#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use LATMOS::Accounts; use Getopt::Long; use Pod::Usage; use Text::CSV_XS; my $DATADIR = '@DATADIR@'; =head1 NAME la-sql-attreg - Tools to register attributes in LA SQL base =head1 SYNOPSIS la-sql-attreg [options] name =cut GetOptions( 'c|config=s' => \my $config, 'b|base=s' => \my $base, 'a|attributes=s' => \my $attributes_file, 'no-commit' => \my $nocommit, 'v|verbose' => \my $verbose, ) or pod2usage(); $attributes_file ||= "$DATADIR/attributes.csv"; =head1 OPTIONS =over 4 =item -c|--config configdir Use this configuration directory instead of the default one. =item -b|--base basename Query this specific base instead of the default one. =back =cut $| = 1; # autoflush my $LA = LATMOS::Accounts->new($config, noacl => 1); my $labase = $LA->base($base); my $dbi = $labase->db; my $rev = $labase->get_global_value('schema_version') || 1; my @updates = ( { ver => 3, sql => [ q{ALTER TABLE nethost_attributes_ips DROP CONSTRAINT nethost_is_single_ip}, q{DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS check_zone_name_unity_tg ON nethost}, q{DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS check_zone_name_unity_tg ON netzone}, q{DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS check_zone_name_unity()}, q{ALTER TABLE nethost_attributes_ips DROP CONSTRAINT nethost_is_single_ip}, q{INSERT INTO settings(varname, val) VALUES ('schema_version', 3)}, ], }, { ver => 4, sql => [ q{ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION nethost_sort_fields() RETURNS trigger AS $BODY$BEGIN IF (TG_OP='INSERT') then IF (new.attr='ip') THEN insert into nethost_attributes_ips VALUES (new.*); RETURN NULL; END IF; IF (new.attr='macaddr') THEN insert into nethost_attributes_macs VALUES (new.*); RETURN NULL; END IF; IF (new.attr='owner') THEN insert into nethost_attributes_users VALUES (new.*); RETURN NULL; END IF; IF (new.attr='user') THEN insert into nethost_attributes_users VALUES (new.*); RETURN NULL; END IF; end if; if (TG_OP='DELETE') THEN RETURN old; else RETURN new; end if; END;$BODY$ LANGUAGE plpgsql VOLATILE COST 100; }, ], }, { ver => 5, sql => [ q{ CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW address_attributes AS ( ( SELECT address."user" AS value, 'user' AS attr, address.rev AS attr_key, address.ikey AS okey FROM address UNION ALL SELECT address.name AS value, 'name' AS attr, address.rev AS attr_key, address.ikey AS okey FROM address ) UNION ALL SELECT address_attributes.value, address_attributes.attr, address_attributes.attr_key, address_attributes.okey FROM address_attributes_base address_attributes ) UNION ALL SELECT '1' AS value, 'active' AS attr, address.rev AS attr_key, address.ikey AS okey FROM "user" JOIN address ON "user".name = address."user" WHERE "user".exported AND address.exported and ("user".expire IS NULL or "user".expire > now()) } ], }, { ver => 6, sql => [ q{ CREATE TABLE request ( id serial NOT NULL, "create" timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now(), name text NOT NULL, object text, apply timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now(), done timestamp with time zone, "user" text, CONSTRAINT request_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id ), CONSTRAINT request_name_fkey FOREIGN KEY (name) REFERENCES accreq (name) MATCH SIMPLE ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE, CONSTRAINT request_user_fkey FOREIGN KEY ("user") REFERENCES "user" (name) MATCH SIMPLE ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE SET NULL ) }, q{ CREATE INDEX fki_request_name_fkey ON request USING btree (name ) }, q{ CREATE INDEX fki_request_user_fkey ON request USING btree ("user" ) }, q{ CREATE TABLE request_attributes ( reqid bigint, attribute text NOT NULL, value text, CONSTRAINT request_id_fkey FOREIGN KEY (reqid) REFERENCES request (id) MATCH SIMPLE ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE ) }, q{ CREATE INDEX fki_request_id_fkey ON request_attributes USING btree (reqid ) }, q{ delete from accreq_attributes_list } ], }, { ver => 7, sql => [ q{ ALTER TABLE request ADD COLUMN automated boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT false; }, q{ ALTER TABLE request ADD COLUMN objrev bigint; }, ], }, ); my @objects = ( { name => 'dpmt', otype => 'sutype', attrs => { description => 'Department', }, }, { name => 'contrattype', otype => 'sutype', attrs => { description => 'Contract', }, }, ); $dbi->rollback; foreach my $maj (@updates) { if ($rev >= $maj->{ver}) { next; } print "\n"; print 'Switching to schema revision: ' . $maj->{ver} . "\n"; foreach my $sql (@{ $maj->{sql} }) { { my $sqlv = $sql; $sqlv =~ s/^/ /mg; if ($verbose) { warn ' >' . $sqlv . "\n"; } else { print 'x'; } } $dbi->do($sql) or die "Erreur :\\" . $dbi->errstr . "\n"; } print "\n"; print 'Updating schema_version to ' . $maj->{ver} . "\n"; $dbi->do( 'UPDATE settings SET val = ? where varname = ?', undef, $maj->{ver}, 'schema_version' ); print "Done\n\n"; } print "Loading attribute from: $attributes_file\n"; open my $fh, "<:encoding(utf8)", $attributes_file or die "$attributes_file: $!"; my $csv = Text::CSV_XS->new(); while (my $row = $csv->getline($fh)) { my ($otype, $attribute, $comment) = @$row; if ($labase->is_registered_attribute($otype, $attribute)) { } else { $labase->register_attribute($otype, $attribute, $comment) or die "Error, aborting\n"; print "Attr. $attribute for object type $otype registred\n"; } } $csv->eof or do { $csv->error_diag(); die "Cannot load attribute\n" }; foreach (@objects) { if (!$labase->get_object($_->{otype}, $_->{name})) { printf("Creatting object %s/%s\n", $_->{otype}, $_->{name}); $labase->create_object($_->{otype}, $_->{name}, %{$_->{attrs} || {}}) or die sprintf("cannot create %s/%s\n", $_->{otype}, $_->{name}); } } if ($nocommit) { $dbi->rollback; } else { $dbi->commit; } print "Process terminated successfully\n";