package LATMOS::Accounts::Maintenance; use strict; use warnings; use base qw(LATMOS::Accounts); use LATMOS::Accounts::Log; use LATMOS::Accounts::Mail; use FindBin qw($Bin); use DateTime; use Date::Calc; use Date::Parse; =head1 NAME LATMOS::Accounts::Maintenance =head1 FUNCTIONS =cut sub _base { my ($self) = @_; return $self->{_maintenance_base} if ($self->{_maintenance_base}); my $base = $self->SUPER::base; $base->type eq 'sql' or die "This module work only with SQL base type\n"; return $self->{_maintenance_base} = $base } =head2 find_next_expire_users ($expire) Return The list of users going to expire in C<$expire> delay. =cut sub find_next_expire_users { # Do not replace this code by $base->find_next_expire_users # it does not exactly the same thing my ($self, $expire) = @_; my $base = $self->_base; my $sth= $base->db->prepare(q{ select name, expire as appliedexpire, endcircuit, expire from "user" where expire < now() + ?::interval and expire > now() and expire is not null and exported = True order by expire } ); $sth->execute($expire || '1 month'); my @users; while (my $res = $sth->fetchrow_hashref) { my $now = DateTime->now; my @expire = strptime($res->{appliedexpire}); my ($days) = Date::Calc::Delta_Days( $now->year, $now->month, $now->day, 1900 + $expire[5], $expire[4] +1, $expire[3], ); $res->{days} = $days; $res->{obj} = $base->get_object('user', $res->{name}); $res->{obj}->get_attributes('locked') and next; push(@users, $res); } @users } =head2 warn_next_expire_users(%options) Send a mail to user having account expiring soon C<%options are> =over 4 =item users => [] Warn only this users (if need) =item to Send the only to this person. =back =cut sub warn_next_expire_users { my ($self, %options) = @_; require LATMOS::Accounts::Mail; my $lamail = LATMOS::Accounts::Mail->new( $self, 'account_expire.mail', ); my $MailSubject = $self->val('_default_', 'mailSubject', 'LATMOS::Accounts'); my @summary; foreach my $user ($self->find_next_expire_users($options{delay})) { if ($options{users} && ! grep { $_ eq $user->{name} } @{$options{users}}) { next; } my %mail = ( From => $self->val('_default_', 'mailFrom', 'nomail@localhost'), Subject => $user->{days} == 0 ? sprintf("$MailSubject: Account %s Expire today", $user->{name}) : sprintf("$MailSubject: Account %s Expire in %s days", $user->{name}, $user->{days}), 'X-LATMOS-Reason' => 'Account expiration', ); my ($manager, $mail) = ($user->{obj}->get_c_field('manager'), $user->{obj}->get_c_field('mail')); my $managermail = $manager ? $user->{obj}->base-> get_object('user', $manager)->get_c_field('mail') : undef; # if user have no mail, mail only to manager, avoiding empty To # NB: at time, for testing purpose, mail is not really sent my ($to, @cc) = grep { $_ } ($mail, $managermail, $self->val('_default_', 'allwayscc')); if ($options{to}) { $mail{to} = $options{to}; } else { $mail{to} = $to; $mail{cc} = join(', ', @cc); } $mail{to} or do { la_log(LA_ERR, "Cannot send expiration for `%s', no mail to send to", $user->{obj}->id, ); next; }; my $mailcc = join(', ', @cc) || ''; push(@summary, sprintf("%s : %s : %s\n", $user->{obj}->queryformat('%{sn} %{givenName} : %{name} : %{department} : %{manager} : %{expireText} : %{endcircuit}'), $to || 'Not sent, no destination', ($mailcc ? $mailcc : ''), ) ); my $message; if ($lamail->process(\%mail, $user)) { la_log(LA_NOTICE, "Expiration mail for %s (%s) sent to %s; cc %s", $user->{obj}->id, $user->{days}, $mail{to}, ($mail{cc} || '')); if ($options{to}) { la_log(LA_NOTICE,"\tbut sent to %s", $mail{to}); } } } if (@summary) { if ($options{test}) { print join('', @summary); } else { if ($self->val('_default_', 'expire_summary_to')) { my $summail = LATMOS::Accounts::Mail->new( $self, \join('', @summary), ); my %mail = ( ); if ($summail->process({ Subject => "$MailSubject: account expiration summary", To => $self->val('_default_', 'expire_summary_to'), })) { la_log( LA_NOTICE, "Expiration summary mail sent to %s", $self->val('_default_', 'expire_summary_to'), ); } } } } 1; } =head2 find_expired_users ($expire) See L =cut sub find_expired_users { my ($self, $expire) = @_; $self->_base->find_expired_users($expire); } =head2 expired_account_reminder ( %options) Search account expired for more than C<$options{delay}> (default is 6 month) send mail to manager and summary to admin to aknoledge destruction. =cut sub expired_account_reminder { my ($self, %options) = @_; $options{delay} ||= '6 month'; my $lamail = LATMOS::Accounts::Mail->new( $self, 'account_expired_reminder.mail', ); my @users = $self->_base->find_expired_users($options{delay}); my %managers; foreach my $user (@users) { my $uobj = $self->_base->get_object('user', $user); $uobj->get_attributes('unexported') and next; # can't happend my $manager = $uobj->get_attributes('manager') || 'N/A'; push(@{$managers{$manager}{users}}, $uobj); } my $MailSubject = $self->val('_default_', 'mailSubject', 'LATMOS::Accounts'); unless($options{test}) { foreach (keys %managers) { my $oman = $self->_base->get_object('user', $_) or next; # can't happend $managers{$_}{manager} = $oman; my $mail = $oman->get_attributes('mail') or next; my %mail = ( Subject => "$MailSubject: expired account", 'X-LATMOS-Reason' => 'Account destruction', ); $mail{to} = $options{to} || $mail; if ($lamail->process(\%mail, $managers{$oman->id})) { la_log(LA_NOTICE, "Expired account reminder mail for %s sent to %s (cc: %s) for %s", $oman->id, $mail{to}, ($mail{cc} || ''), join(', ', map { $_->id } @{$managers{$oman->id}{users}}) ); } } } my @summary; foreach my $manager (sort keys %managers) { push(@summary, "\n" . ( $managers{$manager}{manager} ? $managers{$manager}{manager}->get_attributes('displayName') : $manager) . "\n"); foreach (@{$managers{$manager}{users}}) { push(@summary, sprintf(" %s - %s (%s)\n", $_->id, $_->get_attributes('displayName'), $_->get_attributes('expireText'), )); } } if (@summary) { if ($options{test}) { print join('', @summary); } else { if ($self->val('_default_', 'expire_summary_to')) { my %mail = ( Subject => "$MailSubject: expired account (to disable)", 'X-LATMOS-Reason' => 'Account expiration', To => $self->val('_default_', 'expire_summary_to'), ); my $summail = LATMOS::Accounts::Mail->new( $self, \join('', @summary), {} ); if ($summail->process(\%mail)) { la_log(LA_NOTICE, "Expiration summary mail sent to %s", $self->val('_default_', 'expire_summary_to'), ); } } } } } 1; __END__ =head1 SEE ALSO L =head1 AUTHOR Thauvin Olivier, Eolivier.thauvin@latmos.ipsl.frE =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright (C) 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 by Thauvin Olivier This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.10.0 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available. =cut