function alngam ( x ) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! ALNGAM computes the log of the absolute value of the gamma function. ! ! ! Definition: ! ! The Gamma function is defined as ! ! GAMMA(Z) = INTEGRAL ( 0 <= T < Infinity) T**(Z-1) EXP(-T) DT ! ! If Z is a positive integer, GAMMA(Z) = (Z-1)!, the factorial. ! ! There is a special value: ! ! GAMMA(0.5) = SQRT(PI). ! ! Reference: ! ! David Kahaner, Clever Moler, Steven Nash, ! Numerical Methods and Software, ! Prentice Hall, 1988. ! ! Modified: ! ! 31 May 2000 ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, real X, the argument of the gamma function. ! ! Output, real ALNGAM, the logarithm of the absolute value of GAMMA(X). ! real alngam real, save :: dxrel = 0.0E+00 real gamma real, parameter :: pi = 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510E+00 real r1mach real r9lgmc real sinpiy real, parameter :: sq2pil = 0.91893853320467274E+00 real, parameter :: sqpi2l = 0.22579135264472743E+00 real x real, save :: xmax = 0.0E+00 real y ! if ( xmax == 0.0E+00 ) then xmax = huge ( xmax ) / log ( huge ( xmax ) ) dxrel = sqrt ( epsilon ( dxrel ) ) end if y = abs ( x ) if ( y <= 10.0E+00 ) then alngam = log ( abs ( gamma ( x ) ) ) return end if if ( y > xmax ) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'ALNGAM - Fatal error!' write ( *, * ) ' |X| is so big that ALNGAM will overflow.' stop end if if ( x > 0.0E+00 ) then alngam = sq2pil + ( x - 0.5E+00 )* log ( x ) - x + r9lgmc ( y ) return end if sinpiy = abs ( sin ( pi * y ) ) if ( sinpiy == 0.0E+00 ) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'ALNGAM - Fatal error!' write ( *, * ) ' X is a negative integer.' stop end if if ( abs ( ( x - aint ( x - 0.5E+00 ) ) / x ) < dxrel ) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'ALNGAM - Warning:' write ( *, * ) ' Answer has less than half usual precision.' write ( *, * ) ' X is very near a negative integer.' end if alngam = sqpi2l + ( x - 0.5E+00 ) * log ( y ) - x - log ( sinpiy ) & - r9lgmc ( y ) return end subroutine asyjy ( funjy, x, fnu, flgjy, in, y, wk, iflw ) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! ASYJY computes high order Bessel functions J and Y. ! ! ! Description: ! ! ASYJY implements the uniform asymptotic expansion of ! the J and Y Bessel functions for FNU >= 35 and real ! X > 0.0. The forms are identical except for a change ! in sign of some of the terms. This change in sign is ! accomplished by means of the flag FLGJY = 1 or -1. On ! flgjy = 1 the airy functions ai(x) and dai(x) are ! supplied by the external function jairy, and on ! flgjy = -1 the airy functions bi(x) and dbi(x) are ! supplied by the external funtion yairy. ! ! Reference: ! ! David Kahaner, Clever Moler, Steven Nash, ! Numerical Methods and Software, ! Prentice Hall, 1988. ! ! Author: ! ! D E Amos ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, external FUNJY, is the function JAIRY or YAIRY. ! ! Input, real X, the argument, which must be greater than 0. ! ! Input, real FNU, the order of the first Bessel function. ! FNU is generally at least 35. ! ! Input, real FLGJY, a selection flag ! 1.0E+00 gives the j function ! -1.0E+00 gives the y function ! ! Input, integer IN, the number of functions desired, which should be ! 1 or 2. ! ! Output, real Y(IN), contains the desired function values. ! ! Output, integer IFLW, a flag indicating underflow or overflow ! return variables for besj only. ! ! Output, real WK(7), contains the following values: ! ! wk(1) = 1 - (x/fnu)**2 = w**2 ! wk(2) = sqrt(abs(wk(1))) ! wk(3) = abs(wk(2) - atan(wk(2))) or ! abs(ln((1 + wk(2))/(x/fnu)) - wk(2)) ! = abs((2/3)*zeta**(3/2)) ! wk(4) = fnu*wk(3) ! wk(5) = (1.5*wk(3)*fnu)**(1/3) = sqrt(zeta)*fnu**(1/3) ! wk(6) = sign(1.,w**2)*wk(5)**2 = sign(1.,w**2)*zeta*fnu**(2/3) ! wk(7) = fnu**(1/3) ! real abw2 real akm real alfa(26,4) real alfa1 real alfa2 real ap real ar(8) real asum real az real beta(26,5) real beta1 real beta2 real beta3 real br(10) real bsum real c(65) real con1 real con2 real con548 real cr(10) real crz32 real dfi real elim real dr(10) real fi real flgjy real fn real fnu real fn2 real gama(26) integer i integer i1mach integer iflw integer in integer j integer jn integer jr integer ju integer k integer kb integer klast integer kmax(5) integer kp1 integer ks integer ksp1 integer kstemp integer l integer lr integer lrp1 real phi real rcz real rden real relb real rfn2 real rtz real rzden real sa real sb real suma real sumb real s1 real ta real tau real tb real tfn real tol real, save :: tols = -6.90775527898214E+00 real t2 real upol(10) real wk(*) real x real xx real y(*) real z real z32 real r1mach dimension alfa1(26,2), alfa2(26,2) dimension beta1(26,2), beta2(26,2), beta3(26,1) ! external funjy ! equivalence (alfa(1,1),alfa1(1,1)) equivalence (alfa(1,3),alfa2(1,1)) equivalence (beta(1,1),beta1(1,1)) equivalence (beta(1,3),beta2(1,1)) equivalence (beta(1,5),beta3(1,1)) ! data con1/6.66666666666667e-01/ data con2/3.33333333333333e-01/ data con548/1.04166666666667e-01/ data ar(1), ar(2), ar(3), ar(4), ar(5), ar(6), ar(7), ar(8) & / 8.35503472222222e-02, 1.28226574556327e-01, & 2.91849026464140e-01, 8.81627267443758e-01, 3.32140828186277, & 1.49957629868626e+01, 7.89230130115865e+01, 4.74451538868264e+02/ data br(1), br(2), br(3), br(4), br(5), br(6), br(7), br(8), br(9), br(10) & /-1.45833333333333e-01,-9.87413194444444e-02, & -1.43312053915895e-01,-3.17227202678414e-01,-9.42429147957120e-01, & -3.51120304082635,-1.57272636203680e+01,-8.22814390971859e+01, & -4.92355370523671e+02,-3.31621856854797e+03/ data c(1), c(2), c(3), c(4), c(5), c(6), c(7), c(8), c(9), c(10), & c(11), c(12), c(13), c(14), c(15), c(16), c(17), c(18), & c(19), c(20), c(21), c(22), c(23), c(24)/ & -2.08333333333333e-01, 1.25000000000000e-01, & 3.34201388888889e-01, -4.01041666666667e-01, & 7.03125000000000e-02, -1.02581259645062, & 1.84646267361111, -8.91210937500000e-01, & 7.32421875000000e-02, 4.66958442342625, & -1.12070026162230e+01, 8.78912353515625, & -2.36408691406250, 1.12152099609375e-01, & -2.82120725582002e+01, 8.46362176746007e+01, & -9.18182415432400e+01, 4.25349987453885e+01, & -7.36879435947963, 2.27108001708984e-01, & 2.12570130039217e+02, -7.65252468141182e+02, & 1.05999045252800e+03, -6.99579627376133e+02/ data c(25), c(26), c(27), c(28), c(29), c(30), c(31), c(32), & c(33), c(34), c(35), c(36), c(37), c(38), c(39), c(40), & c(41), c(42), c(43), c(44), c(45), c(46), c(47), c(48)/ & 2.18190511744212e+02, -2.64914304869516e+01, & 5.72501420974731e-01, -1.91945766231841e+03, & 8.06172218173731e+03, -1.35865500064341e+04, & 1.16553933368645e+04, -5.30564697861340e+03, & 1.20090291321635e+03, -1.08090919788395e+02, & 1.72772750258446, 2.02042913309661e+04, & -9.69805983886375e+04, 1.92547001232532e+05, & -2.03400177280416e+05, 1.22200464983017e+05, & -4.11926549688976e+04, 7.10951430248936e+03, & -4.93915304773088e+02, 6.07404200127348, & -2.42919187900551e+05, 1.31176361466298e+06, & -2.99801591853811e+06, 3.76327129765640e+06/ data c(49), c(50), c(51), c(52), c(53), c(54), c(55), c(56), & c(57), c(58), c(59), c(60), c(61), c(62), c(63), c(64), & c(65)/ & -2.81356322658653e+06, 1.26836527332162e+06, & -3.31645172484564e+05, 4.52187689813627e+04, & -2.49983048181121e+03, 2.43805296995561e+01, & 3.28446985307204e+06, -1.97068191184322e+07, & 5.09526024926646e+07, -7.41051482115327e+07, & 6.63445122747290e+07, -3.75671766607634e+07, & 1.32887671664218e+07, -2.78561812808645e+06, & 3.08186404612662e+05, -1.38860897537170e+04, & 1.10017140269247e+02/ data alfa1(1,1), alfa1(2,1), alfa1(3,1), alfa1(4,1), alfa1(5,1), & alfa1(6,1), alfa1(7,1), alfa1(8,1), alfa1(9,1), alfa1(10,1), & alfa1(11,1),alfa1(12,1),alfa1(13,1),alfa1(14,1),alfa1(15,1), & alfa1(16,1),alfa1(17,1),alfa1(18,1),alfa1(19,1),alfa1(20,1), & alfa1(21,1),alfa1(22,1),alfa1(23,1),alfa1(24,1),alfa1(25,1), & alfa1(26,1) /-4.44444444444444e-03,-9.22077922077922e-04, & -8.84892884892885e-05, 1.65927687832450e-04, 2.46691372741793e-04, & 2.65995589346255e-04, 2.61824297061501e-04, 2.48730437344656e-04, & 2.32721040083232e-04, 2.16362485712365e-04, 2.00738858762752e-04, & 1.86267636637545e-04, 1.73060775917876e-04, 1.61091705929016e-04, & 1.50274774160908e-04, 1.40503497391270e-04, 1.31668816545923e-04, & 1.23667445598253e-04, 1.16405271474738e-04, 1.09798298372713e-04, & 1.03772410422993e-04, 9.82626078369363e-05, 9.32120517249503e-05, & 8.85710852478712e-05, 8.42963105715700e-05, 8.03497548407791e-05/ data alfa1(1,2), alfa1(2,2), alfa1(3,2), alfa1(4,2), alfa1(5,2), & alfa1(6,2), alfa1(7,2), alfa1(8,2), alfa1(9,2), alfa1(10,2), & alfa1(11,2),alfa1(12,2),alfa1(13,2),alfa1(14,2),alfa1(15,2), & alfa1(16,2),alfa1(17,2),alfa1(18,2),alfa1(19,2),alfa1(20,2), & alfa1(21,2),alfa1(22,2),alfa1(23,2),alfa1(24,2),alfa1(25,2), & alfa1(26,2) / 6.93735541354589e-04, 2.32241745182922e-04, & -1.41986273556691e-05,-1.16444931672049e-04,-1.50803558053049e-04,& -1.55121924918096e-04,-1.46809756646466e-04,-1.33815503867491e-04, & -1.19744975684254e-04,-1.06184319207974e-04,-9.37699549891194e-05, & -8.26923045588193e-05,-7.29374348155221e-05,-6.44042357721016e-05, & -5.69611566009369e-05,-5.04731044303562e-05,-4.48134868008883e-05, & -3.98688727717599e-05,-3.55400532972042e-05,-3.17414256609022e-05, & -2.83996793904175e-05,-2.54522720634871e-05,-2.28459297164725e-05, & -2.05352753106481e-05,-1.84816217627666e-05,-1.66519330021394e-05/ data alfa2(1,1), alfa2(2,1), alfa2(3,1), alfa2(4,1), alfa2(5,1), & alfa2(6,1), alfa2(7,1), alfa2(8,1), alfa2(9,1), alfa2(10,1), & alfa2(11,1),alfa2(12,1),alfa2(13,1),alfa2(14,1),alfa2(15,1), & alfa2(16,1),alfa2(17,1),alfa2(18,1),alfa2(19,1),alfa2(20,1), & alfa2(21,1),alfa2(22,1),alfa2(23,1),alfa2(24,1),alfa2(25,1), & alfa2(26,1) /-3.54211971457744e-04,-1.56161263945159e-04, & 3.04465503594936e-05, 1.30198655773243e-04, 1.67471106699712e-04, & 1.70222587683593e-04, 1.56501427608595e-04, 1.36339170977445e-04, & 1.14886692029825e-04, 9.45869093034688e-05, 7.64498419250898e-05, & 6.07570334965197e-05, 4.74394299290509e-05, 3.62757512005344e-05, & 2.69939714979225e-05, 1.93210938247939e-05, 1.30056674793963e-05, & 7.82620866744497e-06, 3.59257485819352e-06, 1.44040049814252e-07, & -2.65396769697939e-06,-4.91346867098486e-06,-6.72739296091248e-06, & -8.17269379678658e-06,-9.31304715093561e-06,-1.02011418798016e-05/ data alfa2(1,2), alfa2(2,2), alfa2(3,2), alfa2(4,2), alfa2(5,2), & alfa2(6,2), alfa2(7,2), alfa2(8,2), alfa2(9,2), alfa2(10,2), & alfa2(11,2),alfa2(12,2),alfa2(13,2),alfa2(14,2),alfa2(15,2), & alfa2(16,2),alfa2(17,2),alfa2(18,2),alfa2(19,2),alfa2(20,2), & alfa2(21,2),alfa2(22,2),alfa2(23,2),alfa2(24,2),alfa2(25,2), & alfa2(26,2) / 3.78194199201773e-04, 2.02471952761816e-04, & -6.37938506318862e-05,-2.38598230603006e-04,-3.10916256027362e-04, & -3.13680115247576e-04,-2.78950273791323e-04,-2.28564082619141e-04, & -1.75245280340847e-04,-1.25544063060690e-04,-8.22982872820208e-05, & -4.62860730588116e-05,-1.72334302366962e-05, 5.60690482304602e-06, & 2.31395443148287e-05, 3.62642745856794e-05, 4.58006124490189e-05, & 5.24595294959114e-05, 5.68396208545815e-05, 5.94349820393104e-05, & 6.06478527578422e-05, 6.08023907788436e-05, 6.01577894539460e-05, & 5.89199657344698e-05, 5.72515823777593e-05, 5.52804375585853e-05/ data beta1(1,1), beta1(2,1), beta1(3,1), beta1(4,1), beta1(5,1), & beta1(6,1), beta1(7,1), beta1(8,1), beta1(9,1), beta1(10,1), & beta1(11,1),beta1(12,1),beta1(13,1),beta1(14,1),beta1(15,1), & beta1(16,1),beta1(17,1),beta1(18,1),beta1(19,1),beta1(20,1), & beta1(21,1),beta1(22,1),beta1(23,1),beta1(24,1),beta1(25,1), & beta1(26,1) / 1.79988721413553e-02, 5.59964911064388e-03, & 2.88501402231133e-03, 1.80096606761054e-03, 1.24753110589199e-03, & 9.22878876572938e-04, 7.14430421727287e-04, 5.71787281789705e-04, & 4.69431007606482e-04, 3.93232835462917e-04, 3.34818889318298e-04, & 2.88952148495752e-04, 2.52211615549573e-04, 2.22280580798883e-04, & 1.97541838033063e-04, 1.76836855019718e-04, 1.59316899661821e-04, & 1.44347930197334e-04, 1.31448068119965e-04, 1.20245444949303e-04, & 1.10449144504599e-04, 1.01828770740567e-04, 9.41998224204238e-05, & 8.74130545753834e-05, 8.13466262162801e-05, 7.59002269646219e-05/ data beta1(1,2), beta1(2,2), beta1(3,2), beta1(4,2), beta1(5,2), & beta1(6,2), beta1(7,2), beta1(8,2), beta1(9,2), beta1(10,2), & beta1(11,2),beta1(12,2),beta1(13,2),beta1(14,2),beta1(15,2), & beta1(16,2),beta1(17,2),beta1(18,2),beta1(19,2),beta1(20,2), & beta1(21,2),beta1(22,2),beta1(23,2),beta1(24,2),beta1(25,2), & beta1(26,2) /-1.49282953213429e-03,-8.78204709546389e-04, & -5.02916549572035e-04,-2.94822138512746e-04,-1.75463996970783e-04, & -1.04008550460816e-04,-5.96141953046458e-05,-3.12038929076098e-05, & -1.26089735980230e-05,-2.42892608575730e-07, 8.05996165414274e-06, & 1.36507009262147e-05, 1.73964125472926e-05, 1.98672978842134e-05, & 2.14463263790823e-05, 2.23954659232457e-05, 2.28967783814713e-05, & 2.30785389811178e-05, 2.30321976080909e-05, 2.28236073720349e-05, & 2.25005881105292e-05, 2.20981015361991e-05, 2.16418427448104e-05, & 2.11507649256221e-05, 2.06388749782171e-05, 2.01165241997082e-05/ data beta2(1,1), beta2(2,1), beta2(3,1), beta2(4,1), beta2(5,1), & beta2(6,1), beta2(7,1), beta2(8,1), beta2(9,1), beta2(10,1), & beta2(11,1),beta2(12,1),beta2(13,1),beta2(14,1),beta2(15,1), & beta2(16,1),beta2(17,1),beta2(18,1),beta2(19,1),beta2(20,1), & beta2(21,1),beta2(22,1),beta2(23,1),beta2(24,1),beta2(25,1), & beta2(26,1) / 5.52213076721293e-04, 4.47932581552385e-04, & 2.79520653992021e-04, 1.52468156198447e-04, 6.93271105657044e-05, & 1.76258683069991e-05,-1.35744996343269e-05,-3.17972413350427e-05, & -4.18861861696693e-05,-4.69004889379141e-05,-4.87665447413787e-05, & -4.87010031186735e-05,-4.74755620890087e-05,-4.55813058138628e-05, & -4.33309644511266e-05,-4.09230193157750e-05,-3.84822638603221e-05, & -3.60857167535411e-05,-3.37793306123367e-05,-3.15888560772110e-05, & -2.95269561750807e-05,-2.75978914828336e-05,-2.58006174666884e-05, & -2.41308356761280e-05,-2.25823509518346e-05,-2.11479656768913e-05/ data beta2(1,2), beta2(2,2), beta2(3,2), beta2(4,2), beta2(5,2), & beta2(6,2), beta2(7,2), beta2(8,2), beta2(9,2), beta2(10,2), & beta2(11,2),beta2(12,2),beta2(13,2),beta2(14,2),beta2(15,2), & beta2(16,2),beta2(17,2),beta2(18,2),beta2(19,2),beta2(20,2), & beta2(21,2),beta2(22,2),beta2(23,2),beta2(24,2),beta2(25,2), & beta2(26,2) /-4.74617796559960e-04,-4.77864567147321e-04, & -3.20390228067038e-04,-1.61105016119962e-04,-4.25778101285435e-05, & 3.44571294294968e-05, 7.97092684075675e-05, 1.03138236708272e-04, & 1.12466775262204e-04, 1.13103642108481e-04, 1.08651634848774e-04, & 1.01437951597662e-04, 9.29298396593364e-05, 8.40293133016090e-05, & 7.52727991349134e-05, 6.69632521975731e-05, 5.92564547323195e-05, & 5.22169308826976e-05, 4.58539485165361e-05, 4.01445513891487e-05, & 3.50481730031328e-05, 3.05157995034347e-05, 2.64956119950516e-05, & 2.29363633690998e-05, 1.97893056664022e-05, 1.70091984636413e-05/ data beta3(1,1), beta3(2,1), beta3(3,1), beta3(4,1), beta3(5,1), & beta3(6,1), beta3(7,1), beta3(8,1), beta3(9,1), beta3(10,1), & beta3(11,1),beta3(12,1),beta3(13,1),beta3(14,1),beta3(15,1), & beta3(16,1),beta3(17,1),beta3(18,1),beta3(19,1),beta3(20,1), & beta3(21,1),beta3(22,1),beta3(23,1),beta3(24,1),beta3(25,1), & beta3(26,1) / 7.36465810572578e-04, 8.72790805146194e-04, & 6.22614862573135e-04, 2.85998154194304e-04, 3.84737672879366e-06, & -1.87906003636972e-04,-2.97603646594555e-04,-3.45998126832656e-04, & -3.53382470916038e-04,-3.35715635775049e-04,-3.04321124789040e-04, & -2.66722723047613e-04,-2.27654214122820e-04,-1.89922611854562e-04, & -1.55058918599094e-04,-1.23778240761874e-04,-9.62926147717644e-05, & -7.25178327714425e-05,-5.22070028895634e-05,-3.50347750511901e-05, & -2.06489761035552e-05,-8.70106096849767e-06, 1.13698686675100e-06, & 9.16426474122779e-06, 1.56477785428873e-05, 2.08223629482467e-05/ data gama(1), gama(2), gama(3), gama(4), gama(5), & gama(6), gama(7), gama(8), gama(9), gama(10), & gama(11), gama(12), gama(13), gama(14), gama(15), & gama(16), gama(17), gama(18), gama(19), gama(20), & gama(21), gama(22), gama(23), gama(24), gama(25), & gama(26) / 6.29960524947437e-01, 2.51984209978975e-01, & 1.54790300415656e-01, 1.10713062416159e-01, 8.57309395527395e-02, & 6.97161316958684e-02, 5.86085671893714e-02, 5.04698873536311e-02, & 4.42600580689155e-02, 3.93720661543510e-02, 3.54283195924455e-02, & 3.21818857502098e-02, 2.94646240791158e-02, 2.71581677112934e-02, & 2.51768272973862e-02, 2.34570755306079e-02, 2.19508390134907e-02, & 2.06210828235646e-02, 1.94388240897881e-02, 1.83810633800683e-02, & 1.74293213231963e-02, 1.65685837786612e-02, 1.57865285987918e-02, & 1.50729501494096e-02, 1.44193250839955e-02, 1.38184805735342e-02/ ! ta = epsilon ( ta ) tol = max ( ta, 1.0E-15 ) tb = r1mach(5) ju = i1mach(12) if ( flgjy /= 1.0E+00 ) then jr = i1mach(11) elim = 2.303E+00 * tb * ( real ( - ju ) - real ( jr ) ) else elim = 2.303 * ( tb * real ( - ju ) - 3.0E+00 ) end if fn = fnu iflw = 0 do jn = 1, in xx = x / fn wk(1) = 1.0E+00 - xx * xx abw2 = abs ( wk(1) ) wk(2) = sqrt ( abw2 ) wk(7) = fn**con2 if ( abw2 > 0.27750 ) go to 80 ! ! asymptotic expansion ! cases near x=fn, abs(1.-(x/fn)**2)<=0.2775 ! coefficients of asymptotic expansion by series ! ! zeta and truncation for a(zeta) and b(zeta) series ! ! kmax is truncation index for a(zeta) and b(zeta) series=max(2,sa) ! if ( abw2 == 0.0E+00 ) then sa = 0.0E+00 else sa = tols / log ( abw2 ) end if sb = sa do i = 1, 5 akm = max ( sa, 2.0E+00 ) kmax(i) = int ( akm ) sa = sa + sb end do kb = kmax(5) klast = kb - 1 sa = gama(kb) do k = 1, klast kb = kb - 1 sa = sa * wk(1) + gama(kb) end do z = wk(1) * sa az = abs ( z ) rtz = sqrt ( az ) wk(3) = con1 * az * rtz wk(4) = wk(3) * fn wk(5) = rtz * wk(7) wk(6) = - wk(5) * wk(5) if ( z <= 0.0E+00 ) go to 35 if ( wk(4) > elim ) go to 75 wk(6) = - wk(6) 35 continue phi = sqrt ( sqrt ( sa + sa + sa + sa ) ) ! ! b(zeta) for s=0 ! kb = kmax(5) klast = kb - 1 sb = beta(kb,1) do k = 1, klast kb = kb - 1 sb = sb * wk(1) + beta(kb,1) end do ksp1 = 1 fn2 = fn * fn rfn2 = 1.0E+00 / fn2 rden = 1.0E+00 asum = 1.0E+00 relb = tol * abs ( sb ) bsum = sb do ks = 1, 4 ksp1 = ksp1 + 1 rden = rden * rfn2 ! ! a(zeta) and b(zeta) for s=1,2,3,4 ! kstemp = 5 - ks kb = kmax(kstemp) klast = kb - 1 sa = alfa(kb,ks) sb = beta(kb,ksp1) do k = 1, klast kb = kb - 1 sa = sa * wk(1) + alfa(kb,ks) sb = sb * wk(1) + beta(kb,ksp1) end do ta = sa * rden tb = sb * rden asum = asum + ta bsum = bsum + tb if ( abs ( ta ) <= tol .and. abs ( tb ) <= relb ) then exit end if end do ! 70 continue bsum = bsum / ( fn * wk(7) ) go to 160 75 continue iflw = 1 return 80 continue upol(1) = 1.0E+00 tau = 1.0E+00 / wk(2) t2 = 1.0E+00 / wk(1) if ( wk(1) >= 0.0E+00 ) go to 90 ! ! cases for (x/fn)>sqrt(1.2775) ! wk(3) = abs(wk(2)-atan(wk(2))) wk(4) = wk(3)*fn rcz = -con1/wk(4) z32 = 1.5*wk(3) rtz = z32**con2 wk(5) = rtz*wk(7) wk(6) = -wk(5)*wk(5) go to 100 90 continue ! ! cases for (x/fn)elim) go to 75 z32 = 1.5*wk(3) rtz = z32**con2 wk(7) = fn**con2 wk(5) = rtz*wk(7) wk(6) = wk(5)*wk(5) 100 continue phi = sqrt((rtz+rtz)*tau) tb = 1.0E+00 asum = 1.0E+00 tfn = tau/fn upol(2) = (c(1)*t2+c(2))*tfn crz32 = con548*rcz bsum = upol(2) + crz32 relb = tol*abs(bsum) ap = tfn ks = 0 kp1 = 2 rzden = rcz l = 2 do lr=2,8,2 ! ! compute two u polynomials for next a(zeta) and b(zeta) ! lrp1 = lr + 1 do k=lr,lrp1 ks = ks + 1 kp1 = kp1 + 1 l = l + 1 s1 = c(l) do j=2,kp1 l = l + 1 s1 = s1*t2 + c(l) end do ap = ap*tfn upol(kp1) = ap*s1 cr(ks) = br(ks)*rzden rzden = rzden*rcz dr(ks) = ar(ks)*rzden end do suma = upol(lrp1) sumb = upol(lr+2) + upol(lrp1)*crz32 ju = lrp1 do jr = 1, lr ju = ju - 1 suma = suma + cr(jr)*upol(ju) sumb = sumb + dr(jr)*upol(ju) end do tb = -tb if (wk(1)>0.0) tb = abs(tb) asum = asum + suma*tb bsum = bsum + sumb*tb if ( abs(suma)<=tol .and. abs(sumb)<=relb ) then exit end if end do ! 150 continue tb = wk(5) if ( wk(1) > 0.0E+00 ) tb = -tb bsum = bsum/tb 160 continue call funjy(wk(6), wk(5), wk(4), fi, dfi) y(jn) = flgjy*phi*(fi*asum+dfi*bsum)/wk(7) fn = fn - flgjy end do return end subroutine bakslv ( nr, n, a, x, b ) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! BAKSLV solves A*x=b where A is an upper triangular matrix. ! ! ! Discussion: ! ! BAKSLV solves the linear equations TRANSPOSE(A)*x=b, where A is a ! lower triangular matrix. This routine is required by the UNCMIN ! minimization program. ! ! If B is no longer required by calling routine, then vectors B and ! X may share the same storage, and the output value of X will ! overwrite the input value of B. ! ! Reference: ! ! David Kahaner, Clever Moler, Steven Nash, ! Numerical Methods and Software, ! Prentice Hall, 1988. ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, integer NR, the leading dimension of A. ! ! Input, integer N, the number of rows and columns in A. ! ! Input, real A(NR,N), the N by N matrix, containing the lower ! triangular matrix. A is not altered by this routine. ! ! Output, real X(N), the solution vector. ! ! Input, real B(N), the right hand side vector. ! integer n integer nr ! real a(nr,n) real b(n) integer i integer ip1 integer j real x(n) ! ! Solve (l-transpose)x=b. (back solve) ! i = n x(i) = b(i) / a(i,i) if ( n == 1 ) then return end if do ip1 = i i = i - 1 x(i) = ( b(i) - dot_product ( x(ip1:n), a(ip1:n,i) ) ) / a(i,i) if ( i == 1 ) then exit end if end do return end function besi0 ( x ) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! BESI0 computes the hyperbolic Bessel function of the first kind of order zero. ! ! ! Reference: ! ! David Kahaner, Clever Moler, Steven Nash, ! Numerical Methods and Software, ! Prentice Hall, 1988. ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, real X, the argument of the Bessel function. ! ! Output, real BESI0, the value of the Bessel function at X. ! real besi0 real besi0e real bi0cs(12) real csevl integer inits integer, save :: nti0 = 0 real r1mach real x real, save :: xmax = 0.0E+00 real, save :: xsml = 0.0E+00 real y ! data bi0cs( 1) / -0.07660547252839144951E+00 / data bi0cs( 2) / 1.927337953993808270E+00 / data bi0cs( 3) / 0.2282644586920301339E+00 / data bi0cs( 4) / 0.01304891466707290428E+00 / data bi0cs( 5) / 0.00043442709008164874E+00 / data bi0cs( 6) / 0.00000942265768600193E+00 / data bi0cs( 7) / 0.00000014340062895106E+00 / data bi0cs( 8) / 0.00000000161384906966E+00 / data bi0cs( 9) / 0.00000000001396650044E+00 / data bi0cs(10) / 0.00000000000009579451E+00 / data bi0cs(11) / 0.00000000000000053339E+00 / data bi0cs(12) / 0.00000000000000000245E+00 / ! if ( nti0 == 0 ) then nti0 = inits ( bi0cs, 12, 0.1E+00 * r1mach(3) ) xsml = 2.0E+00 * sqrt ( epsilon ( xsml ) ) xmax = log ( huge ( xmax ) ) end if y = abs ( x ) if ( y <= 3.0E+00 ) then if ( y > xsml ) then besi0 = 2.75E+00 + csevl ( y*y/4.5E+00-1.0E+00, bi0cs, nti0 ) else besi0 = 1.0E+00 end if return end if if ( y > xmax ) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'BESI0 - Fatal error!' write ( *, * ) ' |X| is so big that BESI0 will overflow.' stop end if besi0 = exp(y) * besi0e(x) return end function besi0e ( x ) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! BESI0E computes the exponentially scaled hyperbolic Bessel function of the first kind of order ze ! ! ! Discussion: ! ! BESI0E calculates the exponentially scaled modified hyperbolic ! Bessel function of the first kind of order zero for real argument X. ! ! besi0e(x) = exp ( - abs ( x ) ) * i0 ( x ). ! ! Reference: ! ! David Kahaner, Clever Moler, Steven Nash, ! Numerical Methods and Software, ! Prentice Hall, 1988. ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, real X, the argument of the Bessel function. ! ! Output, real BESI0E, the value of the Bessel function at X. ! real ai02cs(22) real ai0cs(21) real besi0e real bi0cs(12) real csevl integer inits integer ntai0 integer ntai02 integer nti0 real r1mach real x real, save :: xsml = 0.0E+00 real y ! data bi0cs( 1) / -.07660547252839144951 / data bi0cs( 2) / 1.927337953993808270 / data bi0cs( 3) / .2282644586920301339 / data bi0cs( 4) / .01304891466707290428 / data bi0cs( 5) / .00043442709008164874 / data bi0cs( 6) / .00000942265768600193 / data bi0cs( 7) / .00000014340062895106 / data bi0cs( 8) / .00000000161384906966 / data bi0cs( 9) / .00000000001396650044 / data bi0cs(10) / .00000000000009579451 / data bi0cs(11) / .00000000000000053339 / data bi0cs(12) / .00000000000000000245 / data ai0cs( 1) / .07575994494023796 / data ai0cs( 2) / .00759138081082334 / data ai0cs( 3) / .00041531313389237 / data ai0cs( 4) / .00001070076463439 / data ai0cs( 5) / -.00000790117997921 / data ai0cs( 6) / -.00000078261435014 / data ai0cs( 7) / .00000027838499429 / data ai0cs( 8) / .00000000825247260 / data ai0cs( 9) / -.00000001204463945 / data ai0cs(10) / .00000000155964859 / data ai0cs(11) / .00000000022925563 / data ai0cs(12) / -.00000000011916228 / data ai0cs(13) / .00000000001757854 / data ai0cs(14) / .00000000000112822 / data ai0cs(15) / -.00000000000114684 / data ai0cs(16) / .00000000000027155 / data ai0cs(17) / -.00000000000002415 / data ai0cs(18) / -.00000000000000608 / data ai0cs(19) / .00000000000000314 / data ai0cs(20) / -.00000000000000071 / data ai0cs(21) / .00000000000000007 / data ai02cs( 1) / .05449041101410882 / data ai02cs( 2) / .00336911647825569 / data ai02cs( 3) / .00006889758346918 / data ai02cs( 4) / .00000289137052082 / data ai02cs( 5) / .00000020489185893 / data ai02cs( 6) / .00000002266668991 / data ai02cs( 7) / .00000000339623203 / data ai02cs( 8) / .00000000049406022 / data ai02cs( 9) / .00000000001188914 / data ai02cs(10) / -.00000000003149915 / data ai02cs(11) / -.00000000001321580 / data ai02cs(12) / -.00000000000179419 / data ai02cs(13) / .00000000000071801 / data ai02cs(14) / .00000000000038529 / data ai02cs(15) / .00000000000001539 / data ai02cs(16) / -.00000000000004151 / data ai02cs(17) / -.00000000000000954 / data ai02cs(18) / .00000000000000382 / data ai02cs(19) / .00000000000000176 / data ai02cs(20) / -.00000000000000034 / data ai02cs(21) / -.00000000000000027 / data ai02cs(22) / .00000000000000003 / data nti0, ntai0, ntai02 / 3*0 / ! if ( nti0 == 0 ) then nti0 = inits ( bi0cs, 12, 0.1E+00*r1mach(3) ) ntai0 = inits ( ai0cs, 21, 0.1E+00*r1mach(3) ) ntai02 = inits ( ai02cs, 22, 0.1E+00*r1mach(3) ) xsml = 2.0E+00 * sqrt ( epsilon ( xsml ) ) end if y = abs(x) if ( y <= xsml ) then besi0e = 1.0E+00 else if ( y <= 3.0E+00 ) then besi0e = exp(-y) * ( 2.75 + csevl (y*y/4.5-1.0, bi0cs, nti0) ) else if ( y <= 8.0E+00 ) then besi0e = ( 0.375E+00 + csevl ((48.0/y-11.0)/5.0, ai0cs, ntai0) ) / sqrt(y) else if ( y > 8.0E+00 ) then besi0e = ( 0.375E+00 + csevl (16.0/y-1.0, ai02cs, ntai02)) / sqrt(y) end if return end subroutine besj ( x, alpha, n, y, nz ) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! BESJ computes an N member sequence of J Bessel functions. ! ! ! Reference: ! ! David Kahaner, Clever Moler, Steven Nash, ! Numerical Methods and Software, ! Prentice Hall, 1988. ! ! D. E. Amos, S. L. Daniel, M. K. Weston, ! SAND-75-0147 ! CDC 6600 subroutines IBESS and JBESS for Bessel functions ! I(NU,X) and J(NU,X), X .GE. 0, NU .GE. 0 ! ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, ! Volume 3, pages 76-92, 1977. ! ! F. W. J. Olver, ! Tables of Bessel Functions of Moderate or Large Orders, ! NPL Mathematical Tables, Vol. 6, ! Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1962. ! ! Discussion: ! ! BESJ computes an N member sequence of J Bessel functions ! ! J(ALPHA+K-1) (X) ! ! for K=1,..,N for non-negative order ALPHA and X. ! ! A combination of the power series, the asymptotic expansion for X ! to infinity and the uniform asymptotic expansion for NU to infinity ! are applied over subdivisions of the (NU,X) plane. For values of ! (NU,X) not covered by one of these formulae, the order is ! incremented or decremented by integer values into a region where ! one of the formulas apply. ! ! Backward recursion is applied to reduce orders by integer values ! except where the entire sequence lies in the oscillatory region. ! In this case forward recursion is stable and values from the ! asymptotic expansion for X to infinity start the recursion when it ! is efficient to do so. ! ! Leading terms of the series and uniform expansion are tested for ! underflow. If a sequence is requested and the last member would ! underflow, the result is set to zero and the next lower order ! tried, etc., until a member comes on scale or all members are set ! to zero. ! ! Overflow cannot occur. ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, real X, X .GE. 0.0, the argument of the Bessel function. ! ! Input, real ALPHA, order of first member of the sequence. ! ALPHA must be at least 0.0. ! ! Input, integer N, number of members in the sequence, ! N must be at least 1. ! ! Output, real Y(N), a vector whose first N components contain ! values for J/sub(ALPHA+K-1)/(X), K=1,...,N ! ! Output, integer NZ, the number of components of Y set to zero ! due to underflow, ! ! NZ=0, normal return, computation completed ! ! NZ .NE. 0, Y(N-NZ+1) through Y(N) were set to 0. ! external jairy ! real ak real akm real alngam real alpha real ans real ap real arg real coef real dalpha real dfn real dtm real earg real elim1 real etx real fidal real flgjy real fn real fnf real fni real fnp1 real fnu real fnulim(2) real gln integer i integer i1 integer i1mach integer i2 integer ialp integer idalp integer iflw integer in integer, parameter :: inlim = 150 integer is integer k integer kk integer km integer kt integer n integer nn integer ns integer nz real, parameter :: pdf = 0.785398163397448E+00 real pidt real pp(4) real r1mach real rden real relb real rttp real, parameter :: rtwo = 1.34839972492648E+00 real rtx real rzden real s real sa real sb real sxo2 real s1 real s2 real t real ta real tau real tb real temp(3) real tfn real tm real tol real tolln real trx real tx real t1 real t2 real wk(7) real x real xo2 real xo2l real y(n) ! data rttp,pidt / 7.97884560802865e-01, 1.57079632679490/ data pp(1), pp(2), pp(3), pp(4) / 8.72909153935547, & 2.65693932265030e-01, 1.24578576865586e-01, 7.70133747430388e-04/ data fnulim(1), fnulim(2) / 100.0, 60.0E+00 / ! nz = 0 kt = 1 ! i1mach(14) replaces i1mach(11) in a double precision code ! i1mach(15) replaces i1mach(12) in a double precision code ta = epsilon ( ta ) tol = max (ta,1.0e-15) i1 = i1mach(11) + 1 i2 = i1mach(12) tb = r1mach(5) elim1 = 2.303*(real(-i2)*tb-3.0) ! ! tolln = -ln(tol) ! tolln = 2.303*tb*real(i1) tolln = min (tolln,34.5388) if (n-1) 720, 10, 20 10 kt = 2 20 nn = n if (x) 730, 30, 80 30 if (alpha) 710, 40, 50 40 y(1) = 1.0E+00 if (n==1) return i1 = 2 go to 60 50 i1 = 1 60 continue y(i1:n) = 0.0E+00 return 80 continue if (alpha<0.0) go to 710 ialp = int(alpha) fni = real(ialp+n-1) fnf = alpha - real(ialp) dfn = fni + fnf fnu = dfn xo2 = x*0.5 sxo2 = xo2*xo2 ! ! decision tree for region where series, asymptotic expansion for x ! to infinity and asymptotic expansion for nu to infinity are ! applied. ! if (sxo2<=(fnu+1.0)) go to 90 ta = max (20.0,fnu) if (x>ta) go to 120 if (x>12.0) go to 110 xo2l = log(xo2) ns = int(sxo2-fnu) + 1 go to 100 90 fn = fnu fnp1 = fn + 1.0E+00 xo2l = log(xo2) is = kt if (x<=0.50) go to 330 ns = 0 100 fni = fni + real(ns) dfn = fni + fnf fn = dfn fnp1 = fn + 1.0E+00 is = kt if (n-1+ns>0) is = 3 go to 330 110 ans = max (36.0-fnu,0.0) ns = int(ans) fni = fni + real(ns) dfn = fni + fnf fn = dfn is = kt if (n-1+ns>0) is = 3 go to 130 120 continue rtx = sqrt(x) tau = rtwo*rtx ta = tau + fnulim(kt) if (fnu<=ta) go to 480 fn = fnu is = kt ! ! Uniform asymptotic expansion for nu to infinity ! 130 continue i1 = abs(3-is) i1 = max(i1,1) flgjy = 1.0E+00 call asyjy(jairy,x,fn,flgjy,i1,temp(is),wk,iflw) if ( iflw/=0) go to 380 go to (320, 450, 620), is 310 temp(1) = temp(3) kt = 1 320 is = 2 fni = fni - 1.0E+00 dfn = fni + fnf fn = dfn if ( i1==2) go to 450 go to 130 ! ! Series for (x/2)**2<=nu+1 ! 330 continue gln = alngam(fnp1) arg = fn*xo2l - gln if (arg<(-elim1)) go to 400 earg = exp(arg) 340 continue s = 1.0E+00 if (xmax(20, nu), provided the last member ! of the sequence is also in the region. ! 480 continue in = int(alpha-tau+2.0) if (in<=0) go to 490 idalp = ialp - in - 1 kt = 1 go to 500 490 continue idalp = ialp in = 0 500 is = kt fidal = real(idalp) dalpha = fidal + fnf arg = x - pidt*dalpha - pdf sa = sin(arg) sb = cos(arg) coef = rttp/rtx etx = 8.0*x 510 continue dtm = fidal + fidal dtm = dtm*dtm tm = 0.0E+00 if (fidal==0.0E+00 .and. abs(fnf)30.0) go to 640 rden = (pp(4)*wk(6)+pp(3))*wk(6) + 1.0E+00 rzden = pp(1) + pp(2)*wk(6) ta = rzden/rden if (wk(1)<0.10) go to 630 tb = gln/wk(5) go to 650 630 continue tb=(1.259921049+(0.1679894730+0.0887944358*wk(1))*wk(1))/wk(7) go to 650 640 continue ta = 0.5*tolln/wk(4) ta=((0.0493827160*ta-0.1111111111)*ta+0.6666666667)*ta*wk(6) if (wk(1)<0.10) go to 630 tb = gln/wk(5) 650 in = int(ta/tb+1.5) if (in>inlim) go to 310 660 continue dtm = fni + real(in) trx = 2.0/x tm = (dtm+fnf)*trx ta = 0.0E+00 tb = tol kk = 1 670 continue ! ! backward recur unindexed ! do i=1,in s = tb tb = tm*tb - ta ta = s dtm = dtm - 1.0E+00 tm = (dtm+fnf)*trx end do ! ! normalization if (kk/=1) go to 690 ta = (ta/tb)*temp(3) tb = temp(3) kk = 2 in = ns if (ns/=0) go to 670 690 y(nn) = tb nz = n - nn if (nn==1) return k = nn - 1 y(k) = tm*tb - ta if (nn==2) return dtm = dtm - 1.0E+00 tm = (dtm+fnf)*trx km = k - 1 ! ! backward recur indexed ! do i=1,km y(k-1) = tm*y(k) - y(k+1) dtm = dtm - 1.0E+00 tm = (dtm+fnf)*trx k = k - 1 end do return 710 continue call xerror( 'besj - order, alpha, less than zero.', 36, 2, 1) return 720 continue call xerror( 'besj - n less than one.', 23, 2, 1) return 730 continue call xerror( 'besj - x less than zero.', 24, 2, 1) return end subroutine bp ( n, b, x ) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! BP evaluates the N+1 Bernstein basis functions of degree N on [0,1]. ! ! ! Definition: ! ! The I-th Bernstein basis polynomial of degree N is defined as: ! ! B(N,I,X)= N!/(I!*(N-I)!) * (1-X)**(N-I) * X**I ! ! although this is not how the values are computed. ! ! Reference: ! ! David Kahaner, Clever Moler, Steven Nash, ! Numerical Methods and Software, ! Prentice Hall, 1988. ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, integer N, should be 0 or greater. ! ! Input, real X, the point where the functions should be evaluated. ! ! Output, real B(0:N), the values of the Bernstein polynomials ! at the point X. ! integer n ! real b(0:n) integer i integer j real x ! if ( n == 0 ) then b(0) = 1.0E+00 else if ( n > 0 ) then do i = 1, n if ( i == 1 ) then b(1) = x else b(i) = x * b(i-1) end if do j = i-1, 1, -1 b(j) = x * b(j-1) + ( 1.0E+00 - x ) * b(j) end do if ( i == 1 ) then b(0) = 1.0E+00 - x else b(0) = ( 1.0E+00 - x ) * b(0) end if end do end if return end subroutine cfftb ( n, c, wsave ) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! CFFTB computes the backward complex discrete Fourier transform. ! ! ! Discussion: ! ! This process is sometimes called Fourier synthesis. ! ! CFFTB computes a complex periodic sequence from its Fourier coefficients. ! ! A call of CFFTF followed by a call of CFFTB will multiply the ! sequence by N. In other words, the transforms are not normalized. ! ! The array WSAVE must be initialized by CFFTI. ! ! The transform is defined by: ! ! C_out(J) = sum ( 1 <= K <= N ) ! C_in(K) * exp ( sqrt ( - 1 ) * ( J - 1 ) * ( K - 1 ) * 2 * PI / N ) ! ! Modified: ! ! 09 March 2001 ! ! Author: ! ! Paul Swarztrauber, ! National Center for Atmospheric Research ! ! Reference: ! ! David Kahaner, Clever Moler, Steven Nash, ! Numerical Methods and Software, ! Prentice Hall, 1988. ! ! P N Swarztrauber, ! Vectorizing the FFT's, ! in Parallel Computations (G. Rodrigue, editor), ! Academic Press, 1982, pages 51-83. ! ! B L Buzbee, ! The SLATEC Common Math Library, ! in Sources and Development of Mathematical Software (W. Cowell, editor), ! Prentice Hall, 1984, pages 302-318. ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, integer N, the length of the sequence to be transformed. ! The method is more efficient when N is the product of small primes. ! ! Input/output, complex C(N). ! On input, C contains the sequence of Fourier coefficients. ! On output, C contains the sequence of data values that correspond ! to the input coefficients. ! ! Input, real WSAVE(4*N+15). The array must be initialized by calling ! CFFTI. A different WSAVE array must be used for each different ! value of N. ! integer n ! complex c(n) real wsave(4*n+15) ! if ( n <= 1 ) then return end if call cfftb1 ( n, c, wsave(1), wsave(2*n+1), wsave(4*n+1) ) return end subroutine cfftb1 ( n, c, ch, wa, ifac ) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! CFFTB1 is a lower-level routine used by CFFTB. ! ! ! Modified: ! ! 12 March 2001 ! ! Author: ! ! Paul Swarztrauber, ! National Center for Atmospheric Research ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, integer N, the length of the sequence to be transformed. ! ! Input/output, complex C(N). ! On input, C contains the sequence of Fourier coefficients. ! On output, C contains the sequence of data values that correspond ! to the input coefficients. ! ! Input, complex CH(N). ! ! Input, real WA(2*N). ! ! Input, integer IFAC(15). ! IFAC(1) = N, the number that was factored. ! IFAC(2) = NF, the number of factors. ! IFAC(3:2+NF), the factors. ! integer n ! complex c(n) complex ch(n) integer idl1 integer ido integer ifac(15) integer ip integer iw integer ix2 integer ix3 integer ix4 integer k1 integer l1 integer l2 integer na integer nac integer nf real wa(2*n) ! nf = ifac(2) na = 0 l1 = 1 iw = 1 do k1 = 1, nf ip = ifac(k1+2) l2 = ip * l1 ido = n / l2 idl1 = 2 * ido * l1 if ( ip == 4 ) then ix2 = iw + 2 * ido ix3 = ix2 + 2 * ido if ( na == 0 ) then call passb4 ( 2*ido, l1, c, ch, wa(iw), wa(ix2), wa(ix3) ) else call passb4 ( 2*ido, l1, ch, c, wa(iw), wa(ix2), wa(ix3) ) end if na = 1 - na else if ( ip == 2 ) then if ( na == 0 ) then call passb2 ( 2*ido, l1, c, ch, wa(iw) ) else call passb2 ( 2*ido, l1, ch, c, wa(iw) ) end if na = 1 - na else if ( ip == 3 ) then ix2 = iw + 2 * ido if ( na == 0 ) then call passb3 ( 2*ido, l1, c, ch, wa(iw), wa(ix2) ) else call passb3 ( 2*ido, l1, ch, c, wa(iw), wa(ix2) ) end if na = 1 - na else if ( ip == 5 ) then ix2 = iw + 2 * ido ix3 = ix2 + 2 * ido ix4 = ix3 + 2 * ido if ( na == 0 ) then call passb5 ( 2*ido, l1, c, ch, wa(iw), wa(ix2), wa(ix3), wa(ix4) ) else call passb5 ( 2*ido, l1, ch, c, wa(iw), wa(ix2), wa(ix3), wa(ix4) ) end if na = 1 - na else if ( na == 0 ) then call passb ( nac, 2*ido, ip, l1, idl1, c, c, c, ch, ch, wa(iw) ) else call passb ( nac, 2*ido, ip, l1, idl1, ch, ch, ch, c, c, wa(iw) ) end if if ( nac /= 0 ) then na = 1 - na end if end if l1 = l2 iw = iw + ( ip - 1 ) * 2 * ido end do if ( na /= 0 ) then c(1:n) = ch(1:n) end if return end subroutine cfftb_2d ( ldf, n, f, wsave ) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! CFFTB_2D computes a backward two dimensional complex fast Fourier transform. ! ! ! Discussion: ! ! The routine computes the backward two dimensional fast Fourier transform, ! of a complex N by N matrix of data. ! ! The output is unscaled, that is, a call to CFFTB_2D followed by a call ! to CFFTF_2D will return the original data multiplied by N*N. ! ! For some applications it is desirable to have the transform scaled so ! the center of the N by N frequency square corresponds to zero ! frequency. The user can do this replacing the original input data ! F(I,J) by F(I,J) * (-1.)**(I+J), I,J =0,...,N-1. ! ! Before calling CFFTF_2D or CFFTB_2D, it is necessary to initialize ! the array WSAVE by calling CFFTI. ! ! Reference: ! ! David Kahaner, Clever Moler, Steven Nash, ! Numerical Methods and Software, ! Prentice Hall, 1988. ! ! Modified: ! ! 12 March 2001 ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, integer LDF, the leading dimension of the matrix. ! ! Input, integer N, the number of rows and columns in the matrix. ! ! Input/output, complex F(LDF,N), ! On input, an N by N array of complex values to be transformed. ! On output, the transformed values. ! ! Input, real WSAVE(4*N+15), a work array whose values depend on N, ! and which must be initialized by calling CFFTI. ! integer ldf integer n ! complex f(ldf,n) integer i real wsave(4*n+15) ! ! Row transforms: ! f(1:n,1:n) = transpose ( f(1:n,1:n) ) do i = 1, n call cfftb ( n, f(1,i), wsave ) end do f(1:n,1:n) = transpose ( f(1:n,1:n) ) ! ! Column transforms: ! do i = 1, n call cfftb ( n, f(1,i), wsave ) end do return end subroutine cfftf ( n, c, wsave ) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! CFFTF computes the forward complex discrete Fourier transform. ! ! ! Discussion: ! ! This process is sometimes called Fourier analysis. ! ! CFFTF computes the Fourier coefficients of a complex periodic sequence. ! ! The transform is not normalized. To obtain a normalized transform, ! the output must be divided by N. Otherwise a call of CFFTF ! followed by a call of CFFTB will multiply the sequence by N. ! ! The array WSAVE must be initialized by calling CFFTI. ! ! The transform is defined by: ! ! C_out(J) = sum ( 1 <= K <= N ) ! C_in(K) * exp ( - sqrt ( -1 ) * ( J - 1 ) * ( K - 1 ) * 2 * PI / N ) ! ! Modified: ! ! 09 March 2001 ! ! Author: ! ! Paul Swarztrauber, ! National Center for Atmospheric Research ! ! Reference: ! ! David Kahaner, Clever Moler, Steven Nash, ! Numerical Methods and Software, ! Prentice Hall, 1988. ! ! P N Swarztrauber, ! Vectorizing the FFT's, ! in Parallel Computations (G. Rodrigue, editor), ! Academic Press, 1982, pages 51-83. ! ! B L Buzbee, ! The SLATEC Common Math Library, ! in Sources and Development of Mathematical Software (W. Cowell, editor), ! Prentice Hall, 1984, pages 302-318. ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, integer N, the length of the sequence to be transformed. ! The method is more efficient when N is the product of small primes. ! ! Input/output, complex C(N). ! On input, the data sequence to be transformed. ! On output, the Fourier coefficients. ! ! Input, real WSAVE(4*N+15). The array must be initialized by calling ! CFFTI. A different WSAVE array must be used for each different ! value of N. ! integer n ! complex c(n) real wsave(4*n+15) ! if ( n <= 1 ) then return end if call cfftf1 ( n, c, wsave(1), wsave(2*n+1), wsave(4*n+1) ) return end subroutine cfftf1 ( n, c, ch, wa, ifac ) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! CFFTF1 is a lower level routine used by CFFTF. ! ! ! Modified: ! ! 09 March 2001 ! ! Author: ! ! Paul Swarztrauber, ! National Center for Atmospheric Research ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, integer N, the length of the sequence to be transformed. ! ! Input/output, complex C(N). ! On input, the data sequence to be transformed. ! On output, the Fourier coefficients. ! ! Input, complex CH(N). ! ! Input, real WA(2*N). ! ! Input, integer IFAC(15). ! IFAC(1) = N, the number that was factored. ! IFAC(2) = NF, the number of factors. ! IFAC(3:2+NF), the factors. ! integer n ! complex c(n) complex ch(n) integer idl1 integer ido integer ifac(15) integer ip integer iw integer ix2 integer ix3 integer ix4 integer k1 integer l1 integer l2 integer na integer nac integer nf real wa(2*n) ! nf = ifac(2) na = 0 l1 = 1 iw = 1 do k1 = 1, nf ip = ifac(k1+2) l2 = ip * l1 ido = n / l2 idl1 = 2 * ido * l1 if ( ip == 4 ) then ix2 = iw + 2 * ido ix3 = ix2 + 2 * ido if ( na == 0 ) then call passf4 ( 2*ido, l1, c, ch, wa(iw), wa(ix2), wa(ix3) ) else call passf4 ( 2*ido, l1, ch, c, wa(iw), wa(ix2), wa(ix3) ) end if na = 1 - na else if ( ip == 2 ) then if ( na == 0 ) then call passf2 ( 2*ido, l1, c, ch, wa(iw) ) else call passf2 ( 2*ido, l1, ch, c, wa(iw) ) end if na = 1 - na else if ( ip == 3 ) then ix2 = iw + 2 * ido if ( na == 0 ) then call passf3 ( 2*ido, l1, c, ch, wa(iw), wa(ix2) ) else call passf3 ( 2*ido, l1, ch, c, wa(iw), wa(ix2) ) end if na = 1 - na else if ( ip == 5 ) then ix2 = iw + 2 * ido ix3 = ix2 + 2 * ido ix4 = ix3 + 2 * ido if ( na == 0 ) then call passf5 ( 2*ido, l1, c, ch, wa(iw), wa(ix2), wa(ix3), wa(ix4) ) else call passf5 ( 2*ido, l1, ch, c, wa(iw), wa(ix2), wa(ix3), wa(ix4) ) end if na = 1 - na else if ( na == 0 ) then call passf ( nac, 2*ido, ip, l1, idl1, c, c, c, ch, ch, wa(iw) ) else call passf ( nac, 2*ido, ip, l1, idl1, ch, ch, ch, c, c, wa(iw) ) end if if ( nac /= 0 ) then na = 1 - na end if end if l1 = l2 iw = iw + ( ip - 1 ) * 2 * ido end do if ( na /= 0 ) then c(1:n) = ch(1:n) end if return end subroutine cfftf_2d ( ldf, n, f, wsave ) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! CFFTF_2D computes a two dimensional complex fast Fourier transform. ! ! ! Discussion: ! ! The routine computes the forward two dimensional fast Fourier transform, ! of a complex N by N matrix of data. ! ! The output is unscaled, that is, a call to CFFTF_2D, ! followed by a call to CFFTB_2D will return the original data ! multiplied by N*N. ! ! For some applications it is desirable to have the transform scaled so ! the center of the N by N frequency square corresponds to zero ! frequency. The user can do this replacing the original input data ! F(I,J) by F(I,J) *(-1.)**(I+J), I,J =0,...,N-1. ! ! Before calling CFFTF_2D or CFFTB_2D, it is necessary to initialize ! the array WSAVE by calling CFFTI. ! ! Reference: ! ! David Kahaner, Clever Moler, Steven Nash, ! Numerical Methods and Software, ! Prentice Hall, 1988. ! ! Modified: ! ! 12 March 2001 ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, integer LDF, the leading dimension of the matrix. ! ! Input, integer N, the number of rows and columns in the matrix. ! ! Input/output, complex F(LDF,N), ! On input, an N by N array of complex values to be transformed. ! On output, the transformed values. ! ! Input, real WSAVE(4*N+15), a work array whose values depend on N, ! and which must be initialized by calling CFFTI. ! integer ldf integer n ! complex f(ldf,n) integer i real wsave(4*n+15) ! ! Row transforms: ! f(1:n,1:n) = transpose ( f(1:n,1:n) ) do i = 1, n call cfftf ( n, f(1,i), wsave ) end do f(1:n,1:n) = transpose ( f(1:n,1:n) ) ! ! Column transforms: ! do i = 1, n call cfftf ( n, f(1,i), wsave ) end do return end subroutine cffti ( n, wsave ) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! CFFTI initializes WSAVE, used in CFFTF and CFFTB. ! ! ! Discussion: ! ! The prime factorization of N together with a tabulation of the ! trigonometric functions are computed and stored in WSAVE. ! ! Modified: ! ! 09 March 2001 ! ! Author: ! ! Paul Swarztrauber, ! National Center for Atmospheric Research ! ! Reference: ! ! David Kahaner, Clever Moler, Steven Nash, ! Numerical Methods and Software, ! Prentice Hall, 1988. ! ! P N Swarztrauber, ! Vectorizing the FFT's, ! in Parallel Computations (G. Rodrigue, editor), ! Academic Press, 1982, pages 51-83. ! ! B L Buzbee, ! The SLATEC Common Math Library, ! in Sources and Development of Mathematical Software (W. Cowell, editor), ! Prentice Hall, 1984, pages 302-318. ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, integer N, the length of the sequence to be transformed. ! ! Output, real WSAVE(4*N+15), contains data, dependent on the value ! of N, which is necessary for the CFFTF or CFFTB routines. ! integer n ! real wsave(4*n+15) ! if ( n <= 1 ) then return end if call cffti1 ( n, wsave(2*n+1), wsave(4*n+1) ) return end subroutine cffti1 ( n, wa, ifac ) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! CFFTI1 is a lower level routine used by CFFTI. ! ! ! Modified: ! ! 09 March 2001 ! ! Author: ! ! Paul Swarztrauber, ! National Center for Atmospheric Research ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, integer N, the length of the sequence to be transformed. ! ! Input, real WA(2*N). ! ! Input, integer IFAC(15). ! IFAC(1) = N, the number that was factored. ! IFAC(2) = NF, the number of factors. ! IFAC(3:2+NF), the factors. ! integer n ! real arg real argh real argld real fi integer i integer i1 integer ib integer ido integer ifac(15) integer ii integer ip integer j integer k1 integer l1 integer l2 integer ld integer nf real pimach real wa(2*n) ! call i_factor ( n, ifac ) nf = ifac(2) argh = 2.0E+00 * pimach() / real ( n ) i = 2 l1 = 1 do k1 = 1, nf ip = ifac(k1+2) ld = 0 l2 = l1 * ip ido = n / l2 do j = 1, ip-1 i1 = i wa(i-1) = 1.0E+00 wa(i) = 0.0E+00 ld = ld + l1 fi = 0.0E+00 argld = real ( ld ) * argh do ii = 4, 2*ido+2, 2 i = i + 2 fi = fi + 1.0E+00 arg = fi * argld wa(i-1) = cos ( arg ) wa(i) = sin ( arg ) end do if ( ip > 5 ) then wa(i1-1) = wa(i-1) wa(i1) = wa(i) end if end do l1 = l2 end do return end subroutine chfdv ( x1, x2, f1, f2, d1, d2, ne, xe, fe, de, next, ierr ) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! CHFDV evaluates a cubic polynomial and its derivative given in Hermite form. ! ! ! Reference: ! ! David Kahaner, Clever Moler, Steven Nash, ! Numerical Methods and Software, ! Prentice Hall, 1988. ! ! Discussion: ! ! CHFDV evaluates a cubic polynomial given in Hermite form and its ! first derivative at an array of points. While designed for ! use by PCHFD, it may be useful directly as an evaluator for ! a piecewise cubic Hermite function in applications, such as ! graphing, where the interval is known in advance. ! ! If only function values are required, use CHFEV instead. ! ! Parameters: ! ! x1,x2 -- (input) endpoints of interval of definition of cubic. ! (error return if x1==x2 .) ! ! f1,f2 -- (input) values of function at x1 and x2, respectively. ! ! d1,d2 -- (input) values of derivative at x1 and x2, respectively. ! ! ne -- (input) number of evaluation points. (error return if ! ne<1 .) ! ! xe -- (input) real array of points at which the functions are to ! be evaluated. if any of the xe are outside the interval ! [x1,x2], a warning error is returned in next. ! ! fe -- (output) real array of values of the cubic function defined ! by x1,x2, f1,f2, d1,d2 at the points xe. ! ! de -- (output) real array of values of the first derivative of ! the same function at the points xe. ! ! next -- (output) integer array indicating number of extrapolation ! points: ! next(1) = number of evaluation points to left of interval. ! next(2) = number of evaluation points to right of interval. ! ! ierr -- (output) error flag. ! normal return: ! ierr = 0 (no errors). ! "recoverable" errors: ! ierr = -1 if ne<1 . ! ierr = -2 if x1==x2 . ! (output arrays have not been changed in either case.) ! integer ne ! real c2 real c2t2 real c3 real c3t3 real d1 real d2 real de(ne) real del1 real del2 real delta real f1 real f2 real fe(ne) real h integer i integer ierr integer next(2) real x real x1 real x2 real xe(ne) real xma real xmi ! ! validity-check arguments. ! if ( ne < 1 ) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'CHFDV - Fatal error!' write ( *, * ) ' The number of evaluation points was less than 1.' stop end if h = x2 - x1 if (h == 0.0) go to 5002 ! ! initialize. ! ierr = 0 next(1) = 0 next(2) = 0 xmi = min (0.0, h) xma = max (0.0, h) ! ! compute cubic coefficients (expanded about x1). ! delta = (f2 - f1)/h del1 = (d1 - delta)/h del2 = (d2 - delta)/h ! (delta is no longer needed.) c2 = -(del1+del1 + del2) c2t2 = c2 + c2 c3 = (del1 + del2)/h ! (h, del1 and del2 are no longer needed.) c3t3 = c3+c3+c3 ! ! evaluation loop. ! do i = 1, ne x = xe(i) - x1 fe(i) = f1 + x*(d1 + x*(c2 + x*c3)) de(i) = d1 + x*(c2t2 + x*c3t3) ! count extrapolation points. if ( xxma ) next(2) = next(2) + 1 ! (note redundancy--if either condition is true, other is false.) end do return ! ! error returns. ! 5002 continue ierr = -2 call xerror ('chfdv -- interval endpoints equal', 33, ierr, 1) return end subroutine chfev ( x1, x2, f1, f2, d1, d2, ne, xe, fe, next, ierr ) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! CHFEV evaluates a cubic polynomial given in Hermite form. ! ! ! Reference: ! ! David Kahaner, Clever Moler, Steven Nash, ! Numerical Methods and Software, ! Prentice Hall, 1988. ! ! purpose evaluate a cubic polynomial given in hermite form at an ! array of points. while designed for use by PCHFE, it may ! be useful directly as an evaluator for a piecewise cubic ! hermite function in applications, such as graphing, where ! the interval is known in advance. ! ! Description: ! ! CHFEV evaluates the cubic polynomial determined by function values ! f1,f2 and derivatives d1,d2 on interval (x1,x2) at the points ! xe(j), j=1(1)ne. ! ! Parameters: ! ! x1,x2 -- (input) endpoints of interval of definition of cubic. ! (error return if x1==x2 .) ! ! f1,f2 -- (input) values of function at x1 and x2, respectively. ! ! d1,d2 -- (input) values of derivative at x1 and x2, respectively. ! ! ne -- (input) number of evaluation points. (error return if ! ne<1 .) ! ! xe -- (input) real array of points at which the function is to be ! evaluated. if any of the xe are outside the interval ! [x1,x2], a warning error is returned in next. ! ! fe -- (output) real array of values of the cubic function defined ! by x1,x2, f1,f2, d1,d2 at the points xe. ! ! next -- (output) integer array indicating number of extrapolation ! points: ! next(1) = number of evaluation points to left of interval. ! next(2) = number of evaluation points to right of interval. ! ! ierr -- (output) error flag. ! normal return: ! ierr = 0 (no errors). ! "recoverable" errors: ! ierr = -1 if ne<1 . ! ierr = -2 if x1==x2 . ! (the fe-array has not been changed in either case.) ! integer ne ! real c2 real c3 real d1 real d2 real del1 real del2 real delta real f1 real f2 real fe(ne) real h integer i integer ierr integer next(2) real x real x1 real x2 real xe(ne) real xma real xmi ! if (ne < 1) go to 5001 h = x2 - x1 if (h == 0.0) go to 5002 ! ! initialize. ! ierr = 0 next(1) = 0 next(2) = 0 xmi = min ( 0.0, h ) xma = max ( 0.0, h ) ! ! compute cubic coefficients (expanded about x1). ! delta = (f2 - f1)/h del1 = (d1 - delta)/h del2 = (d2 - delta)/h ! (delta is no longer needed.) c2 = -(del1+del1 + del2) c3 = (del1 + del2)/h ! (h, del1 and del2 are no longer needed.) ! ! evaluation loop. ! do i = 1, ne x = xe(i) - x1 fe(i) = f1 + x*(d1 + x*(c2 + x*c3)) ! count extrapolation points. if ( xxma ) next(2) = next(2) + 1 ! (note redundancy--if either condition is true, other is false.) end do return ! ! error returns. ! 5001 continue ! ne<1 return. ierr = -1 call xerror ('chfev -- number of evaluation points less than one', 50, & ierr, 1) return 5002 continue ! x1==x2 return. ierr = -2 call xerror ('chfev -- interval endpoints equal', 33, ierr, 1) return end function chfiv ( x1, x2, f1, f2, d1, d2, a, b, ierr ) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! CHFIV evaluates the integral of a cubic polynomial in Hermite form. ! ! ! Reference: ! ! David Kahaner, Clever Moler, Steven Nash, ! Numerical Methods and Software, ! Prentice Hall, 1988. ! ! chfiv: cubic hermite function integral evaluator. ! ! called by PCHIA to evaluate the integral of a single cubic (in ! hermite form) over an arbitrary interval (a,b). ! ! Parameters: ! ! value -- (output) value of the requested integral. ! ! x1,x2 -- (input) endpoints if interval of definition of cubic. ! (must be distinct. error return if not.) ! ! f1,f2 -- (input) function values at the ends of the interval. ! ! d1,d2 -- (input) derivative values at the ends of the interval. ! ! a,b -- (input) endpoints of interval of integration. ! ! ierr -- (output) error flag. ! normal return: ! ierr = 0 (no errors). ! "recoverable errors": ! ierr = -1 if x1==x2 . ! (value has not been set in this case.) ! real a real b real chfiv real d1 real d2 real dterm real f1 real f2 real fterm real h integer ierr real phia1 real phia2 real phib1 real phib2 real psia1 real psia2 real psib1 real psib2 real ta1 real ta2 real tb1 real tb2 real ua1 real ua2 real ub1 real ub2 real x1 real x2 ! ! validity check input. ! if (x1 == x2) go to 5001 ierr = 0 ! ! compute integral. ! h = x2 - x1 ta1 = (a - x1) / h ta2 = (x2 - a) / h tb1 = (b - x1) / h tb2 = (x2 - b) / h ua1 = ta1**3 phia1 = ua1 * ( 2.0E+00 - ta1 ) psia1 = ua1 * ( 3.0E+00 * ta1 - 4.0E+00 ) ua2 = ta2**3 phia2 = ua2 * ( 2.0E+00 - ta2) psia2 = -ua2 * ( 3.0E+00 * ta2 - 4.0E+00 ) ub1 = tb1**3 phib1 = ub1 * ( 2.0E+00 - tb1 ) psib1 = ub1 * ( 3.0E+00 * tb1 - 4.0E+00 ) ub2 = tb2**3 phib2 = ub2 * ( 2.0E+00 - tb2 ) psib2 = -ub2 * ( 3.0E+00 * tb2 - 4.0E+00 ) fterm = f1*(phia2 - phib2) + f2*(phib1 - phia1) dterm = ( d1*(psia2 - psib2) + d2*(psib1 - psia1) )*(h/6.0) chfiv = 0.5 * h * ( fterm + dterm ) return ! ! error return. ! 5001 continue ierr = -1 call xerror ('chfiv -- x1 equal to x2', 23, ierr, 1) return end function chfmc ( d1, d2, delta ) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! CHFMC determines the monotonicity properties of a cubic polynomial. ! ! ! Reference: ! ! David Kahaner, Clever Moler, Steven Nash, ! Numerical Methods and Software, ! Prentice Hall, 1988. ! ! chfmc: cubic hermite function monotonicity checker. ! ! called by pchmc to determine the monotonicity properties of the ! cubic with boundary derivative values d1,d2 and chord slope delta. ! ! Parameters: ! ! d1,d2 -- (input) derivative values at the ends of an interval. ! ! delta -- (input) data slope over that interval. ! ! ismon -- (output) integer function value, indicating the monoto- ! nicity of the cubic segment: ! ismon = -1 if function is strictly decreasing; ! ismon = 0 if function is constant; ! ismon = 1 if function is strictly increasing; ! ismon = 2 if function is non-monotonic; ! ismon = 3 if unable to determine. ! real a real b integer chfmc real d1 real d2 real delta real eps integer ismon integer itrue real phi ! eps = 10.0E+00 * epsilon ( eps ) ! ! make the check. ! if ( delta == 0.0E+00 ) then if ( d1 == 0.0E+00 .and. d2 == 0.0E+00 ) then ismon = 0 else ismon = 2 end if else itrue = sign ( 1.0, delta) a = d1/delta b = d2/delta if ((a<0.0) .or. (b<0.0)) then ismon = 2 else if ((a<=3.0-eps) .and. (b<=3.0-eps)) then ! inside square (0,3)x(0,3) implies ok. ismon = itrue else if ( a > 4.0+eps .and. b > 4.0+eps ) then ! outside square (0,4)x(0,4) implies nonmonotonic. ismon = 2 else ! must check against boundary of ellipse. a = a - 2.0E+00 b = b - 2.0E+00 phi = ((a*a + b*b) + a*b) - 3.0E+00 if (phi < -eps) then ismon = itrue else if (phi > eps) then ismon = 2 else ! ! Too close to boundary to tell, ! in the presence of round-off errors. ! ismon = 3 end if end if end if chfmc = ismon return end subroutine chkder ( m, n, x, fvec, fjac, ldfjac, xp, fvecp, mode, err ) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! CHKDER checks the gradients of M nonlinear functions in N variables. ! ! ! Reference: ! ! David Kahaner, Clever Moler, Steven Nash, ! Numerical Methods and Software, ! Prentice Hall, 1988. ! ! this subroutine is a companion routine to snls1,snls1e,snsq,and ! snsqe which may be used to check the calculation of the jacobian. ! ! subroutine chkder ! ! this subroutine checks the gradients of m nonlinear functions ! in n variables, evaluated at a point x, for consistency with ! the functions themselves. the user must call ckder twice, ! first with mode = 1 and then with mode = 2. ! ! mode = 1. on input, x must contain the point of evaluation. ! on output, xp is set to a neighboring point. ! ! mode = 2. on input, fvec must contain the functions and the ! rows of fjac must contain the gradients ! of the respective functions each evaluated ! at x, and fvecp must contain the functions ! evaluated at xp. ! on output, err contains measures of correctness of ! the respective gradients. ! ! the subroutine does not perform reliably if cancellation or ! rounding errors cause a severe loss of significance in the ! evaluation of a function. therefore, none of the components ! of x should be unusually small (in particular, zero) or any ! other value which may cause loss of significance. ! ! the subroutine statement is ! ! subroutine chkder(m,n,x,fvec,fjac,ldfjac,xp,fvecp,mode,err) ! ! where ! ! m is a positive integer input variable set to the number ! of functions. ! ! n is a positive integer input variable set to the number ! of variables. ! ! x is an input array of length n. ! ! fvec is an array of length m. on input when mode = 2, ! fvec must contain the functions evaluated at x. ! ! fjac is an m by n array. on input when mode = 2, ! the rows of fjac must contain the gradients of ! the respective functions evaluated at x. ! ! ldfjac is a positive integer input parameter not less than m ! which specifies the leading dimension of the array fjac. ! ! xp is an array of length n. on output when mode = 1, ! xp is set to a neighboring point of x. ! ! fvecp is an array of length m. on input when mode = 2, ! fvecp must contain the functions evaluated at xp. ! ! mode is an integer input variable set to 1 on the first call ! and 2 on the second. other values of mode are equivalent ! to mode = 1. ! ! err is an array of length m. on output when mode = 2, ! err contains measures of correctness of the respective ! gradients. if there is no severe loss of significance, ! then if err(i) is 1.0E+00 the i-th gradient is correct, ! while if err(i) is 0.0E+00 the i-th gradient is incorrect. ! for values of err between 0.0E+00 and 1.0, the categorization ! is less certain. in general, a value of err(i) greater ! than 0.5 indicates that the i-th gradient is probably ! correct, while a value of err(i) less than 0.5 indicates ! that the i-th gradient is probably incorrect. ! ! argonne national laboratory. minpack project. march 1980. ! burton s. garbow, kenneth e. hillstrom, jorge j. more ! ! references powell, m. j. d., *a hybrid method for nonlinear ! equations*, 'numerical methods for nonlinear ! algebraic equations', p. rabinowitz, editor, ! gordon and breach, 1970. ! integer ldfjac integer m integer n ! real eps real epsf real epslog real epsmch real err(m) real, parameter :: factor = 100.0E+00 real fjac(ldfjac,n) real fvec(m) real fvecp(m) integer i integer j integer mode real r1mach real temp real x(n) real xp(n) ! epsmch = epsilon ( epsmch ) eps = sqrt ( epsmch ) if ( mode == 2 ) go to 20 ! ! mode = 1. ! do j = 1, n temp = eps * abs(x(j)) if (temp == 0.0) temp = eps xp(j) = x(j) + temp end do go to 70 20 continue ! ! mode = 2. ! epsf = factor*epsmch epslog = log10(eps) err(1:m) = 0.0E+00 do j = 1, n temp = abs(x(j)) if (temp == 0.0) temp = 1.0E+00 do i = 1, m err(i) = err(i) + temp*fjac(i,j) end do end do do i = 1, m temp = 1.0E+00 if ( fvec(i) /= 0.0E+00 .and. fvecp(i) /= 0.0E+00 .and. & abs(fvecp(i)-fvec(i)) >= epsf*abs(fvec(i)) ) then temp = eps*abs((fvecp(i)-fvec(i))/eps-err(i)) & /(abs(fvec(i)) + abs(fvecp(i))) end if err(i) = 1.0E+00 if ( temp > epsmch .and. temp < eps ) then err(i) = (log10(temp) - epslog)/epslog end if if (temp >= eps) err(i) = 0.0E+00 end do 70 continue return end subroutine chlhsn ( nr, n, a, epsm, sx, udiag ) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! CHLHSN finds the l(l-transpose) [written ll+] decomposition of the perturbed ! model hessian matrix a+mu*i(where mu\0 and i is the identity matrix) ! which is safely positive definite. ! ! if a is safely positive definite upon entry, then mu=0. ! ! Reference: ! ! David Kahaner, Clever Moler, Steven Nash, ! Numerical Methods and Software, ! Prentice Hall, 1988. ! ! parameters ! ! nr --> row dimension of matrix ! n --> dimension of problem ! a(n,n) <--> on entry; "a" is model hessian (only lower ! triangular part and diagonal stored) ! on exit: a contains l of ll+ decomposition of ! perturbed model hessian in lower triangular ! part and diagonal and contains hessian in upper ! triangular part and udiag ! epsm --> machine epsilon ! sx(n) --> diagonal scaling matrix for x ! udiag(n) <-- on exit: contains diagonal of hessian ! ! internal variables ! ! tol tolerance ! diagmn minimum element on diagonal of a ! diagmx maximum element on diagonal of a ! offmax maximum off-diagonal element of a ! offrow sum of off-diagonal elements in a row of a ! evmin minimum eigenvalue of a ! evmax maximum eigenvalue of a ! ! Description: ! ! 