package LATMOS::Accounts::Cli::Object; # $Id: 2145 2018-08-29 18:15:46Z nanardon $ use strict; use warnings; use Moose; use LATMOS::Accounts::Log; use LATMOS::Accounts::Utils; use Term::ReadLine; use Text::ParseWords; use Getopt::Long; extends 'LATMOS::Accounts::Cli::Base'; =head1 NAME LATMOS::Accounts::Cli - Command line interface functions =head1 DESCRIPTION This module handle envirronment and functons for L tools. =cut =head1 FUNCTIONS =cut has otype => ( is => 'ro' ); has objs => ( is => 'rw' ); =head1 CLI FUNCTIONS =head2 OBJECT COLLECTION FUNCTIONS =cut sub BUILD { my ( $self ) = @_; my $labase = $self->base; my $OUT = $self->Context->Out; $self->{_otype} = $self->otype; $self->{_objects} = $self->objs; =head3 + add item to selection =cut $self->add_func('+', { code => sub { my ($env, @ids) = @_; my %ids = map { $_->id => 1 } @{$env->{_objects}}; foreach (@ids) { $ids{$_} and next; my $o = $env->base->get_object($env->{_otype}, $_) or next; push(@{$env->{_objects}}, $o); } printf $OUT "select is now %s: %s\n", $env->{_otype}, join(', ', map { $_->id } @{$env->{_objects}}); }, completion => sub { my ($env, undef, @ids) = @_; my %ids = map { $_->id => 1 } @{$env->{_objects}}; return ( grep { ! $ids{$_} } $env->base->list_objects($env->{_otype})); }, } ); $self->add_func('-', { help => 'add item to selection', code => sub { my ($env, @ids) = @_; my %ids = map { $_ => 1 } @ids; my @newobjs = grep { !$ids{$_->id} } @{$env->{_objects}}; if (!@newobjs) { print $OUT "This would remove all objects from the list...\n"; return; } else { @{$env->{_objects}} = @newobjs; } printf $OUT "select is now %s: %s\n", $env->{_otype}, join(', ', map { $_->id } @{$env->{_objects}}); }, completion => sub { my ($env, undef, @ids) = @_; my %ids = map { $_ => 1 } @ids; grep { !$ids{$_} } map { $_->id } @{$env->{_objects}}; }, } ); =head3 show show show [atttribute] Show an attributes of selected objects =cut $self->add_func('show', { code => sub { my ($env, $attr) = @_; if (!$attr) { foreach (@{$env->{_objects}}) { print $OUT $_->dump; } } else { foreach my $u (@{$env->{_objects}}) { print $OUT sort map { $u->id . ': ' .($_ || '') . "\n" } $u->get_attributes($attr); } } }, completion => sub { if (!$_[2]) { my $flag = $_[1] =~ /^_/ ? 'ra' : 'r'; return $_[0]->base->list_canonical_fields($_[0]->{_otype}, $flag) } }, }); $self->add_func('print', { help => 'print fmt - show attributes using template', code => sub { my ($env, $fmt) = @_; if (!defined($fmt)) { print $OUT "no format given"; return; } foreach (@{$env->{_objects}}) { print $OUT $_->queryformat($fmt) . "\n"; } }, }); $self->add_func('unset', { help => 'unset attribute - unset specified attribute', code => sub { my ($env, $attr) = @_; $attr or do { print $OUT "Attributes must be specified"; return; }; foreach (@{$env->{_objects}}) { defined $_->set_c_fields($attr => undef) or do { print $OUT "cannot unset attributes $attr for " . $_->id . "\n"; return; }; } $env->commit; print $OUT "Changes applied\n"; }, completion => sub { my ($env, $lastw, @args) = @_; if (!$args[0]) { return $env->base->list_canonical_fields($env->{_otype}, 'w') } }, }); $self->add_func('set', { help => 'set attribute value - set an attributes to single value "value"', code => sub { my ($env, $attr, @value) = @_; @value or do { print $OUT "attribute and value must be specified\n"; return; }; foreach (@{$env->{_objects}}) { defined $_->set_c_fields($attr => @value <= 1 ? $value[0] : \@value) or do { $_->base->rollback; printf $OUT "Cannot set $attr to %s for %s\n", join(', ', @value), $_->id; return; }; } $env->commit; print $OUT "Done.\n"; }, completion => sub { my ($env, $lastw, @args) = @_; if (!