PRO icecontour, field, hi, hs, nlevels, colors, levels, ct, z, time, nz, nt, $ tmin, tmax, zmin, zmax, title ; ;----------------------------------------- ; Make the ice thickness, snow depth plot ;----------------------------------------- ; LOADCT, 0 PLOT, [tmin, tmax], [zmin,zmax], /NODATA, $ title = title, ytitle = "z[m]", CHARSIZE=1, XSTYLE = 1, YSTYLE = 1;, $ OPLOT, time , - hi OPLOT, time , hs ; ;------------ ; Dummy axes ;------------ ; time time_matrix = FLTARR(nz+2, nt) FOR index = 0, nz+1 DO BEGIN time_matrix[index,*] = time[*] ENDFOR ; depth z_matrix = FLTARR(nz+2, nt) z_matrix[0,*] = 0.0 FOR index = 1, nz DO BEGIN z_matrix[index,*] = z[index-1,*] ENDFOR z_matrix[nz+1,*] = hi ; field to plot field_matrix = FLTARR(nz+2,nt) field_matrix[0,*] = field[0,*] FOR index = 1, nz DO BEGIN field_matrix[index,*] = field[index-1,*] ENDFOR field_matrix[nz+1,*] = field[nz-1,*] ;print, ' time_matrix : ', time_matrix[*,10] ;print, ' z_matrix : ', z_matrix[*,10] ;print, ' field_matrix : ', field_matrix[*,10] ; ;---------- ; Contours ;---------- ; colors LOADCT, ct color00 = MAX(colors) color99 = MIN(colors) CONTOUR, field_matrix, time_matrix, - z_matrix, /FILL, /OVERPLOT, C_COLORS = colors, levels = levels ;CONTOUR, s_i, time_matrix, - z_ip, /OVERPLOT, levels = levels, $ ;C_LABELS=[ 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1], $ ;C_ANNOTATION=['0','1','','','4','5','','','','9','','','12'] end