dv ; position of colorbar. colorbarn, horpos, vertpos, cb_length, 0.02, MIN(levels), MAX(levels), leveling, nlevels+1, levels, colors, format ; ;---------------------- ; Temperature contours ;---------------------- ; i_plot = i_plot + 1 i_plot_h = i_plot MOD numplot_x i_plot_v = i_plot / numplot_x + 1 ; contour parameters nlevels = 10 levels = [ -25., -18, -16., -14., -12., -10., -8., -6., -4., -2., 0. ] ;levels = [ -10., -9., -8., -7., -6., -5., -4., -3., -2., -1., 0. ] colors = [ 20, 40, 60, 80, 100, 120, 140, 160, 180, 200, 220 ] ct = 3 ; colortable title = ' Temperature ' icecontour, t_i, h_i, h_s, nlevels, colors, levels, ct, z_ip, mon, nlay, nts, $ tmin, tmax, zmin, zmax, title ; colorbar format='(f5.0)' horpos = 0.02 + i_plot_h * dh vertpos = 0.015 + ( numplot_y - i_plot_v ) * dv ; position of colorbar. colorbarn, horpos, vertpos, cb_length, 0.02, MIN(levels), MAX(levels), leveling, nlevels+1, levels, colors, format ;------------------------- ; Brine Salinity contours ;------------------------- ; i_plot = i_plot + 1 i_plot_h = i_plot MOD numplot_x i_plot_v = i_plot / numplot_x + 1 sigma = s_i * 100. / e_i sigma = - t_i / 0.053 nlevels = 10 fmin = 0. & fmax = 300. cmin = 75 & cmax = 250 do_levels, fmin, fmax, cmin, cmax, nlevels, levels, colors levels(nlevels) = 400. ; trick trick to avoid meaningless huge values on ze plot ct = 1 ; colortable title = ' Brine Salinity ' icecontour, sigma, h_i, h_s, nlevels, colors, levels, ct, z_ip, mon, nlay, nts, $ tmin, tmax, zmin, zmax, title levels(nlevels) = 300. ; trick trick ; colorbar format='(i3)' horpos = 0.02 + i_plot_h * dh vertpos = 0.015 + ( numplot_y - i_plot_v ) * dv ; position of colorbar. colorbarn, horpos, vertpos, cb_length, 0.02, MIN(levels), MAX(levels), leveling, nlevels+1, levels, colors, format ;--------------- ; Dissolved NO3 ;--------------- i_plot = i_plot + 1 i_plot_h = i_plot MOD numplot_x i_plot_v = i_plot / numplot_x + 1 ; contour parameters nlevels = 10 colors = [ 20, 40, 60, 80, 100, 120, 140, 160, 180, 200, 220 ] IF ( site EQ 'BARROW' ) THEN BEGIN levels = [ 0., 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0, 1.2, 1.4, 1.6, 1.8, 2.0] ENDIF IF ( site EQ 'ISPOL' ) THEN BEGIN levels = [ 0., 2., 4., 6., 8., 10., 12.,14., 16., 18., 20.] nlevels = 7. levels = [ 0., 1.6, 4., 6., 8., 10., 12., 20.] colors = [ 20, 60, 100, 140, 180, 220, 240 ] ENDIF IF ( site EQ 'YROSIAE' ) THEN BEGIN nlevels = 7. levels = [ 0., 1.6, 4., 6., 8., 10., 12., 20.] colors = [ 20, 60, 100, 140, 180, 220, 240 ] ENDIF ct = 5 ; colortable title = ' NO3 (mmol/m3)' icecontour, no3b, h_i, h_s, nlevels, colors, levels, ct, z_ib, mon, nlay_bio, nts, $ tmin, tmax, zmin, zmax, title ; colorbar format='(I2)' horpos = 0.02 + i_plot_h * dh vertpos = 0.015 + ( numplot_y - i_plot_v ) * dv ; position of colorbar. colorbarn, horpos, vertpos, cb_length, 0.02, MIN(levels), MAX(levels), leveling, nlevels+1, levels, colors, format ;--------------- ; Dissolved PO4 ;--------------- i_plot = i_plot + 1 i_plot_h = i_plot MOD numplot_x i_plot_v = i_plot / numplot_x + 1 ; contour parameters nlevels = 11 IF ( site EQ 'BARROW' ) THEN BEGIN levels = [ 0., 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 1.0] colors = [ 20, 40, 60, 80, 100, 120, 140, 160, 180, 200, 220 ] ENDIF IF ( site EQ 