package LATMOS::Accounts::Bases::Attributes; # $Id$ use strict; use warnings; use LATMOS::Accounts::Log; use Date::Parse; use DateTime; use DateTime::TimeZone; =head1 NAME LATMOS::Accounts::Bases::Attributes - Object to handle attribute schema =head1 FUNCTIONS =head2 new($attributes, $base_or_object, $maybe_otype) Instanciate a new Attributes object. =cut sub new { my ($class, $attributes, $base_or_object, $maybe_otype) = @_; my ($object, $base, $otype) = $base_or_object->isa('LATMOS::Accounts::Bases::Objects') ? ($base_or_object, $base_or_object->base, $base_or_object->type) : (undef, $base_or_object, $maybe_otype); if (ref $attributes) { $attributes->{_base} = $base; $attributes->{_object} = $object; $attributes->{_name} = $attributes->{name}; $attributes->{_otype} = $otype; return bless($attributes, $class); } else { my $attr_info = $base->get_attr_schema($otype, $attributes) or return; $attr_info->{_base} = $base; $attr_info->{_object} = $object; $attr_info->{_name} = $attributes; $attr_info->{_otype} = $otype; return bless($attr_info, $class); } } =head2 base Return base handle =cut sub base { $_[0]->{_base} } =head2 name Return attribute name =cut sub name { $_[0]->{_name} } =head2 otype Return object type for this attribute =cut sub otype { $_[0]->{_otype} } =head2 mandatory Return true if attribute is mandatory =cut sub mandatory { $_[0]->{mandatory} || 0 } =head2 object Return handle object if any =cut sub object { $_[0]->{_object} } =head2 reference A object type this attribute refer to =cut sub reference { my ($self) = @_; if ($self->{reference} && $self->base->is_supported_object($self->{reference})) { return $self->{reference}; } else { return; } } =head2 iname Return internal name of attributes =cut sub iname { $_[0]->{iname} || $_[0]->name } =head2 label Return the label to display =cut sub label { $_[0]->{label} || $_[0]->{_name} } =head2 has_values_list Return true if the attribute have a fixed list of accepted values =cut sub has_values_list { my ($self) = @_; if ($self->base->obj_attr_allowed_values( $self->otype, $self->name) || $self->{can_values} || $self->reference) { return 1; } else { return 0; } } =head2 can_values Return possible value allowed by this attribute =cut sub can_values { my ($self) = @_; if (my @values = $self->base->obj_attr_allowed_values( $self->otype, $self->name)) { return @values; } elsif ($self->{can_values}) { if (ref $self->{can_values} eq 'ARRAY') { return @{$self->{can_values}}; } elsif (ref $self->{can_values} eq 'CODE') { $self->{can_values}->($self, $self->object); } else { return; } } elsif (my $ref = $self->reference) { return $self->base->list_objects($ref); } else { return } } =head2 display ($value) Return the well formated value according attribute =cut sub display { my ($self, $value) = @_; if ($self->{display}) { return $self->{display}->($self, $value); } else { return $value; } } =head2 input ($value) Return well formated single value for insert into base =cut sub input { my ($self, $value) = @_; if ($self->{input}) { if (!defined($value)) { return } return $self->{input}->($value); } elsif ($self->real_form_type =~ /^(DATE|DATETIME)$/) { if (!$value) { return; } else { $value =~ s:^(\d+)/(\d+)/(\d+):$2/$1/$3:; my $epoch = str2time($value); return $value if (!defined($epoch)); my $dt = DateTime->from_epoch(epoch => str2time($value)); $dt->set_time_zone( DateTime::TimeZone->new( name => 'local' ) ); if ($self->real_form_type eq 'DATE') { return $dt->ymd('-'); } else { return $dt->ymd('-') . ' ' . $dt->hms(':'); } } } else { return $value; } } =head2 checkinputformat ($value) Check input value format, return false on error =cut sub checkinputformat { my ($self, $value) = @_; if ($self->{checkinputformat}) { if (!$self->{checkinputformat}->($value)) { return; } } return 1; } =head2 checkinput ($value) Check input value, return false on error =cut sub checkinput { my ($self, $values) = @_; foreach my $value (grep { $_ } (ref $values ? @{ $values } : $values)) { if (!$self->checkinputformat($value)) { $self->base->log(LA_ERR, "Wrong format for %s/%s: %s", $self->name, $self->{_otype}, $value ); return; } } if ($self->mandatory && (!(defined($values)) || $values eq '')) { $self->base->log(LA_ERR, "%s attribute cannot be empty for object %s", $self->name, $self->{_otype}, ); return; } if (ref $values eq 'ARRAY' && ! $self->multiple) { $self->base->log(LA_WARN, 'Attribute %s is not multi valuesd', $self->name); # TODO: really return an error # return; } if ($self->{checkinput}) { foreach my $val (ref $values ? @{ $values } : $values) { if (!