$args[0]) { return $env->base->list_canonical_fields($env->{_otype}, 'w') } else { my $attr = $env->base->attribute($env->{_otype}, $args[0]); if ($attr->has_values_list) { $attr->can_values; } elsif (@{$env->{_objects}} == 1) { return $env->{_objects}[0]->get_attributes($args[0]); } } }, }); $self->add_func('add', { help => 'add a value to an attribute', code => sub { my ($env, $attr, @value) = @_; @value or do { print $OUT "attribute and value must be specified\n"; return; }; foreach (@{$env->{_objects}}) { my @attrv = grep { $_ } $_->get_attributes($attr); defined $_->set_c_fields($attr => [ @attrv, @value ]) or do { $_->base->rollback; printf $OUT "Cannot set $attr to %s for %s\n", join(', ', @value), $_->id; return; }; } $env->commit; print $OUT "done\n"; }, completion => sub { my ($env, $lastw, @args) = @_; if (!$args[0]) { return grep { $env->base->attribute($env->{_otype}, $_)->{multiple} } $env->base->list_canonical_fields($env->{_otype}, 'w') } else { my $attr = $env->base->attribute($env->{_otype}, $args[0]); if ($attr->has_values_list) { $attr->can_values; } elsif (@{$env->{_objects}} == 1) { return $env->{_objects}[0]->get_attributes($args[0]); } } }, }); $self->add_func('remove', { help => 'remove a value from an attribute', code => sub { my ($env, $attr, @value) = @_; @value or do { print $OUT "attribute and value must be specified\n"; return; }; foreach (@{$env->{_objects}}) { my @attrv = grep { $_ } $_->get_attributes($attr); foreach my $r (@value) { @attrv = grep { $_ ne $r } @attrv; } defined $_->set_c_fields($attr => @attrv ? [ @attrv ] : undef) or do { $_->rollback; printf $OUT "Cannot set $attr to %s for %s\n", join(', ', @value), $_->id; return; }; } $env->commit; print $OUT "done\n"; }, completion => sub { my ($env, $lastw, @args) = @_; if (!$args[0]) { return grep { $env->base->attribute($env->{_otype}, $_)->{multiple} } $env->base->list_canonical_fields($env->{_otype}, 'w') } else { my $attr = $env->base->attribute($env->{_otype}, $args[0]); if (@{$env->{_objects}} == 1) { return $env->{_objects}[0]->get_attributes($args[0]); } } }, }); $self->add_func('list', { help => 'list current selected objects', code => sub { my $env = shift; my @args = $self->getoption( { 'fmt=s' => \my $fmt, 'filefmt=s' => \my $filefmt, }, @_ ); if ($filefmt){ open(my $hfmt, '<', $filefmt) or die "Cannot open $filefmt\n"; $fmt ||= ''; # avoid undef warning while (<$hfmt>) { chomp($fmt .= $_); } close $hfmt; } if ($fmt) { foreach (@{$env->{_objects}}) { print $OUT $_->queryformat($fmt); } print $OUT "\n"; } else { printf $OUT "%s: %s\n", $env->{_otype}, join(', ', map { $_->id } @{$env->{_objects}}); } } }); $self->add_func('ls', { alias => [ qw'list' ] }); $self->add_func('edit', { help => 'edit [object] - edit selected object using vi', completion => sub { return map { $_->id } @{$_[0]->{_objects}} }, code => sub { my ($env, $id) = @_; my $obj; if ($id) { $obj = grep { $_->id = $id } @{$env->{_objects}} or do { print $OUT "$id is not part of selected objects\n"; return; }; } elsif (@{$env->{_objects}} == 1) { $obj = $env->{_objects}[0] } else { print $OUT "multiple objects selected but can edit only one," . "please specify which one\n"; return; } my $res = LATMOS::Accounts::Utils::dump_read_temp_file( sub { my ($fh) = @_; $obj->text_dump($fh, { empty_attr => 1, only_rw => 1, } ); }, sub { my ($fh) = @_; my %attr = LATMOS::Accounts::Utils::parse_obj_file($fh); my $res = $obj->set_c_fields(%attr); if ($res) { print $OUT "Changes applied\n"; $env->commit; } else { print $OUT "Error applying changes\n" } return $res ? 1 : 0; } ); }, }); $self->add_func('delete', { help => 'delete - delete selected object', code => sub { my ($env) = @_; printf $OUT "%s: %s\ndelete selected objects ? (yes/NO)\n", $env->{_otype}, join(', ', map { $_->id } @{$env->{_objects}}); my $reply = || ''; chomp($reply); if ($reply eq 'yes') { foreach (@{$env->{_objects}}) { $env->base->delete_object($env->{_otype}, $_->id) or do { print $OUT "Cannot delete " . $_->id . "\n"; return; }; } $env->commit; return "EXIT"; } else { print $OUT "cancel !\n" } }, }); if (grep { $self->base->attribute($self->otype, $_)->reference } $self->base->list_canonical_fields($self->otype, 'r')) { $self->add_func('select', { help => 'select attribute [object]', code => sub { my ($env, $attrname, @objects) = @_; my $attr = $env->base->attribute( $env->{_otype}, $attrname ) or do { print $OUT "No attribute $attrname"; return; }; my $totype = $attr->reference or return; if (! @objects) { @objects = grep { $_ } map { $_->get_attributes($attrname) } @{$env->{_objects}}; } { my %uniq = map { $_ => 1 } @objects; @objects = keys %uniq; } my @objs = (grep { $_ } map { $env->base->get_object($totype, $_) } @objects); return if (!