package LATMOS::Accounts::Cli; # $Id: 2145 2018-08-29 18:15:46Z nanardon $ use strict; use warnings; use Moose; use LATMOS::Accounts::Log; use LATMOS::Accounts::Utils; use Term::ReadLine; use Text::ParseWords; use Getopt::Long; use LATMOS::Accounts::Cli::Object; extends 'LATMOS::Accounts::Cli::Base'; =head1 NAME LATMOS::Accounts::Cli - Command line interface functions =head1 DESCRIPTION This module handle envirronment and functons for L tools. =cut =head1 FUNCTIONS =cut =head2 globalenv Return the main envirronement object =cut sub _create_from_handle { my ($self, $fh, $otype, $objname) = @_; my $labase = $self->base; my %attr = LATMOS::Accounts::Utils::parse_obj_file($fh); if ($objname && (my $obj = $labase->get_object($otype, $objname))) { warn "Object $otype $objname already exists, aborting\n"; return; } else { if ($objname) { my $res = $labase->create_c_object($otype, $objname, %attr); if($res) { $self->print("Changes applied\n"); $labase->commit; return 1; } return 0; } else { my $ochelper = $labase->ochelper($otype); my $info = { contents => { %attr }, }; if ($attr{name}) { $info->{name}{content} = $attr{name}; } $ochelper->Automate($info) or do { warn "Cannot create object:" . LATMOS::Accounts::Log::lastmessage() . "\n"; return; }; return 1; } } } =head1 CLI FUNCTIONS =head2 GLOBAL FUNCTIONS =cut sub BUILD { my ( $self ) = @_; my $labase = $self->base; $self->add_func('ls', { help => 'ls object_type - list object of type object_type', completion => sub { if(!$_[2]) { return $_[0]->base->list_supported_objects } else { () } }, code => sub { my $env = shift; my @args = $self->getoption( { 'fmt=s' => \my $fmt, 'filefmt=s' => \my $filefmt, }, @_ ); my $otype = $args[0] or do { $self->print("Object type missing\n"); return 1; }; if ($filefmt){ open(my $hfmt, '<', $filefmt) or do { warn "Cannot open $filefmt\n"; return; }; $fmt ||= ''; # avoid undef warning while (<$hfmt>) { chomp($fmt .= $_); } close $hfmt; } if ($fmt) { foreach ($env->base->list_objects($otype)) { my $obj = $env->base->get_object($otype, $_) or next; $self->print($obj->queryformat($fmt)); } $self->print("\n"); } else { $self->print(map { "$_\n" } $env->base->list_objects($otype)); } }, }); $self->add_func('search', { help => 'search objecttype filter1 [filter2...] - search object according filter', completion => sub { my ($self, $ritem, $rotype) = @_; if(!$_[2]) { return $self->base->list_supported_objects } else { my $parse; $parse = sub { my ($otype, $item) = @_; $item ||= ''; my ($NegFilter, $attr, $dot, $attrref, $operator, $val) = $item =~ /^([\!\+\-]?)(\w+)(?:(\.)([\.\w]+))?(?:([^\w*]+)(.+))?$/; if ($dot) { my $attribute = $self->base->attribute($otype, $attr) or return ($self->base->list_canonical_fields( $otype, 'r' ) ); my $refotype = $attribute->reference; return map { "$attr." . $_ } $parse->($refotype, "$attrref$operator$val" ); } else { return($self->base->list_canonical_fields($otype, 'r')); } }; return( map { $_, "!$_", "-$_", "+$_" } map { ( $_ . '=', $_ . '~' ) } $parse->( $rotype, $ritem ) ); } }, code => sub { my ($self, @args) = @_; if ($args[0]) { if (!$self->base->is_supported_object($args[0])) { $self->print("$args[0] is an usupported object type\n"); } else { my @res = $self->base->search_objects(@args); $self->print(map { "$_\n" } @res); $self->{_lastsearch} = \@res; $self->{_lastsearchtype} = $args[0]; } } else { $self->print("Object type missing\n"); } }, }); $self->add_func('expired', { help => 'expired [delay] - list expired account more than delay (default is now)', code => sub { my ($self, $expire) = @_; my @users = $self->base->find_expired_users($expire); $self->print(map { "$_\n" } @users); $self->{_lastsearchtype} = 'user'; $self->{_lastsearch} = \@users; }, }) if ($self->base->can('find_expired_users')); $self->add_func('expires', { help => 'expires [delay] - list account expiring before delay (default is 1 month)', code => sub { my ($self, $expire) = @_; my @users = $self->base->find_next_expire_users($expire); $self->print(map { "$_\n" } @users); $self->{_lastsearchtype} = 'user'; $self->{_lastsearch} = \@users; }, }) if ($self->base->can('find_next_expire_users')); $self->add_func('select', { help => 'select object_type - select objects to perform action on it', completion => sub { if ($_[2]) { return $_[0]->base->list_objects($_[2]); } else { return '@', $_[0]->base->list_supported_objects; } }, code => sub { my ($self, $otype, @ids) = @_; my @objs; if ($otype eq '@') { if (@{$self->{_lastsearch} || []}) { $otype = $self->{_lastsearchtype}; @ids = @{$self->{_lastsearch}}; } else { $self->print("No results store from previous search\n"); return; } } if (!