$self->{checkinput}->($val)) { return; } } return 1; } if ($self->has_values_list && $values) { my @possible = $self->can_values; foreach my $value (ref $values ? @{ $values } : $values) { if (! grep { $value eq $_ } @possible) { $self->base->log(LA_ERR, "%s attribute cannot have `%s' as value for object %s/%s", $self->name, $value, $self->object->type, $self->object->id, ) if ($self->object); $self->base->log(LA_DEBUG, "Possible value for %s: %s", $self->name, join(', ', @possible) ); return; } } } return 1; } =head2 readable Return true if attribute can be read =cut sub readable { my ($self) = @_; if (ref $self->{readable} eq 'CODE') { return $self->{readable}->($self->object) || 0; } else { return defined($_[0]->{readable}) ? $_[0]->{readable} : 1; } } =head2 ro Return true if the attribute cannot be write by design =cut sub ro { my ($self) = @_; if (ref $self->{ro} eq 'CODE') { return $self->{ro}->($self->object) || 0; } else { return $_[0]->{ro} || 0 } } =head2 readonly Return true if attribute cannot be read according acls or attributes state =cut sub readonly { my ($self) = @_; return 1 if ($self->ro); return ! $self->check_acl('w'); } =head2 check_acl ($mode) Return true is access to C<$mode> is granted =cut sub check_acl { my ($self, $mode) = @_; return 1 if ($self->{_noacl}); return $self->base->check_acl($self->object ? ($self->object, $self->name, $mode) : ($self->otype, '@CREATE', $mode)); } =head2 real_form_type Return the way the fields must be show in GUI. For each type option maybe given by form_option =head3 LABEL =over 4 =item length The length to use to show the attribute =back =head3 TEXT =head3 TEXTAREA =head3 DATE =head3 LIST =head3 CHECKBOX =over 4 =item rawvalue The real value of the attribute must be show =back =cut sub real_form_type { $_[0]->{formtype} || 'TEXT' } =head2 form_type Return the way the attribute must be displayed =cut sub form_type { $_[0]->readonly ? 'LABEL' : $_[0]->{formtype} ? $_[0]->{formtype} : $_[0]->has_values_list ? 'LIST' : $_[0]->real_form_type } =head2 form_option ($option) Return the form option C<$option> =cut sub form_option { my ($self, $option) = @_; return $self->{formopts}{$option} } =head2 uniq Return true is attribute value must be uniq =cut sub uniq { $_[0]->{uniq} || 0 } =head2 multiple Return true is attribute value can be set several times =cut sub multiple { $_[0]->{multiple} || 0 } =head2 hidden Return true if attributes must not appear in list by can be query. =cut sub hidden { $_[0]->{hide} || 0 } =head2 delayed Return true if attribute must be set after object creation during synchronisation =cut sub delayed { $_[0]->{delayed} || 0 } =head2 get Return the value for this attribute =cut sub get { my ($self) = @_; if (defined($self->object)) { my $res = (ref($self->{get}) eq 'CODE') ? $self->{get}->($self) : $self->object->get_field($self->iname); # always return undef if empty # and an array if attribute is multivalued if (!defined($res)) { return undef; } elsif (ref $res) { return $res; } elsif ($self->multiple) { return (ref $res ? $res : [$res]) } else { return $res; } } else { return; } } =head2 defaultValue Return the default static value for this attribute. =cut sub defaultValue { my ($self) = @_; return $self->base->defaultAttributeValue($self->otype, $self->name) } =head2 getValues Return value for this attribute, results are always return as an array =cut sub getValues { my ($self) = @_; my $res = $self->get(); return ref $res ? grep { $_ } @{ $res } : $res; } =head2 set ($values) Set attribute value to attached object =cut sub set { my ($self, $values) = @_; my $inputv = ref $values ? [ map { $self->input($_) } @$values ] : $values ? $self->input($values) : undef; my $res = ref $self->{set} eq 'CODE' ? $self->{set}->($self, $inputv) : $self->object->set_fields($self->iname, $inputv); # If the attribute has a post code, call it if ($res && $self->{post}) { $self->{post}->($self, $inputv); } $res } =head2 default_value Return default value for this attribute =cut sub default_value { my ($self) = @_; $self->defaultValue; } =head2 monitored Return true if the attribute is monitored =cut sub monitored { my ($self) = @_; if ($self->iname ne $self->name) { my $attr = $self->base->attribute($self->otype, $self->iname) or return; return $attr->monitored; } else { return $self->{monitored} || 0; } } 1; __END__ =head1 SEE ALSO L =head1 AUTHOR Olivier Thauvin, Eolivier.thauvin@latmos.ipsl.frE =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright (C) 2012 CNRS SA/CETP/LATMOS This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.10.0 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available. =cut