package LATMOS::Accounts::Task::Unusedhosts; use strict; use warnings; use base qw(LATMOS::Accounts::Task); use LATMOS::Accounts; use LATMOS::Accounts::Log; use LATMOS::Accounts::Utils; use DateTime; =head1 NAME LATMOS::Accounts::Task::Unusedhosts - Disable host owned by inactive users =head1 DESCRIPTION This module disable nethost when owned by an expired or disabled user account, removing it from network =head1 PARAMETER =head2 netzone The C object containing concerned hosts =head2 filter A filter limiting host search. =head2 disableMode The rules to disable hosts: =over 4 =item C: C is set and is inactive =item C: C is set and is inactive =item C: C or C (if set) is inactive =item C (default): If C is set and is inactive otherwise if C is inactive =back =head2 test If set only log are emitted but changes are not done and mail not really sent =cut # Wait 30 minutes sub waitDelay { 30 * 60 } sub init { my ($self) = @_; my $LA = LATMOS::Accounts->new($self->{config}, noacl => 1); my $labase = $self->{base} ? $LA->base($self->{base}) : $LA->base; $labase && $labase->load or die "Cannot load base"; $self->{_la} = $LA; $self->{_base} = $labase; 1; } sub run { my ($self) = @_; $self->_enable; $self->_disable; 1; } sub _filters { my ($self) = @_; my $filteredHosts; if (my @cfilters = $self->{syncm}->ini->val($self->{name}, 'filter')) { $filteredHosts = {}; foreach ($self->{_base}->search_objects('nethost', @cfilters)) { $filteredHosts->{$_} = 1; } } my $hosts; if (my @zones = $self->{syncm}->ini->val($self->{name}, 'netzone')) { $hosts = {}; my @filters; foreach my $zone (@zones) { la_log(LA_DEBUG, "Limiting affected host to zone %s", $zone); my $oZone = $self->{_base}->get_object('netzone', $zone) or do { la_log(LA_ERR, "Cannot get zone $zone named in config"); return; }; my @zonehosts = $oZone->get_attributes('hosts'); push(@filters, [ 'name=' . join('||', @zonehosts) ]); if ($oZone->get_attributes('allow_dyn')) { la_log(LA_DEBUG, "Zone %s has allow_dyn set, searching w/o ip", $zone); push(@filters, [ 'ip=NULL' ]); } } foreach my $filter (@filters) { foreach ($self->{_base}->search_objects('nethost', @$filter)) { $filteredHosts && !$filteredHosts->{$_} and next; $hosts->{$_} = 1; } } } else { $hosts = $filteredHosts; } return $hosts; } sub _disable { my ($self) = @_; my $test = $self->{syncm}->ini->val($self->{name}, 'test'); my $mode = $self->{syncm}->ini->val($self->{name}, 'disableMode', 'effective'); la_log(LA_DEBUG, "Checking for host to disable using %s method", $mode); my $hosts = $self->_filters; my @HostToDisable; for ($mode) { /owner/i and do { my @HostNoOwner = $self->{_base}->search_objects('nethost', 'exported=1', ''); foreach (@HostNoOwner) { push(@HostToDisable, $_); } last; }; /user/i and do { my @HostNoUser = $self->{_base}->search_objects('nethost', 'exported=1', ''); foreach (@HostNoUser) { push(@HostToDisable, $_); } last; }; /both/i and do { my %HostNoUser = map { $_ => } ( $self->{_base}->search_objects('nethost', 'exported=1', ''), $self->{_base}->search_objects('nethost', 'exported=1', ''), ); foreach (keys %HostNoUser) { push(@HostToDisable, $_); } last; }; /effective/i and do { my %HostNoUser = map { $_ => } ( $self->{_base}->search_objects('nethost', 'exported=1', ''), $self->{_base}->search_objects('nethost', 'exported=1', 'user=NULL', ''), ); foreach (keys %HostNoUser) { push(@HostToDisable, $_); } last; }; la_log(LA_ERR, "Unknown host check method `%s'", $mode); } foreach my $hostname (sort @HostToDisable) { if ($hosts) { $hosts->{$hostname} or next; } my $Host = $self->{_base}->get_object('nethost', $hostname) or next; $self->{_base}->log( LA_NOTICE, '%sHost %s disable because owner or user is inactive', ($test ? '(Test) ' : ''), $hostname, ); $Host->ReportChange('Update', "Disabling because user/owner is inactive"); $Host->_set_c_fields( unexported => 1 ); } $self->{_base}->commit() unless($test); } sub _enable { my ($self) = @_; my $test = $self->{syncm}->ini->val($self->{name}, 'test'); my $mode = $self->{syncm}->ini->val($self->{name}, 'disableMode', 'effective'); la_log(LA_DEBUG, "Checking for host to disable using %s method", $mode); my $hosts = $self->_filters; my @HostToEnable; for ($mode) { /owner/i and do { my @HostNoOwner = $self->{_base}->search_objects('nethost', 'exported=0', ''); foreach (@HostNoOwner) { push(@HostToEnable, $_); } last; }; /user/i and do { my @HostNoUser = $self->{_base}->search_objects('nethost', 'exported=0', ''); foreach (@HostNoUser) { push(@HostToEnable, $_); } last; }; /both/i and do { my %HostNoUser = map { $_ => } ( $self->{_base}->search_objects('nethost', 'exported=0', '', ''), $self->{_base}->search_objects('nethost', 'exported=0', 'user=NULL', ''), ); foreach (keys %HostNoUser) { push(@HostToEnable, $_); } last; }; /effective/i and do { my %HostNoUser = map { $_ => } ( $self->{_base}->search_objects('nethost', 'exported=0', ''), $self->{_base}->search_objects('nethost', 'exported=0', 'user=NULL', ''), ); foreach (keys %HostNoUser) { push(@HostToEnable, $_); } last; }; la_log(LA_ERR, "Unknown host check method `%s'", $mode); } foreach my $hostname (sort @HostToEnable) { if ($hosts) { $hosts->{$hostname} or next; } my $Host = $self->{_base}->get_object('nethost', $hostname) or next; $self->{_base}->log( LA_INFO, '%sHost %s enable because owner or user is active', ($test ? '(Test) ' : ''), $hostname, ); $Host->ReportChange('Update', "Enabling because user/owner is active"); $Host->_set_c_fields( unexported => 0 ); } $self->{_base}->commit() unless($test); } 1; __END__ =head1 SEE ALSO L, L =head1 AUTHOR Olivier Thauvin, Eolivier.thauvin@latmos.ipsl.frE =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright (C) 2012 CNRS SA/CETP/LATMOS This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.10.0 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available. =cut