= Description of the Carbon Cycle procedures to use the iLOVECLIM carbon cycle version = [[BR]] '''Not specific to the carbon cycle:'''[[BR]] - Modify the file: lbm/sources/choixcomposantes.h to have:[[BR]] IMSK 1[[BR]] COMATM 1[[BR]] ROUTEAU 0[[BR]] EVAPTRS 1[[BR]] EVAPSI 0 [[BR]] - To start a run:[[BR]] nohup ./bin/loveclim-new-run -l LH -n 500 -r 250 > run_LH & [[BR]] starts a simulation called LH which lasts 500 years and writes restart files every 250 years, starting from the default initial conditions.[[BR]] - To see more options:[[BR]] ./bin/loveclim-new-run -h[[BR]] - To modify the ocean outputs: in clio/parameters/netcdfout.param[[BR]] ''Beware!'' for the carbon cycle: output set to 100 per file!![[BR]] [[BR]] '''To start a run with the carbon cycle:'''[[BR]] 1) In ocycc/sources/loveclim_transfer_mod.f90 : change KLSR to 1 to have a restart[[BR]] 2) In veccarb/sources/carbone_co2.f90: new_run_c should be set to 0 (if run without c13 values for the vegetation-> set to 1)[[BR]] 3) In lbm/sources/choixcomposantes.h: CYCC 2[[BR]] OCYCC 1 [[BR]] KC14 1 [[BR]] 4) Initial conditions in data/default (cf. "README.txt"). To start from the initial conditions, add: -s 50800 and -S data/default/ic50800[[BR]] [[BR]] '''To start an LGM run:'''[[BR]] 4) Set gammat to 0 in clio/sources/thersf.f (Suppression of fluxes from ice-shelves, not coherent with LGM topography in Antarctica)[[BR]] 5) Change initial conditions[[BR]] Start run with something like:[[BR]] For LGM:[[BR]] ./bin/loveclim-new-run -l lgm_nath -s 10000 -n 3000 -r 1000 –P scenario/lgm-pmip3-v01/parameters -I scenario/lgm-pmip3-v01/inputdata –S data/restart_lgm_Nath/ic010000[[BR]] For LGM with carbon cycle:[[BR]] ./bin/loveclim-new-run -l mon_joli_lgm_CC -s 17000 -n 1000 -r 250 –P scenario/lgm-pmip3-cc1/parameters -I scenario/lgm-pmip3-cc1/inputdata –S data/default/lgm_CC_v01/res017000[[BR]] Chercher dans ocycc/sources/init_mb.f ET ocycc/sources/initmbiopar.f le drapeau LGMSWITCH : le définir à 1 pour le LGM (depuis la révision 220) (sinon 0 ?) [[BR]] [[BR]] '''To simulate the sinking of brines:'''[[BR]] - Set frac to a value between 0 (no brines) and 1 (maximum effect) in brines.f.[[BR]] - Set use_brines to 1 in clio/sources/clio.f[[BR]] = The different atmospheric CO2 concentrations = - PGACO2 = Radiative pCO2 for the atmosphere. In emic.f : {{{ ! Radiative: IF(.NOT.lradCO2) PGACO2=PCO2ref }}} [[BR]] - PCO2ref = constant to pre-industrial pCO2 levels ... in emic.f : {{{ PCO2ref=277.4D0 }}} [[BR]] - patmCO2 is used to set the CO2 seen by the vegetation. In emic.f: {{{ ! Fertilization: IF(lferCO2) then patmCO2=PGACO2 ELSE patmCO2=PCO2ref ENDIF ! lferCO2 ! }}} - And used in VECODE as: (ccparam.f) {{{ nppt=npp*(1.0+(betat*LOG(co2ghg/280.))) nppg=npp*(1.0+(betag*LOG(co2ghg/280.))) }}} - PA_C is the current CO2 in the carbon cycle for the atmosphere - PA0_C is the PA_C at restart - Link between CO2s: PGACO2 is reset in atmphy0.f from ghg(1), read in GHG.dat input file