# $Id$ =head1 DESCRIPTION The C driver provide a way to create and delete account using Zimbra Soap interface =head1 SPECIFIC SETUP PARAMTERS =head2 url The url to the zmstore server: Example: url=https://zmstore.domain:7071/service/admin/soap =head2 login The administrator login to use =head2 password The password of the administrator account =head2 domain The Zimbra domain to manage, account in other domains are not touched =head1 ATTRIBUTES =head2 USER =head3 uid The C attribute is used as to identify account then to identify accross others bases =head3 zimbraMailAliases This attribute is declared as a read-only attribute. Aliases can be setup through the C attribute. Unlike C it will accept domain-less aliases, it will add the zimbra domain if need. =head3 zimbraCOSId It must contains the class of service B (not the name) to apply the to the account. This attribute is not really managed but a default value can be applied from the configuration: Example: [_defattr_] user.zimbraCOSId = bcb918ad-d2e0-4adf-8329-c46c65bbc9d6