


18:31 Changeset [31] by smasson
update weight namelists for tropical configurations


15:56 Changeset [30] by cholod
replace old IND4 keywords by LITTLE_NEMO... waiting for curie


16:43 Changeset [29] by smasson
add WEIGHTS namelists for trop12 and trop025
16:42 Changeset [28] by smasson
update VARGAS compilation options


21:12 Changeset [27] by rblod
Correct correction of option for Curie
21:10 Changeset [26] by rblod
Correct option for Curie
20:46 Changeset [25] by rblod
Exclude xios from dependancy creation
11:16 Changeset [24] by cholod
oups... I forgot svn add for PERU12 configuration files


19:45 Changeset [23] by rblod
Add possibility to choose where to apply the barotropic correction
17:13 Changeset [22] by cholod
add PERU12 configuration
10:17 Changeset [21] by cholod
Update of the trunk with the v3.4_r3306
08:23 Changeset [20] by cholod
Tag vendor/nemo/current as vendor/nemo/v3.4_r_3306.
08:23 Changeset [19] by cholod
Load NEMO_TMP into vendor/nemo/current.


18:03 Changeset [18] by rblod
Correction for compatibility with the new obcdta
17:01 Changeset [17] by rblod
Add BB12 configuration
15:43 Changeset [16] by rblod
Allow periodicity with obc


16:24 Changeset [15] by cholod
destroy the old ioserver
16:16 Changeset [14] by cholod
change interface to new ioserver
15:54 Changeset [13] by cholod
add timing in step.F90
15:37 Changeset [12] by cholod
Add par_TROP12.h90 and obc_par_TROP12.h90 files
14:54 Changeset [11] by cholod
add TROP12 configuration files
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.