= Last Deglaciation with ice sheet and bathymetry changes = [[BR]] == '''1 . Using ice sheet reconstructions (Last Deglaciation)''' == For the Deglaciation (and LGM) using ice sheet reconstructions (ICE-6G and GLAC-1D) 1) In ecbilt_clio/global_flags/choixcomposantes.h (previously lbm/sources/choixcomposantes.h), most flags should be kept at 0 or same as PI with carbon cycle, except (as of 2002): {{{ F_PALAEO 2 }}} Note: {{{ LGMSWITCH 0 }}} 2) In ludus-code/ecbilt/parameters/palaeo_transient_parameters.dat modify the parameters as needed 3) In ecbilt_clio/global_flags/BC_switches.h: {{{ NC_BERG 2 NC_IMSK 2 }}} 4) Replacement of LGMSWITCH - in clio/sources/thersf.f: gammat=0 - in lbm/sources/landmodel0.f: comment LGMSWITCH 5) add in job: -I scenario/deglaciation_pmip4_P_T/inputdata_reconstruction to have ice sheets reconstruction - with reconstruction=peltier for ICE66G_C - with reconstruction=tarasov for GLAC-1D Example: {{{ ./bin/run-iloveclim -l name -n 5000 -r 1000 -t -k -s 21500 -S /home/acclimate/nbouttes/iloveclim_CC/data/PI-CC35_ecbilt_clio/ic021500 -I scenario/deglaciation_pmip4_P_T/inputdata_peltier -v 1 }}} == '''2. Using Bathymetry changes (Last Deglaciation)''' == '''Things to modify''' '''2.1. With new bathymetry'''[[BR]] 1) Modify / check choixcomposantes.h in scenario (scenario/deglaciation_pmip4_P_T/sources-2tr or scenario/deglaciation_pmip4_P_T/sources-17tr): [[BR]] {{{ BATHY 2 F_PALAEO 3 ISM 3 SMB_TYP 1 CPLTYP 1 DOWNSTS 1 DOWNSCALING 1 LGMSWITCH 0 }}} [[BR]] Note: to have uncorrected FWF from ice sheets on top (not to be done in equilibrirum runs, only transient, otherwise issue with salinity computation): [[BR]] {{{ APPLY_UNCORFWF 1 F_PALAEO_FWF 1 }}} Note 2: to have corrected FWF from ice sheets on top: [[BR]] {{{ APPLY_UNCORFWF 0 F_PALAEO_FWF 1 }}} Note 3: to have corrected FWF from ice sheets on top with ice sheets north AND south (with berg.nc and icealsk.nc): [[BR]] {{{ APPLY_UNCORFWF 0 F_PALAEO_FWF 2 }}} 2) Specifify the date in ludus-code/ecbilt/parameters/palaeo_transient_parameters.dat (see LGM section earlier). 3) Choose the correct ice sheet reconstruction for topography in ludus-code/ecbilt/inputdata/ [[BR]] - For Peltier: ICE6G_26k-0k_hemin40_Aurelien.nc: [[BR]] ln -s ICE6G_26k-0k_hemin40_Aurelien.nc Gano_40k-0k_hemin40.nc [[BR]] This file has 105 time slices, with a time step of 250 years, the first time slice is 26k and the last one is 0.[[BR]] - For Tarasov: GLAC1D_26k-0k_hemin40_Aurelien.nc ln -s GLAC1D_26k-0k_hemin40_Aurelien.nc Gano_40k-0k_hemin40.nc [[BR]] This file has 261 time slices, with a time step of 100 years, the first time slice is 26k and the last one is 0.[[BR]] You will also need to modify in palaeo_timer_mod.f90 and input_subgrid2L.f90 the values of : - nb_steps_fism - update_time_fism - time_max_fism 4) In ludus-code/lbm/sources/routageEAU.f90: bricole_caspienne=.FALSE. 5) Change the path for GRISLI: in config/grisli.path change the line for: [[BR]] /home/acclimate/aquiquet/GRISLI/GRISLI_iLoveclim[[BR]] 6) Specify inputdata, sources and restart (here starting from LGM):[[BR]] Options to run the simulation with the correct scenarios: [[BR]] - With two tracers:[[BR]] ./bin/run-iloveclim -l PI-bathy -n 10 -r 10 -k -z -I scenario/deglaciation_pmip4_P_T/inputdata_peltier -F scenario/deglaciation_pmip4_P_T/sources-2tr -P scenario/deglaciation_pmip4_P_T/parameters-2tr -s 97801 -S /home/acclimate/nbouttes/iloveclim_degla/data/bathy_P_21000yr_2_CC_FWF_17tr2_ecbilt_clio/ic097801 -v 1 [[BR]] - Or with 13 tracers (Carbon cycle CC):[[BR]] ./bin/run-iloveclim -l PI-CC-bathy -n 10 -r 10 -k -z -I scenario/deglaciation_pmip4_P_T/inputdata_peltier -F scenario/deglaciation_pmip4_P_T/sources-13tr -P scenario/deglaciation_pmip4_P_T/parameters-17tr -s 97801 -S /home/acclimate/nbouttes/iloveclim_degla/data/bathy_P_21000yr_2_CC_FWF_17tr2_ecbilt_clio/ic097801 -v 1 [[BR]] Restart from PI: -s 92801 -S /home/acclimate/flhardy/iloveclim/data/PI_20tr_t1.1_0.997_1.15_1.05_1.027_r25_ecbilt_clio/ic092801 [[BR]] Note : [[BR]] specify correct update_time_fism in input_subgrid2L.f90 (500 for Peltier, 100 for Tarasov) [[BR]] Note 2: for salinity[[BR]] - If no FWF from ice sheets: the global salt mass is conserverd when bathymetry is changed, which modifies the global mean salinity[[BR]] - If FWF from ice sheet: the global mean salinity is changed by the fresh water flux from ice sheets, while the global mean salinity is conserved when the bathymetry is changed. [[BR]] '''2.1. changes uwing the berg.nc option (all ice sheets, north and south)'''[[BR]] If you want to use berg.nc instead of berg.dat and icemask.nc (for ice sheets also in SO): [[BR]] - modify flag in /ecbilt_clio/global_flags/BC_switches.h [[BR]] #define NC_BERG 2 #define NC_IMSK 2 - in choixcomposantes.h: #define BATHY 2 #define F_PALAEO 2 #define ISM 0 #define SMB_TYP 0 #define CPLTYP 0 #define DOWNSTS 0 #define DOWNSCALING 0 #define LGMSWITCH 0 - and specify inputdata with a directory in which you have the berg and icemask files example: starting from LGM with carbon cycle 17 tracers [[br]] ./bin/run-iloveclim -l degla-CC -n 10 -r 10 -k -z -v 1 -I scenario/deglaciation_pmip4_P_T/inputdata_peltier -F scenario/deglaciation_pmip4_P_T/sources-13tr_SH -P scenario/deglaciation_pmip4_P_T/parameters-13tr -s 102801 -S /home/acclimate/nbouttes/iloveclim_degla2/data/bathy_P_21000yr_3b_SH_ecbilt_clio/ic102801 [[BR]]