Changes between Version 3 and Version 4 of palaeo_transient

02/19/21 13:28:17 (3 years ago)



  • palaeo_transient

    v3 v4  
    8383== Happy transient palaeo simulations! ==  
    8484** // problems, bugs etc. report to dmr // ** 
     89== Transient runs with CO2 concentration (historic and futur) == 
     90This is to run simulations wih forced CO2 concentration in the radiative code (with F_PALEO=2). It uses scenarios from CMIP6, combining historic forcings + ssp126 or ssp585. With this following configuration the orbital parameters also change (although not important for a few hundred years) but the ice sheets do not evolve. [[BR]] 
     92BEWARE: these scenarios have been set to the carbon cycle, need to remove the carbon cycle flags (inlcuding coral) in choixcomposantes.h if without. [[BR]] 
     94'''Pratical:''' [[BR]] 
     951) set values in ludus-code/ecbilt/parameters/palaeo_transient_parameter.dat: [[BR]] 
     96Note that the date is in BP (1850 AD= 100 BP) [[BR]] 
     97palaeo_year= 100 [[BR]] 
     98ref_irunlabel=23000 [[BR]] 
     99accel_rt=1 [[BR]] 
     100equil_flag=0 [[BR]] 
     1032) use scenarios: [[BR]] 
     104- For SSP126: 
     106-F scenario/ssp126/sources_concentration -I scenario/ssp126/inputdata_concentration 
     109- For SSP585: 
     111-F scenario/ssp585/sources_concentration -I scenario/ssp585/inputdata_concentration 
     114exemple (with carbon cycle restart): 
     116./bin/run-iloveclim -l PI_ssp585_concentration_2 -n 2 -r 2 -k -F scenario/ssp585/sources_concentration -I scenario/ssp585/inputdata_concentration -s 23000 -S /home/clim01/nbouttes/iloveclim_coastal/data/PI-CC_r1309_2_ecbilt_clio/ic023000 -v 1 
     119'''Notes:''' [[BR]] 
     120This runs with carbon cycle flags + coral flag + F_PALAEO=2 [[BR]] 
     122Modifications have been made in: [[BR]] 
     124- comphys.f90: change ghgscen to the number of lines with values in GHG.dat (ghgscen=2501 for ssp) 
     125- paleo_timer_mod.f90:  
     126change start_year_ghg with more recent (or future) value at top of GHG.dat (start_year_ghg=-550 for ssp; -550 BP = 2500 AD, by definition 0 BP=1950 AD)) [[BR]] 
     127change nb_year_ghg with number of values in GHG.dat (2501 for ssp, should be the same as ghgscen) ([[BR]] 
     129- GHG.dat: [[BR]] 
     130starts with more recent value at line 2, and finishes with oldest value at last line [[BR]] 
     131value on first line is the number of lines with data (same as ghgscen and nb_year_ghg) [[BR]] 