package LATMOS::Accounts::Cli::Base; # $Id: 2145 2018-08-29 18:15:46Z nanardon $ use strict; use warnings; use Moose; use LATMOS::Accounts::Cli::Context; use LATMOS::Accounts::Log; use LATMOS::Accounts::Utils; use Term::ReadLine; use Text::ParseWords; use Getopt::Long; use Pod::Select; use Pod::Text::Termcap; use File::Temp; =head1 NAME LATMOS::Accounts::Cli - Command line interface functions =head1 DESCRIPTION This module handle envirronment and functons for L tools. =cut has Context => ( is => 'ro', isa => 'LATMOS::Accounts::Cli::Context' ); has Parent => ( is => 'ro' ); =head1 FUNCTIONS =cut =head1 CLI FUNCTIONS =head2 GLOBAL FUNCTIONS =cut sub BUILD { my $self = shift; =head3 help help [command] - print help about command =cut $self->add_func('help', { completion => sub { if (!$_[2]) { return sort keys %{ $_[0]->{funcs} || {}} } }, code => sub { my $env = shift; $env->Help(@_); }, }); =head3 config =over 4 =item config objects List supported objects type =item config objects OTYPE List attribute for OTYPE =back =cut $self->add_func('config', { completion => sub { if (!$_[2]) { return qw(objects); } elsif ( $_[2] eq 'objects' ) { if (! $_[3] ) { return $_[0]->base->list_supported_objects; } } }, code => sub { my ($self, $cmd, @args) = @_; if (!$cmd) { $self->print("No command given\n"); } elsif ($cmd eq 'objects') { if ( $args[0] ) { my $labase = $_[0]->base; foreach(sort $labase->list_canonical_fields($args[0], 'a')) { my $attr = $labase->attribute($args[0], $_); $self->printf("%s %s\n", ($attr ? ($attr->ro ? 'r ' : 'rw') : ' '), $_); } } else { $self->print("Supported objects type: "); $self->print(join(', ', $self->base->list_supported_objects)); $self->print("\n"); } } else { $self->print("wrong argument\n"); } }, }); =head3 unexported unexported yes|no|show switch or show base mode regarding' unexported objects behavior =cut $self->add_func('unexported', { completion => sub { if (!$_[2]) { return qw(yes no show); } }, code => sub { my ($self, $arg) = @_; if (!$arg) { $self->print( "Unexported objects is" . ($self->base->unexported ? "enable" : "disable") . "\n" ); } elsif ($arg eq 'yes') { $self->base->unexported(1); $self->print("Unexported are now show\n"); } elsif ($arg eq 'no') { $self->base->unexported(0); $self->print("Unexported are no longer show\n"); } elsif ($arg eq 'show') { $self->print("Unexported objects is" . ($self->base->unexported ? "enable" : "disable") . "\n" ); } else { $self->print("wrong argument\n"); } }, }); =head3 quit Exit from C tools =cut $self->add_func('quit', { code => sub { $self->print("\n"); exit(0) }, }); =head3 exit Exit from current selection context =cut $self->add_func('exit', { code => sub { return "EXIT" }, }); =head3 ! ! [command [arg]] Open a shell command or run command under shell =cut $self->add_func('!', { code => sub { my ($env, $name, @args) = @_; if ($name) { system('/bin/bash', '-ic', $env->Context->{_line}); } else { system('/bin/bash', '-i'); } }, } ); if ($self->base->is_transactionnal) { =head2 TRANSACTIONS FUNCTIONS transaction [on|off] Enable or disable the transaction mode: ie automatic commit =cut $self->add_func( 'transaction', { code => sub { $self->Context->TransMode($_[1] eq 'on' ? 1 : 0); }, completion => sub { $self->Context->TransMode == 0 ? 'on' : 'off'; }, } ); =head3 begin Start a transaction, meaning changes will be saved only by C and canceled by C =cut $self->add_func( 'begin', { code => sub { $self->Context->TransStarted(1); }, } ); =head3 commit Save pending changes in transaction mode or following C =cut $self->add_func( 'commit', { code => sub { $_[0]->_commit; }, } ); =head3 rollback Cancel pending changes following a C or in transaction mode =cut $self->add_func( 'rollback', { code => sub { $_[0]->_rollback; }, } ); } =head2 GLOBAL and OBJECTS FUNCTION =head3 query query objectname [attribute] query [attribute] Show attribute options: =over 4 =item -o|--otype objecttype In global context specify the object type (default: user) =item -e|--empty Show empty/unset attributes =item --ro Show readonly attributes =item --fmt format Instead displaying attribute list use C as formating string =item --recur Dump object and all related objects =back =cut $self->add_func( 'query' => { proxy => '*', completion => sub { }, code => sub { my $env = shift; my @args = $self->getoption( { 'o|object=s' => \my $otype, 'e|empty' => \my $empty_attr, 'ro' => \my $with_ro, 'fmt=s' => \my $fmt, 'filefmt=s' => \my $filefmt, 'recur' => \my $recur, 'subotype=s' => \my @SubOtype, }, @_ ); $otype ||= 'user'; my $objs = $self->Context->{objs}; if (! $objs ) { foreach my $name (@args) { my $obj = $self->base->get_object( $otype, $name) or do { $self->print("Cannot get object $otype/$name\n"); next; }; push(@{ $objs }, $obj); } } if ($filefmt){ open(my $hfmt, '<', $filefmt) or die "Cannot open $filefmt\n"; $fmt ||= ''; # avoid undef warning while (<$hfmt>) { chomp($fmt .= $_); } close $hfmt; } foreach (@{ $objs }) { if ($fmt) { $self->print($_->queryformat($fmt)); } else { $_->text_dump( $self->Context->Out, { recur => $recur, empty_attr => $empty_attr, only_rw => !$with_ro, SubOtype => \@SubOtype, } ); } } }, } ); =head3 log log [[-o otype ] object [object [...]]] Show global log or log for the object given in arguments =cut $self->add_func('log' => { proxy => '*', completion => sub { }, code => sub { my $env = shift; my @args = $self->getoption({ 'o|object=s' => \my $otype, }, @_); $otype ||= 'user'; if (!@args && $env->Context->{objs}) { @args = map { $_->id } @{ $env->Context->{objs} }; $otype = $env->Context->{objs}[0]->type; } my @logs = @args ? $self->base->getobjectlogs($otype, @args) : $self->base->getlogs(); foreach (@logs) { $self->print( "%s (%d), %s: %s/%s (%d) %s\n", $_->{logdate}, $_->{irev} || -1, $_->{username}, $_->{otype}, $_->{name}, $_->{ikey}, $_->{message} ); } }, } ) if ($self->base->can('getobjectlogs')); if ($self->base->can('CreateAlias')) { =head2 OBJECT ALIASES FUNCTION =head3 newalias newalias objectType Name Object Create an object alias named C for object C. =cut $self->add_func( 'newalias', { code => sub { my ($self, $otype, $name, $for) = @_; if ($self->base->CreateAlias($otype, $name, $for)) { $self->print( "Alias $otype/$name Created\n" ); $self->commit; } }, completion => sub { if ($_[3]) { return $_[0]->base->list_objects($_[2]); } elsif (!$_[2]) { return $_[0]->base->list_supported_objects; } else { return; } } }, ); =head3 rmalias rmalias objectType Name Delete alias named C. =cut $self->add_func( 'rmalias', { code => sub { my ($self, $otype, $name) = @_; if ($self->base->RemoveAlias($otype, $name)) { $self->print("Alias $otype/$name Removed\n"); $self->commit; } }, completion => sub { if (!$_[2]) { return $_[0]->base->list_supported_objects; } else { return $_[0]->base->search_objects($_[2], 'oalias=*'); } } }, ); =head3 updalias updalias objectType Name Object Change the destination of an existing object alias =cut $self->add_func( 'updalias', { code => sub { my ($self, $otype, $name, $for) = @_; my $obj = $self->base->GetAlias($otype, $name) or do { $self->print( "No alias $otype/$name found" ); return; }; if ($obj->set_c_fields(oalias => $for)) { $self->print( "Alias $otype/$name Updated\n" ); $self->commit; } }, completion => sub { if ($_[3]) { return $_[0]->base->list_objects($_[2]); } elsif($_[2]) { return $_[0]->base->search_objects($_[2], 'oalias=*'); } else { return $_[0]->base->list_supported_objects; } } }, ); } } =head2 base Return the attached base object. =cut sub La { $_[0]->Context->La } sub base { $_[0]->Context->base } sub term { $_[0]->Context->Term } sub Interractive { $_[0]->Context->Interactive } sub print { shift->Context->print(@_) } sub Top { my ( $self ) = @_; if ($self->Parent) { return $self->Parent->Top; } else { return $self; } } =head2 cli Start the main loop =cut sub cli { my ($self) = @_; my $term = $_[0]->Context->Term; while (1) { $term->Attribs->{completion_function} = sub { $self->complete($_[0], shellwords(substr($_[1], 0, $_[2]))); }; defined (my $line = $term->readline($self->prompt)) or do { $self->print("\n"); return; }; $_[0]->Context->{_line} = $line; $term->addhistory($line) if ($line =~ /\S/); my $res = $self->run(shellwords($line)); $self->rollback if (!