First you need to have a GRISLI-branch checked-out somewhere. In your iLOVECLIM directory you have to update your config/grisli.path according to where you have checked-out your GRISLI-branch. Then iLOVECLIM has to be installed with external libraries: ./ -E To run coupled simulations, a few flags in choixcomposantes.h need to be activated:[[BR]] ISM = 2[[BR]] SMB_TYP = 1 or 2[[BR]] CPLTYP = 1 or 2[[BR]] DOWNSTS = 1[[BR]] DOWNSCALING = 2[[BR]] SHELFMELT = 1[[BR]] In addition, to account for the water conservation (i.e. uncompensated freshwater flux to the ocean):[[BR]] CONSEAU = 1[[BR]] APPLY_UNCORFWF = 1[[BR]]