1. if "a" has any negative diagonal elements, then choose mu>0 ! such that the diagonal of a:=a+mu*i is all positive ! with the ratio of its smallest to largest element on the ! order of sqrt(epsm). ! ! 2. "a" undergoes a perturbed cholesky decomposition which ! results in an ll+ decomposition of a+d, where d is a ! non-negative diagonal matrix which is implicitly added to ! "a" during the decomposition if "a" is not positive definite. ! "a" is retained and not changed during this process by ! copying l into the upper triangular part of "a" and the ! diagonal into udiag. then the cholesky decomposition routine ! is called. on return, addmax contains maximum element of d. ! ! 3. if addmax=0, "a" was positive definite going into step 2 ! and return is made to calling program. otherwise, ! the minimum number sdd which must be added to the ! diagonal of a to make it safely strictly diagonally dominant ! is calculated. since a+addmax*i and a+sdd*i are safely ! positive definite, choose mu=min(addmax,sdd) and decompose ! a+mu*i to obtain l. ! integer n integer nr ! real a(nr,*) real addmax real amu real diagmx real diagmn real epsm real evmax real evmin integer i integer j real offmax real offro real offrow real posmax real sdd real sx(n) real tol real udiag(n) ! ! scale hessian ! pre- and post- multiply "a" by inv(sx) ! do j=1,n do i=j,n a(i,j)=a(i,j)/(sx(i)*sx(j)) end do end do ! ! step1 ! ! note: if a different tolerance is desired throughout this ! algorithm, change tolerance here: ! tol=sqrt(epsm) ! diagmx=a(1,1) diagmn=a(1,1) do i=2,n if ( a(i,i)diagmx) diagmx=a(i,i) end do posmax = max(diagmx,0.0) if ( diagmn > posmax*tol) go to 100 amu=tol*(posmax-diagmn)-diagmn if ( amu/=0.) go to 60 ! ! Find largest off-diagonal element of A. ! offmax=0.0E+00 do i=2,n do j=1,i-1 if ( abs(a(i,j))>offmax) offmax=abs(a(i,j)) end do end do amu=offmax if ( amu == 0.0E+00 ) then amu=1.0E+00 else amu=amu*(1.0+tol) end if ! ! a=a + mu*i ! 60 continue do i=1,n a(i,i)=a(i,i)+amu end do diagmx=diagmx+amu ! ! step2 ! ! copy lower triangular part of "a" to upper triangular part ! and diagonal of "a" to udiag ! 100 continue do j=1,n udiag(j)=a(j,j) do i=j+1,n a(j,i)=a(i,j) end do end do call choldc ( nr, n, a, diagmx, tol, addmax ) ! ! step3 ! ! if addmax=0, "a" was positive definite going into step 2, ! the ll+ decomposition has been done, and we return. ! otherwise, addmax>0. perturb "a" so that it is safely ! diagonally dominant and find ll+ decomposition ! if ( addmax<=0.) go to 170 ! if ( addmax>0.) ! then ! ! restore original "a" (lower triangular part and diagonal) ! do j = 1, n a(j,j)=udiag(j) do i=j+1,n a(i,j)=a(j,i) end do end do ! ! find sdd such that a+sdd*i is safely positive definite ! note: evmin<0 since a is not positive definite; ! evmin=0.0E+00 evmax=a(1,1) do i=1,n offrow=0.0E+00 do j=1,i-1 offrow=offrow+abs(a(i,j)) end do ! ! I'm not sure about the text of this loop. ! It seems to have been damaged earlier, and read ! ! offrow = offro ! do j=i+1,n offrow = offrow + abs(a(j,i)) end do evmin=min(evmin,a(i,i)-offrow) evmax=max(evmax,a(i,i)+offrow) end do sdd=tol*(evmax-evmin)-evmin ! ! perturb "a" and decompose again ! amu=min(sdd,addmax) do i=1,n a(i,i)=a(i,i)+amu udiag(i)=a(i,i) end do ! ! "a" now guaranteed safely positive definite ! call choldc ( nr, n, a, 0.0, tol, addmax ) ! ! unscale hessian and cholesky decomposition matrix ! 170 continue do j=1,n do i=j,n a(i,j)=sx(i)*a(i,j) end do do i=1,j-1 a(i,j)=sx(i)*sx(j)*a(i,j) end do udiag(j)=udiag(j)*sx(j)*sx(j) end do return end subroutine choldc ( nr, n, a, diagmx, tol, addmax ) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! CHOLDC finds the perturbed l(l-transpose) [written ll+] decomposition ! of a+d, where d is a non-negative diagonal matrix added to a if ! necessary to allow the cholesky decomposition to continue. ! ! Reference: ! ! David Kahaner, Clever Moler, Steven Nash, ! Numerical Methods and Software, ! Prentice Hall, 1988. ! ! Parameters: ! ! nr --> row dimension of matrix ! n --> dimension of problem ! a(n,n) <--> on entry: matrix for which to find perturbed ! cholesky decomposition ! on exit: contains l of ll+ decomposition ! in lower triangular part and diagonal of "a" ! diagmx --> maximum diagonal element of "a" ! tol --> tolerance ! addmax <-- maximum amount implicitly added to diagonal of "a" ! in forming the cholesky decomposition of a+d ! internal variables ! ! aminl smallest element allowed on diagonal of l ! amnlsq =aminl**2 ! offmax maximum off-diagonal element in column of a ! ! Description: ! ! the normal cholesky decomposition is performed. however, if at any ! point the algorithm would attempt to set l(i,i)=sqrt(temp) ! with temp < tol*diagmx, then l(i,i) is set to sqrt(tol*diagmx) ! instead. this is equivalent to adding tol*diagmx-temp to a(i,i) ! integer n integer nr ! real a(nr,n) real addmax real aminl real amnlsq real diagmx integer i integer j integer k real offmax real sum real temp real tol ! addmax = 0.0E+00 aminl = sqrt(diagmx*tol) amnlsq = aminl*aminl ! ! form column j of l ! do j = 1, n ! ! find diagonal elements of l ! sum = 0.0E+00 do k = 1,j-1 sum = sum + a(j,k)**2 end do temp = a(j,j)-sum if ( tempoffmax) offmax=abs(a(i,j)) end do if ( offmax<=amnlsq) offmax=amnlsq ! ! add to diagonal element to allow cholesky decomposition to continue ! a(j,j)=sqrt(offmax) addmax=max(addmax,offmax-temp) ! ! find i,j element of lower triangular matrix ! 40 continue do i=j+1,n sum=0.0E+00 do k=1,j-1 sum=sum+a(i,k)*a(j,k) end do a(i,j)=(a(i,j)-sum)/a(j,j) end do end do return end subroutine cosqb ( n, x, wsave ) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! COSQB computes the fast cosine transform of quarter wave data. ! ! ! Discussion: ! ! COSQB computes a sequence from its representation in terms of a cosine ! series with odd wave numbers. ! ! The transform is defined by: ! ! X_out(I) = sum ( 1 <= K <= N ) ! ! 4 * X_in(K) * cos ( ( 2 * K - 1 ) * ( I - 1 ) * PI / ( 2 * N ) ) ! ! COSQB is the unnormalized inverse of COSQF since a call of COSQB ! followed by a call of COSQF will multiply the input sequence X by 4*N. ! ! The array WSAVE must be initialized by calling COSQI. ! ! Modified: ! ! 09 March 2001 ! ! Author: ! ! Paul Swarztrauber, ! National Center for Atmospheric Research ! ! Reference: ! ! David Kahaner, Clever Moler, Steven Nash, ! Numerical Methods and Software, ! Prentice Hall, 1988. ! ! P N Swarztrauber, ! Vectorizing the FFT's, ! in Parallel Computations (G. Rodrigue, editor), ! Academic Press, 1982, pages 51-83. ! ! B L Buzbee, ! The SLATEC Common Math Library, ! in Sources and Development of Mathematical Software (W. Cowell, editor), ! Prentice Hall, 1984, pages 302-318. ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, integer N, the length of the array X. The method is ! more efficient when N is the product of small primes. ! ! Input/output, real X(N). ! On input, the cosine series coefficients. ! On output, the corresponding data vector. ! ! Input, real WSAVE(3*N+15), contains data, depending on N, and ! required by the algorithm. The WSAVE array must be initialized by ! calling COSQI. A different WSAVE array must be used for each different ! value of N. ! integer n ! real, parameter :: tsqrt2 = 2.82842712474619E+00 real wsave(3*n+15) real x(n) real x1 ! if ( n < 2 ) then x(1) = 4.0E+00 * x(1) else if ( n == 2 ) then x1 = 4.0E+00 * ( x(1) + x(2) ) x(2) = tsqrt2 * ( x(1) - x(2) ) x(1) = x1 else call cosqb1 ( n, x, wsave(1), wsave(n+1) ) end if return end subroutine cosqb1 ( n, x, w, xh ) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! COSQB1 is a lower level routine used by COSQB. ! ! ! Modified: ! ! 09 March 2001 ! ! Author: ! ! Paul Swarztrauber, ! National Center for Atmospheric Research ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, integer N, the length of the array. ! ! Input/output, real X(N). ! On input, the cosine series coefficients. ! On output, the corresponding data vector. ! ! Input, real W(N). ! ! Input, real XH(2*N+15). ! integer n ! integer i integer k integer kc integer ns2 real w(n) real x(n) real xh(2*n+15) real xim1 ! ns2 = ( n + 1 ) / 2 do i = 3, n, 2 xim1 = x(i-1) + x(i) x(i) = x(i) - x(i-1) x(i-1) = xim1 end do x(1) = x(1) + x(1) if ( mod ( n, 2 ) == 0 ) then x(n) = 2.0E+00 * x(n) end if call rfftb ( n, x, xh ) do k = 2, ns2 kc = n + 2 - k xh(k) = w(k-1) * x(kc) + w(kc-1) * x(k) xh(kc) = w(k-1) * x(k) - w(kc-1) * x(kc) end do if ( mod ( n, 2 ) == 0 ) then x(ns2+1) = w(ns2) * ( x(ns2+1) + x(ns2+1) ) end if do k = 2, ns2 kc = n + 2 - k x(k) = xh(k) + xh(kc) x(kc) = xh(k) - xh(kc) end do x(1) = 2.0E+00 * x(1) return end subroutine cosqf ( n, x, wsave ) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! COSQF computes the fast cosine transform of quarter wave data. ! ! ! Discussion: ! ! COSQF computes the coefficients in a cosine series representation ! with only odd wave numbers. ! ! COSQF is the unnormalized inverse of COSQB since a call of COSQF ! followed by a call of COSQB will multiply the input sequence X ! by 4*N. ! ! The array WSAVE must be initialized by calling COSQI. ! ! The transform is defined by: ! ! X_out(I) = X_in(1) + sum ( 2 <= K <= N ) ! ! 2 * X_in(K) * cos ( ( 2 * I - 1 ) * ( K - 1 ) * PI / ( 2 * N ) ) ! ! Modified: ! ! 09 March 2001 ! ! Author: ! ! Paul Swarztrauber, ! National Center for Atmospheric Research ! ! Reference: ! ! David Kahaner, Clever Moler, Steven Nash, ! Numerical Methods and Software, ! Prentice Hall, 1988. ! ! P N Swarztrauber, ! Vectorizing the FFT's, ! in Parallel Computations (G. Rodrigue, editor), ! Academic Press, 1982, pages 51-83. ! ! B L Buzbee, ! The SLATEC Common Math Library, ! in Sources and Development of Mathematical Software (W. Cowell, editor), ! Prentice Hall, 1984, pages 302-318. ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, integer N, the length of the array X. The method is ! more efficient when N is the product of small primes. ! ! Input/output, real X(N). ! On input, the data to be transformed. ! On output, the transformed data. ! ! Input, real WSAVE(3*N+15), contains data, depending on N, and ! required by the algorithm. The WSAVE array must be initialized by ! calling COSQI. A different WSAVE array must be used for each different ! value of N. ! integer n ! real, parameter :: sqrt2 = 1.4142135623731E+00 real tsqx real wsave(3*n+15) real x(n) ! if ( n < 2 ) then else if ( n == 2 ) then tsqx = sqrt2 * x(2) x(2) = x(1) - tsqx x(1) = x(1) + tsqx else call cosqf1 ( n, x, wsave(1), wsave(n+1) ) end if return end subroutine cosqf1 ( n, x, w, xh ) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! COSQF1 is a lower level routine used by COSQF. ! ! ! Modified: ! ! 09 March 2001 ! ! Author: ! ! Paul Swarztrauber, ! National Center for Atmospheric Research ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, integer N, the length of the array to be transformed. ! ! Input/output, real X(N). ! On input, the data to be transformed. ! On output, the transformed data. ! ! Input, real W(N). ! ! Input, real XH(2*N+15). ! integer n ! integer i integer k integer kc integer ns2 real w(n) real x(n) real xh(2*n+15) real xim1 ! ns2 = ( n + 1 ) / 2 do k = 2, ns2 kc = n + 2 - k xh(k) = x(k) + x(kc) xh(kc) = x(k) - x(kc) end do if ( mod ( n, 2 ) == 0 ) then xh(ns2+1) = x(ns2+1) + x(ns2+1) end if do k = 2, ns2 kc = n+2-k x(k) = w(k-1) * xh(kc) + w(kc-1) * xh(k) x(kc) = w(k-1) * xh(k) - w(kc-1) * xh(kc) end do if ( mod ( n, 2 ) == 0 ) then x(ns2+1) = w(ns2) * xh(ns2+1) end if call rfftf ( n, x, xh ) do i = 3, n, 2 xim1 = x(i-1) - x(i) x(i) = x(i-1) + x(i) x(i-1) = xim1 end do return end subroutine cosqi ( n, wsave ) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! COSQI initializes WSAVE, used in COSQF and COSQB. ! ! ! Discussion: ! ! The prime factorization of N together with a tabulation of the ! trigonometric functions are computed and stored in WSAVE. ! ! Modified: ! ! 09 March 2001 ! ! Author: ! ! Paul Swarztrauber, ! National Center for Atmospheric Research ! ! Reference: ! ! David Kahaner, Clever Moler, Steven Nash, ! Numerical Methods and Software, ! Prentice Hall, 1988. ! ! P N Swarztrauber, ! Vectorizing the FFT's, ! in Parallel Computations (G. Rodrigue, editor), ! Academic Press, 1982, pages 51-83. ! ! B L Buzbee, ! The SLATEC Common Math Library, ! in Sources and Development of Mathematical Software (W. Cowell, editor), ! Prentice Hall, 1984, pages 302-318. ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, integer N, the length of the array to be transformed. The method ! is more efficient when N is the product of small primes. ! ! Output, real WSAVE(3*N+15), contains data, depending on N, and ! required by the COSQB and COSQF algorithms. ! integer n ! real dt integer k real pimach real wsave(3*n+15) ! dt = 0.5E+00 * pimach() / real ( n ) do k = 1, n wsave(k) = cos ( real ( k ) * dt ) end do call rffti ( n, wsave(n+1) ) return end subroutine cost ( n, x, wsave ) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! COST computes the discrete Fourier cosine transform of an even sequence. ! ! ! Discussion: ! ! COST is the unnormalized inverse of itself since a call of COST ! followed by another call of COST will multiply the input sequence ! X by 2*(N-1). ! ! The array WSAVE must be initialized by calling COSTI. ! ! The transform is defined by: ! ! X_out(I) = X_in(1) + (-1) **(I-1) * X_in(N) + sum ( 2 <= K <= N-1 ) ! ! 2 * X_in(K) * cos ( ( K - 1 ) * ( I - 1 ) * PI / ( N - 1 ) ) ! ! Modified: ! ! 09 March 2001 ! ! Author: ! ! Paul Swarztrauber, ! National Center for Atmospheric Research ! ! Reference: ! ! David Kahaner, Clever Moler, Steven Nash, ! Numerical Methods and Software, ! Prentice Hall, 1988. ! ! P N Swarztrauber, ! Vectorizing the FFT's, ! in Parallel Computations (G. Rodrigue, editor), ! Academic Press, 1982, pages 51-83. ! ! B L Buzbee, ! The SLATEC Common Math Library, ! in Sources and Development of Mathematical Software (W. Cowell, editor), ! Prentice Hall, 1984, pages 302-318. ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, integer N, the length of the sequence to be transformed. The ! method is more efficient when N-1 is the product of small primes. ! ! Input/output, real X(N). ! On input, the sequence to be transformed. ! On output, the transformed sequence. ! ! Input, real WSAVE(3*N+15). ! The WSAVE array must be initialized by calling COSTI. A different ! array must be used for each different value of N. ! integer n ! real c1 integer i integer k integer kc integer ns2 real t1 real t2 real tx2 real wsave(3*n+15) real x(n) real x1h real x1p3 real xi real xim2 ! ns2 = n / 2 if ( n <= 1 ) then return end if if ( n == 2 ) then x1h = x(1) + x(2) x(2) = x(1) - x(2) x(1) = x1h return end if if ( n == 3 ) then x1p3 = x(1) + x(3) tx2 = x(2) + x(2) x(2) = x(1) - x(3) x(1) = x1p3 + tx2 x(3) = x1p3 - tx2 return end if c1 = x(1) - x(n) x(1) = x(1) + x(n) do k = 2, ns2 kc = n + 1 - k t1 = x(k) + x(kc) t2 = x(k) - x(kc) c1 = c1 + wsave(kc) * t2 t2 = wsave(k) * t2 x(k) = t1 - t2 x(kc) = t1 + t2 end do if ( mod ( n, 2 ) /= 0 ) then x(ns2+1) = x(ns2+1) + x(ns2+1) end if call rfftf ( n-1, x, wsave(n+1) ) xim2 = x(2) x(2) = c1 do i = 4, n, 2 xi = x(i) x(i) = x(i-2) - x(i-1) x(i-1) = xim2 xim2 = xi end do if ( mod ( n, 2 ) /= 0 ) then x(n) = xim2 end if return end subroutine costi ( n, wsave ) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! COSTI initializes WSAVE, used in COST. ! ! ! Discussion: ! ! The prime factorization of N together with a tabulation of the ! trigonometric functions are computed and stored in WSAVE. ! ! Modified: ! ! 09 March 2001 ! ! Author: ! ! Paul Swarztrauber, ! National Center for Atmospheric Research ! ! Reference: ! ! David Kahaner, Clever Moler, Steven Nash, ! Numerical Methods and Software, ! Prentice Hall, 1988. ! ! P N Swarztrauber, ! Vectorizing the FFT's, ! in Parallel Computations (G. Rodrigue, editor), ! Academic Press, 1982, pages 51-83. ! ! B L Buzbee, ! The SLATEC Common Math Library, ! in Sources and Development of Mathematical Software (W. Cowell, editor), ! Prentice Hall, 1984, pages 302-318. ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, integer N, the length of the sequence to be transformed. The ! method is more efficient when N-1 is the product of small primes. ! ! Output, real WSAVE(3*N+15), contains data, depending on N, and ! required by the COST algorithm. ! integer n ! real dt integer k real pimach real wsave(3*n+15) ! if ( n <= 3 ) then return end if dt = pimach ( ) / real ( n - 1 ) do k = 2, ( n / 2 ) wsave(k) = 2.0E+00 * sin ( real ( k - 1 ) * dt ) wsave(n+1-k) = 2.0E+00 * cos ( real ( k - 1 ) * dt ) end do call rffti ( n-1, wsave(n+1) ) return end function csevl ( x, cs, n ) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! CSEVL evaluates an N term Chebyshev series. ! ! ! Reference: ! ! R Broucke, ! algorithm 446, c.a.c.m., ! volume 16, page 254, 1973. ! ! Fox and Parker, ! chebyshev polynomials in numerical analysis, ! oxford press, page 56. ! ! David Kahaner, Clever Moler, Steven Nash, ! Numerical Methods and Software, ! Prentice Hall, 1988. ! ! parameters: ! ! x value at which the series is to be evaluated. ! cs array of n terms of a chebyshev series. in eval- ! uating cs, only half the first coefficient is summed. ! n number of terms in array cs. ! integer n ! real b0 real b1 real b2 real cs(n) real csevl integer i real x ! if ( n < 1 ) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'CSEVL - Fatal error!' write ( *, * ) ' Number of terms N is less than 1.' stop end if if ( n > 1000 ) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'CSEVL - Fatal error!' write ( *, * ) ' The number of terms is more than 1000.' stop end if if ( x < -1.0E+00 .or. x > 1.0E+00 ) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'CSEVL - Fatal error!' write ( *, * ) ' The input argument X is outside the interval [-1,1].' stop end if b1 = 0.0E+00 b0 = 0.0E+00 do i = n, 1, -1 b2 = b1 b1 = b0 b0 = 2.0E+00 * x * b1 - b2 + cs(i) end do csevl = 0.5 * ( b0 - b2 ) return end subroutine cvec_random ( alo, ahi, n, a ) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! CVEC_RANDOM returns a random complex vector in a given range. ! ! ! Modified: ! ! 08 March 2001 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, real ALO, AHI, the range allowed for the entries. ! ! Input, integer N, the number of entries in the vector. ! ! Output, complex A(N), the vector of randomly chosen values. ! integer n ! complex a(n) real ahi real ai real alo real ar integer i ! do i = 1, n call r_random ( alo, ahi, ar ) call r_random ( alo, ahi, ai ) a(i) = cmplx ( ar, ai ) end do return end subroutine d1fcn ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! D1FCN is a dummy routine. ! write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'D1FCN accidentally called!' stop end function d1mach(i) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! D1MACH returns double precision machine constants. ! ! ! Assuming that the internal representation of a double precision number is ! in base B, with T the number of base-B digits in the mantissa, and EMIN the ! smallest possible exponent and EMAX the largest possible exponent, then ! ! D1MACH(1) = B**(EMIN-1), the smallest positive magnitude. ! D1MACH(2) = B**EMAX*(1-B**(-T)), the largest magnitude. ! D1MACH(3) = B**(-T), the smallest relative spacing. ! D1MACH(4) = B**(1-T), the largest relative spacing. ! D1MACH(5) = log10(B). ! ! To alter this function for a particular environment, the desired set of DATA ! statements should be activated by removing the C from column 1. On rare ! machines, a STATIC statement may need to be added, but probably more systems ! prohibit than require it. ! ! For IEEE-arithmetic machines (binary standard), one of the first two sets of ! constants below should be appropriate. ! ! Where possible, octal or hexadecimal constants have been used to specify the ! constants exactly, which has in some cases required the use of EQUIVALENCED ! integer arrays. ! double precision d1mach integer diver(4) double precision dmach(5) integer i integer large(4) integer log10(4) integer right(4) integer small(4) ! equivalence (dmach(1),small(1)) equivalence (dmach(2),large(1)) equivalence (dmach(3),right(1)) equivalence (dmach(4),diver(1)) equivalence (dmach(5),log10(1)) ! ! IEEE arithmetic machines, such as the ATT 3B series and ! Motorola 68000 based machines such as the SUN 3 and ATT PC ! 7300, and the SGI Iris, in which the most significant byte is ! stored first. ! data small(1),small(2) / 1048576, 0 / data large(1),large(2) / 2146435071, -1 / data right(1),right(2) / 1017118720, 0 / data diver(1),diver(2) / 1018167296, 0 / data log10(1),log10(2) / 1070810131, 1352628735 / ! ! IEEE arithmetic machines and 8087-based micros, such as the IBM PC, ! ATT 6300, DEC PMAX, DEC ALPHA, NEXT, in which the most ! significant byte is stored last. ! ! data small(1),small(2) / 0, 1048576 / ! data large(1),large(2) / -1, 2146435071 / ! data right(1),right(2) / 0, 1017118720 / ! data diver(1),diver(2) / 0, 1018167296 / ! data log10(1),log10(2) / 1352628735, 1070810131 / ! ! ALLIANT FX/8 UNIX FORTRAN compiler. ! ! data dmach(1) / 2.22507385850721D-308 / ! data dmach(2) / 1.79769313486231D+308 / ! data dmach(3) / 1.1101827117665D-16 / ! data dmach(4) / 2.2203654423533D-16 / ! data dmach(5) / 3.01029995663981E-1 / ! ! AMDAHL machines. ! ! data small(1),small(2) / 1048576, 0 / ! data large(1),large(2) / 2147483647, -1 / ! data right(1),right(2) / 856686592, 0 / ! data diver(1),diver(2) / 873463808, 0 / ! data log10(1),log10(2) / 1091781651, 1352628735 / ! ! BURROUGHS 1700 system. ! ! data small(1) / ZC00800000 / ! data small(2) / Z000000000 / ! ! data large(1) / ZDFFFFFFFF / ! data large(2) / ZFFFFFFFFF / ! ! data right(1) / ZCC5800000 / ! data right(2) / Z000000000 / ! ! data diver(1) / ZCC6800000 / ! data diver(2) / Z000000000 / ! ! data log10(1) / ZD00E730E7 / ! data log10(2) / ZC77800DC0 / ! ! BURROUGHS 5700 system. ! ! data small(1) / O1771000000000000 / ! data small(2) / O0000000000000000 / ! ! data large(1) / O0777777777777777 / ! data large(2) / O0007777777777777 / ! ! data right(1) / O1461000000000000 / ! data right(2) / O0000000000000000 / ! ! data diver(1) / O1451000000000000 / ! data diver(2) / O0000000000000000 / ! ! data log10(1) / O1157163034761674 / ! data log10(2) / O0006677466732724 / ! ! BURROUGHS 6700/7700 systems. ! ! data small(1) / O1771000000000000 / ! data small(2) / O7770000000000000 / ! ! data large(1) / O0777777777777777 / ! data large(2) / O7777777777777777 / ! ! data right(1) / O1461000000000000 / ! data right(2) / O0000000000000000 / ! ! data diver(1) / O1451000000000000 / ! data diver(2) / O0000000000000000 / ! ! data log10(1) / O1157163034761674 / ! data log10(2) / O0006677466732724 / ! ! CDC CYBER 170/180 series using NOS ! ! data small(1) / O"00604000000000000000" / ! data small(2) / O"00000000000000000000" / ! ! data large(1) / O"37767777777777777777" / ! data large(2) / O"37167777777777777777" / ! ! data right(1) / O"15604000000000000000" / ! data right(2) / O"15000000000000000000" / ! ! data diver(1) / O"15614000000000000000" / ! data diver(2) / O"15010000000000000000" / ! ! data log10(1) / O"17164642023241175717" / ! data log10(2) / O"16367571421742254654" / ! ! CDC CYBER 170/180 series using NOS/VE ! ! data small(1) / Z"3001800000000000" / ! data small(2) / Z"3001000000000000" / ! ! data large(1) / Z"4FFEFFFFFFFFFFFE" / ! data large(2) / Z"4FFE000000000000" / ! ! data right(1) / Z"3FD2800000000000" / ! data right(2) / Z"3FD2000000000000" / ! ! data diver(1) / Z"3FD3800000000000" / ! data diver(2) / Z"3FD3000000000000" / ! ! data log10(1) / Z"3FFF9A209A84FBCF" / ! data log10(2) / Z"3FFFF7988F8959AC" / ! ! CDC CYBER 200 series ! ! data small(1) / X'9000400000000000' / ! data small(2) / X'8FD1000000000000' / ! ! data large(1) / X'6FFF7FFFFFFFFFFF' / ! data large(2) / X'6FD07FFFFFFFFFFF' / ! ! data right(1) / X'FF74400000000000' / ! data right(2) / X'FF45000000000000' / ! ! data diver(1) / X'FF75400000000000' / ! data diver(2) / X'FF46000000000000' / ! ! data log10(1) / X'FFD04D104D427DE7' / ! data log10(2) / X'FFA17DE623E2566A' / ! ! CDC 6000/7000 series using FTN4. ! ! data small(1) / 00564000000000000000B / ! data small(2) / 00000000000000000000B / ! ! data large(1) / 37757777777777777777B / ! data large(2) / 37157777777777777774B / ! ! data right(1) / 15624000000000000000B / ! data right(2) / 00000000000000000000B / ! ! data diver(1) / 15634000000000000000B / ! data diver(2) / 00000000000000000000B / ! ! data log10(1) / 17164642023241175717B / ! data log10(2) / 16367571421742254654B / ! ! CDC 6000/7000 series using FTN5. ! ! data small(1) / O"00564000000000000000" / ! data small(2) / O"00000000000000000000" / ! ! data large(1) / O"37757777777777777777" / ! data large(2) / O"37157777777777777774" / ! ! data right(1) / O"15624000000000000000" / ! data right(2) / O"00000000000000000000" / ! ! data diver(1) / O"15634000000000000000" / ! data diver(2) / O"00000000000000000000" / ! ! data log10(1) / O"17164642023241175717" / ! data log10(2) / O"16367571421742254654" / ! ! CONVEX C-1 ! ! data small(1),small(2) / '00100000'X, '00000000'X / ! data large(1),large(2) / '7FFFFFFF'X, 'FFFFFFFF'X / ! data right(1),right(2) / '3CC00000'X, '00000000'X / ! data diver(1),diver(2) / '3CD00000'X, '00000000'X / ! data log10(1),log10(2) / '3FF34413'X, '509F79FF'X / ! ! CONVEX C-120 (native mode) with or without -R8 option ! ! data dmach(1) / 5.562684646268007D-309 / ! data dmach(2) / 8.988465674311577D+307 / ! data dmach(3) / 1.110223024625157D-016 / ! data dmach(4) / 2.220446049250313D-016 / ! data dmach(5) / 3.010299956639812D-001 / ! ! CONVEX C-120 (IEEE mode) with or without -R8 option ! ! data dmach(1) / 2.225073858507202D-308 / ! data dmach(2) / 1.797693134862315D+308 / ! data dmach(3) / 1.110223024625157D-016 / ! data dmach(4) / 2.220446049250313D-016 / ! data dmach(5) / 3.010299956639812D-001 / ! ! CRAY 1, 2, XMP and YMP. ! ! data small(1) / 201354000000000000000B / ! data small(2) / 000000000000000000000B / ! ! data large(1) / 577767777777777777777B / ! data large(2) / 000007777777777777776B / ! ! data right(1) / 376434000000000000000B / ! data right(2) / 000000000000000000000B / ! ! data diver(1) / 376444000000000000000B / ! data diver(2) / 000000000000000000000B / ! ! data log10(1) / 377774642023241175717B / ! data log10(2) / 000007571421742254654B / ! ! DATA GENERAL ECLIPSE S/200 ! Note - It may be appropriate to include the line: STATIC dmach(5) ! ! data small /20K,3*0/ ! data large /77777K,3*177777K/ ! data right /31420K,3*0/ ! data diver /32020K,3*0/ ! data log10 /40423K,42023K,50237K,74776K/ ! ! ELXSI 6400, assuming REAL*8 is the default DOUBLE PRECISION type. ! ! data small(1), small(2) / '00100000'X,'00000000'X / ! data large(1), large(2) / '7FEFFFFF'X,'FFFFFFFF'X / ! data right(1), right(2) / '3CB00000'X,'00000000'X / ! data diver(1), diver(2) / '3CC00000'X,'00000000'X / ! data log10(1), diver(2) / '3FD34413'X,'509F79FF'X / ! ! HARRIS 220 ! ! data small(1),small(2) / '20000000, '00000201 / ! data large(1),large(2) / '37777777, '37777577 / ! data right(1),right(2) / '20000000, '00000333 / ! data diver(1),diver(2) / '20000000, '00000334 / ! data log10(1),log10(2) / '23210115, '10237777 / ! ! HARRIS SLASH 6 and SLASH 7 ! ! data small(1),small(2) / '20000000, '00000201 / ! data large(1),large(2) / '37777777, '37777577 / ! data right(1),right(2) / '20000000, '00000333 / ! data diver(1),diver(2) / '20000000, '00000334 / ! data log10(1),log10(2) / '23210115, '10237777 / ! ! HONEYWELL DPS 8/70 and 600/6000 series. ! ! data small(1),small(2) / O402400000000, O000000000000 / ! data large(1),large(2) / O376777777777, O777777777777 / ! data right(1),right(2) / O604400000000, O000000000000 / ! data diver(1),diver(2) / O606400000000, O000000000000 / ! data log10(1),log10(2) / O776464202324, O117571775714 / ! ! HP 2100, three word double precision option with FTN4. ! ! data small(1), small(2), small(3) / 40000B, 0, 1 / ! data large(1), large(2), large(3) / 77777B, 177777B, 177776B / ! data right(1), right(2), right(3) / 40000B, 0, 265B / ! data diver(1), diver(2), diver(3) / 40000B, 0, 276B / ! data log10(1), log10(2), log10(3) / 46420B, 46502B, 77777B / ! ! HP 2100, four word double precision option with FTN4. ! ! data small(1), small(2) / 40000B, 0 / ! data small(3), small(4) / 0, 1 / ! data large(1), large(2) / 77777B, 177777B / ! data large(3), large(4) / 177777B, 177776B / ! data right(1), right(2) / 40000B, 0 / ! data right(3), right(4) / 0, 225B / ! data diver(1), diver(2) / 40000B, 0 / ! data diver(3), diver(4) / 0, 227B / ! data log10(1), log10(2) / 46420B, 46502B / ! data log10(3), log10(4) / 76747B, 176377B / ! ! HP 9000 ! ! d1mach(1) = 2.8480954D-306 ! d1mach(2) = 1.40444776D+306 ! d1mach(3) = 2.22044605D-16 ! d1mach(4) = 4.44089210D-16 ! d1mach(5) = 3.01029996D-1 ! ! data small(1), small(2) / 00040000000B, 00000000000B / ! data large(1), large(2) / 17737777777B, 37777777777B / ! data right(1), right(2) / 07454000000B, 00000000000B / ! data diver(1), diver(2) / 07460000000B, 00000000000B / ! data log10(1), log10(2) / 07764642023B, 12047674777B / ! ! IBM 360/370 series, XEROX SIGMA 5/7/9, SEL SYSTEMS 85/86, PERKIN ELMER 3230, ! and PERKIN ELMER (INTERDATA) 3230. ! ! data small(1),small(2) / Z00100000, Z00000000 / ! data large(1),large(2) / Z7FFFFFFF, ZFFFFFFFF / ! data right(1),right(2) / Z33100000, Z00000000 / ! data diver(1),diver(2) / Z34100000, Z00000000 / ! data log10(1),log10(2) / Z41134413, Z509F79FF / ! ! IBM PC - Microsoft FORTRAN ! ! data small(1), small(2) / #00000000, #00100000 / ! data large(1), large(2) / #FFFFFFFF, #7FEFFFFF / ! data right(1), right(2) / #00000000, #3CA00000 / ! data diver(1), diver(2) / #00000000, #3CB00000 / ! data log10(1), log10(2) / #509F79FF, #3FD34413 / ! ! IBM PC - Professional FORTRAN and Lahey FORTRAN ! ! data small(1), small(2) / Z'00000000', Z'00100000' / ! data large(1), large(2) / Z'FFFFFFFF', Z'7FEFFFFF' / ! data right(1), right(2) / Z'00000000', Z'3CA00000' / ! data diver(1), diver(2) / Z'00000000', Z'3CB00000' / ! data log10(1), log10(2) / Z'509F79FF', Z'3FD34413' / ! ! INTERDATA 8/32 with the UNIX system FORTRAN 77 compiler. ! For the INTERDATA FORTRAN VII compiler, replace the Z's specifying hex ! constants with Y's. ! ! data small(1),small(2) / Z'00100000', Z'00000000' / ! data large(1),large(2) / Z'7EFFFFFF', Z'FFFFFFFF' / ! data right(1),right(2) / Z'33100000', Z'00000000' / ! data diver(1),diver(2) / Z'34100000', Z'00000000' / ! data log10(1),log10(2) / Z'41134413', Z'509F79FF' / ! ! PDP-10 (KA processor). ! ! data small(1),small(2) / "033400000000, "000000000000 / ! data large(1),large(2) / "377777777777, "344777777777 / ! data right(1),right(2) / "113400000000, "000000000000 / ! data diver(1),diver(2) / "114400000000, "000000000000 / ! data log10(1),log10(2) / "177464202324, "144117571776 / ! ! PDP-10 (KI processor). ! ! data small(1),small(2) / "000400000000, "000000000000 / ! data large(1),large(2) / "377777777777, "377777777777 / ! data right(1),right(2) / "103400000000, "000000000000 / ! data diver(1),diver(2) / "104400000000, "000000000000 / ! data log10(1),log10(2) / "177464202324, "047674776746 / ! ! PDP-11 FORTRANS supporting 32-bit integers (integer version). ! ! data small(1),small(2) / 8388608, 0 / ! data large(1),large(2) / 2147483647, -1 / ! data right(1),right(2) / 612368384, 0 / ! data diver(1),diver(2) / 620756992, 0 / ! data log10(1),log10(2) / 1067065498, -2063872008 / ! ! PDP-11 FORTRANS supporting 32-bit integers (octal version) ! ! data small(1),small(2) / O00040000000, O00000000000 / ! data large(1),large(2) / O17777777777, O37777777777 / ! data right(1),right(2) / O04440000000, O00000000000 / ! data diver(1),diver(2) / O04500000000, O00000000000 / ! data log10(1),log10(2) / O07746420232, O20476747770 / ! ! PDP-11 FORTRANS supporting 16-bit integers (integer version). ! ! data small(1),small(2) / 128, 0 / ! data small(3),small(4) / 0, 0 / ! ! data large(1),large(2) / 32767, -1 / ! data large(3),large(4) / -1, -1 / ! ! data right(1),right(2) / 9344, 0 / ! data right(3),right(4) / 0, 0 / ! ! data diver(1),diver(2) / 9472, 0 / ! data diver(3),diver(4) / 0, 0 / ! ! data log10(1),log10(2) / 16282, 8346 / ! data log10(3),log10(4) / -31493, -12296 / ! ! PDP-11 FORTRANS supporting 16-bit integers (octal version). ! ! data small(1),small(2) / O000200, O000000 / ! data small(3),small(4) / O000000, O000000 / ! ! data large(1),large(2) / O077777, O177777 / ! data large(3),large(4) / O177777, O177777 / ! ! data right(1),right(2) / O022200, O000000 / ! data right(3),right(4) / O000000, O000000 / ! ! data diver(1),diver(2) / O022400, O000000 / ! data diver(3),diver(4) / O000000, O000000 / ! ! data log10(1),log10(2) / O037632, O020232 / ! data log10(3),log10(4) / O102373, O147770 / ! ! PRIME 50 series systems with 32-bit integers and 64V MODE instructions, ! supplied by Igor Bray. ! ! data small(1),small(2) / :10000000000, :00000100001 / ! data large(1),large(2) / :17777777777, :37777677775 / ! data right(1),right(2) / :10000000000, :00000000122 / ! data diver(1),diver(2) / :10000000000, :00000000123 / ! data log10(1),log10(2) / :11504046501, :07674600177 / ! ! SEQUENT BALANCE 8000 ! ! data small(1),small(2) / $00000000, $00100000 / ! data large(1),large(2) / $FFFFFFFF, $7FEFFFFF / ! data right(1),right(2) / $00000000, $3CA00000 / ! data diver(1),diver(2) / $00000000, $3CB00000 / ! data log10(1),log10(2) / $509F79FF, $3FD34413 / ! ! SUN Microsystems UNIX F77 compiler. ! ! data dmach(1) / 2.22507385850720D-308 / ! data dmach(2) / 1.79769313486231D+308 / ! data dmach(3) / 1.1101827117665D-16 / ! data dmach(4) / 2.2203654423533D-16 / ! data dmach(5) / 3.01029995663981D-1 / ! ! SUN 3 (68881 or FPA) ! ! data small(1),small(2) / X'00100000', X'00000000' / ! data large(1),large(2) / X'7FEFFFFF', X'FFFFFFFF' / ! data right(1),right(2) / X'3CA00000', X'00000000' / ! data diver(1),diver(2) / X'3CB00000', X'00000000' / ! data log10(1),log10(2) / X'3FD34413', X'509F79FF' / ! ! UNIVAC 1100 series. ! ! data small(1),small(2) / O000040000000, O000000000000 / ! data large(1),large(2) / O377777777777, O777777777777 / ! data right(1),right(2) / O170540000000, O000000000000 / ! data diver(1),diver(2) / O170640000000, O000000000000 / ! data log10(1),log10(2) / O177746420232, O411757177572 / ! ! VAX/ULTRIX F77 compiler ! ! data small(1),small(2) / 128, 0 / ! data large(1),large(2) / -32769, -1 / ! data right(1),right(2) / 9344, 0 / ! data diver(1),diver(2) / 9472, 0 / ! data log10(1),log10(2) / 546979738, -805796613 / ! ! VAX/ULTRIX F77 compiler, G floating ! ! data small(1), small(2) / 16, 0 / ! data large(1), large(2) / -32769, -1 / ! data right(1), right(2) / 15552, 0 / ! data diver(1), diver(2) / 15568, 0 / ! data log10(1), log10(2) / 1142112243, 2046775455 / ! ! VAX-11 with FORTRAN IV-PLUS compiler ! ! data small(1),small(2) / Z00000080, Z00000000 / ! data large(1),large(2) / ZFFFF7FFF, ZFFFFFFFF / ! data right(1),right(2) / Z00002480, Z00000000 / ! data diver(1),diver(2) / Z00002500, Z00000000 / ! data log10(1),log10(2) / Z209A3F9A, ZCFF884FB / ! ! VAX/VMS version 2.2 ! ! data small(1),small(2) / '80'X, '0'X / ! data large(1),large(2) / 'FFFF7FFF'X, 'FFFFFFFF'X / ! data right(1),right(2) / '2480'X, '0'X / ! data diver(1),diver(2) / '2500'X, '0'X / ! data log10(1),log10(2) / '209A3F9A'X, 'CFF884FB'X / ! ! VAX/VMS 11/780 ! ! data small(1), small(2) / Z00000080, Z00000000 / ! data large(1), large(2) / ZFFFF7FFF, ZFFFFFFFF / ! data right(1), right(2) / Z00002480, Z00000000 / ! data diver(1), diver(2) / Z00002500, Z00000000 / ! data log10(1), log10(2) / Z209A3F9A, ZCFF884FB / ! ! VAX/VMS 11/780 (G-FLOATING) ! ! data small(1), small(2) / Z00000010, Z00000000 / ! data large(1), large(2) / ZFFFF7FFF, ZFFFFFFFF / ! data right(1), right(2) / Z00003CC0, Z00000000 / ! data diver(1), diver(2) / Z00003CD0, Z00000000 / ! data log10(1), log10(2) / Z44133FF3, Z79FF509F / ! if(i<1.or.i>5)then write ( *, * ) ' ' write(*,*)'D1MACH - Fatal error!' write(*,*)'I is out of bounds:',i d1mach=0.0d0 stop else d1mach = dmach(i) end if return end subroutine d2fcn ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! D2FCN ?? ! write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'd2fcn accidentally called!' stop end subroutine dfault ( n, x, typsiz, fscale, method, iexp, msg, ndigit, itnlim, & iagflg, iahflg, ipr, dlt, gradtl, stepmx, steptl ) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! DFAULT sets default values for the optimization algorithm. ! ! ! Reference: ! ! David Kahaner, Clever Moler, Steven Nash, ! Numerical Methods and Software, ! Prentice Hall, 1988. ! ! parameters ! ! n --> dimension of problem ! x(n) --> initial guess to solution (to compute max step size) ! typsiz(n) <-- typical size for each component of x ! fscale <-- estimate of scale of minimization function ! method <-- algorithm to use to solve minimization problem ! iexp <-- =0 if minimization function not expensive to evaluate ! msg <-- message to inhibit certain automatic checks + output ! ndigit <-- number of good digits in minimization function ! itnlim <-- maximum number of allowable iterations ! iagflg <-- =0 if analytic gradient not supplied ! iahflg <-- =0 if analytic hessian not supplied ! ipr <-- device to which to send output ! dlt <-- trust region radius ! gradtl <-- tolerance at which gradient considered close enough ! to zero to terminate algorithm ! stepmx <-- value of zero to trip default maximum in optchk ! steptl <-- tolerance at which successive iterates considered ! close enough to terminate algorithm ! integer n ! real dlt real epsm real fscale real gradtl integer i1mach integer iagflg integer iahflg integer iexp integer ipr integer itnlim integer method integer msg integer ndigit real stepmx real steptl real typsiz(n) real x(n) ! x(n)=x(n) ! ! Typical size of x and minimization function ! typsiz(1:n)=1.0E+00 fscale=1.0E+00 ! ! Tolerances ! dlt=-1.0E+00 epsm = epsilon ( epsm ) gradtl=epsm**(1.0/3.0) stepmx=0.0E+00 steptl=sqrt(epsm) ! ! Flags ! method=1 iexp=1 msg=9 ndigit=-1 itnlim=150 iagflg=0 iahflg=0 ipr = 6 return end subroutine dogdrv ( nr, n, x, f, g, a, p, xpls, fpls, fcn, sx, stepmx, & steptl, dlt, iretcd, mxtake, sc, wrk1, wrk2, wrk3, ipr ) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! DOGDRV finds a next newton iterate (xpls) by the double dogleg method. ! ! ! Reference: ! ! David Kahaner, Clever Moler, Steven Nash, ! Numerical Methods and Software, ! Prentice Hall, 1988. ! ! Parameters: ! ! nr --> row dimension of matrix ! n --> dimension of problem ! x(n) --> old iterate x[k-1] ! f --> function value at old iterate, f(x) ! g(n) --> gradient at old iterate, g(x), or approximate ! a(n,n) --> cholesky decomposition of hessian ! in lower triangular part and diagonal ! p(n) --> newton step ! xpls(n) <-- new iterate x[k] ! fpls <--function value at new iterate, f(xpls) ! fcn --> name of subroutine to evaluate function ! sx(n) --> diagonal scaling matrix for x ! stepmx --> maximum allowable step size ! steptl --> relative step size at which successive iterates ! considered close enough to terminate algorithm ! dlt <--> trust region radius ! [retain value between successive calls] ! iretcd <-- return code ! =0 satisfactory xpls found ! =1 failed to find satisfactory xpls sufficiently ! distinct from x ! mxtake <-- boolean flag indicating step of maximum length used ! sc(n) --> workspace [current step] ! wrk1(n) --> workspace (and place holding argument to tregup) ! wrk2(n) --> workspace ! wrk3(n) --> workspace ! ipr --> device to which to send output ! integer n integer nr ! real a(nr,n) real cln real dlt real eta real f real fpls real fplsp logical fstdog real g(n) integer i integer ipr integer iretcd logical mxtake logical nwtake real p(n) real rnwtln real sc(n) real stepmx real steptl real sx(n) real tmp real wrk1(n) real wrk2(n) real wrk3(n) real x(n) real xpls(n) ! external fcn ! iretcd=4 fstdog=.true. tmp=0. do i=1,n tmp=tmp+sx(i)*sx(i)*p(i)*p(i) end do rnwtln=sqrt(tmp) 100 continue ! ! find new step by double dogleg algorithm ! call dogstp ( nr, n, g, a, p, sx, rnwtln, dlt, nwtake, fstdog, wrk1, & wrk2, cln, eta, sc, ipr, stepmx ) ! ! check new point and update trust region ! call tregup(nr,n,x,f,g,a,fcn,sc,sx,nwtake,stepmx,steptl,dlt, & iretcd,wrk3,fplsp,xpls,fpls,mxtake,ipr,2,wrk1) if ( iretcd<=1) return go to 100 950 format(' dogdrv initial trust region not given.', & ' compute cauchy step.') 951 format(' dogdrv alpha =',e20.13/' dogdrv beta =',e20.13/ & ' dogdrv dlt =',e20.13/' dogdrv nwtake=',l1 ) 952 format(' dogdrv current step (sc)') 954 format('0dogdrv rnwtln=',e20.13) 955 format(' dogdrv ',5(e20.13,3x)) end subroutine dogleg ( n, r, lr, diag, qtb, delta, x, wa1, wa2 ) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! DOGLEG ?? ! ! ! Reference: ! ! David Kahaner, Clever Moler, Steven Nash, ! Numerical Methods and Software, ! Prentice Hall, 1988. ! ! subroutine dogleg ! ! given an m by n matrix a, an n by n nonsingular diagonal ! matrix d, an m-vector b, and a positive number delta, the ! problem is to determine the convex combination x of the ! gauss-newton and scaled gradient directions that minimizes ! (a*x - b) in the least squares sense, subject to the ! restriction that the euclidean norm of d*x be at most delta. ! ! this subroutine completes the solution of the problem ! if it is provided with the necessary information from the ! qr factorization of a. that is, if a = q*r, where q has ! orthogonal columns and r is an upper triangular matrix, ! then dogleg expects the full upper triangle of r and ! the first n components of (q transpose)*b. ! ! Parameters: ! ! n is a positive integer input variable set to the order of r. ! ! r is an input array of length lr which must contain the upper ! triangular matrix r stored by rows. ! ! lr is a positive integer input variable not less than ! (n*(n+1))/2. ! ! diag is an input array of length n which must contain the ! diagonal elements of the matrix d. ! ! qtb is an input array of length n which must contain the first ! n elements of the vector (q transpose)*b. ! ! delta is a positive input variable which specifies an upper ! bound on the euclidean norm of d*x. ! ! x is an output array of length n which contains the desired ! convex combination of the gauss-newton direction and the ! scaled gradient direction. ! ! wa1 and wa2 are work arrays of length n. ! integer lr integer n ! real alpha real bnorm real delta real diag(n) real epsmch real gnorm integer i integer j integer jj integer jp1 integer k integer l real qnorm real qtb(n) real r(lr) real r1mach real sgnorm real snrm2 real sum real temp real wa1(n) real wa2(n) real x(n) ! epsmch = epsilon ( epsmch ) ! ! First, calculate the gauss-newton direction. ! jj = (n*(n + 1))/2 + 1 do k = 1, n j = n - k + 1 jp1 = j + 1 jj = jj - k l = jj + 1 sum = 0.0E+00 do i = jp1, n sum = sum + r(l) * x(i) l = l + 1 end do temp = r(jj) if ( temp == 0.0E+00 ) then l = j do i = 1, j temp = max ( temp, abs ( r(l) ) ) l = l + n - i end do temp = epsmch * temp if (temp == 0.0) temp = epsmch end if x(j) = (qtb(j) - sum)/temp end do ! ! test whether the gauss-newton direction is acceptable. ! wa1(1:n) = 0.0E+00 wa2(1:n) = diag(1:n) * x(1:n) qnorm = snrm2(n,wa2,1) if (qnorm <= delta) go to 140 ! ! the gauss-newton direction is not acceptable. ! next, calculate the scaled gradient direction. ! l = 1 do j = 1, n temp = qtb(j) do i = j, n wa1(i) = wa1(i) + r(l)*temp l = l + 1 end do wa1(j) = wa1(j)/diag(j) end do ! ! calculate the norm of the scaled gradient direction, ! normalize, and rescale the gradient. ! gnorm = snrm2(n,wa1,1) sgnorm = 0.0E+00 alpha = delta/qnorm if (gnorm == 0.0) go to 120 do j = 1, n wa1(j) = (wa1(j)/gnorm)/diag(j) end do ! ! calculate the point along the scaled gradient ! at which the quadratic is minimized. ! l = 1 do j = 1, n sum = 0.0E+00 do i = j, n sum = sum + r(l)*wa1(i) l = l + 1 end do wa2(j) = sum end do temp = snrm2(n,wa2,1) sgnorm = (gnorm/temp)/temp ! ! Test whether the scaled gradient direction is acceptable. ! alpha = 0.0E+00 if (sgnorm >= delta) go to 120 ! ! the scaled gradient direction is not acceptable. ! finally, calculate the point along the dogleg ! at which the quadratic is minimized. ! bnorm = snrm2(n,qtb,1) temp = (bnorm/gnorm)*(bnorm/qnorm)*(sgnorm/delta) temp = temp - (delta/qnorm)*(sgnorm/delta)**2 & + sqrt((temp-(delta/qnorm))**2 & + (1.0-(delta/qnorm)**2)*(1.0-(sgnorm/delta)**2)) alpha = ((delta/qnorm)*(1.0E+00 - (sgnorm/delta)**2))/temp 120 continue ! ! form appropriate convex combination of the gauss-newton ! direction and the scaled gradient direction. ! temp = (1.0E+00 - alpha)* min (sgnorm,delta) do j = 1, n x(j) = temp*wa1(j) + alpha*x(j) end do 140 continue return end subroutine dogstp ( nr, n, g, a, p, sx, rnwtln, dlt, nwtake, fstdog, ssd, v, & cln, eta, sc, ipr, stepmx ) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! DOGSTP finds a new step by double dogleg algorithm. ! ! ! Reference: ! ! David Kahaner, Clever Moler, Steven Nash, ! Numerical Methods and Software, ! Prentice Hall, 1988. ! ! parameters ! ! nr --> row dimension of matrix ! n --> dimension of problem ! g(n) --> gradient at current iterate, g(x) ! a(n,n) --> cholesky decomposition of hessian in ! lower part and diagonal ! p(n) --> newton step ! sx(n) --> diagonal scaling matrix for x ! rnwtln --> newton step length ! dlt <--> trust region radius ! nwtake <--> boolean, =.true. if newton step taken ! fstdog <--> boolean, =.true. if on first leg of dogleg ! ssd(n) <--> workspace [cauchy step to the minimum of the ! quadratic model in the scaled steepest descent ! direction] [retain value between successive calls] ! v(n) <--> workspace [retain value between successive calls] ! cln <--> cauchy length ! [retain value between successive calls] ! eta [retain value between successive calls] ! sc(n) <-- current step ! ipr --> device to which to send output ! stepmx --> maximum allowable step size ! ! internal variables ! ! cln length of cauchy step ! integer n integer nr ! real a(nr,*) real alam real alpha real beta real cln real dlt real dot1 real dot2 real eta logical fstdog real g(n) integer i integer ipr integer j logical nwtake real p(n) real rnwtln real sc(n) real ssd(n) real stepmx real sx(n) real tmp real v(n) ! ! Can we take a newton step? ! if ( rnwtln <= dlt ) then nwtake = .true. sc(1:n) = p(1:n) dlt = rnwtln else ! ! newton step too long ! cauchy step is on double dogleg curve ! nwtake = .false. if ( fstdog ) then ! ! calculate double dogleg curve (ssd) ! fstdog = .false. alpha = 0.0E+00 do i = 1, n alpha = alpha + (g(i)*g(i))/(sx(i)*sx(i)) end do beta = 0.0E+00 do i = 1, n tmp = 0.0E+00 do j = i, n tmp = tmp + (a(j,i)*g(j))/(sx(j)*sx(j)) end do beta = beta+tmp*tmp end do do i = 1, n ssd(i) = - (alpha/beta)*g(i)/sx(i) end do cln = alpha * sqrt ( alpha ) / beta eta = 0.2 + ( 0.8*alpha*alpha) / ( - beta * dot_product ( g, p ) ) do i = 1, n v(i) = eta*sx(i)*p(i) - ssd(i) end do if ( dlt == - 1.0E+00 ) then dlt = min ( cln, stepmx ) end if end if ! ! Take a partial step in the Newton direction. ! if ( eta * rnwtln <= dlt ) then sc(1:n) = ( dlt / rnwtln ) * p(1:n) ! ! Take a step in steepest descent direction ! else if ( cln >= dlt ) then sc(1:n) = ( dlt / cln ) * ssd(1:n) / sx(1:n) ! ! convex combination of ssd and eta*p which has scaled length dlt ! else dot1 = dot_product ( v, ssd ) dot2 = dot_product ( v, v ) alam = (-dot1+sqrt((dot1*dot1)-dot2*(cln*cln-dlt*dlt)))/dot2 sc(1:n) = ( ssd(1:n) + alam * v(1:n) ) / sx(1:n) end if end if return end subroutine ea ( newflg, svalue, limexp, result, abserr, epstab, ierr ) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! EA performs extrapolation to accelerate the convergence of a sequence. ! ! ! Reference: ! ! David Kahaner, Clever Moler, Steven Nash, ! Numerical Methods and Software, ! Prentice Hall, 1988. ! ! purpose given a slowly convergent sequence, this routine attempts ! to extrapolate nonlinearly to a better estimate of the ! sequence's limiting value, thus improving the rate of ! convergence. routine is based on the epsilon algorithm ! of p. wynn. an estimate of the absolute error is also ! given. ! real abserr real delta1 real delta2 real delta3 real eprn real epstab(*) real error real err1 real err2 real err3 real e0 real e1 real e2 real e3 integer i integer ib integer ib2 integer ie integer ierr integer in integer k1 integer k2 integer k3 integer limexp integer n integer newelm integer num integer nres logical newflg real relpr real res real result real res3la(3) real r1mach real ss real svalue real tol1 real tol2 real tol3 ! if ( limexp < 3 ) then ierr = 1 call xerror('limexp is less than 3',21,1,1) go to 110 end if ierr = 0 res3la(1)=epstab(limexp+5) res3la(2)=epstab(limexp+6) res3la(3)=epstab(limexp+7) result=svalue if ( newflg) then n=1 nres=0 newflg=.false. epstab(n)=svalue abserr=abs(result) go to 100 else n=int(epstab(limexp+3)) nres=int(epstab(limexp+4)) if ( n==2) then epstab(n)=svalue abserr=6.0*abs(result-epstab(1)) go to 100 end if end if epstab(n)=svalue relpr=r1mach(4) eprn=10.0*relpr epstab(n+2)=epstab(n) newelm=(n-1)/2 num=n k1=n do i=1,newelm k2=k1-1 k3=k1-2 res=epstab(k1+2) e0=epstab(k3) e1=epstab(k2) e2=res delta2=e2-e1 err2=abs(delta2) tol2=max(abs(e2),abs(e1))*relpr delta3=e1-e0 err3=abs(delta3) tol3=max(abs(e1),abs(e0))*relpr ! ! if e0, e1 and e2 are equal to within machine accuracy, convergence is assumed. ! if ( err2 > tol2 .or. err3 > tol3 ) go to 10 result=res abserr=err2+err3 go to 50 10 continue if ( i/=1) then e3=epstab(k1) epstab(k1)=e1 delta1=e1-e3 err1=abs(delta1) tol1=max(abs(e1),abs(e3))*relpr ! ! if two elements are very close to each other, omit ! a part of the table by adjusting the value of n ! if ( err1<=tol1.or.err2<=tol2.or.err3<=tol3) go to 20 ss=1.0/delta1+1.0/delta2-1.0/delta3 else epstab(k1)=e1 if ( err2<=tol2.or.err3<=tol3) go to 20 ss=1.0/delta2-1.0/delta3 end if ! ! test to detect irregular behaviour in the table, and ! eventually omit a part of the table adjusting the value ! of n ! if ( abs(ss*e1)>0.1e-03) go to 30 20 n=i+i-1 if ( nres==0) then abserr=err2+err3 result=res else if ( nres==1) then result=res3la(1) else if ( nres==2) then result=res3la(2) else result=res3la(3) end if go to 50 ! ! compute a new element and eventually adjust the value of result ! 30 res=e1+1.0/ss epstab(k1)=res k1=k1-2 if ( nres==0) then abserr=err2+abs(res-e2)+err3 result=res go to 40 else if ( nres==1) then error=6.0*(abs(res-res3la(1))) else if ( nres==2) then error=2.0*(abs(res-res3la(2))+abs(res-res3la(1))) else error=abs(res-res3la(3))+abs(res-res3la(2))+abs(res-res3la(1)) end if if ( error <= 10.0E+00 * abserr ) then abserr = error result = res end if 40 continue end do ! ! compute error estimate ! if ( nres==1) then abserr=6.0*(abs(result-res3la(1))) else if ( nres==2) then abserr=2.0*abs(result-res3la(2))+abs(result-res3la(1)) else if ( nres>2) then abserr=abs(result-res3la(3))+abs(result-res3la(2)) & +abs(result-res3la(1)) end if ! ! shift the table ! 50 if ( n==limexp) n=2*(limexp/2)-1 ib=1 if ( (num/2)*2==num) ib=2 ie=newelm+1 do i = 1, ie ib2=ib+2 epstab(ib)=epstab(ib2) ib=ib2 end do if ( num==n) go to 80 in=num-n+1 do i=1,n epstab(i)=epstab(in) in=in+1 end do ! ! update res3la ! 80 continue if ( nres==0) then res3la(1)=result else if ( nres==1) then res3la(2)=result else if ( nres==2) then res3la(3)=result else res3la(1)=res3la(2) res3la(2)=res3la(3) res3la(3)=result end if 90 continue abserr=max(abserr,eprn*abs(result)) nres=nres+1 100 continue n=n+1 epstab(limexp+3)=real(n) epstab(limexp+4)=real(nres) epstab(limexp+5)=res3la(1) epstab(limexp+6)=res3la(2) epstab(limexp+7)=res3la(3) 110 continue return end function erf ( x ) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! ERF computes the error function. ! ! ! Definition: ! ! ERF(X) = ( 2 / SQRT ( PI ) ) * Integral ( 0 <= T <= X ) EXP ( -T**2 ) dT ! ! Modified: ! ! 10 November 1999 ! ! Reference: ! ! David Kahaner, Clever Moler, Steven Nash, ! Numerical Methods and Software, ! Prentice Hall, 1988. ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, real X, the argument of the error function. ! ! Output, real ERF, the value of the error function at X. ! real, parameter :: sqrtpi = 1.7724538509055160 ! real csevl real erf real erfc real erfcs(13) integer inits integer, save :: nterf = 0 real r1mach real sqeps real x real, save :: xbig = 0.0E+00 real y ! data erfcs( 1) / -0.049046121234691808 / data erfcs( 2) / -0.14226120510371364 / data erfcs( 3) / 0.010035582187599796 / data erfcs( 4) / -0.000576876469976748 / data erfcs( 5) / 0.000027419931252196 / data erfcs( 6) / -0.000001104317550734 / data erfcs( 7) / 0.000000038488755420 / data erfcs( 8) / -0.000000001180858253 / data erfcs( 9) / 0.000000000032334215 / data erfcs(10) / -0.000000000000799101 / data erfcs(11) / 0.000000000000017990 / data erfcs(12) / -0.000000000000000371 / data erfcs(13) / 0.000000000000000007 / data sqeps / 0.0E+00 / ! if ( nterf == 0 ) then nterf = inits ( erfcs, 13, 0.1*r1mach(3) ) xbig = sqrt ( - log ( sqrtpi * r1mach(3) ) ) sqeps = sqrt ( 2.0E+00 * epsilon ( sqeps ) ) end if y = abs ( x ) if ( y <= sqeps ) then erf = 2.0E+00 * x / sqrtpi else if ( y <= 1.0E+00 ) then erf = x * ( 1.0E+00 + csevl ( 2.0E+00 * x**2 - 1.0, erfcs, nterf ) ) else if ( y <= xbig ) then erf = sign ( 1.0E+00 - erfc ( y ), x ) else erf = sign ( 1.0, x ) end if return end function erfc ( x ) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! ERFC computes the complementary error function. ! ! ! Reference: ! ! David Kahaner, Clever Moler, Steven Nash, ! Numerical Methods and Software, ! Prentice Hall, 1988. ! ! erfc(x) calculates the single precision complementary error ! function for single precision argument x. ! ! series for erf on the interval 0. to 1.00000d+00 ! with weighted error 7.10e-18 ! log weighted error 17.15 ! significant figures required 16.31 ! decimal places required 17.71 ! ! series for erfc on the interval 0. to 2.50000d-01 ! with weighted error 4.81e-17 ! log weighted error 16.32 ! approx significant figures required 15.0E+00 ! ! ! series for erc2 on the interval 2.50000d-01 to 1.00000d+00 ! with weighted error 5.22e-17 ! log weighted error 16.28 ! approx significant figures required 15.0E+00 ! decimal places required 16.96 ! real csevl real erfc real erfcs(13) real erfccs(24) real erc2cs(23) real eta integer inits integer nterc2 integer nterf integer nterfc real r1mach real sqeps real sqrtpi real x real xmax real xsml real y ! data erfcs( 1) / -.049046121234691808e0 / data erfcs( 2) / -.14226120510371364e0 / data erfcs( 3) / .010035582187599796e0 / data erfcs( 4) / -.000576876469976748e0 / data erfcs( 5) / .000027419931252196e0 / data erfcs( 6) / -.000001104317550734e0 / data erfcs( 7) / .000000038488755420e0 / data erfcs( 8) / -.000000001180858253e0 / data erfcs( 9) / .000000000032334215e0 / data erfcs(10) / -.000000000000799101e0 / data erfcs(11) / .000000000000017990e0 / data erfcs(12) / -.000000000000000371e0 / data erfcs(13) / .000000000000000007e0 / data erc2cs( 1) / -.069601346602309501e0 / data erc2cs( 2) / -.041101339362620893e0 / data erc2cs( 3) / .003914495866689626e0 / data erc2cs( 4) / -.000490639565054897e0 / data erc2cs( 5) / .000071574790013770e0 / data erc2cs( 6) / -.000011530716341312e0 / data erc2cs( 7) / .000001994670590201e0 / data erc2cs( 8) / -.000000364266647159e0 / data erc2cs( 9) / .000000069443726100e0 / data erc2cs(10) / -.000000013712209021e0 / data erc2cs(11) / .000000002788389661e0 / data erc2cs(12) / -.000000000581416472e0 / data erc2cs(13) / .000000000123892049e0 / data erc2cs(14) / -.000000000026906391e0 / data erc2cs(15) / .000000000005942614e0 / data erc2cs(16) / -.000000000001332386e0 / data erc2cs(17) / .000000000000302804e0 / data erc2cs(18) / -.000000000000069666e0 / data erc2cs(19) / .000000000000016208e0 / data erc2cs(20) / -.000000000000003809e0 / data erc2cs(21) / .000000000000000904e0 / data erc2cs(22) / -.000000000000000216e0 / data erc2cs(23) / .000000000000000052e0 / data erfccs( 1) / 0.0715179310202925e0 / data erfccs( 2) / -.026532434337606719e0 / data erfccs( 3) / .001711153977920853e0 / data erfccs( 4) / -.000163751663458512e0 / data erfccs( 5) / .000019871293500549e0 / data erfccs( 6) / -.000002843712412769e0 / data erfccs( 7) / .000000460616130901e0 / data erfccs( 8) / -.000000082277530261e0 / data erfccs( 9) / .000000015921418724e0 / data erfccs(10) / -.000000003295071356e0 / data erfccs(11) / .000000000722343973e0 / data erfccs(12) / -.000000000166485584e0 / data erfccs(13) / .000000000040103931e0 / data erfccs(14) / -.000000000010048164e0 / data erfccs(15) / .000000000002608272e0 / data erfccs(16) / -.000000000000699105e0 / data erfccs(17) / .000000000000192946e0 / data erfccs(18) / -.000000000000054704e0 / data erfccs(19) / .000000000000015901e0 / data erfccs(20) / -.000000000000004729e0 / data erfccs(21) / .000000000000001432e0 / data erfccs(22) / -.000000000000000439e0 / data erfccs(23) / .000000000000000138e0 / data erfccs(24) / -.000000000000000048e0 / data sqrtpi /1.7724538509055160e0/ data nterf, nterfc, nterc2, xsml, xmax, sqeps /3*0, 3*0./ ! if ( nterf == 0 ) then eta = 0.1 * r1mach(3) nterf = inits ( erfcs, 13, eta ) nterfc = inits ( erfccs, 24, eta ) nterc2 = inits ( erc2cs, 23, eta ) xsml = -sqrt ( - log ( sqrtpi * r1mach(3) ) ) xmax = sqrt ( - log ( sqrtpi * r1mach(1) ) ) xmax = xmax - 0.5 * log ( xmax ) / xmax - 0.01 sqeps = sqrt ( 2.0E+00 * r1mach(3) ) end if if ( x <= xsml ) then erfc = 2.0E+00 return end if if ( x > xmax ) go to 40 y = abs(x) if (y>1.0) go to 30 ! ! erfc(x) = 1.0E+00 - erf(x) for -1. <= x <= 1. ! if ( y < sqeps ) then erfc = 1.0E+00 - 2.0*x/sqrtpi else if (y>=sqeps) then erfc = 1.0E+00 - x*(1.0E+00 + csevl (2.*x*x-1., erfcs, nterf) ) end if return ! ! erfc(x) = 1.0E+00 - erf(x) for 1. < abs(x) <= xmax ! 30 continue y = y*y if (y<=4.) then erfc = exp(-y)/abs(x) * (0.5 + csevl ((8./y-5.)/3.,erc2cs, nterc2) ) else erfc = exp(-y)/abs(x) * (0.5 + csevl (8./y-1.,erfccs, nterfc) ) end if if ( x < 0.0E+00 ) erfc = 2.0E+00 - erfc return 40 continue call xerror ( 'erfc x so big erfc underflows', 32, 1, 1) erfc = 0.0E+00 return end subroutine ezfftb ( n, r, azero, a, b, wsave ) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! EZFFTB computes a real periodic sequence from its Fourier coefficients. ! ! ! Discussion: ! ! This process is sometimes called Fourier synthesis. ! ! EZFFTB is a simplified but slower version of RFFTB. ! ! The transform is defined by: ! ! R(I) = AZERO + sum ( 1 <= K <= N/2 ) ! ! A(K) * cos ( K * ( I - 1 ) * 2 * PI / N ) ! + B(K) * sin ( K * ( I - 1 ) * 2 * PI / N ) ! ! Modified: ! ! 09 March 2001 ! ! Author: ! ! Paul Swarztrauber, ! National Center for Atmospheric Research ! ! Reference: ! ! David Kahaner, Clever Moler, Steven Nash, ! Numerical Methods and Software, ! Prentice Hall, 1988. ! ! P N Swarztrauber, ! Vectorizing the FFT's, ! in Parallel Computations (G. Rodrigue, editor), ! Academic Press, 1982, pages 51-83. ! ! B L Buzbee, ! The SLATEC Common Math Library, ! in Sources and Development of Mathematical Software (W. Cowell, editor), ! Prentice Hall, 1984, pages 302-318. ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, integer N, the length of the output array. The ! method is more efficient when N is the product of small primes. ! ! Output, real R(N), the reconstructed data sequence. ! ! Input, real AZERO, the constant Fourier coefficient. ! ! Input, real A(N/2), B(N/2), the Fourier coefficients. ! ! Input, real WSAVE(3*N+15), a work array. The WSAVE array must be ! initialized by calling EZFFFTI. A different WSAVE array must be used ! for each different value of N. ! integer n ! real a(n/2) real azero real b(n/2) integer i integer ns2 real r(n) real wsave(3*n+15) ! if ( n < 2 ) then r(1) = azero else if ( n == 2 ) then r(1) = azero + a(1) r(2) = azero - a(1) else ns2 = ( n - 1 ) / 2 do i = 1, ns2 r(2*i) = 0.5E+00 * a(i) r(2*i+1) = -0.5E+00 * b(i) end do r(1) = azero if ( mod ( n, 2 ) == 0 ) then r(n) = a(ns2+1) end if call rfftb ( n, r, wsave(n+1) ) end if return end subroutine ezfftf ( n, r, azero, a, b, wsave ) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! EZFFTF computes the Fourier coefficients of a real periodic sequence. ! ! ! Discussion: ! ! This process is sometimes called Fourier analysis. ! ! EZFFTF is a simplified but slower version of RFFTF. ! ! The transform is defined by: ! ! AZERO = sum ( 1 <= I <= N ) R(I) / N, ! ! and, for K = 1 to (N-1)/2, ! ! A(K) = sum ( 1 <= I <= N ) ! ( 2 / N ) * R(I) * cos ( K * ( I - 1 ) * 2 * PI / N ) ! ! and, if N is even, then ! ! A(N/2) = sum ( 1 <= I <= N ) (-1) **(I-1) * R(I) / N ! ! For K = 1 to (N-1)/2, ! ! B(K) = sum ( 1 <= I <= N ) ! ( 2 / N ) * R(I) * sin ( K * ( I - 1 ) * 2 * PI / N ) ! ! and, if N is even, then ! ! B(N/2) = 0. ! ! Modified: ! ! 