@objs); print $OUT "Selecting $totype " . join(', ', map { $_->id } @objs) . "\n"; LATMOS::Accounts::Cli::Object->new( Parent => $self, Context => $env->Context, otype => $totype, objs => \@objs )->cli(); }, completion => sub { if ($_[2]) { my $totype = $_[0]->base->attribute($_[0]->{_otype}, $_[2])->reference or return; return grep { $_ } map { $_->get_attributes($_[2]) } @{$_[0]->{_objects}}; } else { my $flag = $_[1] =~ /^_/ ? 'ra' : 'r'; return grep { $_[0]->base->attribute($self->otype, $_)->reference } $_[0]->base->list_canonical_fields($self->otype, $flag); } }, } ); } if (lc($self->otype) eq 'user') { $self->add_func('group', { help => 'group add|remove|primary goupname', code => sub { my ($env, $action, @groups) = @_; foreach my $obj (@{$env->{_objects}}) { if ($action eq 'primary') { my $gid = $groups[0]; if ($gid !~ /^\d/) { my $gobj = $env->base->get_object('group', $gid) or do { print $OUT "Cannot find group $gid\n"; return; }; $gid = $gobj->get_attributes('gidNumber'); } $obj->set_c_fields('gidNumber', $gid); } else { my %gr; foreach ($obj->get_attributes('memberOf')) { $gr{$_} = 1; } if ($action eq 'add') { $gr{$_} = 1 foreach(@groups); } elsif ($action eq 'remove') { delete($gr{$_}) foreach(@groups); } else { print $OUT 'invalid action' . "\n"; return; } defined $obj->set_c_fields('memberOf' => [ keys %gr ]) or do { print $OUT "cannot set memberOf attributes for " . $obj->id . "\n"; return; }; } } $env->commit; }, completion => sub { if (!$_[2]) { return (qw(add remove primary)); } else { if ($_[2] eq 'remove') { my %uniq = map { $_ => 1 } grep { $_ } map { $_->get_attributes('memberOf') } @{$_[0]->{_objects}}; return sort keys %uniq; } else { return $_[0]->base->search_objects('group'); } } }, }); } elsif ($self->otype eq 'group') { $self->add_func('member', { help => 'member add|remove user', code => sub { my ($env, $action, @groups) = @_; foreach my $obj (@{$env->{_objects}}) { my %gr; foreach ($obj->get_attributes('memberUID')) { $gr{$_} = 1; } if ($action eq 'add') { $gr{$_} = 1 foreach(@groups); } elsif ($action eq 'remove') { delete($gr{$_}) foreach(@groups); } else { print $OUT 'invalid action' . "\n"; return; } defined $obj->set_c_fields('memberUID' => [ keys %gr ]) or do { print $OUT "cannot set memberUID attributes for " . $obj->id . "\n"; return; }; } $env->commit; }, completion => sub { if (!$_[2]) { return (qw(add remove)); } else { if ($_[2] eq 'remove') { my %uniq = map { $_ => 1 } grep { $_ } map { $_->get_attributes('member') } @{$_[0]->{_objects}}; return sort keys %uniq; } else { return $_[0]->base->search_objects('user'); } } }, }); } if (1) { # TODO test SQL base $self->add_func('extract', { help => 'extract information about objects', code => sub { my ($env, $action) = @_; foreach my $obj (sort @{$env->{_objects}}) { print $OUT $obj->dump({ recur => 1 }); } $env->rollback; }, }); } return $self; } sub promptPrefix { my ($self) = @_; sprintf("%s %s/%s", $self->base->label, $self->otype, @{$self->objs} > 1 ? '(' . scalar(@{$self->objs}) . ' obj.)' : $self->objs->[0]->id, ); } around run => sub { my $next = shift; my $self = shift; my $name = shift or return; if (my $otype = $self->{funcs}{$name}{proxy}) { $self->Context->{objs} = $self->objs; LATMOS::Accounts::Cli->new( Parent => $self, # Look useless Context => $self->Context, )->run( $name, '-o', $self->otype, @_, ); $self->Context->{objs} = undef; } else { return $self->$next($name, @_); } }; 1; __END__ =head1 SEE ALSO L =head1 AUTHOR Olivier Thauvin, Eolivier.thauvin@latmos.ipsl.frE =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright (C) 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 CNRS SA/CETP/LATMOS This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.10.0 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available. =cut