package LATMOS::Accounts::Log; use strict; use warnings; use Sys::Syslog qw(:standard :macros); use Exporter (); use Mail::Sendmail; =head1 NAME LATMOS::Accounts::Log - Log dispatcher for LATMOS::Accounts =head1 SYNOPSYS use LATMOS::Accounts::Log la_log(LA_ERR, "An error has occur"); =head1 DESCRIPTION This module provide facilities to log to both console, syslog or using callback. When the environement variable C is set, all message are print to C. =cut our @loglevels = qw( LA_EMERG LA_ALERT LA_CRIT LA_ERR LA_ERROR LA_WARN LA_WARNING LA_NOTICE LA_INFO LA_DEBUG ); use vars qw(@EXPORT_OK @EXPORT %EXPORT_TAGS @ISA); @ISA = qw(Exporter); @EXPORT = (qw( la_set_log la_log ), @loglevels); @EXPORT_OK = @EXPORT; %EXPORT_TAGS = (LOGLEVELS => [ @loglevels ]); our $VERSION = (q$Rev$ =~ /^Rev: (\d+) /)[0]; my %lastmessages = (); =head1 LOG LEVEL =over 4 =item LA_EMERG =cut sub LA_EMERG { LOG_EMERG } # system is unusable =item LA_ALERT =cut sub LA_ALERT { LOG_ALERT } # action must be taken immediately =item LA_CRIT =cut sub LA_CRIT { LOG_CRIT } # critical conditions =item LA_ERR, LA_ERROR =cut sub LA_ERR { LOG_ERR } # error conditions sub LA_ERROR { LA_ERR } # Alias for ERR =item LA_WARN, LA_WARNING =cut sub LA_WARNING { LOG_WARNING } # warning conditions sub LA_WARN { LA_WARNING } # warning conditions =item LA_NOTICE =cut sub LA_NOTICE { LOG_NOTICE } # normal, but significant, condition =item LA_INFO =cut sub LA_INFO { LOG_INFO } # informational message =item LA_DEBUG =cut sub LA_DEBUG { LOG_DEBUG } # debug-level message =back =cut my %log_method = ( syslog => undef, console => LA_NOTICE, callback => undef, mail => undef, ); my @maillog = (); =head1 FUNCTIONS =head2 la_set_log(%options) Set options to log dispatcher: =over 4 =item syslog =item console =item callback =back =cut sub la_set_log { my (%options) = @_; while (my ($key, $val) = each(%options)) { if ($key eq 'syslog') { if ($val) { my ($ident, $logopt, $facility) = @{ ref $val ? $val : [] }; $ident ||= 'LATMOS::Accounts'; $logopt ||= 'pid'; $facility ||= 'LOG_USER'; openlog($ident, $logopt, $facility); $log_method{syslog} = 1; } next; } $log_method{$key} = $val; } 1; } =head2 lastmessage($level) Return the last message for C<$level> (LA_ERROR by default) =cut sub lastmessage { my ($level) = @_; return $lastmessages{$level || LA_ERROR}; } =head2 la_log($level, @sprintf_args) =cut sub la_log { my ($level, $msg, @args) = @_; no warnings 'printf'; $lastmessages{$level} = sprintf($msg, @args); if ($log_method{syslog}) { syslog($level, $msg, @args) unless($level >= LA_DEBUG); } if ($ENV{'LA_DEBUG'}) { my @caller = caller; my $debug = ($level == LA_DEBUG) ? "$caller[0]:$caller[2] " : ''; warn sprintf("$debug$msg", @args) . "\n"; } elsif ($log_method{console} && $level <= $log_method{console}) { if ($level >= LA_NOTICE && $level < LA_DEBUG) { printf("$msg\n", @args); } else { my $debug = ''; if ($level == LA_DEBUG) { my @caller = caller; $debug = "$caller[0]:$caller[2] "; } warn sprintf("$debug$msg", @args) . "\n"; } } if ($log_method{callback}) { $log_method{callback}->($level, $msg, @args); } if ($log_method{mail}) { # store error to send it later, only ERROR push(@maillog, sprintf($msg, @args)) if ($level <= LA_ERROR); } 1; } sub _flush_mail { @maillog = (); } sub _send_mail_log { @maillog or return; sendmail( Subject => "LATMOS::Accounts error from $0", To => $log_method{mail}, From => '', Message => join("\n", @maillog), ) or la_log(LA_ERR, "Cannot sent mail: " . $Mail::Sendmail::error); _flush_mail(); } END { _send_mail_log() if($log_method{mail}); } 1; __END__ =head1 SEE ALSO =head1 AUTHOR Thauvin Olivier, Eolivier.thauvin@latmos.ipsl.frE =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright (C) 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 by Thauvin Olivier This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.10.0 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available. =cut