09 March 2001 ! ! Author: ! ! Paul Swarztrauber, ! National Center for Atmospheric Research ! ! Reference: ! ! David Kahaner, Clever Moler, Steven Nash, ! Numerical Methods and Software, ! Prentice Hall, 1988. ! ! P N Swarztrauber, ! Vectorizing the FFT's, ! in Parallel Computations (G. Rodrigue, editor), ! Academic Press, 1982, pages 51-83. ! ! B L Buzbee, ! The SLATEC Common Math Library, ! in Sources and Development of Mathematical Software (W. Cowell, editor), ! Prentice Hall, 1984, pages 302-318. ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, integer N, the length of the array to be transformed. The ! method is more efficient when N is the product of small primes. ! ! Input, real R(N), the sequence to be transformed. ! ! Input, real WSAVE(3*N+15), a work array. The WSAVE array must be ! initialized by calling EZFFTI. A different WSAVE array must be used ! for each different value of N. ! ! Output, real AZERO, the constant Fourier coefficient. ! ! Output, real A(N/2), B(N/2), the Fourier coefficients. ! integer n ! real a(n/2) real azero real b(n/2) real cf integer i integer ns2 real r(n) real wsave(3*n+15) ! if ( n < 2 ) then azero = r(1) else if ( n == 2 ) then azero = 0.5E+00 * ( r(1) + r(2) ) a(1) = 0.5E+00 * ( r(1) - r(2) ) else wsave(1:n) = r(1:n) call rfftf ( n, wsave(1), wsave(n+1) ) cf = 2.0E+00 / real ( n ) azero = 0.5E+00 * cf * wsave(1) ns2 = ( n + 1 ) / 2 do i = 1, ns2-1 a(i) = cf * wsave(2*i) b(i) = -cf * wsave(2*i+1) end do if ( mod ( n, 2 ) /= 1 ) then a(ns2) = 0.5E+00 * cf * wsave(n) b(ns2) = 0.0E+00 end if end if return end subroutine ezffti ( n, wsave ) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! EZFFTI initializes WSAVE, used in EZFFTF and EZFFTB. ! ! ! Discussion: ! ! The prime factorization of N together with a tabulation of the ! trigonometric functions are computed and stored in WSAVE. ! ! Modified: ! ! 09 March 2001 ! ! Author: ! ! Paul Swarztrauber, ! National Center for Atmospheric Research ! ! Reference: ! ! David Kahaner, Clever Moler, Steven Nash, ! Numerical Methods and Software, ! Prentice Hall, 1988. ! ! P N Swarztrauber, ! Vectorizing the FFT's, ! in Parallel Computations (G. Rodrigue, editor), ! Academic Press, 1982, pages 51-83. ! ! B L Buzbee, ! The SLATEC Common Math Library, ! in Sources and Development of Mathematical Software (W. Cowell, editor), ! Prentice Hall, 1984, pages 302-318. ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, integer N, the length of the array to be transformed. The ! method is more efficient when N is the product of small primes. ! ! Output, real WSAVE(3*N+15), contains data, dependent on the value ! of N, which is necessary for the EZFFTF or EZFFTB routines. ! integer n ! real wsave(3*n+15) ! if ( n <= 1 ) then return end if call ezffti1 ( n, wsave(2*n+1), wsave(3*n+1) ) return end subroutine ezffti1 ( n, wa, ifac ) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! EZFFTI1 is a lower level routine used by EZFFTI. ! ! ! Modified: ! ! 09 March 2001 ! ! Author: ! ! Paul Swarztrauber, ! National Center for Atmospheric Research ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, integer N, the length of the array to be transformed. ! ! Output, real WA(N). ! ! Input, integer IFAC(15). ! IFAC(1) = N, the number that was factored. ! IFAC(2) = NF, the number of factors. ! IFAC(3:2+NF), the factors. ! integer n ! real arg1 real argh real ch1 real ch1h real dch1 real dsh1 integer i integer ib integer ido integer ifac(15) integer ii integer ip integer is integer j integer k1 integer l1 integer l2 integer nf real pimach real sh1 real wa(n) ! call i_factor ( n, ifac ) nf = ifac(2) argh = 2.0E+00 * pimach() / real ( n ) is = 0 l1 = 1 do k1 = 1, nf-1 ip = ifac(k1+2) l2 = l1 * ip ido = n / l2 arg1 = real ( l1 ) * argh ch1 = 1.0E+00 sh1 = 0.0E+00 dch1 = cos ( arg1 ) dsh1 = sin ( arg1 ) do j = 1, ip-1 ch1h = dch1 * ch1 - dsh1 * sh1 sh1 = dch1 * sh1 + dsh1 * ch1 ch1 = ch1h i = is + 2 wa(i-1) = ch1 wa(i) = sh1 do ii = 5, ido, 2 i = i + 2 wa(i-1) = ch1 * wa(i-3) - sh1 * wa(i-2) wa(i) = ch1 * wa(i-2) + sh1 * wa(i-3) end do is = is + ido end do l1 = l2 end do return end subroutine fdjac1 ( fcn, n, x, fvec, fjac, ldfjac, iflag, ml, mu, epsfcn ) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! FDJAC1 computes a forward-difference approximation to a jacobian matrix. ! ! ! Discussion: ! ! The n by n jacobian matrix is associated with a specified ! problem of n functions in n variables. if the jacobian has ! a banded form, then function evaluations are saved by only ! approximating the nonzero terms. ! ! Modified: ! ! 25 August 2000 ! ! Parameters: ! ! fcn is the name of the user-supplied subroutine which ! calculates the functions. fcn must be declared ! in an external statement in the user calling ! program, and should be written as follows. ! ! subroutine fcn(n,x,fvec,iflag) ! integer n,iflag ! real x(n),fvec(n) ! ! calculate the functions at x and ! return this vector in fvec. ! ! return ! end ! ! the value of iflag should not be changed by fcn unless ! the user wants to terminate execution of FDJAC1. ! in this case set iflag to a negative integer. ! ! n is a positive integer input variable set to the number ! of functions and variables. ! ! x is an input array of length n. ! ! fvec is an input array of length n which must contain the ! functions evaluated at x. ! ! fjac is an output n by n array which contains the ! approximation to the jacobian matrix evaluated at x. ! ! ldfjac is a positive integer input variable not less than n ! which specifies the leading dimension of the array fjac. ! ! iflag is an integer variable which can be used to terminate ! the execution of FJDAC1. see description of fcn. ! ! ml is a nonnegative integer input variable which specifies ! the number of subdiagonals within the band of the ! jacobian matrix. if the jacobian is not banded, set ! ml to at least n - 1. ! ! epsfcn is an input variable used in determining a suitable ! step length for the forward-difference approximation. this ! approximation assumes that the relative errors in the ! functions are of the order of epsfcn. if epsfcn is less ! than the machine precision, it is assumed that the relative ! errors in the functions are of the order of the machine ! precision. ! ! mu is a nonnegative integer input variable which specifies ! the number of superdiagonals within the band of the ! jacobian matrix. if the jacobian is not banded, set ! mu to at least n - 1. ! integer ldfjac integer n ! real eps real epsfcn real epsmch real fjac(ldfjac,n) real fvec(n) real h integer i integer iflag integer j integer k integer ml integer msum integer mu real r1mach real temp real wa1(n) real wa2(n) real x(n) ! external fcn ! epsmch = epsilon ( 1.0E+00 ) ! eps = sqrt( max (epsfcn,epsmch)) msum = ml + mu + 1 if (msum < n) go to 40 ! ! computation of dense approximate jacobian. ! do j = 1, n temp = x(j) h = eps*abs(temp) if (h == 0.0) h = eps x(j) = temp + h call fcn(n,x,wa1,iflag) if (iflag < 0) go to 30 x(j) = temp fjac(1:n,j) = (wa1(1:n) - fvec(1:n))/h end do 30 continue go to 110 40 continue ! ! Computation of banded approximate jacobian. ! do k = 1, msum do j = k, n, msum wa2(j) = x(j) h = eps*abs(wa2(j)) if (h == 0.0) h = eps x(j) = wa2(j) + h end do call fcn(n,x,wa1,iflag) if (iflag < 0) go to 100 do j = k, n, msum x(j) = wa2(j) h = eps*abs(wa2(j)) if (h == 0.0) h = eps do i = 1, n fjac(i,j) = 0.0E+00 if (i >= j - mu .and. i <= j + ml) then fjac(i,j) = (wa1(i) - fvec(i))/h end if end do end do end do 100 continue 110 continue return end function fmin ( ax, bx, f, tol ) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! FMIN seeks a minimizer of a scalar function of a scalar variable. ! ! ! Discussion: ! ! FMIN seeks an approximation to the point where F attains a minimum on ! the interval (ax,bx). ! ! the method used is a combination of golden section search and ! successive parabolic interpolation. convergence is never much ! slower than that for a fibonacci search. if f has a continuous ! second derivative which is positive at the minimum (which is not ! at ax or bx), then convergence is superlinear, and usually of the ! order of about 1.324.... ! ! the function f is never evaluated at two points closer together ! than eps*abs(fmin) + (tol/3), where eps is approximately the ! square root of the relative machine precision. if f is a unimodal ! function and the computed values of f are always unimodal when ! separated by at least eps*abs(xstar) + (tol/3), then fmin ! approximates the abcissa of the global minimum of f on the ! interval ax,bx with an error less than 3*eps*abs(fmin) + tol. ! if f is not unimodal, then fmin may approximate a local, but ! perhaps non-global, minimum to the same accuracy. ! ! this function subprogram is a slightly modified version of the ! algol 60 procedure localmin given in richard brent, algorithms for ! minimization without derivatives, prentice-hall, inc. (1973). ! ! Reference: ! ! Richard Brent, ! Algorithms for Minimization without Derivatives, ! Prentice Hall, 1973. ! ! David Kahaner, Clever Moler, Steven Nash, ! Numerical Methods and Software, ! Prentice Hall, 1988. ! ! input parameters ! ! ax (real) left endpoint of initial interval ! bx (real) right endpoint of initial interval ! f real function of the form real function f(x) which evaluates ! f(x) for any x in the interval (ax,bx) ! must be declared external in calling routine. ! tol (real) desired length of the interval of uncertainty of the ! final result ( >= 0.0) ! ! ! output parameters ! ! fmin abcissa approximating the minimizer of f. ! ! ax lower bound for minimizer. ! ! bx upper bound for minimizer ! real a real ax real b real bx real c real d real e real eps real f real fmin real fu real fv real fw real fx real p real q real r real tol real tol1 real tol2 real u real v real w real x real xm ! external f ! c = 0.5 * ( 3.0E+00 - sqrt ( 5.0E+00 ) ) ! ! C is the squared inverse of the golden ratio. ! ! EPS is the square root of the relative machine precision. ! eps = sqrt ( epsilon ( eps ) ) ! ! initialization ! a = ax b = bx v = a + c*(b - a) w = v x = v e = 0.0E+00 fx = f(x) fv = fx fw = fx ! ! main loop starts here ! 20 continue xm = 0.5 * ( a + b ) tol1 = eps*abs(x) + tol/3.0E+00 tol2 = 2.0*tol1 ! ! Check the stopping criterion. ! if (abs(x - xm) <= (tol2 - 0.5*(b - a))) go to 90 ! ! is golden-section necessary ! if (abs(e) <= tol1) go to 40 ! ! fit parabola ! r = (x - w)*(fx - fv) q = (x - v)*(fx - fw) p = (x - v)*q - (x - w)*r q = 2.0*(q - r) if (q > 0.0) p = -p q = abs(q) r = e e = d ! ! is parabola acceptable ! 30 continue if (abs(p) >= abs(0.5*q*r)) go to 40 if (p <= q*(a - x)) go to 40 if (p >= q*(b - x)) go to 40 ! ! a parabolic interpolation step ! d = p/q u = x + d ! ! f must not be evaluated too close to ax or bx ! if ((u - a) < tol2) d = sign(tol1, xm - x) if ((b - u) < tol2) d = sign(tol1, xm - x) go to 50 ! ! a golden-section step ! 40 continue if (x >= xm) e = a - x if (x < xm) e = b - x d = c*e ! ! f must not be evaluated too close to x ! 50 if (abs(d) >= tol1) u = x + d if (abs(d) < tol1) u = x + sign(tol1, d) fu = f(u) ! ! update a, b, v, w, and x ! if (fu > fx) go to 60 if (u >= x) a = x if (u < x) b = x v = w fv = fw w = x fw = fx x = u fx = fu go to 20 60 continue if (u < x) a = u if (u >= x) b = u if (fu <= fw) go to 70 if (w == x) go to 70 if (fu <= fv) go to 80 if (v == x) go to 80 if (v == w) go to 80 go to 20 70 v = w fv = fw w = u fw = fu go to 20 80 v = u fv = fu go to 20 ! !end of main loop ! 90 fmin = x return end subroutine forslv ( nr, n, a, x, b ) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! FORSLV solves A*x=b where A is lower triangular matrix. ! ! ! Parameters: ! ! nr --> row dimension of matrix ! n --> dimension of problem ! a(n,n) --> lower triangular matrix (preserved) ! x(n) <-- solution vector ! b(n) --> right-hand side vector ! ! note ! ! if b is no longer required by calling routine, ! then vectors b and x may share the same storage. ! integer n integer nr ! real a(nr,n) real b(n) integer i integer j real sum real x(n) ! x(1) = b(1) / a(1,1) do i = 2, n sum = 0.0E+00 do j = 1, i-1 sum = sum + a(i,j) * x(j) end do x(i) = ( b(i) - sum ) / a(i,i) end do return end subroutine fstocd ( n, x, fcn, sx, rnoise, g ) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! FSTOCD approximates the gradient of a function using central differences. ! ! ! parameters ! ! n --> dimension of problem ! x --> point at which gradient is to be approximated. ! fcn --> name of subroutine to evaluate function. ! sx --> diagonal scaling matrix for x. ! rnoise --> relative noise in fcn [f(x)]. ! g <-- central difference approximation to gradient. ! ! integer n ! real fminus real fplus real g(n) integer i real rnoise real stepi real sx(n) real third real x(n) real xtempi ! external fcn ! ! find i th stepsize, evaluate two neighbors in direction of i th ! unit vector, and evaluate i th component of gradient. ! third = 1.0 /3.0E+00 do i = 1, n stepi = rnoise**third * max(abs(x(i)), 1.0 /sx(i)) xtempi = x(i) x(i) = xtempi + stepi call fcn (n, x, fplus) x(i) = xtempi - stepi call fcn (n, x, fminus) x(i) = xtempi g(i) = (fplus - fminus)/(2.0 *stepi) end do return end subroutine fstofd ( nr, m, n, xpls, fcn, fpls, a, sx, rnoise, fhat, icase ) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! FSTOFD finds first order forward finite difference approximation "a" to the ! first derivative of the function defined by the subprogram "fname" ! evaluated at the new iterate "xpls". ! ! ! for optimization use this routine to estimate: ! 1) the first derivative (gradient) of the optimization function "fcn ! analytic user routine has been supplied; ! 2) the second derivative (hessian) of the optimization function ! if no analytic user routine has been supplied for the hessian but ! one has been supplied for the gradient ("fcn") and if the ! optimization function is inexpensive to evaluate ! ! note ! ! _m=1 (optimization) algorithm estimates the gradient of the function ! (fcn). fcn(x) # f: r(n)-->r(1) ! _m=n (systems) algorithm estimates the jacobian of the function ! fcn(x) # f: r(n)-->r(n). ! _m=n (optimization) algorithm estimates the hessian of the optimizatio ! function, where the hessian is the first derivative of "fcn" ! ! Parameters: ! ! nr --> row dimension of matrix ! m --> number of rows in a ! n --> number of columns in a; dimension of problem ! xpls(n) --> new iterate: x[k] ! fcn --> name of subroutine to evaluate function ! fpls(m) --> _m=1 (optimization) function value at new iterate: ! fcn(xpls) ! _m=n (optimization) value of first derivative ! (gradient) given by user function fcn ! _m=n (systems)function value of associated ! minimization function ! a(nr,n) <-- finite difference approximation (see note). only ! lower triangular matrix and diagonal are returned ! sx(n) --> diagonal scaling matrix for x ! rnoise --> relative noise in fcn [f(x)] ! fhat(m) --> workspace ! icase --> =1 optimization (gradient) ! =2 systems ! =3 optimization (hessian) ! ! internal variables ! ! stepsz - stepsize in the j-th variable direction ! integer m integer n integer nr ! real a(nr,n) real fhat(m) real fpls(m) integer i integer icase integer j real rnoise real stepsz real sx(n) real xpls(n) real xtmpj ! external fcn ! ! find j-th column of a ! each column is derivative of f(fcn) with respect to xpls(j) ! do j=1,n stepsz=sqrt(rnoise)*max(abs(xpls(j)),1./sx(j)) xtmpj=xpls(j) xpls(j)=xtmpj+stepsz call fcn(n,xpls,fhat) xpls(j)=xtmpj do i=1,m a(i,j)=(fhat(i)-fpls(i))/stepsz end do end do if ( icase/=3) then return end if ! ! if computing hessian, a must be symmetric ! do j=1,n-1 do i=j+1,m a(i,j)=(a(i,j)+a(j,i))/2.0E+00 end do end do return end subroutine fzero ( f, b, c, r, re, ae, iflag ) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! FZERO searches for a zero of a function F(X) in a given interval. ! ! ! Reference: ! ! David Kahaner, Clever Moler, Steven Nash, ! Numerical Methods and Software, ! Prentice Hall, 1988. ! ! L. f. shampine and h. a. watts, ! fzero, a root-solving code*, ! sc-tm-70-631, september 1970. ! ! t. j. dekker, ! finding a zero by means of successive linear interpolation*, ! 'constructive aspects of the fundamental theorem of algebra', ! edited by b. dejon, p. henrici, 1969. ! ! Discussion: ! ! fzero searches for a zero of a function f(x) between ! the given values b and c until the width of the interval ! (b,c) has collapsed to within a tolerance specified by ! the stopping criterion, abs(b-c) <= 2.*(rw*abs(b)+ae). ! the method used is an efficient combination of bisection ! and the secant rule. ! ! Parameters: ! ! f,b,c,r,re and ae are input parameters ! b,c and iflag are output parameters (flagged by an * below) ! ! f - name of the real valued external function. this name ! must be in an external statement in the calling ! program. f must be a function of one real argument. ! ! *b - one end of the interval (b,c). the value returned for ! b usually is the better approximation to a zero of f. ! ! *c - the other end of the interval (b,c) ! ! r - a (better) guess of a zero of f which could help in ! speeding up convergence. if f(b) and f(r) have ! opposite signs, a root will be found in the interval ! (b,r); if not, but f(r) and f(c) have opposite ! signs, a root will be found in the interval (r,c); ! otherwise, the interval (b,c) will be searched for a ! possible root. when no better guess is known, it is ! recommended that r be set to b or c; because if r is ! not interior to the interval (b,c), it will be ignored. ! ! re - relative error used for rw in the stopping criterion. ! if the requested re is less than machine precision, ! then rw is set to approximately machine precision. ! ! ae - absolute error used in the stopping criterion. if the ! given interval (b,c) contains the origin, then a ! nonzero value should be chosen for ae. ! ! *iflag - a status code. user must check iflag after each call. ! control returns to the user from fzero in all cases. ! ! 1 b is within the requested tolerance of a zero. ! the interval (b,c) collapsed to the requested ! tolerance, the function changes sign in (b,c), and ! f(x) decreased in magnitude as (b,c) collapsed. ! ! 2 f(b) = 0. however, the interval (b,c) may not have ! collapsed to the requested tolerance. ! ! 3 b may be near a singular point of f(x). ! the interval (b,c) collapsed to the requested tol- ! erance and the function changes sign in (b,c), but ! f(x) increased in magnitude as (b,c) collapsed,i.e. ! abs(f(b out)) > max(abs(f(b in)),abs(f(c in))) ! ! 4 no change in sign of f(x) was found although the ! interval (b,c) collapsed to the requested tolerance. ! the user must examine this case and decide whether ! b is near a local minimum of f(x), or b is near a ! zero of even multiplicity, or neither of these. ! ! 5 too many (> 500) function evaluations used. ! real a real acbs real acmb real ae real aw real b real c real cmb real er real f real fa real fb real fc real fx real fz integer ic integer iflag integer kount real p real q real r real re real rw real t real tol real z ! external f ! er = 2.0E+00 * epsilon ( er ) ! ! initialize ! z=r if ( r<= min (b,c).or.r>= max (b,c)) z=c rw= max (re,er) aw= max (ae,0.0) ic=0 t=z fz=f(t) fc=fz t=b fb=f(t) kount=2 if ( sign(1.0,fz)==sign(1.0,fb)) go to 1 c=z go to 2 1 if ( z==c) go to 2 t=c fc=f(t) kount=3 if ( sign(1.0,fz)==sign(1.0,fc)) go to 2 b=z fb=fz 2 a=c fa=fc acbs=abs(b-c) fx= max (abs(fb),abs(fc)) ! 3 if (abs(fc) >= abs(fb)) go to 4 ! perform interchange a=b fa=fb b=c fb=fc c=a fc=fa 4 continue cmb=0.5*(c-b) acmb=abs(cmb) tol=rw*abs(b)+aw ! ! test stopping criterion and function count ! if (acmb <= tol) go to 10 if ( fb==0.) go to 11 if ( kount>=500) go to 14 ! ! calculate new iterate implicitly as b+p/q ! where we arrange p >= 0. ! the implicit form is used to prevent overflow. ! p=(b-a)*fb q=fa-fb if (p >= 0.) go to 5 p=-p q=-q ! ! update a and check for satisfactory reduction ! in the size of the bracketing interval. ! if not, perform bisection. ! 5 a=b fa=fb ic=ic+1 if (ic < 4) go to 6 if (8.*acmb >= acbs) go to 8 ic=0 acbs=acmb ! ! test for too small a change ! 6 if (p > abs(q)*tol) go to 7 ! ! increment by tolerance ! b=b+sign(tol,cmb) go to 9 ! ! root ought to be between b and (c+b)/2. ! 7 if (p >= cmb*q) go to 8 ! ! use secant rule ! b=b+p/q go to 9 ! ! use bisection ! 8 b=b+cmb ! ! have completed computation for new iterate b ! 9 t=b fb=f(t) kount=kount+1 ! ! decide whether next step is interpolation or extrapolation ! if (sign(1.0,fb) /= sign(1.0,fc)) go to 3 c=a fc=fa go to 3 ! ! ! finished. process results for proper setting of iflag ! 10 if (sign(1.0E+00,fb) == sign(1.0E+00,fc)) go to 13 if (abs(fb) > fx) go to 12 iflag = 1 return 11 iflag = 2 return 12 iflag = 3 return 13 iflag = 4 return 14 iflag = 5 return end subroutine gamlim ( xmin, xmax ) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! GAMLIM computes the minimum and maximum bounds for X in GAMMA(X). ! ! ! Discussion: ! ! GAMLIM calculates the minimum and maximum legal bounds for X in GAMMA(X). ! ! Parameters: ! ! Output, real XMIN, the minimum legal value of X in GAMMA(X). ! Any smaller value might result in underflow. ! ! Output, real XMAX, the maximum legal value of X in GAMMA(X). ! Any larger value will cause overflow. ! real alnbig real alnsml integer i real r1mach real xln real xmax real xmin real xold ! alnsml = log ( tiny ( alnsml ) ) xmin = -alnsml do i=1,10 xold = xmin xln = log(xmin) xmin = xmin - xmin*((xmin+0.5)*xln - xmin - 0.2258 + alnsml) & / (xmin*xln + 0.5) if (abs(xmin-xold)<0.005) go to 20 end do write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'GAMLIM - Fatal error!' write ( *, * ) ' Unable to determine XMIN.' stop 20 continue xmin = -xmin + 0.01 alnbig = log ( huge ( alnbig ) ) xmax = alnbig do i=1,10 xold = xmax xln = log(xmax) xmax = xmax - xmax*((xmax-0.5)*xln - xmax + 0.9189 - alnbig) & / (xmax*xln - 0.5) if (abs(xmax-xold)<0.005) go to 40 end do write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'GAMLIM - Fatal error!' write ( *, * ) ' Unable to determine XMAX.' stop 40 continue xmax = xmax - 0.01E+00 xmin = max (xmin, -xmax+1.0E+00 ) return end function gamma ( x ) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! GAMMA computes the gamma function. ! ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, real X, the argument of the gamma function, which must not ! be 0, -1, or any other negative integral value. ! ! Output, real GAMMA, the value of the gamma function of X. ! real csevl real dxrel real gamma real gcs(23) integer i integer inits integer n integer ngcs real, parameter :: pi = 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510 real r1mach real r9lgmc real sinpiy real sq2pil real x real xmax real xmin real y ! data gcs( 1) / .008571195590989331e0/ data gcs( 2) / .004415381324841007e0/ data gcs( 3) / .05685043681599363e0/ data gcs( 4) /-.004219835396418561e0/ data gcs( 5) / .001326808181212460e0/ data gcs( 6) /-.0001893024529798880e0/ data gcs( 7) / .0000360692532744124e0/ data gcs( 8) /-.0000060567619044608e0/ data gcs( 9) / .0000010558295463022e0/ data gcs(10) /-.0000001811967365542e0/ data gcs(11) / .0000000311772496471e0/ data gcs(12) /-.0000000053542196390e0/ data gcs(13) / .0000000009193275519e0/ data gcs(14) /-.0000000001577941280e0/ data gcs(15) / .0000000000270798062e0/ data gcs(16) /-.0000000000046468186e0/ data gcs(17) / .0000000000007973350e0/ data gcs(18) /-.0000000000001368078e0/ data gcs(19) / .0000000000000234731e0/ data gcs(20) /-.0000000000000040274e0/ data gcs(21) / .0000000000000006910e0/ data gcs(22) /-.0000000000000001185e0/ data gcs(23) / .0000000000000000203e0/ ! ! sq2pil is log (sqrt (2.*pi) ) ! data sq2pil / 0.91893853320467274e0/ data ngcs, xmin, xmax, dxrel /0, 3*0.0E+00 / ! ! initialize. find legal bounds for x, and determine the number of ! terms in the series required to attain an accuracy ten times better ! than machine precision. ! if ( ngcs == 0 ) then ngcs = inits (gcs, 23, 0.1*r1mach(3)) call gamlim (xmin, xmax) dxrel = sqrt ( epsilon ( dxrel ) ) end if y = abs(x) if (y>10.0) go to 50 ! ! compute gamma(x) for abs(x) <= 10.0. reduce interval and ! find gamma(1+y) for 0. <= y < 1. first of all. ! n = x if (x<0.0) n = n - 1 y = x - real(n) n = n - 1 gamma = 0.9375 + csevl(2.*y-1., gcs, ngcs) if (n==0) return if (n>0) go to 30 ! ! compute gamma(x) for x < 1. ! n = -n if (x==0.) call xerror ( 'gamma x is 0', 14, 4, 2) if (x<0. .and. x+real(n-2)==0.) then call xerror ( 'gamma x is a negative integer', 31, 4, 2) end if if (x<(-0.5) .and. abs((x-aint(x-0.5))/x)= 2. ! 30 continue do i=1,n gamma = (y+real(i))*gamma end do return ! ! compute gamma(x) for abs(x) > 10.0. recall y = abs(x). ! 50 continue if (x>xmax) then call xerror ( 'gamma x so big gamma overflows', 32, 3, 2) end if gamma = 0. if (x0.) return if (abs((x-aint(x-0.5))/x)=sr) phiu=centr fmin=f(phiu) fmax=fmin fc=fmin*phip(u) resg = fc*wg(4) resk = fc*wgk(8) ra = abs(resk) do j=1,3 jtw = j*2 absc = hlgth*xgk(jtw) u=(centr-absc-xr)/(xr-xl) phiu=phi(u) if ( phiu<=sl .or. phiu>=sr) phiu=centr fval1=f(phiu) fmax=max(fmax,fval1) fmin=min(fmin,fval1) fval1=fval1*phip(u) u=(centr+absc-xr)/(xr-xl) phiu=phi(u) if ( phiu<=sl .or. phiu>=sr) phiu=centr fval2=f(phiu) fmax=max(fmax,fval2) fmin=min(fmin,fval2) fval2=fval2*phip(u) fv1(jtw) = fval1 fv2(jtw) = fval2 fsum = fval1+fval2 resg = resg+wg(j)*fsum resk = resk+wgk(jtw)*fsum ra = ra+wgk(jtw)*(abs(fval1)+abs(fval2)) end do do j = 1,4 jtwm1 = j*2-1 absc = hlgth*xgk(jtwm1) u=(centr-absc-xr)/(xr-xl) phiu=phi(u) if ( phiu<=sl .or. phiu>=sr) phiu=centr fval1=f(phiu) fmax=max(fmax,fval1) fmin=min(fmin,fval1) fval1=fval1*phip(u) u=(centr+absc-xr)/(xr-xl) phiu=phi(u) if ( phiu<=sl .or. phiu>=sr) phiu=centr fval2=f(phiu) fmax=max(fmax,fval2) fmin=min(fmin,fval2) fval2=fval2*phip(u) fv1(jtwm1) = fval1 fv2(jtwm1) = fval2 fsum = fval1+fval2 resk = resk+wgk(jtwm1)*fsum ra = ra+wgk(jtwm1)*(abs(fval1)+abs(fval2)) end do reskh = resk*0.5 rasc = wgk(8)*abs(fc-reskh) do j=1,7 rasc = rasc+wgk(j)*(abs(fv1(j)-reskh)+abs(fv2(j)-reskh)) end do r = resk*hlgth ra = ra*dhlgth rasc = rasc*dhlgth ae = abs((resk-resg)*hlgth) if ( rasc/ then ae = rasc*min(1.0,(0.2e+03*ae/rasc)**1.5) end if if ( ra>uflow/(0.5e+02*epmach)) then ae = max((epmach*0.5e+02)*ra,ae) end if return end subroutine grdchk ( n, x, fcn, f, g, typsiz, sx, fscale, rnf, analtl, & wrk1, msg, ipr ) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! GRDCHK checks an analytic gradient against an estimated gradient. ! ! ! Reference: ! ! David Kahaner, Clever Moler, Steven Nash, ! Numerical Methods and Software, ! Prentice Hall, 1988. ! ! Parameters: ! ! n --> dimension of problem ! x(n) --> estimate to a root of fcn ! fcn --> name of subroutine to evaluate optimization function ! must be declared external in calling routine ! fcn: r(n) --> r(1) ! f --> function value: fcn(x) ! g(n) --> gradient: g(x) ! typsiz(n) --> typical size for each component of x ! sx(n) --> diagonal scaling matrix: sx(i)=1./typsiz(i) ! fscale --> estimate of scale of objective function fcn ! rnf --> relative noise in optimization function fcn ! analtl --> tolerance for comparison of estimated and ! analytical gradients ! wrk1(n) --> workspace ! msg <-- message or error code ! on output: =-21, probable coding error of gradient ! ipr --> device to which to send output ! integer n ! real analtl real f real fscale real g(n) real gs integer i integer ipr integer ker integer msg real rnf real sx(n) real typsiz(n) real wrk real wrk1(n) real x(n) ! external fcn ! ! Compute the first order finite difference gradient; ! compare it to the analytic gradient. ! call fstofd(1,1,n,x,fcn,f,wrk1,sx,rnf,wrk,1) ker = 0 do i = 1, n gs = max ( abs(f), fscale ) / max ( abs(x(i)), typsiz(i) ) if ( abs(g(i)-wrk1(i))>max(abs(g(i)),gs)*analtl) then ker=1 end if end do if ( ker /= 0 ) then write ( ipr, * ) ' ' write ( ipr, * ) 'GRDCHK - probable error in analytic gradient.' write ( ipr, * ) ' ' write ( ipr, * ) ' grdchk comp analytic est' write ( ipr, 902 ) (i,g(i),wrk1(i),i=1,n) msg = -21 end if return 902 format(' grdchk ',i5,3x,e20.13,3x,e20.13) end subroutine heschk ( nr, n, x, fcn, d1fcn, d2fcn, f, g, a, typsiz, sx, rnf, & analtl, iagflg, udiag, wrk1, wrk2, msg, ipr ) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! HESCHK checks an analytic hessian against a computed estimate. ! ! ! Reference: ! ! David Kahaner, Clever Moler, Steven Nash, ! Numerical Methods and Software, ! Prentice Hall, 1988. ! ! Parameters: ! ! nr --> row dimension of matrix ! n --> dimension of problem ! x(n) --> estimate to a root of fcn ! fcn --> name of subroutine to evaluate optimization function ! must be declared external in calling routine ! fcn: r(n) --> r(1) ! d1fcn --> name of subroutine to evaluate gradient of fcn. ! must be declared external in calling routine ! d2fcn --> name of subroutine to evaluate hessian of fcn. ! must be declared external in calling routine ! f --> function value: fcn(x) ! g(n) <-- gradient: g(x) ! a(n,n) <-- on exit: hessian in lower triangular part and diag ! typsiz(n) --> typical size for each component of x ! sx(n) --> diagonal scaling matrix: sx(i)=1./typsiz(i) ! rnf --> relative noise in optimization function fcn ! analtl --> tolerance for comparison of estimated and ! analytical gradients ! iagflg --> =1 if analytic gradient supplied ! udiag(n) --> workspace ! wrk1(n) --> workspace ! wrk2(n) --> workspace ! msg <--> message or error code ! on input : if =1xx do not compare anal + est hess ! on output: =-22, probable coding error of hessian ! ipr --> device to which to send output ! integer n integer nr ! real a(nr,n) real analtl real f real g(n) real hs integer i integer iagflg integer ipr integer j integer ker integer msg real rnf real sx(n) real typsiz(n) real udiag(n) real wrk1(n) real wrk2(n) real x(n) ! external fcn external d1fcn external d2fcn ! ! Compute finite difference approximation a to the hessian. ! if ( iagflg==1) then call fstofd(nr,n,n,x,d1fcn,g,a,sx,rnf,wrk1,3) else call sndofd(nr,n,x,fcn,f,a,sx,rnf,wrk1,wrk2) end if ker=0 ! ! copy lower triangular part of "a" to upper triangular part ! and diagonal of "a" to udiag ! do j=1,n udiag(j)=a(j,j) do i=j+1,n a(j,i)=a(i,j) end do end do ! ! compute analytic hessian and compare to finite difference ! approximation. ! call d2fcn(nr,n,x,a) do j=1,n hs=max(abs(g(j)),1.0)/max(abs(x(j)),typsiz(j)) if ( abs(a(j,j)-udiag(j))>max(abs(udiag(j)),hs)*analtl) then ker=1 end if do i=j+1,n if ( abs(a(i,j)-a(j,i))>max(abs(a(i,j)),hs)*analtl) then ker=1 end if end do end do if ( ker==0) go to 90 write(ipr,901) do i=1,n do j=1,i-1 write(ipr,902) i,j,a(i,j),a(j,i) end do write(ipr,902) i,i,a(i,i),udiag(i) end do msg=-22 ! end if 90 continue return 901 format('heschk probable error in coding of analytic hessian.'/ & 'heschk row col',14x,'analytic',14x,'(estimate)') 902 format('heschk ',2i5,2x,e20.13,2x,'(',e20.13,')') end subroutine hookdr ( nr, n, x, f, g, a, udiag, p, xpls, fpls, fcn, sx, stepmx, & steptl, dlt, iretcd, mxtake, amu, dltp, phi, phip0, sc, xplsp, wrk0, epsm, & itncnt, ipr ) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! HOOKDR finds the next Newton iterate by the More-Hebdon method. ! ! ! Reference: ! ! David Kahaner, Clever Moler, Steven Nash, ! Numerical Methods and Software, ! Prentice Hall, 1988. ! ! parameters ! ! nr --> row dimension of matrix ! n --> dimension of problem ! x(n) --> old iterate x[k-1] ! f --> function value at old iterate, f(x) ! g(n) --> gradient at old iterate, g(x), or approximate ! a(n,n) --> cholesky decomposition of hessian in lower ! triangular part and diagonal. ! hessian in upper triangular part and udiag. ! udiag(n) --> diagonal of hessian in a(.,.) ! p(n) --> newton step ! xpls(n) <-- new iterate x[k] ! fpls <--function value at new iterate, f(xpls) ! fcn --> name of subroutine to evaluate function ! sx(n) --> diagonal scaling matrix for x ! stepmx --> maximum allowable step size ! steptl --> relative step size at which successive iterates ! considered close enough to terminate algorithm ! dlt <--> trust region radius ! iretcd <-- return code ! =0 satisfactory xpls found ! =1 failed to find satisfactory xpls sufficiently ! distinct from x ! mxtake <-- boolean flag indicating step of maximum length used ! amu <--> [retain value between successive calls] ! dltp <--> [retain value between successive calls] ! phi <--> [retain value between successive calls] ! phip0 <--> [retain value between successive calls] ! sc(n) --> workspace ! xplsp(n) --> workspace ! wrk0(n) --> workspace ! epsm --> machine epsilon ! itncnt --> iteration count ! ipr --> device to which to send output ! integer n integer nr ! real a(nr,n) real alpha real amu real beta real dlt real dltp real epsm real f real fpls real fplsp logical fstime real g(n) integer i integer ipr integer iretcd integer itncnt integer j logical mxtake logical nwtake real p(n) real phi real phip0 real rnwtln real sc(n) real stepmx real steptl real sx(n) real tmp real udiag(n) real x(n) real xpls(n) real xplsp(n) real wrk0(n) ! external fcn ! iretcd=4 fstime=.true. tmp=0. do i=1,n tmp=tmp+sx(i)*sx(i)*p(i)*p(i) end do rnwtln=sqrt(tmp) if ( itncnt>1) go to 100 amu=0. ! ! if first iteration and trust region not provided by user, ! compute initial trust region. ! if ( dlt/= (-1.)) go to 100 alpha=0. do i=1,n alpha=alpha+(g(i)*g(i))/(sx(i)*sx(i)) end do beta=0.0E+00 do i=1,n tmp=0.0E+00 do j=i,n tmp=tmp + (a(j,i)*g(j))/(sx(j)*sx(j)) end do beta=beta+tmp*tmp end do dlt=alpha*sqrt(alpha)/beta dlt = min(dlt, stepmx) ! end if ! end if ! 100 continue ! ! Find new step by more-hebdon algorithm. ! call hookst(nr,n,g,a,udiag,p,sx,rnwtln,dlt,amu,dltp,phi,phip0, & fstime,sc,nwtake,wrk0,epsm,ipr) dltp=dlt ! ! check new point and update trust region ! call tregup(nr,n,x,f,g,a,fcn,sc,sx,nwtake,stepmx,steptl, & dlt,iretcd,xplsp,fplsp,xpls,fpls,mxtake,ipr,3,udiag) if ( iretcd > 1 ) then go to 100 end if return end subroutine hookst ( nr, n, g, a, udiag, p, sx, rnwtln, dlt, amu, & dltp, phi, phip0, fstime, sc, nwtake, wrk0, epsm, ipr ) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! HOOKST finds the new step by the More-Hebdon algorithm. ! ! ! Reference: ! ! David Kahaner, Clever Moler, Steven Nash, ! Numerical Methods and Software, ! Prentice Hall, 1988. ! ! parameters ! ! nr --> row dimension of matrix ! n --> dimension of problem ! g(n) --> gradient at current iterate, g(x) ! a(n,n) --> cholesky decomposition of hessian in ! lower triangular part and diagonal. ! hessian or approx in upper triangular part ! udiag(n) --> diagonal of hessian in a(.,.) ! p(n) --> newton step ! sx(n) --> diagonal scaling matrix for n ! rnwtln --> newton step length ! dlt <--> trust region radius ! amu <--> [retain value between successive calls] ! dltp --> trust region radius at last exit from this routine ! phi <--> [retain value between successive calls] ! phip0 <--> [retain value between successive calls] ! fstime <--> boolean. =.true. if first entry to this routine ! during k-th iteration ! sc(n) <-- current step ! nwtake <-- boolean, =.true. if newton step taken ! wrk0 --> workspace ! epsm --> machine epsilon ! ipr --> device to which to send output ! integer n integer nr ! real a(nr,n) real addmax real alo real amu real amulo real amuup real dlt real dltp logical done real epsm logical fstime real g(n) real hi integer i integer ipr integer j logical nwtake real p(n) real phi real phip real phip0 real rnwtln real sc(n) real snrm2 real stepln real sx(n) real udiag(n) real wrk0(n) ! ! hi and alo are constants used in this routine. ! change here if other values are to be substituted. ! ipr=ipr hi=1.5 alo=.75 if ( rnwtln>hi*dlt) go to 15 ! if ( rnwtln<=hi*dlt) ! then ! ! take newton step ! nwtake=.true. do i=1,n sc(i)=p(i) end do dlt=min(dlt,rnwtln) amu=0.0E+00 return ! else ! ! newton step not taken ! 15 continue nwtake=.false. if ( amu<=0.) go to 20 ! if ( amu>0.) ! then !!! amu=amu- (phi+dltp) *((dltp-dlt)+phi)/(dlt*phip) amu=amu- (phi+dltp) *((dltp-dlt)+phi)/(dlt*phip0) ! end if 20 continue phi=rnwtln-dlt if ( .not.fstime) go to 28 ! if ( fstime) ! then wrk0(1:n) = sx(1:n) * sx(1:n) * p(1:n) ! ! solve l*y = (sx**2)*p ! call forslv(nr,n,a,wrk0,wrk0) phip0=-snrm2(n,wrk0,1)**2/rnwtln fstime=.false. 28 phip = phip0 amulo = -phi/phip amuup = 0.0E+00 do i = 1, n amuup = amuup+(g(i)*g(i))/(sx(i)*sx(i)) end do amuup = sqrt(amuup)/dlt done=.false. ! ! test value of amu; generate next amu if necessary ! 100 continue if ( done) return if ( amu>=amulo .and. amu<=amuup) go to 110 ! if ( amuamuup) ! then amu=max(sqrt(amulo*amuup),amuup*1.0e-3) ! end if 110 continue ! ! copy (h,udiag) to l ! where h <-- h+amu*(sx**2) [do not actually change (h,udiag)] ! do j=1,n a(j,j)=udiag(j) + amu*sx(j)*sx(j) a(j+1:n,j)=a(j,j+1:n) end do ! ! factor h=l(l+) ! call choldc(nr,n,a,0.0,sqrt(epsm),addmax) ! ! solve h*p = l(l+)*sc = -g ! wrk0(1:n)=-g(1:n) call lltslv(nr,n,a,sc,wrk0) ! ! reset h. note since udiag has not been destroyed we need do ! nothing here. h is in the upper part and in udiag, still intact ! stepln=0.0E+00 do i=1,n stepln=stepln + sx(i)*sx(i)*sc(i)*sc(i) end do stepln=sqrt(stepln) phi=stepln-dlt do i=1,n wrk0(i)=sx(i)*sx(i)*sc(i) end do call forslv(nr,n,a,wrk0,wrk0) phip=-snrm2(n,wrk0,1)**2/stepln if ( (alo*dlt>stepln .or. stepln>hi*dlt) .and.(amuup-amulo>0.)) then go to 170 end if ! if ( (alo*dlt<=stepln .and. stepln<=hi*dlt) .or. ! (amuup-amulo<=0.)) ! then ! ! sc is acceptable hookstep ! done=.true. go to 100 ! else ! ! sc not acceptable hookstep. select new amu ! 170 continue amulo=max(amulo,amu-(phi/phip)) if ( phi<0.) amuup=min(amuup,amu) amu=amu-(stepln*phi)/(dlt*phip) go to 100 ! end if ! end if ! 951 format('0hookst take newton step') 952 format('0hookst newton step not taken') 953 format(' hookst sc is not acceptable') 954 format(' hookst sc is acceptable') 955 format(' hookst current step (sc)') 956 format(' hookst amu =',e20.13) 957 format(' hookst amulo =',e20.13) 958 format(' hookst amuup =',e20.13) 959 format(' hookst phi =',e20.13) 960 format(' hookst phip =',e20.13) 961 format(' hookst dlt =',e20.13/' hookst stepln=',e20.13) 962 format('0hookst find new amu') 963 format(' hookst ',5(e20.13,3x)) end subroutine hsnint ( nr, n, a, sx, method ) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! HSNINT provides initial hessian when using secant updates. ! ! ! Reference: ! ! David Kahaner, Clever Moler, Steven Nash, ! Numerical Methods and Software, ! Prentice Hall, 1988. ! ! parameters ! ! nr --> row dimension of matrix ! n --> dimension of problem ! a(n,n) <-- initial hessian (lower triangular matrix) ! sx(n) --> diagonal scaling matrix for x ! method --> algorithm to use to solve minimization problem ! =1,2 factored secant method used ! =3 unfactored secant method used ! integer n integer nr ! real a(nr,n) integer j integer method real sx(n) ! do j = 1, n if ( method == 3 ) then a(j,j)=sx(j)**2 else a(j,j)=sx(j) end if a(j+1:n,j)=0.0E+00 end do return end function i1mach ( i ) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! I1MACH returns integer machine constants. ! ! ! I/O unit numbers. ! ! I1MACH(1) = the standard input unit. ! I1MACH(2) = the standard output unit. ! I1MACH(3) = the standard punch unit. ! I1MACH(4) = the standard error message unit. ! ! Words. ! ! I1MACH(5) = the number of bits per integer storage unit. ! I1MACH(6) = the number of characters per integer storage unit. ! ! Integers. ! ! Assume integers are represented in the S digit base A form: ! ! Sign * (X(S-1)*A**(S-1) + ... + X(1)*A + X(0)) ! where 0<=X(I) 16 )then write ( *, * ) ' ' write(*,*)'I1MACH - Fatal error!' write(*,*)'I is out of bounds:',i i1mach=0 stop else i1mach=imach(i) end if return end subroutine i_factor ( n, ifac ) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! I_FACTOR factors an integer. ! ! ! Modified: ! ! 14 March 2001 ! ! Author: ! ! Paul Swarztrauber, ! National Center for Atmospheric Research ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, integer N, the number to be factored. ! ! Output, integer IFAC(15). ! IFAC(1) = N, the number that was factored. ! IFAC(2) = NF, the number of factors. ! IFAC(3:2+NF), the factors. ! integer i integer ib integer ifac(15) integer j integer n integer nf integer nl integer nq integer nr integer ntry ! ifac(1) = n nf = 0 nl = n if ( n == 0 ) then nf = 1 ifac(2) = nf ifac(2+nf) = 0 return end if if ( n < 1 ) then nf = nf + 1 ifac(2+nf) = -1 nl = - n end if if ( nl == 1 ) then nf = nf + 1 ifac(2) = nf ifac(2+nf) = 1 return end if j = 0 do while ( nl > 1 ) j = j + 1 ! ! Choose a trial divisor, NTRY. ! if ( j == 1 ) then ntry = 4 else if ( j == 2 ) then ntry = 2 else if ( j == 3 ) then ntry = 3 else if ( j == 4 ) then ntry = 5 else ntry = ntry + 2 end if ! ! Divide by the divisor as many times as possible. ! do nq = nl / ntry nr = nl - ntry * nq if ( nr /= 0 ) then exit end if nl = nq nf = nf + 1 ! ! Make sure factors of 2 appear in the front of the list. ! if ( ntry /= 2 ) then ifac(2+nf) = ntry else do i = nf, 2, -1 ifac(i+2) = ifac(i+1) end do ifac(3) = 2 end if end do end do ifac(2) = nf return end function inits ( os, nos, eta ) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! INITS estimates the order of an orthogonal series guaranteeing a given accuracy. ! ! ! Reference: ! ! David Kahaner, Clever Moler, Steven Nash, ! Numerical Methods and Software, ! Prentice Hall, 1988. ! ! Ordinarily, ETA will be chosen to be one-tenth machine precision. ! ! input arguments -- ! os array of nos coefficients in an orthogonal series. ! nos number of coefficients in os. ! eta requested accuracy of series. ! integer nos integer ii,i integer inits real os,err,eta dimension os(nos) ! if (nos<1) then call xerror ( 'inits number of coefficients lt 1', 35, 2, 2) end if err = 0. do ii=1,nos i = nos + 1 - ii err = err + abs(os(i)) if (err>eta) go to 20 end do 20 if (i==nos) call xerror ( 'inits eta may be too small', 28, 1, 2) inits = i return end function isamax ( n, x, incx ) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! ISAMAX finds the index of the vector element of maximum absolute value. ! ! ! Modified: ! ! 08 April 1999 ! ! Reference: ! ! Lawson, Hanson, Kincaid, Krogh, ! Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms for Fortran Usage, ! Algorithm 539, ! ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, ! Volume 5, Number 3, September 1979, pages 308-323. ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, integer N, the number of entries in the vector. ! ! Input, real X(*), the vector to be examined. ! ! Input, integer INCX, the increment between successive entries of SX. ! ! Output, integer ISAMAX, the index of the element of SX of maximum ! absolute value. ! integer i integer incx integer isamax integer ix integer n real samax real x(*) ! if ( n <= 0 ) then isamax = 0 else if ( n == 1 ) then isamax = 1 else if ( incx == 1 ) then isamax = 1 samax = abs ( x(1) ) do i = 2, n if ( abs ( x(i) ) > samax ) then isamax = i samax = abs ( x(i) ) end if end do else if ( incx >= 0 ) then ix = 1 else ix = ( - n + 1 ) * incx + 1 end if isamax = 1 samax = abs ( x(ix) ) ix = ix + incx do i = 2, n if ( abs ( x(ix) ) > samax ) then isamax = i samax = abs ( x(ix) ) end if ix = ix + incx end do end if return end function j4save ( iwhich, ivalue, iset ) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! J4SAVE saves variables needed by the library error handling routines. ! ! ! Reference: ! ! David Kahaner, Clever Moler, Steven Nash, ! Numerical Methods and Software, ! Prentice Hall, 1988. ! ! Parameters ! --input-- ! iwhich - index of item desired. ! = 1 refers to current error number. ! = 2 refers to current error control flag. ! = 3 refers to current unit number to which error ! messages are to be sent. (0 means use standard.) ! = 4 refers to the maximum number of times any ! message is to be printed (as set by xermax). ! = 5 refers to the total number of units to which ! each error message is to be written. ! = 6 refers to the 2nd unit for error messages ! = 7 refers to the 3rd unit for error messages ! = 8 refers to the 4th unit for error messages ! = 9 refers to the 5th unit for error messages ! ivalue - the value to be set for the iwhich-th parameter, ! if iset is .true. . ! iset - if iset=.true., the iwhich-th parameter will be ! given the value, ivalue. if iset=.false., the ! iwhich-th parameter will be unchanged, and ivalue ! is a dummy parameter. ! --output-- ! the (old) value of the iwhich-th parameter will be returned ! in the function value, j4save. ! ! written by ron jones, with slatec common math library subcommittee ! adapted from bell laboratories port library error handler ! latest revision: 23 may 1979 ! ! references jones r.e., kahaner d.k., "xerror, the slatec error- ! handling package", sand82-0800, sandia laboratories, ! 1982. ! integer, save, dimension ( 9 ) :: iparam = (/ 0, 2, 0, 10, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 /) logical iset integer ivalue integer iwhich integer j4save ! j4save = iparam(iwhich) if (iset) then iparam(iwhich) = ivalue end if return end function inbin ( x, nbins, xmin, xmax, width ) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! INBIN takes a real value X and finds the correct bin for it. ! ! ! Discussion: ! ! Values below XMIN come back in 1. Values above XMAX come back ! in NBINS. ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, real X, a value to be binned. ! ! Input, integer NBINS, the number of bins. ! ! Input, real XMIN, XMAX, the minimum and maximum bin limits. ! ! Input, real WIDTH, the width of each bin. ! ! Output, integer INBIN, the index of the bin containing X. ! integer inbin integer nbins real width real x real xmax real xmin ! if ( x < xmin ) then inbin = 1 else if ( x >= xmax ) then inbin = nbins else inbin = 2 + int ( ( x - xmin ) / width ) end if return end subroutine jairy ( x, rx, c, ai, dai ) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! JAIRY computes the Airy function and its derivative. ! ! ! Reference: ! ! David Kahaner, Clever Moler, Steven Nash, ! Numerical Methods and Software, ! Prentice Hall, 1988. ! ! input ! ! x - argument, computed by asyjy, x unrestricted ! rx - rx=sqrt(abs(x)), computed by asyjy ! c - c=2.*(abs(x)**1.5)/3., computed by asyjy ! ! output ! ! ai - value of function ai(x) ! dai - value of the derivative dai(x) ! ! written by ! ! d. e. amos ! s. l. daniel ! m. k. weston ! real a real ai real ajn real ajp, ak1, ak2, ak3 real b(15) real c, ccv, con2, con3 real con4, con5, cv real da real dai, dajn, dajp, dak1, dak2, dak3, db, ec real e1, e2, fpi12, f1, f2 integer i integer j integer m1 integer m1d integer m2 integer m2d integer m3 integer m3d integer m4 integer m4d integer n1 integer n1d integer n2 integer n2d, n3, n3d, n4, n4d real rtrx, rx, scv, t, temp1, temp2, tt real x dimension ajp(19), ajn(19), a(15) dimension ak1(14), ak2(23), ak3(14) dimension dajp(19), dajn(19), da(15), db(15) dimension dak1(14), dak2(24), dak3(14) data n1,n2,n3,n4/14,23,19,15/ data m1,m2,m3,m4/12,21,17,13/ data fpi12,con2,con3,con4,con5/ & 1.30899693899575, 5.03154716196777, & 3.80004589867293e-01, 8.33333333333333e-01, 8.66025403784439e-01/ data ak1(1), ak1(2), ak1(3), ak1(4), ak1(5), ak1(6), ak1(7), & ak1(8), ak1(9), ak1(10),ak1(11),ak1(12),ak1(13), & ak1(14) / 2.20423090987793e-01,-1.25290242787700e-01, & 1.03881163359194e-02, 8.22844152006343e-04,-2.34614345891226e-04, & 1.63824280172116e-05, 3.06902589573189e-07,-1.29621999359332e-07, & 8.22908158823668e-09, 1.53963968623298e-11,-3.39165465615682e-11, & 2.03253257423626e-12,-1.10679546097884e-14,-5.16169497785080e-15/ data ak2(1), ak2(2), ak2(3), ak2(4), ak2(5), ak2(6), ak2(7), & ak2(8), ak2(9), ak2(10),ak2(11),ak2(12),ak2(13),ak2(14), & ak2(15),ak2(16),ak2(17),ak2(18),ak2(19),ak2(20),ak2(21), & ak2(22),ak2(23) / 2.74366150869598e-01, 5.39790969736903e-03, & -1.57339220621190e-03, 4.27427528248750e-04,-1.12124917399925e-04, & 2.88763171318904e-05,-7.36804225370554e-06, 1.87290209741024e-06, & -4.75892793962291e-07, 1.21130416955909e-07,-3.09245374270614e-08, & 7.92454705282654e-09,-2.03902447167914e-09, 5.26863056595742e-10, & -1.36704767639569e-10, 3.56141039013708e-11,-9.31388296548430e-12, & 2.44464450473635e-12,-6.43840261990955e-13, 1.70106030559349e-13, & -4.50760104503281e-14, 1.19774799164811e-14,-3.19077040865066e-15/ data ak3(1), ak3(2), ak3(3), ak3(4), ak3(5), ak3(6), ak3(7), & ak3(8), ak3(9), ak3(10),ak3(11),ak3(12),ak3(13), & ak3(14) / 2.80271447340791e-01,-1.78127042844379e-03, & 4.03422579628999e-05,-1.63249965269003e-06, 9.21181482476768e-08, & -6.52294330229155e-09, 5.47138404576546e-10,-5.24408251800260e-11, & 5.60477904117209e-12,-6.56375244639313e-13, 8.31285761966247e-14, & -1.12705134691063e-14, 1.62267976598129e-15,-2.46480324312426e-16/ data ajp(1), ajp(2), ajp(3), ajp(4), ajp(5), ajp(6), ajp(7), & ajp(8), ajp(9), ajp(10),ajp(11),ajp(12),ajp(13),ajp(14), & ajp(15),ajp(16),ajp(17),ajp(18), & ajp(19) / 7.78952966437581e-02,-1.84356363456801e-01, & 3.01412605216174e-02, 3.05342724277608e-02,-4.95424702513079e-03, & -1.72749552563952e-03, 2.43137637839190e-04, 5.04564777517082e-05, & -6.16316582695208e-06,-9.03986745510768e-07, 9.70243778355884e-08, & 1.09639453305205e-08,-1.04716330588766e-09,-9.60359441344646e-11, & 8.25358789454134e-12, 6.36123439018768e-13,-4.96629614116015e-14, & -3.29810288929615e-15, 2.35798252031104e-16/ data ajn(1), ajn(2), ajn(3), ajn(4), ajn(5), ajn(6), ajn(7), & ajn(8), ajn(9), ajn(10),ajn(11),ajn(12),ajn(13),ajn(14), & ajn(15),ajn(16),ajn(17),ajn(18), & ajn(19) / 3.80497887617242e-02,-2.45319541845546e-01, & 1.65820623702696e-01, 7.49330045818789e-02,-2.63476288106641e-02, & -5.92535597304981e-03, 1.44744409589804e-03, 2.18311831322215e-04, & -4.10662077680304e-05,-4.66874994171766e-06, 7.15218807277160e-07, & 6.52964770854633e-08,-8.44284027565946e-09,-6.44186158976978e-10, & 7.20802286505285e-11, 4.72465431717846e-12,-4.66022632547045e-13, & -2.67762710389189e-14, 2.36161316570019e-15/ data a(1), a(2), a(3), a(4), a(5), a(6), a(7), & a(8), a(9), a(10), a(11), a(12), a(13), a(14), & a(15) / 4.90275424742791e-01, 1.57647277946204e-03, & -9.66195963140306e-05, 1.35916080268815e-07, 2.98157342654859e-07, & -1.86824767559979e-08,-1.03685737667141e-09, 3.28660818434328e-10, & -2.57091410632780e-11,-2.32357655300677e-12, 9.57523279048255e-13, & -1.20340828049719e-13,-2.90907716770715e-15, 4.55656454580149e-15, & -9.99003874810259e-16/ data b(1), b(2), b(3), b(4), b(5), b(6), b(7), & b(8), b(9), b(10), b(11), b(12), b(13), b(14), & b(15) / 2.78593552803079e-01,-3.52915691882584e-03, & -2.31149677384994e-05, 4.71317842263560e-06,-1.12415907931333e-07, & -2.00100301184339e-08, 2.60948075302193e-09,-3.55098136101216e-11, & -3.50849978423875e-11, 5.83007187954202e-12,-2.04644828753326e-13, & -1.10529179476742e-13, 2.87724778038775e-14,-2.88205111009939e-15, & -3.32656311696166e-16/ data n1d,n2d,n3d,n4d/14,24,19,15/ data m1d,m2d,m3d,m4d/12,22,17,13/ data dak1(1), dak1(2), dak1(3), dak1(4), dak1(5), dak1(6), & dak1(7), dak1(8), dak1(9), dak1(10),dak1(11),dak1(12), & dak1(13),dak1(14)/ 2.04567842307887e-01,-6.61322739905664e-02, & -8.49845800989287e-03, 3.12183491556289e-03,-2.70016489829432e-04, & -6.35636298679387e-06, 3.02397712409509e-06,-2.18311195330088e-07, & -5.36194289332826e-10, 1.13098035622310e-09,-7.43023834629073e-11, & 4.28804170826891e-13, 2.23810925754539e-13,-1.39140135641182e-14/ data dak2(1), dak2(2), dak2(3), dak2(4), dak2(5), dak2(6), & dak2(7), dak2(8), dak2(9), dak2(10),dak2(11),dak2(12), & dak2(13),dak2(14),dak2(15),dak2(16),dak2(17),dak2(18), & dak2(19),dak2(20),dak2(21),dak2(22),dak2(23), & dak2(24) / 2.93332343883230e-01,-8.06196784743112e-03, & 2.42540172333140e-03,-6.82297548850235e-04, 1.85786427751181e-04, & -4.97457447684059e-05, 1.32090681239497e-05,-3.49528240444943e-06, & 9.24362451078835e-07,-2.44732671521867e-07, 6.49307837648910e-08, & -1.72717621501538e-08, 4.60725763604656e-09,-1.23249055291550e-09, & 3.30620409488102e-10,-8.89252099772401e-11, 2.39773319878298e-11, & -6.48013921153450e-12, 1.75510132023731e-12,-4.76303829833637e-13, & 1.29498241100810e-13,-3.52679622210430e-14, 9.62005151585923e-15, & -2.62786914342292e-15/ data dak3(1), dak3(2), dak3(3), dak3(4), dak3(5), dak3(6), & dak3(7), dak3(8), dak3(9), dak3(10),dak3(11),dak3(12), & dak3(13),dak3(14)/ 2.84675828811349e-01, 2.53073072619080e-03, & -4.83481130337976e-05, 1.84907283946343e-06,-1.01418491178576e-07, & 7.05925634457153e-09,-5.85325291400382e-10, 5.56357688831339e-11, & -5.90889094779500e-12, 6.88574353784436e-13,-8.68588256452194e-14, & 1.17374762617213e-14,-1.68523146510923e-15, 2.55374773097056e-16/ data dajp(1), dajp(2), dajp(3), dajp(4), dajp(5), dajp(6), & dajp(7), dajp(8), dajp(9), dajp(10),dajp(11),dajp(12), & dajp(13),dajp(14),dajp(15),dajp(16),dajp(17),dajp(18), & dajp(19) / 6.53219131311457e-02,-1.20262933688823e-01, & 9.78010236263823e-03, 1.67948429230505e-02,-1.97146140182132e-03, & -8.45560295098867e-04, 9.42889620701976e-05, 2.25827860945475e-05, & -2.29067870915987e-06,-3.76343991136919e-07, 3.45663933559565e-08, & 4.29611332003007e-09,-3.58673691214989e-10,-3.57245881361895e-11, & 2.72696091066336e-12, 2.26120653095771e-13,-1.58763205238303e-14, & -1.12604374485125e-15, 7.31327529515367e-17/ data dajn(1), dajn(2), dajn(3), dajn(4), dajn(5), dajn(6), & dajn(7), dajn(8), dajn(9), dajn(10),dajn(11),dajn(12), & dajn(13),dajn(14),dajn(15),dajn(16),dajn(17),dajn(18), & dajn(19) / 1.08594539632967e-02, 8.53313194857091e-02, & -3.15277068113058e-01,-8.78420725294257e-02, 5.53251906976048e-02, & 9.41674060503241e-03,-3.32187026018996e-03,-4.11157343156826e-04, & 1.01297326891346e-04, 9.87633682208396e-06,-1.87312969812393e-06, & -1.50798500131468e-07, 2.32687669525394e-08, 1.59599917419225e-09, & -2.07665922668385e-10,-1.24103350500302e-11, 1.39631765331043e-12, & 7.39400971155740e-14,-7.32887475627500e-15/ data da(1), da(2), da(3), da(4), da(5), da(6), da(7), & da(8), da(9), da(10), da(11), da(12), da(13), da(14), & da(15) / 4.91627321104601e-01, 3.11164930427489e-03, & 8.23140762854081e-05,-4.61769776172142e-06,-6.13158880534626e-08, & 2.87295804656520e-08,-1.81959715372117e-09,-1.44752826642035e-10, & 4.53724043420422e-11,-3.99655065847223e-12,-3.24089119830323e-13, & 1.62098952568741e-13,-2.40765247974057e-14, 1.69384811284491e-16, & 8.17900786477396e-16/ data db(1), db(2), db(3), db(4), db(5), db(6), db(7), & db(8), db(9), db(10), db(11), db(12), db(13), db(14), & db(15) /-2.77571356944231e-01, 4.44212833419920e-03, & -8.42328522190089e-05,-2.58040318418710e-06, 3.42389720217621e-07, & -6.24286894709776e-09,-2.36377836844577e-09, 3.16991042656673e-10, & -4.40995691658191e-12,-5.18674221093575e-12, 9.64874015137022e-13, & -4.90190576608710e-14,-1.77253430678112e-14, 5.55950610442662e-15, & -7.11793337579530e-16/ ! if (x<0.0) go to 90 if (c>5.0) go to 60 if (x>1.20) go to 30 t = (x+x-1.2)*con4 tt = t + t j = n1 f1 = ak1(j) f2 = 0.0E+00 do i=1,m1 j = j - 1 temp1 = f1 f1 = tt*f1 - f2 + ak1(j) f2 = temp1 end do ai = t*f1 - f2 + ak1(1) j = n1d f1 = dak1(j) f2 = 0.0E+00 do i=1,m1d j = j - 1 temp1 = f1 f1 = tt*f1 - f2 + dak1(j) f2 = temp1 end do dai = -(t*f1-f2+dak1(1)) return ! 30 continue t = (x+x-con2)*con3 tt = t + t j = n2 f1 = ak2(j) f2 = 0.0E+00 do i=1,m2 j = j - 1 temp1 = f1 f1 = tt*f1 - f2 + ak2(j) f2 = temp1 end do rtrx = sqrt(rx) ec = exp(-c) ai = ec*(t*f1-f2+ak2(1))/rtrx j = n2d f1 = dak2(j) f2 = 0.0E+00 do i =1,m2d j = j - 1 temp1 = f1 f1 = tt*f1 - f2 + dak2(j) f2 = temp1 end do dai = -ec*(t*f1-f2+dak2(1))*rtrx return 60 continue t = 10.0/c - 1.0E+00 tt = t + t j = n1 f1 = ak3(j) f2 = 0.0E+00 do i=1,m1 j = j - 1 temp1 = f1 f1 = tt*f1 - f2 + ak3(j) f2 = temp1 end do rtrx = sqrt(rx) ec = exp(-c) ai = ec*(t*f1-f2+ak3(1))/rtrx j = n1d f1 = dak3(j) f2 = 0.0E+00 do i=1,m1d j = j - 1 temp1 = f1 f1 = tt*f1 - f2 + dak3(j) f2 = temp1 end do dai = -rtrx*ec*(t*f1-f2+dak3(1)) return 90 continue if (c>5.0) go to 120 t = 0.4*c - 1.0E+00 tt = t + t j = n3 f1 = ajp(j) e1 = ajn(j) f2 = 0.0E+00 e2 = 0.0E+00 do i=1,m3 j = j - 1 temp1 = f1 temp2 = e1 f1 = tt*f1 - f2 + ajp(j) e1 = tt*e1 - e2 + ajn(j) f2 = temp1 e2 = temp2 end do ai = (t*e1-e2+ajn(1)) - x*(t*f1-f2+ajp(1)) j = n3d f1 = dajp(j) e1 = dajn(j) f2 = 0.0E+00 e2 = 0.0E+00 do i=1,m3d j = j - 1 temp1 = f1 temp2 = e1 f1 = tt*f1 - f2 + dajp(j) e1 = tt*e1 - e2 + dajn(j) f2 = temp1 e2 = temp2 end do dai = x*x*(t*f1-f2+dajp(1)) + (t*e1-e2+dajn(1)) return ! 120 continue t = 10.0/c - 1.0E+00 tt = t + t j = n4 f1 = a(j) e1 = b(j) f2 = 0.0E+00 e2 = 0.0E+00 do i=1,m4 j = j - 1 temp1 = f1 temp2 = e1 f1 = tt*f1 - f2 + a(j) e1 = tt*e1 - e2 + b(j) f2 = temp1 e2 = temp2 end do temp1 = t*f1 - f2 + a(1) temp2 = t*e1 - e2 + b(1) rtrx = sqrt(rx) cv = c - fpi12 ccv = cos(cv) scv = sin(cv) ai = (temp1*ccv-temp2*scv)/rtrx j = n4d f1 = da(j) e1 = db(j) f2 = 0.0E+00 e2 = 0.0E+00 do i = 1, m4d j = j - 1 temp1 = f1 temp2 = e1 f1 = tt*f1 - f2 + da(j) e1 = tt*e1 - e2 + db(j) f2 = temp1 e2 = temp2 end do temp1 = t*f1 - f2 + da(1) temp2 = t*e1 - e2 + db(1) e1 = ccv*con5 + 0.5*scv e2 = scv*con5 - 0.5*ccv dai = (temp1*e1-temp2*e2)*rtrx return end subroutine lltslv ( nr, n, a, x, b ) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! LLTSLV solves A*x=b where A = L * Transpose(L), and only L is stored. ! ! ! Discussion: ! ! L is a lower triangular matrix. ! ! Reference: ! ! David Kahaner, Clever Moler, Steven Nash, ! Numerical Methods and Software, ! Prentice Hall, 1988. ! ! Parameters: ! ! nr --> row dimension of matrix ! n --> dimension of problem ! a(n,n) --> matrix of form l(l-transpose). ! on return a is unchanged. ! x(n) <-- solution vector ! b(n) --> right-hand side vector ! if b is not required by calling program, then ! b and x may share the same storage. ! integer n integer nr ! real a(nr,n) real b(n) real x(n) ! ! Forward solve, result in X. ! call forslv ( nr, n, a, x, b ) ! ! Back solve, result in X. ! call bakslv ( nr, n, a, x, x ) return end subroutine lnsrch ( n, x, f, g, p, xpls, fpls, fcn, mxtake, iretcd, stepmx, & steptl, sx, ipr ) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! LNSRCH finds a next newton iterate by line search. ! ! ! Reference: ! ! David Kahaner, Clever Moler, Steven Nash, ! Numerical Methods and Software, ! Prentice Hall, 1988. ! ! parameters ! ! n --> dimension of problem ! x(n) --> old iterate: x[k-1] ! f --> function value at old iterate, f(x) ! g(n) --> gradient at old iterate, g(x), or approximate ! p(n) --> non-zero newton step ! xpls(n) <-- new iterate x[k] ! fpls <--function value at new iterate, f(xpls) ! fcn --> name of subroutine to evaluate function ! iretcd <-- return code ! mxtake <-- boolean flag indicating step of maximum length used ! stepmx --> maximum allowable step size ! steptl --> relative step size at which successive iterates ! considered close enough to terminate algorithm ! sx(n) --> diagonal scaling matrix for x ! ipr --> device to which to send output ! ! internal variables ! ! sln newton length ! rln relative length of newton step ! integer n ! real a real almbda real b real disc real f real fpls real g(n) integer i integer ipr integer iretcd logical mxtake real p(n) real pfpls real plmbda real rln real rmnlmb real scl real sln real slp real stepmx real steptl real sx(n) real t1 real t2 real t3 real tlmbda real tmp real x(n) real xpls(n) ! external fcn ! mxtake = .false. iretcd = 2 sln = sqrt ( sum ( ( sx(1:n) * p(1:n) )**2 ) ) ! ! Newton step longer than maximum allowed. ! if ( sln > stepmx ) then scl=stepmx / sln p(1:n) = scl * p(1:n) sln = stepmx end if slp = dot_product ( g, p ) rln=0. do i=1,n rln=max(rln,abs(p(i))/max(abs(x(i)),1./sx(i))) end do rmnlmb=steptl/rln almbda=1.0E+00 ! ! loop ! check if new iterate satisfactory. generate new lambda if necessary. ! 100 continue if ( iretcd < 2 ) return xpls(1:n) = x(1:n) + almbda * p(1:n) call fcn ( n, xpls, fpls ) if ( fpls> f+slp*1.0e-4*almbda) go to 130 ! ! solution found ! iretcd=0 if ( almbda==1.0E+00 .and. sln> .99*stepmx) mxtake=.true. go to 100 ! ! solution not (yet) found ! ! else 130 if ( almbda >= rmnlmb) go to 140 ! if ( almbda < rmnlmb) ! then ! ! no satisfactory xpls found sufficiently distinct from x ! iretcd=1 go to 100 ! ! calculate new lambda ! 140 continue if ( almbda/=1.0) go to 150 ! if ( almbda==1.0) ! then ! ! first backtrack: quadratic fit ! tlmbda=-slp/(2.*(fpls-f-slp)) go to 170 ! else ! ! all subsequent backtracks: cubic fit ! 150 t1=fpls-f-almbda*slp t2=pfpls-f-plmbda*slp t3=1.0/(almbda-plmbda) a=t3*(t1/(almbda*almbda) - t2/(plmbda*plmbda)) b=t3*(t2*almbda/(plmbda*plmbda) - t1*plmbda/(almbda*almbda) ) disc=b*b-3.0*a*slp if ( disc<= b*b) go to 160 ! if ( disc> b*b) ! then ! ! only one positive critical point, must be minimum ! tlmbda=(-b+sign(1.0,a)*sqrt(disc))/(3.0*a) go to 165 ! else ! ! both critical points positive, first is minimum ! 160 tlmbda=(-b-sign(1.0,a)*sqrt(disc))/(3.0*a) ! end if 165 if ( tlmbda> .5*almbda) tlmbda=.5*almbda ! end if 170 plmbda=almbda pfpls=fpls if ( tlmbda>= almbda*.1) go to 180 ! if ( tlmbda row dimension of matrix ! n --> dimension of problem ! a(n,n) --> lower triangular (n*n) matrix ! x(n) --> operand vector ! y(n) <-- result vector ! ! note ! ! x and y cannot share storage ! integer n integer nr ! real a(nr,n) integer i integer j real sum real x(n) real y(n) ! do i = 1, n sum = 0.0E+00 do j = 1, i sum = sum + a(i,j) * x(j) end do y(i) = sum end do return end subroutine mvmlts ( nr, n, a, x, y ) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! MVMLTS computes y = A*x where "a" is a symmetric (n*n) matrix stored in its lower ! triangular part and x,y are n-vectors ! ! Reference: ! ! David Kahaner, Clever Moler, Steven Nash, ! Numerical Methods and Software, ! Prentice Hall, 1988. ! ! parameters ! ! nr --> row dimension of matrix ! n --> dimension of problem ! a(n,n) --> symmetric (n*n) matrix stored in ! lower triangular part and diagonal ! x(n) --> operand vector ! y(n) <-- result vector ! ! note ! ! x and y cannot share storage. ! integer n integer nr ! real a(nr,n) integer i integer j real sum real x(n) real y(n) ! do i = 1, n sum = 0.0E+00 do j = 1, i sum = sum + a(i,j) * x(j) end do do j = i+1, n sum = sum + a(j,i) * x(j) end do y(i) = sum end do return end subroutine mvmltu ( nr, n, a, x, y ) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! MVMLTU computes y=(l+)x where l is a lower triangular matrix stored in a ! (l-transpose (l+) is taken implicitly) ! ! Reference: ! ! David Kahaner, Clever Moler, Steven Nash, ! Numerical Methods and Software, ! Prentice Hall, 1988. ! ! parameters ! ! nr --> row dimension of matrix ! n --> dimension of problem ! a(nr,1) --> lower triangular (n*n) matrix ! x(n) --> operand vector ! y(n) <-- result vector ! ! note ! ! x and y cannot share storage ! integer n integer nr ! real a(nr,1) integer i integer j real sum real x(n) real y(n) ! do i = 1, n sum = 0.0E+00 do j = i, n sum = sum + a(j,i) * x(j) end do y(i) = sum end do return end function numxer ( nerr ) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! NUMXER returns the most recent error number. ! ! ! Reference: ! ! David Kahaner, Clever Moler, Steven Nash, ! Numerical Methods and Software, ! Prentice Hall, 1988. ! ! written by ron jones, with slatec common math library subcommittee ! latest revision: 7 june 1978 ! ! references jones r.e., kahaner d.k., "xerror, the slatec error- ! handling package", sand82-0800, sandia laboratories, ! 