'ISPOL' ) THEN BEGIN levels = [ 0., 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0, 1.2, 1.4, 1.6, 1.8, 2.0] nlevels = 7 levels = [ 0., 0.24, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1., 2. ] colors = [ 20, 60, 100, 140, 180, 220, 240 ] ENDIF IF ( site EQ 'YROSIAE' ) THEN BEGIN nlevels = 7 levels = [ 0., 0.24, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1., 2. ] colors = [ 20, 60, 100, 140, 180, 220, 240 ] ENDIF ct = 5 ; colortable title = ' PO4 (mmol/m3)' icecontour, PO4b, h_i, h_s, nlevels, colors, levels, ct, z_ib, mon, nlay_bio, nts, $ tmin, tmax, zmin, zmax, title ; colorbar format='(f4.1)' horpos = 0.02 + i_plot_h * dh vertpos = 0.015 + ( numplot_y - i_plot_v ) * dv ; position of colorbar. colorbarn, horpos, vertpos, cb_length, 0.02, MIN(levels), MAX(levels), leveling, nlevels+1, levels, colors, format ;-------------- ; Dissolved Si ;-------------- i_plot = i_plot + 1 i_plot_h = i_plot MOD numplot_x i_plot_v = i_plot / numplot_x + 1 ; contour parameters nlevels = 11 ;levels = [ 0., 2., 4., 6., 8., 10., 12.,14., 16., 18., 20.] ;levels = [ 0., 4., 8., 12., 16., 20., 24.,28., 32., 36., 40.] levels = [ 0., 1., 2., 3., 4., 5., 6., 7., 8., 9., 10.] IF ( site EQ 'BARROW' ) THEN BEGIN levels = [ 0., 0.5, 1., 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0,3.5, 4., 4.5, 5.] colors = [ 20, 40, 60, 80, 100, 120, 140, 160, 180, 200, 220 ] ENDIF IF ( site EQ 'ISPOL' ) THEN BEGIN levels = [ 0., 2., 4., 6., 8., 10., 12.,14., 16., 18., 20.] nlevels = 7. levels = [ 0., 3.9, 8., 12., 16., 20., 24., 40.] colors = [ 20, 60, 100, 140, 180, 220, 240 ] ENDIF IF ( site EQ 'YROSIAE' ) THEN BEGIN nlevels = 7. levels = [ 0., 3.9, 8., 12., 16., 20., 24., 40.] colors = [ 20, 60, 100, 140, 180, 220, 240 ] ENDIF ct = 5 ; colortable title = ' DSi (mmol/m3)' icecontour, dsib, h_i, h_s, nlevels, colors, levels, ct, z_ib, mon, nlay_bio, nts, $ tmin, tmax, zmin, zmax, title ; colorbar format='(f4.1)' horpos = 0.02 + i_plot_h * dh vertpos = 0.015 + ( numplot_y - i_plot_v ) * dv ; position of colorbar. colorbarn, horpos, vertpos, cb_length, 0.02, MIN(levels), MAX(levels), leveling, nlevels+1, levels, colors, format ; ;------------------ ; light limitation ;------------------ ; i_plot = i_plot + 1 i_plot_h = i_plot MOD numplot_x i_plot_v = i_plot / numplot_x + 1 ; contour parameters nlevels = 10 fmin = 0.0 & fmax = 1.001 cmin = 0 & cmax = 250 do_levels, fmin, fmax, cmin, cmax, nlevels, levels, colors ct = 3 ; colortable title = ' Light limitation ' ; contours icecontour, lim_lig, h_i, h_s, nlevels, colors, levels, ct, z_ib, mon, nlay_bio, nts, $ tmin, tmax, zmin, zmax, title ; colorbar format='(f3.1)' horpos = 0.02 + i_plot_h * dh vertpos = 0.015 + ( numplot_y - i_plot_v ) * dv ; position of colorbar. colorbarn, horpos, vertpos, cb_length, 0.02, MIN(levels), MAX(levels), leveling, nlevels+1, levels, colors, format ; ;------------------ ; Temp limitation ;------------------ ; i_plot = i_plot + 1 i_plot_h = i_plot MOD numplot_x i_plot_v = i_plot / numplot_x + 1 ; contour parameters nlevels = 10 fmin = 0.0 & fmax = 1.0001 cmin = 0 & cmax = 250 do_levels, fmin, fmax, cmin, cmax, nlevels, levels, colors ct = 3 ; colortable title = ' Temp limitation ' ; contours icecontour, lim_tem, h_i, h_s, nlevels, colors, levels, ct, z_ib, mon, nlay_bio, nts, $ tmin, tmax, zmin, zmax, title ; colorbar format='(f3.1)' horpos = 0.02 + i_plot_h * dh vertpos = 0.015 + ( numplot_y - i_plot_v ) * dv ; position of colorbar. colorbarn, horpos, vertpos, cb_length, 0.02, MIN(levels), MAX(levels), leveling, nlevels+1, levels, colors, format ; ;------------------ ; Salt limitation ;------------------ ; i_plot = i_plot + 1 i_plot_h = i_plot MOD numplot_x i_plot_v = i_plot / numplot_x + 1 ; contour parameters nlevels = 10 fmin = 0.0 & fmax = 1.0001 cmin = 0 & cmax = 250 do_levels, fmin, fmax, cmin, cmax, nlevels, levels, colors ct = 3 ; colortable title = ' Salt limitation ' ; contours icecontour, lim_sal, h_i, h_s, nlevels, colors, levels, ct, z_ib, mon, nlay_bio, nts, $ tmin, tmax, zmin, zmax, title ; colorbar format='(f3.1)' horpos = 0.02 + i_plot_h * dh vertpos = 0.015 + ( numplot_y - i_plot_v ) * dv ; position of colorbar. colorbarn, horpos, vertpos, cb_length, 0.02, MIN(levels), MAX(levels), leveling, nlevels+1, levels, colors, format ; ;------------------ ; NO3 limitation ;------------------ ; i_plot = i_plot + 1 i_plot_h = i_plot MOD numplot_x i_plot_v = i_plot / numplot_x + 1 ; contour parameters nlevels = 10 fmin = 0.0 & fmax = 1.0001 cmin = 0 & cmax = 250 do_levels, fmin, fmax, cmin, cmax, nlevels, levels, colors ct = 3 ; colortable title = ' NO3 limitation ' ; contours icecontour, lim_no3, h_i, h_s, nlevels, colors, levels, ct, z_ib, mon, nlay_bio, nts, $ tmin, tmax, zmin, zmax, title ; colorbar format='(f3.1)' horpos = 0.02 + i_plot_h * dh vertpos = 0.015 + ( numplot_y - i_plot_v ) * dv ; position of colorbar. colorbarn, horpos, vertpos, cb_length, 0.02, MIN(levels), MAX(levels), leveling, nlevels+1, levels, colors, format ; ;------------------ ; PO4 limitation ;------------------ ; i_plot = i_plot + 1 i_plot_h = i_plot MOD numplot_x i_plot_v = i_plot / numplot_x + 1 ; contour parameters nlevels = 10 fmin = 0.0 & fmax = 1.0001 cmin = 0 & cmax = 250 do_levels, fmin, fmax, cmin, cmax, nlevels, levels, colors ct = 3 ; colortable title = ' PO4 limitation ' ; contours icecontour, lim_po4, h_i, h_s, nlevels, colors, levels, ct, z_ib, mon, nlay_bio, nts, $ tmin, tmax, zmin, zmax, title ; colorbar format='(f3.1)' horpos = 0.02 + i_plot_h * dh vertpos = 0.015 + ( numplot_y - i_plot_v ) * dv ; position of colorbar. colorbarn, horpos, vertpos, cb_length, 0.02, MIN(levels), MAX(levels), leveling, nlevels+1, levels, colors, format ; ;------------------ ; DSI limitation ;------------------ ; i_plot = i_plot + 1 i_plot_h = i_plot MOD numplot_x i_plot_v = i_plot / numplot_x + 1 ; contour parameters nlevels = 10 fmin = 0.0 & fmax = 1.0001 cmin = 0 & cmax = 250 do_levels, fmin, fmax, cmin, cmax, nlevels, levels, colors ct = 3 ; colortable title = ' DSi limitation ' ; contours icecontour, lim_dsi, h_i, h_s, nlevels, colors, levels, ct, z_ib, mon, nlay_bio, nts, $ tmin, tmax, zmin, zmax, title ; colorbar format='(f3.1)' horpos = 0.02 + i_plot_h * dh vertpos = 0.015 + ( numplot_y - i_plot_v ) * dv ; position of colorbar. colorbarn, horpos, vertpos, cb_length, 0.02, MIN(levels), MAX(levels), leveling, nlevels+1, levels, colors, format ; ;------------------ ; 3-nut limitation ;------------------ ; zlim_nut = FLTARR(nlay, nts) FOR i = 0, nts - 1 DO BEGIN FOR layer = 0, nlay - 1 DO BEGIN zlim_nut(layer,i) = MIN( [ lim_dsi(layer,i), lim_no3(layer,i), lim_po4(layer,i) ] ) ENDFOR ENDFOR i_plot = i_plot + 1 i_plot_h = i_plot MOD numplot_x i_plot_v = i_plot / numplot_x + 1 ; contour parameters nlevels = 10 fmin = 0.0 & fmax = 1.0001 cmin = 0 & cmax = 250 do_levels, fmin, fmax, cmin, cmax, nlevels, levels, colors ct = 3 ; colortable title = ' Nutrient limitation ' ; contours icecontour, zlim_nut, h_i, h_s, nlevels, colors, levels, ct, z_ib, mon, nlay_bio, nts, $ tmin, tmax, zmin, zmax, title ; colorbar format='(f3.1)' horpos = 0.02 + i_plot_h * dh vertpos = 0.015 + ( numplot_y - i_plot_v ) * dv ; position of colorbar. colorbarn, horpos, vertpos, cb_length, 0.02, MIN(levels), MAX(levels), leveling, nlevels+1, levels, colors, format ; ;---------------------- ; Algal organic carbon ;---------------------- ; i_plot = i_plot + 1 i_plot_h = i_plot MOD numplot_x i_plot_v = i_plot / numplot_x + 1 ; contour parameters nlevels = 8 fmin = 0.0 & fmax = MAX(AoCb) fmin = 0.0 & fmax = 1000. cmin = 255. & cmax = 80. do_levels, fmin, fmax, cmin, cmax, nlevels, levels, colors ct = 8 ; colortable title = ' AoCb (mgC/m3)' ; contours icecontour, AoCb, h_i, h_s, nlevels, colors, levels, ct, z_ib, mon, nlay_bio, nts, $ tmin, tmax, zmin, zmax, title ; colorbar format='(f5.0)' horpos = 0.02 + i_plot_h * dh vertpos = 0.0155 + ( numplot_y - i_plot_v ) * dv ; position of colorbar. colorbarn, horpos, vertpos, cb_length, 0.02, MIN(levels), MAX(levels), leveling, nlevels+1, levels, colors, format ; ;------------------------- ; Detrital organic carbon ;------------------------- ; i_plot = i_plot + 1 i_plot_h = i_plot MOD numplot_x i_plot_v = i_plot / numplot_x + 1 ; contour parameters nlevels = 8 fmin = 0.0 & fmax = MAX(eOCb) fmin = 0.0 & fmax = 1000. cmin = 255. & cmax = 80. do_levels, fmin, fmax, cmin, cmax, nlevels, levels, colors ct = 8 ; colortable title = ' eoCb (mgC/m3)' ; contours icecontour, eOCb, h_i, h_s, nlevels, colors, levels, ct, z_ib, mon, nlay_bio, nts, $ tmin, tmax, zmin, zmax, title ; colorbar format='(f5.0)' horpos = 0.02 + i_plot_h * dh vertpos = 0.0155 + ( numplot_y - i_plot_v ) * dv ; position of colorbar. colorbarn, horpos, vertpos, cb_length, 0.02, MIN(levels), MAX(levels), leveling, nlevels+1, levels, colors, format ; ;----------------- ; chla ;----------------- ; i_plot = i_plot + 1 i_plot_h = i_plot MOD numplot_x i_plot_v = i_plot / numplot_x + 1 ; contour parameters nlevels = 10 fmin = 0.0 & fmax = MAX(chla) fmin = 0.0 & fmax = 80. cmin = 255. & cmax = 80. do_levels, fmin, fmax, cmin, cmax, nlevels, levels, colors IF ( site EQ 'ISPOL' ) THEN BEGIN ; zmax = 0. ; levels = [ 0., 5., 10., 15., 20., 25., 30., 35., 40., 45., 50.] ; CHL_LONG_001 ; levels = [ 0., 2.5, 5., 7.5, 10., 12.5, 15.,17.5, 20.,22.5, 25.] ; CTL_LONG_01 ; levels = [ 0., 35., 70., 105., 140., 175., 210., 245., 280., 315., 350.] ; PCS_LON_008 ; levels = [ 0., 10., 20., 30., 40., 50., 60., 70., 80., 90., 100. ] ; PCS_LONG_009 ; levels = [ 0., 30., 60., 90., 120., 150., 180., 210., 240., 270., 300. ] ENDIF ct = 8 ; colortable title = ' chla (mg/m3) ' ; contours icecontour, chla, h_i, h_s, nlevels, colors, levels, ct, z_ib, mon, nlay_bio, nts, $ tmin, tmax, zmin, zmax, title ; colorbar format='(f5.0)' horpos = 0.02 + i_plot_h * dh