package LATMOS::Accounts::Web::Model::AttrForms; use strict; use warnings; use base 'Catalyst::Model'; =head1 NAME LATMOS::Accounts::Web::Model::AttrForms - Catalyst Model =head1 DESCRIPTION Catalyst Model. =cut my $attrs = { uid => [ 'Login', 'text:12' ], uidNumber => [ 'UID', 'text-U:6' ], gidNumber => [ 'GID', 'select:group:gidNumber' ], manager => [ 'Responsable', 'select-N:user' ], managedBy => [ 'Responsable', 'select-N:user' ], sn => [ 'Nom' ], givenName => [ 'Prénom' ], homeDirectory => [ 'Home', 'text-U:25' ], loginShell => [ 'Shell', 'text-A' ], physicalDeliveryOfficeName => [ 'Bureau' ], telephoneNumber => [ 'Téléphone' ], otherTelephone => [ 'Téléphone (autre)' ], company => [ 'Société', 'text-A' ], l => [ 'Ville' ], postalCode => [ 'Code postal' ], postOfficeBox => [ 'BP' ], department => [ 'Département', 'select-N:group' ], streetAddress => [ 'Rue', 'textarea' ], title => [ 'Fonction' ], expire => [ 'Expire le', 'date' ], st => [ 'État (US)' ], sutype => [ 'Structure admin.', 'select-N:sutype' ], exported => [ 'Propagé', 'label' ], locked => [ 'Vérouillé', 'checkbox' ], isMainAddress => [ 'Adresse principale', 'checkbox' ], site => [ 'Site', 'select-N:site' ], co => [ 'Pays' ], mail => [ 'Mail', 'text-U:30' ], contratType => [ 'Type de contrat', 'text-A' ], grade => [ 'Grade', 'text-A' ], facsimileTelephoneNumber => [ 'Fax', 'text' ], nickname => [ 'Nick', 'text-U:3' ], cn => [ 'Nom' ], initials => [ 'Initiales', 'text-U:5' ], create => [ 'Créer le' ], date => [ 'Modifié le' ], }; my $forms = { user => { name => 'Système', acl => 'admin', attrs => [ qw( sn givenName description uid uidNumber gidNumber gecos homeDirectory loginShell mail initials nickname locked exported create date ) ], }, useraddress => { name => 'Adresse', attrs => [ qw( initials mail ) ], }, userstatus => { name => 'Status', attrs => [ qw( company manager department grade contratType expire ) ], }, site => { name => 'Site', attrs => [ qw( description streetAddress postOfficeBox postalCode l st co facsimileTelephoneNumber ) ], }, address => { name => 'Adresse', attrs => [ qw( isMainAddress telephoneNumber streetAddress postOfficeBox postalCode l st physicalDeliveryOfficeName site co ) ], }, group => { name => 'Système', acl => 'admin', attrs => [ qw( gidNumber description managedBy sutype exported ) ], }, }; sub escape { my ($self, $text) = @_; $text ||= ''; for ($text) { s/&/&/g; s//>/g; s/"/"/g; } $text; } sub new { my ($class) = @_; bless({}, $class); } # call either OBJ or type + base sub ACCEPT_CONTEXT { my ($self, $c, $form, $object, $base) = @_; my $new = {}; $new->{c} = $c; $new->{form} = $form; $new->{object} = $object if (ref $object); $new->{base} = $base || ($object ? $object->base : undef) or return $self; $new->{otype} = ref $object ? $object->type : $object; bless($new, 'LATMOS::Accounts::Web::Model::AttrForms'); } sub base { my ( $self ) = @_; $self->{base} } sub otype { my ($self) = @_; $self->{otype}; } sub label { my ($self) = @_; $forms->{$self->{form}}->{name} || '' } sub attributes { my ($self, $for) = @_; grep { $_ } grep { $self->base->check_acl($self->{object} || $self->otype, $_, 'r') } grep { $self->base->get_field_name($self->otype, $_, $for || 'a') } @{ $forms->{$self->{form}}->{attrs} }; } sub attr_label { my ($self, $attr) = @_; my $htmlname = ($self->{object} ? $self->{object}->id . '_' : '') . $attr; return sprintf('', $self->escape($htmlname), $self->escape($attrs->{$attr}[0] || $attr) ); } sub attr_raw_value { my ($self, $attr) = @_; return $self->{c}->req->param($attr) || ($self->{object} ? $self->{object}->get_c_field($attr) : '') } sub attr_field { my ($self, $attr, $type) = @_; my $modallow = $self->base->check_acl($self->{object} ? ($self->{object}, $attr, 'w') : ($self->otype, '@CREATE', 'w')); $type ||= $self->base->get_field_name($self->otype, $attr, 'w') && $modallow ? $attrs->{$attr}[1] || '' : 'label'; # exception: gidNumber is used also in group, but we don't want # group list here, really the number ! $type = $modallow ? 