1982. integer j4save integer nerr integer numxer ! nerr = j4save(1,0,.false.) numxer = nerr return end subroutine optchk ( n, x, typsiz, sx, fscale, gradtl, itnlim, ndigit, epsm, & dlt, method, iexp, iagflg, iahflg, stepmx, msg, ipr ) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! OPTCHK checks the input to the optimization routine. ! ! ! Parameters: ! ! n --> dimension of problem ! x(n) --> on entry, estimate to root of fcn ! typsiz(n) <--> typical size of each component of x ! sx(n) <-- diagonal scaling matrix for x ! fscale <--> estimate of scale of objective function fcn ! gradtl --> tolerance at which gradient considered close ! enough to zero to terminate algorithm ! itnlim <--> maximum number of allowable iterations ! ndigit <--> number of good digits in optimization function fcn ! epsm --> machine epsilon ! dlt <--> trust region radius ! method <--> algorithm indicator ! iexp <--> expense flag ! iagflg <--> =1 if analytic gradient supplied ! iahflg <--> =1 if analytic hessian supplied ! stepmx <--> maximum step size ! msg <--> message and error code ! ipr --> device to which to send output ! integer n ! real dlt real epsm real fscale real gradtl integer i integer iagflg integer iahflg integer iexp integer ipr integer itnlim integer method integer msg integer ndigit real stepmx real stpsiz real sx(n) real typsiz(n) real x(n) ! ! check that parameters only take on acceptable values. ! if not, set them to default values. ! if ( method<1 .or. method>3) method=1 if ( iagflg/=1) iagflg=0 if ( iahflg/=1) iahflg=0 if ( iexp/=0) iexp=1 if ( mod(msg/2,2)==1 .and. iagflg==0) go to 830 if ( mod(msg/4,2)==1 .and. iahflg==0) go to 835 ! ! check dimension of problem ! if ( n<=0) go to 805 if ( n==1 .and. mod(msg,2)==0) go to 810 ! ! compute scale matrix ! do i=1,n if ( typsiz(i)==0.) typsiz(i)=1.0E+00 if ( typsiz(i)<0.) typsiz(i)=-typsiz(i) sx(i)=1.0/typsiz(i) end do ! ! check maximum step size ! if (stepmx > 0.0) go to 20 stpsiz = 0.0E+00 do i = 1, n stpsiz = stpsiz + x(i)*x(i)*sx(i)*sx(i) end do stpsiz = sqrt(stpsiz) stepmx = max(1.0e3*stpsiz, 1.0e3) 20 continue ! ! check function scale ! if ( fscale==0.) fscale=1.0E+00 if ( fscale<0.) fscale=-fscale ! ! check gradient tolerance ! if ( gradtl<0.) go to 815 ! ! check iteration limit ! if ( itnlim<=0) go to 820 ! ! check number of digits of accuracy in function fcn ! if ( ndigit==0) go to 825 if ( ndigit<0) ndigit=-log10(epsm) ! ! check trust region radius ! if ( dlt<=0.) dlt=-1.0E+00 if (dlt > stepmx) dlt = stepmx return ! ! error exits ! 805 write(ipr,901) n msg=-1 go to 895 810 write(ipr,902) msg=-2 go to 895 815 write(ipr,903) gradtl msg=-3 go to 895 820 write(ipr,904) itnlim msg=-4 go to 895 825 write(ipr,905) ndigit msg=-5 go to 895 830 write(ipr,906) msg,iagflg msg=-6 go to 895 835 write(ipr,907) msg,iahflg msg=-7 895 return 901 format('0optchk illegal dimension, n=',i5) 902 format('0optchk +++ warning +++ this package is inefficient', & 'for problems of size n=1.'/ & ' optchk check installation libraries for more appropriate routines.'/ & ' optchk if none, set msg and resubmit.') 903 format('0optchk illegal tolerance. gradtl=',e20.13) 904 format('0optchk illegal iteration limit. itnlim=',i5) 905 format('0optchk minimization function has no good digits.', & 'ndigit=',i5) 906 format('0optchk user requests that analytic gradient be', & ' accepted as properly coded (msg=',i5, '),'/ & ' optchk but analytic gradient not supplied (iagflg=',i5, ').') 907 format('0optchk user requests that analytic hessian be', & ' accepted as properly coded (msg=',i5, '),'/ & ' optchk but analytic hessian not supplied(iahflg=',i5, ').') end subroutine optdrv(nr,n,x,fcn,d1fcn,d2fcn,typsiz,fscale,method,iexp,msg, & ndigit,itnlim,iagflg,iahflg,ipr,dlt,gradtl,stepmx,steptl,xpls,fpls,gpls, & itrmcd,a,udiag,g,p,sx,wrk0,wrk1,wrk2,wrk3) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! OPTDRV is a driver for the nonlinear optimization package. ! ! ! Parameters: ! ! nr --> row dimension of matrix ! n --> dimension of problem ! x(n) --> on entry: estimate to a root of fcn ! fcn --> name of subroutine to evaluate optimization function ! must be declared external in calling routine ! fcn: r(n) --> r(1) ! d1fcn --> (optional) name of subroutine to evaluate gradient ! of fcn. must be declared external in calling routine ! d2fcn --> (optional) name of subroutine to evaluate hessian of ! of fcn. must be declared external in calling routine ! typsiz(n) --> typical size for each component of x ! fscale --> estimate of scale of objective function ! method --> algorithm to use to solve minimization problem ! =1 line search ! =2 double dogleg ! =3 more-hebdon ! iexp --> =1 if optimization function fcn is expensive to ! evaluate, =0 otherwise. if set then hessian will ! be evaluated by secant update instead of ! analytically or by finite differences ! msg <--> on input: (>0) message to inhibit certain ! automatic checks ! on output: (<0) error code; =0 no error ! ndigit --> number of good digits in optimization function fcn ! itnlim --> maximum number of allowable iterations ! iagflg --> =1 if analytic gradient supplied ! iahflg --> =1 if analytic hessian supplied ! ipr --> device to which to send output ! dlt --> trust region radius ! gradtl --> tolerance at which gradient considered close ! enough to zero to terminate algorithm ! stepmx --> maximum allowable step size ! steptl --> relative step size at which successive iterates ! considered close enough to terminate algorithm ! xpls(n) <--> on exit: xpls is local minimum ! fpls <--> on exit:function value at solution, xpls ! gpls(n) <--> on exit: gradient at solution xpls ! itrmcd <-- termination code ! a(n,n) --> workspace for hessian (or estimate) ! and its cholesky decomposition ! udiag(n) --> workspace [for diagonal of hessian] ! g(n) --> workspace (for gradient at current iterate) ! p(n) --> workspace for step ! sx(n) --> workspace (for diagonal scaling matrix) ! wrk0(n) --> workspace ! wrk1(n) --> workspace ! wrk2(n) --> workspace ! wrk3(n) --> workspace ! ! ! internal variables ! ! analtl tolerance for comparison of estimated and ! analytical gradients and hessians ! epsm machine epsilon ! f function value: fcn(x) ! itncnt current iteration, k ! rnf relative noise in optimization function fcn. ! noise=10.**(-ndigit) ! integer n integer nr ! real a(nr,n) real amu real amusav real analtl real dlpsav real dlt real dltp real dltsav real epsm real f real fpls real fscale real g(n) real gpls(n) real gradtl integer i integer iagflg integer iahflg integer icscmx integer iexp integer ipr integer iretcd integer itncnt integer itnlim integer itrmcd integer method integer msg logical mxtake integer ndigit logical noupdt real p(n) real phi real phip0 real phisav real phpsav real r1mach real rnf real stepmx real steptl real sx(n) real typsiz(n) real udiag(n) real wrk real wrk0(n) real wrk1(n) real wrk2(n) real wrk3(n) real x(n) real xpls(n) ! external fcn,d1fcn,d2fcn ! ! initialization ! p(1:n) = 0.0E+00 itncnt=0 iretcd=-1 epsm=r1mach(4) call optchk(n,x,typsiz,sx,fscale,gradtl,itnlim,ndigit,epsm, & dlt,method,iexp,iagflg,iahflg,stepmx,msg,ipr) if ( msg<0) return rnf=max(10.0**(-ndigit),epsm) analtl=max(1.0e-2,sqrt(rnf)) if ( mod(msg/8,2)==1) go to 15 write(ipr,901) write(ipr,900) (typsiz(i),i=1,n) write(ipr,902) write(ipr,900) (sx(i),i=1,n) write(ipr,903) fscale write(ipr,904) ndigit,iagflg,iahflg,iexp,method,itnlim,epsm write(ipr,905) stepmx,steptl,gradtl,dlt,rnf,analtl 15 continue ! ! evaluate fcn(x) ! call fcn(n,x,f) ! ! evaluate analytic or finite difference gradient and check analytic ! gradient, if requested. ! if (iagflg /= 1) then call fstofd (1, 1, n, x, fcn, f, g, sx, rnf, wrk, 1) else call d1fcn (n, x, g) if ( mod(msg/2,2) /= 1) then call grdchk (n, x, fcn, f, g, typsiz, sx, fscale, rnf, analtl, wrk1, & msg, ipr) if (msg < 0) return end if end if call optstp(n,x,f,g,wrk1,itncnt,icscmx,itrmcd,gradtl,steptl,sx,fscale, & itnlim,iretcd,mxtake,ipr,msg) if ( itrmcd/=0) go to 700 if ( iexp/=1) go to 80 ! ! if optimization function expensive to evaluate (iexp=1), then ! hessian will be obtained by secant updates. get initial hessian. ! call hsnint(nr,n,a,sx,method) go to 90 80 continue ! ! evaluate analytic or finite difference hessian and check analytic ! hessian if requested (only if user-supplied analytic hessian ! routine d2fcn fills only lower triangular part and diagonal of a). ! if (iahflg == 1) go to 82 if (iagflg == 1) then call fstofd (nr, n, n, x, d1fcn, g, a, sx, rnf, wrk1, 3) else call sndofd (nr, n, x, fcn, f, a, sx, rnf, wrk1, wrk2) end if go to 88 ! ! else 82 if (mod(msg/4,2)==0) go to 85 ! if (mod(msg/4, 2) == 1) ! then call d2fcn (nr, n, x, a) go to 88 ! ! else 85 continue call heschk (nr, n, x, fcn, d1fcn, d2fcn, f, g, a, typsiz, & sx, rnf, analtl, iagflg, udiag, wrk1, wrk2, msg, ipr) ! ! heschk evaluates d2fcn and checks it against the finite ! difference hessian which it calculates by calling fstofd ! (if iagflg == 1) or sndofd (otherwise). ! if (msg < 0) return 88 continue 90 continue if ( mod(msg/8,2)==0) then call result(nr,n,x,f,g,a,p,itncnt,1,ipr) end if ! ! iteration ! 100 itncnt=itncnt+1 ! ! find perturbed local model hessian and its ll+ decomposition ! (skip this step if line search or dogstep techniques being used with ! secant updates. cholesky decomposition l already obtained from ! secfac.) ! if ( iexp==1 .and. method/=3) go to 105 103 call chlhsn(nr,n,a,epsm,sx,udiag) 105 continue ! ! solve for newton step: ap=-g ! wrk1(1:n) = - g(1:n) call lltslv(nr,n,a,p,wrk1) ! ! decide whether to accept newton step xpls=x + p ! or to choose xpls by a global strategy. ! if (iagflg /= 0 .or. method == 1) go to 111 dltsav = dlt if ( method /= 2 ) then amusav = amu dlpsav = dltp phisav = phi phpsav = phip0 end if 111 continue if ( method==1) then call lnsrch(n,x,f,g,p,xpls,fpls,fcn,mxtake,iretcd, & stepmx,steptl,sx,ipr) end if if ( method==2) then call dogdrv(nr,n,x,f,g,a,p,xpls,fpls,fcn,sx,stepmx, & steptl,dlt,iretcd,mxtake,wrk0,wrk1,wrk2,wrk3,ipr) end if if ( method==3) then call hookdr(nr,n,x,f,g,a,udiag,p,xpls,fpls,fcn,sx,stepmx, & steptl,dlt,iretcd,mxtake,amu,dltp,phi,phip0,wrk0, & wrk1,wrk2,epsm,itncnt,ipr) end if ! ! if could not find satisfactory step and forward difference ! gradient was used, retry using central difference gradient. ! if ( iretcd /= 1 .or. iagflg /= 0 ) then go to 112 end if ! ! set iagflg for central differences ! iagflg = -1 write(ipr,906) itncnt call fstocd (n, x, fcn, sx, rnf, g) if (method == 1) go to 105 dlt = dltsav if (method == 2) go to 105 amu = amusav dltp = dlpsav phi = phisav phip0 = phpsav go to 103 ! end if ! ! calculate step for output ! 112 continue p(1:n) = xpls(1:n) - x(1:n) ! ! calculate gradient at xpls ! if (iagflg == (-1)) go to 116 if (iagflg == 0) go to 118 ! ! analytic gradient call d1fcn (n, xpls, gpls) go to 120 ! ! central difference gradient 116 call fstocd (n, xpls, fcn, sx, rnf, gpls) go to 120 ! ! forward difference gradient 118 call fstofd (1, 1, n, xpls, fcn, fpls, gpls, sx, rnf, wrk, 1) 120 continue ! ! check whether stopping criteria satisfied ! call optstp(n,xpls,fpls,gpls,x,itncnt,icscmx,itrmcd,gradtl,steptl,sx,& fscale,itnlim,iretcd,mxtake,ipr,msg) if ( itrmcd/=0) go to 690 ! ! evaluate hessian at xpls ! if ( iexp==0) go to 130 if ( method==3) then call secunf(nr,n,x,g,a,udiag,xpls,gpls,epsm,itncnt,rnf, & iagflg,noupdt,wrk1,wrk2,wrk3) end if if ( method/=3) then call secfac(nr,n,x,g,a,xpls,gpls,epsm,itncnt,rnf,iagflg, & noupdt,wrk0,wrk1,wrk2,wrk3) end if go to 150 130 if ( iahflg==1) go to 140 if ( iagflg==1) then call fstofd(nr,n,n,xpls,d1fcn,gpls,a,sx,rnf,wrk1,3) else call sndofd(nr,n,xpls,fcn,fpls,a,sx,rnf,wrk1,wrk2) end if go to 150 140 call d2fcn(nr,n,xpls,a) 150 continue if ( mod(msg/16,2)==1) then call result(nr,n,xpls,fpls,gpls,a,p,itncnt,1,ipr) end if ! ! x <-- xpls and g <-- gpls and f <-- fpls ! f=fpls x(1:n)=xpls(1:n) g(1:n)=gpls(1:n) go to 100 ! ! termination ! ! reset xpls,fpls,gpls, if previous iterate solution ! 690 if ( itrmcd/=3) go to 710 700 continue fpls=f xpls(1:n)=x(1:n) gpls(1:n)=g(1:n) ! ! print results ! 710 continue if ( mod(msg/8,2)==0) then call result(nr,n,xpls,fpls,gpls,a,p,itncnt,0,ipr) end if msg=0 return ! 900 format(' optdrv ',5(e20.13,3x)) 901 format('0optdrv typical x') 902 format(' optdrv diagonal scaling matrix for x') 903 format(' optdrv typical f =',e20.13) 904 format('0optdrv number of good digits in fcn=',i5/ & ' optdrv gradient flag =',i5,' (=1 if analytic', & ' gradient supplied)'/ & ' optdrv hessian flag =',i5,' (=1 if analytic', & ' hessian supplied)'/ & ' optdrv expense flag =',i5, ' (=1 if', & ' minimization function expensive to evaluate)'/ & ' optdrv method to use =',i5,' (=1,2,3 for line', & ' search, double dogleg, more-hebdon respectively)'/ & ' optdrv iteration limit=',i5/ & ' optdrv machine epsilon=',e20.13) 905 format('0optdrv maximum step size =',e20.13/ & ' optdrv step tolerance =',e20.13/ & ' optdrv gradient tolerance=',e20.13/ & ' optdrv trust reg radius =',e20.13/ & ' optdrv rel noise in fcn =',e20.13/ & ' optdrv anal-fd tolerance =',e20.13) 906 format(' optdrv shift from forward to central differences', & ' in iteration ', i5) end subroutine optif0(nr,n,x,fcn,xpls,fpls,gpls,itrmcd,a,wrk) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! OPTIF0 provides simplest interface to minimization package. ! ! ! Parameters: ! ! nr --> row dimension of matrix ! n --> dimension of problem ! x(n) --> initial estimate of minimum ! fcn --> name of routine to evaluate minimization function. ! must be declared external in calling routine. ! xpls(n) <-- local minimum ! fpls <--function value at local minimum xpls ! gpls(n) <-- gradient at local minimum xpls ! itrmcd <-- termination code ! a(n,n) --> workspace ! wrk(n,9) --> workspace ! integer n integer nr ! real a(nr,n) real dlt real fscale real fpls real gpls(n) real gradtl integer iagflg integer iahflg integer iexp integer ipr integer itnlim integer itrmcd integer method integer msg integer ndigit real stepmx real steptl real wrk(nr,9) real x(n) real xpls(n) ! external fcn,d1fcn,d2fcn ! ! equivalence wrk(n,1) = udiag(n) ! wrk(n,2) = g(n) ! wrk(n,3) = p(n) ! wrk(n,4) = typsiz(n) ! wrk(n,5) = sx(n) ! wrk(n,6) = wrk0(n) ! wrk(n,7) = wrk1(n) ! wrk(n,8) = wrk2(n) ! wrk(n,9) = wrk3(n) ! call dfault(n,x,wrk(1,4),fscale,method,iexp,msg,ndigit, & itnlim,iagflg,iahflg,ipr,dlt,gradtl,stepmx,steptl) call optdrv(nr,n,x,fcn,d1fcn,d2fcn,wrk(1,4),fscale, & method,iexp,msg,ndigit,itnlim,iagflg,iahflg,ipr, & dlt,gradtl,stepmx,steptl,xpls,fpls,gpls,itrmcd, & a,wrk(1,1),wrk(1,2),wrk(1,3),wrk(1,5),wrk(1,6), & wrk(1,7),wrk(1,8),wrk(1,9)) return end subroutine optstp(n,xpls,fpls,gpls,x,itncnt,icscmx, & itrmcd,gradtl,steptl,sx,fscale,itnlim,iretcd,mxtake,ipr,msg) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! OPTSTP: unconstrained minimization stopping criteria ! ! ! find whether the algorithm should terminate, due to any ! of the following: ! 1) problem solved within user tolerance ! 2) convergence within user tolerance ! 3) iteration limit reached ! 4) divergence or too restrictive maximum step (stepmx) suspected ! ! ! parameters ! ! n --> dimension of problem ! xpls(n) --> new iterate x[k] ! fpls --> function value at new iterate f(xpls) ! gpls(n) --> gradient at new iterate, g(xpls), or approximate ! x(n) --> old iterate x[k-1] ! itncnt --> current iteration k ! icscmx <--> number consecutive steps >= stepmx ! [retain value between successive calls] ! itrmcd <-- termination code ! gradtl --> tolerance at which relative gradient considered close ! enough to zero to terminate algorithm ! steptl --> relative step size at which successive iterates ! considered close enough to terminate algorithm ! sx(n) --> diagonal scaling matrix for x ! fscale --> estimate of scale of objective function ! itnlim --> maximum number of allowable iterations ! iretcd --> return code ! mxtake --> boolean flag indicating step of maximum length used ! ipr --> device to which to send output ! msg --> if msg includes a term 8, suppress output ! ! integer n ! real d real fpls real fscale real gpls(n) real gradtl integer i integer icscmx integer ipr integer iretcd integer itncnt integer itnlim integer itrmcd integer jtrmcd integer msg logical mxtake real relgrd real relstp real rgx real rsx real steptl real sx(n) real x(n) real xpls(n) ! itrmcd=0 ! ! last global step failed to locate a point lower than x. ! if ( iretcd == 1 ) then jtrmcd=3 go to 600 end if ! ! Find direction in which relative gradient maximum. ! Check whether within tolerance ! d=max(abs(fpls),fscale) rgx=0.0E+00 do i=1,n relgrd=abs(gpls(i))*max(abs(xpls(i)),1./sx(i))/d rgx=max(rgx,relgrd) end do jtrmcd=1 if ( rgx<=gradtl) go to 600 if ( itncnt==0) return ! ! find direction in which relative stepsize maximum ! check whether within tolerance. ! rsx=0.0E+00 do i=1,n relstp=abs(xpls(i)-x(i))/max(abs(xpls(i)),1./sx(i)) rsx=max(rsx,relstp) end do jtrmcd=2 if ( rsx<=steptl) go to 600 ! ! check iteration limit ! jtrmcd=4 if ( itncnt>=itnlim) go to 600 ! ! check number of consecutive steps \ stepmx ! if ( .not.mxtake) then icscmx=0 return else if (mod(msg/8,2) == 0) write(ipr,900) icscmx=icscmx+1 if ( icscmx<5) return jtrmcd=5 end if ! ! print termination code ! 600 itrmcd=jtrmcd if (mod(msg/8,2) == 0) go to(601,602,603,604,605), itrmcd go to 700 601 write(ipr,901) go to 700 602 write(ipr,902) go to 700 603 write(ipr,903) go to 700 604 write(ipr,904) go to 700 605 write(ipr,905) ! 700 return ! 900 format('0optstp step of maximum length (stepmx) taken') 901 format('0optstp relative gradient close to zero.'/ & ' optstp current iterate is probably solution.') 902 format('0optstp successive iterates within tolerance.'/ & ' optstp current iterate is probably solution') 903 format('0optstp last global step failed to locate a point', & ' lower than x.'/ & ' optstp either x is an approximate local minimum', & ' of the function',/ & ' optstp the function is too non-linear for this algorithm,'/ & ' optstp or steptl is too large.') 904 format('optstp iteration limit exceeded.'/'optstp algorithm failed.') 905 format('0optstp maximum step size exceeded 5 consecutive times.'/ & ' optstp either the function is unbounded below',/ & ' optstp becomes asymptotic to a finite value', & ' from above in some direction',/ & ' optstp or stepmx is too small') end subroutine passb ( nac, ido, ip, l1, idl1, cc, c1, c2, ch, ch2, wa ) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! PASSB is a lower level routine used by CFFTB1. ! ! ! Modified: ! ! 09 March 2001 ! ! Author: ! ! Paul Swarztrauber, ! National Center for Atmospheric Research ! ! Parameters: ! integer idl1 integer ido integer ip integer l1 ! real c1(ido,l1,ip) real c2(idl1,ip) real cc(ido,ip,l1) real ch(ido,l1,ip) real ch2(idl1,ip) integer i integer idij integer idj integer idl integer idlj integer idp integer ik integer inc integer ipph integer j integer jc integer k integer l integer lc integer nac integer nt real wa(*) real wai real war ! nt = ip * idl1 ipph = ( ip + 1 ) / 2 idp = ip * ido if ( ido >= l1 ) then do j = 2, ipph jc = ip + 2 - j do k = 1, l1 ch(1:ido,k,j) = cc(1:ido,j,k) + cc(1:ido,jc,k) ch(1:ido,k,jc) = cc(1:ido,j,k) - cc(1:ido,jc,k) end do end do ch(1:ido,1:l1,1) = cc(1:ido,1,1:l1) else do j = 2, ipph jc = ip + 2 - j do i = 1, ido ch(i,1:l1,j) = cc(i,j,1:l1) + cc(i,jc,1:l1) ch(i,1:l1,jc) = cc(i,j,1:l1) - cc(i,jc,1:l1) end do end do ch(1:ido,1:l1,1) = cc(1:ido,1,1:l1) end if idl = 2 - ido inc = 0 do l = 2, ipph lc = ip + 2 - l idl = idl + ido do ik = 1, idl1 c2(ik,l) = ch2(ik,1) + wa(idl-1) * ch2(ik,2) c2(ik,lc) = wa(idl) * ch2(ik,ip) end do idlj = idl inc = inc + ido do j = 3, ipph jc = ip + 2 - j idlj = idlj + inc if ( idlj > idp ) then idlj = idlj - idp end if war = wa(idlj-1) wai = wa(idlj) do ik = 1, idl1 c2(ik,l) = c2(ik,l) + war * ch2(ik,j) c2(ik,lc) = c2(ik,lc) + wai * ch2(ik,jc) end do end do end do do j = 2, ipph ch2(1:idl1,1) = ch2(1:idl1,1) + ch2(1:idl1,j) end do do j = 2, ipph jc = ip + 2 - j do ik = 2, idl1, 2 ch2(ik-1,j) = c2(ik-1,j) - c2(ik,jc) ch2(ik-1,jc) = c2(ik-1,j) + c2(ik,jc) ch2(ik,j) = c2(ik,j) + c2(ik-1,jc) ch2(ik,jc) = c2(ik,j) - c2(ik-1,jc) end do end do nac = 1 if ( ido == 2 ) then return end if nac = 0 c2(1:idl1,1) = ch2(1:idl1,1) c1(1:2,1:l1,2:ip) = ch(1:2,1:l1,2:ip) if ( ( ido / 2 ) <= l1 ) then idij = 0 do j = 2, ip idij = idij + 2 do i = 4, ido, 2 idij = idij + 2 c1(i-1,1:l1,j) = wa(idij-1) * ch(i-1,1:l1,j) - wa(idij) * ch(i,1:l1,j) c1(i,1:l1,j) = wa(idij-1) * ch(i,1:l1,j) + wa(idij) * ch(i-1,1:l1,j) end do end do else idj = 2 - ido do j = 2, ip idj = idj + ido do k = 1, l1 idij = idj do i = 4, ido, 2 idij = idij + 2 c1(i-1,k,j) = wa(idij-1) * ch(i-1,k,j) - wa(idij) * ch(i,k,j) c1(i,k,j) = wa(idij-1) * ch(i,k,j) + wa(idij) * ch(i-1,k,j) end do end do end do end if return end subroutine passb2 ( ido, l1, cc, ch, wa1 ) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! PASSB2 is a lower level routine used by CFFTB1. ! ! ! Modified: ! ! 09 March 2001 ! ! Author: ! ! Paul Swarztrauber, ! National Center for Atmospheric Research ! ! Parameters: ! integer ido integer l1 ! real cc(ido,2,l1) real ch(ido,l1,2) integer i integer k real ti2 real tr2 real wa1(ido) ! if ( ido <= 2 ) then ch(1,1:l1,1) = cc(1,1,1:l1) + cc(1,2,1:l1) ch(1,1:l1,2) = cc(1,1,1:l1) - cc(1,2,1:l1) ch(2,1:l1,1) = cc(2,1,1:l1) + cc(2,2,1:l1) ch(2,1:l1,2) = cc(2,1,1:l1) - cc(2,2,1:l1) else do k = 1, l1 do i = 2, ido, 2 ch(i-1,k,1) = cc(i-1,1,k) + cc(i-1,2,k) tr2 = cc(i-1,1,k) - cc(i-1,2,k) ch(i,k,1) = cc(i,1,k) + cc(i,2,k) ti2 = cc(i,1,k) - cc(i,2,k) ch(i,k,2) = wa1(i-1) * ti2 + wa1(i) * tr2 ch(i-1,k,2) = wa1(i-1) * tr2 - wa1(i) * ti2 end do end do end if return end subroutine passb3 ( ido, l1, cc, ch, wa1, wa2 ) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! PASSB3 is a lower level routine used by CFFTB1. ! ! ! Modified: ! ! 09 March 2001 ! ! Author: ! ! Paul Swarztrauber, ! National Center for Atmospheric Research ! ! Parameters: ! integer ido integer l1 ! real cc(ido,3,l1) real ch(ido,l1,3) real ci2 real ci3 real cr2 real cr3 real di2 real di3 real dr2 real dr3 integer i integer k real, parameter :: taui = 0.866025403784439E+00 real, parameter :: taur = -0.5E+00 real ti2 real tr2 real wa1(ido) real wa2(ido) ! if ( ido == 2 ) then do k = 1, l1 tr2 = cc(1,2,k) + cc(1,3,k) cr2 = cc(1,1,k) + taur * tr2 ch(1,k,1) = cc(1,1,k) + tr2 ti2 = cc(2,2,k) + cc(2,3,k) ci2 = cc(2,1,k) + taur * ti2 ch(2,k,1) = cc(2,1,k) + ti2 cr3 = taui * ( cc(1,2,k) - cc(1,3,k) ) ci3 = taui * ( cc(2,2,k) - cc(2,3,k) ) ch(1,k,2) = cr2 - ci3 ch(1,k,3) = cr2 + ci3 ch(2,k,2) = ci2 + cr3 ch(2,k,3) = ci2 - cr3 end do else do k = 1, l1 do i = 2, ido, 2 tr2 = cc(i-1,2,k) + cc(i-1,3,k) cr2 = cc(i-1,1,k) + taur * tr2 ch(i-1,k,1) = cc(i-1,1,k) + tr2 ti2 = cc(i,2,k) + cc(i,3,k) ci2 = cc(i,1,k) + taur * ti2 ch(i,k,1) = cc(i,1,k) + ti2 cr3 = taui * ( cc(i-1,2,k) - cc(i-1,3,k) ) ci3 = taui * ( cc(i,2,k) - cc(i,3,k) ) dr2 = cr2 - ci3 dr3 = cr2 + ci3 di2 = ci2 + cr3 di3 = ci2 - cr3 ch(i,k,2) = wa1(i-1) * di2 + wa1(i) * dr2 ch(i-1,k,2) = wa1(i-1) * dr2 - wa1(i) * di2 ch(i,k,3) = wa2(i-1) * di3 + wa2(i) * dr3 ch(i-1,k,3) = wa2(i-1) * dr3 - wa2(i) * di3 end do end do end if return end subroutine passb4 ( ido, l1, cc, ch, wa1, wa2, wa3 ) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! PASSB4 is a lower level routine used by CFFTB1. ! ! ! Modified: ! ! 09 March 2001 ! ! Author: ! ! Paul Swarztrauber, ! National Center for Atmospheric Research ! ! Parameters: ! integer ido integer l1 ! real cc(ido,4,l1) real ch(ido,l1,4) real ci1 real ci2 real ci3 real ci4 real cr1 real cr2 real cr3 real cr4 integer i integer k real ti1 real ti2 real ti3 real ti4 real tr1 real tr2 real tr3 real tr4 real wa1(ido) real wa2(ido) real wa3(ido) ! if ( ido == 2 ) then do k = 1, l1 ti1 = cc(2,1,k) - cc(2,3,k) ti2 = cc(2,1,k) + cc(2,3,k) tr4 = cc(2,4,k) - cc(2,2,k) ti3 = cc(2,2,k) + cc(2,4,k) tr1 = cc(1,1,k) - cc(1,3,k) tr2 = cc(1,1,k) + cc(1,3,k) ti4 = cc(1,2,k) - cc(1,4,k) tr3 = cc(1,2,k) + cc(1,4,k) ch(1,k,1) = tr2 + tr3 ch(1,k,3) = tr2 - tr3 ch(2,k,1) = ti2 + ti3 ch(2,k,3) = ti2 - ti3 ch(1,k,2) = tr1 + tr4 ch(1,k,4) = tr1 - tr4 ch(2,k,2) = ti1 + ti4 ch(2,k,4) = ti1 - ti4 end do else do k = 1, l1 do i = 2, ido, 2 ti1 = cc(i,1,k) - cc(i,3,k) ti2 = cc(i,1,k) + cc(i,3,k) ti3 = cc(i,2,k) + cc(i,4,k) tr4 = cc(i,4,k) - cc(i,2,k) tr1 = cc(i-1,1,k) - cc(i-1,3,k) tr2 = cc(i-1,1,k) + cc(i-1,3,k) ti4 = cc(i-1,2,k) - cc(i-1,4,k) tr3 = cc(i-1,2,k) + cc(i-1,4,k) ch(i-1,k,1) = tr2 + tr3 cr3 = tr2 - tr3 ch(i,k,1) = ti2 + ti3 ci3 = ti2 - ti3 cr2 = tr1 + tr4 cr4 = tr1 - tr4 ci2 = ti1 + ti4 ci4 = ti1 - ti4 ch(i-1,k,2) = wa1(i-1) * cr2 - wa1(i) * ci2 ch(i,k,2) = wa1(i-1) * ci2 + wa1(i) * cr2 ch(i-1,k,3) = wa2(i-1) * cr3 - wa2(i) * ci3 ch(i,k,3) = wa2(i-1) * ci3 + wa2(i) * cr3 ch(i-1,k,4) = wa3(i-1) * cr4 - wa3(i) * ci4 ch(i,k,4) = wa3(i-1) * ci4 + wa3(i) * cr4 end do end do end if return end subroutine passb5 ( ido, l1, cc, ch, wa1, wa2, wa3, wa4 ) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! PASSB5 is a lower level routine used by CFFTB1. ! ! ! Modified: ! ! 09 March 2001 ! ! Author: ! ! Paul Swarztrauber, ! National Center for Atmospheric Research ! ! Parameters: ! integer ido integer l1 ! real cc(ido,5,l1) real ch(ido,l1,5) real ci2 real ci3 real ci4 real ci5 real cr2 real cr3 real cr4 real cr5 real di2 real di3 real di4 real di5 real dr2 real dr3 real dr4 real dr5 integer i integer k real, parameter :: ti11 = 0.951056516295154E+00 real, parameter :: ti12 = 0.587785252292473E+00 real ti2 real ti3 real ti4 real ti5 real, parameter :: tr11 = 0.309016994374947E+00 real, parameter :: tr12 = -0.809016994374947E+00 real tr2 real tr3 real tr4 real tr5 real wa1(ido) real wa2(ido) real wa3(ido) real wa4(ido) ! if ( ido == 2 ) then do k = 1, l1 ti5 = cc(2,2,k) - cc(2,5,k) ti2 = cc(2,2,k) + cc(2,5,k) ti4 = cc(2,3,k) - cc(2,4,k) ti3 = cc(2,3,k) + cc(2,4,k) tr5 = cc(1,2,k) - cc(1,5,k) tr2 = cc(1,2,k) + cc(1,5,k) tr4 = cc(1,3,k) - cc(1,4,k) tr3 = cc(1,3,k) + cc(1,4,k) ch(1,k,1) = cc(1,1,k) + tr2 + tr3 ch(2,k,1) = cc(2,1,k) + ti2 + ti3 cr2 = cc(1,1,k) + tr11 * tr2 + tr12 * tr3 ci2 = cc(2,1,k) + tr11 * ti2 + tr12 * ti3 cr3 = cc(1,1,k) + tr12 * tr2 + tr11 * tr3 ci3 = cc(2,1,k) + tr12 * ti2 + tr11 * ti3 cr5 = ti11 * tr5 + ti12 * tr4 ci5 = ti11 * ti5 + ti12 * ti4 cr4 = ti12 * tr5 - ti11 * tr4 ci4 = ti12 * ti5 - ti11 * ti4 ch(1,k,2) = cr2 - ci5 ch(1,k,5) = cr2 + ci5 ch(2,k,2) = ci2 + cr5 ch(2,k,3) = ci3 + cr4 ch(1,k,3) = cr3 - ci4 ch(1,k,4) = cr3 + ci4 ch(2,k,4) = ci3 - cr4 ch(2,k,5) = ci2 - cr5 end do else do k = 1, l1 do i = 2, ido, 2 ti5 = cc(i,2,k) - cc(i,5,k) ti2 = cc(i,2,k) + cc(i,5,k) ti4 = cc(i,3,k) - cc(i,4,k) ti3 = cc(i,3,k) + cc(i,4,k) tr5 = cc(i-1,2,k) - cc(i-1,5,k) tr2 = cc(i-1,2,k) + cc(i-1,5,k) tr4 = cc(i-1,3,k) - cc(i-1,4,k) tr3 = cc(i-1,3,k) + cc(i-1,4,k) ch(i-1,k,1) = cc(i-1,1,k) + tr2 + tr3 ch(i,k,1) = cc(i,1,k) + ti2 + ti3 cr2 = cc(i-1,1,k) + tr11 * tr2 + tr12 * tr3 ci2 = cc(i,1,k) + tr11 * ti2 + tr12 * ti3 cr3 = cc(i-1,1,k) + tr12 * tr2 + tr11 * tr3 ci3 = cc(i,1,k) + tr12 * ti2 + tr11 * ti3 cr5 = ti11 * tr5 + ti12 * tr4 ci5 = ti11 * ti5 + ti12 * ti4 cr4 = ti12 * tr5 - ti11 * tr4 ci4 = ti12 * ti5 - ti11 * ti4 dr3 = cr3 - ci4 dr4 = cr3 + ci4 di3 = ci3 + cr4 di4 = ci3 - cr4 dr5 = cr2 + ci5 dr2 = cr2 - ci5 di5 = ci2 - cr5 di2 = ci2 + cr5 ch(i-1,k,2) = wa1(i-1) * dr2 - wa1(i) * di2 ch(i,k,2) = wa1(i-1) * di2 + wa1(i) * dr2 ch(i-1,k,3) = wa2(i-1) * dr3 - wa2(i) * di3 ch(i,k,3) = wa2(i-1) * di3 + wa2(i) * dr3 ch(i-1,k,4) = wa3(i-1) * dr4 - wa3(i) * di4 ch(i,k,4) = wa3(i-1) * di4 + wa3(i) * dr4 ch(i-1,k,5) = wa4(i-1) * dr5 - wa4(i) * di5 ch(i,k,5) = wa4(i-1) * di5 + wa4(i) * dr5 end do end do end if return end subroutine passf ( nac, ido, ip, l1, idl1, cc, c1, c2, ch, ch2, wa ) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! PASSF is a lower level routine used by CFFTF1. ! ! ! Modified: ! ! 09 March 2001 ! ! Author: ! ! Paul Swarztrauber, ! National Center for Atmospheric Research ! ! Parameters: ! integer idl1 integer ido integer ip integer l1 ! real c1(ido,l1,ip) real c2(idl1,ip) real cc(ido,ip,l1) real ch(ido,l1,ip) real ch2(idl1,ip) integer i integer idij integer idj integer idl integer idlj integer idp integer ik integer inc integer ipph integer j integer jc integer k integer l integer lc integer nac integer nt real wa(*) real wai real war ! nt = ip * idl1 ipph = (ip+1) / 2 idp = ip * ido if ( ido >= l1 ) then do j = 2, ipph jc = ip + 2 - j ch(1:ido,1:l1,j) = cc(1:ido,j,1:l1) + cc(1:ido,jc,1:l1) ch(1:ido,1:l1,jc) = cc(1:ido,j,1:l1) - cc(1:ido,jc,1:l1) end do ch(1:ido,1:l1,1) = cc(1:ido,1,1:l1) else do j = 2, ipph jc = ip + 2 - j ch(1:ido,1:l1,j) = cc(1:ido,j,1:l1) + cc(1:ido,jc,1:l1) ch(1:ido,1:l1,jc) = cc(1:ido,j,1:l1) - cc(1:ido,jc,1:l1) end do ch(1:ido,1:l1,1) = cc(1:ido,1,1:l1) end if idl = 2 - ido inc = 0 do l = 2, ipph lc = ip + 2 - l idl = idl + ido do ik = 1, idl1 c2(ik,l) = ch2(ik,1) + wa(idl-1) * ch2(ik,2) c2(ik,lc) = - wa(idl) * ch2(ik,ip) end do idlj = idl inc = inc + ido do j = 3, ipph jc = ip + 2 - j idlj = idlj + inc if ( idlj > idp ) then idlj = idlj - idp end if war = wa(idlj-1) wai = wa(idlj) do ik = 1, idl1 c2(ik,l) = c2(ik,l) + war * ch2(ik,j) c2(ik,lc) = c2(ik,lc) - wai * ch2(ik,jc) end do end do end do do j = 2, ipph ch2(1:idl1,1) = ch2(1:idl1,1) + ch2(1:idl1,j) end do do j = 2, ipph jc = ip + 2 - j do ik = 2, idl1, 2 ch2(ik-1,j) = c2(ik-1,j) - c2(ik,jc) ch2(ik-1,jc) = c2(ik-1,j) + c2(ik,jc) ch2(ik,j) = c2(ik,j) + c2(ik-1,jc) ch2(ik,jc) = c2(ik,j) - c2(ik-1,jc) end do end do if ( ido == 2 ) then nac = 1 return end if nac = 0 c2(1:idl1,1) = ch2(1:idl1,1) c1(1,1:l1,2:ip) = ch(1,1:l1,2:ip) c1(2,1:l1,2:ip) = ch(2,1:l1,2:ip) if ( ( ido / 2 ) <= l1 ) then idij = 0 do j = 2, ip idij = idij + 2 do i = 4, ido, 2 idij = idij + 2 c1(i-1,1:l1,j) = wa(idij-1) * ch(i-1,1:l1,j) + wa(idij) * ch(i,1:l1,j) c1(i,1:l1,j) = wa(idij-1) * ch(i,1:l1,j) - wa(idij) * ch(i-1,1:l1,j) end do end do else idj = 2 - ido do j = 2, ip idj = idj + ido do k = 1, l1 idij = idj do i = 4, ido, 2 idij = idij + 2 c1(i-1,k,j) = wa(idij-1) * ch(i-1,k,j) + wa(idij) * ch(i,k,j) c1(i,k,j) = wa(idij-1) * ch(i,k,j) - wa(idij) * ch(i-1,k,j) end do end do end do end if return end subroutine passf2 ( ido, l1, cc, ch, wa1 ) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! PASSF2 is a lower level routine used by CFFTF1. ! ! ! Modified: ! ! 09 March 2001 ! ! Author: ! ! Paul Swarztrauber, ! National Center for Atmospheric Research ! ! Parameters: ! integer ido integer l1 ! real cc(ido,2,l1) real ch(ido,l1,2) integer i integer k real ti2 real tr2 real wa1(ido) ! if ( ido <= 2 ) then ch(1,1:l1,1) = cc(1,1,1:l1) + cc(1,2,1:l1) ch(1,1:l1,2) = cc(1,1,1:l1) - cc(1,2,1:l1) ch(2,1:l1,1) = cc(2,1,1:l1) + cc(2,2,1:l1) ch(2,1:l1,2) = cc(2,1,1:l1) - cc(2,2,1:l1) else do k = 1, l1 do i = 2, ido, 2 ch(i-1,k,1) = cc(i-1,1,k) + cc(i-1,2,k) tr2 = cc(i-1,1,k) - cc(i-1,2,k) ch(i,k,1) = cc(i,1,k) + cc(i,2,k) ti2 = cc(i,1,k) - cc(i,2,k) ch(i,k,2) = wa1(i-1) * ti2 - wa1(i) * tr2 ch(i-1,k,2) = wa1(i-1) * tr2 + wa1(i) * ti2 end do end do end if return end subroutine passf3 ( ido, l1, cc, ch, wa1, wa2 ) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! PASSF3 is a lower level routine used by CFFTF1. ! ! ! Modified: ! ! 09 March 2001 ! ! Author: ! ! Paul Swarztrauber, ! National Center for Atmospheric Research ! ! Parameters: ! integer ido integer l1 ! real cc(ido,3,l1) real ch(ido,l1,3) real ci2 real ci3 real cr2 real cr3 real di2 real di3 real dr2 real dr3 integer i integer k real, parameter :: taui = -0.866025403784439E+00 real, parameter :: taur = -0.5E+00 real ti2 real tr2 real wa1(ido) real wa2(ido) ! if ( ido == 2 ) then do k = 1, l1 tr2 = cc(1,2,k) + cc(1,3,k) cr2 = cc(1,1,k) + taur * tr2 ch(1,k,1) = cc(1,1,k) + tr2 ti2 = cc(2,2,k) + cc(2,3,k) ci2 = cc(2,1,k) + taur * ti2 ch(2,k,1) = cc(2,1,k) + ti2 cr3 = taui * ( cc(1,2,k) - cc(1,3,k) ) ci3 = taui * ( cc(2,2,k) - cc(2,3,k) ) ch(1,k,2) = cr2 - ci3 ch(1,k,3) = cr2 + ci3 ch(2,k,2) = ci2 + cr3 ch(2,k,3) = ci2 - cr3 end do else do k = 1, l1 do i = 2, ido, 2 tr2 = cc(i-1,2,k) + cc(i-1,3,k) cr2 = cc(i-1,1,k) + taur * tr2 ch(i-1,k,1) = cc(i-1,1,k) + tr2 ti2 = cc(i,2,k) + cc(i,3,k) ci2 = cc(i,1,k) + taur * ti2 ch(i,k,1) = cc(i,1,k) + ti2 cr3 = taui * ( cc(i-1,2,k) - cc(i-1,3,k) ) ci3 = taui * ( cc(i,2,k) - cc(i,3,k) ) dr2 = cr2 - ci3 dr3 = cr2 + ci3 di2 = ci2 + cr3 di3 = ci2 - cr3 ch(i,k,2) = wa1(i-1) * di2 - wa1(i) * dr2 ch(i-1,k,2) = wa1(i-1) * dr2 + wa1(i) * di2 ch(i,k,3) = wa2(i-1) * di3 - wa2(i) * dr3 ch(i-1,k,3) = wa2(i-1) * dr3 + wa2(i) * di3 end do end do end if return end subroutine passf4 ( ido, l1, cc, ch, wa1, wa2, wa3 ) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! PASSF4 is a lower level routine used by CFFTF1. ! ! ! Modified: ! ! 09 March 2001 ! ! Author: ! ! Paul Swarztrauber, ! National Center for Atmospheric Research ! ! Parameters: ! integer ido integer l1 ! real cc(ido,4,l1) real ch(ido,l1,4) real ci1 real ci2 real ci3 real ci4 real cr1 real cr2 real cr3 real cr4 integer i integer k real ti1 real ti2 real ti3 real ti4 real tr1 real tr2 real tr3 real tr4 real wa1(ido) real wa2(ido) real wa3(ido) ! if ( ido == 2 ) then do k = 1, l1 ti1 = cc(2,1,k) - cc(2,3,k) ti2 = cc(2,1,k) + cc(2,3,k) tr4 = cc(2,2,k) - cc(2,4,k) ti3 = cc(2,2,k) + cc(2,4,k) tr1 = cc(1,1,k) - cc(1,3,k) tr2 = cc(1,1,k) + cc(1,3,k) ti4 = cc(1,4,k) - cc(1,2,k) tr3 = cc(1,2,k) + cc(1,4,k) ch(1,k,1) = tr2 + tr3 ch(1,k,3) = tr2 - tr3 ch(2,k,1) = ti2 + ti3 ch(2,k,3) = ti2 - ti3 ch(1,k,2) = tr1 + tr4 ch(1,k,4) = tr1 - tr4 ch(2,k,2) = ti1 + ti4 ch(2,k,4) = ti1 - ti4 end do else do k = 1, l1 do i = 2, ido, 2 ti1 = cc(i,1,k) - cc(i,3,k) ti2 = cc(i,1,k) + cc(i,3,k) ti3 = cc(i,2,k) + cc(i,4,k) tr4 = cc(i,2,k) - cc(i,4,k) tr1 = cc(i-1,1,k) - cc(i-1,3,k) tr2 = cc(i-1,1,k) + cc(i-1,3,k) ti4 = cc(i-1,4,k) - cc(i-1,2,k) tr3 = cc(i-1,2,k) + cc(i-1,4,k) ch(i-1,k,1) = tr2 + tr3 cr3 = tr2 - tr3 ch(i,k,1) = ti2 + ti3 ci3 = ti2 - ti3 cr2 = tr1 + tr4 cr4 = tr1 - tr4 ci2 = ti1 + ti4 ci4 = ti1 - ti4 ch(i-1,k,2) = wa1(i-1) * cr2 + wa1(i) * ci2 ch(i,k,2) = wa1(i-1) * ci2 - wa1(i) * cr2 ch(i-1,k,3) = wa2(i-1) * cr3 + wa2(i) * ci3 ch(i,k,3) = wa2(i-1) * ci3 - wa2(i) * cr3 ch(i-1,k,4) = wa3(i-1) * cr4 + wa3(i) * ci4 ch(i,k,4) = wa3(i-1) * ci4 - wa3(i) * cr4 end do end do end if return end subroutine passf5 ( ido, l1, cc, ch, wa1, wa2, wa3, wa4 ) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! PASSF5 is a lower level routine used by CFFTF1. ! ! ! Modified: ! ! 09 March 2001 ! ! Author: ! ! Paul Swarztrauber, ! National Center for Atmospheric Research ! ! Parameters: ! integer ido integer l1 ! real cc(ido,5,l1) real ch(ido,l1,5) real ci2 real ci3 real ci4 real ci5 real cr2 real cr3 real cr4 real cr5 real di2 real di3 real di4 real di5 real dr2 real dr3 real dr4 real dr5 integer i integer k real, parameter :: ti11 = -0.951056516295154E+00 real, parameter :: ti12 = -0.587785252292473E+00 real ti2 real ti3 real ti4 real ti5 real tr2 real tr3 real tr4 real tr5 real, parameter :: tr11 = 0.309016994374947E+00 real, parameter :: tr12 = -0.809016994374947E+00 real wa1(ido) real wa2(ido) real wa3(ido) real wa4(ido) ! if ( ido == 2 ) then do k = 1, l1 ti5 = cc(2,2,k) - cc(2,5,k) ti2 = cc(2,2,k) + cc(2,5,k) ti4 = cc(2,3,k) - cc(2,4,k) ti3 = cc(2,3,k) + cc(2,4,k) tr5 = cc(1,2,k) - cc(1,5,k) tr2 = cc(1,2,k) + cc(1,5,k) tr4 = cc(1,3,k) - cc(1,4,k) tr3 = cc(1,3,k) + cc(1,4,k) ch(1,k,1) = cc(1,1,k) + tr2 + tr3 ch(2,k,1) = cc(2,1,k) + ti2 + ti3 cr2 = cc(1,1,k) + tr11 * tr2 + tr12 * tr3 ci2 = cc(2,1,k) + tr11 * ti2 + tr12 * ti3 cr3 = cc(1,1,k) + tr12 * tr2 + tr11 * tr3 ci3 = cc(2,1,k) + tr12 * ti2 + tr11 * ti3 cr5 = ti11 * tr5 + ti12 * tr4 ci5 = ti11 * ti5 + ti12 * ti4 cr4 = ti12 * tr5 - ti11 * tr4 ci4 = ti12 * ti5 - ti11 * ti4 ch(1,k,2) = cr2 - ci5 ch(1,k,5) = cr2 + ci5 ch(2,k,2) = ci2 + cr5 ch(2,k,3) = ci3 + cr4 ch(1,k,3) = cr3 - ci4 ch(1,k,4) = cr3 + ci4 ch(2,k,4) = ci3 - cr4 ch(2,k,5) = ci2 - cr5 end do else do k = 1, l1 do i = 2, ido, 2 ti5 = cc(i,2,k) - cc(i,5,k) ti2 = cc(i,2,k) + cc(i,5,k) ti4 = cc(i,3,k) - cc(i,4,k) ti3 = cc(i,3,k) + cc(i,4,k) tr5 = cc(i-1,2,k) - cc(i-1,5,k) tr2 = cc(i-1,2,k) + cc(i-1,5,k) tr4 = cc(i-1,3,k) - cc(i-1,4,k) tr3 = cc(i-1,3,k) + cc(i-1,4,k) ch(i-1,k,1) = cc(i-1,1,k) + tr2 + tr3 ch(i,k,1) = cc(i,1,k) + ti2 + ti3 cr2 = cc(i-1,1,k) + tr11 * tr2 + tr12 * tr3 ci2 = cc(i,1,k) + tr11 * ti2 + tr12 * ti3 cr3 = cc(i-1,1,k) + tr12 * tr2 + tr11 * tr3 ci3 = cc(i,1,k) + tr12 * ti2 + tr11 * ti3 cr5 = ti11 * tr5 + ti12 * tr4 ci5 = ti11 * ti5 + ti12 * ti4 cr4 = ti12 * tr5 - ti11 * tr4 ci4 = ti12 * ti5 - ti11 * ti4 dr3 = cr3 - ci4 dr4 = cr3 + ci4 di3 = ci3 + cr4 di4 = ci3 - cr4 dr5 = cr2 + ci5 dr2 = cr2 - ci5 di5 = ci2 - cr5 di2 = ci2 + cr5 ch(i-1,k,2) = wa1(i-1) * dr2 + wa1(i) * di2 ch(i,k,2) = wa1(i-1) * di2 - wa1(i) * dr2 ch(i-1,k,3) = wa2(i-1) * dr3 + wa2(i) * di3 ch(i,k,3) = wa2(i-1) * di3 - wa2(i) * dr3 ch(i-1,k,4) = wa3(i-1) * dr4 + wa3(i) * di4 ch(i,k,4) = wa3(i-1) * di4 - wa3(i) * dr4 ch(i-1,k,5) = wa4(i-1) * dr5 + wa4(i) * di5 ch(i,k,5) = wa4(i-1) * di5 - wa4(i) * dr5 end do end do end if return end subroutine pchce(ic,vc,n,x,h,slope,d,incfd,ierr) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! PCHCE is called by pchic to set end derivatives as requested by the user. ! ! ! it must be called after interior derivative values have been set. ! ! ! to facilitate two-dimensional applications, includes an increment ! between successive values of the d-array. ! ! Parameters: ! ! ic -- (input) integer array of length 2 specifying desired ! boundary conditions: ! ic(1) = ibeg, desired condition at beginning of data. ! ic(2) = iend, desired condition at end of data. ! ( see prologue to pchic for details. ) ! ! vc -- (input) real array of length 2 specifying desired boundary ! values. vc(1) need be set only if ic(1) = 2 or 3 . ! vc(2) need be set only if ic(2) = 2 or 3 . ! ! n -- (input) number of data points. (assumes n>=2) ! ! x -- (input) real array of independent variable values. (the ! elements of x are assumed to be strictly increasing.) ! ! h -- (input) real array of interval lengths. ! slope -- (input) real array of data slopes. ! if the data are (x(i),y(i)), i=1(1)n, then these inputs are: ! h(i) = x(i+1)-x(i), ! slope(i) = (y(i+1)-y(i))/h(i), i=1(1)n-1. ! ! d -- (input) real array of derivative values at the data points. ! the value corresponding to x(i) must be stored in ! d(1+(i-1)*incfd), i=1(1)n. ! (output) the value of d at x(1) and/or x(n) is changed, if ! necessary, to produce the requested boundary conditions. ! no other entries in d are changed. ! ! incfd -- (input) increment between successive values in d. ! this argument is provided primarily for 2-d applications. ! ! ierr -- (output) error flag. ! normal return: ! ierr = 0 (no errors). ! warning errors: ! ierr = 1 if ibeg<0 and d(1) had to be adjusted for ! monotonicity. ! ierr = 2 if iend<0 and d(1+(n-1)*incfd) had to be ! adjusted for monotonicity. ! ierr = 3 if both of the above are true. ! ! programming notes: ! ! 1. the function pchst(arg1,arg2) is assumed to return zero if ! either argument is zero, +1 if they are of the same sign, and ! -1 if they are of opposite sign. ! 3. one could reduce the number of arguments and amount of local ! storage, at the expense of reduced code clarity, by passing in ! the array wk (rather than splitting it into h and slope) and ! increasing its length enough to incorporate stemp and xtemp. ! 4. the two monotonicity checks only use the sufficient conditions. ! thus, it is possible (but unlikely) for a boundary condition to ! be changed, even though the original interpolant was monotonic. ! (at least the result is a continuous function of the data.) ! integer incfd integer n ! real d(incfd,n) real h(n) integer ibeg integer ic(2) integer iend integer ierf integer ierr integer index integer j integer k real pchdf real pchst real slope(n) real stemp(3) real vc(2) real x(n) real xtemp(4) ! ibeg = ic(1) iend = ic(2) ierr = 0 ! ! set to default boundary conditions if n is too small. ! if ( abs(ibeg)>n ) ibeg = 0 if ( abs(iend)>n ) iend = 0 ! ! treat beginning boundary condition. ! if (ibeg == 0) go to 2000 k = abs(ibeg) if (k == 1) then ! boundary value provided. d(1,1) = vc(1) else if (k == 2) then ! boundary second derivative provided. ! d(1,1) = 0.5 *( (3.0*slope(1) - d(1,2)) - 0.5*vc(1)*h(1) ) else if (k < 5) then ! use k-point derivative formula. ! pick up first k points, in reverse order. ! do j = 1, k index = k-j+1 xtemp(j) = x(index) if (j < k) stemp(j) = slope(index-1) end do d(1,1) = pchdf (k, xtemp, stemp, ierf) if (ierf /= 0) go to 5001 else ! use 'not a knot' condition. d(1,1) = ( 3.0*(h(1)*slope(2) + h(2)*slope(1)) & - 2.0E+00 * (h(1)+h(2))*d(1,2) - h(1)*d(1,3) ) / h(2) end if ! ! check d(1,1) for compatibility with monotonicity. ! if ( ibeg <= 0 ) then if (slope(1) == 0.0) then if (d(1,1) /= 0.0) then d(1,1) = 0.0E+00 ierr = ierr + 1 end if else if ( pchst(d(1,1),slope(1)) < 0.0) then d(1,1) = 0.0E+00 ierr = ierr + 1 else if ( abs(d(1,1)) > 3.0*abs(slope(1)) ) then d(1,1) = 3.0*slope(1) ierr = ierr + 1 end if end if 2000 continue ! ! treat end boundary condition. ! if (iend == 0) go to 5000 k = abs(iend) if (k == 1) then ! boundary value provided. d(1,n) = vc(2) else if (k == 2) then ! boundary second derivative provided. d(1,n) = 0.5 *( (3.0*slope(n-1) - d(1,n-1)) + 0.5 *vc(2)*h(n-1) ) else if (k < 5) then ! ! use k-point derivative formula. pick up last k points. ! do j = 1, k index = n-k+j xtemp(j) = x(index) if (j < k) stemp(j) = slope(index) end do d(1,n) = pchdf (k, xtemp, stemp, ierf) if (ierf /= 0) go to 5001 else ! use 'not a knot' condition. d(1,n) = ( 3.0*(h(n-1)*slope(n-2) + h(n-2)*slope(n-1)) & - 2.0E+00 * (h(n-1)+h(n-2))*d(1,n-1) - h(n-1)*d(1,n-2) ) / h(n-2) end if ! if (iend > 0) go to 5000 ! ! check d(1,n) for compatibility with monotonicity. ! if (slope(n-1) == 0.0) then if (d(1,n) /= 0.0) then d(1,n) = 0.0E+00 ierr = ierr + 2 end if else if ( pchst(d(1,n),slope(n-1)) < 0.0) then d(1,n) = 0.0E+00 ierr = ierr + 2 else if ( abs(d(1,n)) > 3.0*abs(slope(n-1)) ) then d(1,n) = 3.0*slope(n-1) ierr = ierr + 2 end if ! ! normal return. ! 5000 continue return ! ! error return. ! 5001 continue ! error return from pchdf. ! This case should never occur. ! ierr = -1 call xerror ('pchce -- error return from pchdf', 32, ierr, 1) return end subroutine pchci(n,h,slope,d,incfd) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! PCHCI sets derivatives for a monotone piecewise cubic hermite interpolant. ! ! ! Discussion: ! ! default boundary conditions are provided which are compatible ! with monotonicity. if the data are only piecewise monotonic, the ! interpolant will have an extremum at each point where monotonicity ! switches direction. ! ! to facilitate two-dimensional applications, includes an increment ! between successive values of the d-array. ! ! the resulting piecewise cubic hermite function should be identical ! (within roundoff error) to that produced by pchim. ! ! Parameters: ! ! n -- (input) number of data points. ! if n=2, simply does linear interpolation. ! ! h -- (input) real array of interval lengths. ! slope -- (input) real array of data slopes. ! if the data are (x(i),y(i)), i=1(1)n, then these inputs are: ! h(i) = x(i+1)-x(i), ! slope(i) = (y(i+1)-y(i))/h(i), i=1(1)n-1. ! ! d -- (output) real array of derivative values at the data points. ! if the data are monotonic, these values will determine a ! a monotone cubic hermite function. ! the value corresponding to x(i) is stored in ! d(1+(i-1)*incfd), i=1(1)n. ! no other entries in d are changed. ! ! incfd -- (input) increment between successive values in d. ! this argument is provided primarily for 2-d applications. ! ! programmed by: fred n. fritsch, fts 532-4275, (415) 422-4275, ! mathematics and statistics division, ! lawrence livermore national laboratory. ! ! programming notes: ! ! 1. the function pchst(arg1,arg2) is assumed to return zero if ! either argument is zero, +1 if they are of the same sign, and ! -1 if they are of opposite sign. ! integer incfd integer n ! real d(incfd,n) real del1 real del2 real dmax real dmin real drat1 real drat2 real h(n) real hsum real hsumt3 integer i integer nless1 real pchst real slope(n) real w1 real w2 ! nless1 = n - 1 del1 = slope(1) ! ! special case n=2 -- use linear interpolation. ! if (nless1 > 1) go to 10 d(1,1) = del1 d(1,n) = del1 go to 5000 ! ! normal case (n >= 3). ! 10 continue del2 = slope(2) ! ! set d(1) via non-centered three-point formula, adjusted to be shape-preserving. ! hsum = h(1) + h(2) w1 = (h(1) + hsum)/hsum w2 = -h(1)/hsum d(1,1) = w1*del1 + w2*del2 if ( pchst(d(1,1),del1) <= 0.0) then d(1,1) = 0.0E+00 else if ( pchst(del1,del2) < 0.0) then ! need do this check only if monotonicity switches. dmax = 3.0*del1 if (abs(d(1,1)) > abs(dmax)) d(1,1) = dmax end if ! ! loop through interior points. ! do i = 2, nless1 if (i /= 2) then hsum = h(i-1) + h(i) del1 = del2 del2 = slope(i) end if ! ! set d(i)=0 unless data are strictly monotonic. ! d(1,i) = 0.0E+00 ! ! use brodlie modification of butland formula. ! if ( pchst(del1,del2) > 0.0E+00 ) then hsumt3 = hsum+hsum+hsum w1 = (hsum + h(i-1))/hsumt3 w2 = (hsum + h(i) )/hsumt3 dmax = max( abs(del1), abs(del2) ) dmin = min ( abs(del1), abs(del2) ) drat1 = del1/dmax drat2 = del2/dmax d(1,i) = dmin/(w1*drat1 + w2*drat2) end if end do ! ! set d(n) via non-centered three-point formula, adjusted to be shape-preserving. ! w1 = -h(n-1)/hsum w2 = (h(n-1) + hsum)/hsum d(1,n) = w1*del1 + w2*del2 if ( pchst(d(1,n),del2) <= 0.0) then d(1,n) = 0.0E+00 else if ( pchst(del1,del2) < 0.0) then dmax = 3.0*del2 if (abs(d(1,n)) > abs(dmax)) then d(1,n) = dmax end if end if 5000 continue return end subroutine pchcs(switch,n,h,slope,d,incfd,ierr) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! PCHCS is called by pchic to adjust the values of d in the vicinity of a ! switch in direction of monotonicity, to produce a more "visually ! pleasing" curve than that given by pchim . ! ! Parameters: ! ! switch -- (input) indicates the amount of control desired over ! local excursions from data. ! ! n -- (input) number of data points. (assumes n>2 .) ! ! h -- (input) real array of interval lengths. ! slope -- (input) real array of data slopes. ! if the data are (x(i),y(i)), i=1(1)n, then these inputs are: ! h(i) = x(i+1)-x(i), ! slope(i) = (y(i+1)-y(i))/h(i), i=1(1)n-1. ! ! d -- (input) real array of derivative values at the data points, ! as determined by pchci. ! (output) derivatives in the vicinity of switches in direction ! of monotonicity may be adjusted to produce a more "visually ! pleasing" curve. ! the value corresponding to x(i) is stored in ! d(1+(i-1)*incfd), i=1(1)n. ! no other entries in d are changed. ! ! incfd -- (input) increment between successive values in d. ! this argument is provided primarily for 2-d applications. ! ! ierr -- (output) error flag. should be zero. ! if negative, trouble in pchsw. (should never happen.) ! ! warning: this routine does no validity-checking of arguments. ! ! programmed by: fred n. fritsch, fts 532-4275, (415) 422-4275, ! mathematics and statistics division, ! lawrence livermore national laboratory. ! ! programming notes: ! ! 1. the function pchst(arg1,arg2) is assumed to return zero if ! either argument is zero, +1 if they are of the same sign, and ! -1 if they are of opposite sign. ! integer incfd integer n ! real d(incfd,n) real h(n) integer ierr real slope(n) real switch integer i, indx, k, nless1 real del(3), dext, dfloc, dfmx, fact, fudge, slmax real wtave(2) real pchst ! ! define inline function for weighted average of slopes. ! real pchsd, s1, s2, h1, h2 pchsd(s1,s2,h1,h2) = (h2/(h1+h2))*s1 + (h1/(h1+h2))*s2 ! ! initialize. ! data fudge /4./ ! ierr = 0 nless1 = n - 1 ! ! loop over segments. ! do 900 i = 2, nless1 if ( pchst(slope(i-1),slope(i)) ) 100, 300, 900 100 continue ! ! slope switches monotonicity at i-th point ! ! do not change d if 'up-down-up'. if (i > 2) then if ( pchst(slope(i-2),slope(i)) > 0.0) go to 900 end if if (i < nless1) then if ( pchst(slope(i+1),slope(i-1)) > 0.0) go to 900 end if ! ! compute provisional value for d(1,i). ! dext = pchsd (slope(i-1), slope(i), h(i-1), h(i)) ! ! determine which interval contains the extremum. ! if ( pchst(dext, slope(i-1)) ) 200, 900, 250 ! 200 continue ! dext and slope(i-1) have opposite signs -- ! extremum is in (x(i-1),x(i)). k = i-1 ! set up to compute new values for d(1,i-1) and d(1,i). wtave(2) = dext if (k > 1) then wtave(1) = pchsd (slope(k-1), slope(k), h(k-1), h(k)) end if go to 400 ! 250 continue ! dext and slope(i) have opposite signs -- ! extremum is in (x(i),x(i+1)). k = i ! set up to compute new values for d(1,i) and d(1,i+1). wtave(1) = dext if (k < nless1) then wtave(2) = pchsd (slope(k), slope(k+1), h(k), h(k+1)) end if go to 400 ! 300 continue ! ! at least one of slope(i-1) and slope(i) is zero ! check for flat-topped peak ! if (i == nless1) go to 900 if ( pchst(slope(i-1), slope(i+1)) >= 0.0) go to 900 ! ! we have flat-topped peak on (x(i),x(i+1)). ! k = i ! set up to compute new values for d(1,i) and d(1,i+1). wtave(1) = pchsd (slope(k-1), slope(k), h(k-1), h(k)) wtave(2) = pchsd (slope(k), slope(k+1), h(k), h(k+1)) ! 400 continue ! ! at this point we have determined that there will be an extremum ! on (x(k),x(k+1)), where k=i or i-1, and have set array wtave-- ! wtave(1) is a weighted average of slope(k-1) and slope(k), ! if k>1 ! wtave(2) is a weighted average of slope(k) and slope(k+1), ! if k 1) slmax = max ( slmax, abs(slope(k-1)) ) if (k 1) del(1) = slope(k-1) / slmax del(2) = slope(k) / slmax if (k1) .and. (k 1) dfloc = max ( dfloc, h(k-1)*abs(slope(k-1)) ) if (k= x(i) ! implies xval(k) >= x(i), all k>=j . ! 2. if any of the xval are outside the interval [x(1),x(n)], ! values are extrapolated from the nearest extreme cubic, ! and a warning error is returned. ! ! fval -- (output) real array of values of the cubic hermite function ! defined by n, x, f, d at the points xval. ! ! dval -- (output) real array of values of the first derivative of ! the same function at the points xval. ! ! ierr -- (output) error flag. ! normal return: ! ierr = 0 (no errors). ! warning error: ! ierr>0 means that extrapolation was performed at ! ierr points. ! "recoverable" errors: ! ierr = -1 if n<2 . ! ierr = -3 if the x-array is not strictly increasing. ! ierr = -4 if nval<1 . ! (output arrays have not been changed in any of these cases.) ! note: the above errors are checked in the order listed, ! and following arguments have **not** been validated. ! ierr = -5 if an error has occurred in the lower-level ! routine chfdv. nb: this should never happen. ! notify the author **immediately** if it does. ! ! ! references 1. f.n.fritsch and r.e.carlson, 'monotone piecewise ! cubic interpolation,' siam j.numer.anal. 17, 2 (april ! 1980), 238-246. ! 2. f.n.fritsch, 'piecewise cubic hermite interpolation ! package, final specifications', lawrence livermore ! national laboratory, computer documentation ucid-30194, ! august 1982. ! integer n integer nval ! real d(n) real dval(nval) real f(n) real fval(nval) integer ierr integer, save :: incfd = 1 logical, save :: skip = .true. real x(n) real xval(nval) ! call pchfd ( n, x, f, d, incfd, skip, nval, xval, fval, dval, ierr ) return end subroutine pchez ( n, x, f, d, spline, wk, lwk, ierr ) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! PCHEZ carries out easy to use spline or cubic hermite interpolation. ! ! ! Description ! ! pchez: piecewise cubic interpolation, easy to use. ! ! Reference: ! ! David Kahaner, Clever Moler, Steven Nash, ! Numerical Methods and Software, ! Prentice Hall, 1988. ! ! ! sets derivatives for spline (two continuous derivatives) or ! hermite cubic (one continuous derivative) interpolation. ! spline interpolation is smoother, but may not "look" right if the ! data contains both "steep" and "flat" sections. hermite cubics ! can produce a "visually pleasing" and monotone interpolant to ! monotone data. this is an easy to use driver for the routines ! by f. n. fritsch in reference (4) below. various boundary ! conditions are set to default values by pchez. many other choices ! are available in the subroutines pchic, pchim and pchsp. ! ! use pchev to evaluate the resulting function and its derivative. ! ! Parameters: ! ! n -- (input) number of data points. (error return if n<2 .) ! if n=2, simply does linear interpolation. ! ! x -- (input) real array of independent variable values. the ! elements of x must be strictly increasing: ! x(i-1) < x(i), i = 2(1)n. ! (error return if not.) ! ! f -- (input) real array of dependent variable values to be inter- ! polated. f(i) is value corresponding to x(i). ! ! d -- (output) real array of derivative values at the data points. ! ! spline -- (input) logical variable to specify if the interpolant ! is to be a spline with two continuous derivaties ! (set spline=.true.) or a hermite cubic interpolant with one ! continuous derivative (set spline=.false.). ! note: if spline=.true. the interpolating spline satisfies the ! default "not-a-knot" boundary condition, with a continuous ! third derivative at x(2) and x(n-1). see reference (3). ! if spline=.false. the interpolating hermite cubic will be ! monotone if the input data is monotone. boundary conditions are ! computed from the derivative of a local quadratic unless this ! alters monotonicity. ! ! wk -- (scratch) real work array, which must be declared by the calling ! program to be at least 2*n if spline is .true. and not used ! otherwise. ! ! lwk -- (input) length of work array wk. (error return if ! lwk<2*n and spline is .true., not checked otherwise.) ! ! ierr -- (output) error flag. ! normal return: ! ierr = 0 (no errors). ! warning error: ! ierr>0 (can only occur when spline=.false.) means that ! ierr switches in the direction of monotonicity were detected. ! when spline=.false., pchez guarantees that if the input ! data is monotone, the interpolant will be too. this warning ! is to alert you to the fact that the input data was not ! monotone. ! "recoverable" errors: ! ierr = -1 if n<2 . ! ierr = -3 if the x-array is not strictly increasing. ! ierr = -7 if lwk is less than 2*n and spline is .true. ! (the d-array has not been changed in any of these cases.) ! note: the above errors are checked in the order listed, ! and following arguments have **not** been validated. ! ! references 1. f.n.fritsch and r.e.carlson, 'monotone piecewise ! cubic interpolation,' siam j.numer.anal. 17, 2 (april ! 1980), 238-246. ! 2. f.n.fritsch and j.butland, 'a method for constructing ! local monotone piecewise cubic interpolants,' llnl ! preprint ucrl-87559 (april 1982). ! 3. carl de boor, a practical guide to splines, springer- ! verlag (new york, 1978). (esp. chapter iv, pp.49-62.) ! 4. f.n.fritsch, 'piecewise cubic hermite interpolation ! package, final specifications', lawrence livermore ! national laboratory, computer documentation ucid-30194, ! august 1982. ! integer lwk integer n ! real d(n) real f(n) integer, save, dimension ( 2 ) :: ic = (/ 0, 0 /) integer ierr integer, parameter :: incfd = 1 logical spline real vc(2) real wk(lwk) real x(n) ! if ( spline ) then call pchsp ( ic, vc, n, x, f, d, incfd, wk, lwk, ierr ) else call pchim ( n, x, f, d, incfd, ierr ) end if return end subroutine pchfd(n,x,f,d,incfd,skip,ne,xe,fe,de,ierr) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! PCHFD evaluates a piecewise cubic hermite function and its first ! derivative at an array of points. may be used by itself ! for hermite interpolation, or as an evaluator for pchim ! or pchic. if only function values are required, use ! PCHFE instead. ! ! Description: ! ! pchfd: piecewise cubic hermite function and derivative ! evaluator ! ! evaluates the cubic hermite function defined by n, x, f, d, to- ! gether with its first derivative, at the points xe(j), j=1(1)ne. ! ! if only function values are required, use PCHFE, instead. ! ! to provide compatibility with pchim and pchic, includes an ! increment between successive values of the f- and d-arrays. ! ! Parameters: ! ! n -- (input) number of data points. (error return if n<2 .) ! ! x -- (input) real array of independent variable values. the ! elements of x must be strictly increasing: ! x(i-1) < x(i), i = 2(1)n. ! (error return if not.) ! ! f -- (input) real array of function values. f(1+(i-1)*incfd) is ! the value corresponding to x(i). ! ! d -- (input) real array of derivative values. d(1+(i-1)*incfd) is ! the value corresponding to x(i). ! ! incfd -- (input) increment between successive values in f and d. ! (error return if incfd<1 .) ! ! skip -- (input/output) logical variable which should be set to ! .true. if the user wishes to skip checks for validity of ! preceding parameters, or to .false. otherwise. ! this will save time in case these checks have already ! been performed (say, in pchim or pchic). ! skip will be set to .true. on normal return. ! ! ne -- (input) number of evaluation points. (error return if ! ne<1 .) ! ! xe -- (input) real array of points at which the functions are to ! be evaluated. ! ! ! notes: ! 1. the evaluation will be most efficient if the elements ! of xe are increasing relative to x; ! that is, xe(j) >= x(i) ! implies xe(k) >= x(i), all k>=j . ! 2. if any of the xe are outside the interval [x(1),x(n)], ! values are extrapolated from the nearest extreme cubic, ! and a warning error is returned. ! ! fe -- (output) real array of values of the cubic hermite function ! defined by n, x, f, d at the points xe. ! ! de -- (output) real array of values of the first derivative of ! the same function at the points xe. ! ! ierr -- (output) error flag. ! normal return: ! ierr = 0 (no errors). ! warning error: ! ierr>0 means that extrapolation was performed at ! ierr points. ! "recoverable" errors: ! ierr = -1 if n<2 . ! ierr = -2 if incfd<1 . ! ierr = -3 if the x-array is not strictly increasing. ! ierr = -4 if ne<1 . ! (output arrays have not been changed in any of these cases.) ! note: the above errors are checked in the order listed, ! and following arguments have **not** been validated. ! ierr = -5 if an error has occurred in the lower-level ! routine chfdv. nb: this should never happen. ! notify the author **immediately** if it does. ! ! programming notes: ! ! 2. most of the coding between the call to chfdv and the end of ! the ir-loop could be eliminated if it were permissible to ! assume that xe is ordered relative to x. ! ! 3. chfdv does not assume that x1 is less than x2. thus, it would ! be possible to write a version of pchfd that assumes a strict- ! ly decreasing x-array by simply running the ir-loop backwards ! (and reversing the order of appropriate tests). ! ! 4. the present code has a minor bug, which i have decided is not ! worth the effort that would be required to fix it. ! if xe contains points in [x(n-1),x(n)], followed by points < ! x(n-1), followed by points >x(n), the extrapolation points ! will be counted (at least) twice in the total returned in ierr. ! integer incfd integer n integer ne ! real d(incfd,n) real de(ne) real f(incfd,n) real fe(ne) integer i integer ierc integer ierr integer ir integer j integer jfirst integer next(2) integer nj logical skip real x(n) real xe(ne) ! ! validity-check arguments. ! if (skip) go to 5 if ( n<2 ) go to 5001 if ( incfd<1 ) go to 5002 do i = 2, n if ( x(i)<=x(i-1) ) then go to 5003 end if end do ! ! function definition is ok, go on. ! 5 continue if ( ne<1 ) go to 5004 ierr = 0 skip = .true. ! ! loop over intervals. ( interval index is il = ir-1 . ) ! ( interval is x(il)<=x ne) go to 5000 ! ! locate all points in interval. ! do j = jfirst, ne if (xe(j) >= x(ir)) go to 30 end do j = ne + 1 go to 40 ! ! have located first point beyond interval. ! 30 continue if (ir == n) j = ne + 1 ! 40 continue nj = j - jfirst ! ! skip evaluation if no points in interval. ! if (nj == 0) go to 50 ! ! evaluate cubic at xe(i), i = jfirst (1) j-1 . ! call chfdv (x(ir-1),x(ir), f(1,ir-1),f(1,ir), d(1,ir-1),d(1,ir), & nj, xe(jfirst), fe(jfirst), de(jfirst), next, ierc) if (ierc < 0) go to 5005 if (next(2) == 0) go to 42 ! if (next(2) > 0) then ! in the current set of xe-points, there are next(2) to the ! right of x(ir). ! if (ir < n) go to 41 ! if (ir == n) then ! these are actually extrapolation points. ierr = ierr + next(2) go to 42 41 continue ! else ! we should never have gotten here. go to 5005 ! end if ! end if 42 continue ! if (next(1) == 0) go to 49 ! if (next(1) > 0) then ! in the current set of xe-points, there are next(1) to the ! left of x(ir-1). ! if (ir > 2) go to 43 ! if (ir == 2) then ! these are actually extrapolation points. ierr = ierr + next(1) go to 49 43 continue ! else ! xe is not ordered relative to x, so must adjust ! evaluation interval. ! ! first, locate first point to left of x(ir-1). ! do i = jfirst, j-1 if (xe(i) < x(ir-1)) go to 45 end do ! ! note-- cannot drop through here unless there is an error ! in chfdv. go to 5005 ! 45 continue ! reset j. (this will be the new jfirst.) j = i ! ! now find out how far to back up in the x-array. ! do i = 1, ir-1 if (xe(j) < x(i)) go to 47 end do ! ! nb-- can never drop through here, since xe(j)= x(i) ! implies xe(k) >= x(i), all k>=j . ! 2. if any of the xe are outside the interval [x(1),x(n)], ! values are extrapolated from the nearest extreme cubic, ! and a warning error is returned. ! ! fe -- (output) real array of values of the cubic hermite function ! defined by n, x, f, d at the points xe. ! ! ierr -- (output) error flag. ! normal return: ! ierr = 0 (no errors). ! warning error: ! ierr>0 means that extrapolation was performed at ! ierr points. ! "recoverable" errors: ! ierr = -1 if n<2 . ! ierr = -2 if incfd<1 . ! ierr = -3 if the x-array is not strictly increasing. ! ierr = -4 if ne<1 . ! (the fe-array has not been changed in any of these cases.) ! note: the above errors are checked in the order listed, ! and following arguments have **not** been validated. ! ! 