vertpos = 0.015 + ( numplot_y - i_plot_v ) * dv ; position of colorbar. colorbarn, horpos, vertpos, cb_length, 0.02, MIN(levels), MAX(levels), leveling, nlevels+1, levels, colors, format ; ;----------------- ; Synthesis ;----------------- ; i_plot = i_plot + 1 i_plot_h = i_plot MOD numplot_x i_plot_v = i_plot / numplot_x + 1 ; contour parameters nlevels = 8 fmin = 0.00 & fmax = MAX(syn) ; LONG(MAX(syn)) + 1 cmin = 255 & cmax = 80 do_levels, fmin, fmax, cmin, cmax, nlevels, levels, colors ct = 8 ; colortable title = ' syn (mgC/m3/d) ' ; contours icecontour, syn, h_i, h_s, nlevels, colors, levels, ct, z_ib, mon, nlay_bio, nts, $ tmin, tmax, zmin, zmax, title ; colorbar format='(f5.1)' horpos = 0.02 + i_plot_h * dh vertpos = 0.015 + ( numplot_y - i_plot_v ) * dv ; position of colorbar. colorbarn, horpos, vertpos, cb_length, 0.02, MIN(levels), MAX(levels), leveling, nlevels+1, levels, colors, format ; ;----------------- ; Lysis ;----------------- ; i_plot = i_plot + 1 i_plot_h = i_plot MOD numplot_x i_plot_v = i_plot / numplot_x + 1 ; contour parameters nlevels = 8 fmin = 0.0 & fmax = MAX(lys) ; LONG(MAX(lys)) + 1 cmin = 255 & cmax = 80 do_levels, fmin, fmax, cmin, cmax, nlevels, levels, colors ;IF ( zmax LE 0.0 ) THEN levels = [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ,4,5,6] ct = 8 ; colortable title = ' lys (mgC/m3/d) ' ; contours icecontour, lys, h_i, h_s, nlevels, colors, levels, ct, z_ib, mon, nlay_bio, nts, $ tmin, tmax, zmin, zmax, title ; colorbar format='(f5.1)' horpos = 0.02 + i_plot_h * dh vertpos = 0.015 + ( numplot_y - i_plot_v ) * dv ; position of colorbar. colorbarn, horpos, vertpos, cb_length, 0.02, MIN(levels), MAX(levels), leveling, nlevels+1, levels, colors, format ; ;-------------- ; Argon bulk ;-------------- ; !P.MULTI=[0,numplot_x, numplot_y] i_plot = 0 i_plot_h = i_plot MOD numplot_x i_plot_v = i_plot / numplot_x + 1 ; contour parameters nlevels = 10 fmin = 0.0 & fmax = 10. ;MAX(Argb) cmin = 000 & cmax = 255 do_levels, fmin, fmax, cmin, cmax, nlevels, levels, colors ct = 1 ; colortable title = ' Arg (mmol/m3)' icecontour, Argb , h_i, h_s, nlevels, colors, levels, ct, z_ib, mon, nlay_bio, nts, $ tmin, tmax, zmin, zmax, title ; colorbar format='(I2)' horpos = 0.02 + i_plot_h * dh vertpos = 0.015 + ( numplot_y - i_plot_v ) * dv ; position of colorbar. colorbarn, horpos, vertpos, cb_length, 0.02, MIN(levels), MAX(levels), leveling, nlevels+1, levels, colors, format ; ;--------------- ; Argon bubbles ;--------------- ; i_plot = i_plot + 1 i_plot_h = i_plot MOD numplot_x i_plot_v = i_plot / numplot_x + 1 ; contour parameters nlevels = 10 fmin = 0.0 & fmax = 10. ; MAX(Argbub) cmin = 000 & cmax = 255 do_levels, fmin, fmax, cmin, cmax, nlevels, levels, colors ct = 1 ; colortable title = ' Arg bubbles (mmol/m3) ' icecontour, Argbub, h_i, h_s, nlevels, colors, levels, ct, z_ib, mon, nlay_bio, nts, $ tmin, tmax, zmin, zmax, title ; colorbar format='(I2)' horpos = 0.02 + i_plot_h * dh vertpos = 0.015 + ( numplot_y - i_plot_v ) * dv ; position of colorbar. colorbarn, horpos, vertpos, cb_length, 0.02, MIN(levels), MAX(levels), leveling, nlevels+1, levels, colors, format ; ;-------------- ; Oxygen bulk ;-------------- ; i_plot = i_plot + 1 i_plot_h = i_plot MOD numplot_x i_plot_v = i_plot / numplot_x + 