$self->Context->TransMode); if ($res && $res eq 'EXIT') { $self->print("\n"); return } } } =head2 prompt Wait user to input command =cut sub promptPrefix { 'LA cli' } sub prompt { my ($self) = @_; my $pr = $self->promptPrefix; return sprintf( "%s%s%s ", $pr, $self->Context->TransStarted ? '-' : '=', $self->Context->TransMode ? '#' : '>', ); } =head2 add_func ($name, $param) Add new function in the envirronment =cut # TODO: hide this sub add_func { my ($self, $name, $param) = @_; my (undef, $file) = caller(0); $param->{podfile} = $file; $self->{funcs}{$name} = $param; } =head2 Help Display help of given function =cut sub Help { my ($self, $name) = @_; if (!$name) { $self->print(join(', ', sort keys %{ $self->{funcs} || {}}) . "\n"); } elsif ($self->{funcs}{$name}{alias}) { $self->print("$name is an alias for " . join(' ', @{$self->{funcs}{$name}{alias}}) . "\n"); } elsif ($self->{funcs}{$name}{help}) { $self->print($self->{funcs}{$name}{help} . "\n"); } else { my $fh = File::Temp->new(); my $parser = Pod::Text::Termcap->new( sentence => 0, width => 78 ); podselect( {-output => $fh, -sections => ["CLI FUNCTIONS/.*/\Q$name"]}, $self->{funcs}{$name}{podfile} ); seek($fh, 0, 0); $parser->parse_from_filehandle($fh, $self->Context->Out); } } =head2 getoption ($opt, @args) Parse commmand line =cut sub getoption { my ($self, $opt, @args) = @_; local @ARGV = @args; Getopt::Long::Configure("pass_through"); GetOptions(%{ $opt }); return @ARGV; } =head2 complete Return possible words according current entered words =cut sub complete { my ($self, $lastw, $name, @args) = @_; if (!$name) { $lastw ||= ''; # avoid undef warning if ($lastw =~ m!^(\.\./*)(.*)$!) { if ($self->Parent) { my $dot = $1; $dot .= '/' unless($dot =~ m!/$!); return map { "$dot$_" } $self->Parent->complete($2, $name, @args); } else { return (); } } elsif ($lastw =~ m!(^/+)(.*)$!) { return map { "$1$_" } $self->Top->complete($2, $name, @args); } else { return grep { /^\Q$lastw\E/ } sort (keys %{ $self->{funcs} || {}}); } } elsif ($name =~ m!^\.\./(.*)$!) { if ($self->Parent) { return $self->Parent->complete($lastw, $1, @args); } else { return (); } } elsif ($name =~ m!^/+(.*)$!) { return $self->Top->complete($lastw, $1, @args); } elsif ($self->{funcs}{$name}{alias}) { $self->complete($lastw, @{$self->{funcs}{$name}{alias}}, @args); } elsif ($self->{funcs}{$name}{completion}) { return map { my $t = $_; $t =~ s/\s/\\ /g; $t } grep { $_ && /^\Q$lastw\E/ } $self->{funcs}{$name}{completion}->($self, $lastw, @args); } else { return (); } } =head2 run ($name, @args) Run functions =cut sub run { my ($self, $name, @args) = @_; return if (!$name); if ($name =~ m!^\.\./+(.*)$!) { if ($self->Parent) { $self->Parent->run($1, @args); } else { $self->print("No parent envirronment to call function\n"); } } elsif ($name =~ m!^/+(.*)$!) { $self->Top->run($1, @args); } elsif (grep { m/^(-h|--help)$/ } @args) { $self->Help($name); } elsif (!exists($self->{funcs}{$name})) { $self->print("No command $name found\n"); } elsif ($self->{funcs}{$name}{alias}) { $self->run(@{$self->{funcs}{$name}{alias}}, @args); } elsif ($self->{funcs}{$name}{code}) { $self->{funcs}{$name}{code}->($self, @args); } else { $self->print("No command $name found\n"); } } =head2 commit Call commit to base unelss in transaction mode =cut sub commit { my ($self) = @_; $self->Context->commit; } sub _commit { my ($self) = @_; $self->Context->_commit; } =head2 rollback Perform rollback unless in transaction mode =cut sub rollback { my ($self) = @_; $self->Context->rollback; } sub _rollback { my ($self) = @_; $self->Context->_rollback; } 1; __END__ =head1 SEE ALSO L =head1 AUTHOR Olivier Thauvin, Eolivier.thauvin@latmos.ipsl.frE =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright (C) 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 CNRS SA/CETP/LATMOS This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.10.0 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available. =cut