2. most of the coding between the call to chfev and the end of ! the ir-loop could be eliminated if it were permissible to ! assume that xe is ordered relative to x. ! ! 3. chfev does not assume that x1 is less than x2. thus, it would ! be possible to write a version of pchfe that assumes a strict- ! ly decreasing x-array by simply running the ir-loop backwards ! (and reversing the order of appropriate tests). ! ! 4. the present code has a minor bug, which i have decided is not ! worth the effort that would be required to fix it. ! if xe contains points in [x(n-1),x(n)], followed by points < ! x(n-1), followed by points >x(n), the extrapolation points ! will be counted (at least) twice in the total returned in ierr. ! integer n, incfd, ne, ierr real x(n), f(incfd,n), d(incfd,n), xe(ne), fe(ne) logical skip integer i, ierc, ir, j, jfirst, next(2), nj ! ! validity-check arguments. ! if (skip) go to 5 ! if ( n<2 ) go to 5001 if ( incfd<1 ) go to 5002 do i = 2, n if ( x(i)<=x(i-1) ) go to 5003 end do ! !function definition is ok, go on. ! 5 continue if ( ne<1 ) go to 5004 ierr = 0 skip = .true. ! ! loop over intervals. ( interval index is il = ir-1 . ) ! ( interval is x(il)<=x ne) go to 5000 ! ! locate all points in interval. ! do j = jfirst, ne if (xe(j) >= x(ir)) go to 30 end do j = ne + 1 go to 40 ! ! have located first point beyond interval. ! 30 continue if (ir == n) j = ne + 1 40 continue nj = j - jfirst ! ! skip evaluation if no points in interval. ! if (nj == 0) go to 50 ! ! evaluate cubic at xe(i), i = jfirst (1) j-1 . ! call chfev (x(ir-1),x(ir), f(1,ir-1),f(1,ir), d(1,ir-1),d(1,ir), & nj, xe(jfirst), fe(jfirst), next, ierc) if (ierc < 0) go to 5005 ! if (next(2) == 0) go to 42 ! if (next(2) > 0) then ! in the current set of xe-points, there are next(2) to the ! right of x(ir). ! if (ir < n) go to 41 ! if (ir == n) then ! these are actually extrapolation points. ierr = ierr + next(2) go to 42 41 continue ! else ! we should never have gotten here. go to 5005 ! end if ! end if 42 continue ! if (next(1) == 0) go to 49 ! if (next(1) > 0) then ! in the current set of xe-points, there are next(1) to the ! left of x(ir-1). ! if (ir > 2) go to 43 ! if (ir == 2) then ! these are actually extrapolation points. ierr = ierr + next(1) go to 49 43 continue ! else ! xe is not ordered relative to x, so must adjust ! evaluation interval. ! ! first, locate first point to left of x(ir-1). do i = jfirst, j-1 if (xe(i) < x(ir-1)) go to 45 end do ! note-- cannot drop through here unless there is an error ! in chfev. go to 5005 ! 45 continue ! reset j. (this will be the new jfirst.) j = i ! ! now find out how far to back up in the x-array. do i = 1, ir-1 if (xe(j) < x(i)) go to 47 end do ! nb-- can never drop through here, since xe(j)=0 . ! ! a,b -- (input) the limits of integration. ! note: there is no requirement that [a,b] be contained in ! [x(1),x(n)]. however, the resulting integral value ! will be highly suspect, if not. ! ! ierr -- (output) error flag. ! normal return: ! ierr = 0 (no errors). ! warning errors: ! ierr = 1 if a is outside the interval [x(1),x(n)]. ! ierr = 2 if b is outside the interval [x(1),x(n)]. ! ierr = 3 if both of the above are true. (note that this ! means that either [a,b] contains data interval ! or the intervals do not intersect at all.) ! "recoverable" errors: ! ierr = -1 if n<2 . ! ierr = -2 if incfd<1 . ! ierr = -3 if the x-array is not strictly increasing. ! (value has not been computed in any of these cases.) ! note: the above errors are checked in the order listed, ! and following arguments have **not** been validated. ! integer incfd integer n ! real a real b real chfiv real d(incfd,n) real f(incfd,n) integer i integer ia integer ib integer ierd integer ierr integer ierv integer il integer ir real pchia real pchid logical skip real value real x(n) real xa real xb ! ! validity-check arguments. ! if (skip) go to 5 ! if ( n<2 ) go to 5001 if ( incfd<1 ) go to 5002 do i = 2, n if ( x(i)<=x(i-1) ) go to 5003 end do ! !function definition is ok, go on. ! 5 continue skip = .true. ierr = 0 if ( (ax(n)) ) ierr = ierr + 1 if ( (bx(n)) ) ierr = ierr + 2 ! ! compute integral value. ! if (a == b) then value = 0.0E+00 else xa = min (a, b) xb = max (a, b) if (xb <= x(2)) then ! interval is to left of x(2), so use first cubic. ! value = chfiv ( x(1), x(2), f(1,1),f(1,2), & d(1,1),d(1,2), a, b, ierv) if (ierv < 0) go to 5004 else if (xa >= x(n-1)) then ! interval is to right of x(n-1), so use last cubic. ! value = chfiv(x(n-1),x(n), f(1,n-1),f(1,n), & d(1,n-1),d(1,n), a, b, ierv) if (ierv < 0) go to 5004 else ! 'normal' case -- xax(2). ! ......locate ia and ib such that ! x(ia-1) x(i)) ia = i + 1 end do ! ia = 1 implies xax(n) . otherwise, ! ib is smallest index such that xb x(ib)) then ir = min (ib+1, n) il = ir - 1 value = value + chfiv (x(il),x(ir), f(1,il),f(1,ir), & d(1,il),d(1,ir), x(ib), xb, ierv) if (ierv < 0) go to 5004 end if ! ! finally, adjust sign if necessary. if (a > b) value = -value end if end if end if ! ! normal return. ! pchia = value return ! ! error returns. ! 5001 continue ! n<2 return. ierr = -1 call xerror ('pchia -- number of data points less than two', 44, ierr, 1) return ! 5002 continue ! incfd<1 return. ierr = -2 call xerror ('pchia -- increment less than one', 32, ierr, 1) return ! 5003 continue ! x-array not strictly increasing. ierr = -3 call xerror ('pchia -- x-array not strictly increasing', 40, ierr, 1) return ! 5004 continue ! trouble in chfiv. (should never occur.) ierr = -4 call xerror ('pchia -- trouble in chfiv', 25, ierr, 1) return ! 5005 continue ! trouble in pchid. (should never occur.) ierr = -5 call xerror ('pchia -- trouble in pchid', 25, ierr, 1) return end subroutine pchic(ic,vc,switch,n,x,f,d,incfd,wk,nwk,ierr) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! PCHIC sets derivatives needed to determine a piecewise monotone ! piecewise cubic hermite interpolant to given data. ! ! user control is available over boundary conditions and/or ! treatment of points where monotonicity switches direction. ! ! Description: ! ! pchic: piecewise cubic hermite interpolation coefficients. ! ! sets derivatives needed to determine a piecewise monotone piece- ! wise cubic interpolant to the data given in x and f satisfying the ! boundary conditions specified by ic and vc. ! ! the treatment of points where monotonicity switches direction is ! controlled by argument switch. ! ! to facilitate two-dimensional applications, includes an increment ! between successive values of the f- and d-arrays. ! ! the resulting piecewise cubic hermite function may be evaluated ! by pchfe or pchfd. ! ! Parameters: ! ! ic -- (input) integer array of length 2 specifying desired ! boundary conditions: ! ic(1) = ibeg, desired condition at beginning of data. ! ic(2) = iend, desired condition at end of data. ! ! ibeg = 0 for the default boundary condition (the same as ! used by pchim). ! if ibeg/=0, then its sign indicates whether the boundary ! derivative is to be adjusted, if necessary, to be ! compatible with monotonicity: ! ibeg>0 if no adjustment is to be performed. ! ibeg<0 if the derivative is to be adjusted for ! monotonicity. ! ! allowable values for the magnitude of ibeg are: ! ibeg = 1 if first derivative at x(1) is given in vc(1). ! ibeg = 2 if second derivative at x(1) is given in vc(1). ! ibeg = 3 to use the 3-point difference formula for d(1). ! (reverts to the default b.c. if n<3 .) ! ibeg = 4 to use the 4-point difference formula for d(1). ! (reverts to the default b.c. if n<4 .) ! ibeg = 5 to set d(1) so that the second derivative is con- ! tinuous at x(2). (reverts to the default b.c. if n<4.) ! this option is somewhat analogous to the "not a knot" ! boundary condition provided by pchsp. ! ! notes (ibeg): ! 1. an error return is taken if abs(ibeg)>5 . ! 2. only in case ibeg<=0 is it guaranteed that the ! interpolant will be monotonic in the first interval. ! if the returned value of d(1) lies between zero and ! 3*slope(1), the interpolant will be monotonic. this ! is **not** checked if ibeg>0 . ! 3. if ibeg<0 and d(1) had to be changed to achieve mono- ! tonicity, a warning error is returned. ! ! iend may take on the same values as ibeg, but applied to ! derivative at x(n). in case iend = 1 or 2, the value is ! given in vc(2). ! ! notes (iend): ! 1. an error return is taken if abs(iend)>5 . ! 2. only in case iend<=0 is it guaranteed that the ! interpolant will be monotonic in the last interval. ! if the returned value of d(1+(n-1)*incfd) lies between ! zero and 3*slope(n-1), the interpolant will be monotonic. ! this is **not** checked if iend>0 . ! 3. if iend<0 and d(1+(n-1)*incfd) had to be changed to ! achieve monotonicity, a warning error is returned. ! ! vc -- (input) real array of length 2 specifying desired boundary ! values, as indicated above. ! vc(1) need be set only if ic(1) = 1 or 2 . ! vc(2) need be set only if ic(2) = 1 or 2 . ! ! switch -- (input) indicates desired treatment of points where ! direction of monotonicity switches: ! set switch to zero if interpolant is required to be mono- ! tonic in each interval, regardless of monotonicity of data. ! notes: ! 1. this will cause d to be set to zero at all switch ! points, thus forcing extrema there. ! 2. the result of using this option with the default boun- ! dary conditions will be identical to using pchim, but ! will generally cost more compute time. ! this option is provided only to facilitate comparison ! of different switch and/or boundary conditions. ! set switch nonzero to use a formula based on the 3-point ! difference formula in the vicinity of switch points. ! if switch is positive, the interpolant on each interval ! containing an extremum is controlled to not deviate from ! the data by more than switch*dfloc, where dfloc is the ! maximum of the change of f on this interval and its two ! immediate neighbors. ! if switch is negative, no such control is to be imposed. ! ! n -- (input) number of data points. (error return if n<2 .) ! ! x -- (input) real array of independent variable values. the ! elements of x must be strictly increasing: ! x(i-1) < x(i), i = 2(1)n. ! (error return if not.) ! ! f -- (input) real array of dependent variable values to be inter- ! polated. f(1+(i-1)*incfd) is value corresponding to x(i). ! ! d -- (output) real array of derivative values at the data points. ! these values will determine a monotone cubic hermite func- ! tion on each subinterval on which the data are monotonic, ! except possibly adjacent to switches in monotonicity. ! the value corresponding to x(i) is stored in ! d(1+(i-1)*incfd), i=1(1)n. ! no other entries in d are changed. ! ! incfd -- (input) increment between successive values in f and d. ! this argument is provided primarily for 2-d applications. ! (error return if incfd<1 .) ! ! wk -- (scratch) real array of working storage. the user may wish ! to know that the returned values are: ! wk(i) = h(i) = x(i+1) - x(i) ; ! wk(n-1+i) = slope(i) = (f(1,i+1) - f(1,i)) / h(i) ! for i = 1(1)n-1. ! ! nwk -- (input) length of work array. ! (error return if nwk<2*(n-1) .) ! ! ierr -- (output) error flag. ! normal return: ! ierr = 0 (no errors). ! warning errors: ! ierr = 1 if ibeg<0 and d(1) had to be adjusted for ! monotonicity. ! ierr = 2 if iend<0 and d(1+(n-1)*incfd) had to be ! adjusted for monotonicity. ! ierr = 3 if both of the above are true. ! "recoverable" errors: ! ierr = -1 if n<2 . ! ierr = -2 if incfd<1 . ! ierr = -3 if the x-array is not strictly increasing. ! ierr = -4 if abs(ibeg)>5 . ! ierr = -5 if abs(iend)>5 . ! ierr = -6 if both of the above are true. ! ierr = -7 if nwk<2*(n-1) . ! (the d-array has not been changed in any of these cases.) ! note: the above errors are checked in the order listed, ! and following arguments have **not** been validated. ! ! references 1. f.n.fritsch and r.e.carlson, 'monotone piecewise ! cubic interpolation,' siam j.numer.anal. 17, 2 (april ! 1980), 238-246. ! 2. f.n.fritsch and j.butland, 'a method for constructing ! local monotone piecewise cubic interpolants,' llnl ! preprint ucrl-87559 (april 1982). ! 3. f.n.fritsch, 'piecewise cubic interpolation package,' ! llnl preprint ucrl-87285 (july 1982). ! integer incfd integer n integer nwk ! integer ic(2) integer ierr real switch real vc(2) real x(n), f(incfd,n), d(incfd,n), wk(nwk) integer i, ibeg, iend, nless1 ! if ( n<2 ) go to 5001 if ( incfd<1 ) go to 5002 do i = 2, n if ( x(i)<=x(i-1) ) go to 5003 end do ibeg = ic(1) iend = ic(2) ierr = 0 if (abs(ibeg) > 5) ierr = ierr - 1 if (abs(iend) > 5) ierr = ierr - 2 if (ierr < 0) go to 5004 ! ! function definition is ok -- go on. ! nless1 = n - 1 if ( nwk < 2*nless1 ) go to 5007 ! ! set up h and slope arrays. ! do i = 1, nless1 wk(i) = x(i+1) - x(i) wk(nless1+i) = (f(1,i+1) - f(1,i)) / wk(i) end do ! ! special case n=2 -- use linear interpolation. ! if (nless1 > 1) go to 1000 d(1,1) = wk(2) d(1,n) = wk(2) go to 3000 ! ! normal case (n >= 3) . ! 1000 continue ! ! set interior derivatives and default end conditions. ! call pchci (n, wk(1), wk(n), d, incfd) ! ! set derivatives at points where monotonicity switches direction. ! if (switch == 0.0) go to 3000 call pchcs (switch, n, wk(1), wk(n), d, incfd, ierr) if (ierr /= 0) go to 5008 ! ! set end conditions. ! 3000 continue if ( (ibeg==0) .and. (iend==0) ) go to 5000 call pchce (ic, vc, n, x, wk(1), wk(n), d, incfd, ierr) if (ierr < 0) go to 5009 ! ! normal return. ! 5000 continue return ! ! error returns. ! 5001 continue ! n<2 return. ierr = -1 call xerror ('pchic -- number of data points less than two', 44, ierr, 1) return 5002 continue ! incfd<1 return. ierr = -2 call xerror ('pchic -- increment less than one', 32, ierr, 1) return 5003 continue ! x-array not strictly increasing. ierr = -3 call xerror ('pchic -- x-array not strictly increasing', 40, ierr, 1) return ! 5004 continue ! ic out of range return. ierr = ierr - 3 call xerror ('pchic -- ic out of range', 24, ierr, 1) return ! 5007 continue ! nwk < 2*(n-1) return. ierr = -7 call xerror ('pchic -- work array too small', 29, ierr, 1) return ! 5008 continue ! error return from pchcs. ierr = -8 call xerror ('pchic -- error return from pchcs', 32, ierr, 1) return ! 5009 continue ! error return from pchce. ! *** this case should never occur. ierr = -9 call xerror ('pchic -- error return from pchce', 32, ierr, 1) return end function pchid(n,x,f,d,incfd,skip,ia,ib,ierr) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! PCHID evaluates the definite integral of a piecewise cubic ! hermite function over an interval whose endpoints are ! data points. ! ! Description: ! ! pchid: piecewise cubic hermite integrator, data limits ! ! evaluates the definite integral of the cubic hermite function ! defined by n, x, f, d over the interval [x(ia), x(ib)]. ! ! to provide compatibility with pchim and pchic, includes an ! increment between successive values of the f- and d-arrays. ! ! Parameters: ! ! value -- (output) value of the requested integral. ! ! n -- (input) number of data points. (error return if n<2 .) ! ! x -- (input) real array of independent variable values. the ! elements of x must be strictly increasing: ! x(i-1) < x(i), i = 2(1)n. ! (error return if not.) ! ! f -- (input) real array of function values. f(1+(i-1)*incfd) is ! the value corresponding to x(i). ! ! d -- (input) real array of derivative values. d(1+(i-1)*incfd) is ! the value corresponding to x(i). ! ! incfd -- (input) increment between successive values in f and d. ! (error return if incfd<1 .) ! ! skip -- (input/output) logical variable which should be set to ! .true. if the user wishes to skip checks for validity of ! preceding parameters, or to .false. otherwise. ! this will save time in case these checks have already ! been performed (say, in pchim or pchic). ! skip will be set to .true. on return with ierr = 0 or -4. ! ! ia,ib -- (input) indices in x-array for the limits of integration. ! both must be in the range [1,n]. (error return if not.) ! no restrictions on their relative values. ! ! ierr -- (output) error flag. ! normal return: ! ierr = 0 (no errors). ! "recoverable" errors: ! ierr = -1 if n<2 . ! ierr = -2 if incfd<1 . ! ierr = -3 if the x-array is not strictly increasing. ! ierr = -4 if ia or ib is out of range. ! (value has not been computed in any of these cases.) ! note: the above errors are checked in the order listed, ! and following arguments have **not** been validated. ! integer incfd integer n ! real d(incfd,n) real f(incfd,n) real h integer i integer ia integer ib integer ierr integer iup integer low real pchid logical skip real sum real value real x(n) ! ! validity-check arguments. ! if (skip) go to 5 ! if ( n<2 ) go to 5001 if ( incfd<1 ) go to 5002 do i = 2, n if ( x(i)<=x(i-1) ) go to 5003 end do ! !function definition is ok, go on. ! 5 continue skip = .true. if ((ia<1) .or. (ia>n)) go to 5004 if ((ib<1) .or. (ib>n)) go to 5004 ierr = 0 ! ! compute integral value. ! if (ia == ib) then value = 0.0E+00 else low = min(ia, ib) iup = max(ia, ib) - 1 sum = 0.0E+00 do i = low, iup h = x(i+1) - x(i) sum = sum + h*( (f(1,i) + f(1,i+1)) + (d(1,i) - d(1,i+1))*(h/6.0) ) end do value = 0.5 * sum if (ia > ib) value = -value end if ! ! normal return. ! pchid = value return ! ! error returns. ! 5001 continue ! n<2 return. ierr = -1 call xerror ('pchid -- number of data points less than two', 44, ierr, 1) return ! 5002 continue ! incfd<1 return. ierr = -2 call xerror ('pchid -- increment less than one', 32, ierr, 1) return ! 5003 continue ! x-array not strictly increasing. ierr = -3 call xerror ('pchid -- x-array not strictly increasing', 40, ierr, 1) return ! 5004 continue ! ia or ib out of range return. ierr = -4 call xerror ('pchid -- ia or ib out of range', 30, ierr, 1) return end subroutine pchim ( n, x, f, d, incfd, ierr ) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! PCHIM sets derivatives for a piecewise cubic Hermite interpolant. ! ! ! Discussion: ! ! The routine set derivatives needed to determine a monotone piecewise ! cubic hermite interpolant to given data. the ! interpolant will have an extremum at each point where monotonicity ! switches direction. (see pchic if user control is ! desired over boundary or switch conditions.) ! ! if the data are only piecewise monotonic, the interpolant will ! have an extremum at each point where monotonicity switches direc- ! tion. (see pchic if user control is desired in such cases.) ! ! to facilitate two-dimensional applications, includes an increment ! between successive values of the f- and d-arrays. ! ! the resulting piecewise cubic hermite function may be evaluated ! by pchfe or pchfd. ! ! References: ! ! f.n.fritsch and r.e.carlson, ! 'monotone piecewise cubic interpolation,' ! siam j.numer.anal. ! 17, 2 (april 1980), 238-246. ! ! f.n.fritsch and j.butland, ! 'a method for constructing local monotone piecewise cubic interpolants,' ! llnl preprint ucrl-87559 (april 1982). ! ! Parameters: ! ! n -- (input) number of data points. (error return if n<2 .) ! if n=2, simply does linear interpolation. ! ! x -- (input) real array of independent variable values. the ! elements of x must be strictly increasing: ! x(i-1) < x(i), i = 2(1)n. ! (error return if not.) ! ! f -- (input) real array of dependent variable values to be inter- ! polated. f(1+(i-1)*incfd) is value corresponding to x(i). ! pchim is designed for monotonic data, but it will work for ! any f-array. it will force extrema at points where mono- ! tonicity switches direction. if some other treatment of ! switch points is desired, pchic should be used instead. ! ! d -- (output) real array of derivative values at the data points. ! if the data are monotonic, these values will determine a ! a monotone cubic hermite function. ! the value corresponding to x(i) is stored in ! d(1+(i-1)*incfd), i=1(1)n. ! no other entries in d are changed. ! ! incfd -- (input) increment between successive values in f and d. ! this argument is provided primarily for 2-d applications. ! (error return if incfd<1 .) ! ! ierr -- (output) error flag. ! normal return: ! ierr = 0 (no errors). ! warning error: ! ierr>0 means that ierr switches in the direction ! of monotonicity were detected. ! "recoverable" errors: ! ierr = -1 if n<2 . ! ierr = -2 if incfd<1 . ! ierr = -3 if the x-array is not strictly increasing. ! (the d-array has not been changed in any of these cases.) ! note: the above errors are checked in the order listed, ! and following arguments have **not** been validated. ! integer incfd integer n ! real d(incfd,n) real del1 real del2 real dmax real dmin real drat1 real drat2 real dsave real f(incfd,n) real h1 real h2 real hsum real hsumt3 integer i integer ierr integer nless1 real pchst real w1 real w2 real x(n) ! ! Check arguments. ! if ( n < 2 ) then ierr = -1 call xerror ('pchim -- number of data points less than two', 44, ierr, 1) return end if if ( incfd < 1 ) then ierr = -2 call xerror ('pchim -- increment less than one', 32, ierr, 1) return end if do i = 2, n if ( x(i)<=x(i-1) ) then ierr = -3 call xerror ('pchim -- x-array not strictly increasing', 40, ierr, 1) return end if end do ierr = 0 nless1 = n - 1 h1 = x(2) - x(1) del1 = (f(1,2) - f(1,1))/h1 dsave = del1 ! ! special case n=2 -- use linear interpolation. ! if ( n == 2 ) then d(1,1) = del1 d(1,n) = del1 return end if ! ! normal case (n >= 3). ! h2 = x(3) - x(2) del2 = (f(1,3) - f(1,2))/h2 ! ! set d(1) via non-centered three-point formula, adjusted to be ! shape-preserving. ! hsum = h1 + h2 w1 = (h1 + hsum)/hsum w2 = -h1/hsum d(1,1) = w1*del1 + w2*del2 if ( pchst(d(1,1),del1) <= 0.0E+00 ) then d(1,1) = 0.0E+00 else if ( pchst(del1,del2) < 0.0E+00 ) then ! need do this check only if monotonicity switches. dmax = 3.0*del1 if (abs(d(1,1)) > abs(dmax)) d(1,1) = dmax end if ! ! loop through interior points. ! do i = 2, nless1 if ( i > 2 ) then h1 = h2 h2 = x(i+1) - x(i) hsum = h1 + h2 del1 = del2 del2 = (f(1,i+1) - f(1,i))/h2 end if ! ! set d(i)=0 unless data are strictly monotonic. ! d(1,i) = 0.0E+00 if ( pchst(del1,del2) ) 42, 41, 45 ! ! count number of changes in direction of monotonicity. ! 41 continue if ( del2 /= 0.0E+00 ) then if ( pchst(dsave,del2) < 0.0E+00 ) ierr = ierr + 1 dsave = del2 end if go to 50 42 continue ierr = ierr + 1 dsave = del2 go to 50 ! ! use brodlie modification of butland formula. ! 45 continue hsumt3 = hsum+hsum+hsum w1 = (hsum + h1)/hsumt3 w2 = (hsum + h2)/hsumt3 dmax = max ( abs(del1), abs(del2) ) dmin = min ( abs(del1), abs(del2) ) drat1 = del1/dmax drat2 = del2/dmax d(1,i) = dmin/(w1*drat1 + w2*drat2) 50 continue end do ! ! set d(n) via non-centered three-point formula, adjusted to be ! shape-preserving. ! w1 = -h2/hsum w2 = (h2 + hsum)/hsum d(1,n) = w1*del1 + w2*del2 if ( pchst(d(1,n),del2) <= 0.0E+00 ) then d(1,n) = 0.0E+00 else if ( pchst(del1,del2) < 0.0E+00 ) then ! need do this check only if monotonicity switches. dmax = 3.0*del2 if (abs(d(1,n)) > abs(dmax)) d(1,n) = dmax end if return end subroutine pchmc(n,x,f,d,incfd,skip,ismon,ierr) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! PCHMC: piecewise cubic hermite monotonicity checker. ! ! checks the cubic hermite function defined by n, x, f, d for ! monotonicity. ! ! to provide compatibility with pchim and pchic, includes an ! increment between successive values of the f- and d-arrays. ! ! Parameters: ! ! n -- (input) number of data points. (error return if n<2 .) ! ! x -- (input) real array of independent variable values. the ! elements of x must be strictly increasing: ! x(i-1) < x(i), i = 2(1)n. ! (error return if not.) ! ! f -- (input) real array of function values. f(1+(i-1)*incfd) is ! the value corresponding to x(i). ! ! d -- (input) real array of derivative values. d(1+(i-1)*incfd) is ! the value corresponding to x(i). ! ! incfd -- (input) increment between successive values in f and d. ! (error return if incfd<1 .) ! ! skip -- (input/output) logical variable which should be set to ! .true. if the user wishes to skip checks for validity of ! preceding parameters, or to .false. otherwise. ! this will save time in case these checks have already ! been performed. ! skip will be set to .true. on normal return. ! ! ismon -- (output) integer array indicating on which intervals the ! pch function defined by n, x, f, d is monotonic. ! for data interval [x(i),x(i+1)], ! ismon(i) = -1 if function is strictly decreasing; ! ismon(i) = 0 if function is constant; ! ismon(i) = 1 if function is strictly increasing; ! ismon(i) = 2 if function is non-monotonic; ! ismon(i) = 3 if unable to determine. (this means that ! the d-values are near the boundary of the ! monotonicity region. a small increase pro- ! duces non-monotonicity; decrease, strict ! monotonicity.) ! the above applies to i=1(1)n-1. ismon(n) indicates whether ! the entire function is monotonic on [x(1),x(n)]. ! ! ierr -- (output) error flag. ! normal return: ! ierr = 0 (no errors). ! "recoverable" errors: ! ierr = -1 if n<2 . ! ierr = -2 if incfd<1 . ! ierr = -3 if the x-array is not strictly increasing. ! (the ismon-array has not been changed in any of these cases.) ! note: the above errors are checked in the order listed, ! and following arguments have **not** been validated. ! ! references f.n.fritsch and r.e.carlson, 'monotone piecewise cubic ! interpolation,' siam j.numer.anal. 17, 2 (april 1980), ! 238-246. ! integer incfd integer n ! real chfmc real d(incfd,n) real delta real f(incfd,n) integer i integer ierr integer ismon(n) integer nseg logical skip real x(n) ! if ( .not. skip ) then if ( n < 2 ) go to 5001 if ( incfd<1 ) go to 5002 do i = 2, n if ( x(i)<=x(i-1) ) go to 5003 end do skip = .true. end if nseg = n - 1 do i = 1, nseg delta = (f(1,i+1)-f(1,i))/(x(i+1)-x(i)) ismon(i) = chfmc (d(1,i), d(1,i+1), delta) if (i == 1) then ismon(n) = ismon(1) else ! need to figure out cumulative monotonicity from following ! 'multiplication table'-- ! ! * i s m o n (i) ! * -1 0 1 2 3 ! i *--------------------* ! s -1 i -1 -1 2 2 3 i ! m 0 i -1 0 1 2 3 i ! o 1 i 2 1 1 2 3 i ! n 2 i 2 2 2 2 2 i ! (n) 3 i 3 3 3 2 3 i ! *--------------------* ! ! if equal or already declared nonmonotonic, no change needed. if ((ismon(i)/=ismon(n)) .and. (ismon(n)/=2)) then if ( max(ismon(i), ismon(n)) > 1) then ! at least one is either 'no' or 'maybe'. if (ismon(i) == 2) then ismon(n) = 2 else ismon(n) = 3 end if else if (ismon(i)*ismon(n) < 0) then ! both monotonic, but in opposite senses. ismon(n) = 2 else ! at this point, one is zero, the other is +-1. ismon(n) = ismon(n) + ismon(i) end if end if end if end do ierr = 0 return ! ! error returns. ! 5001 continue ! n<2 return. ierr = -1 call xerror ('pchmc -- number of data points less than two', 44, ierr, 1) return ! 5002 continue ! incfd<1 return. ierr = -2 call xerror ('pchmc -- increment less than one', 32, ierr, 1) return ! 5003 continue ! x-array not strictly increasing. ierr = -3 call xerror ('pchmc -- x-array not strictly increasing', 40, ierr, 1) return end function pchqa(n,x,f,d,a,b,ierr) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! PCHQA: easy to use cubic hermite or spline integration ! numerical integration, quadrature ! ! purpose ! ! evaluates the definite integral of a piecewise cubic hermite ! or spline function over an arbitrary interval, easy to use. ! ! Reference: ! ! David Kahaner, Clever Moler, Steven Nash, ! Numerical Methods and Software, ! Prentice Hall, 1988. ! ! ! evaluates the definite integral of the cubic hermite or spline ! function defined by n, x, f, d over the interval [a, b]. this ! is an easy to use driver for the routine pchia by f.n. fritsch ! described in reference (2) below. that routine also has other ! capabilities. ! ! Parameters: ! ! value -- (output) value of the requested integral. ! ! n -- (input) number of data points. (error return if n<2 .) ! ! x -- (input) real array of independent variable values. the ! elements of x must be strictly increasing: ! x(i-1) < x(i), i = 2(1)n. ! (error return if not.) ! ! f -- (input) real array of function values. f(i) is ! the value corresponding to x(i). ! ! d -- (input) real array of derivative values. d(i) is ! the value corresponding to x(i). ! ! a,b -- (input) the limits of integration. ! note: there is no requirement that [a,b] be contained in ! [x(1),x(n)]. however, the resulting integral value ! will be highly suspect, if not. ! ! ierr -- (output) error flag. ! normal return: ! ierr = 0 (no errors). ! warning errors: ! ierr = 1 if a is outside the interval [x(1),x(n)]. ! ierr = 2 if b is outside the interval [x(1),x(n)]. ! ierr = 3 if both of the above are true. (note that this ! means that either [a,b] contains data interval ! or the intervals do not intersect at all.) ! "recoverable" errors: ! ierr = -1 if n<2 . ! ierr = -3 if the x-array is not strictly increasing. ! (value has not been computed in any of these cases.) ! note: the above errors are checked in the order listed, ! and following arguments have **not** been validated. ! ! references 1. f.n.fritsch and r.e.carlson, 'monotone piecewise ! cubic interpolation,' siam j.numer.anal. 17, 2 (april ! 1980), 238-246. ! 2. f.n.fritsch, 'piecewise cubic hermite interpolation ! package, final specifications', lawrence livermore ! national laboratory, computer documentation ucid-30194, ! august 1982. ! integer n ! real a real b real d(n) real f(n) integer ierr integer, save :: incfd = 1 real pchia real pchqa logical, save :: skip = .true. real x(n) ! pchqa = pchia( n, x, f, d, incfd, skip, a, b, ierr ) return end subroutine pchsp(ic,vc,n,x,f,d,incfd,wk,nwk,ierr) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! PCHSP: set derivatives needed to determine the hermite represen- ! tation of the cubic spline interpolant to given data, with ! specified boundary conditions. ! ! Description: ! ! pchsp: piecewise cubic hermite spline ! ! computes the hermite representation of the cubic spline inter- ! polant to the data given in x and f satisfying the boundary ! conditions specified by ic and vc. ! ! to facilitate two-dimensional applications, includes an increment ! between successive values of the f- and d-arrays. ! ! the resulting piecewise cubic hermite function may be evaluated ! by pchfe or pchfd. ! ! note: this is a modified version of c. de boor's cubic spline ! routine cubspl. ! ! Parameters: ! ! ic -- (input) integer array of length 2 specifying desired ! boundary conditions: ! ic(1) = ibeg, desired condition at beginning of data. ! ic(2) = iend, desired condition at end of data. ! ! ibeg = 0 to set d(1) so that the third derivative is con- ! tinuous at x(2). this is the "not a knot" condition ! provided by de boor's cubic spline routine cubspl. ! < this is the default boundary condition. > ! ibeg = 1 if first derivative at x(1) is given in vc(1). ! ibeg = 2 if second derivative at x(1) is given in vc(1). ! ibeg = 3 to use the 3-point difference formula for d(1). ! (reverts to the default b.c. if n<3 .) ! ibeg = 4 to use the 4-point difference formula for d(1). ! (reverts to the default b.c. if n<4 .) ! notes: ! 1. an error return is taken if ibeg is out of range. ! 2. for the "natural" boundary condition, use ibeg=2 and ! vc(1)=0. ! ! iend may take on the same values as ibeg, but applied to ! derivative at x(n). in case iend = 1 or 2, the value is ! given in vc(2). ! ! notes: ! 1. an error return is taken if iend is out of range. ! 2. for the "natural" boundary condition, use iend=2 and ! vc(2)=0. ! ! vc -- (input) real array of length 2 specifying desired boundary ! values, as indicated above. ! vc(1) need be set only if ic(1) = 1 or 2 . ! vc(2) need be set only if ic(2) = 1 or 2 . ! ! n -- (input) number of data points. (error return if n<2 .) ! ! x -- (input) real array of independent variable values. the ! elements of x must be strictly increasing: ! x(i-1) < x(i), i = 2(1)n. ! (error return if not.) ! ! f -- (input) real array of dependent variable values to be inter- ! polated. f(1+(i-1)*incfd) is value corresponding to x(i). ! ! d -- (output) real array of derivative values at the data points. ! these values will determine the cubic spline interpolant ! with the requested boundary conditions. ! the value corresponding to x(i) is stored in ! d(1+(i-1)*incfd), i=1(1)n. ! no other entries in d are changed. ! ! incfd -- (input) increment between successive values in f and d. ! this argument is provided primarily for 2-d applications. ! (error return if incfd<1 .) ! ! wk -- (scratch) real array of working storage. ! ! nwk -- (input) length of work array. ! (error return if nwk<2*n .) ! ! ierr -- (output) error flag. ! normal return: ! ierr = 0 (no errors). ! "recoverable" errors: ! ierr = -1 if n<2 . ! ierr = -2 if incfd<1 . ! ierr = -3 if the x-array is not strictly increasing. ! ierr = -4 if ibeg<0 or ibeg>4 . ! ierr = -5 if iend<0 of iend>4 . ! ierr = -6 if both of the above are true. ! ierr = -7 if nwk is too small. ! note: the above errors are checked in the order listed, ! and following arguments have **not** been validated. ! (the d-array has not been changed in any of these cases.) ! ierr = -8 in case of trouble solving the linear system ! for the interior derivative values. ! (the d-array may have been changed in this case.) ! ( do **not** use it! ) ! ! references carl de boor, a practical guide to splines, springer- ! verlag (new york, 1978), pp. 53-59. ! integer incfd integer n ! real d(incfd,n) real f(incfd,n) real g integer ibeg integer ic(2) integer iend integer ierr integer index integer j integer nwk real pchdf real stemp(3) real vc(2) real wk(2,n) real x(n) real xtemp(4) ! if ( n<2 ) go to 5001 if ( incfd<1 ) go to 5002 do j = 2, n if ( x(j)<=x(j-1) ) go to 5003 end do ibeg = ic(1) iend = ic(2) ierr = 0 if ( (ibeg<0).or.(ibeg>4) ) ierr = ierr - 1 if ( (iend<0).or.(iend>4) ) ierr = ierr - 2 if ( ierr<0 ) go to 5004 ! !function definition is ok -- go on. ! if ( nwk < 2*n ) go to 5007 ! ! compute first differences of x sequence and store in wk(1,.). also, ! compute first divided difference of data and store in wk(2,.). ! do j=2,n wk(1,j) = x(j) - x(j-1) wk(2,j) = (f(1,j) - f(1,j-1))/wk(1,j) end do ! ! set to default boundary conditions if n is too small. ! if ( ibeg>n ) ibeg = 0 if ( iend>n ) iend = 0 ! ! set up for boundary conditions. ! if ( (ibeg==1).or.(ibeg==2) ) then d(1,1) = vc(1) else if (ibeg > 2) then ! ! pick up first ibeg points, in reverse order. ! do j = 1, ibeg index = ibeg-j+1 xtemp(j) = x(index) if (j < ibeg) stemp(j) = wk(2,index) end do d(1,1) = pchdf (ibeg, xtemp, stemp, ierr) if (ierr /= 0) go to 5009 ibeg = 1 end if if ( (iend==1).or.(iend==2) ) then d(1,n) = vc(2) else if (iend > 2) then ! ! pick up last iend points. ! do j = 1, iend index = n-iend+j xtemp(j) = x(index) if (j < iend) stemp(j) = wk(2,index+1) end do d(1,n) = pchdf (iend, xtemp, stemp, ierr) if (ierr /= 0) go to 5009 iend = 1 end if ! ! begin coding from cubspl ! ! a tridiagonal linear system for the unknown slopes s(j) of ! f at x(j), j=1,...,n, is generated and then solved by gauss elim- ! ination, with s(j) ending up in d(1,j), all j. ! wk(1,.) and wk(2,.) are used for temporary storage. ! ! construct first equation from first boundary condition, of the form ! wk(2,1)*s(1) + wk(1,1)*s(2) = d(1,1) ! if (ibeg == 0) then if (n == 2) then ! no condition at left end and n = 2. wk(2,1) = 1.0E+00 wk(1,1) = 1.0E+00 d(1,1) = 2.0E+00 * wk(2,2) else ! not-a-knot condition at left end and n > 2. wk(2,1) = wk(1,3) wk(1,1) = wk(1,2) + wk(1,3) d(1,1) =((wk(1,2) + 2.0E+00 * wk(1,1))*wk(2,2)*wk(1,3) & + wk(1,2)**2*wk(2,3)) / wk(1,1) end if else if (ibeg == 1) then ! slope prescribed at left end. wk(2,1) = 1.0E+00 wk(1,1) = 0.0E+00 else ! second derivative prescribed at left end. wk(2,1) = 2.0E+00 wk(1,1) = 1.0E+00 d(1,1) = 3.0*wk(2,2) - 0.5*wk(1,2)*d(1,1) end if ! ! if there are interior knots, generate the corresponding equations and ! carry out the forward pass of gauss elimination, after which the j-th ! equation reads wk(2,j)*s(j) + wk(1,j)*s(j+1) = d(1,j). ! if (n-1 > 1) then do j=2,n-1 if (wk(2,j-1) == 0.0E+00 ) go to 5008 g = -wk(1,j+1)/wk(2,j-1) d(1,j) = g*d(1,j-1) + 3.0*(wk(1,j)*wk(2,j+1) + wk(1,j+1)*wk(2,j)) wk(2,j) = g*wk(1,j-1) + 2.0E+00 *(wk(1,j) + wk(1,j+1)) end do end if ! ! construct last equation from second boundary condition, of the form ! (-g*wk(2,n-1))*s(n-1) + wk(2,n)*s(n) = d(1,n) ! ! if slope is prescribed at right end, one can go directly to back- ! substitution, since arrays happen to be set up just right for it ! at this point. if (iend == 1) go to 30 ! if (iend == 0) then if (n==2 .and. ibeg==0) then ! not-a-knot at right endpoint and at left endpoint and n = 2. d(1,2) = wk(2,2) go to 30 else if ((n==2) .or. (n==3 .and. ibeg==0)) then ! either (n=3 and not-a-knot also at left) or (n=2 and *not* ! not-a-knot at left end point). d(1,n) = 2.0E+00 *wk(2,n) wk(2,n) = 1.0E+00 if (wk(2,n-1) == 0.0E+00 ) go to 5008 g = -1.0/wk(2,n-1) else ! not-a-knot and n >= 3, and either n>3 or also not-a- ! knot at left end point. g = wk(1,n-1) + wk(1,n) ! do not need to check following denominators (x-differences). d(1,n) = ((wk(1,n)+2.0E+00 *g)*wk(2,n)*wk(1,n-1) & + wk(1,n)**2*(f(1,n-1)-f(1,n-2))/wk(1,n-1))/g if (wk(2,n-1) == 0.0E+00 ) go to 5008 g = -g/wk(2,n-1) wk(2,n) = wk(1,n-1) end if else ! second derivative prescribed at right endpoint. d(1,n) = 3.0*wk(2,n) + 0.5*wk(1,n)*d(1,n) wk(2,n) = 2.0E+00 if (wk(2,n-1) == 0.0E+00 ) go to 5008 g = -1.0/wk(2,n-1) end if ! ! complete forward pass of gauss elimination. ! wk(2,n) = g*wk(1,n-1) + wk(2,n) if (wk(2,n) == 0.0E+00 ) go to 5008 d(1,n) = (g*d(1,n-1) + d(1,n))/wk(2,n) ! ! carry out back substitution ! 30 continue do j=n-1,1,-1 if (wk(2,j) == 0.0E+00 ) go to 5008 d(1,j) = (d(1,j) - wk(1,j)*d(1,j+1))/wk(2,j) end do return ! ! error returns. ! 5001 continue ! n<2 return. ierr = -1 call xerror ('pchsp -- number of data points less than two', 44, ierr, 1) return 5002 continue ! incfd<1 return. ierr = -2 call xerror ('pchsp -- increment less than one', 32, ierr, 1) return 5003 continue ! x-array not strictly increasing. ierr = -3 call xerror ('pchsp -- x-array not strictly increasing', 40, ierr, 1) return ! 5004 continue ! ic out of range return. ierr = ierr - 3 call xerror ('pchsp -- ic out of range', 24, ierr, 1) return 5007 continue ! nwk too small return. ierr = -7 call xerror ('pchsp -- work array too small', 29, ierr, 1) return ! 5008 continue ! singular system. ! *** theoretically, this can only occur if successive x-values ! *** are equal, which should already have been caught (ierr=-3). ierr = -8 call xerror ('pchsp -- singular linear system', 31, ierr, 1) return ! 5009 continue ! error return from pchdf. ! *** this case should never occur. ierr = -9 call xerror ('pchsp -- error return from pchdf', 32, ierr, 1) return end function pchst(arg1,arg2) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! PCHST: pchip sign-testing routine. ! ! ! returns: ! -1. if arg1 and arg2 are of opposite sign. ! 0. if either argument is zero. ! +1. if arg1 and arg2 are of the same sign. ! ! the object is to do this without multiplying arg1*arg2, to avoid ! possible over/underflow problems. ! ! programmed by: fred n. fritsch, fts 532-4275, (415) 422-4275, ! mathematics and statistics division, ! lawrence livermore national laboratory. ! ! real arg1 real arg2 real pchst ! ! perform the test. ! pchst = sign(1.0,arg1) * sign(1.0,arg2) if ((arg1==0.0) .or. (arg2==0.0)) pchst = 0.0E+00 ! return end subroutine pchsw(dfmax,iextrm,d1,d2,h,slope,ierr) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! PCHSW: pchcs switch excursion limiter. ! ! ! called by pchcs to adjust d1 and d2 if necessary to insure that ! the extremum on this interval is not further than dfmax from the ! extreme data value. ! ! Parameters: ! ! dfmax -- (input) maximum allowed difference between f(iextrm) and ! the cubic determined by derivative values d1,d2. (assumes ! dfmax>0.) ! ! iextrm -- (input) index of the extreme data value. (assumes ! iextrm = 1 or 2 . any value /=1 is treated as 2.) ! ! d1,d2 -- (input) derivative values at the ends of the interval. ! (assumes d1*d2 <= 0.) ! (output) may be modified if necessary to meet the restriction ! imposed by dfmax. ! ! h -- (input) interval length. (assumes h>0.) ! ! slope -- (input) data slope on the interval. ! ! ierr -- (output) error flag. should be zero. ! if ierr=-1, assumption on d1 and d2 is not satisfied. ! if ierr=-2, quadratic equation locating extremum has ! negative descriminant (should never occur). ! real cp real d1 real d2 real dfmax real dmax real, parameter :: fact = 100.0E+00 real h integer ierr integer iextrm real lambda real nu real phi real radcal real rho real r1mach real sigma real slope real small real that real, parameter :: third = 0.33333 ! ! notation and general remarks. ! ! rho is the ratio of the data slope to the derivative being tested. ! lambda is the ratio of d2 to d1. ! that = t-hat(rho) is the normalized location of the extremum. ! phi is the normalized value of p(x)-f1 at x = xhat = x-hat(rho), ! where that = (xhat - x1)/h . ! that is, p(xhat)-f1 = d*h*phi, where d=d1 or d2. ! similarly, p(xhat)-f2 = d*h*(phi-rho) . ! ! small should be a few orders of magnitude greater than macheps. ! small = fact * epsilon ( 1.0E+00 ) ! ! do main calculation. ! if (d1 == 0.0) then ! ! special case -- d1==0.0E+00 . ! ! if d2 is also zero, this routine should not have been called. if (d2 == 0.0) go to 5001 ! rho = slope/d2 ! extremum is outside interval when rho >= 1/3 . if (rho >= third) go to 5000 that = (2.0*(3.0*rho-1.0)) / (3.0*(2.0*rho-1.0)) phi = that**2 * ((3.0*rho-1.0)/3.0) ! ! convert to distance from f2 if iextrm/=1 . if (iextrm /= 1) phi = phi - rho ! ! test for exceeding limit, and adjust accordingly. dmax = dfmax / (h*abs(phi)) if (abs(d2) > dmax) d2 = sign (dmax, d2) else ! rho = slope/d1 lambda = -d2/d1 if (d2 == 0.0) then ! ! special case -- d2==0.0E+00 . ! ! extremum is outside interval when rho >= 1/3 . if (rho >= third) go to 5000 cp = 2.0E+00 - 3.0*rho nu = 1.0E+00 - 2.0*rho that = 1.0E+00 / (3.0*nu) else if (lambda <= 0.0) go to 5001 ! ! normal case -- d1 and d2 both nonzero, opposite signs. ! nu = 1.0E+00 - lambda - 2.0*rho sigma = 1.0E+00 - rho cp = nu + sigma if (abs(nu) > small) then radcal = (nu - (2.0*rho+1.0))*nu + sigma**2 if (radcal < 0.0) go to 5002 that = (cp - sqrt(radcal)) / (3.0*nu) else that = 1.0/(2.0*sigma) end if end if phi = that*((nu*that - cp)*that + 1.0) ! ! convert to distance from f2 if iextrm/=1 . if (iextrm /= 1) phi = phi - rho ! ! test for exceeding limit, and adjust accordingly. dmax = dfmax / (h*abs(phi)) if (abs(d1) > dmax) then d1 = sign (dmax, d1) d2 = -lambda*d1 end if end if ! ! normal return. ! 5000 continue ierr = 0 return ! ! error returns. ! 5001 continue ! d1 and d2 both zero, or both nonzero and same sign. ierr = -1 call xerror ('pchsw -- d1 and/or d2 invalid', 29, ierr, 1) return ! 5002 continue ! negative value of radical (should never occur). ierr = -2 call xerror ('pchsw -- negative radical', 25, ierr, 1) return end function pi ( ) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! PI returns the value of pi. ! ! ! Modified: ! ! 04 December 1998 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Output, real PI, the value of pi. ! real pi ! pi = 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510E+00 return end function pimach () ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! PIMACH returns the value of pi. ! ! ! Modified: ! ! 09 March 2001 ! ! Author: ! ! Paul Swarztrauber, ! National Center for Atmospheric Research ! ! Parameters: ! ! Output, real PIMACH, the value of PI. ! real pimach ! pimach = 4.0E+00 * atan ( 1.0E+00 ) return end subroutine q1da(f,a,b,eps,r,e,kf,iflag) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! Q1DA approximates the definite integral of a user defined function of one variable. ! ! ! Reference: ! ! David Kahaner, Clever Moler, Steven Nash, ! Numerical Methods and Software, ! Prentice Hall, 1988. ! ! Parameters: ! ! f (input) the name of the external function which ! evaluates the integrand. ! a ! b (input) the endpoints of the integration interval ! eps (input) the accuracy to which you want the integral ! computed. if you want 2 digits of accuracy set ! eps=.01, for 3 digits set eps=.001, etc. ! eps must be positive. ! r (output) q1da's best estimate of your integral ! e (output) an estimate of abs(integral-r) ! kf (output) the cost of the integration, measured in ! number of evaluations of your integrand. ! kf will always be at least 30. ! iflag (output) termination flag...possible values are ! 0 normal completion, e satisfies ! eeps*abs(r) ! 2 normal completion, e satisfies ! eeps ! 3 normal completion but eps was too small to ! satisfy absolute or relative error request. ! ! 4 aborted calculation because of serious rounding ! error. probably e and r are consistent. ! 5 aborted calculation because of insufficient storage. ! r and e are consistent. ! 6 aborted calculation because of serious difficulties ! meeting your error request. ! 7 aborted calculation because eps was set <= 0.0E+00 ! ! note...if iflag=3, 4, 5 or 6 consider using q1dax instead. ! ! w h e r e i s y o u r i n t e g r a n d ? ! ! you must write a fortran function, called f, to evaluate ! the integrand. usually this looks like... ! function f(x) ! f=(evaluate the integrand at the point x) ! return ! end ! ! ! t y p i c a l p r o b l e m s e t u p ! ! a=0.0E+00 ! b=1.0E+00 (set interval endpoints to [0,1]) ! eps=0.001 (set accuracy request for 3 digits) ! call q1da(f,a,b,eps,r,e,kf,iflag) ! end ! function f(x) ! f=sin(2.*x)-sqrt(x) (for example) ! return ! end ! for this sample problem, the output is ! 0.0E+00 1.0E+00 .001 .041406750 .69077e-07 30 0 ! ! r e m a r k i. ! ! a small amout of randomization is built into this program. ! calling q1da a few times in succession will give different ! but hopefully consistent results. ! ! r e m a r k ii. ! ! this routine is designed for integration over a finite ! interval. thus the input arguments a and b must be ! valid real numbers on your computer. if you want to do ! an integral over an infinite interval set a or b or both ! large enough so that the interval [a,b] contains most of ! the integrand. care is necessary, however. for example, ! to integrate exp(-x*x) on the entire real line one could ! take a=-20., b=20. or similar values to get good results. ! if you took a=-1.e10 and b=+1.e10 two bad things would ! occur. first, you will certainly get an error message from ! the exp routine, as its argument is too small. other ! things could happen too, for example an underflow. ! second, even if the arithmetic worked properly q1da will ! surely give an incorrect answer, because its first try ! at sampling the integrand is based on your scaling and ! it is very unlikely to select evaluation points in the ! infinitesmally small interval [-20,20] where all the ! integrand is concentrated, when a, b are so large. ! ! m o r e f l e x i b i l i t y ! ! q1da is an easy to use driver for another program, q1dax. ! q1dax provides several options which are not available ! with q1da. ! integer, parameter :: nmax = 50 ! real a real b real e real eps real f real fmax real fmin integer iflag integer kf integer nint real r logical rst real w(nmax,6) ! external f ! nint=1 rst = .false. call q1dax(f,a,b,eps,r,e,nint,rst,w,nmax,fmin,fmax,kf,iflag) return end subroutine q1dax(f,a,b,eps,r,e,nint,rst,w,nmax,fmin,fmax,kf,iflag) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! Q1DAX approximates the integral of a function of one variable. ! ! ! Reference: ! ! David Kahaner, Clever Moler, Steven Nash, ! Numerical Methods and Software, ! Prentice Hall, 1988. ! ! ! for an easier to use routine see q1da. ! ! capabilities of q1dax (in addition to those of q1da) ! include: ! ability to restart a calculation to greater ! accuracy without penalty... ! ability to specify an initial partition of ! the integration interval... ! ability to increase the work space to handle ! more difficult problems... ! output of largest/smallest integrand value for ! applications such as scaling graphs... ! ! a r g u m e n t s i n t h e c a l l s e q u e n c e ! ! f (input) the name of your integrand function. ! this name must appear in an external statement ! in any program which calls q1dax. ! you must write f in the form ! function f(x) ! f=(evaluate integrand at the point x) ! return ! end ! a ! b (input) endpoints of integration interval ! eps (input) accuracy to which the integral is to be calculated. ! q1dax will try to achieve relative accuracy, ! e.g. set eps=.01 for 2 digits, .001 for 3, etc. ! r (output) the estimate of the integral ! e (output) the estimate of the absolute error in r. ! nint (input ! output) ! as an input quantity, nint must be set to ! the number of subintervals in the initial ! partition of [a,b]. for most problems ! this is just 1, the interval [a,b] itself. ! nint must be less than nmax, see below. ! nint is useful if you would like to help ! q1dax locate a difficult spot on [a,b]. ! in this regard nint is used along ! with the array w (see below). if you set ! nint=1 it is not necessary to be concerned ! with w, except that it must be dimensioned... ! as an example of more general applications, ! if [a,b]=[0,1] but the integrand jumps at 0.3, ! it would be wise to set nint=2 and then set ! w(1,1)=0.0E+00 (left endpoint) ! w(2,1)=0.3 (singular point) ! w(3,1)=1.0E+00 (right endpoint) ! if you set nint greater than 1, be sure to ! check that you have also set ! w(1,1)=a and w(nint+1,1)=b ! as an output quantity, nint gives the ! number of subintervals in the final ! partition of [a,b]. ! rst (input) a logical variable (e.g. true or false) ! set rst=.false. for initial call to q1dax ! set rst=.true. for a subsequent call, ! e.g. one for which more accuracy is ! desired (smaller eps). a restart only ! makes sense if the preceding call returned ! with a value of iflag (see below) less than 3. ! on a restart you may not change the values of any ! other arguments in the call sequence, except eps. ! w(nmax,6) (input and ! scratch) ! w is an array used by q1dax. ! you m u s t include a dimension statement in ! your calling program to allocate this storage. ! this should be of the form ! dimension w(nmax,6) ! where nmax is an integer. an adequate value of ! nmax is 50. if you set nint>1 you must also ! initialize w, see nint above. ! nmax (input) an integer equal to the first subscript in the ! dimension statement for the array w. this is ! also equal to the maximum number of subintervals ! permitted in the internal partition of [a,b]. ! a value of 50 is ample for most problems. ! fmin ! fmax (output) the smallest and largest values of the integrand ! which occurred during the calculation. the ! actual integrand range on [a,b] may, of course, ! be greater but probably not by more than 10%. ! kf (output) the actual number of integrand evaluations used ! by q1dax to approximate this integral. kf ! will always be at least 30. ! iflag (output) termination flag...possible values are ! 0 normal completion, e satisfies ! eeps*abs(r) ! 2 normal completion, e satisfies ! eeps ! 3 normal completion but eps was too small to ! satisfy absolute or relative error request. ! 4 aborted calculation because of serious rounding ! error. probably e and r are consistent. ! 5 aborted calculation because of insufficient storage. ! r and e are consistent. perhaps increasing nmax ! will produce better results. ! 6 aborted calculation because of serious difficulties ! meeting your error request. ! 7 aborted calculation because either eps, nint or nmax ! has been set to an illegal value. ! 8 aborted calculation because you set nint>1 but forgot ! to set w(1,1)=a and w(nint+1,1)=b ! ! t y p i c a l p r o b l e m s e t u p ! ! dimension w(50,6) ! logical rst ! external f ! a=0.0E+00 ! b=1.0E+00 ! w(1,1)=a ! w(2,1)=.3 [set internal partition point at .3] ! w(3,1)=b ! nint=2 [initial partition has 2 intervals] ! rst=.false. ! eps=.001 ! nmax=50 ! ! 1 call q1dax(f,a,b,eps,r,e,nint,rst,w,nmax,fmin,fmax,kf,iflag) ! ! if ( eps== .0001 .or. iflag>=3)stop ! rst=.true ! eps=.0001 [ask for another digit] ! go to 1 ! end ! function f(x) ! if ( x< .3) ! 1 then ! f=x**(0.2)*log(x) ! else ! f=sin(x) ! end if ! return ! end ! ! ! r e m a r k ! ! when you use q1adx with nint=1, we have built a small ! amount of randomization into it. repeated calls during ! the same run will produce different, but hopefully ! consistent, results. ! integer nmax ! real a real b integer c real e real eb real epmach real eps real f real fmax real fmaxl real fmaxr real fmin real fminl real fminr real fmn real fmx integer i integer iflag integer iroff integer isamax integer kf integer loc integer mxtry integer nint real r real r1mach real rab real rabs real rav logical rst real t real te real te1 real te2 real tr real tr1 real tr2 real uflow real uni real w(nmax,6) real xm ! external f ! epmach = epsilon ( epmach ) uflow = tiny ( uflow ) mxtry=nmax/2 ! ! in case there is no more room, we can toss out easy intervals, ! at most mxtry times. ! if ( a==b) then r=0.0E+00 e=0.0E+00 nint=0 iflag=0 kf=1 fmin=f(a) fmax=fmin go to 20 end if if ( rst) then if ( iflag<3) then eb=max(100.*uflow,max(eps,50.*epmach)*abs(r)) do i=1,nint if ( abs(w(i,3))>(eb*(w(i,2)-w(i,1))/(b-a)) ) then w(i,3)=abs(w(i,3)) else w(i,3)=-abs(w(i,3)) end if end do go to 15 else go to 20 end if end if kf=0 if ( eps <= 0. .or. nint <= 0 .or. nint >= nmax) then iflag=7 go to 20 end if if ( nint==1) then w(1,1)=a w(2,2)=b w(1,5)=a w(1,6)=b w(2,5)=a w(2,6)=b ! ! Select the first subdivision randomly. ! w(1,2) = a + ( b - a ) / 2.0 * ( 2.0 * uni() + 7.0 ) / 8.0 w(2,1) = w(1,2) nint = 2 else if ( w(1,1)/=a .or. w(nint+1,1)/=b) then iflag=8 go to 20 end if w(1,5)=a do i=1,nint w(i,2)=w(i+1,1) w(i,5)=w(i,1) w(i,6)=w(i,2) end do end if iflag = 0 iroff=0 rabs=0.0E+00 do i=1,nint call gl15t(f,w(i,1),w(i,2),dble(w(i,5)),dble(w(i,6)), & w(i,4),w(i,3),rab,rav,fmn,fmx) kf=kf+15 if ( i==1) then r=w(i,4) e=w(i,3) rabs=rabs+rab fmin=fmn fmax=fmx else r=r+w(i,4) e=e+w(i,3) rabs=rabs+rab fmax=max(fmax,fmx) fmin=min(fmin,fmn) end if end do w(nint+1:nmax,3) = 0.0E+00 15 continue ! ! main subprogram loop ! if ( 100.*epmach*rabs>=abs(r) .and. e0.0) go to 16 ! ! found an interval to throw out ! mxtry=mxtry-1 end if loc=isamax(nint,w(1,3),1) xm = w(loc,1)+(w(loc,2)-w(loc,1))/2. if ((max(abs(w(loc,1)),abs(w(loc,2))))> & ((1.+100.*epmach)*(abs(xm)+0.1e+04*uflow))) then call gl15t(f,w(loc,1),xm,dble(w(loc,5)),dble(w(loc,6)), & tr1,te1,rab,rav,fminl,fmaxl) kf=kf+15 if (te1<(eb*(xm-w(loc,1))/(b-a))) te1=-te1 call gl15t(f,xm,w(loc,2),dble(w(loc,5)),dble(w(loc,6)), & tr2,te2,rab,rav,fminr,fmaxr) kf=kf+15 fmin=min(fmin,fminl,fminr) fmax=max(fmax,fmaxl,fmaxr) if (te2<(eb*(w(loc,2)-xm)/(b-a))) te2=-te2 te = abs(w(loc,3)) tr = w(loc,4) w(c,3) = te2 w(c,4) = tr2 w(c,1) = xm w(c,2) = w(loc,2) w(c,5) = w(loc,5) w(c,6) = w(loc,6) w(loc,3) = te1 w(loc,4) = tr1 w(loc,2) = xm e = e-te+(abs(te1)+abs(te2)) r = r-tr+(tr1+tr2) if ( abs(abs(te1)+abs(te2)-te)<0.001*te) then iroff=iroff+1 if ( iroff>=10) then iflag=4 go to 20 end if end if else if (eb>w(loc,3))then w(loc,3) = 0. else iflag=6 go to 20 end if end if go to 15 ! ! all exits from here ! 20 continue if ( iflag>=4)return iflag=3 t=eps*abs(r) if ( e>eps .and. e>t)return iflag=2 if ( e>eps .and. et)return iflag=0 return end subroutine qagi(f,bound,inf,epsabs,epsrel,result,abserr,neval, & ier,limit,lenw,last,iwork,work) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! QAGI calculates an approximation result to a given ! integral i = integral of f over (bound,+infinity) ! or i = integral of f over (-infinity,bound) ! or i = integral of f over (-infinity,+infinity) ! hopefully satisfying following claim for accuracy ! abs(i-result)<=max(epsabs,epsrel*abs(i)). ! ! Reference: ! ! David Kahaner, Clever Moler, Steven Nash, ! Numerical Methods and Software, ! Prentice Hall, 1988. ! ! Parameters: ! ! on entry ! f - real ! function subprogram defining the integrand ! function f(x). the actual name for f needs to be ! declared e x t e r n a l in the driver program. ! ! bound - real ! finite bound of integration range ! (has no meaning if interval is doubly-infinite) ! ! inf - integer ! indicating the kind of integration range involved ! inf = 1 corresponds to (bound,+infinity), ! inf = -1 to (-infinity,bound), ! inf = 2 to (-infinity,+infinity). ! ! epsabs - real ! absolute accuracy requested ! epsrel - real ! relative accuracy requested ! if epsabs<=0 ! and epsrel0 abnormal termination of the routine. the ! estimates for result and error are less ! reliable. it is assumed that the requested ! accuracy has not been achieved. ! error messages ! ier = 1 maximum number of subdivisions allowed ! has been achieved. one can allow more ! subdivisions by increasing the value of ! limit (and taking the according dimension ! adjustments into account). however, if ! this yields no improvement it is advised ! to analyze the integrand in order to ! determine the integration difficulties. if ! the position of a local difficulty can be ! determined (e.g. singularity, ! discontinuity within the interval) one ! will probably gain from splitting up the ! interval at this point and calling the ! integrator on the subranges. if possible, ! an appropriate special-purpose integrator ! should be used, which is designed for ! handling the type of difficulty involved. ! = 2 the occurrence of roundoff error is ! detected, which prevents the requested ! tolerance from being achieved. ! the error may be under-estimated. ! = 3 extremely bad integrand behaviour occurs ! at some points of the integration ! interval. ! = 4 the algorithm does not converge. ! roundoff error is detected in the ! extrapolation table. ! it is assumed that the requested tolerance ! cannot be achieved, and that the returned ! result is the best which can be obtained. ! = 5 the integral is probably divergent, or ! slowly convergent. it must be noted that ! divergence can occur with any other value ! of ier. ! = 6 the input is invalid, because ! (epsabs<=0 and ! epsrel=1. in many cases limit = 100 is ok. ! if limit<1, the routine will end with ier = 6. ! ! lenw - integer ! dimensioning parameter for work ! lenw must be at least limit*4. ! if lenwerrbnd) ier = 2 if ( limit==1) ier = 1 if ( ier/=0.or.(abserr<=errbnd.and.abserr/=resabs).or.abserr==0.0) then go to 130 end if ! ! Initialization. ! uflow = 2.0E+00 * tiny ( uflow ) lerr = .false. call ea(newflg,result,limexp,reseps,abseps,rlist2,ierr) errmax = abserr maxerr = 1 area = result errsum = abserr nrmax = 1 ktmin = 0 extrap = .false. noext = .false. ierro = 0 iroff1 = 0 iroff2 = 0 iroff3 = 0 ksgn = -1 if ( dres>=(1.0-0.5e+02*epmach)*defabs) ksgn = 1 ! ! main do-loop ! do 90 last = 2,limit ! ! bisect the subinterval with nrmax-th largest error estimate. ! a1 = alist(maxerr) b1 = 0.5*(alist(maxerr)+blist(maxerr)) a2 = b1 b2 = blist(maxerr) erlast = errmax call qk15i(f,boun,inf,a1,b1,area1,error1,resabs,defab1) call qk15i(f,boun,inf,a2,b2,area2,error2,resabs,defab2) ! ! Improve previous approximations to integral ! and error and test for accuracy. ! area12 = area1+area2 erro12 = error1+error2 errsum = errsum+erro12-errmax area = area+area12-rlist(maxerr) if ( defab1==error1.or.defab2==error2)go to 15 if ( abs(rlist(maxerr)-area12)>0.1e-04*abs(area12) .or. & erro12<0.99*errmax) go to 10 if ( extrap) iroff2 = iroff2+1 if ( .not.extrap) iroff1 = iroff1+1 10 if ( last>10.and.erro12>errmax) iroff3 = iroff3+1 15 rlist(maxerr) = area1 rlist(last) = area2 errbnd = max (epsabs,epsrel*abs(area)) ! ! Test for roundoff error and eventually set error flag. ! if ( iroff1+iroff2>=10.or.iroff3>=20) ier = 2 if ( iroff2>=5) ierro = 3 ! ! Set error flag in the case that the number of subintervals equals limit. ! if ( last==limit) ier = 1 ! ! Set error flag in the case of bad integrand behaviour ! at some points of the integration range. ! if ( max (abs(a1),abs(b2))<=(1.0+0.1e+03*epmach)* & (abs(a2)+0.1e+04*uflow)) then ier = 4 end if ! ! Append the newly-created intervals to the list. ! if ( error2>error1) go to 20 alist(last) = a2 blist(maxerr) = b1 blist(last) = b2 elist(maxerr) = error1 elist(last) = error2 go to 30 20 alist(maxerr) = a2 alist(last) = a1 blist(last) = b1 rlist(maxerr) = area2 rlist(last) = area1 elist(maxerr) = error2 elist(last) = error1 ! ! call subroutine qpsrt to maintain the descending ordering ! in the list of error estimates and select the ! subinterval with nrmax-th largest error estimate (to be ! bisected next). ! 30 call qpsrt(limit,last,maxerr,errmax,elist,iord,nrmax) if ( errsum<=errbnd) go to 115 if ( ier/=0) go to 100 if ( last==2) go to 80 if ( noext) go to 90 erlarg = erlarg-erlast if ( abs(b1-a1)>small) erlarg = erlarg+erro12 if ( extrap) go to 40 ! ! test whether the interval to be bisected next is the ! smallest interval. ! if ( abs(blist(maxerr)-alist(maxerr))>small) go to 90 extrap = .true. nrmax = 2 40 if ( ierro==3.or.erlarg<=ertest) go to 60 ! ! the smallest interval has the largest error. ! before bisecting decrease the sum of the errors ! over the larger intervals (erlarg) and perform ! extrapolation. ! id = nrmax jupbnd = last if ( last>(2+limit/2)) then jupbnd = limit+3-last end if do k = id,jupbnd maxerr = iord(nrmax) errmax = elist(maxerr) if ( abs(blist(maxerr)-alist(maxerr))>small) go to 90 nrmax = nrmax+1 end do ! ! perform extrapolation. ! 60 call ea(newflg,area,limexp,reseps,abseps,rlist2,ierr) ktmin = ktmin+1 if ( (ktmin>5).and.(abserr<0.1e-02*errsum).and.(lerr)) then ier = 5 end if if ( (abseps>=abserr).and.(lerr)) go to 70 ktmin = 0 abserr = abseps lerr = .true. result = reseps correc = erlarg ertest = max (epsabs,epsrel*abs(reseps)) if ( (abserr<=ertest).and.(lerr)) go to 100 ! ! prepare bisection of the smallest interval. ! 70 if ( rlist2(limexp+3)==1) noext = .true. if ( ier==5) go to 100 maxerr = iord(1) errmax = elist(maxerr) nrmax = 1 extrap = .false. small = small*0.5 erlarg = errsum go to 90 80 small = 0.375 erlarg = errsum ertest = errbnd call ea(newflg,area,limexp,reseps,abseps,rlist2,ierr) 90 continue ! ! set final result and error estimate. ! 100 if ( .not.lerr) go to 115 if ( (ier+ierro)==0) go to 110 if ( ierro==3) abserr = abserr+correc if ( ier==0) ier = 3 if ( result/=0.0.and.area/=0.0)go to 105 if ( abserr>errsum)go to 115 if ( area==0.0) go to 130 go to 110 105 if ( abserr/abs(result)>errsum/abs(area))go to 115 ! ! test on divergence ! 