1 ; contour parameters nlevels = 10 fmin = 0.0 & fmax = 200. ;MAX(Argb) cmin = 000 & cmax = 255 do_levels, fmin, fmax, cmin, cmax, nlevels, levels, colors ct = 1 ; colortable title = ' Oxy (mmol/m3)' icecontour, Oxyb , h_i, h_s, nlevels, colors, levels, ct, z_ib, mon, nlay_bio, nts, $ tmin, tmax, zmin, zmax, title ; colorbar format='(I3)' horpos = 0.02 + i_plot_h * dh vertpos = 0.015 + ( numplot_y - i_plot_v ) * dv ; position of colorbar. colorbarn, horpos, vertpos, cb_length, 0.02, MIN(levels), MAX(levels), leveling, nlevels+1, levels, colors, format ; ;---------------- ; Oxygen bubbles ;---------------- ; i_plot = i_plot + 1 i_plot_h = i_plot MOD numplot_x i_plot_v = i_plot / numplot_x + 1 ; contour parameters nlevels = 10 fmin = 0.0 & fmax = 200.; MAX(Argbub) cmin = 000 & cmax = 255 do_levels, fmin, fmax, cmin, cmax, nlevels, levels, colors ct = 1 ; colortable title = ' Oxy bubbles (mmol/m3) ' icecontour, Oxybub, h_i, h_s, nlevels, colors, levels, ct, z_ib, mon, nlay_bio, nts, $ tmin, tmax, zmin, zmax, title ; colorbar format='(I2)' horpos = 0.02 + i_plot_h * dh vertpos = 0.015 + ( numplot_y - i_plot_v ) * dv ; position of colorbar. colorbarn, horpos, vertpos, cb_length, 0.02, MIN(levels), MAX(levels), leveling, nlevels+1, levels, colors, format ; ;--------------- ; DIC ;--------------- ; i_plot = i_plot + 1 i_plot_h = i_plot MOD numplot_x i_plot_v = i_plot / numplot_x + 1 ; contour parameters nlevels = 10 fmin = 0.0 & fmax = 600. ; MAX(DICb) cmin = 000 & cmax = 255 do_levels, fmin, fmax, cmin, cmax, nlevels, levels, colors ct = 1 ; colortable title = ' DIC (mmol/m3) ' icecontour, DICb, h_i, h_s, nlevels, colors, levels, ct, z_ib, mon, nlay_bio, nts, $ tmin, tmax, zmin, zmax, title ; colorbar format='(I4)' horpos = 0.02 + i_plot_h * dh vertpos = 0.015 + ( numplot_y - i_plot_v ) * dv ; position of colorbar. colorbarn, horpos, vertpos, cb_length, 0.02, MIN(levels), MAX(levels), leveling, nlevels+1, levels, colors, format ; ;--------------- ; CO2aq ;--------------- ; i_plot = i_plot + 1 i_plot_h = i_plot MOD numplot_x i_plot_v = i_plot / numplot_x + 1 ; contour parameters nlevels = 10 fmin = 0.0 & fmax = 20. ; MAX(CO2aq) cmin = 000 & cmax = 255 do_levels, fmin, fmax, cmin, cmax, nlevels, levels, colors ct = 1 ; colortable title = ' CO2aq (mmol/m3) ' icecontour, CO2aq, h_i, h_s, nlevels, colors, levels, ct, z_ib, mon, nlay_bio, nts, $ tmin, tmax, zmin, zmax, title ; colorbar format='(I4)' horpos = 0.02 + i_plot_h * dh vertpos = 0.015 + ( numplot_y - i_plot_v ) * dv ; position of colorbar. colorbarn, horpos, vertpos, cb_length, 0.02, MIN(levels), MAX(levels), leveling, nlevels+1, levels, colors, format ; ;--------------- ; HCO3m ;--------------- ; i_plot = i_plot + 1 i_plot_h = i_plot MOD numplot_x i_plot_v = i_plot / numplot_x + 1 ; contour parameters nlevels = 10 fmin = 0.0 & fmax = 600. cmin = 000 & cmax = 255 do_levels, fmin, fmax, cmin, cmax, nlevels, levels, colors ct = 1 ; colortable title = ' HCO3m (mmol/m3) ' icecontour, HCO3m, h_i, h_s, nlevels, colors, levels, ct, z_ib, mon, nlay_bio, nts, $ tmin, tmax, zmin, zmax, title ; colorbar format='(I4)' horpos = 0.02 + i_plot_h * dh vertpos = 0.015 + ( numplot_y - i_plot_v ) * dv ; position of colorbar. colorbarn, horpos, vertpos, cb_length, 