@ids) { $self->print('not enough arguments' . "\n"); return; } foreach (@ids) { my $obj = $self->base->get_object($otype, $_) or do { $self->print("Cannot get $otype $_\n"); return; }; push(@objs, $obj); } $self->print("Selecting $otype " . join(', ', @ids) . "\n"); LATMOS::Accounts::Cli::Object->new( Parent => $self, Context => $self->Context, otype => $otype, objs => \@objs, )->cli(); }, }); =head3 create Create object =over 4 =item -i interactive: will prompt for attribute =item -f FILE Read file for attribute value =item -e open an epty file instead instead attribute list =item --ro Open an empty with attribute even read-only one =back =cut $self->add_func('create', { code => sub { my $self = shift; my ($otype, $objname) = $self->getoption( { 'i' => \my $interactive, 'f=s' => \my $inputfile, 'ro' => \my $with_ro, 'e' => \my $empty_file, }, @_ ); if ( $interactive ) { my $helper = $self->base->ochelper($otype); my $info = undef; while (1) { my $status; ($status, $info) = $helper->step($info); if ($status ne 'NEEDINFO') { if ($status eq 'CREATED') { $self->print("Object created\n"); $self->commit; } else { $self->print("Nothing done\n"); $self->rollback; } return; } if ($info->{name}{ask}) { my $line = $self->Context->Term->readline("Name of the object ?"); $info->{name}{content} = $line; } foreach my $attr (@{$info->{ask} || []}) { $self->Context->Term->Attribs->{completion_function} = sub { $info->{contents}{$attr} }; my $line = $self->Context->Term->readline(sprintf(' %s %s? ', $attr, $info->{contents}{$attr} ? '(' . $info->{contents}{$attr} . ') ' : '' )); $info->{contents}{$attr} = $line if($line); } } } elsif ($inputfile) { my $handle; open($handle, '<', $inputfile) or do { warn "Cannot open input file $@\n"; return; }; my $res = $self->_create_from_handle($handle, $otype, $objname); close($handle); $self->commit if($res); return($res); } else { return LATMOS::Accounts::Utils::dump_read_temp_file( sub { my ($fh) = @_; $labase->text_empty_dump($fh, $otype, { only_rw => !$with_ro, } ) unless($empty_file); }, sub { my ($fh) = @_; if (my $res = $self->_create_from_handle($fh, $otype, $objname)) { $self->commit; return $res; } else { return; } } ); } }, completion => sub { my ($self, $carg, @args) = @_; my @options = (); push( @options, qw(-i -f) ) unless ( grep { $_ =~ /^-[fi]$/ } @args ); push( @options, qw(-e --ro)) unless ( grep { $_ eq '-f' } @args ); if (($args[-1] || '') eq '-f') { my $attribs = $self->Context->Term->Attribs; return $self->Context->Term->completion_matches($carg, $attribs->{'filename_completion_function'}); } else { return (@options, $self->base->list_supported_objects); } }, } ); $self->add_func('exchangeip', { help => 'Exchange two IP on host', code => sub { my ($self, @args) = @_; my ($ip1, $ip2) = grep { $_ && $_ =~ /\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+/ } @args; if (!$ip2) { $self->print("Need two ip to exchange\n"); return; } if ($self->base->nethost_exchange_ip($ip1, $ip2)) { $self->print("$ip1 and $ip2 get exchange\n"); $self->commit; } else { $self->rollback; } }, completion => sub { my ($self, $carg, @args) = @_; if ($args[-1] && $args[-1] !~ m/\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+/) { if (my $obj = $self->base->get_object('nethost', $args[-1])) { return $obj->get_attributes('ip'); } } else { my @list = ($self->base->attributes_summary('nethost', 'ip'), $self->base->list_objects('nethost')); return @list; } }, } ); $self->add_func('loadcsv', { help => 'Load CSV file to create object', code => sub { my ($self, $otype, $file) = @_; open(my $fh, '<', $file) or do { warn "Cannot open $file $!\n"; return; }; my @ids; loadCSV( $fh, cb => sub { my ($res, $linecount) = @_; my $ochelper = $labase->ochelper($otype); my $info = { contents => $res }; if ($res->{name}) { $info->{name}{content} = $res->{name}; } if (my $id = $ochelper->Automate($info)) { push(@ids, $id); } else { warn "Cannot create object line $linecount (not enough information ?)\n"; } }, ); close($fh); my @objs; foreach (@ids) { my $obj = $self->base->get_object($otype, $_) or do { $self->print("Cannot get $otype $_\n"); return; }; push(@objs, $obj); } $self->print("Selecting $otype " . join(', ', @ids) . "\n"); LATMOS::Accounts::Cli::Object->new( Parent => $self, Context => $self->Context, otype => $otype, objs => \@objs, )->cli(); }, completion => sub { if ($_[2]) { return Term::ReadLine::Gnu::filename_list(@_); } else { return '@', $_[0]->base->list_supported_objects; } }, } ); $self->add_func('user', { alias => [qw'select user' ] }); $self->add_func('group', { alias => [qw'select group'] }); return $self } 1; __END__ =head1 SEE ALSO L =head1 AUTHOR Olivier Thauvin, Eolivier.thauvin@latmos.ipsl.frE =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright (C) 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 CNRS SA/CETP/LATMOS This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.10.0 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available. =cut