110 continue if ( ksgn==(-1).and. max (abs(result),abs(area))<=defabs*0.1e-01) then go to 130 end if if ( 0.1e-01>(result/area).or.(result/area)>0.1e+03.or.errsum>abs(area)) then ier = 6 end if go to 130 ! ! Compute global integral sum. ! 115 continue result = 0.0E+00 do k = 1,last result = result+rlist(k) end do abserr = errsum 130 neval = 30*last-15 if ( inf==2) neval = 2*neval if ( ier>2) ier=ier-1 999 return end subroutine qform(m,n,q,ldq,wa) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! QFORM produces the explicit QR factorization of a matrix from its implicit form. ! ! ! Discussion: ! ! The QR factorization of a matrix is usually accumulated in implicit ! form, that is, as a series of orthogonal transformations of the ! original matrix. This routine carries out those transformations, ! to explicitly exhibit the factorization construced by QRFAC. ! ! Parameters: ! ! m is a positive integer input variable set to the number ! of rows of a and the order of q. ! ! n is a positive integer input variable set to the number ! of columns of a. ! ! q is an m by m array. on input the full lower trapezoid in ! the first min(m,n) columns of q contains the factored form. ! on output q has been accumulated into a square matrix. ! ! ldq is a positive integer input variable not less than m ! which specifies the leading dimension of the array q. ! ! wa is a work array of length m. ! integer ldq integer m integer n ! integer i integer j integer jm1 integer k integer l integer minmn integer np1 real q(ldq,m) real sum real temp real wa(m) ! minmn = min(m,n) do j = 2, minmn q(1:j-1,j) = 0.0E+00 end do ! ! Initialize remaining columns to those of the identity matrix. ! np1 = n + 1 do j = n+1, m do i = 1, m q(i,j) = 0.0E+00 end do q(j,j) = 1.0E+00 end do ! ! accumulate q from its factored form. ! do l = 1, minmn k = minmn - l + 1 wa(k:m) = q(k:m,k) q(k:m,k) = 0.0E+00 q(k,k) = 1.0E+00 if (wa(k) /= 0.0) then do j = k, m sum = 0.0E+00 do i = k, m sum = sum + q(i,j)*wa(i) end do temp = sum/wa(k) do i = k, m q(i,j) = q(i,j) - temp*wa(i) end do end do end if end do return end subroutine qk15(f,a,b,result,abserr,resabs,resasc) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! QK15 carries out a 15 point Gauss-Kronrod quadrature rule. ! ! ! Reference: ! ! David Kahaner, Clever Moler, Steven Nash, ! Numerical Methods and Software, ! Prentice Hall, 1988. ! ! Parameters: ! ! on entry ! ! f - real ! function subprogram defining the integrand ! function f(x). the actual name for f needs to be ! declared e x t e r n a l in the calling program. ! ! a - real: lower limit of integration ! ! b - real: upper limit of integration ! ! on return ! result - real: approximation to the integral i ! result is computed by applying the 15-point ! kronrod rule (resk) obtained by optimal addition ! of abscissae to the7-point gauss rule(resg). ! ! abserr - real: estimate of the modulus of the absolute error, ! which should not exceed abs(i-result) ! ! resabs - real: approximation to the integral j ! ! resasc - real: approximation to the integral of abs(f-i/(b-a)) ! over (a,b) ! ! references ! ! piessens r. et. al., ! "quadpack: a subroutine package for automatic integration" ! springer, berlin 1983. ! real a real absc real abserr real b real centr real dhlgth real epmach real f real fc real fsum real fval1 real fval2 real fv1(7) real fv2(7) real hlgth integer j integer jtw integer jtwm1 real resabs real resasc real resg real resk real reskh real result real r1mach real uflow real wg(4) real wgk(8) real xgk(8) ! external f ! ! the abscissae and weights are given for the interval (-1,1). ! because of symmetry only the positive abscissae and their ! corresponding weights are given. ! ! xgk - abscissae of the 15-point kronrod rule ! xgk(2), xgk(4), ... abscissae of the 7-point ! gauss rule ! xgk(1), xgk(3), ... abscissae which are optimally ! added to the 7-point gauss rule ! ! wgk - weights of the 15-point kronrod rule ! ! wg - weights of the 7-point gauss rule ! data xgk(1),xgk(2),xgk(3),xgk(4),xgk(5),xgk(6),xgk(7),xgk(8)/ & 0.9914553711208126, 0.9491079123427585, & 0.8648644233597691, 0.7415311855993944, & 0.5860872354676911, 0.4058451513773972, & 0.2077849550078985, 0.0E+00 / data wgk(1),wgk(2),wgk(3),wgk(4),wgk(5),wgk(6),wgk(7),wgk(8)/ & 0.2293532201052922e-01, 0.6309209262997855e-01, & 0.1047900103222502, 0.1406532597155259, & 0.1690047266392679, 0.1903505780647854, & 0.2044329400752989, 0.2094821410847278/ data wg(1),wg(2),wg(3),wg(4)/ & 0.1294849661688697, 0.2797053914892767, & 0.3818300505051189, 0.4179591836734694/ ! ! ! list of major variables ! ! centr - mid point of the interval ! hlgth - half-length of the interval ! absc - abscissa ! fval* - function value ! resg - result of the 7-point gauss formula ! resk - result of the 15-point kronrod formula ! reskh - approximation to the mean value of f over (a,b), ! i.e. to i/(b-a) ! epmach = epsilon ( epmach ) uflow = tiny ( uflow ) centr = 0.5*(a+b) hlgth = 0.5*(b-a) dhlgth = abs(hlgth) ! ! compute the 15-point kronrod approximation to ! the integral, and estimate the absolute error. ! fc = f(centr) resg = fc*wg(4) resk = fc*wgk(8) resabs = abs(resk) do j=1,3 jtw = j*2 absc = hlgth*xgk(jtw) fval1 = f(centr-absc) fval2 = f(centr+absc) fv1(jtw) = fval1 fv2(jtw) = fval2 fsum = fval1+fval2 resg = resg+wg(j)*fsum resk = resk+wgk(jtw)*fsum resabs = resabs+wgk(jtw)*(abs(fval1)+abs(fval2)) end do do j = 1,4 jtwm1 = j*2-1 absc = hlgth*xgk(jtwm1) fval1 = f(centr-absc) fval2 = f(centr+absc) fv1(jtwm1) = fval1 fv2(jtwm1) = fval2 fsum = fval1+fval2 resk = resk+wgk(jtwm1)*fsum resabs = resabs+wgk(jtwm1)*(abs(fval1)+abs(fval2)) end do reskh = resk * 0.5 resasc = wgk(8)*abs(fc-reskh) do j=1,7 resasc = resasc+wgk(j)*(abs(fv1(j)-reskh)+abs(fv2(j)-reskh)) end do result = resk*hlgth resabs = resabs*dhlgth resasc = resasc*dhlgth abserr = abs((resk-resg)*hlgth) if ( resasc /= 0.0E+00 .and. abserr /= 0.0) then abserr = resasc* min (1.0,(0.2e+03*abserr/resasc)**1.5) end if if ( resabs>uflow/(0.5e+02*epmach)) then abserr = max ((epmach*0.5e+02)*resabs,abserr) end if return end subroutine qk15i(f,boun,inf,a,b,result,abserr,resabs,resasc) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! QK15I ?? ! ! ! Reference: ! ! David Kahaner, Clever Moler, Steven Nash, ! Numerical Methods and Software, ! Prentice Hall, 1988. ! real a real absc real absc1 real absc2 real abserr real b real boun real centr real dinf real r1mach real epmach real f real fc real fsum real fval1 real fval2 real fv1(7) real fv2(7) real hlgth integer inf integer j real resabs real resasc real resg real resk real reskh real result real tabsc1 real tabsc2 real uflow real wg(8) real wgk(8) real xgk(8) ! external f ! data xgk(1),xgk(2),xgk(3),xgk(4),xgk(5),xgk(6),xgk(7), xgk(8)/ & 0.9914553711208126, 0.9491079123427585, & 0.8648644233597691, 0.7415311855993944, & 0.5860872354676911, 0.4058451513773972, & 0.2077849550078985, 0.0000000000000000/ ! data wgk(1),wgk(2),wgk(3),wgk(4),wgk(5),wgk(6),wgk(7), wgk(8)/ & 0.2293532201052922e-01, 0.6309209262997855e-01, & 0.1047900103222502, 0.1406532597155259, & 0.1690047266392679, 0.1903505780647854, & 0.2044329400752989, 0.2094821410847278/ ! data wg(1),wg(2),wg(3),wg(4),wg(5),wg(6),wg(7),wg(8)/ & 0.0000000000000000, 0.1294849661688697, & 0.0000000000000000, 0.2797053914892767, & 0.0000000000000000, 0.3818300505051189, & 0.0000000000000000, 0.4179591836734694/ ! epmach = epsilon ( epmach ) uflow = tiny ( uflow ) dinf = min(1,inf) ! centr = 0.5 * ( a + b ) hlgth = 0.5 * ( b - a ) tabsc1 = boun+dinf*(1.0-centr)/centr fval1 = f(tabsc1) if ( inf==2) fval1 = fval1+f(-tabsc1) fc = (fval1/centr)/centr ! ! compute the 15-point kronrod approximation to ! the integral, and estimate the error. ! resg = wg(8)*fc resk = wgk(8)*fc resabs = abs(resk) do j=1,7 absc = hlgth*xgk(j) absc1 = centr-absc absc2 = centr+absc tabsc1 = boun+dinf*(1.0-absc1)/absc1 tabsc2 = boun+dinf*(1.0-absc2)/absc2 fval1 = f(tabsc1) fval2 = f(tabsc2) if ( inf==2) fval1 = fval1+f(-tabsc1) if ( inf==2) fval2 = fval2+f(-tabsc2) fval1 = (fval1/absc1)/absc1 fval2 = (fval2/absc2)/absc2 fv1(j) = fval1 fv2(j) = fval2 fsum = fval1+fval2 resg = resg+wg(j)*fsum resk = resk+wgk(j)*fsum resabs = resabs+wgk(j)*(abs(fval1)+abs(fval2)) end do reskh = resk * 0.5 resasc = wgk(8)*abs(fc-reskh) do j=1,7 resasc = resasc+wgk(j)*(abs(fv1(j)-reskh)+abs(fv2(j)-reskh)) end do result = resk*hlgth resasc = resasc*hlgth resabs = resabs*hlgth abserr = abs((resk-resg)*hlgth) if ( resasc /= 0.0E+00 .and. abserr /= 0.0E+00 ) then abserr = resasc* min (1.0,(0.2e+03*abserr/resasc)**1.5) end if if ( resabs>uflow/(0.5e+02*epmach)) then abserr = max ((epmach*0.5e+02)*resabs,abserr) end if return end subroutine qpsrt(limit,last,maxerr,ermax,elist,iord,nrmax) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! QPSRT ?? ! ! ! Reference: ! ! David Kahaner, Clever Moler, Steven Nash, ! Numerical Methods and Software, ! Prentice Hall, 1988. ! integer last ! real elist(last) real ermax real errmax real errmin integer i integer ibeg integer ido integer iord(last) integer isucc integer j integer jbnd integer jupbn integer k integer limit integer maxerr integer nrmax ! ! check whether the list contains more than two error estimates. ! if ( last<=2) then iord(1) = 1 iord(2) = 2 go to 90 end if ! ! this part of the routine is only executed ! if, due to a difficult integrand, subdivision ! increased the error estimate. in the normal case ! the insert procedure should start after the ! nrmax-th largest error estimate. ! errmax = elist(maxerr) if ( nrmax==1) go to 30 ido = nrmax-1 do i = 1,ido isucc = iord(nrmax-1) if ( errmax<=elist(isucc)) go to 30 iord(nrmax) = isucc nrmax = nrmax-1 end do ! ! compute the number of elements in the list to ! be maintained in descending order. this number ! depends on the number of subdivisions still ! allowed. ! 30 continue jupbn = last if ( last>(limit/2+2)) jupbn = limit+3-last errmin = elist(last) ! ! insert errmax by traversing the list top-down, ! starting comparison from the element elist(iord(nrmax+1)). ! jbnd = jupbn-1 ibeg = nrmax+1 do i = ibeg, jbnd isucc = iord(i) if ( errmax>=elist(isucc)) go to 60 iord(i-1) = isucc end do iord(jbnd) = maxerr iord(jupbn) = last go to 90 ! ! insert errmin by traversing the list bottom-up. ! 60 continue iord(i-1) = maxerr k = jbnd do j=i,jbnd isucc = iord(k) if ( errmin row dimension of matrix ! n --> dimension of matrix ! r(n,n) <--> upper hessenberg matrix ! i --> index of row to interchange (i row dimension of matrix ! n --> dimension of matrix ! r(n,n) <--> upper hessenberg matrix ! i --> index of row ! a --> scalar ! b --> scalar ! integer n integer nr ! real a real b real c real den integer i integer j real r(nr,1) real s real y real z ! den=sqrt(a*a + b*b) c=a/den s=b/den do j=i,n y=r(i,j) z=r(i+1,j) r(i,j)=c*y - s*z r(i+1,j)=s*y + c*z end do return end subroutine qrfac(m,n,a,lda,pivot,ipvt,lipvt,sigma,acnorm,wa) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! QRFAC uses householder transformations with column ! pivoting (optional) to compute a qr factorization of the ! m by n matrix a. that is, qrfac determines an orthogonal ! matrix q, a permutation matrix p, and an upper trapezoidal ! matrix r with diagonal elements of nonincreasing magnitude, ! such that a*p = q*r. the householder transformation for ! column k, k = 1,2,...,min(m,n), is of the form ! ! t ! i - (1/u(k))*u*u ! ! where u has zeros in the first k-1 positions. the form of ! this transformation and the method of pivoting first ! appeared in the corresponding linpack subroutine. ! ! Parameters: ! ! m is a positive integer input variable set to the number ! of rows of a. ! ! n is a positive integer input variable set to the number ! of columns of a. ! ! a is an m by n array. on input a contains the matrix for ! which the qr factorization is to be computed. on output ! the strict upper trapezoidal part of a contains the strict ! upper trapezoidal part of r, and the lower trapezoidal ! part of a contains a factored form of q (the non-trivial ! elements of the u vectors described above). ! ! lda is a positive integer input variable not less than m ! which specifies the leading dimension of the array a. ! ! pivot is a logical input variable. if pivot is set .true., ! then column pivoting is enforced. if pivot is set .false., ! then no column pivoting is done. ! ! ipvt is an integer output array of length lipvt. ipvt ! defines the permutation matrix p such that a*p = q*r. ! column j of p is column ipvt(j) of the identity matrix. ! if pivot is .false., ipvt is not referenced. ! ! lipvt is a positive integer input variable. if pivot is ! .false., then lipvt may be as small as 1. if pivot is ! .true., then lipvt must be at least n. ! ! sigma is an output array of length n which contains the ! diagonal elements of r. ! ! acnorm is an output array of length n which contains the ! norms of the corresponding columns of the input matrix a. ! if this information is not needed, then acnorm can coincide ! with sigma. ! ! wa is a work array of length n. if pivot is .false., then wa ! can coincide with sigma. ! integer lipvt integer lda integer n ! real a(lda,n) real acnorm(n) real ajnorm real epsmch integer i integer ipvt(lipvt) integer j integer jp1 integer k integer kmax integer m integer minmn logical pivot real r1mach real sigma(n) real snrm2 real sum real temp real wa(n) ! epsmch = epsilon ( epsmch ) ! ! compute the initial column norms and initialize several arrays. ! do j = 1, n acnorm(j) = snrm2(m,a(1,j),1) sigma(j) = acnorm(j) wa(j) = sigma(j) if (pivot) ipvt(j) = j end do ! ! reduce a to r with householder transformations. ! minmn = min ( m, n ) do j = 1, minmn if ( pivot ) then ! ! bring the column of largest norm into the pivot position. ! kmax = j do k = j, n if (sigma(k) > sigma(kmax)) kmax = k end do if ( kmax /= j) then do i = 1, m temp = a(i,j) a(i,j) = a(i,kmax) a(i,kmax) = temp end do sigma(kmax) = sigma(j) wa(kmax) = wa(j) k = ipvt(j) ipvt(j) = ipvt(kmax) ipvt(kmax) = k end if end if ! ! Compute the householder transformation to reduce the ! j-th column of a to a multiple of the j-th unit vector. ! ajnorm = snrm2(m-j+1,a(j,j),1) if (ajnorm /= 0.0) then if (a(j,j) < 0.0) then ajnorm = -ajnorm end if a(j:m,j) = a(j:m,j)/ajnorm a(j,j) = a(j,j) + 1.0E+00 ! ! apply the transformation to the remaining columns and update the norms. ! jp1 = j + 1 do k = j+1, n sum = 0.0E+00 do i = j, m sum = sum + a(i,j)*a(i,k) end do temp = sum/a(j,j) do i = j, m a(i,k) = a(i,k) - temp*a(i,j) end do if ( pivot .and. sigma(k) /= 0.0E+00 ) then temp = a(j,k)/sigma(k) sigma(k) = sigma(k)*sqrt( max (0.0,1.0-temp**2)) if ( 0.05 * (sigma(k)/wa(k))**2 <= epsmch ) then sigma(k) = snrm2(m-j,a(jp1,k),1) wa(k) = sigma(k) end if end if end do end if sigma(j) = -ajnorm end do return end subroutine qrupdt(nr,n,a,u,v) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! QRUPDT updates a QR factorization. ! ! ! Discussion: ! ! The routine finds an orthogonal N by N matrix Q* and an upper triangular ! N by N matrix R* such that (Q*)(R*) = R + U*V' ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, integer NR, the row dimension of the matrix. ! ! Input, integer N, the order of the matrix. ! ! Input/output, real A(NR,N), on input, contains the original QR ! factorization. On output, contains the revised factorization. ! ! Input, real U(N), V(N), vectors that describe the rank one update ! applied to the original matrix A. ! integer n integer nr ! real a(nr,1) integer i integer k real t1 real t2 real u(n) real v(n) ! ! determine last non-zero in u(.) ! k=n 10 continue if ( u(k) == 0.0E+00 .and. k > 1 ) then k = k - 1 go to 10 end if ! ! (k-1) jacobi rotations transform ! r + u(v+) --> (r*) + (u(1)*e1)(v+) ! which is upper hessenberg ! if ( k > 1 ) then do i = k-1, 1, -1 if ( u(i) == 0.0E+00 ) then call qraux1(nr,n,a,i) u(i)=u(i+1) else call qraux2(nr,n,a,i,u(i),-u(i+1)) u(i)=sqrt(u(i)*u(i) + u(i+1)*u(i+1)) end if end do end if ! ! r <-- r + (u(1)*e1)(v+) ! a(1,1:n) = a(1,1:n) + u(1) * v(1:n) ! ! (k-1) jacobi rotations transform upper hessenberg r ! to upper triangular (r*) ! do i = 1, k-1 if ( a(i,i) == 0.0E+00 ) then call qraux1(nr,n,a,i) else t1=a(i,i) t2=-a(i+1,i) call qraux2(nr,n,a,i,t1,t2) end if end do return end function r1mach ( i ) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! R1MACH returns single precision machine constants. ! ! ! Assume that single precision numbers are stored with a mantissa of T digits ! in base B, with an exponent whose value must lie between EMIN and EMAX. Then ! for values of I between 1 and 5, R1MACH will return the following values: ! ! R1MACH(1) = B**(EMIN-1), the smallest positive magnitude. ! R1MACH(2) = B**EMAX*(1-B**(-T)), the largest magnitude. ! R1MACH(3) = B**(-T), the smallest relative spacing. ! R1MACH(4) = B**(1-T), the largest relative spacing. ! R1MACH(5) = log10(B) ! ! To alter this function for a particular environment, the desired set of data ! statements should be activated by removing the C from column 1. ! ! On rare machines a STATIC statement may need to be added. But probably more ! systems prohibit it that require it. ! ! For IEEE-arithmetic machines (binary standard), the first set of constants ! below should be appropriate. ! ! Where possible, octal or hexadecimal constants have been used to specify the ! constants exactly which has in some cases required the use of EQUIVALENCED ! integer arrays. If your compiler uses half-word integers by default ! (sometimes called INTEGER*2), you may need to change INTEGER to INTEGER*4 or ! otherwise instruct your compiler to use full-word integers in the next 5 ! declarations. ! integer diver(2) integer i integer large(2) integer log10(2) real r1mach integer right(2) real rmach(5) integer small(2) ! equivalence (rmach(1),small(1)) equivalence (rmach(2),large(1)) equivalence (rmach(3),right(1)) equivalence (rmach(4),diver(1)) equivalence (rmach(5),log10(1)) ! ! IEEE arithmetic machines, such as the ATT 3B series, Motorola 68000 based ! machines such as the SUN 3 and ATT PC 7300, and 8087 based micros such as ! the IBM PC and ATT 6300. ! data small(1) / 8388608 / data large(1) / 2139095039 / data right(1) / 864026624 / data diver(1) / 872415232 / data log10(1) / 1050288283 / ! ! ALLIANT FX/8 UNIX Fortran compiler with the -r8 command line option. This ! option causes all variables declared with 'REAL' to be of type 'REAL*8' or ! DOUBLE PRECISION. This option does not override the 'REAL*4' declarations. ! These R1MACH numbers below and the coresponding I1MACH are simply the DOUBLE ! PRECISION or 'REAL*8' numbers. If you use the -r8 your whole code (and the ! user libraries you link with, the system libraries are taken care of ! automagicly) must be compiled with this option. ! ! data rmach(1) / 2.22507385850721D-308 / ! data rmach(2) / 1.79769313486231D+308 / ! data rmach(3) / 1.1101827117665D-16 / ! data rmach(4) / 2.2203654423533D-16 / ! data rmach(5) / 3.01029995663981E-1 / ! ! AMDAHL machines. ! ! data small(1) / 1048576 / ! data large(1) / 2147483647 / ! data right(1) / 990904320 / ! data diver(1) / 1007681536 / ! data log10(1) / 1091781651 / ! ! BURROUGHS 1700 system. ! ! data rmach(1) / Z400800000 / ! data rmach(2) / Z5FFFFFFFF / ! data rmach(3) / Z4E9800000 / ! data rmach(4) / Z4EA800000 / ! data rmach(5) / Z500E730E8 / ! ! BURROUGHS 5700/6700/7700 systems. ! ! data rmach(1) / O1771000000000000 / ! data rmach(2) / O0777777777777777 / ! data rmach(3) / O1311000000000000 / ! data rmach(4) / O1301000000000000 / ! data rmach(5) / O1157163034761675 / ! ! CDC CYBER 170/180 series using NOS ! ! data rmach(1) / O"00014000000000000000" / ! data rmach(2) / O"37767777777777777777" / ! data rmach(3) / O"16404000000000000000" / ! data rmach(4) / O"16414000000000000000" / ! data rmach(5) / O"17164642023241175720" / ! ! CDC CYBER 170/180 series using NOS/VE ! ! data rmach(1) / Z"3001800000000000" / ! data rmach(2) / Z"4FFEFFFFFFFFFFFE" / ! data rmach(3) / Z"3FD2800000000000" / ! data rmach(4) / Z"3FD3800000000000" / ! data rmach(5) / Z"3FFF9A209A84FBCF" / ! ! CDC CYBER 200 series ! ! data rmach(1) / X'9000400000000000' / ! data rmach(2) / X'6FFF7FFFFFFFFFFF' / ! data rmach(3) / X'FFA3400000000000' / ! data rmach(4) / X'FFA4400000000000' / ! data rmach(5) / X'FFD04D104D427DE8' / ! ! CDC 6000/7000 series using FTN4. ! ! data rmach(1) / 00564000000000000000B / ! data rmach(2) / 37767777777777777776B / ! data rmach(3) / 16414000000000000000B / ! data rmach(4) / 16424000000000000000B / ! data rmach(5) / 17164642023241175720B / ! ! CDC 6000/7000 series using FTN5. ! ! data rmach(1) / O"00564000000000000000" / ! data rmach(2) / O"37767777777777777776" / ! data rmach(3) / O"16414000000000000000" / ! data rmach(4) / O"16424000000000000000" / ! data rmach(5) / O"17164642023241175720" / ! ! CONVEX C-1. ! ! data rmach(1) / '00800000'X / ! data rmach(2) / '7FFFFFFF'X / ! data rmach(3) / '34800000'X / ! data rmach(4) / '35000000'X / ! data rmach(5) / '3F9A209B'X / ! ! CONVEX C-120 (native mode) without -R8 option ! ! data rmach(1) / 2.9387360E-39 / ! data rmach(2) / 1.7014117E+38 / ! data rmach(3) / 5.9604645E-08 / ! data rmach(4) / 1.1920929E-07 / ! data rmach(5) / 3.0102999E-01 / ! ! CONVEX C-120 (native mode) with -R8 option ! ! data rmach(1) / 5.562684646268007D-309 / ! data rmach(2) / 8.988465674311577D+307 / ! data rmach(3) / 1.110223024625157D-016 / ! data rmach(4) / 2.220446049250313D-016 / ! data rmach(5) / 3.010299956639812D-001 / ! ! CONVEX C-120 (IEEE mode) without -R8 option ! ! data rmach(1) / 1.1754945E-38 / ! data rmach(2) / 3.4028234E+38 / ! data rmach(3) / 5.9604645E-08 / ! data rmach(4) / 1.1920929E-07 / ! data rmach(5) / 3.0102999E-01 / ! ! CONVEX C-120 (IEEE mode) with -R8 option ! ! data rmach(1) / 2.225073858507202D-308 / ! data rmach(2) / 1.797693134862315D+308 / ! data rmach(3) / 1.110223024625157D-016 / ! data rmach(4) / 2.220446049250313D-016 / ! data rmach(5) / 3.010299956639812D-001 / ! ! CRAY 1, 2, XMP and YMP. ! ! data rmach(1) / 200034000000000000000B / ! data rmach(2) / 577767777777777777776B / ! data rmach(3) / 377224000000000000000B / ! data rmach(4) / 377234000000000000000B / ! data rmach(5) / 377774642023241175720B / ! ! DATA GENERAL ECLIPSE S/200. ! Note - It may be appropriate to include the line: STATIC RMACH(5) ! ! data small /20K,0/ ! data large /77777K,177777K/ ! data right /35420K,0/ ! data diver /36020K,0/ ! data log10 /40423K,42023K/ ! ! ELXSI 6400, assuming REAL*4 is the default real type. ! ! data small(1) / '00800000'X / ! data large(1) / '7F7FFFFF'X / ! data right(1) / '33800000'X / ! data diver(1) / '34000000'X / ! data log10(1) / '3E9A209B'X / ! ! HARRIS 220 ! ! data small(1),small(2) / '20000000, '00000201 / ! data large(1),large(2) / '37777777, '00000177 / ! data right(1),right(2) / '20000000, '00000352 / ! data diver(1),diver(2) / '20000000, '00000353 / ! data log10(1),log10(2) / '23210115, '00000377 / ! ! HARRIS SLASH 6 and SLASH 7. ! ! data small(1),small(2) / '20000000, '00000201 / ! data large(1),large(2) / '37777777, '00000177 / ! data right(1),right(2) / '20000000, '00000352 / ! data diver(1),diver(2) / '20000000, '00000353 / ! data log10(1),log10(2) / '23210115, '00000377 / ! ! HONEYWELL DPS 8/70 and 600/6000 series. ! ! data rmach(1) / O402400000000 / ! data rmach(2) / O376777777777 / ! data rmach(3) / O714400000000 / ! data rmach(4) / O716400000000 / ! data rmach(5) / O776464202324 / ! ! HP 2100, 3 word double precision with FTN4 ! ! data small(1), small(2) / 40000B, 1 / ! data large(1), large(2) / 77777B, 177776B / ! data right(1), right(2) / 40000B, 325B / ! data diver(1), diver(2) / 40000B, 327B / ! data log10(1), log10(2) / 46420B, 46777B / ! ! HP 2100, 4 word double precision with FTN4 ! ! data small(1), small(2) / 40000B, 1 / ! data large91), large(2) / 77777B, 177776B / ! data right(1), right(2) / 40000B, 325B / ! data diver(1), diver(2) / 40000B, 327B / ! data log10(1), log10(2) / 46420B, 46777B / ! ! HP 9000 ! ! r1mach(1) = 1.17549435E-38 ! r1mach(2) = 1.70141163E+38 ! r1mach(3) = 5.960464478E-8 ! r1mach(4) = 1.119209290E-7 ! r1mach(5) = 3.01030010E-1 ! ! data small(1) / 00040000000B / ! data large(1) / 17677777777B / ! data right(1) / 06340000000B / ! data diver(1) / 06400000000B / ! data log10(1) / 07646420233B / ! ! IBM 360/370 series, XEROX SIGMA 5/7/9, SEL systems 85/86, PERKIN ELMER 3230, ! and PERKIN ELMER (INTERDATA) 3230. ! ! data rmach(1) / Z00100000 / ! data rmach(2) / Z7FFFFFFF / ! data rmach(3) / Z3B100000 / ! data rmach(4) / Z3C100000 / ! data rmach(5) / Z41134413 / ! ! IBM PC - Microsoft FORTRAN ! ! data small(1) / #00800000 / ! data large(1) / #7F7FFFFF / ! data right(1) / #33800000 / ! data diver(1) / #34000000 / ! data log10(1) / #3E9A209A / ! ! IBM PC - Professional FORTRAN and Lahey FORTRAN ! ! data small(1)/ Z'00800000' / ! data large(1)/ Z'7F7FFFFF' / ! data right(1)/ Z'33800000' / ! data diver(1)/ Z'34000000' / ! data log10(1)/ Z'3E9A209A' / ! ! INTERDATA 8/32 with the UNIX system FORTRAN 77 compiler. ! For the INTERDATA FORTRAN VII compiler replace the Z'S specifying HEX ! constants with Y'S. ! ! data rmach(1) / Z'00100000' / ! data rmach(2) / Z'7EFFFFFF' / ! data rmach(3) / Z'3B100000' / ! data rmach(4) / Z'3C100000' / ! data rmach(5) / Z'41134413' / ! ! PDP-10 (KA or KI processor). ! ! data rmach(1) / "000400000000 / ! data rmach(2) / "377777777777 / ! data rmach(3) / "146400000000 / ! data rmach(4) / "147400000000 / ! data rmach(5) / "177464202324 / ! ! PDP-11 FORTRANS supporting 32-bit integers (integer version). ! ! data small(1) / 8388608 / ! data large(1) / 2147483647 / ! data right(1) / 880803840 / ! data diver(1) / 889192448 / ! data log10(1) / 1067065499 / ! ! PDP-11 FORTRANS supporting 32-bit integers (octal version). ! ! data rmach(1) / O00040000000 / ! data rmach(2) / O17777777777 / ! data rmach(3) / O06440000000 / ! data rmach(4) / O06500000000 / ! data rmach(5) / O07746420233 / ! ! PDP-11 FORTRANS supporting 16-bit integers (integer version). ! ! data small(1),small(2) / 128, 0 / ! data large(1),large(2) / 32767, -1 / ! data right(1),right(2) / 13440, 0 / ! data diver(1),diver(2) / 13568, 0 / ! data log10(1),log10(2) / 16282, 8347 / ! ! PDP-11 FORTRANS supporting 16-bit integers (octal version). ! ! data small(1),small(2) / O000200, O000000 / ! data large(1),large(2) / O077777, O177777 / ! data right(1),right(2) / O032200, O000000 / ! data diver(1),diver(2) / O032400, O000000 / ! data log10(1),log10(2) / O037632, O020233 / ! ! SEQUENT BALANCE 8000. ! ! data small(1) / $00800000 / ! data large(1) / $7F7FFFFF / ! data right(1) / $33800000 / ! data diver(1) / $34000000 / ! data log10(1) / $3E9A209B / ! ! SUN Microsystems UNIX F77 compiler. ! ! data rmach(1) / 1.17549435E-38 / ! data rmach(2) / 3.40282347E+38 / ! data rmach(3) / 5.96016605E-08 / ! data rmach(4) / 1.19203321E-07 / ! data rmach(5) / 3.01030010E-01 / ! ! SUN 3 (68881 or FPA) ! ! data small(1) / X'00800000' / ! data large(1) / X'7F7FFFFF' / ! data right(1) / X'33800000' / ! data diver(1) / X'34000000' / ! data log10(1) / X'3E9A209B' / ! ! UNIVAC 1100 series. ! ! data rmach(1) / O000400000000 / ! data rmach(2) / O377777777777 / ! data rmach(3) / O146400000000 / ! data rmach(4) / O147400000000 / ! data rmach(5) / O177464202324 / ! ! VAX/ULTRIX F77 compiler. ! ! data small(1) / 128 / ! data large(1) / -32769 / ! data right(1) / 13440 / ! data diver(1) / 13568 / ! data log10(1) / 547045274 / ! ! VAX-11 with FORTRAN IV-PLUS compiler. ! ! data rmach(1) / Z00000080 / ! data rmach(2) / ZFFFF7FFF / ! data rmach(3) / Z00003480 / ! data rmach(4) / Z00003500 / ! data rmach(5) / Z209B3F9A / ! ! VAX/VMS version 2.2. ! ! data rmach(1) / '80'X / ! data rmach(2) / 'FFFF7FFF'X / ! data rmach(3) / '3480'X / ! data rmach(4) / '3500'X / ! data rmach(5) / '209B3F9A'X / ! ! VAX/VMS 11/780 ! ! data small(1) / Z00000080 / ! data large(1) / ZFFFF7FFF / ! data right(1) / Z00003480 / ! data diver(1) / Z00003500 / ! data log10(1) / Z209B3F9A / ! ! Z80 microprocessor. ! ! data small(1), small(2) / 0, 256 / ! data large(1), large(2) / -1, -129 / ! data right(1), right(2) / 0, 26880 / ! data diver(1), diver(2) / 0, 27136 / ! data log10(1), log10(2) / 8347, 32538 / ! if ( i < 1 .or. i > 5 ) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write(*,*)'R1MACH - Fatal error!' write(*,*)'I is out of bounds=',i r1mach=0.0E+00 stop else r1mach = rmach(i) end if return end subroutine r1mpyq ( m, n, a, lda, v, w ) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! R1MPYQ is given an m by n matrix a, this subroutine computes a*q where ! q is the product of 2*(n - 1) transformations ! ! gv(n-1)*...*gv(1)*gw(1)*...*gw(n-1) ! ! and gv(i), gw(i) are givens rotations in the (i,n) plane which ! eliminate elements in the i-th and n-th planes, respectively. ! q itself is not given, rather the information to recover the ! gv, gw rotations is supplied. ! ! Parameters: ! ! m is a positive integer input variable set to the number ! of rows of a. ! ! n is a positive integer input variable set to the number ! of columns of a. ! ! a is an m by n array. on input a must contain the matrix ! to be postmultiplied by the orthogonal matrix q ! described above. on output a*q has replaced a. ! ! lda is a positive integer input variable not less than m ! which specifies the leading dimension of the array a. ! ! v is an input array of length n. v(i) must contain the ! information necessary to recover the givens rotation gv(i) ! described above. ! ! w is an input array of length n. w(i) must contain the ! information necessary to recover the givens rotation gw(i) ! described above. ! integer lda integer n ! real a(lda,n) real cos2 integer i integer j integer m integer nmj real sin2 real temp real v(n) real w(n) ! do nmj = 1, n-1 j = n - nmj if (abs(v(j)) > 1.0) then cos2 = 1.0/v(j) sin2 = sqrt(1.0-cos2**2) else sin2 = v(j) cos2 = sqrt(1.0-sin2**2) end if do i = 1, m temp = cos2*a(i,j) - sin2*a(i,n) a(i,n) = sin2*a(i,j) + cos2*a(i,n) a(i,j) = temp end do end do ! ! apply the second set of givens rotations to a. ! do j = 1, n-1 if (abs(w(j)) > 1.0) then cos2 = 1.0/w(j) sin2 = sqrt(1.0-cos2**2) else sin2 = w(j) cos2 = sqrt(1.0-sin2**2) end if do i = 1, m temp = cos2*a(i,j) + sin2*a(i,n) a(i,n) = -sin2*a(i,j) + cos2*a(i,n) a(i,j) = temp end do end do return end subroutine r1updt ( m, n, s, ls, u, v, w, sing ) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! R1UPDT updates a QR factorization after a rank 1 update of the original matrix. ! ! ! Discussion: ! ! The routine is given an m by n lower trapezoidal matrix s, an m-vector u, ! and an n-vector v, the problem is to determine an ! orthogonal matrix q such that ! ! (s + u*v')*q ! ! is again lower trapezoidal. ! ! This subroutine determines q as the product of 2*(n - 1) transformations ! ! gv(n-1)*...*gv(1)*gw(1)*...*gw(n-1) ! ! where gv(i), gw(i) are givens rotations in the (i,n) plane ! which eliminate elements in the i-th and n-th planes, ! respectively. q itself is not accumulated, rather the ! information to recover the gv, gw rotations is returned. ! ! Parameters: ! ! m is a positive integer input variable set to the number ! of rows of s. ! ! n is a positive integer input variable set to the number ! of columns of s. n must not exceed m. ! ! s is an array of length ls. on input s must contain the lower ! trapezoidal matrix s stored by columns. on output s contains ! the lower trapezoidal matrix produced as described above. ! ! ls is a positive integer input variable not less than ! (n*(2*m-n+1))/2. ! ! u is an input array of length m which must contain the ! vector u. ! ! v is an array of length n. on input v must contain the vector ! v. on output v(i) contains the information necessary to ! recover the givens rotation gv(i) described above. ! ! w is an output array of length m. w(i) contains information ! necessary to recover the givens rotation gw(i) described ! above. ! ! sing is a logical output variable. sing is set .true. if any ! of the diagonal elements of the output s are zero. otherwise ! sing is set .false. ! integer ls integer m integer n ! real cos real cotan real giant integer i integer j integer jj integer l integer nmj real, parameter :: p25 = 0.25E+00 real, parameter :: p5 = 0.5E+00 real r1mach real s(ls) real sin logical sing real tan real tau real temp real u(m) real v(n) real w(m) ! giant = huge ( giant ) ! ! Initialize the diagonal element pointer. ! jj = (n*(2*m - n + 1))/2 - (m - n) ! ! move the nontrivial part of the last column of s into w. ! l = jj do i = n, m w(i) = s(l) l = l + 1 end do ! ! rotate the vector v into a multiple of the n-th unit vector ! in such a way that a spike is introduced into w. ! do nmj = 1, n-1 j = n - nmj jj = jj - (m - j + 1) w(j) = 0.0E+00 if ( v(j) /= 0.0E+00 ) then ! ! determine a givens rotation which eliminates the ! j-th element of v. ! if ( abs(v(n)) < abs(v(j)) ) then cotan = v(n)/v(j) sin = p5/sqrt(p25+p25*cotan**2) cos = sin*cotan tau = 1.0E+00 if (abs(cos)*giant > 1.0) tau = 1.0/cos else tan = v(j)/v(n) cos = p5/sqrt(p25+p25*tan**2) sin = cos*tan tau = sin end if ! ! apply the transformation to v and store the information ! necessary to recover the givens rotation. ! v(n) = sin*v(j) + cos*v(n) v(j) = tau ! ! apply the transformation to s and extend the spike in w. ! l = jj do i = j, m temp = cos*s(l) - sin*w(i) w(i) = sin*s(l) + cos*w(i) s(l) = temp l = l + 1 end do end if end do ! ! add the spike from the rank 1 update to w. ! w(1:m) = w(1:m) + v(n) * u(1:m) ! ! eliminate the spike. ! sing = .false. do j = 1, n-1 if ( w(j) /= 0.0E+00 ) then ! ! determine a givens rotation which eliminates the ! j-th element of the spike. ! if ( abs ( s(jj)) < abs ( w(j) ) ) then cotan = s(jj)/w(j) sin = p5/sqrt(p25+p25*cotan**2) cos = sin*cotan tau = 1.0E+00 if (abs(cos)*giant > 1.0) tau = 1.0/cos else tan = w(j)/s(jj) cos = p5/sqrt(p25+p25*tan**2) sin = cos*tan tau = sin end if ! ! apply the transformation to s and reduce the spike in w. ! l = jj do i = j, m temp = cos*s(l) + sin*w(i) w(i) = -sin*s(l) + cos*w(i) s(l) = temp l = l + 1 end do ! ! store the information necessary to recover the givens rotation. ! w(j) = tau end if ! ! test for zero diagonal elements in the output s. ! if (s(jj) == 0.0) sing = .true. jj = jj + (m - j + 1) end do ! ! move w back into the last column of the output s. ! l = jj do i = n, m s(l) = w(i) l = l + 1 end do if (s(jj) == 0.0) sing = .true. return end function r9lgmc ( x ) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! R9LGMC computes the log gamma correction factor so that ! log(gamma(x)) = log(sqrt(2*pi)) + (x-.5)*log(x) - x ! + r9lgmc(x) ! ! Description: ! ! compute the log gamma correction factor for x >= 10.0E+00 so that ! log (gamma(x)) = log(sqrt(2*pi)) + (x-.5)*log(x) - x + r9lgmc(x) ! ! series for algm on the interval 0. to 1.00000d-02 ! with weighted error 3.40e-16 ! log weighted error 15.47 ! significant figures required 14.39 ! decimal places required 15.86 ! real, save, dimension ( 6 ) :: algmcs = (/ & 0.166638948045186, -0.0000138494817606, 0.0000000098108256, & -0.0000000000180912, 0.0000000000000622, -0.0000000000000003 /) real csevl integer inits integer, save :: nalgm = 0 real r1mach real r9lgmc real x real, save :: xbig = 0.0E+00 real, save :: xmax = 0.0E+00 ! if ( nalgm == 0 ) then nalgm = inits (algmcs, 6, r1mach(3)) xbig = 1.0/sqrt(r1mach(3)) xmax = exp ( min (log ( huge ( xmax ) / 12.0E+00 ), & -log ( 12.0E+00 * tiny ( xmax ) )) ) end if if ( x < 10.0E+00 ) then call xerror ( 'r9lgmc x must be ge 10', 23, 1, 2) end if if ( x < xmax ) then r9lgmc = 1.0/(12.0*x) if (x 2 ) then do k = 1, l1 do i = 3, ido, 2 ic = ido + 2 - i ch(i-1,k,1) = cc(i-1,1,k) + cc(ic-1,2,k) tr2 = cc(i-1,1,k) - cc(ic-1,2,k) ch(i,k,1) = cc(i,1,k) - cc(ic,2,k) ti2 = cc(i,1,k) + cc(ic,2,k) ch(i-1,k,2) = wa1(i-2) * tr2 - wa1(i-1) * ti2 ch(i,k,2) = wa1(i-2) * ti2 + wa1(i-1) * tr2 end do end do if ( mod ( ido, 2 ) == 1 ) then return end if end if ch(ido,1:l1,1) = cc(ido,1,1:l1) + cc(ido,1,1:l1) ch(ido,1:l1,2) = -( cc(1,2,1:l1) + cc(1,2,1:l1) ) return end subroutine radb3 ( ido, l1, cc, ch, wa1, wa2 ) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! RADB3 is a lower level routine used by RFFTB1. ! ! ! Modified: ! ! 09 March 2001 ! ! Author: ! ! Paul Swarztrauber, ! National Center for Atmospheric Research ! ! Parameters: ! integer ido integer l1 ! real cc(ido,3,l1) real ch(ido,l1,3) real ci2 real ci3 real cr2 real cr3 real di2 real di3 real dr2 real dr3 integer i integer ic integer k real, parameter :: taui = 0.866025403784439E+00 real, parameter :: taur = -0.5E+00 real ti2 real tr2 real wa1(ido) real wa2(ido) ! do k = 1, l1 tr2 = cc(ido,2,k) + cc(ido,2,k) cr2 = cc(1,1,k) + taur * tr2 ch(1,k,1) = cc(1,1,k) + tr2 ci3 = taui * ( cc(1,3,k) + cc(1,3,k) ) ch(1,k,2) = cr2 - ci3 ch(1,k,3) = cr2 + ci3 end do if ( ido == 1 ) then return end if do k = 1, l1 do i = 3, ido, 2 ic = ido + 2 - i tr2 = cc(i-1,3,k) + cc(ic-1,2,k) cr2 = cc(i-1,1,k) + taur * tr2 ch(i-1,k,1) = cc(i-1,1,k) + tr2 ti2 = cc(i,3,k) - cc(ic,2,k) ci2 = cc(i,1,k) + taur * ti2 ch(i,k,1) = cc(i,1,k) + ti2 cr3 = taui * ( cc(i-1,3,k) - cc(ic-1,2,k) ) ci3 = taui * ( cc(i,3,k) + cc(ic,2,k) ) dr2 = cr2 - ci3 dr3 = cr2 + ci3 di2 = ci2 + cr3 di3 = ci2 - cr3 ch(i-1,k,2) = wa1(i-2) * dr2 - wa1(i-1) * di2 ch(i,k,2) = wa1(i-2) * di2 + wa1(i-1) * dr2 ch(i-1,k,3) = wa2(i-2) * dr3 - wa2(i-1) * di3 ch(i,k,3) = wa2(i-2) * di3 + wa2(i-1) * dr3 end do end do return end subroutine radb4 ( ido, l1, cc, ch, wa1, wa2, wa3 ) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! RADB4 is a lower level routine used by RFFTB1. ! ! ! Modified: ! ! 09 March 2001 ! ! Author: ! ! Paul Swarztrauber, ! National Center for Atmospheric Research ! ! Parameters: ! integer ido integer l1 ! real cc(ido,4,l1) real ch(ido,l1,4) real ci2 real ci3 real ci4 real cr2 real cr3 real cr4 integer i integer ic integer k real, parameter :: sqrt2 = 1.414213562373095E+00 real ti1 real ti2 real ti3 real ti4 real tr1 real tr2 real tr3 real tr4 real wa1(ido) real wa2(ido) real wa3(ido) ! do k = 1, l1 tr1 = cc(1,1,k) - cc(ido,4,k) tr2 = cc(1,1,k) + cc(ido,4,k) tr3 = cc(ido,2,k) + cc(ido,2,k) tr4 = cc(1,3,k) + cc(1,3,k) ch(1,k,1) = tr2 + tr3 ch(1,k,2) = tr1 - tr4 ch(1,k,3) = tr2 - tr3 ch(1,k,4) = tr1 + tr4 end do if ( ido < 2 ) then return end if if ( ido > 2 ) then do k = 1, l1 do i = 3, ido, 2 ic = ido + 2 - i ti1 = cc(i,1,k) + cc(ic,4,k) ti2 = cc(i,1,k) - cc(ic,4,k) ti3 = cc(i,3,k) - cc(ic,2,k) tr4 = cc(i,3,k) + cc(ic,2,k) tr1 = cc(i-1,1,k) - cc(ic-1,4,k) tr2 = cc(i-1,1,k) + cc(ic-1,4,k) ti4 = cc(i-1,3,k) - cc(ic-1,2,k) tr3 = cc(i-1,3,k) + cc(ic-1,2,k) ch(i-1,k,1) = tr2 + tr3 cr3 = tr2 - tr3 ch(i,k,1) = ti2 + ti3 ci3 = ti2 - ti3 cr2 = tr1 - tr4 cr4 = tr1 + tr4 ci2 = ti1 + ti4 ci4 = ti1 - ti4 ch(i-1,k,2) = wa1(i-2) * cr2 - wa1(i-1) * ci2 ch(i,k,2) = wa1(i-2) * ci2 + wa1(i-1) * cr2 ch(i-1,k,3) = wa2(i-2) * cr3 - wa2(i-1) * ci3 ch(i,k,3) = wa2(i-2) * ci3 + wa2(i-1) * cr3 ch(i-1,k,4) = wa3(i-2) * cr4 - wa3(i-1) * ci4 ch(i,k,4) = wa3(i-2) * ci4 + wa3(i-1) * cr4 end do end do if ( mod ( ido, 2 ) == 1 ) then return end if end if do k = 1, l1 ti1 = cc(1,2,k) + cc(1,4,k) ti2 = cc(1,4,k) - cc(1,2,k) tr1 = cc(ido,1,k) - cc(ido,3,k) tr2 = cc(ido,1,k) + cc(ido,3,k) ch(ido,k,1) = tr2 + tr2 ch(ido,k,2) = sqrt2 * ( tr1 - ti1 ) ch(ido,k,3) = ti2 + ti2 ch(ido,k,4) = -sqrt2 * ( tr1 + ti1 ) end do return end subroutine radb5 ( ido, l1, cc, ch, wa1, wa2, wa3, wa4 ) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! RADB5 is a lower level routine used by RFFTB1. ! ! ! Modified: ! ! 09 March 2001 ! ! Author: ! ! Paul Swarztrauber, ! National Center for Atmospheric Research ! ! Parameters: ! integer ido integer l1 ! real cc(ido,5,l1) real ch(ido,l1,5) real ci2 real ci3 real ci4 real ci5 real cr2 real cr3 real cr4 real cr5 real di2 real di3 real di4 real di5 real dr2 real dr3 real dr4 real dr5 integer i integer ic integer k real, parameter :: ti11 = 0.951056516295154E+00 real, parameter :: ti12 = 0.587785252292473E+00 real ti2 real ti3 real ti4 real ti5 real, parameter :: tr11 = 0.309016994374947E+00 real, parameter :: tr12 = -0.809016994374947E+00 real tr2 real tr3 real tr4 real tr5 real wa1(ido) real wa2(ido) real wa3(ido) real wa4(ido) ! do k = 1, l1 ti5 = cc(1,3,k) + cc(1,3,k) ti4 = cc(1,5,k) + cc(1,5,k) tr2 = cc(ido,2,k) + cc(ido,2,k) tr3 = cc(ido,4,k) + cc(ido,4,k) ch(1,k,1) = cc(1,1,k) + tr2 + tr3 cr2 = cc(1,1,k) + tr11 * tr2 + tr12 * tr3 cr3 = cc(1,1,k) + tr12 * tr2 + tr11 * tr3 ci5 = ti11 * ti5 + ti12 * ti4 ci4 = ti12 * ti5 - ti11 * ti4 ch(1,k,2) = cr2 - ci5 ch(1,k,3) = cr3 - ci4 ch(1,k,4) = cr3 + ci4 ch(1,k,5) = cr2 + ci5 end do if ( ido == 1 ) then return end if do k = 1, l1 do i = 3, ido, 2 ic = ido + 2 - i ti5 = cc(i,3,k) + cc(ic,2,k) ti2 = cc(i,3,k) - cc(ic,2,k) ti4 = cc(i,5,k) + cc(ic,4,k) ti3 = cc(i,5,k) - cc(ic,4,k) tr5 = cc(i-1,3,k) - cc(ic-1,2,k) tr2 = cc(i-1,3,k) + cc(ic-1,2,k) tr4 = cc(i-1,5,k) - cc(ic-1,4,k) tr3 = cc(i-1,5,k) + cc(ic-1,4,k) ch(i-1,k,1) = cc(i-1,1,k) + tr2 + tr3 ch(i,k,1) = cc(i,1,k) + ti2 + ti3 cr2 = cc(i-1,1,k) + tr11 * tr2 + tr12 * tr3 ci2 = cc(i,1,k) + tr11 * ti2 + tr12 * ti3 cr3 = cc(i-1,1,k) + tr12 * tr2 + tr11 * tr3 ci3 = cc(i,1,k) + tr12 * ti2 + tr11 * ti3 cr5 = ti11 * tr5 + ti12 * tr4 ci5 = ti11 * ti5 + ti12 * ti4 cr4 = ti12 * tr5 - ti11 * tr4 ci4 = ti12 * ti5 - ti11 * ti4 dr3 = cr3 - ci4 dr4 = cr3 + ci4 di3 = ci3 + cr4 di4 = ci3 - cr4 dr5 = cr2 + ci5 dr2 = cr2 - ci5 di5 = ci2 - cr5 di2 = ci2 + cr5 ch(i-1,k,2) = wa1(i-2) * dr2 - wa1(i-1) * di2 ch(i,k,2) = wa1(i-2) * di2 + wa1(i-1) * dr2 ch(i-1,k,3) = wa2(i-2) * dr3 - wa2(i-1) * di3 ch(i,k,3) = wa2(i-2) * di3 + wa2(i-1) * dr3 ch(i-1,k,4) = wa3(i-2) * dr4 - wa3(i-1) * di4 ch(i,k,4) = wa3(i-2) * di4 + wa3(i-1) * dr4 ch(i-1,k,5) = wa4(i-2) * dr5 - wa4(i-1) * di5 ch(i,k,5) = wa4(i-2) * di5 + wa4(i-1) * dr5 end do end do return end subroutine radbg ( ido, ip, l1, idl1, cc, c1, c2, ch, ch2, wa ) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! RADBG is a lower level routine used by RFFTB1. ! ! ! Modified: ! ! 09 March 2001 ! ! Author: ! ! Paul Swarztrauber, ! National Center for Atmospheric Research ! ! Parameters: ! integer idl1 integer ido integer ip integer l1 ! real ai1 real ai2 real ar1 real ar1h real ar2 real ar2h real arg real c1(ido,l1,ip) real c2(idl1,ip) real cc(ido,ip,l1) real ch(ido,l1,ip) real ch2(idl1,ip) real dc2 real dcp real ds2 real dsp integer i integer ic integer idij integer ik integer ipph integer is integer j integer j2 integer jc integer k integer l integer lc integer nbd real pimach real wa(*) ! arg = 2.0E+00 * pimach() / real ( ip ) dcp = cos ( arg ) dsp = sin ( arg ) nbd = ( ido - 1 ) / 2 ipph = ( ip + 1 ) / 2 ch(1:ido,1:l1,1) = cc(1:ido,1,1:l1) do j = 2, ipph jc = ip + 2 - j j2 = j + j ch(1,1:l1,j) = cc(ido,j2-2,1:l1) + cc(ido,j2-2,1:l1) ch(1,1:l1,jc) = cc(1,j2-1,1:l1) + cc(1,j2-1,1:l1) end do if ( ido /= 1 ) then if ( nbd >= l1 ) then do j = 2, ipph jc = ip + 2 - j do k = 1, l1 do i = 3, ido, 2 ic = ido + 2 - i ch(i-1,k,j) = cc(i-1,2*j-1,k) + cc(ic-1,2*j-2,k) ch(i-1,k,jc) = cc(i-1,2*j-1,k) - cc(ic-1,2*j-2,k) ch(i,k,j) = cc(i,2*j-1,k) - cc(ic,2*j-2,k) ch(i,k,jc) = cc(i,2*j-1,k) + cc(ic,2*j-2,k) end do end do end do else do j = 2, ipph jc = ip + 2 - j do i = 3, ido, 2 ic = ido + 2 - i ch(i-1,1:l1,j) = cc(i-1,2*j-1,1:l1) + cc(ic-1,2*j-2,1:l1) ch(i-1,1:l1,jc) = cc(i-1,2*j-1,1:l1) - cc(ic-1,2*j-2,1:l1) ch(i,1:l1,j) = cc(i,2*j-1,1:l1) - cc(ic,2*j-2,1:l1) ch(i,1:l1,jc) = cc(i,2*j-1,1:l1) + cc(ic,2*j-2,1:l1) end do end do end if end if ar1 = 1.0E+00 ai1 = 0.0E+00 do l = 2, ipph lc = ip + 2 - l ar1h = dcp * ar1 - dsp * ai1 ai1 = dcp * ai1 + dsp * ar1 ar1 = ar1h do ik = 1, idl1 c2(ik,l) = ch2(ik,1) + ar1 * ch2(ik,2) c2(ik,lc) = ai1 * ch2(ik,ip) end do dc2 = ar1 ds2 = ai1 ar2 = ar1 ai2 = ai1 do j = 3, ipph jc = ip + 2 - j ar2h = dc2 * ar2 - ds2 * ai2 ai2 = dc2 * ai2 + ds2 * ar2 ar2 = ar2h do ik = 1, idl1 c2(ik,l) = c2(ik,l) + ar2 * ch2(ik,j) c2(ik,lc) = c2(ik,lc) + ai2 * ch2(ik,jc) end do end do end do do j = 2, ipph ch2(1:idl1,1) = ch2(1:idl1,1) + ch2(1:idl1,j) end do do j = 2, ipph jc = ip + 2 - j ch(1,1:l1,j) = c1(1,1:l1,j) - c1(1,1:l1,jc) ch(1,1:l1,jc) = c1(1,1:l1,j) + c1(1,1:l1,jc) end do if ( ido /= 1 ) then if ( nbd >= l1 ) then do j = 2, ipph jc = ip + 2 - j do k = 1, l1 do i = 3, ido, 2 ch(i-1,k,j) = c1(i-1,k,j) - c1(i,k,jc) ch(i-1,k,jc) = c1(i-1,k,j) + c1(i,k,jc) ch(i,k,j) = c1(i,k,j) + c1(i-1,k,jc) ch(i,k,jc) = c1(i,k,j) - c1(i-1,k,jc) end do end do end do else do j = 2, ipph jc = ip + 2 - j do i = 3, ido, 2 ch(i-1,1:l1,j) = c1(i-1,1:l1,j) - c1(i,1:l1,jc) ch(i-1,1:l1,jc) = c1(i-1,1:l1,j) + c1(i,1:l1,jc) ch(i,1:l1,j) = c1(i,1:l1,j) + c1(i-1,1:l1,jc) ch(i,1:l1,jc) = c1(i,1:l1,j) - c1(i-1,1:l1,jc) end do end do end if end if if ( ido == 1 ) then return end if c2(1:idl1,1) = ch2(1:idl1,1) c1(1,1:l1,2:ip) = ch(1,1:l1,2:ip) if ( nbd <= l1 ) then is = -ido do j = 2, ip is = is + ido idij = is do i = 3, ido, 2 idij = idij + 2 c1(i-1,1:l1,j) = wa(idij-1) * ch(i-1,1:l1,j) - wa(idij) * ch(i,1:l1,j) c1(i,1:l1,j) = wa(idij-1) * ch(i,1:l1,j) + wa(idij) * ch(i-1,1:l1,j) end do end do else is = -ido do j = 2, ip is = is + ido do k = 1, l1 idij = is do i = 3, ido, 2 idij = idij + 2 c1(i-1,k,j) = wa(idij-1) * ch(i-1,k,j) - wa(idij) * ch(i,k,j) c1(i,k,j) = wa(idij-1) * ch(i,k,j) + wa(idij) * ch(i-1,k,j) end do end do end do end if return end subroutine radf2 ( ido, l1, cc, ch, wa1 ) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! RADF2 is a lower level routine used by RFFTF1. ! ! ! Modified: ! ! 09 March 2001 ! ! Author: ! ! Paul Swarztrauber, ! National Center for Atmospheric Research ! ! Parameters: ! integer ido integer l1 ! real cc(ido,l1,2) real ch(ido,2,l1) integer i integer ic integer k real ti2 real tr2 real wa1(ido) ! ch(1,1,1:l1) = cc(1,1:l1,1) + cc(1,1:l1,2) ch(ido,2,1:l1) = cc(1,1:l1,1) - cc(1,1:l1,2) if ( ido < 2 ) then return end if if ( ido > 2 ) then do k = 1, l1 do i = 3, ido, 2 ic = ido + 2 - i tr2 = wa1(i-2) * cc(i-1,k,2) + wa1(i-1) * cc(i,k,2) ti2 = wa1(i-2) * cc(i,k,2) - wa1(i-1) * cc(i-1,k,2) ch(i,1,k) = cc(i,k,1) + ti2 ch(ic,2,k) = ti2 - cc(i,k,1) ch(i-1,1,k) = cc(i-1,k,1) + tr2 ch(ic-1,2,k) = cc(i-1,k,1) - tr2 end do end do if ( mod ( ido, 2 ) == 1 ) then return end if end if ch(1,2,1:l1) = -cc(ido,1:l1,2) ch(ido,1,1:l1) = cc(ido,1:l1,1) return end subroutine radf3 ( ido, l1, cc, ch, wa1, wa2 ) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! RADF3 is a lower level routine used by RFFTF1. ! ! ! Modified: ! ! 09 March 2001 ! ! Author: ! ! Paul Swarztrauber, ! National Center for Atmospheric Research ! ! Parameters: ! integer ido integer l1 ! real cc(ido,l1,3) real ch(ido,3,l1) real ci2 real cr2 real di2 real di3 real dr2 real dr3 integer i integer ic integer k real, parameter :: taui = 0.866025403784439E+00 real, parameter :: taur = -0.5E+00 real ti2 real ti3 real tr2 real tr3 real wa1(ido) real wa2(ido) ! do k = 1, l1 cr2 = cc(1,k,2) + cc(1,k,3) ch(1,1,k) = cc(1,k,1) + cr2 ch(1,3,k) = taui * ( cc(1,k,3) - cc(1,k,2) ) ch(ido,2,k) = cc(1,k,1) + taur * cr2 end do if ( ido == 1 ) then return end if do k = 1, l1 do i = 3, ido, 2 ic = ido + 2 - i dr2 = wa1(i-2) * cc(i-1,k,2) + wa1(i-1) * cc(i,k,2) di2 = wa1(i-2) * cc(i,k,2) - wa1(i-1) * cc(i-1,k,2) dr3 = wa2(i-2) * cc(i-1,k,3) + wa2(i-1) * cc(i,k,3) di3 = wa2(i-2) * cc(i,k,3) - wa2(i-1) * cc(i-1,k,3) cr2 = dr2 + dr3 ci2 = di2 + di3 ch(i-1,1,k) = cc(i-1,k,1) + cr2 ch(i,1,k) = cc(i,k,1) + ci2 tr2 = cc(i-1,k,1) + taur * cr2 ti2 = cc(i,k,1) + taur * ci2 tr3 = taui * ( di2 - di3 ) ti3 = taui * ( dr3 - dr2 ) ch(i-1,3,k) = tr2 + tr3 ch(ic-1,2,k) = tr2 - tr3 ch(i,3,k) = ti2 + ti3 ch(ic,2,k) = ti3 - ti2 end do end do return end subroutine radf4 ( ido, l1, cc, ch, wa1, wa2, wa3 ) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! RADF4 is a lower level routine used by RFFTF1. ! ! ! Modified: ! ! 09 March 2001 ! ! Author: ! ! Paul Swarztrauber, ! National Center for Atmospheric Research ! ! Parameters: ! integer ido integer l1 ! real cc(ido,l1,4) real ch(ido,4,l1) real ci2 real ci3 real ci4 real cr2 real cr3 real cr4 real, parameter :: hsqt2 = 0.7071067811865475E+00 integer i integer ic integer k real ti1 real ti2 real ti3 real ti4 real tr1 real tr2 real tr3 real tr4 real wa1(ido) real wa2(ido) real wa3(ido) ! do k = 1, l1 tr1 = cc(1,k,2) + cc(1,k,4) tr2 = cc(1,k,1) + cc(1,k,3) ch(1,1,k) = tr1 + tr2 ch(ido,4,k) = tr2 - tr1 ch(ido,2,k) = cc(1,k,1) - cc(1,k,3) ch(1,3,k) = cc(1,k,4) - cc(1,k,2) end do if ( ido < 2 ) then return end if if ( ido > 2 ) then do k = 1, l1 do i = 3, ido, 2 ic = ido + 2 - i cr2 = wa1(i-2) * cc(i-1,k,2) + wa1(i-1) * cc(i,k,2) ci2 = wa1(i-2) * cc(i,k,2) - wa1(i-1) * cc(i-1,k,2) cr3 = wa2(i-2) * cc(i-1,k,3) + wa2(i-1) * cc(i,k,3) ci3 = wa2(i-2) * cc(i,k,3) - wa2(i-1) * cc(i-1,k,3) cr4 = wa3(i-2) * cc(i-1,k,4) + wa3(i-1) * cc(i,k,4) ci4 = wa3(i-2) * cc(i,k,4) - wa3(i-1) * cc(i-1,k,4) tr1 = cr2+cr4 tr4 = cr4-cr2 ti1 = ci2+ci4 ti4 = ci2-ci4 ti2 = cc(i,k,1) + ci3 ti3 = cc(i,k,1) - ci3 tr2 = cc(i-1,k,1) + cr3 tr3 = cc(i-1,k,1) - cr3 ch(i-1,1,k) = tr1 + tr2 ch(ic-1,4,k) = tr2 - tr1 ch(i,1,k) = ti1 + ti2 ch(ic,4,k) = ti1 - ti2 ch(i-1,3,k) = ti4 + tr3 ch(ic-1,2,k) = tr3 - ti4 ch(i,3,k) = tr4 + ti3 ch(ic,2,k) = tr4 - ti3 end do end do if ( mod ( ido, 2 ) == 1 ) then return end if end if do k = 1, l1 ti1 = -hsqt2 * ( cc(ido,k,2) + cc(ido,k,4) ) tr1 = hsqt2 * ( cc(ido,k,2) - cc(ido,k,4) ) ch(ido,1,k) = tr1 + cc(ido,k,1) ch(ido,3,k) = cc(ido,k,1) - tr1 ch(1,2,k) = ti1 - cc(ido,k,3) ch(1,4,k) = ti1 + cc(ido,k,3) end do return end subroutine radf5 ( ido, l1, cc, ch, wa1, wa2, wa3, wa4 ) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! RADF5 is a lower level routine used by RFFTF1. ! ! ! Modified: ! ! 09 March 2001 ! ! Author: ! ! Paul Swarztrauber, ! National Center for Atmospheric Research ! ! Parameters: ! integer ido integer l1 ! real cc(ido,l1,5) real ch(ido,5,l1) real ci2 real ci3 real ci4 real ci5 real cr2 real cr3 real cr4 real cr5 real di2 real di3 real di4 real di5 real dr2 real dr3 real dr4 real dr5 integer i integer ic integer k real, parameter :: ti11 = 0.951056516295154E+00 real, parameter :: ti12 = 0.587785252292473E+00 real ti2 real ti3 real ti4 real ti5 real, parameter :: tr11 = 0.309016994374947E+00 real, parameter :: tr12 = -0.809016994374947E+00 real tr2 real tr3 real tr4 real tr5 real wa1(ido) real wa2(ido) real wa3(ido) real wa4(ido) ! do k = 1, l1 cr2 = cc(1,k,5) + cc(1,k,2) ci5 = cc(1,k,5) - cc(1,k,2) cr3 = cc(1,k,4) + cc(1,k,3) ci4 = cc(1,k,4) - cc(1,k,3) ch(1,1,k) = cc(1,k,1) + cr2 + cr3 ch(ido,2,k) = cc(1,k,1) + tr11 * cr2 + tr12 * cr3 ch(1,3,k) = ti11 * ci5 + ti12 * ci4 ch(ido,4,k) = cc(1,k,1) + tr12 * cr2 + tr11 * cr3 ch(1,5,k) = ti12 * ci5 - ti11 * ci4 end do if ( ido == 1 ) then return end if do k = 1, l1 do i = 3, ido, 2 ic = ido + 2 - i dr2 = wa1(i-2) * cc(i-1,k,2) + wa1(i-1) * cc(i,k,2) di2 = wa1(i-2) * cc(i,k,2) - wa1(i-1) * cc(i-1,k,2) dr3 = wa2(i-2) * cc(i-1,k,3) + wa2(i-1) * cc(i,k,3) di3 = wa2(i-2) * cc(i,k,3) - wa2(i-1) * cc(i-1,k,3) dr4 = wa3(i-2) * cc(i-1,k,4) + wa3(i-1) * cc(i,k,4) di4 = wa3(i-2) * cc(i,k,4) - wa3(i-1) * cc(i-1,k,4) dr5 = wa4(i-2) * cc(i-1,k,5) + wa4(i-1) * cc(i,k,5) di5 = wa4(i-2) * cc(i,k,5) - wa4(i-1) * cc(i-1,k,5) cr2 = dr2 + dr5 ci5 = dr5 - dr2 cr5 = di2 - di5 ci2 = di2 + di5 cr3 = dr3 + dr4 ci4 = dr4 - dr3 cr4 = di3 - di4 ci3 = di3 + di4 ch(i-1,1,k) = cc(i-1,k,1) + cr2 + cr3 ch(i,1,k) = cc(i,k,1) + ci2 + ci3 tr2 = cc(i-1,k,1) + tr11 * cr2 + tr12 * cr3 ti2 = cc(i,k,1) + tr11 * ci2 + tr12 * ci3 tr3 = cc(i-1,k,1) + tr12 * cr2 + tr11 * cr3 ti3 = cc(i,k,1) + tr12 * ci2 + tr11 * ci3 tr5 = ti11 * cr5 + ti12 * cr4 ti5 = ti11 * ci5 + ti12 * ci4 tr4 = ti12 * cr5 - ti11 * cr4 ti4 = ti12 * ci5 - ti11 * ci4 ch(i-1,3,k) = tr2 + tr5 ch(ic-1,2,k) = tr2 - tr5 ch(i,3,k) = ti2 + ti5 ch(ic,2,k) = ti5 - ti2 ch(i-1,5,k) = tr3 + tr4 ch(ic-1,4,k) = tr3 - tr4 ch(i,5,k) = ti3 + ti4 ch(ic,4,k) = ti4 - ti3 end do end do return end subroutine radfg ( ido, ip, l1, idl1, cc, c1, c2, ch, ch2, wa ) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! RADFG is a lower level routine used by RFFTF1. ! ! ! Modified: ! ! 09 March 2001 ! ! Author: ! ! Paul Swarztrauber, ! National Center for Atmospheric Research ! ! Parameters: ! integer idl1 integer ido integer ip integer l1 ! real ai1 real ai2 real ar1 real ar1h real ar2 real ar2h real arg real c1(ido,l1,ip) real c2(idl1,ip) real cc(ido,ip,l1) real ch(ido,l1,ip) real ch2(idl1,ip) real dc2 real dcp real ds2 real dsp integer i integer ic integer idij integer ik integer ipph integer is integer j integer j2 integer jc integer k integer l integer lc integer nbd real pimach real wa(*) ! arg = 2.0E+00 * pimach() / real ( ip ) dcp = cos ( arg ) dsp = sin ( arg ) ipph = ( ip + 1 ) / 2 nbd = ( ido - 1 ) / 2 if ( ido == 1 ) then c2(1:idl1,1) = ch2(1:idl1,1) else ch2(1:idl1,1) = c2(1:idl1,1) ch(1,1:l1,2:ip) = c1(1,1:l1,2:ip) if ( nbd <= l1 ) then is = -ido do j = 2, ip is = is + ido idij = is do i = 3, ido, 2 idij = idij + 2 do k = 1, l1 ch(i-1,k,j) = wa(idij-1) * c1(i-1,k,j) + wa(idij) * c1(i,k,j) ch(i,k,j) = wa(idij-1) * c1(i,k,j) - wa(idij) * c1(i-1,k,j) end do end do end do else is = -ido do j = 2, ip is = is + ido do k = 1, l1 idij = is do i = 3, ido, 2 idij = idij + 2 ch(i-1,k,j) = wa(idij-1) * c1(i-1,k,j) + wa(idij) * c1(i,k,j) ch(i,k,j) = wa(idij-1) * c1(i,k,j) - wa(idij) * c1(i-1,k,j) end do end do end do end if if ( nbd >= l1 ) then do j = 2, ipph jc = ip + 2 - j do k = 1, l1 do i = 3, ido, 2 c1(i-1,k,j) = ch(i-1,k,j) + ch(i-1,k,jc) c1(i-1,k,jc) = ch(i,k,j) - ch(i,k,jc) c1(i,k,j) = ch(i,k,j) + ch(i,k,jc) c1(i,k,jc) = ch(i-1,k,jc) - ch(i-1,k,j) end do end do end do else do j = 2, ipph jc = ip + 2 - j do i = 3, ido, 2 c1(i-1,1:l1,j) = ch(i-1,1:l1,j) + ch(i-1,1:l1,jc) c1(i-1,1:l1,jc) = ch(i,1:l1,j) - ch(i,1:l1,jc) c1(i,1:l1,j) = ch(i,1:l1,j) + ch(i,1:l1,jc) c1(i,1:l1,jc) = ch(i-1,1:l1,jc) - ch(i-1,1:l1,j) end do end do end if end if do j = 2, ipph jc = ip + 2 - j c1(1,1:l1,j) = ch(1,1:l1,j) + ch(1,1:l1,jc) c1(1,1:l1,jc) = ch(1,1:l1,jc) - ch(1,1:l1,j) end do ar1 = 1.0E+00 ai1 = 0.0E+00 do l = 2, ipph lc = ip + 2 - l ar1h = dcp * ar1 - dsp * ai1 ai1 = dcp * ai1 + dsp * ar1 ar1 = ar1h do ik = 1, idl1 ch2(ik,l) = c2(ik,1) + ar1 * c2(ik,2) ch2(ik,lc) = ai1 * c2(ik,ip) end do dc2 = ar1 ds2 = ai1 ar2 = ar1 ai2 = ai1 do j = 3, ipph jc = ip + 2 - j ar2h = dc2 * ar2 - ds2 * ai2 ai2 = dc2 * ai2 + ds2 * ar2 ar2 = ar2h do ik = 1, idl1 ch2(ik,l) = ch2(ik,l) + ar2 * c2(ik,j) ch2(ik,lc) = ch2(ik,lc) + ai2 * c2(ik,jc) end do end do end do do j = 2, ipph ch2(1:idl1,1) = ch2(1:idl1,1) + c2(1:idl1,j) end do cc(1:ido,1,1:l1) = ch(1:ido,1:l1,1) do j = 2, ipph jc = ip + 2 - j j2 = j + j cc(ido,j2-2,1:l1) = ch(1,1:l1,j) cc(1,j2-1,1:l1) = ch(1,1:l1,jc) end do if ( ido == 1 ) then return end if if ( nbd >= l1 ) then do j = 2, ipph jc = ip + 2 - j j2 = j + j do k = 1, l1 do i = 3, ido, 2 ic = ido + 2 - i cc(i-1,j2-1,k) = ch(i-1,k,j) + ch(i-1,k,jc) cc(ic-1,j2-2,k) = ch(i-1,k,j) - ch(i-1,k,jc) cc(i,j2-1,k) = ch(i,k,j) + ch(i,k,jc) cc(ic,j2-2,k) = ch(i,k,jc) - ch(i,k,j) end do end do end do else do j = 2, ipph jc = ip + 2 - j j2 = j + j do i = 3, ido, 2 ic = ido + 2 - i cc(i-1,j2-1,1:l1) = ch(i-1,1:l1,j) + ch(i-1,1:l1,jc) cc(ic-1,j2-2,1:l1) = ch(i-1,1:l1,j) - ch(i-1,1:l1,jc) cc(i,j2-1,1:l1) = ch(i,1:l1,j) + ch(i,1:l1,jc) cc(ic,j2-2,1:l1) = ch(i,1:l1,jc) - ch(i,1:l1,j) end do end do end if return end subroutine random_initialize ( seed ) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! RANDOM_INITIALIZE initializes the FORTRAN 90 random number seed. ! ! ! Discussion: ! ! If you don't initialize the random number generator, its behavior ! is not specified. If you initialize it simply by: ! ! call random_seed ! ! its behavior is not specified. On the DEC ALPHA, if that's all you ! do, the same random number sequence is returned. In order to actually ! try to scramble up the random number generator a bit, this routine ! goes through the tedious process of getting the size of the random ! number seed, making up values based on the current time, and setting ! the random number seed. ! ! And this is the FORTRAN 90 people's idea of convenience? ! ! And I still get poorly randomized values, somehow, having to do ! with a bad seed, or something. I am about ready to go back to ! using my own damn routine! ! ! Modified: ! ! 06 February 2001 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Output, integer SEED, a seed value. ! integer date_time(8) integer i integer seed integer, allocatable :: seed_vector(:) integer seed_size real t integer value ! ! Initialize the random number seed. ! call random_seed ! ! Determine the size of the random number seed. ! call random_seed ( size = seed_size ) ! ! Allocate a seed of the right size. ! allocate ( seed_vector(seed_size) ) seed_vector(:) = 0. ! ! Get the current date and time. ! call date_and_time ( values = date_time ) ! ! Construct a slightly random value. ! seed = 0 do i = 1, 8 seed = ieor ( seed, date_time(i) ) end do ! ! Make slightly random assignments to SEED_VECTOR. ! do i = 1, seed_size seed_vector(i) = ieor ( seed, i ) end do ! ! Set the random number seed value. ! call random_seed ( put = seed_vector(1:seed_size) ) ! ! Free up the seed space. ! deallocate ( seed_vector ) ! ! Because EVEN THIS DOESN'T SEEM TO PROPERLY MIX UP THE RANDOM ! NUMBERS, call the random number routine a bunch of times. ! do i = 1, 100 call random_number ( harvest = t ) end do ! ! I STILL GET LOUSY RESULTS. THE HELL WITH IT! ! return end subroutine result(nr,n,x,f,g,a,p,itncnt,iflg,ipr) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! RESULT prints information about the optimization process. ! ! ! Parameters: ! ! nr --> row dimension of matrix ! n --> dimension of problem ! x(n) --> iterate x[k] ! f --> function value at x[k] ! g(n) --> gradient at x[k] ! a(n,n) --> hessian at x[k] ! p(n) --> step taken ! itncnt --> iteration number k ! iflg --> flag controlling info to print ! ipr --> device to which to send output ! integer n integer nr ! real a(nr,n) real f real g(n) integer i integer iflg integer ipr integer itncnt integer j real p(n) real x(n) ! write ( ipr, 903 ) itncnt if ( iflg /= 0 ) then write ( ipr, * ) ' result step' write ( ipr,905) p(1:n) end if write ( ipr, * ) ' result x(k)' write ( ipr, 905) x(1:n) write ( ipr, * ) ' result function at x(k)' write ( ipr, 905) f write ( ipr, * ) ' result gradient at x(k)' write ( ipr, 905) g(1:n) if ( iflg /= 0 ) then write ( ipr, * ) ' result hessian at x(k)' do i = 1, n write ( ipr, 900) i write ( ipr, 902) (a(i,j),j=1,i) end do end if return 900 format(' result row',i5) 902 format(' result ',5(2x,e20.13)) 903 format(/'0result iterate k=',i5) 905 format(' result ',5(2x,e20.13) ) end subroutine rfftb ( n, r, wsave ) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! RFFTB computes a real periodic sequence from its Fourier coefficients. ! ! ! Discussion: ! ! This process is sometimes called Fourier synthesis. ! ! The transform is unnormalized. A call to RFFTF followed by a call to ! RFFTB will multiply the input sequence by N. ! ! If N is even, the transform is defined by: ! ! R_out(I) = R_in(1) + (-1)**(I-1) * R_in(N) + sum ( 2 <= K <= N/2 ) ! ! + 2 * R_in(2*K-2) * cos ( ( K - 1 ) * ( I - 1 ) * 2 * PI / N ) ! ! - 2 * R_in(2*K-1) * sin ( ( K - 1 ) * ( I - 1 ) * 2 * PI / N ) ! ! If N is odd, the transform is defined by: ! ! R_out(I) = R_in(1) + sum ( 2 <= K <= (N+1)/2 ) ! ! + 2 * R_in(2*K-2) * cos ( ( K - 1 ) * ( I - 1 ) * 2 * PI / N ) ! ! - 2 * R_in(2*K-1) * sin ( ( K - 1 ) * ( I - 1 ) * 2 * PI / N ) ! ! Modified: ! ! 09 March 2001 ! ! Author: ! ! Paul Swarztrauber, ! National Center for Atmospheric Research ! ! Reference: ! ! David Kahaner, Clever Moler, Steven Nash, ! Numerical Methods and Software, ! Prentice Hall, 1988. ! ! P N Swarztrauber, ! Vectorizing the FFT's, ! in Parallel Computations (G. Rodrigue, editor), ! Academic Press, 1982, pages 51-83. ! ! B L Buzbee, ! The SLATEC Common Math Library, ! in Sources and Development of Mathematical Software (W. Cowell, editor), ! Prentice Hall, 1984, pages 302-318. ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, integer N, the length of the array to be transformed. The ! method is more efficient when N is the product of small primes. ! ! Input/output, real R(N). ! On input, the sequence to be transformed. ! On output, the transformed sequence. ! ! Input, real WSAVE(2*N+15), a work array. The WSAVE array must be ! initialized by calling RFFTI. A different WSAVE array must be used ! for each different value of N. ! integer n ! real r(n) real wsave(2*n+15) ! if ( n <= 1 ) then return end if call rfftb1 ( n, r, wsave(1), wsave(n+1), wsave(2*n+1) ) return end subroutine rfftb1 ( n, c, ch, wa, ifac ) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! RFFTB1 is a lower level routine used by RFFTB. ! ! ! Modified: ! ! 09 March 2001 ! ! Author: ! ! Paul Swarztrauber, ! National Center for Atmospheric Research ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, integer N, the length of the array to be transformed. ! ! Input/output, real C(N). ! On input, the sequence to be transformed. ! On output, the transformed sequence. ! ! Input, real CH(N). ! ! Input, real WA(N). ! ! Input, integer IFAC(15). ! IFAC(1) = N, the number that was factored. ! IFAC(2) = NF, the number of factors. ! IFAC(3:2+NF), the factors. ! integer n ! real c(n) real ch(n) integer idl1 integer ido integer ifac(15) integer ip integer iw integer ix2 integer ix3 integer ix4 integer k1 integer l1 integer l2 integer na integer nf real wa(n) ! nf = ifac(2) na = 0 l1 = 1 iw = 1 do k1 = 1, nf ip = ifac(k1+2) l2 = ip * l1 ido = n / l2 idl1 = ido * l1 if ( ip == 4 ) then ix2 = iw + ido ix3 = ix2 + ido if ( na == 0 ) then call radb4 ( ido, l1, c, ch, wa(iw), wa(ix2), wa(ix3) ) else call radb4 ( ido, l1, ch, c, wa(iw), wa(ix2), wa(ix3) ) end if na = 1 - na else if ( ip == 2 ) then if ( na == 0 ) then call radb2 ( ido, l1, c, ch, wa(iw) ) else call radb2 ( ido, l1, ch, c, wa(iw) ) end if na = 1 - na else if ( ip == 3 ) then ix2 = iw + ido if ( na == 0 ) then call radb3 ( ido, l1, c, ch, wa(iw), wa(ix2) ) else call radb3 ( ido, l1, ch, c, wa(iw), wa(ix2) ) end if na = 1 - na else if ( ip == 5 ) then ix2 = iw + ido ix3 = ix2 + ido ix4 = ix3 + ido if ( na == 0 ) then call radb5 ( ido, l1, c, ch, wa(iw), wa(ix2), wa(ix3), wa(ix4) ) else call radb5 ( ido, l1, ch, c, wa(iw), wa(ix2), wa(ix3), wa(ix4) ) end if na = 1 - na else if ( na == 0 ) then call radbg ( ido, ip, l1, idl1, c, c, c, ch, ch, wa(iw) ) else call radbg ( ido, ip, l1, idl1, ch, ch, ch, c, c, wa(iw) ) end if if ( ido == 1 ) then na = 1 - na end if end if l1 = l2 iw = iw + ( ip - 1 ) * ido end do if ( na /= 0 ) then c(1:n) = ch(1:n) end if return end subroutine rfftf ( n, r, wsave ) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! RFFTF computes the Fourier coefficients of a real periodic sequence. ! ! ! Discussion: ! ! This process is sometimes called Fourier analysis. ! ! The transform is unnormalized. A call to RFFTF followed by a call ! to RFFTB will multiply the input sequence by N. ! ! The transform is defined by: ! ! R_out(1) = sum ( 1 <= I <= N ) R_in(I) ! ! Letting L = (N+1)/2, then for K = 2,...,L ! ! R_out(2*K-2) = sum ( 1 <= I <= N ) ! ! R_in(I) * cos ( ( K - 1 ) * ( I - 1 ) * 2 * PI / N ) ! ! R_out(2*K-1) = sum ( 1 <= I <= N ) ! ! -R_in(I) * sin ( ( K - 1 ) * ( I - 1 ) * 2 * PI / N ) ! ! And, if N is even, then: ! ! R_out(N) = sum ( 1 <= I <= N ) (-1)**(I-1) * R_in(I) ! ! Modified: ! ! 