0.02, MIN(levels), MAX(levels), leveling, nlevels+1, levels, colors, format ; ;--------------- ; CO32m ;--------------- ; i_plot = i_plot + 1 i_plot_h = i_plot MOD numplot_x i_plot_v = i_plot / numplot_x + 1 ; contour parameters nlevels = 10 fmin = 0.0 & fmax = 40. cmin = 000 & cmax = 255 do_levels, fmin, fmax, cmin, cmax, nlevels, levels, colors ct = 1 ; colortable title = ' CO32m (mmol/m3) ' icecontour, CO32m, h_i, h_s, nlevels, colors, levels, ct, z_ib, mon, nlay_bio, nts, $ tmin, tmax, zmin, zmax, title ; colorbar format='(I4)' horpos = 0.02 + i_plot_h * dh vertpos = 0.015 + ( numplot_y - i_plot_v ) * dv ; position of colorbar. colorbarn, horpos, vertpos, cb_length, 0.02, MIN(levels), MAX(levels), leveling, nlevels+1, levels, colors, format ; ;--------------- ; pCO2 ;--------------- ; i_plot = i_plot + 1 i_plot_h = i_plot MOD numplot_x i_plot_v = i_plot / numplot_x + 1 ; contour parameters nlevels = 5 fmin = 0.0 & fmax =12000. cmin = 000 & cmax = 255 do_levels, fmin, fmax, cmin, cmax, nlevels, levels, colors ct = 1 ; colortable title = ' pCO2 in brine (muatm) ' icecontour, pCO2, h_i, h_s, nlevels, colors, levels, ct, z_ib, mon, nlay_bio, nts, $ tmin, tmax, zmin, zmax, title ; colorbar format='(E7.1)' horpos = 0.02 + i_plot_h * dh vertpos = 0.015 + ( numplot_y - i_plot_v ) * dv ; position of colorbar. colorbarn, horpos, vertpos, cb_length, 0.02, MIN(levels), MAX(levels), leveling, nlevels+1, levels, colors, format ;--------------- ; pH ;--------------- ; i_plot = i_plot + 1 i_plot_h = i_plot MOD numplot_x i_plot_v = i_plot / numplot_x + 1 ; contour parameters nlevels = 10 fmin = 7.5 & fmax = 9.5 cmin = 000 & cmax = 255 do_levels, fmin, fmax, cmin, cmax, nlevels, levels, colors ct = 1 ; colortable title = ' pH ' icecontour, pH, h_i, h_s, nlevels, colors, levels, ct, z_ib, mon, nlay_bio, nts, $ tmin, tmax, zmin, zmax, title ; colorbar format='(F3.1)' horpos = 0.02 + i_plot_h * dh vertpos = 0.015 + ( numplot_y - i_plot_v ) * dv ; position of colorbar. colorbarn, horpos, vertpos, cb_length, 0.02, MIN(levels), MAX(levels), leveling, nlevels+1, levels, colors, format ; ;--------------- ; Alk ;--------------- ; i_plot = i_plot + 1 i_plot_h = i_plot MOD numplot_x i_plot_v = i_plot / numplot_x + 1 ; contour parameters nlevels = 10 fmin = 0.0 & fmax = 600. ; MAX(Alkb) cmin = 000 & cmax = 255 do_levels, fmin, fmax, cmin, cmax, nlevels, levels, colors ct = 1 ; colortable title = ' Alk (mmol/m3) ' icecontour, Alkb, h_i, h_s, nlevels, colors, levels, ct, z_ib, mon, nlay_bio, nts, $ tmin, tmax, zmin, zmax, title ; colorbar format='(I4)' horpos = 0.02 + i_plot_h * dh vertpos = 0.015 + ( numplot_y - i_plot_v ) * dv ; position of colorbar. colorbarn, horpos, vertpos, cb_length, 0.02, MIN(levels), MAX(levels), leveling, nlevels+1, levels, colors, format ; ;--------------- ; Ika ;--------------- ; i_plot = i_plot + 1 i_plot_h = i_plot MOD numplot_x i_plot_v = i_plot / numplot_x + 1 ; contour parameters nlevels = 10 fmin = 0.0 & fmax = 120. ; MAX(Alkb) cmin = 000 & cmax = 255 do_levels, fmin, fmax, cmin, cmax, nlevels, levels, colors ct = 1 ; colortable title = ' Ika (mmol/m3) ' icecontour, Ikab, h_i, h_s, nlevels, colors, levels, ct, z_ib, mon, nlay_bio, nts, $ tmin, tmax, zmin, zmax, title ; colorbar format='(I4)' horpos = 0.02 + i_plot_h * dh vertpos = 