
Version 5 (modified by roche, 13 years ago) (diff)


This page is meant to edit the documentation for the LUDUS framework.


In this section, start editing to include documentation for the iLOVECLIM model. Use subheadings per subject to fill it in for now.

Just in case, have a look at the formatting conventions for the wiki.


Loveclim Run Script

Default description here

To be added when time allows...

Changes as of revision 95

There have been some updates to the loveclim-new-run script in Version 95, that will be explained here:

  • Updated command line arguments parsing (checks values correctly)
  • Improved overall syntax of script
  • Added more Comments
  • Choixcomposantes.h can be read from Scenario folder (Standard Version can be left unmodified!), put modified version into sources dir of scenario.
    This way you can have both versions and run different scenarios with different Modules.
  • Added option to remove wkdir after completion ( -m ) (Default is without removing)
  • Added verbose option for better usability
    • -v <level>
      • 0: very basic information (DEFAULT)
      • 1: show choixcomposantes choices
      • 2: show all output & compilation
  • Some parts are still under development
    • piecewise batch
    • convert output ( grads & netcdf )
    • scratch dir ( Run model on LISA with the use of the temporary space there (faster) and copy over in the end )

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