09 March 2001 ! ! Author: ! ! Paul Swarztrauber, ! National Center for Atmospheric Research ! ! Reference: ! ! David Kahaner, Clever Moler, Steven Nash, ! Numerical Methods and Software, ! Prentice Hall, 1988. ! ! P N Swarztrauber, ! Vectorizing the FFT's, ! in Parallel Computations (G. Rodrigue, editor), ! Academic Press, 1982, pages 51-83. ! ! B L Buzbee, ! The SLATEC Common Math Library, ! in Sources and Development of Mathematical Software (W. Cowell, editor), ! Prentice Hall, 1984, pages 302-318. ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, integer N, the length of the array to be transformed. The ! method is more efficient when N is the product of small primes. ! ! Input/output, real R(N). ! On input, the sequence to be transformed. ! On output, the transformed sequence. ! ! Input, real WSAVE(2*N+15), a work array. The WSAVE array must be ! initialized by calling RFFTI. A different WSAVE array must be used ! for each different value of N. ! integer n ! real r(n) real wsave(2*n+15) ! if ( n <= 1 ) then return end if call rfftf1 ( n, r, wsave(1), wsave(n+1), wsave(2*n+1) ) return end subroutine rfftf1 ( n, c, ch, wa, ifac ) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! RFFTF1 is a lower level routine used by RFFTF and SINT. ! ! ! Modified: ! ! 12 March 2001 ! ! Author: ! ! Paul Swarztrauber, ! National Center for Atmospheric Research ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, integer N, the length of the array to be transformed. ! ! Input/output, real C(N). ! On input, the sequence to be transformed. ! On output, the transformed sequence. ! ! Input, real CH(N). ! ! Input, real WA(N). ! ! Input, integer IFAC(15). ! IFAC(1) = N, the number that was factored. ! IFAC(2) = NF, the number of factors. ! IFAC(3:2+NF), the factors. ! integer n ! real c(n) real ch(n) integer idl1 integer ido integer ifac(15) integer ip integer iw integer ix2 integer ix3 integer ix4 integer k1 integer kh integer l1 integer l2 integer na integer nf real wa(n) ! nf = ifac(2) na = 1 l2 = n iw = n do k1 = 1, nf kh = nf - k1 ip = ifac(kh+3) l1 = l2 / ip ido = n / l2 idl1 = ido * l1 iw = iw - ( ip - 1 ) * ido na = 1 - na if ( ip == 4 ) then ix2 = iw + ido ix3 = ix2 + ido if ( na == 0 ) then call radf4 ( ido, l1, c, ch, wa(iw), wa(ix2), wa(ix3) ) else call radf4 ( ido, l1, ch, c, wa(iw), wa(ix2), wa(ix3) ) end if else if ( ip == 2 ) then if ( na == 0 ) then call radf2 ( ido, l1, c, ch, wa(iw) ) else call radf2 ( ido, l1, ch, c, wa(iw) ) end if else if ( ip == 3 ) then ix2 = iw + ido if ( na == 0 ) then call radf3 ( ido, l1, c, ch, wa(iw), wa(ix2) ) else call radf3 ( ido, l1, ch, c, wa(iw), wa(ix2) ) end if else if ( ip == 5 ) then ix2 = iw + ido ix3 = ix2 + ido ix4 = ix3 + ido if ( na == 0 ) then call radf5 ( ido, l1, c, ch, wa(iw), wa(ix2), wa(ix3), wa(ix4) ) else call radf5 ( ido, l1, ch, c, wa(iw), wa(ix2), wa(ix3), wa(ix4) ) end if else if ( ido == 1 ) then na = 1 - na end if if ( na == 0 ) then call radfg ( ido, ip, l1, idl1, c, c, c, ch, ch, wa(iw) ) na = 1 else call radfg ( ido, ip, l1, idl1, ch, ch, ch, c, c, wa(iw) ) na = 0 end if end if l2 = l1 end do if ( na /= 1 ) then c(1:n) = ch(1:n) end if return end subroutine rffti ( n, wsave ) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! RFFTI initializes WSAVE, used in RFFTF and RFFTB. ! ! ! Discussion: ! ! The prime factorization of N together with a tabulation of the ! trigonometric functions are computed and stored in WSAVE. ! ! Modified: ! ! 09 March 2001 ! ! Author: ! ! Paul Swarztrauber, ! National Center for Atmospheric Research ! ! Reference: ! ! David Kahaner, Clever Moler, Steven Nash, ! Numerical Methods and Software, ! Prentice Hall, 1988. ! ! P N Swarztrauber, ! Vectorizing the FFT's, ! in Parallel Computations (G. Rodrigue, editor), ! Academic Press, 1982, pages 51-83. ! ! B L Buzbee, ! The SLATEC Common Math Library, ! in Sources and Development of Mathematical Software (W. Cowell, editor), ! Prentice Hall, 1984, pages 302-318. ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, integer N, the length of the sequence to be transformed. ! ! Output, real WSAVE(2*N+15), contains data, dependent on the value ! of N, which is necessary for the RFFTF and RFFTB routines. ! integer n ! real wsave(2*n+15) ! if ( n <= 1 ) then return end if call rffti1 ( n, wsave(n+1), wsave(2*n+1) ) return end subroutine rffti1 ( n, wa, ifac ) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! RFFTI1 is a lower level routine used by RFFTI. ! ! ! Modified: ! ! 09 March 2001 ! ! Author: ! ! Paul Swarztrauber, ! National Center for Atmospheric Research ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, integer N, the length of the sequence to be transformed. ! ! Input, real WA(N). ! ! Input, integer IFAC(15). ! IFAC(1) = N, the number that was factored. ! IFAC(2) = NF, the number of factors. ! IFAC(3:2+NF), the factors. ! integer n ! real arg real argh real argld real fi integer i integer ib integer ido integer ifac(15) integer ii integer ip integer is integer j integer k1 integer l1 integer l2 integer ld integer nf real pimach real wa(n) ! call i_factor ( n, ifac ) nf = ifac(2) argh = 2.0E+00 * pimach() / real ( n ) is = 0 l1 = 1 do k1 = 1, nf-1 ip = ifac(k1+2) ld = 0 l2 = l1 * ip ido = n / l2 do j = 1, ip-1 ld = ld + l1 i = is argld = real ( ld ) * argh fi = 0.0E+00 do ii = 3, ido, 2 i = i + 2 fi = fi + 1.0E+00 arg = fi * argld wa(i-1) = cos ( arg ) wa(i) = sin ( arg ) end do is = is + ido end do l1 = l2 end do return end function rnor ( ) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! RNOR generates normal random numbers. ! ! ! Description: ! ! RNOR generates normal random numbers with zero mean and ! unit standard deviation, often denoted n(0,1). ! ! Reference: ! ! David Kahaner, Clever Moler, Steven Nash, ! Numerical Methods and Software, ! Prentice Hall, 1988. ! ! Marsaglia and Tsang, ! A fast, easily implemented method for sampling from decreasing or ! symmetric unimodal density functions, ! SIAM Journal of Scientific and Statistical Computing, 1983. ! ! use ! first time.... ! z = rstart(iseed) ! here iseed is any n o n - z e r o integer. ! this causes initialization of the program. ! rstart returns a real (single precision) echo of iseed. ! ! subsequent times... ! z = rnor() ! causes the next real (single precision) random number ! to be returned as z. ! ! typical usage ! ! real rstart,rnor,z ! integer iseed,i ! iseed = 305 ! z = rstart(iseed) ! do i = 1,10 ! z = rnor() ! write(*,*) z ! end do ! end ! ! real, parameter :: aa = 12.37586 real, parameter :: b = 0.4878992 real, parameter :: c = 12.67706 real, save :: c1 = 0.9689279 real, save :: c2 = 1.301198 integer ia integer ib integer ic integer id integer, save :: ii = 17 integer iii integer iseed integer j integer, save :: jj = 5 integer jjj real, save :: pc = 0.01958303 real rnor real rstart real s real t real, save, dimension ( 17 ) :: u real un real v(65) real vni real x real, save :: xn = 2.776994 real y ! data v/ .3409450, .4573146, .5397793, .6062427, .6631691 & , .7136975, .7596125, .8020356, .8417227, .8792102, .9148948 & , .9490791, .9820005, 1.0138492, 1.0447810, 1.0749254, 1.1043917 & ,1.1332738, 1.1616530, 1.1896010, 1.2171815, 1.2444516, 1.2714635 & ,1.2982650, 1.3249008, 1.3514125, 1.3778399, 1.4042211, 1.4305929 & ,1.4569915, 1.4834526, 1.5100121, 1.5367061, 1.5635712, 1.5906454 & ,1.6179680, 1.6455802, 1.6735255, 1.7018503, 1.7306045, 1.7598422 & ,1.7896223, 1.8200099, 1.8510770, 1.8829044, 1.9155830, 1.9492166 & ,1.9839239, 2.0198430, 2.0571356, 2.0959930, 2.1366450, 2.1793713 & ,2.2245175, 2.2725185, 2.3239338, 2.3795007, 2.4402218, 2.5075117 & ,2.5834658, 2.6713916, 2.7769943, 2.7769943, 2.7769943, 2.7769943/ ! ! Load data array in case user forgets to initialize. ! This array is the result of calling uni 100000 times with seed 305. ! data u/ & 0.8668672834288, 0.3697986366357, 0.8008968294805, & 0.4173889774680, 0.8254561579836, 0.9640965269077, & 0.4508667414265, 0.6451309529668, 0.1645456024730, & 0.2787901807898, 0.06761531340295, 0.9663226330820, & 0.01963343943798, 0.02947398211399, 0.1636231515294, & 0.3976343250467, 0.2631008574685/ ! ! fast part... ! ! basic generator is fibonacci ! un = u(ii)-u(jj) if ( un<0.0) un = un+1. u(ii) = un ! ! u(ii) and un are uniform on [0,1) ! vni is uniform on [-1,1) ! vni = un + un -1. ii = ii-1 if ( ii==0)ii = 17 jj = jj-1 if ( jj==0)jj = 17 ! int(un(ii)*128) in range [0,127], j is in range [1,64] j = mod(int(u(ii)*128),64)+1 ! ! pick sign as vni is positive or negative ! rnor = vni*v(j+1) if ( abs(rnor)<=v(j))return ! ! slow part; aa is a*f(0) ! x = (abs(rnor)-v(j))/(v(j+1)-v(j)) ! ! y is uniform on [0,1) ! y = u(ii)-u(jj) if ( y<0.0) y = y+1. u(ii) = y ii = ii-1 if ( ii==0)ii = 17 jj = jj-1 if ( jj==0)jj = 17 s = x+y if ( s>c2)go to 11 if ( s<=c1)return if ( y>c-aa*exp(-.5*(b-b*x)**2))go to 11 if ( exp(-.5*v(j+1)**2)+y*pc/v(j+1)<=exp(-.5*rnor**2))return ! ! tail part; .3601016 is 1./xn ! y is uniform on [0,1) ! 22 y = u(ii)-u(jj) if ( y<=0.0) y = y+1. u(ii) = y ii = ii-1 if ( ii==0)ii = 17 jj = jj-1 if ( jj==0)jj = 17 x = 0.3601016*log(y) ! ! y is uniform on [0,1) ! y = u(ii)-u(jj) if ( y<=0.0) y = y+1. u(ii) = y ii = ii-1 if ( ii==0)ii = 17 jj = jj-1 if ( jj==0)jj = 17 if ( -2.*log(y)<=x**2 )go to 22 rnor = sign(xn-x,rnor) return 11 rnor = sign(b-b*x,rnor) return ! ! fill ! entry rstart(iseed) if ( iseed/=0) then ! ! generate random bit pattern in array based on given seed ! ii = 17 jj = 5 ia = mod(abs(iseed),32707) ib = 1111 ic = 1947 do iii = 1,17 s = 0.0E+00 t = .50 ! ! do for each of the bits of mantissa of word ! loop over 64 bits, enough for all known machines ! in single precision ! do jjj = 1,64 id = ic-ia if ( id < 0 ) then id = id+32707 s = s+t end if ia = ib ib = ic ic = id t = .5*t end do u(iii) = s end do end if ! ! return floating echo of iseed. ! rstart = iseed return end subroutine rsftb ( n, r, azero, a, b ) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! RSFTB computes a "slow" backward Fourier transform of real data. ! ! ! Modified: ! ! 13 March 2001 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, integer N, the number of data values. ! ! Output, real R(N), the reconstructed data sequence. ! ! Input, real AZERO, the constant Fourier coefficient. ! ! Input, real A(N/2), B(N/2), the Fourier coefficients. ! integer n ! real a(n/2) real azero real b(n/2) integer i integer k real, parameter :: pi = 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510E+00 real r(n) real theta ! r(1:n) = azero do i = 1, n do k = 1, n/2 theta = real ( k * ( i - 1 ) * 2 ) * pi / real ( n ) r(i) = r(i) + a(k) * cos ( theta ) + b(k) * sin ( theta ) end do end do return end subroutine rsftf ( n, r, azero, a, b ) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! RSFTF computes a "slow" forward Fourier transform of real data. ! ! ! Modified: ! ! 13 March 2001 ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, integer N, the number of data values. ! ! Input, real R(N), the data to be transformed. ! ! Output, real AZERO, = sum ( 1 <= I <= N ) R(I) / N. ! ! Output, real A(N/2), B(N/2), the Fourier coefficients. ! integer n ! real a(1:n/2) real azero real b(1:n/2) integer i integer j real, parameter :: pi = 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510E+00 real r(n) real theta ! azero = sum ( r(1:n) ) / real ( n ) do i = 1, n / 2 a(i) = 0.0E+00 b(i) = 0.0E+00 do j = 1, n theta = real ( 2 * i * ( j - 1 ) ) * pi / real ( n ) a(i) = a(i) + r(j) * cos ( theta ) b(i) = b(i) + r(j) * sin ( theta ) end do a(i) = a(i) / real ( n ) b(i) = b(i) / real ( n ) if ( i /= ( n / 2 ) ) then a(i) = 2.0E+00 * a(i) b(i) = 2.0E+00 * b(i) end if end do return end function runge ( x ) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! RUNGE evaluates Runge's function. ! ! ! Modified: ! ! 11 November 1999 ! ! Formula: ! ! RUNGE(X) = 1 / ( 1 + 25 * X**2 ) ! ! Discussion: ! ! Runge's function is a common test case for interpolation ! and approximation, over the interval [-1,1]. ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, real X, the argument of Runge's function. ! ! Output, real RUNGE, the value of Runge's function. ! real runge real x ! runge = 1.0E+00 / ( 1.0E+00 + 25.0E+00 * x**2 ) return end subroutine rvec_random ( alo, ahi, n, a ) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! RVEC_RANDOM returns a random real vector in a given range. ! ! ! Modified: ! ! 04 February 2001 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, real ALO, AHI, the range allowed for the entries. ! ! Input, integer N, the number of entries in the vector. ! ! Output, real A(N), the vector of randomly chosen values. ! integer n ! real a(n) real ahi real alo integer i ! do i = 1, n call r_random ( alo, ahi, a(i) ) end do return end subroutine rvec_reverse ( n, a ) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! RVEC_REVERSE reverses the elements of a real vector. ! ! ! Example: ! ! Input: ! ! N = 5, A = ( 11.0, 12.0, 13.0, 14.0, 15.0 ). ! ! Output: ! ! A = ( 15.0, 14.0, 13.0, 12.0, 11.0 ). ! ! Modified: ! ! 06 October 1998 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, integer N, the number of entries in the array. ! ! Input/output, real A(N), the array to be reversed. ! integer n ! real a(n) integer i ! do i = 1, n/2 call r_swap ( a(i), a(n+1-i) ) end do return end function samax ( n, x, incx ) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! SAMAX returns the maximum absolute value of the entries in a vector. ! ! ! Modified: ! ! 08 April 1999 ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, integer N, the number of entries in the vector. ! ! Input, real X(*), the vector to be examined. ! ! Input, integer INCX, the increment between successive entries of X. ! ! Output, real SAMAX, the maximum absolute value of an element of X. ! integer i integer incx integer ix integer n real samax real x(*) ! if ( n <= 0 ) then samax = 0.0E+00 else if ( n == 1 ) then samax = abs ( x(1) ) else if ( incx == 1 ) then samax = abs ( x(1) ) do i = 2, n if ( abs ( x(i) ) > samax ) then samax = abs ( x(i) ) end if end do else if ( incx >= 0 ) then ix = 1 else ix = ( - n + 1 ) * incx + 1 end if samax = abs ( x(ix) ) ix = ix + incx do i = 2, n if ( abs ( x(ix) ) > samax ) then samax = abs ( x(ix) ) end if ix = ix + incx end do end if return end function sasum ( n, x, incx ) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! SASUM sums the absolute values of the entries of a vector. ! ! ! Modified: ! ! 08 April 1999 ! ! Reference: ! ! Lawson, Hanson, Kincaid, Krogh, ! Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms for Fortran Usage, ! Algorithm 539, ! ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, ! Volume 5, Number 3, September 1979, pages 308-323. ! ! David Kahaner, Clever Moler, Steven Nash, ! Numerical Methods and Software, ! Prentice Hall, 1988. ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, integer N, the number of entries in the vector. ! ! Input, real X(*), the vector to be examined. ! ! Input, integer INCX, the increment between successive entries of X. ! ! Output, real SASUM, the sum of the absolute values of the vector. ! integer i integer incx integer ix integer m integer n real sasum real stemp real x(*) ! stemp = 0.0E+00 if ( n <= 0 ) then else if ( incx == 1 ) then m = mod ( n, 6 ) do i = 1, m stemp = stemp + abs ( x(i) ) end do do i = m+1, n, 6 stemp = stemp + abs ( x(i) ) + abs ( x(i+1) ) + abs ( x(i+2) ) & + abs ( x(i+3) ) + abs ( x(i+4) ) + abs ( x(i+5) ) end do else if ( incx >= 0 ) then ix = 1 else ix = ( - n + 1 ) * incx + 1 end if do i = 1, n stemp = stemp + abs ( x(ix) ) ix = ix + incx end do end if sasum = stemp return end subroutine saxpy ( n, sa, x, incx, y, incy ) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! SAXPY adds a constant times one vector to another. ! ! ! Modified: ! ! 08 April 1999 ! ! Reference: ! ! Lawson, Hanson, Kincaid, Krogh, ! Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms for Fortran Usage, ! Algorithm 539, ! ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, ! Volume 5, Number 3, September 1979, pages 308-323. ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, integer N, the number of entries in the vector. ! ! Input, real SA, the multiplier. ! ! Input, real X(*), the vector to be scaled and added to Y. ! ! Input, integer INCX, the increment between successive entries of X. ! ! Input/output, real Y(*), the vector to which a multiple of X is to ! be added. ! ! Input, integer INCY, the increment between successive entries of Y. ! integer i integer incx integer incy integer ix integer iy integer n real sa real x(*) real y(*) ! if ( n <= 0 ) then else if ( sa == 0.0E+00 ) then else if ( incx == 1 .and. incy == 1 ) then y(1:n) = y(1:n) + sa * x(1:n) else if ( incx >= 0 ) then ix = 1 else ix = ( - n + 1 ) * incx + 1 end if if ( incy >= 0 ) then iy = 1 else iy = ( - n + 1 ) * incy + 1 end if do i = 1, n y(iy) = y(iy) + sa * x(ix) ix = ix + incx iy = iy + incy end do end if return end subroutine sdcor (dfdy,el,fa,h,impl,ipvt,matdim,miter,ml,mu,n, & nde,nq,t,users,y,yh,ywt,evalfa,save1,save2,a,d,jstate) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! SDCOR computes corrections to the y array of SDRIV3. ! ! ! in the case of functional iteration, update y directly from the ! result of the last call to f. ! in the case of the chord method, compute the corrector error and ! solve the linear system with that as right hand side and dfdy as ! coefficient matrix, using the lu decomposition if miter is 1, 2, 4, ! or 5. ! integer matdim integer n ! real a(matdim,*) real d real dfdy(matdim,*) real el(13,12) logical evalfa real h integer i integer i1 integer i2 integer i3 integer iflag integer impl integer ipvt(*) integer j integer jstate integer miter integer ml integer mu integer mw integer nde integer nq real save1(*) real save2(*) real snrm2 real t real y(*) real yh(n,*) real ywt(*) ! external fa external users ! if (miter == 0) then save1(1:n) = (h*save2(1:n) - yh(1:n,2) - save1(1:n))/ywt(1:n) d = snrm2(n, save1, 1)/sqrt(real(n)) save1(1:n) = h * save2(1:n) - yh(1:n,2) else if (miter == 1 .or. miter == 2) then if (impl == 0) then save2(1:n) = h * save2(1:n) - yh(1:n,2) - save1(1:n) else if (impl == 1) then if (evalfa) then call fa (n, t, y, a, matdim, ml, mu, nde) if (n == 0) then jstate = 9 return end if else evalfa = .true. end if save2(1:n) = h * save2(1:n) do j = 1,n save2(1:n) = save2(1:n) - a(1:n,j)*(yh(j,2) + save1(j)) end do else if (impl == 2) then if (evalfa) then call fa (n, t, y, a, matdim, ml, mu, nde) if (n == 0) then jstate = 9 return end if else evalfa = .true. end if !!! save2(1:n) = h*save2(1:n) - a(1:n,1)*(yh(i,2) + save1(1:n)) save2(1:n) = h*save2(1:n) - a(1:n,1)*(yh(1,2) + save1(1:n)) end if call sgesl (dfdy, matdim, n, ipvt, save2, 0) save1(1:n) = save1(1:n) + save2(1:n) save2(1:n) = save2(1:n)/ywt(1:n) d = snrm2(n, save2, 1) / sqrt(real(n)) else if (miter == 4 .or. miter == 5) then if (impl == 0) then save2(1:n) = h * save2(1:n) - yh(1:n,2) - save1(1:n) else if (impl == 1) then if (evalfa) then call fa (n, t, y, a(ml+1,1), matdim, ml, mu, nde) if (n == 0) then jstate = 9 return end if else evalfa = .true. end if save2(1:n) = h * save2(1:n) mw = ml + 1 + mu do j = 1,n i1 = max(ml+1, mw+1-j) i2 = min(mw+n-j, mw+ml) do i = i1,i2 i3 = i + j - mw save2(i3) = save2(i3) - a(i,j)*(yh(j,2) + save1(j)) end do end do else if (impl == 2) then if (evalfa) then call fa (n, t, y, a, matdim, ml, mu, nde) if (n == 0) then jstate = 9 return end if else evalfa = .true. end if save2(1:n) = h * save2(1:n) - a(1:n,1)*(yh(1:n,2) + save1(1:n)) end if call sgbsl (dfdy, matdim, n, ml, mu, ipvt, save2, 0) save1(1:n) = save1(1:n) + save2(1:n) save2(1:n) = save2(1:n)/ywt(1:n) d = snrm2(n, save2, 1)/sqrt(real(n)) else if (miter == 3) then iflag = 2 call users (y, yh(1,2), ywt, save1, save2, t, h, el(1,nq), impl, & n, nde, iflag) if (n == 0) then jstate = 10 return end if save1(1:n) = save1(1:n) + save2(1:n) save2(1:n) = save2(1:n) / ywt(1:n) d = snrm2(n, save2, 1) / sqrt(real(n)) end if end subroutine sdcst ( maxord, mint, iswflg, el, tq ) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! SDCST sets coefficients used by the core integrator SDSTP. ! ! ! the array el determines the basic method. ! the array tq is involved in adjusting the step size in relation ! to truncation error. el and tq depend upon mint, and are calculated ! for orders 1 to maxord(<= 12). for each order nq, the coefficients ! el are calculated from the generating polynomial: ! l(t) = el(1,nq) + el(2,nq)*t + ... + el(nq+1,nq)*t**nq. ! for the implicit adams methods, l(t) is given by ! dl/dt = (1+t)*(2+t)* ... *(nq-1+t)/k, l(-1) = 0, ! where k = factorial(nq-1). ! for the gear methods, ! l(t) = (1+t)*(2+t)* ... *(nq+t)/k, ! where k = factorial(nq)*(1 + 1/2 + ... + 1/nq). ! for each order nq, there are three components of tq. ! real el(13,12) real factrl(12) real gamma(14) integer i integer iswflg integer j integer maxord integer mint integer mxrd real sum real tq(3,12) ! factrl(1) = 1.0E+00 do i = 2, maxord factrl(i) = real(i)*factrl(i-1) end do ! ! compute adams coefficients ! if (mint == 1) then gamma(1) = 1.0E+00 do i = 1,maxord+1 sum = 0.0E+00 do j = 1,i sum = sum - gamma(j)/real(i-j+2) end do gamma(i+1) = sum end do el(1,1) = 1.0E+00 el(2,1) = 1.0E+00 el(2,2) = 1.0E+00 el(3,2) = 1.0E+00 do j = 3,maxord el(2,j) = factrl(j-1) do i = 3,j el(i,j) = real(j-1)*el(i,j-1) + el(i-1,j-1) end do el(j+1,j) = 1.0E+00 end do do j = 2, maxord el(1,j) = el(1,j-1) + gamma(j) el(2,j) = 1.0E+00 do i = 3,j+1 el(i,j) = el(i,j)/(real(i-1)*factrl(j-1)) end do end do do j = 1,maxord tq(1,j) = -1.0E+00 / (factrl(j)*gamma(j)) tq(2,j) = -1.0E+00 / gamma(j+1) tq(3,j) = -1.0E+00 / gamma(j+2) end do ! ! compute gear coefficients ! else if (mint == 2) then el(1,1) = 1.0E+00 el(2,1) = 1.0E+00 do j = 2,maxord el(1,j) = factrl(j) do i = 2,j el(i,j) = real(j)*el(i,j-1) + el(i-1,j-1) end do el(j+1,j) = 1.0E+00 end do sum = 1.0E+00 do j = 2,maxord sum = sum + 1.0/real(j) do i = 1, j+1 el(i,j) = el(i,j)/(factrl(j)*sum) end do end do do j = 1,maxord if (j > 1) tq(1,j) = 1.0/factrl(j-1) tq(2,j) = real(j+1)/el(1,j) tq(3,j) = real(j+2)/el(1,j) end do end if ! ! compute constants used in the stiffness test. ! these are the ratio of tq(2,nq) for the gear ! methods to those for the adams methods. ! if (iswflg == 3) then mxrd = min(maxord, 5) if (mint == 2) then gamma(1) = 1.0E+00 do i = 1,mxrd sum = 0.0E+00 do j = 1,i sum = sum - gamma(j)/real(i-j+2) end do gamma(i+1) = sum end do end if sum = 1.0E+00 do i = 2,mxrd sum = sum + 1.0/real(i) el(1+i,1) = -real(i+1)*sum*gamma(i+1) end do end if end subroutine sdntl(eps,f,fa,hmax,hold,impl,jtask,matdim,maxord, & mint,miter,ml,mu,n,nde,save1,t,uround,users,y,ywt,h,mntold, & mtrold,nfe,rc,yh,a,convrg,el,fac,ier,ipvt,nq,nwait,rh,rmax, & save2,tq,trend,iswflg,jstate) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! SDNTL sets parameters for SDSTP. ! ! ! SDNTL is called on the first call to sdstp, on an internal restart, or ! when the user has altered mint, miter, and/or h. ! ! on the first call, the order is set to 1 and the initial derivatives ! are calculated. rmax is the maximum ratio by which h can be ! increased in one step. it is initially rminit to compensate ! for the small initial h, but then is normally equal to rmnorm. ! if a failure occurs (in corrector convergence or error test), rmax ! is set at rmfail for the next increase. ! if the caller has changed mint, or if jtask = 0, sdcst is called ! to set the coefficients of the method. if the caller has changed h, ! yh must be rescaled. if h or mint has been changed, nwait is ! reset to nq + 2 to prevent further increases in h for that many ! steps. also, rc is reset. rc is the ratio of new to old values of ! the coefficient l(0)*h. if the caller has changed miter, rc is ! set to 0 to force the partials to be updated, if partials are used. ! integer matdim integer n ! real a(matdim,*) logical convrg real el(13,12) real eps real fac(*) real h real hmax real hold integer i logical ier integer iflag integer impl integer info integer ipvt(*) integer iswflg integer jstate integer jtask integer maxord integer mint integer miter integer ml integer mntold integer mtrold integer mu integer nde integer nfe integer nq integer nwait real oldl0 real rc real rh real rmax real, parameter :: rminit = 10000.0E+00 real save1(*) real save2(*) real smax real smin real snrm2 real sum real sum0 real t real tq(3,12) real trend real uround real y(*) real yh(n,*) real ywt(*) ! external f external fa external users ! ier = .false. if (jtask >= 0) then if (jtask == 0) then call sdcst (maxord, mint, iswflg, el, tq) rmax = rminit end if rc = 0.0E+00 convrg = .false. trend = 1.0E+00 nq = 1 nwait = 3 call f ( n, t, y, save2 ) if (n == 0) then jstate = 6 return end if nfe = nfe + 1 if (impl /= 0) then if (miter == 3) then iflag = 0 call users (y, yh, ywt, save1, save2, t, h, el, impl, n, nde, iflag) if (n == 0) then jstate = 10 return end if else if (impl == 1) then if (miter == 1 .or. miter == 2) then call fa (n, t, y, a, matdim, ml, mu, nde) if (n == 0) then jstate = 9 return end if call sgefa (a, matdim, n, ipvt, info) if (info /= 0) then ier = .true. return end if call sgesl (a, matdim, n, ipvt, save2, 0) else if (miter == 4 .or. miter == 5) then call fa (n, t, y, a(ml+1,1), matdim, ml, mu, nde) if (n == 0) then jstate = 9 return end if call sgbfa (a, matdim, n, ml, mu, ipvt, info) if (info /= 0) then ier = .true. return end if call sgbsl (a, matdim, n, ml, mu, ipvt, save2, 0) end if else if (impl == 2) then call fa (n, t, y, a, matdim, ml, mu, nde) if (n == 0) then jstate = 9 return end if do i = 1, nde if (a(i,1) == 0.0) then ier = .true. return else save2(i) = save2(i)/a(i,1) end if end do do i = nde+1,n a(i,1) = 0.0E+00 end do end if end if do i = 1,nde save1(i) = save2(i)/ywt(i) end do sum = snrm2(nde, save1, 1) sum0 = 1.0E+00 / max(1.0, abs(t)) smax = max(sum0, sum) smin = min(sum0, sum) sum = smax*sqrt(1.0E+00 + (smin/smax)**2)/sqrt(real(nde)) h = sign(min(2.0*eps/sum, abs(h)), h) yh(1:n,2) = h * save2(1:n) if (miter == 2 .or. miter == 5 .or. iswflg == 3) then do i = 1,n fac(i) = sqrt(uround) end do end if else if (miter /= mtrold) then mtrold = miter rc = 0.0E+00 convrg = .false. end if if (mint /= mntold) then mntold = mint oldl0 = el(1,nq) call sdcst (maxord, mint, iswflg, el, tq) rc = rc*el(1,nq)/oldl0 nwait = nq + 2 end if if (h /= hold) then nwait = nq + 2 rh = h/hold call sdscl (hmax, n, nq, rmax, hold, rc, rh, yh) end if end if return end subroutine sdntp(h,k,n,nq,t,tout,yh,y) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! SDNTP interpolates the k-th derivative of y at tout, ! using the data in the yh array. if k has a value greater than nq, ! the nq-th derivative is calculated. ! integer n ! real factor real h integer i integer j integer jj integer k integer kk integer kused integer nq real r real t real tout real y(*) real yh(n,*) ! r = ( tout - t ) / h if (k == 0) then y(1:n) = yh(1:n,nq+1) !!! r = ( tout - t ) / h do jj = 1, nq j = nq + 1 - jj y(1:n) = yh(1:n,j) + r*y(1:n) end do else kused = min(k, nq) factor = 1.0E+00 do kk = 1,kused factor = factor*real(nq+1-kk) end do y(1:n) = factor * yh(1:n,nq+1) do jj = kused+1,nq j = k + 1 + nq - jj factor = 1.0E+00 do kk = 1,kused factor = factor*real(j-kk) end do y(1:n) = factor * yh(1:n,j) + r * y(1:n) end do y(1:n) = y(1:n) * h**(-kused) end if end function sdot ( n, x, incx, y, incy ) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! SDOT forms the dot product of two vectors. ! ! ! Modified: ! ! 02 June 2000 ! ! Reference: ! ! Lawson, Hanson, Kincaid, Krogh, ! Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms for Fortran Usage, ! Algorithm 539, ! ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, ! Volume 5, Number 3, September 1979, pages 308-323. ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, integer N, the number of entries in the vectors. ! ! Input, real X(*), one of the vectors to be multiplied. ! ! Input, integer INCX, the increment between successive entries of X. ! ! Input, real Y(*), one of the vectors to be multiplied. ! ! Input, integer INCY, the increment between successive elements of Y. ! ! Output, real SDOT, the dot product of X and Y. ! integer i integer incx integer incy integer ix integer iy integer n real sdot real stemp real x(*) real y(*) ! if ( n <= 0 ) then sdot = 0.0E+00 else if ( incx == 1 .and. incy == 1 ) then sdot = dot_product ( x(1:n), y(1:n) ) else if ( incx >= 0 ) then ix = 1 else ix = ( - n + 1 ) * incx + 1 end if if ( incy >= 0 ) then iy = 1 else iy = ( - n + 1 ) * incy + 1 end if stemp = 0.0E+00 do i = 1, n stemp = stemp + x(ix) * y(iy) ix = ix + incx iy = iy + incy end do sdot = stemp end if return end subroutine sdpsc(ksgn,n,nq,yh) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! SDPSC computes the predicted yh values by effectively ! multiplying the yh array by the pascal triangle matrix when ksgn ! is +1, and performs the inverse function when ksgn is -1. ! integer n ! integer i integer j integer j1 integer j2 integer ksgn integer nq real yh(n,*) ! if ( ksgn > 0 ) then do j1 = 1, nq do j2 = j1, nq j = nq - j2 + j1 do i = 1, n yh(i,j) = yh(i,j) + yh(i,j+1) end do end do end do else do j1 = 1, nq do j2 = j1, nq j = nq - j2 + j1 do i = 1, n yh(i,j) = yh(i,j) - yh(i,j+1) end do end do end do end if return end subroutine sdpst (el,f,fa,h,impl,jacobn,matdim,miter,ml,mu,n,nde, & nq,save2,t,users,y,yh,ywt,uround,nfe,nje,a,dfdy,fac,ier,ipvt, & save1,iswflg,bnd,jstate) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! SDPST is called to reevaluate the partials. ! ! ! if miter is 1, 2, 4, or 5, the matrix ! p = i - l(0)*h*jacobian is stored in dfdy and subjected to lu ! decomposition, with the results also stored in dfdy. ! integer matdim integer n ! real a(matdim,*) real bl real bnd real bp real br real bu real dfdy(matdim,*) real dfdymx real diff real dy real el(13,12) real fac(*) real facmin real, parameter :: facmax = 0.5E+00 real factor real h integer i integer i1 integer i2 integer i3 logical ier integer iflag integer imax integer impl integer info integer ipvt(*) integer iswflg integer j integer j2 integer jstate integer k integer miter integer ml integer mu integer mw integer nde integer nfe integer nje integer nq real save1(*) real save2(*) real scale real snrm2 real t real uround real y(*) real yh(n,*) real yj real ys real ywt(*) ! external f external fa external jacobn external users ! nje = nje + 1 ier = .false. if (miter == 1 .or. miter == 2) then if (miter == 1) then call jacobn (n, t, y, dfdy, matdim, ml, mu) if (n == 0) then jstate = 8 return end if if (iswflg == 3) bnd = snrm2(n*n, dfdy, 1) factor = -el(1,nq)*h do j = 1,n do i = 1,n dfdy(i,j) = factor*dfdy(i,j) end do end do else if (miter == 2) then br = uround**(.875) bl = uround**(.75) bu = uround**(.25) bp = uround**(-.15) facmin = uround**(.78) do j = 1,n ys = max(abs(ywt(j)), abs(y(j))) 120 dy = fac(j)*ys if (dy == 0.0) then if (fac(j) < facmax) then fac(j) = min(100.0*fac(j), facmax) go to 120 else dy = ys end if end if if (nq == 1) then dy = sign(dy, save2(j)) else dy = sign(dy, yh(j,3)) end if dy = (y(j) + dy) - y(j) yj = y(j) y(j) = y(j) + dy call f (n, t, y, save1) if (n == 0) then jstate = 6 return end if y(j) = yj factor = -el(1,nq)*h/dy dfdy(1:n,j) = ( save1(1:n) - save2(1:n) ) * factor diff = abs(save2(1) - save1(1)) imax = 1 do i = 2,n if (abs(save2(i) - save1(i)) > diff) then imax = i diff = abs(save2(i) - save1(i)) end if end do ! step 2 if (min(abs(save2(imax)), abs(save1(imax))) > 0.0) then scale = max(abs(save2(imax)), abs(save1(imax))) ! step 3 if (diff > bu*scale) then fac(j) = max(facmin, fac(j)*0.1) else if (br*scale <= diff .and. diff <= bl*scale) then fac(j) = min(fac(j)*10.0, facmax) ! step 4 else if (diff < br*scale) then fac(j) = min(bp*fac(j), facmax) end if end if end do if (iswflg == 3) bnd = snrm2(n*n, dfdy, 1)/(-el(1,nq)*h) nfe = nfe + n end if if (impl == 0) then do i = 1,n dfdy(i,i) = dfdy(i,i) + 1.0E+00 end do else if (impl == 1) then call fa (n, t, y, a, matdim, ml, mu, nde) if (n == 0) then jstate = 9 return end if do j = 1,n do i = 1,n dfdy(i,j) = dfdy(i,j) + a(i,j) end do end do else if (impl == 2) then call fa (n, t, y, a, matdim, ml, mu, nde) if (n == 0) then jstate = 9 return end if do i = 1,nde dfdy(i,i) = dfdy(i,i) + a(i,1) end do end if call sgefa (dfdy, matdim, n, ipvt, info) if (info /= 0) ier = .true. else if (miter == 4 .or. miter == 5) then if (miter == 4) then call jacobn (n, t, y, dfdy(ml+1,1), matdim, ml, mu) if (n == 0) then jstate = 8 return end if factor = -el(1,nq)*h mw = ml + mu + 1 do j = 1,n i1 = max(ml+1, mw+1-j) i2 = min(mw+n-j, mw+ml) do i = i1,i2 dfdy(i,j) = factor*dfdy(i,j) end do end do else if (miter == 5) then br = uround**(.875) bl = uround**(.75) bu = uround**(.25) bp = uround**(-.15) facmin = uround**(.78) mw = ml + mu + 1 j2 = min(mw, n) do j = 1,j2 do k = j,n,mw ys = max(abs(ywt(k)), abs(y(k))) 280 continue dy = fac(k)*ys if (dy == 0.0) then if (fac(k) < facmax) then fac(k) = min(100.0*fac(k), facmax) go to 280 else dy = ys end if end if if (nq == 1) then dy = sign(dy, save2(k)) else dy = sign(dy, yh(k,3)) end if dy = (y(k) + dy) - y(k) dfdy(mw,k) = y(k) y(k) = y(k) + dy end do call f (n, t, y, save1) if (n == 0) then jstate = 6 return end if do k = j,n,mw y(k) = dfdy(mw,k) ys = max(abs(ywt(k)), abs(y(k))) dy = fac(k)*ys if (dy == 0.0) dy = ys if (nq == 1) then dy = sign(dy, save2(k)) else dy = sign(dy, yh(k,3)) end if dy = (y(k) + dy) - y(k) factor = -el(1,nq)*h/dy i1 = max(ml+1, mw+1-k) i2 = min(mw+n-k, mw+ml) do i = i1,i2 i3 = k + i - mw dfdy(i,k) = factor*(save1(i3) - save2(i3)) end do imax = max(1, k - mu) diff = abs(save2(imax) - save1(imax)) i1 = imax i2 = min(k + ml, n) do i = i1+1,i2 if (abs(save2(i) - save1(i)) > diff) then imax = i diff = abs(save2(i) - save1(i)) end if end do if (min(abs(save2(imax)), abs(save1(imax))) >0.0) then scale = max(abs(save2(imax)), abs(save1(imax))) if (diff > bu*scale) then fac(k) = max(facmin, fac(k)*.1) else if (br*scale <=diff .and. diff <=bl*scale) then fac(k) = min(fac(k)*10.0, facmax) else if (diff < br*scale) then fac(k) = min(bp*fac(k), facmax) end if end if end do end do nfe = nfe + j2 end if if (iswflg == 3) then dfdymx = 0.0E+00 do j = 1,n i1 = max(ml+1, mw+1-j) i2 = min(mw+n-j, mw+ml) do i = i1,i2 dfdymx = max(dfdymx, abs(dfdy(i,j))) end do end do bnd = 0.0E+00 if (dfdymx /= 0.0) then do j = 1,n i1 = max(ml+1, mw+1-j) i2 = min(mw+n-j, mw+ml) do i = i1,i2 bnd = bnd + (dfdy(i,j)/dfdymx)**2 end do end do bnd = dfdymx*sqrt(bnd)/(-el(1,nq)*h) end if end if if (impl == 0) then dfdy(mw,1:n) = dfdy(mw,1:n) + 1.0E+00 else if (impl == 1) then call fa (n, t, y, a(ml+1,1), matdim, ml, mu, nde) if (n == 0) then jstate = 9 return end if do j = 1,n i1 = max(ml+1, mw+1-j) i2 = min(mw+n-j, mw+ml) do i = i1,i2 dfdy(i,j) = dfdy(i,j) + a(i,j) end do end do else if (impl == 2) then call fa (n, t, y, a, matdim, ml, mu, nde) if (n == 0) then jstate = 9 return end if do j = 1,nde dfdy(mw,j) = dfdy(mw,j) + a(j,1) end do end if call sgbfa (dfdy, matdim, n, ml, mu, ipvt, info) if (info /= 0) ier = .true. else if (miter == 3) then iflag = 1 call users ( y, yh(1,2), ywt, save1, save2, t, h, el(1,nq), impl, n, & nde, iflag) if (n == 0) then jstate = 10 return end if end if return end subroutine sdriv1 (n,t,y,tout,mstate,eps,work,lenw) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! SDRIV1 solves ordinary differential equations of the form ! dy(i)/dt = f(y(i),t), given the initial conditions ! y(i) = yi. sdriv1 uses single precision arithmetic. ! ! Reference: ! ! David Kahaner, Clever Moler, Steven Nash, ! Numerical Methods and Software, ! Prentice Hall, 1988. ! ! i. choosing the correct routine ! ! sdriv ! ddriv ! cdriv ! these are the generic names for three packages for solving ! initial value problems for ordinary differential equations. ! sdriv uses single precision arithmetic. ddriv uses double ! precision arithmetic. cdriv allows complex-valued ! differential equations, integrated with respect to a single, ! real, independent variable. ! ! as an aid in selecting the proper program, the following is a ! discussion of the important options or restrictions associated with ! each program: ! ! a. sdriv1 should be tried first for those routine problems with ! no more than 200 differential equations. internally this ! routine has two important technical defaults: ! 1. numerical approximation of the jacobian matrix of the ! right hand side is used. ! 2. the stiff solver option is used. ! most users of sdriv1 should not have to concern themselves ! with these details. ! ! b. sdriv2 should be considered for those problems for which ! sdriv1 is inadequate (sdriv2 has no explicit restriction on ! the number of differential equations.) for example, sdriv1 ! may have difficulty with problems having zero initial ! conditions and zero derivatives. in this case sdriv2, with an ! appropriate value of the parameter ewt, should perform more ! efficiently. sdriv2 provides three important additional ! options: ! 1. the nonstiff equation solver (as well as the stiff ! solver) is available. ! 2. the root-finding option is available. ! 3. the program can dynamically select either the non-stiff ! or the stiff methods. ! internally this routine also defaults to the numerical ! approximation of the jacobian matrix of the right hand side. ! ! c. sdriv3 is the most flexible, and hence the most complex, of ! the programs. its important additional features include: ! 1. the ability to exploit band structure in the jacobian ! matrix. ! 2. the ability to solve some implicit differential ! equations, i.e., those having the form: ! a(y,t)*dy/dt = f(y,t). ! 3. the option of integrating in the one step mode. ! 4. the option of allowing the user to provide a routine ! which computes the analytic jacobian matrix of the right ! hand side. ! 5. the option of allowing the user to provide a routine ! which does all the matrix algebra associated with ! corrections to the solution components. ! ! ii. abstract ! ! the function of sdriv1 is to solve n (200 or fewer) ordinary ! differential equations of the form dy(i)/dt = f(y(i),t), given the ! initial conditions y(i) = yi. sdriv1 is to be called once for each ! output point. ! ! iii. parameters ! ! the user should use parameter names in the call sequence of sdriv1 ! for those quantities whose value may be altered by sdriv1. the ! parameters in the call sequence are: ! ! n = (input) the number of differential equations, n <= 200 ! ! t = the independent variable. on input for the first call, t ! is the initial point. on output, t is the point at which ! the solution is given. ! ! y = the vector of dependent variables. y is used as input on ! the first call, to set the initial values. on output, y ! is the computed solution vector. this array y is passed ! in the call sequence of the user-provided routine f. thus ! parameters required by f can be stored in this array in ! components n+1 and above. (note: changes by the user to ! the first n components of this array will take effect only ! after a restart, i.e., after setting mstate to +1(-1).) ! ! tout = (input) the point at which the solution is desired. ! ! mstate = an integer describing the status of integration. the user ! must initialize mstate to +1 or -1. if mstate is ! positive, the routine will integrate past tout and ! interpolate the solution. this is the most efficient ! mode. if mstate is negative, the routine will adjust its ! internal step to reach tout exactly (useful if a ! singularity exists beyond tout.) the meaning of the ! magnitude of mstate: ! 1 (input) means the first call to the routine. this ! value must be set by the user. on all subsequent ! calls the value of mstate should be tested by the ! user. unless sdriv1 is to be reinitialized, only the ! sign of mstate may be changed by the user. (as a ! convenience to the user who may wish to put out the ! initial conditions, sdriv1 can be called with ! mstate=+1(-1), and tout=t. in this case the program ! will return with mstate unchanged, i.e., ! mstate=+1(-1).) ! 2 (output) means a successful integration. if a normal ! continuation is desired (i.e., a further integration ! in the same direction), simply advance tout and call ! again. all other parameters are automatically set. ! 3 (output)(unsuccessful) means the integrator has taken ! 1000 steps without reaching tout. the user can ! continue the integration by simply calling sdriv1 ! again. ! 4 (output)(unsuccessful) means too much accuracy has ! been requested. eps has been increased to a value ! the program estimates is appropriate. the user can ! continue the integration by simply calling sdriv1 ! again. ! 5 (output)(unsuccessful) n has been set to zero in ! subroutine f. see description of f in section iv. ! ! eps = on input, the requested relative accuracy in all solution ! components. on output, the adjusted relative accuracy if ! the input value was too small. the value of eps should be ! set as large as is reasonable, because the amount of work ! done by sdriv1 increases as eps decreases. ! ! work ! lenw = (input) ! work is an array of lenw real words used ! internally for temporary storage. the user must allocate ! space for this array in the calling program by a statement ! such as ! real work(...) ! the length of work should be at least n*n + 11*n + 225 ! and lenw should be set to the value used. the contents of ! work should not be disturbed between calls to sdriv1. ! ! long description ! ! iv. usage ! ! program sample ! real alfa, eps, t, tout !c n is the number of equations ! parameter(alfa = 1.0, n = 3, ! 8 lenw = n*n + 11*n + 225) ! real work(lenw), y(n+1) !c initial point ! t = 0.00001 !c set initial conditions ! y(1) = 10.0E+00 ! y(2) = 0.0E+00 ! y(3) = 10.0E+00 !c pass parameter ! y(4) = alfa ! tout = t ! mstate = 1 ! eps = .001 ! 10 call sdriv1 (n, t, y, tout, mstate, eps, work, lenw) ! if (mstate > 2) stop ! write(*, '(4e12.3)') tout, (y(i), i=1,3) ! tout = 10.0*tout ! if (tout < 50.0) go to 10 ! end ! ! the user must write a subroutine called f to evaluate the right ! hand side of the differential equations. it is of the form: ! ! subroutine f (n, t, y, ydot) ! real alfa, t, y(*), ydot(*) ! alfa = y(n+1) ! ydot(1) = 1.0E+00 + alfa*(y(2) - y(1)) - y(1)*y(3) ! ydot(2) = alfa*(y(1) - y(2)) - y(2)*y(3) ! ydot(3) = 1.0E+00 - y(3)*(y(1) + y(2)) ! end ! ! this computes ydot = f(y,t), the right hand side of the ! differential equations. here y is a vector of length at least n. ! the actual length of y is determined by the user's declaration in ! the program which calls sdriv1. thus the dimensioning of y in f, ! while required by fortran convention, does not actually allocate ! any storage. when this subroutine is called, the first n ! components of y are intermediate approximations to the solution ! components. the user should not alter these values. here ydot is ! a vector of length n. the user should only compute ydot(i) for i ! from 1 to n. normally a return from f passes control back to ! sdriv1. however, if the user would like to abort the calculation, ! i.e., return control to the program which calls sdriv1, he should ! set n to zero. sdriv1 will signal this by returning a value of ! mstate equal to +5(-5). altering the value of n in f has no effect ! on the value of n in the call sequence of sdriv1. ! ! v. other communication to the user ! ! a. the solver communicates to the user through the parameters ! above. in addition it writes diagnostic messages through the ! standard error handling program xerror. that program will ! terminate the user's run if it detects a probable problem setup ! error, e.g., insufficient storage allocated by the user for the ! work array. for further information see section iii-a of the ! writeup for sdriv3. ! ! b. the number of evaluations of the right hand side can be found ! in the work array in the location determined by: ! lenw - (n + 21) + 4 ! ! references gear, c. w., "numerical initial value problems in ! ordinary differential equations", prentice-hall, 1971. ! integer, parameter :: idliw = 21 integer, parameter :: mxn = 200 integer n ! real eps real ewt(1) real hmax integer i integer, parameter :: ierror = 2 integer ii integer, parameter :: impl = 0 integer iwork(idliw+mxn) integer leniw integer lenw integer lenwcm integer lnwchk integer, parameter :: mint = 2 integer, parameter :: miter = 2 integer ml character msg*103 integer mstate real mu integer, parameter :: mxord = 5 integer, parameter :: mxstep = 1000 integer nde integer, parameter :: nroot = 0 integer nstate integer ntask real t real tout real work(*) real y(n) ! external f ! ewt(1) = 1.0E+00 if ( n > mxn ) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'SDRIV1 - Fatal error!' write ( *, * ) ' The number of equations is too large.' write ( *, * ) ' The number of equations N = ', n write ( *, * ) ' The maximum is MXN = ', mxn stop end if if (mstate > 0) then nstate = mstate ntask = 1 else nstate = - mstate ntask = 3 end if hmax = 2.0E+00 * abs ( tout - t ) leniw = n + idliw lenwcm = lenw - leniw if (lenwcm < (n*n + 10*n + 204)) then lnwchk = n*n + 10*n + 204 + leniw write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'SDRIV1 - Fatal error!' write ( *, * ) ' Insufficient work storage.' write ( *, * ) ' The given work storage is = ', lenwcm write ( *, * ) ' The required work storage is = ', lnwchk stop end if if ( nstate /= 1 ) then do i = 1,leniw ii = i + lenwcm iwork(i) = int(work(ii)) end do end if call sdriv3 (n, t, y, f, nstate, tout, ntask, nroot, eps, ewt, & ierror, mint, miter, impl, ml, mu, mxord, hmax, work, & lenwcm, iwork, leniw, f, f, nde, mxstep, f, f) do i = 1, leniw ii = lenwcm + i work(ii) = real(iwork(i)) end do if ( nstate <= 4 ) then mstate = sign(nstate, mstate) else if (nstate == 6) then mstate = sign(5, mstate) end if return end ! KW****************************** subroutine f end ! KW****************************** subroutine sdriv2 (n,t,y,f,tout,mstate,nroot,eps,ewt,mint,work,lenw,iwork, & leniw,g) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! SDRIV2 solves n ordinary differential ! equations of the form dy(i)/dt = f(y(i),t), given the ! initial conditions y(i) = yi. the program has options to ! allow the solution of both stiff and non-stiff differential ! equations. sdriv2 uses single precision arithmetic. ! ! Reference: ! ! David Kahaner, Clever Moler, Steven Nash, ! Numerical Methods and Software, ! Prentice Hall, 1988. ! ! ! i. abstract ! ! the function of sdriv2 is to solve n ordinary differential ! equations of the form dy(i)/dt = f(y(i),t), given the initial ! conditions y(i) = yi. the program has options to allow the ! solution of both stiff and non-stiff differential equations. ! sdriv2 is to be called once for each output point of t. ! ! ii. parameters ! ! the user should use parameter names in the call sequence of sdriv2 ! for those quantities whose value may be altered by sdriv2. the ! parameters in the call sequence are: ! ! n = (input) the number of differential equations. ! ! t = the independent variable. on input for the first call, t ! is the initial point. on output, t is the point at which ! the solution is given. ! ! y = the vector of dependent variables. y is used as input on ! the first call, to set the initial values. on output, y ! is the computed solution vector. this array y is passed ! in the call sequence of the user-provided routines f and ! g. thus parameters required by f and g can be stored in ! this array in components n+1 and above. (note: changes ! by the user to the first n components of this array will ! take effect only after a restart, i.e., after setting ! mstate to +1(-1).) ! ! f = a subroutine supplied by the user. the name must be ! declared external in the user's calling program. this ! subroutine is of the form: ! subroutine f (n, t, y, ydot) ! real y(*), ydot(*) ! . ! . ! ydot(1) = ... ! . ! . ! ydot(n) = ... ! end (sample) ! this computes ydot = f(y,t), the right hand side of the ! differential equations. here y is a vector of length at ! least n. the actual length of y is determined by the ! user's declaration in the program which calls sdriv2. ! thus the dimensioning of y in f, while required by fortran ! convention, does not actually allocate any storage. when ! this subroutine is called, the first n components of y are ! intermediate approximations to the solution components. ! the user should not alter these values. here ydot is a ! vector of length n. the user should only compute ydot(i) ! for i from 1 to n. normally a return from f passes ! control back to sdriv2. however, if the user would like ! to abort the calculation, i.e., return control to the ! program which calls sdriv2, he should set n to zero. ! sdriv2 will signal this by returning a value of mstate ! equal to +6(-6). altering the value of n in f has no ! effect on the value of n in the call sequence of sdriv2. ! ! tout = (input) the point at which the solution is desired. ! ! mstate = an integer describing the status of integration. the user ! must initialize mstate to +1 or -1. if mstate is ! positive, the routine will integrate past tout and ! interpolate the solution. this is the most efficient ! mode. if mstate is negative, the routine will adjust its ! internal step to reach tout exactly (useful if a ! singularity exists beyond tout.) the meaning of the ! magnitude of mstate: ! 1 (input) means the first call to the routine. this ! value must be set by the user. on all subsequent ! calls the value of mstate should be tested by the ! user. unless sdriv2 is to be reinitialized, only the ! sign of mstate may be changed by the user. (as a ! convenience to the user who may wish to put out the ! initial conditions, sdriv2 can be called with ! mstate=+1(-1), and tout=t. in this case the program ! will return with mstate unchanged, i.e., ! mstate=+1(-1).) ! 2 (output) means a successful integration. if a normal ! continuation is desired (i.e., a further integration ! in the same direction), simply advance tout and call ! again. all other parameters are automatically set. ! 3 (output)(unsuccessful) means the integrator has taken ! 1000 steps without reaching tout. the user can ! continue the integration by simply calling sdriv2 ! again. other than an error in problem setup, the ! most likely cause for this condition is trying to ! integrate a stiff set of equations with the non-stiff ! integrator option. (see description of mint below.) ! 4 (output)(unsuccessful) means too much accuracy has ! been requested. eps has been increased to a value ! the program estimates is appropriate. the user can ! continue the integration by simply calling sdriv2 ! again. ! 5 (output) a root was found at a point less than tout. ! the user can continue the integration toward tout by ! simply calling sdriv2 again. ! 6 (output)(unsuccessful) n has been set to zero in ! subroutine f. ! 7 (output)(unsuccessful) n has been set to zero in ! function g. see description of g below. ! ! nroot = (input) the number of equations whose roots are desired. ! if nroot is zero, the root search is not active. this ! option is useful for obtaining output at points which are ! not known in advance, but depend upon the solution, e.g., ! when some solution component takes on a specified value. ! the root search is carried out using the user-written ! function g (see description of g below.) sdriv2 attempts ! to find the value of t at which one of the equations ! changes sign. sdriv2 can find at most one root per ! equation per internal integration step, and will then ! return the solution either at tout or at a root, whichever ! occurs first in the direction of integration. the index ! of the equation whose root is being reported is stored in ! the sixth element of iwork. ! note: nroot is never altered by this program. ! ! eps = on input, the requested relative accuracy in all solution ! components. eps = 0 is allowed. on output, the adjusted ! relative accuracy if the input value was too small. the ! value of eps should be set as large as is reasonable, ! because the amount of work done by sdriv2 increases as ! eps decreases. ! ! ewt = (input) problem zero, i.e., the smallest physically ! meaningful value for the solution. this is used inter- ! nally to compute an array ywt(i) = max(abs(y(i)), ewt). ! one step error estimates divided by ywt(i) are kept less ! than eps. setting ewt to zero provides pure relative ! error control. however, setting ewt smaller than ! necessary can adversely affect the running time. ! ! mint = (input) the integration method flag. ! mint = 1 means the adams methods, and is used for ! non-stiff problems. ! mint = 2 means the stiff methods of gear (i.e., the ! backward differentiation formulas), and is ! used for stiff problems. ! mint = 3 means the program dynamically selects the ! adams methods when the problem is non-stiff ! and the gear methods when the problem is ! stiff. ! mint may not be changed without restarting, i.e., setting ! the magnitude of mstate to 1. ! ! work ! lenw = (input) ! work is an array of lenw real words used ! internally for temporary storage. the user must allocate ! space for this array in the calling program by a statement ! such as ! real work(...) ! the length of work should be at least ! 16*n + 2*nroot + 204 if mint is 1, or ! n*n + 10*n + 2*nroot + 204 if mint is 2, or ! n*n + 17*n + 2*nroot + 204 if mint is 3, ! and lenw should be set to the value used. the contents of ! work should not be disturbed between calls to sdriv2. ! ! iwork ! leniw = (input) ! iwork is an integer array of length leniw used internally ! for temporary storage. the user must allocate space for ! this array in the calling program by a statement such as ! integer iwork(...) ! the length of iwork should be at least ! 21 if mint is 1, or ! n+21 if mint is 2 or 3, ! and leniw should be set to the value used. the contents ! of iwork should not be disturbed between calls to sdriv2. ! ! g = a real fortran function supplied by the user ! if nroot is not 0. in this case, the name must be ! declared external in the user's calling program. g is ! repeatedly called with different values of iroot to ! obtain the value of each of the nroot equations for which ! a root is desired. g is of the form: ! real function g (n, t, y, iroot) ! real y(*) ! go to (10, ...), iroot ! 10 g = ... ! . ! . ! end (sample) ! here, y is a vector of length at least n, whose first n ! components are the solution components at the point t. ! the user should not alter these values. the actual length ! of y is determined by the user's declaration in the ! program which calls sdriv2. thus the dimensioning of y in ! g, while required by fortran convention, does not actually ! allocate any storage. normally a return from g passes ! control back to sdriv2. however, if the user would like ! to abort the calculation, i.e., return control to the ! program which calls sdriv2, he should set n to zero. ! sdriv2 will signal this by returning a value of mstate ! equal to +7(-7). in this case, the index of the equation ! being evaluated is stored in the sixth element of iwork. ! altering the value of n in g has no effect on the value of ! n in the call sequence of sdriv2. ! ! long description ! ! iii. other communication to the user ! ! a. the solver communicates to the user through the parameters ! above. in addition it writes diagnostic messages through the ! standard error handling program xerror. that program will ! terminate the user's run if it detects a probable problem setup ! error, e.g., insufficient storage allocated by the user for the ! work array. messages are written on the standard error message ! file. at installations which have this error handling package ! the user should determine the standard error handling file from ! the local documentation. otherwise the short but serviceable ! routine, xerror, available with this package, can be used. that ! program writes on logical unit 6 to transmit messages. a ! complete description of xerror is given in the sandia ! laboratories report sand78-1189 by r. e. jones. ! ! b. the first three elements of work and the first five elements of ! iwork will contain the following statistical data: ! avgh the average step size used. ! hused the step size last used (successfully). ! avgord the average order used. ! imxerr the index of the element of the solution vector that ! contributed most to the last error test. ! nqused the order last used (successfully). ! nstep the number of steps taken since last initialization. ! nfe the number of evaluations of the right hand side. ! nje the number of evaluations of the jacobian matrix. ! ! iv. remarks ! ! a. on any return from sdriv2 all information necessary to continue ! the calculation is contained in the call sequence parameters, ! including the work arrays. thus it is possible to suspend one ! problem, integrate another, and then return to the first. ! ! b. if this package is to be used in an overlay situation, the user ! must declare in the primary overlay the variables in the call ! sequence to sdriv2. ! ! c. when the routine g is not required, difficulties associated with ! an unsatisfied external can be avoided by using the name of the ! routine which calculates the right hand side of the differential ! equations in place of g in the call sequence of sdriv2. ! ! v. usage ! ! program sample ! external f ! parameter(mint = 1, nroot = 0, n = ..., ! 8 lenw = 16*n + 2*nroot + 204, leniw = 21) ! n is the number of equations ! real eps, ewt, t, tout, work(lenw), y(n) ! integer iwork(leniw) ! open(file='tape6', unit=6, status='new') ! t = 0. initial point ! y(1:n) = ... set initial conditions ! tout = t ! ewt = ... ! mstate = 1 ! eps = ... ! 20 call sdriv2 (n, t, y, f, tout, mstate, nroot, eps, ewt, ! 8 mint, work, lenw, iwork, leniw, f) ! last argument is not the same ! as f if rootfinding is used. ! if (mstate > 2) stop ! write(6, 100) tout, (y(i), i=1,n) ! tout = tout + 1. ! if (tout <= 10.) go to 20 ! 100 format(...) ! end (sample) ! ! references gear, c. w., "numerical initial value problems in ! ordinary differential equations", prentice-hall, 1971. ! integer n ! real eps real ewt real ewtcom(1) real g real hmax integer ierror integer, parameter :: impl = 0 integer iwork(*) integer leniw integer lenw integer mint integer miter integer ml character msg*81 integer mstate integer mu integer mxord integer, parameter :: mxstep = 1000 integer nde integer nroot integer nstate integer ntask real t real tout real work(*) real y(n) ! external f external g ! if (mint < 1 .or. mint > 3) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'SDRIV2 - Fatal error!' write ( *, * ) ' Improper value for the integration method.' write ( *, * ) ' MINT = ', mint write ( *, * ) ' MINT should be between 1 and 3.' stop end if if (mstate >= 0) then nstate = mstate ntask = 1 else nstate = - mstate ntask = 3 end if ewtcom(1) = ewt if (ewt /= 0.0) then ierror = 3 else ierror = 2 end if if (mint == 1) then miter = 0 mxord = 12 else if (mint == 2) then miter = 2 mxord = 5 else if (mint == 3) then miter = 2 mxord = 12 end if hmax = 2.0*abs(tout - t) call sdriv3 (n, t, y, f, nstate, tout, ntask, nroot, eps, ewtcom, & ierror, mint, miter, impl, ml, mu, mxord, hmax, work, & lenw, iwork, leniw, f, f, nde, mxstep, g, f) if (mstate >= 0) then mstate = nstate else mstate = - nstate end if return end subroutine sdriv3 (n,t,y,f,nstate,tout,ntask,nroot,eps,ewt,ierror, & mint,miter,impl,ml,mu,mxord,hmax,work,lenw,iwork,leniw,jacobn, & fa,nde,mxstep,g,users) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! SDRIV3 solves n ordinary differential ! equations of the form dy(i)/dt = f(y(i),t), given the ! initial conditions y(i) = yi. the program has options to ! allow the solution of both stiff and non-stiff differential ! equations. other important options are available. sdriv3 ! uses single precision arithmetic. ! ! Reference: ! ! David Kahaner, Clever Moler, Steven Nash, ! Numerical Methods and Software, ! Prentice Hall, 1988. ! ! ! i. abstract ! ! the primary function of sdriv3 is to solve n ordinary differential ! equations of the form dy(i)/dt = f(y(i),t), given the initial ! conditions y(i) = yi. the program has options to allow the ! solution of both stiff and non-stiff differential equations. in ! addition, sdriv3 may be used to solve: ! 1. the initial value problem, a*dy(i)/dt = f(y(i),t), where a is ! a non-singular matrix depending on y and t. ! 