!----------------------------------------------------------------------- &nam_dynnept ! Neptune effect (simplified: lateral and vertical diffusions removed) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Suggested lengthscale values are those of Eby & Holloway (1994) for a coarse model ln_neptsimp = .false. ! yes/no use simplified neptune ln_smooth_neptvel = .false. ! yes/no smooth zunep, zvnep rn_tslse = 1.2e4 ! value of lengthscale L at the equator rn_tslsp = 3.0e3 ! value of lengthscale L at the pole ! Specify whether to ramp down the Neptune velocity in shallow ! water, and if so the depth range controlling such ramping down ln_neptramp = .false. ! ramp down Neptune velocity in shallow water rn_htrmin = 100.0 ! min. depth of transition range rn_htrmax = 200.0 ! max. depth of transition range /