0.015 + ( numplot_y - i_plot_v ) * dv ; position of colorbar. colorbarn, horpos, vertpos, cb_length, 0.02, MIN(levels), MAX(levels), leveling, nlevels+1, levels, colors, format ; DEVICE, /CLOSE ; SET_PLOT, "X" ; !P.MULTI=[0,2,2] ; STOP ; ;--------------- ; CO2bub ;--------------- ; i_plot = i_plot + 1 i_plot_h = i_plot MOD numplot_x i_plot_v = i_plot / numplot_x + 1 ; contour parameters nlevels = 10 fmin = 0.0 & fmax = 60. ; MAX(CO2bub) ;1.0 cmin = 000 & cmax = 255 do_levels, fmin, fmax, cmin, cmax, nlevels, levels, colors ct = 1 ; colortable title = ' CO2bub (mmol/m3) ' icecontour, CO2bub, h_i, h_s, nlevels, colors, levels, ct, z_ib, mon, nlay_bio, nts, $ tmin, tmax, zmin, zmax, title ; colorbar format='(F3.1)' format='(I2)' horpos = 0.02 + i_plot_h * dh vertpos = 0.015 + ( numplot_y - i_plot_v ) * dv ; position of colorbar. colorbarn, horpos, vertpos, cb_length, 0.02, MIN(levels), MAX(levels), leveling, nlevels+1, levels, colors, format ; ;-------------- ; dFe ;-------------- ; !P.MULTI=[0,numplot_x, numplot_y] i_plot = 0 i_plot_h = i_plot MOD numplot_x i_plot_v = i_plot / numplot_x + 1 ; contour parameters nlevels = 10 nlevels = 10 fmin = 0.0 & fmax = MAX(dFeb) ; cmin = 000 & cmax = 255 do_levels, fmin, fmax, cmin, cmax, nlevels, levels, colors ct = 3 ; colortable title = ' dFe (mumol/m3)' icecontour, dFeb, h_i, h_s, nlevels, colors, levels, ct, z_ib, mon, nlay_bio, nts, $ tmin, tmax, zmin, zmax, title ; colorbar format='(f5.1)' horpos = 0.02 + i_plot_h * dh vertpos = 0.015 + ( numplot_y - i_plot_v ) * dv ; position of colorbar. colorbarn, horpos, vertpos, cb_length, 0.02, MIN(levels), MAX(levels), leveling, nlevels+1, levels, colors, format ; ;-------------- ; aFe ;-------------- ; i_plot = i_plot + 1 i_plot_h = i_plot MOD numplot_x i_plot_v = i_plot / numplot_x + 1 ; contour parameters nlevels = 10 nlevels = 10 fmin = 0.0 & fmax = MAX(aFeb) ; cmin = 000 & cmax = 255 do_levels, fmin, fmax, cmin, cmax, nlevels, levels, colors ct = 3 ; colortable title = ' aFe (mumol/m3)' icecontour, aFeb, h_i, h_s, nlevels, colors, levels, ct, z_ib, mon, nlay_bio, nts, $ tmin, tmax, zmin, zmax, title ; colorbar format='(f5.1)' horpos = 0.02 + i_plot_h * dh vertpos = 0.015 + ( numplot_y - i_plot_v ) * dv ; position of colorbar. colorbarn, horpos, vertpos, cb_length, 0.02, MIN(levels), MAX(levels), leveling, nlevels+1, levels, colors, format ; ;-------------- ; eFe ;-------------- ; i_plot = i_plot + 1 i_plot_h = i_plot MOD numplot_x i_plot_v = i_plot / numplot_x + 1 ; contour parameters nlevels = 10 nlevels = 10 fmin = 0.0 & fmax = MAX(eFeb) ; cmin = 000 & cmax = 255 do_levels, fmin, fmax, cmin, cmax, nlevels, levels, colors ct = 3 ; colortable title = ' eFe (mumol/m3)' icecontour, eFeb, h_i, h_s, nlevels, colors, levels, ct, z_ib, mon, nlay_bio, nts, $ tmin, tmax, zmin, zmax, title ; colorbar format='(f5.1)' horpos = 0.02 + i_plot_h * dh vertpos = 0.015 + ( numplot_y - i_plot_v ) * dv ; position of colorbar. colorbarn, horpos, vertpos, cb_length, 0.02, MIN(levels), MAX(levels), leveling, nlevels+1, levels, colors, format ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; End of the script ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; IF ( device EQ 'PS' ) THEN BEGIN DEVICE, /CLOSE SET_PLOT, "X" !P.MULTI=[0,2,2] ENDIF END