'text-U:6' : 'label' if ($self->{otype} eq 'group' && $attr eq 'gidNumber'); $type ||= 'text'; my $htmlname = $self->escape(($self->{object} ? $self->{object}->id . '_' : '' ) . $attr ); for ($type) { /^textarea$/ and return sprintf( '', $self->escape($htmlname), $self->escape($htmlname), $self->escape($self->attr_raw_value($attr)), ); /^label$/ and do { my $field = $self->escape( $self->attr_raw_value($attr) ); $field =~ s/\n/
/g; return $field; }; /^date$/ and do { my ($date, $time) = split(/ /, $self->attr_raw_value($attr) || ''); if ($date && $date =~ /^(\d+)-(\d+)-(\d+)$/) { $date = "$3/$2/$1"; } my $html = "\n" . q{} . "\n"; $html .= sprintf( '', $self->escape($htmlname), $self->escape($htmlname), $self->escape($date) ); $html .= q{}; $html .= qq| } . "\n"; return $html; }; /^checkbox$/ and do { return sprintf('', $self->escape($htmlname), $self->attr_raw_value($attr) ? ' checked="yes"' : '' ) . sprintf('', $self->escape($htmlname)); }; /^select(-\w+)?:([^:]+)(?::(.*))?$/ and do { my $options = $1 || ''; my $otype = $2; my $keyfield = $3; my $observe_keyfield = $keyfield || 'displayName'; my $select = sprintf('\n"; $select .= $self->{c}->prototype->observe_field( $htmlname, { update => "${htmlname}_span", url => $self->{c}->uri_for('/ajax', 'rawattr', $otype), frequency => 1, with => "'attr=" . $observe_keyfield . "&id='+element.options[element.selectedIndex].text", }) . qq|$initial_observed|; return $select; }; /^text(-\w+)?(?::(\d+))?/ and do { my $flag = $1 || ''; if (my @allowed = $self->base->obj_attr_allowed_values( $self->{otype}, $attr)) { my $cvalue = $self->attr_raw_value($attr); my $textf = sprintf('\n"; return $textf; } else { my $textf = sprintf( '', $self->escape($htmlname), $self->escape($htmlname), $self->escape($self->attr_raw_value($attr)), $2 || 30, ); if ($flag =~ /A/) { $textf .= qq||; $textf .= "\n"; $textf .= $self->{c}->prototype->auto_complete_field( $htmlname, { update => "${htmlname}_auto_complete", url => $self->{c}->uri_for('/ajax', 'attrvalues', $self->otype, $attr), indicator => "${htmlname}_stat", min_chars => 1, with => "'val='+document.getElementById('$htmlname').value", frequency => 2, } ); } if ($flag =~ /U/) { $textf .= qq||; $textf .= "\n"; $textf .= $self->{c}->prototype->observe_field( $htmlname, { update => "${htmlname}_observer_uniq", url => $self->{c}->uri_for('/ajax', 'objattrexist', $self->otype, $attr), frequency => 2, indicator => "${htmlname}_stat", min_chars => 1, with => "'val='+document.getElementById('$htmlname').value" . ($self->{object} ? "+'&exclude=" . $self->{object}->id . "'" : ''), } ); } $textf .= qq||; return $textf; } }; } } sub submit { my ($self) = @_; return sprintf( '', $self->escape($self->label), ); } sub set_attrs { my ($self) = @_; $self->{c}->req->param($self->label) or return; my $prefix = $self->{object}->id . '_'; $self->{object}->set_c_fields( map { $_ => ($attrs->{$_}[1] || '') eq 'checkbox' ? ($self->{c}->req->param("$prefix$_") ? 1 : 0) : ($self->{c}->req->param("$prefix$_") || undef) } grep { $self->base->get_field_name($self->otype, $_, 'w') } $self->attributes ) or return; $self->{object}->base->commit; } =head1 AUTHOR Thauvin Olivier =head1 LICENSE This library is free software, you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. =cut 1;