vamper_main: Evernote_1Aug.html

File Evernote_1Aug.html, 3.9 KB (added by dkitover, 10 years ago)

Checklist to review before doing a coupled run.

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18<div style="word-wrap: break-word; -webkit-nbsp-mode: space; -webkit-line-break: after-white-space;"><font color="#1C3387"><b><u>1. CHECK SWITCHES IN &quot;choixcomposantes.h&quot;</u></b></font><div><b>A</b>. In file &quot;choixcomposantes.h&quot;, ~line  48, check VAMPER switch. </div><div><b>B.</b> Also in this file check the ROUTEAU switch, ~line 25, since this should be 0. But note that this switch is only important if the bucket depth is controlled by the active layer. At this time, this is commented out around ~line 1584 in &quot;landmodel0.f&quot; so does not matter but the ROUTEAU switch should be set to 0 if/when this additional coupling (active layer = bucket depth) is ever applied. The ROUTEAU switch used in an if-statement at ~line 438 in &quot;landmodel0.f&quot;. The ec_runoff2 subroutine (ROUTEAU = 1) is not setup for the VAMPER active layer - bucket depth coupling whereas the ec_runoff (ROUTEAU = 0) is.</div><div><b>C.</b> Check LGM switch if doing/not doing an LGM run</div><div><br></div><div><b><font color="#1C3387"><u>2. CHECK SWITCHES IN &quot;VAMPER-SWITCHES.h&quot;</u></font></b></div><div><b>A.</b> OFFLINE should be set to 0. </div><div><b>B.</b> RESTART should be set to 0 unless continuing a previous run (this could be the case for a coupled run that extends thousands of years). </div><div><b>C.</b> All other switches are just options that work either way, i.e. SNOW, ORGANIC, etc. The only mandatory switch is OFFLINE = 0.</div><div><br></div><div><b><u><font color="#1C3387">3. CHECK PARAMETERS FILE &quot;parameters.f90&quot;</font></u></b></div><div>Most of the checking in this file is to make sure the settings in iLC are consistent with the setttings in VAMPER. Below are the settings which are important for running a smooth coupling. Other parameter settings not mentioned are just optional or have no bearing on the coupled version.</div><div><b>A</b><font color="#FF0000">.</font> timestep = 's' (for subdaily)</div><div><b>B.</b> yrtype = 360</div><div><b>C.</b> depth = 3000 (should be deep enough, sometimes this changes based on stand-alone experiments)</div><div><b>D.</b> x_num = x_num in &quot;comland.h&quot;</div><div><b>E.</b> write_var = 0</div><div><b>F.</b> rec_int = should be same as nwrskip from iLC (otherwise will write to screen messages, etc.)</div><div><br></div><div><b><font color="#1C3387"><u>4. CHECK COMMENTED SECTIONS in &quot;landmodel0.f&quot; which will enable/disable coupling</u></font></b></div><div><b>A.</b> At ~line 504, if htop is always reset to 0, then there is no heat flux from VAMPER and the coupling is considered only partial since iLC --&gt; VAMPER but VAMPER is <i>not</i> --&gt; iLC via heat exchange.</div><div><b>B.</b> See 1. above also. ~line 1584 is probably also commented out to remove the hydrology (active layer / bucket depth) coupling.  </div><div><br></div><div><b><u><font color="#1C3387">5. CHECK ASYNCHRONOUS SETTINGS (if VAMPER_KEY  &gt;= 2)</font></u></b></div><div>These are the parameter settings in the ec_landtempprecipvamp routine in &quot;landmodel0.f&quot; when the VAMPER switch in the &quot;choixcomposantes.h&quot; file is set to 2.</div><div>A. eq_rec_int: how often the ave H at top and bottom is recorded</div><div>B. synch_year: number of years to average to  then use as forcing; also how often the synch will occur since it sums the temps every year and doesn't average until it is the synch_year.</div><div>C. V_iter: how many iterations to do.</div><div><br></div><div><br></div></div>