package LATMOS::Accounts::Acls; use strict; use warnings; use LATMOS::Accounts::Log; our $VERSION = (q$Rev: 330 $ =~ /^Rev: (\d+) /)[0]; sub new { my ($class, $file) = @_; my $acls = bless( { _acls => [] }, $class ); if ($file) { $acls->read_acl_file($file) or return; } $acls } =head1 ACL FILE FORMAT OBJ_TYPE.ATTRIBUTE USER: read,write USER2: read =over 4 =item OBJ_TYPE is the type the object, '*' match all =item ATTRIBUTE is either an attribute, either an comma separate attribute enclose into bracket, either a '*' to match any attribute. Special keyword C and C can be used to allow or deny object creation and deletion. In this case USER in form C<$...> and read permission have no effect (see below). C<*> do not include C and C action. =item USER can be =over 4 =item a username =item group, prefixed by a '%' =item an attribute of the accessed object which should contains the username, prefixed by '$' =item C<*> to math any user =item @authenticated or @anonymous for any authenticated user and non authenticated user ('*' include both) =back =item Permission are read and or write, or deny. =back ACL are applied in the order they appear in the file. =cut sub read_acl_file { my ($self, $file) = @_; my $acl; my $line_nb = 0; my $prevline = ""; if (open(my $handle, '<', $file)) { while(my $realline = <$handle>) { $line_nb++; chomp($realline); if ($realline =~ /\\$/) { # continuation line $prevline .= $realline; $prevline =~ s/\s*\\$//; next; } my $line = $prevline . $realline; # keep track to report malformed file $prevline = ""; $line =~ s/\s*#.*//; if ($line =~ /^(\S.*)/) { if ($acl) { push(@{$self->{_acls}}, $acl); } $acl = LATMOS::Accounts::Acls::acl->new($1) or do { la_log(LA_ERR, "Error in %s at line %d", $file, $line_nb); return; }; } elsif ($line =~ /^\s+(\S.*)/) { if ($acl) { $acl->add_perm($line) or do { la_log(LA_ERR, "Error in %s at line %d", $file, $line_nb); return; }; } else { # err no acl return; } } elsif ($line =~ /^\s*$/) { # just empty line } else { } } if ($acl) { push(@{$self->{_acls}}, $acl); } } else { la_log(LA_ERR, "Cannot open acl file %s", $file); return; } 1; } sub add { my ($self, $obj, $list) = @_; my $acl = LATMOS::Accounts::Acls::acl->new( $obj, $list) or return; push(@{$self->{_acls}}, $acl); return 1; } sub check { my ($self, $obj, $attr, $perm, $who, $groups) = @_; foreach my $acl (@{$self->{_acls}}) { my $res = $acl->match($obj, $attr, $perm, $who, $groups); defined($res) and return $res; } return 0; } sub dump { my ($self) = @_; foreach my $acl (@{$self->{_acls}}) { print $acl->dump, "\n"; } } package LATMOS::Accounts::Acls::acl; use strict; use warnings; sub new { my ($class, $objdotatt, $list) = @_; my ($obj, $attr) = $objdotatt =~ /^([^.]+)\.(.*)/ or return; my @attrs = ($attr =~ /^\{(.*)\}$/) ? (split(/\s*,\s*/, $1)) : ($attr); @attrs or return; my $acl = { obj => lc($obj), attr => [ map { lc } @attrs ], users => [], # user->{r} = 1 }; bless($acl, $class); foreach my $k (@{ $list || [] }) { $acl->add_perm($k) or return; } $acl } sub add_perm { my ($self, $perm) = @_; my ($username, $perms) = $perm =~ /^\s*(\S*):\s*(.*)$/; $username && $perms or return; my $user = { user => $username }; foreach (split(/\s*,\s*/, $perms)) { /^read$/i and do { $user->{r} = 1; next; }; /^write$/i and do { $user->{w} = 1; next; }; /^deny$/i and do { # reseting... $user->{r} = 0; $user->{w} = 0; last; # we end here, life is hard }; return; } push(@{$self->{users}}, $user); 1 } sub match { my ($self, $obj, $attr, $perm, $who, $groups) = @_; my $objtype = ref $obj ? lc($obj->type) : $obj; $attr = lc($attr); if (!($self->{obj} eq '*' || $self->{obj} eq $objtype)) { return } grep { ($_ !~ /^(CREATE|DELETE)$/ && $_ eq '*') || $_ eq $attr } @{$self->{attr}} or return; foreach my $u (@{ $self->{users} }) { if (substr($u->{user}, 0, 1) eq '$') { # check attr content if (ref $obj) { my $attribute = substr($u->{user}, 1); my $val = $obj->_get_c_field($attribute); my @vals = ref $val ? (@{ $val }) : ($val); return ($u->{$perm} || 0) if (grep { $_ eq $who } @vals); } } elsif (substr($u->{user}, 0, 1) eq '%') { # group my $group = substr($u->{user}, 1); return ($u->{$perm} || 0) if (grep { $group eq $_ } @{$groups ||[]}); } elsif ($u->{user} eq '*' || $u->{user} eq $who) { return $u->{$perm} || 0; } elsif (lc($u->{user}) eq '@authenticated' && $who) { return $u->{$perm} || 0; } elsif (lc($u->{user}) eq '@anonymous' && $who eq "") { return $u->{$perm} || 0; } } return; } sub dump { my ($self) = @_; my $dump = sprintf("%s.{%s}\n", $self->{obj}, join(', ', @{$self->{attr}})); foreach my $u (@{ $self->{users} }) { $dump .= sprintf("\t%s: %s\n", $u->{user}, join(', ', ($u->{r} ? 'read' : ()), ($u->{w} ? 'write' : ())) || 'deny'); } $dump } 1; __END__