
Version 3 (modified by roche, 2 years ago) (diff)


CLIO 3.0 : Description of some routines, H. Goosse, J.-M. Campin and B. Tartinville (on the svn: doc/clio/Routines.3.0.pdf).

Variable name Meaning Comments
NoIt Number of the iteration
Tyr Time of the output (in years)
EgAjC Energy dissipated by convective adjustment
V_AjC Volume of the ocean involve in convective adjustment (%)
D_Eta Time derivative of the sea surface elevation
M_Eta Mean sea surface elevation (m)
DrHSF Transport through the Drake passage (Sv)
InHSF Transport through the Indonesian Passage (Sv)
BeHSF Transport through the Bering Strait (Sv)
FLO Transport through the Florida Strait (Sv) This no longer exists
DANS Transport through the Danemark Strait towards the South (Sv)
DANN Transport through the Danemark Strait towards the North (Sv)
ISCS Transport between Iceland and Norway towards the South (Sv)
ISCN Transport between Iceland and Norway towards the North (Sv)
FRAS Transport through the Fram Strait towards the South (Sv)
FRAN Transport through the Fram Strait towards the North (Sv)
PNWS Transport through the Canadian Archipelago towards the South (Sv)
PNWN Transport through the Canadian Archipelago towards the North (Sv)
ADGIN Maximum of the meridional overturning streamfunction in the GIN seas (Sv)
ADPro Maximum of the meridional overturning streamfunction in the North (Sv)
ADOut NADW exported southward in the Atlantic at 20°S (Sv)
AABpr Maximum of the meridional overturning streamfunction in the Southern Ocean (Sv)
AABex Maximum of the meridional overturning streamfunction in the bottom cell (Sv)
AABat AABW exported northward in the Atlantic at 20°S (Sv)
Fc30A Meridional heat flux in the ocean at 30°S (PW)
Fs30A ???
Fsber ??? Heat flux / salt through the Bering strait?
Tmc Mean ocean temperature (°C)
T1mo Difference of sea surface temeperature between model and observation (°C)
aTmo Mean error on the temperature
Sm30 Mean ocean salinity (psu -30)
S1mo Difference of sea surface salinity between model and observation (°C)
aSmo Mean error on the salinity (psu)
a_w Mean oceanic vertical velocity (m/s)
a_u Mean oceanic horizontal velocity (direction X) (m/s)
a_v Mean oceanic horizontal velocity (direction Y) (m/s)
K_E Kinetic enrgy (m 2 /s 2 )
Tmo1...Tmo20 Mean error on the temperature at every level (°C)
Smo1...Smo20 Mean error on the salinity at every level (psu)
AIEFN Sea ice area in the Northern Hemisphere (10 12 km 2 )
AIEFS Sea ice area in the Southern Hemisphere (10 12 km 2 )
A15N Sea ice extent (15%) in the Northern Hemisphere (10 12 km 2 )
A15S Sea ice extent (15%) in the Southern Hemisphere (10 12 km 2 )
A85N Sea ice extent (85%) in the Northern Hemisphere (10 12 km 2 )
A85S Sea ice extent (85%) in the Southern Hemisphere (10 12 km 2 )
ALEN Leads area in the Northern Hemisphere (10 12 km 2 )
ALES Leads area in the Southern Hemisphere (10 12 km 2 )
VOLN Sea ice volume in the Northern Hemisphere (10 3 km 3 )
VOLS Sea ice volume in the Southern Hemisphere (10 3 km 3 )
VONN Snow volume over sea ice in the Northern Hemisphere (10 3 km 3 )
VONS Snow volume over sea ice in the Southern Hemisphere (10 3 km 3 )
ECGN Mean sea ice velocity in the Northern Hemisphere (m/s)
ECGS Mean sea ice velocity in the Southern Hemisphere (m/s)
FRAG Sea ice transport through Fram Strait (Sv)
SPNG Sea ice transport between Spitzbergen and Norway (Sv)
BERG Sea ice transport trough Bering Strait (Sv)
ThEx ???
ISMM ???
IcbN ??? Icebergs North????
IcbS ??? Icebergs South????