2. the hybrid differential/algebraic initial value problem, ! a*dy(i)/dt = f(y(i),t), where a is a vector (whose values may ! depend upon y and t) some of whose components will be zero ! corresponding to those equations which are algebraic rather ! than differential. ! sdriv3 is to be called once for each output point of t. ! ! ii. parameters ! ! the user should use parameter names in the call sequence of sdriv3 ! for those quantities whose value may be altered by sdriv3. the ! parameters in the call sequence are: ! ! n = (input) the number of dependent functions whose solution ! is desired. n must not be altered during a problem. ! ! t = the independent variable. on input for the first call, t ! is the initial point. on output, t is the point at which ! the solution is given. ! ! y = the vector of dependent variables. y is used as input on ! the first call, to set the initial values. on output, y ! is the computed solution vector. this array y is passed ! in the call sequence of the user-provided routines f, ! jacobn, fa, users, and g. thus parameters required by ! those routines can be stored in this array in components ! n+1 and above. (note: changes by the user to the first ! n components of this array will take effect only after a ! restart, i.e., after setting nstate to 1 .) ! ! f = a subroutine supplied by the user. the name must be ! declared external in the user's calling program. this ! subroutine is of the form: ! subroutine f (n, t, y, ydot) ! real y(*), ydot(*) ! . ! . ! ydot(1) = ... ! . ! . ! ydot(n) = ... ! end (sample) ! this computes ydot = f(y,t), the right hand side of the ! differential equations. here y is a vector of length at ! least n. the actual length of y is determined by the ! user's declaration in the program which calls sdriv3. ! thus the dimensioning of y in f, while required by fortran ! convention, does not actually allocate any storage. when ! this subroutine is called, the first n components of y are ! intermediate approximations to the solution components. ! the user should not alter these values. here ydot is a ! vector of length n. the user should only compute ydot(i) ! for i from 1 to n. normally a return from f passes ! control back to sdriv3. however, if the user would like ! to abort the calculation, i.e., return control to the ! program which calls sdriv3, he should set n to zero. ! sdriv3 will signal this by returning a value of nstate ! equal to 6 . altering the value of n in f has no effect ! on the value of n in the call sequence of sdriv3. ! ! nstate = an integer describing the status of integration. the ! meaning of nstate is as follows: ! 1 (input) means the first call to the routine. this ! value must be set by the user. on all subsequent ! calls the value of nstate should be tested by the ! user, but must not be altered. (as a convenience to ! the user who may wish to put out the initial ! conditions, sdriv3 can be called with nstate=1, and ! tout=t. in this case the program will return with ! nstate unchanged, i.e., nstate=1.) ! 2 (output) means a successful integration. if a normal ! continuation is desired (i.e., a further integration ! in the same direction), simply advance tout and call ! again. all other parameters are automatically set. ! 3 (output)(unsuccessful) means the integrator has taken ! mxstep steps without reaching tout. the user can ! continue the integration by simply calling sdriv3 ! again. ! 4 (output)(unsuccessful) means too much accuracy has ! been requested. eps has been increased to a value ! the program estimates is appropriate. the user can ! continue the integration by simply calling sdriv3 ! again. ! 5 (output) a root was found at a point less than tout. ! the user can continue the integration toward tout by ! simply calling sdriv3 again. ! 6 (output)(unsuccessful) n has been set to zero in ! subroutine f. ! 7 (output)(unsuccessful) n has been set to zero in ! function g. see description of g below. ! 8 (output)(unsuccessful) n has been set to zero in ! subroutine jacobn. see description of jacobn below. ! 9 (output)(unsuccessful) n has been set to zero in ! subroutine fa. see description of fa below. ! 10 (output)(unsuccessful) n has been set to zero in ! subroutine users. see description of users below. ! ! tout = (input) the point at which the solution is desired. the ! position of tout relative to t on the first call ! determines the direction of integration. ! ! ntask = (input) an index specifying the manner of returning the ! solution, according to the following: ! ntask = 1 means sdriv3 will integrate past tout and ! interpolate the solution. this is the most ! efficient mode. ! ntask = 2 means sdriv3 will return the solution after ! each internal integration step, or at tout, ! whichever comes first. in the latter case, ! the program integrates exactly to tout. ! ntask = 3 means sdriv3 will adjust its internal step to ! reach tout exactly (useful if a singularity ! exists beyond tout.) ! ! nroot = (input) the number of equations whose roots are desired. ! if nroot is zero, the root search is not active. this ! option is useful for obtaining output at points which are ! not known in advance, but depend upon the solution, e.g., ! when some solution component takes on a specified value. ! the root search is carried out using the user-written ! function g (see description of g below.) sdriv3 attempts ! to find the value of t at which one of the equations ! changes sign. sdriv3 can find at most one root per ! equation per internal integration step, and will then ! return the solution either at tout or at a root, whichever ! occurs first in the direction of integration. the index ! of the equation whose root is being reported is stored in ! the sixth element of iwork. ! note: nroot is never altered by this program. ! ! eps = on input, the requested relative accuracy in all solution ! components. eps = 0 is allowed. on output, the adjusted ! relative accuracy if the input value was too small. the ! value of eps should be set as large as is reasonable, ! because the amount of work done by sdriv3 increases as eps ! decreases. ! ! ewt = (input) problem zero, i.e., the smallest, nonzero, ! physically meaningful value for the solution. (array, ! possibly of length one. see following description of ! ierror.) setting ewt smaller than necessary can adversely ! affect the running time. ! ! ierror = (input) error control indicator. a value of 3 is ! suggested for most problems. other choices and detailed ! explanations of ewt and ierror are given below for those ! who may need extra flexibility. ! ! these last three input quantities eps, ewt and ierror ! control the accuracy of the computed solution. ewt and ! ierror are used internally to compute an array ywt. one ! step error estimates divided by ywt(i) are kept less than ! eps in root mean square norm. ! ierror (set by the user) = ! 1 means ywt(i) = 1. (absolute error control) ! ewt is ignored. ! 2 means ywt(i) = abs(y(i)), (relative error control) ! ewt is ignored. ! 3 means ywt(i) = max(abs(y(i)), ewt(1)). ! 4 means ywt(i) = max(abs(y(i)), ewt(i)). ! this choice is useful when the solution components ! have differing scales. ! 5 means ywt(i) = ewt(i). ! if ierror is 3, ewt need only be dimensioned one. ! if ierror is 4 or 5, the user must dimension ewt at least ! n, and set its values. ! ! mint = (input) the integration method indicator. ! mint = 1 means the adams methods, and is used for ! non-stiff problems. ! mint = 2 means the stiff methods of gear (i.e., the ! backward differentiation formulas), and is ! used for stiff problems. ! mint = 3 means the program dynamically selects the ! adams methods when the problem is non-stiff ! and the gear methods when the problem is ! stiff. when using the adams methods, the ! program uses a value of miter=0; when using ! the gear methods, the program uses the value ! of miter provided by the user. only a value ! of impl = 0 and a value of miter = 1, 2, 4, or ! 5 is allowed for this option. the user may ! not alter the value of mint or miter without ! restarting, i.e., setting nstate to 1. ! ! miter = (input) the iteration method indicator. ! miter = 0 means functional iteration. this value is ! suggested for non-stiff problems. ! miter = 1 means chord method with analytic jacobian. ! in this case, the user supplies subroutine ! jacobn (see description below). ! miter = 2 means chord method with jacobian calculated ! internally by finite differences. ! miter = 3 means chord method with corrections computed ! by the user-written routine users (see ! description of users below.) this option ! allows all matrix algebra and storage ! decisions to be made by the user. when using ! a value of miter = 3, the subroutine fa is ! not required, even if impl is not 0. for ! further information on using this option, see ! section iv-e below. ! miter = 4 means the same as miter = 1 but the a and ! jacobian matrices are assumed to be banded. ! miter = 5 means the same as miter = 2 but the a and ! jacobian matrices are assumed to be banded. ! ! impl = (input) the implicit method indicator. ! impl = 0 means solving dy(i)/dt = f(y(i),t). ! impl = 1 means solving a*dy(i)/dt = f(y(i),t), ! non-singular a (see description of fa below.) ! only mint = 1 or 2, and miter = 1, 2, 3, 4, or ! 5 are allowed for this option. ! impl = 2 means solving certain systems of hybrid ! differential/algebraic equations (see ! description of fa below.) only mint = 2 and ! miter = 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5, are allowed for this ! option. ! the value of impl must not be changed during a problem. ! ! ml = (input) the lower half-bandwidth in the case of a banded ! a or jacobian matrix. (i.e., maximum(r-c) for nonzero ! a(r,c).) ! ! mu = (input) the upper half-bandwidth in the case of a banded ! a or jacobian matrix. (i.e., maximum(c-r).) ! ! mxord = (input) the maximum order desired. this is <= 12 for ! the adams methods and <= 5 for the gear methods. normal ! value is 12 and 5, respectively. if mint is 3, the ! maximum order used will be min(mxord, 12) when using the ! adams methods, and min(mxord, 5) when using the gear ! methods. mxord must not be altered during a problem. ! ! hmax = (input) the maximum magnitude of the step size that will ! be used for the problem. this is useful for ensuring that ! important details are not missed. if this is not the ! case, a large value, such as the interval length, is ! suggested. ! ! work ! lenw = (input) ! work is an array of lenw real words used ! internally for temporary storage. the user must allocate ! space for this array in the calling program by a statement ! such as ! real work(...) ! the following table gives the required minimum value for ! the length of work, depending on the value of impl and ! miter. lenw should be set to the value used. the ! contents of work should not be disturbed between calls to ! sdriv3. ! ! impl = 0 1 2 ! --------------------------------------------------------- ! miter = 0 (mxord+4)*n + not allowed not allowed ! 2*nroot + 204 ! ! 1,2 n*n+(mxord+5)*n 2*n*n+(mxord+5)*n n*n+(mxord+6)*n ! + 2*nroot + 204 + 2*nroot + 204 + 2*nroot + 204 ! ! 3 (mxord+4)*n + (mxord+4)*n + (mxord+4)*n + ! 2*nroot + 204 2*nroot + 204 2*nroot + 204 ! ! 4,5 (2*ml+mu)*n + (4*ml+2*mu)*n + (2*ml+mu)*n + ! (mxord+6)*n + (mxord+7)*n + (mxord+7)*n + ! 2*nroot + 204 2*nroot + 204 2*nroot + 204 ! --------------------------------------------------------- ! ! iwork ! leniw = (input) ! iwork is an integer array of length leniw used internally ! for temporary storage. the user must allocate space for ! this array in the calling program by a statement such as ! integer iwork(...) ! the length of iwork should be at least ! 21 if miter is 0 or 3, or ! n+21 if miter is 1, 2, 4, or 5, or mint is 3, ! and leniw should be set to the value used. the contents ! of iwork should not be disturbed between calls to sdriv3. ! ! jacobn = a subroutine supplied by the user, if miter is 1 or 4. ! if this is the case, the name must be declared external in ! the user's calling program. given a system of n ! differential equations, it is meaningful to speak about ! the partial derivative of the i-th right hand side with ! respect to the j-th dependent variable. in general there ! are n*n such quantities. often however the equations can ! be ordered so that the i-th differential equation only ! involves dependent variables with index near i, e.g., i+1, ! i-2. such a system is called banded. if, for all i, the ! i-th equation depends on at most the variables ! y(i-ml), y(i-ml+1), ... , y(i), y(i+1), ... , y(i+mu) ! then we call ml+mu+1 the bandwith of the system. in a ! banded system many of the partial derivatives above are ! automatically zero. for the cases miter = 1, 2, 4, and 5, ! some of these partials are needed. for the cases ! miter = 2 and 5 the necessary derivatives are ! approximated numerically by sdriv3, and we only ask the ! user to tell sdriv3 the value of ml and mu if the system ! is banded. for the cases miter = 1 and 4 the user must ! derive these partials algebraically and encode them in ! subroutine jacobn. by computing these derivatives the ! user can often save 20-30 per cent of the computing time. ! usually, however, the accuracy is not much affected and ! most users will probably forego this option. the optional ! user-written subroutine jacobn has the form: ! subroutine jacobn (n, t, y, dfdy, matdim, ml, mu) ! real y(*), dfdy(matdim,*) ! . ! . ! calculate values of dfdy ! . ! . ! end (sample) ! here y is a vector of length at least n. the actual ! length of y is determined by the user's declaration in the ! program which calls sdriv3. thus the dimensioning of y in ! jacobn, while required by fortran convention, does not ! actually allocate any storage. when this subroutine is ! called, the first n components of y are intermediate ! approximations to the solution components. the user ! should not alter these values. if the system is not ! banded (miter=1), the partials of the i-th equation with ! respect to the j-th dependent function are to be stored in ! dfdy(i,j). thus partials of the i-th equation are stored ! in the i-th row of dfdy. if the system is banded ! (miter=4), then the partials of the i-th equation with ! respect to y(j) are to be stored in dfdy(k,j), where ! k=i-j+mu+1 . normally a return from jacobn passes control ! back to sdriv3. however, if the user would like to abort ! the calculation, i.e., return control to the program which ! calls sdriv3, he should set n to zero. sdriv3 will signal ! this by returning a value of nstate equal to +8(-8). ! altering the value of n in jacobn has no effect on the ! value of n in the call sequence of sdriv3. ! ! fa = a subroutine supplied by the user if impl is 1 or 2, and ! miter is not 3. if so, the name must be declared external ! in the user's calling program. this subroutine computes ! the array a, where a*dy(i)/dt = f(y(i),t). ! there are two cases: ! ! impl=1. ! subroutine fa is of the form: ! subroutine fa (n, t, y, a, matdim, ml, mu, nde) ! real y(*), a(matdim,*) ! . ! . ! calculate all values of a ! . ! . ! end (sample) ! in this case a is assumed to be a nonsingular matrix, ! with the same structure as dfdy (see jacobn description ! above). programming considerations prevent complete ! generality. if miter is 1 or 2, a is assumed to be full ! and the user must compute and store all values of ! a(i,j), i,j=1, ... ,n. if miter is 4 or 5, a is assumed ! to be banded with lower and upper half bandwidth ml and ! mu. the left hand side of the i-th equation is a linear ! combination of dy(i-ml)/dt, dy(i-ml+1)/dt, ... , ! dy(i)/dt, ... , dy(i+mu-1)/dt, dy(i+mu)/dt. thus in the ! i-th equation, the coefficient of dy(j)/dt is to be ! stored in a(k,j), where k=i-j+mu+1. ! note: the array a will be altered between calls to fa. ! ! impl=2. ! subroutine fa is of the form: ! subroutine fa (n, t, y, a, matdim, ml, mu, nde) ! real y(*), a(*) ! . ! . ! calculate non-zero values of a(1),...,a(nde) ! . ! . ! end (sample) ! in this case it is assumed that the system is ordered by ! the user so that the differential equations appear ! first, and the algebraic equations appear last. the ! algebraic equations must be written in the form: ! 0 = f(y(i),t). when using this option it is up to the ! user to provide initial values for the y(i) that satisfy ! the algebraic equations as well as possible. it is ! further assumed that a is a vector of length nde. all ! of the components of a, which may depend on t, y(i), ! etc., must be set by the user to non-zero values. ! here y is a vector of length at least n. the actual ! length of y is determined by the user's declaration in the ! program which calls sdriv3. thus the dimensioning of y in ! fa, while required by fortran convention, does not ! actually allocate any storage. when this subroutine is ! called, the first n components of y are intermediate ! approximations to the solution components. the user ! should not alter these values. fa is always called ! immediately after calling f, with the same values of t ! and y. normally a return from fa passes control back to ! sdriv3. however, if the user would like to abort the ! calculation, i.e., return control to the program which ! calls sdriv3, he should set n to zero. sdriv3 will signal ! this by returning a value of nstate equal to +9(-9). ! altering the value of n in fa has no effect on the value ! of n in the call sequence of sdriv3. ! ! nde = (input) the number of differential equations. this is ! required only for impl = 2, with nde < n. ! ! mxstep = (input) the maximum number of internal steps allowed on ! one call to sdriv3. ! ! g = a real fortran function supplied by the user ! if nroot is not 0. in this case, the name must be ! declared external in the user's calling program. g is ! repeatedly called with different values of iroot to obtain ! the value of each of the nroot equations for which a root ! is desired. g is of the form: ! real function g (n, t, y, iroot) ! real y(*) ! go to (10, ...), iroot ! 10 g = ... ! . ! . ! end (sample) ! here, y is a vector of length at least n, whose first n ! components are the solution components at the point t. ! the user should not alter these values. the actual length ! of y is determined by the user's declaration in the ! program which calls sdriv3. thus the dimensioning of y in ! g, while required by fortran convention, does not actually ! allocate any storage. normally a return from g passes ! control back to sdriv3. however, if the user would like ! to abort the calculation, i.e., return control to the ! program which calls sdriv3, he should set n to zero. ! sdriv3 will signal this by returning a value of nstate ! equal to +7(-7). in this case, the index of the equation ! being evaluated is stored in the sixth element of iwork. ! altering the value of n in g has no effect on the value of ! n in the call sequence of sdriv3. ! ! users = a subroutine supplied by the user, if miter is 3. ! if this is the case, the name must be declared external in ! the user's calling program. the routine users is called ! by sdriv3 when certain linear systems must be solved. the ! user may choose any method to form, store and solve these ! systems in order to obtain the solution result that is ! returned to sdriv3. in particular, this allows sparse ! matrix methods to be used. the call sequence for this ! routine is: ! ! subroutine users (y, yh, ywt, save1, save2, t, h, el, ! 8 impl, n, nde, iflag) ! real y(*), yh(*), ywt(*), save1(*), ! 8 save2(*), t, h, el ! ! the input variable iflag indicates what action is to be ! taken.subroutine users should perform the following ! operations, depending on the value of iflag and impl. ! ! iflag = 0 ! impl = 0. users is not called. ! impl = 1 or 2. solve the system a*x = save2, ! returning the result in save2. the array save1 can ! be used as a work array. ! ! iflag = 1 ! impl = 0. compute, decompose and store the matrix ! (i - h*el*j), where i is the identity matrix and j ! is the jacobian matrix of the right hand side. the ! array save1 can be used as a work array. ! impl = 1 or 2. compute, decompose and store the matrix ! (a - h*el*j). the array save1 can be used as a work ! array. ! ! iflag = 2 ! impl = 0. solve the system ! (i - h*el*j)*x = h*save2 - yh - save1, ! returning the result in save2. ! impl = 1 or 2. solve the system ! (a - h*el*j)*x = h*save2 - a*(yh + save1) ! returning the result in save2. ! the array save1 should not be altered. ! normally a return from users passes control back to ! sdriv3. however, if the user would like to abort the ! calculation, i.e., return control to the program which ! calls sdriv3, he should set n to zero. sdriv3 will signal ! this by returning a value of nstate equal to +10(-10). ! altering the value of n in users has no effect on the ! value of n in the call sequence of sdriv3. ! ! long description ! ! iii. other communication to the user ! ! a. the solver communicates to the user through the parameters ! above. in addition it writes diagnostic messages through the ! standard error handling program xerror. that program will ! terminate the user's run if it detects a probable problem setup ! error, e.g., insufficient storage allocated by the user for the ! work array. messages are written on the standard error message ! file. at installations which have this error handling package ! the user should determine the standard error handling file from ! the local documentation. otherwise the short but serviceable ! routine, xerror, available with this package, can be used. that ! program writes on logical unit 6 to transmit messages. a ! complete description of xerror is given in the sandia ! laboratories report sand78-1189 by r. e. jones. following is a ! list of possible errors. unless otherwise noted, all messages ! come from sdriv3: ! ! no. type message ! --- ---- ------- ! 1 fatal from sdriv2: the integration method flag has ! an illegal value. ! 2 warning the output point is inconsistent with the ! value of ntask and t. ! 3 warning number of steps to reach tout exceeds mxstep. ! 4 recoverable requested accuracy is too stringent. ! 5 warning step size is below the roundoff level. ! 6 fatal eps is less than zero. ! 7 fatal n is not positive. ! 8 fatal insufficient work space provided. ! 9 fatal improper value for nstate, mint, miter and/or ! impl. ! 10 fatal the iwork array is too small. ! 11 fatal the step size has gone to zero. ! 12 fatal excessive amount of work. ! 13 fatal for impl=1 or 2, the matrix a is singular. ! 14 fatal mxord is not positive. ! 15 fatal from sdriv1: n is greater than 200. ! 16 fatal from sdriv1: the work array is too small. ! ! b. the first three elements of work and the first five elements of ! iwork will contain the following statistical data: ! avgh the average step size used. ! hused the step size last used (successfully). ! avgord the average order used. ! imxerr the index of the element of the solution vector that ! contributed most to the last error test. ! nqused the order last used (successfully). ! nstep the number of steps taken since last initialization. ! nfe the number of evaluations of the right hand side. ! nje the number of evaluations of the jacobian matrix. ! ! iv. remarks ! ! a. other routines used: ! sdntp, sdzro, sdstp, sdntl, sdpst, sdcor, sdcst, ! sdpsc, and sdscl; ! sgefa, sgesl, sgbfa, sgbsl, and snrm2 (from linpack) ! r1mach (from the bell laboratories machine constants package) ! xerror (from the slatec common math library) ! the last seven routines above, not having been written by the ! present authors, are not explicitly part of this package. ! ! b. on any return from sdriv3 all information necessary to continue ! the calculation is contained in the call sequence parameters, ! including the work arrays. thus it is possible to suspend one ! problem, integrate another, and then return to the first. ! ! c. if this package is to be used in an overlay situation, the user ! must declare in the primary overlay the variables in the call ! sequence to sdriv3. ! ! d. changing parameters during an integration. ! the value of nroot, eps, ewt, ierror, mint, miter, or hmax may ! be altered by the user between calls to sdriv3. for example, if ! too much accuracy has been requested (the program returns with ! nstate = 4 and an increased value of eps) the user may wish to ! increase eps further. in general, prudence is necessary when ! making changes in parameters since such changes are not ! implemented until the next integration step, which is not ! necessarily the next call to sdriv3. this can happen if the ! program has already integrated to a point which is beyond the ! new point tout. ! ! e. as the price for complete control of matrix algebra, the sdriv3 ! users option puts all responsibility for jacobian matrix ! evaluation on the user. it is often useful to approximate ! numerically all or part of the jacobian matrix. however this ! must be done carefully. the fortran sequence below illustrates ! the method we recommend. it can be inserted directly into ! subroutine users to approximate jacobian elements in rows i1 ! to i2 and columns j1 to j2. ! real dfdy(n,n), epsj, h, r, r1mach, ! 8 save1(n), save2(n), t, uround, y(n), yj, ywt(n) ! uround = r1mach(4) ! epsj = sqrt(uround) ! do j = j1,j2 ! r = epsj*max(abs(ywt(j)), abs(y(j))) ! if (r == 0.0) r = ywt(j) ! yj = y(j) ! y(j) = y(j) + r ! call f (n, t, y, save1) ! if (n == 0) return ! y(j) = yj ! do i = i1,i2 ! dfdy(i,j) = (save1(i) - save2(i))/r ! end do ! end do ! ! many problems give rise to structured sparse jacobians, e.g., ! block banded. it is possible to approximate them with fewer ! function evaluations than the above procedure uses; see curtis, ! powell and reid, j. inst. maths applics, (1974), vol. 13, ! pp. 117-119. ! ! f. when any of the routines jacobn, fa, g, or users, is not ! required, difficulties associated with unsatisfied externals can ! be avoided by using the name of the routine which calculates the ! right hand side of the differential equations in place of the ! corresponding name in the call sequence of sdriv3. ! ! references gear, c. w., "numerical initial value problems in ! ordinary differential equations", prentice-hall, 1971. ! integer n ! real ae real big logical convrg real eps real ewt(*) real g real glast real h real hmax real hsign integer i integer ia integer idfdy integer ierror integer ifac integer iflag integer ignow integer impl integer imxerr integer info integer iroot integer isave1 integer isave2 integer itroot integer iwork(*) integer iywt integer j integer ja integer jaml integer jerror integer jgnow integer jhyp integer jroot integer jsave2 integer jstate integer jtroot integer jyh integer jywt integer lenchk integer leniw integer lenw integer liwchk integer matdim integer maxord integer mint integer miter integer ml character msg*205 integer mu integer mxord integer mxstep integer nde integer ndecom integer npar integer nroot real, parameter :: nround = 20.0E+00 integer nstate integer nstepl integer ntask real re real r1mach real size real snrm2 real sum real t real tlast real tout real troot real uround real work(*) real y(*) integer, parameter :: iavgh = 1 integer, parameter :: ihused = 2 integer, parameter :: iavgrd = 3 integer, parameter :: iel = 4 integer, parameter :: ih = 160 integer, parameter :: ihmax = 161 integer, parameter :: ihold = 162 integer, parameter :: ihsign = 163 integer, parameter :: irc = 164 integer, parameter :: irmax = 165 integer, parameter :: it = 166 integer, parameter :: itout = 167 integer, parameter :: itq = 168 integer, parameter :: itrend = 204 integer, parameter :: iyh = 205 integer, parameter :: indmxr = 1 integer, parameter :: inqusd = 2 integer, parameter :: instep = 3 integer, parameter :: infe = 4 integer, parameter :: inje = 5 integer, parameter :: inroot = 6 integer, parameter :: icnvrg = 7 integer, parameter :: ijroot = 8 integer, parameter :: ijtask = 9 integer, parameter :: imntld = 10 integer, parameter :: imtrld = 11 integer, parameter :: inq = 12 integer, parameter :: inrtld = 13 integer, parameter :: indtrt = 14 integer, parameter :: inwait = 15 integer, parameter :: imnt = 16 integer, parameter :: imtrsv = 17 integer, parameter :: imtr = 18 integer, parameter :: imxrds = 19 integer, parameter :: imxord = 20 integer, parameter :: indprt = 21 integer, parameter :: indpvt = 22 ! external f, jacobn, fa, g, users ! npar = n uround = epsilon ( uround ) if ( nroot /= 0 ) then ae = tiny ( ae ) re = uround end if if (eps < 0.0) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'SDRIV3 - Fatal error!' write ( *, * ) ' Improper value of EPS.' write ( *, * ) ' EPS = ', eps write ( *, * ) ' EPS should be nonnegative.' stop end if if (n <= 0) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'SDRIV3 - Fatal error!' write ( *, * ) ' Improper value for the number of equations.' write ( *, * ) ' N = ', n write ( *, * ) ' N should be positive.' stop end if if (mxord <= 0) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'SDRIV3 - Fatal error!' write ( *, * ) ' Improper value for the maximum order.' write ( *, * ) ' MXORD = ', mxord write ( *, * ) ' MXORD should be positive.' stop end if if ((mint < 1 .or. mint > 3) .or. (mint == 3 .and. & (miter == 0 .or. miter == 3 .or. impl /= 0)) & .or. (miter < 0 .or. miter > 5) .or. & (impl /= 0 .and. impl /= 1 .and. impl /= 2) .or. & ((impl == 1 .or. impl == 2) .and. miter == 0) .or. & (impl == 2 .and. mint == 1) .or. & (nstate < 1 .or. nstate > 10)) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'SDRIV3 - Fatal error!' write ( *, * ) ' Improper value for some input quantity.' write ( *, * ) ' NSTATE/MSTATE/MINT/MITER/IMPL.' stop end if if (miter == 0 .or. miter == 3) then liwchk = indpvt - 1 else if (miter == 1 .or. miter == 2 .or. miter == 4 .or. miter == 5) then liwchk = indpvt + n - 1 end if if (leniw < liwchk) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'SDRIV3 - Fatal error!' write ( *, * ) ' Insufficient integer storage.' write ( *, * ) ' LENIW = ', leniw write ( *, * ) ' Required = ', liwchk stop end if ! ! Allocate the work array ! iyh is the index of yh in work. ! if (mint == 1 .or. mint == 3) then maxord = min(mxord, 12) else if (mint == 2) then maxord = min(mxord, 5) end if idfdy = iyh + (maxord + 1)*n ! ! idfdy is the index of dfdy ! if (miter == 0 .or. miter == 3) then iywt = idfdy else if (miter == 1 .or. miter == 2) then iywt = idfdy + n*n else if (miter == 4 .or. miter == 5) then iywt = idfdy + (2*ml + mu + 1)*n end if ! ! iywt is the index of ywt ! isave1 = iywt + n ! isave1 is the index of save1 isave2 = isave1 + n ! isave2 is the index of save2 ignow = isave2 + n ! ignow is the index of gnow itroot = ignow + nroot ! itroot is the index of troot ifac = itroot + nroot ! ifac is the index of fac if (miter == 2 .or. miter == 5 .or. mint == 3) then ia = ifac + n else ia = ifac end if ! ! ia is the index of a ! if (impl == 0 .or. miter == 3) then lenchk = ia - 1 else if (impl == 1 .and. (miter == 1 .or. miter == 2)) then lenchk = ia - 1 + n*n else if (impl == 1 .and. (miter == 4 .or. miter == 5)) then lenchk = ia - 1 + (2*ml + mu + 1)*n else if (impl == 2 .and. miter /= 3) then lenchk = ia - 1 + n end if if (lenw < lenchk) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'SDRIV3 - Fatal error!' write ( *, * ) ' Insufficient real storage.' write ( *, * ) ' LENW = ', lenw write ( *, * ) ' Required = ', lenchk stop end if if (miter == 0 .or. miter == 3) then matdim = 1 else if (miter == 1 .or. miter == 2) then matdim = n else if (miter == 4 .or. miter == 5) then matdim = 2*ml + mu + 1 end if if (impl == 0 .or. impl == 1) then ndecom = n else if (impl == 2) then ndecom = nde end if if (nstate == 1) then ! initialize parameters if (mint == 1 .or. mint == 3) then iwork(imxord) = min(mxord, 12) else if (mint == 2) then iwork(imxord) = min(mxord, 5) end if iwork(imxrds) = mxord if (mint == 1 .or. mint == 2) then iwork(imnt) = mint iwork(imtr) = miter iwork(imntld) = mint iwork(imtrld) = miter else if (mint == 3) then iwork(imnt) = 1 iwork(imtr) = 0 iwork(imntld) = iwork(imnt) iwork(imtrld) = iwork(imtr) iwork(imtrsv) = miter end if work(ihmax) = hmax h = (tout - t)*(1.0E+00 - 4.0*uround) h = sign(min(abs(h), hmax), h) work(ih) = h hsign = sign(1.0, h) work(ihsign) = hsign iwork(ijtask) = 0 work(iavgh) = 0.0E+00 work(ihused) = 0.0E+00 work(iavgrd) = 0.0E+00 iwork(indmxr) = 0 iwork(inqusd) = 0 iwork(instep) = 0 iwork(infe) = 0 iwork(inje) = 0 iwork(inroot) = 0 work(it) = t iwork(icnvrg) = 0 iwork(indprt) = 0 ! ! set initial conditions ! do i = 1,n jyh = i + iyh - 1 work(jyh) = y(i) end do if (t == tout) return go to 180 end if ! ! on a continuation, check that output points have ! been or will be overtaken. ! if (iwork(icnvrg) == 1) then convrg = .true. else convrg = .false. end if t = work(it) h = work(ih) hsign = work(ihsign) if (iwork(ijtask) == 0) go to 180 ! ! iwork(ijroot) flags unreported ! roots, and is set to the value of ! ntask when a root was last selected. ! it is set to zero when all roots ! have been reported. iwork(inroot) ! contains the index and work(itout) ! contains the value of the root last ! selected to be reported. ! iwork(inrtld) contains the value of ! nroot and iwork(indtrt) contains ! the value of itroot when the array ! of roots was last calculated. if (nroot /= 0) then jroot = iwork(ijroot) if (jroot > 0) then ! ! tout has just been reported. ! if troot <= tout, report troot. ! if (nstate /= 5) then if (tout*hsign >= work(itout)*hsign) then troot = work(itout) call sdntp(h, 0, n, iwork(inq), t, troot, work(iyh), y) t = troot nstate = 5 go to 580 end if ! ! a root has just been reported. ! select the next root. ! else troot = t iroot = 0 do i = 1,iwork(inrtld) jtroot = iwork(indtrt) + i - 1 if (work(jtroot)*hsign <= troot*hsign) then ! ! check for multiple roots. ! if (work(jtroot) == work(itout) .and. i > iwork(inroot)) then iroot = i troot = work(jtroot) go to 60 end if if (work(jtroot)*hsign > work(itout)*hsign) then iroot = i troot = work(jtroot) end if end if end do 60 continue iwork(inroot) = iroot work(itout) = troot iwork(ijroot) = ntask if (ntask == 1) then if (iroot == 0) then iwork(ijroot) = 0 else if (tout*hsign >= troot*hsign) then call sdntp(h, 0, n, iwork(inq), t, troot,work(iyh),y) nstate = 5 t = troot go to 580 end if end if else if (ntask == 2 .or. ntask == 3) then ! ! if there are no more roots, or the ! user has altered tout to be less ! than a root, set ijroot to zero. ! if (iroot == 0 .or. (tout*hsign < troot*hsign)) then iwork(ijroot) = 0 else call sdntp(h, 0, n, iwork(inq), t, troot, work(iyh), y) nstate = 5 t = troot go to 580 end if end if end if end if end if if (ntask == 1) then nstate = 2 if (t*hsign >= tout*hsign) then call sdntp (h, 0, n, iwork(inq), t, tout, work(iyh), y) t = tout go to 580 end if else if (ntask == 2) then ! ! Check if TOUT has been reset. ! if (t*hsign > tout*hsign) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'SDRIV3 - Warning!' write ( *, * ) ' The input T was beyond TOUT.' write ( *, * ) ' The solution was obtained by interpolation.' call sdntp (h, 0, n, iwork(inq), t, tout, work(iyh), y) t = tout nstate = 2 go to 580 end if ! ! Determine if tout has been overtaken ! if (abs(tout - t)<=nround*uround*max(abs(t), abs(tout))) then t = tout nstate = 2 go to 560 end if ! ! if there are no more roots to report, report t. ! if (nstate == 5) then nstate = 2 go to 560 end if nstate = 2 ! see if tout will ! be overtaken. if ((t + h)*hsign > tout*hsign) then h = tout - t if ((t + h)*hsign > tout*hsign) h = h*(1.0E+00 - 4.0*uround) work(ih) = h if (h == 0.0) go to 670 iwork(ijtask) = -1 end if else if (ntask == 3) then nstate = 2 if (t*hsign > tout*hsign) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'SDRIV3 - Warning!' write ( *, * ) ' The input T was beyond TOUT.' write ( *, * ) ' The solution was obtained by interpolation.' call sdntp (h, 0, n, iwork(inq), t, tout, work(iyh), y) t = tout go to 580 end if if (abs(tout - t)<=nround*uround*max(abs(t), abs(tout))) then t = tout go to 560 end if if ((t + h)*hsign > tout*hsign) then h = tout - t if ((t + h)*hsign > tout*hsign) h = h*(1.0E+00 - 4.0*uround) work(ih) = h if (h == 0.0) go to 670 iwork(ijtask) = -1 end if end if ! ! implement changes in mint, miter, and/or hmax. ! if ((mint /= iwork(imntld) .or. miter /= iwork(imtrld)) .and. & mint /= 3 .and. iwork(imntld) /= 3) iwork(ijtask) = -1 if (hmax /= work(ihmax)) then h = sign(min(abs(h), hmax), h) if (h /= work(ih)) then iwork(ijtask) = -1 work(ih) = h end if work(ihmax) = hmax end if ! 180 nstepl = iwork(instep) do i = 1,n jyh = iyh + i - 1 y(i) = work(jyh) end do if (nroot /= 0) then do i = 1,nroot jgnow = ignow + i - 1 work(jgnow) = g (npar, t, y, i) if (npar == 0) then iwork(inroot) = i nstate = 7 return end if end do end if if (ierror == 1) then do i = 1,n jywt = i + iywt - 1 work(jywt) = 1.0E+00 end do go to 410 else if (ierror == 5) then do i = 1,n jywt = i + iywt - 1 work(jywt) = ewt(i) end do go to 410 end if ! reset ywt array. looping point. 260 if (ierror == 2) then do i = 1,n if (y(i) == 0.0) go to 290 jywt = i + iywt - 1 work(jywt) = abs(y(i)) end do go to 410 290 if (iwork(ijtask) == 0) then call f (npar, t, y, work(isave2)) if (npar == 0) then nstate = 6 return end if iwork(infe) = iwork(infe) + 1 if (miter == 3 .and. impl /= 0) then iflag = 0 call users(y, work(iyh), work(iywt), work(isave1), & work(isave2), t, h, work(iel), impl, npar, ndecom, iflag) if (npar == 0) then nstate = 10 return end if else if (impl == 1) then if (miter == 1 .or. miter == 2) then call fa (npar, t, y, work(ia), matdim, ml, mu, ndecom) if (npar == 0) then nstate = 9 return end if call sgefa (work(ia), matdim, n, iwork(indpvt), info) if (info /= 0) go to 690 call sgesl(work(ia),matdim,n,iwork(indpvt),work(isave2),0) else if (miter == 4 .or. miter == 5) then jaml = ia + ml call fa (npar, t, y, work(jaml), matdim, ml, mu, ndecom) if (npar == 0) then nstate = 9 return end if call sgbfa (work(ia),matdim,n,ml,mu,iwork(indpvt),info) if (info /= 0) go to 690 call sgbsl (work(ia), matdim, n, ml, mu, iwork(indpvt), & work(isave2), 0) end if else if (impl == 2) then call fa (npar, t, y, work(ia), matdim, ml, mu, ndecom) if (npar == 0) then nstate = 9 return end if do i = 1,ndecom ja = i + ia - 1 jsave2 = i + isave2 - 1 if (work(ja) == 0.0) go to 690 work(jsave2) = work(jsave2)/work(ja) end do end if end if do j = i,n jywt = j + iywt - 1 if (y(j) /= 0.0) then work(jywt) = abs(y(j)) else if (iwork(ijtask) == 0) then jsave2 = j + isave2 - 1 work(jywt) = abs(h*work(jsave2)) else jhyp = j + iyh + n - 1 work(jywt) = abs(work(jhyp)) end if end if if (work(jywt) == 0.0) work(jywt) = uround end do else if (ierror == 3) then do i = 1,n jywt = i + iywt - 1 work(jywt) = max(ewt(1), abs(y(i))) end do else if (ierror == 4) then do i = 1,n jywt = i + iywt - 1 work(jywt) = max(ewt(i), abs(y(i))) end do end if 410 continue do i = 1,n jywt = i + iywt - 1 jsave2 = i + isave2 - 1 work(jsave2) = y(i)/work(jywt) end do sum = snrm2(n, work(isave2), 1)/sqrt(real(n)) if (eps < sum*uround) then eps = sum*uround*(1.0E+00 + 10.0*uround) write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'SDRIV3 - Warning!' write ( *, * ) ' The requested accuracy EPS was not obtainable.' write ( *, * ) ' EPS has been increased to ', eps nstate = 4 go to 560 end if if (abs(h) >= uround*abs(t)) then iwork(indprt) = 0 else if (iwork(indprt) == 0) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'SDRIV3 - Warning!' write ( *, * ) ' The stepsize is smaller than roundoff.' write ( *, * ) ' This may occur when there is an abrupt change' write ( *, * ) ' in the right hand side.' iwork(indprt) = 1 end if if ( ntask /= 2 ) then if ((iwork(instep)-nstepl) > mxstep) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'SDRIV3 - Warning!' write ( *, * ) ' Number of steps taken = ', mxstep write ( *, * ) ' TOUT not reached.' nstate = 3 go to 560 end if end if call sdstp (eps, f, fa, work(ihmax), impl, jacobn, matdim, & iwork(imxord), iwork(imnt), iwork(imtr), ml, mu, npar, & ndecom, work(iywt), uround, users, work(iavgh), & work(iavgrd), work(ih), work(ihused), iwork(ijtask), & iwork(imntld), iwork(imtrld), iwork(infe), iwork(inje), & iwork(inqusd), iwork(instep), work(it), y, work(iyh), & work(ia), convrg, work(idfdy), work(iel), work(ifac), & work(ihold), iwork(indpvt), jstate, iwork(inq), & iwork(inwait), work(irc), work(irmax), work(isave1), & work(isave2), work(itq), work(itrend), mint, & iwork(imtrsv), iwork(imxrds)) t = work(it) h = work(ih) go to (470, 670, 680, 690, 690, 660, 660, 660, 660, 660), jstate 470 iwork(ijtask) = 1 ! ! determine if a root has been overtaken ! if (nroot /= 0) then iroot = 0 do i = 1,nroot jtroot = itroot + i - 1 jgnow = ignow + i - 1 glast = work(jgnow) work(jgnow) = g (npar, t, y, i) if (npar == 0) then iwork(inroot) = i nstate = 7 return end if if (glast*work(jgnow) > 0.0) then work(jtroot) = t + h else if (work(jgnow) == 0.0) then work(jtroot) = t iroot = i else if (glast == 0.0) then work(jtroot) = t + h else if (abs(work(ihused)) >= uround*abs(t)) then tlast = t - work(ihused) iroot = i troot = t call sdzro (ae, g, h, npar, iwork(inq), iroot, re, t, & work(iyh), uround, troot, tlast, work(jgnow), glast, y) do j = 1,n y(j) = work(iyh + j -1) end do if (npar == 0) then iwork(inroot) = i nstate = 7 return end if work(jtroot) = troot else work(jtroot) = t iroot = i end if end if end if end if end do if (iroot == 0) then iwork(ijroot) = 0 ! select the first root else iwork(ijroot) = ntask iwork(inrtld) = nroot iwork(indtrt) = itroot troot = t + h do i = 1,nroot jtroot = itroot + i - 1 if (work(jtroot)*hsign < troot*hsign) then troot = work(jtroot) iroot = i end if end do iwork(inroot) = iroot work(itout) = troot if (troot*hsign <= tout*hsign) then call sdntp (h, 0, n, iwork(inq), t, troot, work(iyh), y) nstate = 5 t = troot go to 580 end if end if end if ! test for ntask condition to be satisfied nstate = 2 if (ntask == 1) then if (t*hsign < tout*hsign) go to 260 call sdntp (h, 0, n, iwork(inq), t, tout, work(iyh), y) t = tout go to 580 ! tout is assumed to have been attained ! exactly if t is within twenty roundoff ! units of tout, relative to max(tout, t). else if (ntask == 2) then if (abs(tout - t)<=nround*uround*max(abs(t), abs(tout))) then t = tout else if ((t + h)*hsign > tout*hsign) then h = tout - t if ((t + h)*hsign>tout*hsign) h = h*(1.0E+00 - 4.0*uround) work(ih) = h if (h == 0.0) go to 670 iwork(ijtask) = -1 end if end if else if (ntask == 3) then if (abs(tout - t)<=nround*uround*max(abs(t), abs(tout))) then t = tout else if ((t + h)*hsign > tout*hsign) then h = tout - t if ((t + h)*hsign>tout*hsign) h = h*(1.0E+00 - 4.0*uround) work(ih) = h if (h == 0.0) go to 670 iwork(ijtask) = -1 end if go to 260 end if end if ! all returns are made through this ! section. imxerr is determined. 560 continue do i = 1,n jyh = i + iyh - 1 y(i) = work(jyh) end do 580 if (convrg) then iwork(icnvrg) = 1 else iwork(icnvrg) = 0 end if if (iwork(ijtask) == 0) return big = 0.0E+00 imxerr = 1 iwork(indmxr) = imxerr do i = 1,n ! size = abs(error(i)/ywt(i)) jywt = i + iywt - 1 jerror = i + isave1 - 1 size = abs(work(jerror)/work(jywt)) if (big < size) then big = size imxerr = i iwork(indmxr) = imxerr end if end do return ! 660 nstate = jstate return 670 continue write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'SDRIV3 - Fatal error!' write ( *, * ) ' The attempted stepsize has been reduced to zero.' write ( *, * ) ' The problem setup may be incorrect.' stop 680 continue write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'SDRIV3 - Fatal error!' write ( *, * ) ' The stepsize has been reduced about 50 times.' write ( *, * ) ' The problem setup may be incorrect.' stop 690 continue write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'SDRIV3 - Fatal error!' write ( *, * ) ' Matrix A is singular.' stop end subroutine sdscl (hmax,n,nq,rmax,h,rc,rh,yh) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! SDSCL rescales the YH array whenever the ODE step size is changed. ! ! ! SDSCL is a utility routine for the SDRIV family of ODE solvers. ! integer n ! real h real hmax integer j integer nq real r1 real rc real rh real rmax real yh(n,*) ! if ( h < 1.0E+00 ) then rh = min ( abs(h)*rh, abs(h)*rmax, hmax ) / abs(h) else rh = min ( rh, rmax, hmax/abs(h) ) end if r1 = 1.0E+00 do j = 1, nq r1 = r1 * rh yh(1:n,j+1) = yh(1:n,j+1) * r1 end do h = h*rh rc = rc*rh return end subroutine sdstp (eps,f,fa,hmax,impl,jacobn,matdim,maxord,mint, & miter,ml,mu,n,nde,ywt,uround,users,avgh,avgord,h,hused,jtask, & mntold,mtrold,nfe,nje,nqused,nstep,t,y,yh,a,convrg,dfdy,el,fac, & hold,ipvt,jstate,nq,nwait,rc,rmax,save1,save2,tq,trend,iswflg, & mtrsv,mxrdsv) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! SDSTP performs one step of the integration of an initial value ! problem for a system of ordinary differential equations. ! communication with sdstp is done with the following variables: ! ! yh an n by maxord+1 array containing the dependent variables ! and their scaled derivatives. maxord, the maximum order ! used, is currently 12 for the adams methods and 5 for the ! gear methods. yh(i,j+1) contains the j-th derivative of ! y(i), scaled by h**j/factorial(j). only y(i), ! 1 <= i <= n, need be set by the calling program on ! the first entry. the yh array should not be altered by ! the calling program. when referencing yh as a ! 2-dimensional array, use a column length of n, as this is ! the value used in sdstp. ! dfdy a block of locations used for partial derivatives if miter ! is not 0. if miter is 1 or 2 its length must be at least ! n*n. if miter is 4 or 5 its length must be at least ! (2*ml+mu+1)*n. ! ywt an array of n locations used in convergence and error tests ! save1 ! save2 arrays of length n used for temporary storage. ! ipvt an integer array of length n used by the linear system ! solvers for the storage of row interchange information. ! a a block of locations used to store the matrix a, when using ! the implicit method. if impl is 1, a is a matdim by n ! array. if miter is 1 or 2 matdim is n, and if miter is 4 ! or 5 matdim is 2*ml+mu+1. if impl is 2 its length is n. ! jtask an integer used on input. ! it has the following values and meanings: ! == 0 perform the first step. this value enables ! the subroutine to initialize itself. ! > 0 take a new step continuing from the last. ! assumes the last step was successful and ! user has not changed any parameters. ! < 0 take a new step with a new value of h and/or ! mint and/or miter. ! jstate a completion code with the following meanings: ! 1 the step was successful. ! 2 a solution could not be obtained with h /= 0. ! 3 a solution was not obtained in mxtry attempts. ! 4 for impl /= 0, the matrix a is singular. ! on a return with jstate > 1, the values of t and ! the yh array are as of the beginning of the last ! step, and h is the last step size attempted. ! integer matdim integer n ! real a(matdim,*) real avgh real avgord real bnd logical convrg real ctest real d real denom real dfdy(matdim,*) real d1 real el(13,12) real eps real erdn real erup real etest logical evalfa logical evaljc real fac(*) real h real hmax real hn real hold real hs real hused integer i logical, save :: ier = .false. integer impl integer ipvt(*) integer iswflg integer iter integer j integer jstate integer jtask integer maxord integer mint integer miter integer ml integer mntold integer mtrold integer mtrsv integer mu integer mxrdsv integer nde integer nfail integer nfe integer nje integer nq integer nqused integer nstep integer nsv integer ntry real numer integer nwait real rc real rh real rh1 real rh2 real rh3 real rmax real save1(*) real save2(*) real snrm2 logical switch real t real told real tq(3,12) real trend real uround real y(*) real yh(n,*) real ywt(*) real y0nrm real, parameter :: bias1 = 1.30 real, parameter :: bias2 = 1.20 real, parameter :: bias3 = 1.40 integer, parameter :: mxfail = 3 integer, parameter :: mxiter = 3 integer, parameter :: mxtry = 50 real, parameter :: rctest = .30 real, parameter :: rmfail = 2.0E+00 real, parameter :: rmnorm = 10.0E+00 real, parameter :: trshld = 1.0E+00 ! external f, jacobn, fa, users ! nsv = n bnd = 0.0E+00 switch = .false. ntry = 0 told = t nfail = 0 if (jtask <= 0) then call sdntl (eps, f, fa, hmax, hold, impl, jtask, matdim, & maxord, mint, miter, ml, mu, n, nde, save1, t, & uround, users, y, ywt, h, mntold, mtrold, nfe, rc, & yh, a, convrg, el, fac, ier, ipvt, nq, nwait, rh, & rmax, save2, tq, trend, iswflg, jstate) if (n == 0) go to 440 if (h == 0.0) go to 400 if (ier) go to 420 end if 100 ntry = ntry + 1 if (ntry > mxtry) go to 410 t = t + h call sdpsc (1, n, nq, yh) evaljc = ((abs(rc - 1.0) > rctest) .and. (miter /= 0)) evalfa = .not. evaljc 110 iter = 0 y(1:n) = yh(1:n,1) call f (n, t, y, save2) if (n == 0) then jstate = 6 go to 430 end if nfe = nfe + 1 if (evaljc .or. ier) then call sdpst (el, f, fa, h, impl, jacobn, matdim, miter, ml, & mu, n, nde, nq, save2, t, users, y, yh, ywt, uround, & nfe, nje, a, dfdy, fac, ier, ipvt, save1, iswflg, & bnd, jstate) if (n == 0) go to 430 if (ier) go to 160 convrg = .false. rc = 1.0E+00 end if save1(1:n) = 0.0E+00 ! up to mxiter corrector iterations are taken. ! convergence is tested by requiring the r.m.s. ! norm of changes to be less than eps. the sum of ! the corrections is accumulated in the vector ! save1(i). it is approximately equal to the l-th ! derivative of y multiplied by ! h**l/(factorial(l-1)*el(l,nq)), and is thus ! proportional to the actual errors to the lowest ! power of h present (h**l). the yh array is not ! altered in the correction loop. the norm of the ! iterate difference is stored in d. if ! iter > 0, an estimate of the convergence rate ! constant is stored in trend, and this is used in ! the convergence test. ! 130 call sdcor (dfdy, el, fa, h, impl, ipvt, matdim, miter, ml, & mu, n, nde, nq, t, users, y, yh, ywt, evalfa, save1, & save2, a, d, jstate) if (n == 0) go to 430 if (iswflg == 3 .and. mint == 1) then if (iter == 0) then numer = snrm2(n, save1, 1) do i = 1,n dfdy(1,i) = save1(i) end do y0nrm = snrm2(n, yh, 1) else denom = numer do i = 1,n dfdy(1,i) = save1(i) - dfdy(1,i) end do numer = snrm2(n, dfdy, matdim) if (el(1,nq)*numer <= 100.0*uround*y0nrm) then if (rmax == rmfail) then switch = .true. go to 170 end if end if do i = 1,n dfdy(1,i) = save1(i) end do if (denom /= 0.0) then bnd = max(bnd, numer/(denom*abs(h)*el(1,nq))) end if end if end if if (iter > 0) then trend = max(.9*trend, d/d1) end if d1 = d ctest = min(2.0*trend, 1.0)*d if (ctest <= eps) go to 170 iter = iter + 1 if (iter < mxiter) then do i = 1,n y(i) = yh(i,1) + el(1,nq)*save1(i) end do call f (n, t, y, save2) if (n == 0) then jstate = 6 go to 430 end if nfe = nfe + 1 go to 130 end if ! the corrector iteration failed to converge in ! mxiter tries. if partials are involved but are ! not up to date, they are reevaluated for the next ! try. otherwise the yh array is retracted to its ! values before prediction, and h is reduced, if ! possible. if not, a no-convergence exit is taken. if (convrg) then evaljc = .true. evalfa = .false. go to 110 end if 160 t = told call sdpsc (-1, n, nq, yh) nwait = nq + 2 if (jtask /= 0 .and. jtask /= 2) rmax = rmfail if (iter == 0) then rh = .3 else rh = .9*(eps/ctest)**(.2) end if if (rh*h == 0.0) go to 400 call sdscl (hmax, n, nq, rmax, h, rc, rh, yh) go to 100 ! the corrector has converged. convrg is set ! to .true. if partial derivatives were used, ! to indicate that they may need updating on ! subsequent steps. the error test is made. 170 convrg = (miter /= 0) do i = 1,nde save2(i) = save1(i)/ywt(i) end do etest = snrm2(nde, save2, 1)/(tq(2,nq)*sqrt(real(nde))) ! ! the error test failed. nfail keeps track of ! multiple failures. restore t and the yh ! array to their previous values, and prepare ! to try the step again. compute the optimum ! step size for this or one lower order. if (etest > eps) then t = told call sdpsc (-1, n, nq, yh) nfail = nfail + 1 if (nfail < mxfail) then if (jtask /= 0 .and. jtask /= 2) rmax = rmfail rh2 = 1.0/(bias2*(etest/eps)**(1.0/real(nq+1))) if (nq > 1) then do i = 1,nde save2(i) = yh(i,nq+1)/ywt(i) end do erdn = snrm2(nde, save2, 1)/(tq(1,nq)*sqrt(real(nde))) rh1 = 1.0/max(1.0, bias1*(erdn/eps)**(1.0/real(nq))) if (rh2 < rh1) then nq = nq - 1 rc = rc*el(1,nq)/el(1,nq+1) rh = rh1 else rh = rh2 end if else rh = rh2 end if nwait = nq + 2 if (rh*h == 0.0) go to 400 call sdscl (hmax, n, nq, rmax, h, rc, rh, yh) go to 100 end if ! control reaches this section if the error test has ! failed mxfail or more times. it is assumed that the ! derivatives that have accumulated in the yh array have ! errors of the wrong order. hence the first derivative ! is recomputed, the order is set to 1, and the step is ! retried. nfail = 0 jtask = 2 do i = 1,n y(i) = yh(i,1) end do call sdntl (eps, f, fa, hmax, hold, impl, jtask, matdim, & maxord, mint, miter, ml, mu, n, nde, save1, t, & uround, users, y, ywt, h, mntold, mtrold, nfe, rc, & yh, a, convrg, el, fac, ier, ipvt, nq, nwait, rh, & rmax, save2, tq, trend, iswflg, jstate) rmax = rmnorm if (n == 0) go to 440 if (h == 0.0) go to 400 if (ier) go to 420 go to 100 end if ! after a successful step, update the yh array. nstep = nstep + 1 hused = h nqused = nq avgh = (real(nstep-1)*avgh + h)/real(nstep) avgord = (real(nstep-1)*avgord + real(nq))/real(nstep) do j = 1,nq+1 do i = 1,n yh(i,j) = yh(i,j) + el(j,nq)*save1(i) end do end do y(1:n) = yh(1:n,1) ! if iswflg is 3, consider ! changing integration methods. if (iswflg == 3) then if (bnd /= 0.0) then if (mint == 1 .and. nq <= 5) then hn = abs(h)/max(uround, (etest/eps)**(1.0/real(nq+1))) hn = min(hn, 1.0/(2.0*el(1,nq)*bnd)) hs = abs(h)/max(uround,(etest/(eps*el(nq+1,1)))**(1.0/real(nq+1))) if (hs > 1.2*hn) then mint = 2 mntold = mint miter = mtrsv mtrold = miter maxord = min(mxrdsv, 5) rc = 0.0E+00 rmax = rmnorm trend = 1.0E+00 call sdcst (maxord, mint, iswflg, el, tq) nwait = nq + 2 end if else if (mint == 2) then hs = abs(h)/max(uround, (etest/eps)**(1.0/real(nq+1))) hn = abs(h)/max(uround,(etest*el(nq+1,1)/eps)**(1.0/real(nq+1))) hn = min(hn, 1.0/(2.0*el(1,nq)*bnd)) if (hn >= hs) then mint = 1 mntold = mint miter = 0 mtrold = miter maxord = min(mxrdsv, 12) rmax = rmnorm trend = 1.0E+00 convrg = .false. call sdcst (maxord, mint, iswflg, el, tq) nwait = nq + 2 end if end if end if end if if (switch) then mint = 2 mntold = mint miter = mtrsv mtrold = miter maxord = min(mxrdsv, 5) nq = min(nq, maxord) rc = 0.0E+00 rmax = rmnorm trend = 1.0E+00 call sdcst (maxord, mint, iswflg, el, tq) nwait = nq + 2 end if ! consider changing h if nwait = 1. otherwise ! decrease nwait by 1. if nwait is then 1 and ! nqtrshld) call sdscl (hmax, n, nq, rmax, h, rc, rh, yh) else if (nwait > 1) then nwait = nwait - 1 if (nwait == 1 .and. nq < maxord) then do i = 1,nde yh(i,maxord+1) = save1(i) end do end if ! if a change in h is considered, an increase or decrease in ! order by one is considered also. a change in h is made ! only if it is by a factor of at least trshld. factors ! rh1, rh2, and rh3 are computed, by which h could be ! multiplied at order nq - 1, order nq, or order nq + 1, ! respectively. the largest of these is determined and the ! new order chosen accordingly. if the order is to be ! increased, we compute one additional scaled derivative. ! if there is a change of order, reset nq and the ! coefficients. in any case h is reset according to rh and ! the yh array is rescaled. else if (nq == 1) then rh1 = 0.0E+00 else do i = 1,nde save2(i) = yh(i,nq+1)/ywt(i) end do erdn = snrm2(nde, save2, 1)/(tq(1,nq)*sqrt(real(nde))) rh1 = 1.0/max(uround, bias1*(erdn/eps)**(1.0/real(nq))) end if rh2 = 1.0/max(uround, bias2*(etest/eps)**(1.0/real(nq+1))) if (nq == maxord) then rh3 = 0.0E+00 else do i = 1,nde save2(i) = (save1(i) - yh(i,maxord+1))/ywt(i) end do erup = snrm2(nde, save2, 1)/(tq(3,nq)*sqrt(real(nde))) rh3 = 1.0/max(uround, bias3*(erup/eps)**(1.0/real(nq+2))) end if if (rh1 > rh2 .and. rh1 >= rh3) then rh = rh1 if (rh <= trshld) go to 380 nq = nq - 1 rc = rc*el(1,nq)/el(1,nq+1) else if (rh2 >= rh1 .and. rh2 >= rh3) then rh = rh2 if (rh <= trshld) go to 380 else rh = rh3 if (rh <= trshld) go to 380 do i = 1,n yh(i,nq+2) = save1(i)*el(nq+1,nq)/real(nq+1) end do nq = nq + 1 rc = rc*el(1,nq)/el(1,nq-1) end if if (iswflg == 3 .and. mint == 1) then if (bnd/=0.0) rh = min(rh, 1.0/(2.0*el(1,nq)*bnd*abs(h))) end if call sdscl (hmax, n, nq, rmax, h, rc, rh, yh) rmax = rmnorm 380 nwait = nq + 2 end if ! all returns are made through this section. h is saved ! in hold to allow the caller to change h on the next step jstate = 1 hold = h return 400 jstate = 2 hold = h do i = 1,n y(i) = yh(i,1) end do return 410 jstate = 3 hold = h return 420 jstate = 4 hold = h return 430 t = told call sdpsc (-1, nsv, nq, yh) do i = 1,nsv y(i) = yh(i,1) end do 440 hold = h return end subroutine sdzro (ae,f,h,n,nq,iroot,re,t,yh,uround,b,c,fb,fc,y) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! SDZRO is a special purpose version of zeroin, modified for use with ! the sdriv1 package. ! ! sandia mathematical program library ! mathematical computing services division 5422 ! sandia laboratories ! p. o. box 5800 ! albuquerque, new mexico 87115 ! control data 6600 version 4.5, 1 november 1971 ! ! Discussion: ! ! zeroin searches for a zero of a function f(n, t, y, iroot) ! between the given values b and c until the width of the ! interval (b, c) has collapsed to within a tolerance specified ! by the stopping criterion, abs(b - c) <= 2.*(rw*abs(b) + ae). ! ! Parameters: ! ! f - name of the external function, which returns a ! real result. this name must be in an ! external statement in the calling program. ! b - one end of the interval (b, c). the value returned for ! b usually is the better approximation to a zero of f. ! c - the other end of the interval (b, c). ! re - relative error used for rw in the stopping criterion. ! if the requested re is less than machine precision, ! then rw is set to approximately machine precision. ! ae - absolute error used in the stopping criterion. if the ! given interval (b, c) contains the origin, then a ! nonzero value should be chosen for ae. ! ! references ! 1. l f shampine and h a watts, zeroin, a root-solving routine, ! sc-tm-70-631, sept 1970. ! 2. t j dekker, finding a zero by means of successive linear ! interpolation, "constructive aspects of the fundamental ! theorem of algebra", edited by b dejon and p henrici, 1969. ! integer n ! real a real acbs real acmb real ae real b real c real cmb real er real f real fa real fb real fc real h integer ic integer iroot integer kount integer nq real p real q real re real rw real t real tol real uround real y(*) real yh(n,*) ! external f ! er = 4.0*uround rw = max(re, er) ic = 0 acbs = abs(b - c) a = c fa = fc kount = 0 ! perform interchange 10 continue if (abs(fc) < abs(fb)) then a = b fa = fb b = c fb = fc c = a fc = fa end if cmb = 0.5*(c - b) acmb = abs(cmb) tol = rw*abs(b) + ae ! test stopping criterion if (acmb <= tol) return if (kount > 50) return ! calculate new iterate implicitly as ! b + p/q, where we arrange p >= 0. ! the implicit form is used to prevent overflow. p = (b - a)*fb q = fa - fb if (p < 0.0) then p = -p q = -q end if ! update a and check for satisfactory reduction ! in the size of our bounding interval. a = b fa = fb ic = ic + 1 if (ic >= 4) then if (8.0*acmb >= acbs) then ! bisect b = 0.5*(c + b) go to 20 end if ic = 0 end if acbs = acmb ! test for too small a change if (p <= abs(q)*tol) then ! increment by tolerance b = b + sign(tol, cmb) ! root ought to be between ! b and (c + b)/2. else if (p < cmb*q) then ! interpolate b = b + p/q else ! bisect b = 0.5*(c + b) end if ! ! have completed computation for new iterate b. ! 20 continue call sdntp (h, 0, n, nq, t, b, yh, y) fb = f(n, b, y, iroot) if (n == 0) return if (fb == 0.0) return kount = kount + 1 ! ! Decide whether next step is interpolation or extrapolation ! if (sign(1.0, fb) == sign(1.0, fc)) then c = a fc = fa end if go to 10 end subroutine secfac(nr,n,x,g,a,xpls,gpls,epsm,itncnt,rnf, & iagflg,noupdt,s,y,u,w) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! SECFAC updates the hessian by the bfgs factored method. ! ! ! Parameters: ! ! nr --> row dimension of matrix ! n --> dimension of problem ! x(n) --> old iterate, x[k-1] ! g(n) --> gradient or approximate at old iterate ! a(n,n) <--> on entry: cholesky decomposition of hessian in ! lower part and diagonal. ! on exit: updated cholesky decomposition of hessian ! in lower triangular part and diagonal ! xpls(n) --> new iterate, x[k] ! gpls(n) --> gradient or approximate at new iterate ! epsm --> machine epsilon ! itncnt --> iteration count ! rnf --> relative noise in optimization function fcn ! iagflg --> =1 if analytic gradient supplied, =0 itherwise ! noupdt <--> boolean: no update yet ! [retain value between successive calls] ! s(n) --> workspace ! y(n) --> workspace ! u(n) --> workspace ! w(n) --> workspace ! integer n integer nr ! real a(nr,n) real alp real den1 real den2 real epsm real g(n) real gpls(n) integer i integer iagflg integer itncnt integer j logical noupdt real reltol real rnf real s(n) logical skpupd real snorm2 real snrm2 real u(n) real w(n) real x(n) real xpls(n) real y(n) real ynrm2 ! if ( itncnt==1) noupdt=.true. s(1:n) = xpls(1:n) - x(1:n) y(1:n) = gpls(1:n) - g(1:n) den1 = dot_product ( s, y ) snorm2 = snrm2(n,s,1) ynrm2=snrm2(n,y,1) if ( den1 row dimension of matrix ! n --> dimension of problem ! x(n) --> old iterate, x[k-1] ! g(n) --> gradient or approximate at old iterate ! a(n,n) <--> on entry: approximate hessian at old iterate ! in upper triangular part (and udiag) ! on exit: updated approx hessian at new iterate ! in lower triangular part and diagonal ! [lower triangular part of symmetric matrix] ! udiag --> on entry: diagonal of hessian ! xpls(n) --> new iterate, x[k] ! gpls(n) --> gradient or approximate at new iterate ! epsm --> machine epsilon ! itncnt --> iteration count ! rnf --> relative noise in optimization function fcn ! iagflg --> =1 if analytic gradient supplied, =0 otherwise ! noupdt <--> boolean: no update yet ! [retain value between successive calls] ! s(n) --> workspace ! y(n) --> workspace ! t(n) --> workspace ! integer n integer nr ! real a(nr,n) real den1 real den2 real epsm real g(n) real gam real gpls(n) integer i integer iagflg integer itncnt integer j logical noupdt real rnf real s(n) logical skpupd real snorm2 real snrm2 real t(n) real tol real udiag(n) real x(n) real xpls(n) real y(n) real ynrm2 ! ! copy hessian in upper triangular part and udiag to ! lower triangular part and diagonal ! do j = 1, n a(j,j) = udiag(j) do i = j+1, n a(i,j) = a(j,i) end do end do if ( itncnt==1) noupdt=.true. s(1:n) = xpls(1:n) - x(1:n) y(1:n) = gpls(1:n) - g(1:n) den1 = dot_product ( s, y ) snorm2=snrm2(n,s,1) ynrm2=snrm2(n,y,1) if ( den1= tol) then skpupd=.false. go to 70 end if end do 70 continue if ( skpupd) then return end if ! ! bfgs update ! do j=1,n do i=j,n a(i,j)=a(i,j)+y(i)*y(j)/den1-t(i)*t(j)/den2 end do end do return end subroutine sgbfa ( abd, lda, n, ml, mu, ipvt, info ) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! SGBFA factors a real band matrix by elimination. ! ! ! Discussion: ! ! sgbfa is usually called by sgbco, but it can be called ! directly with a saving in time if rcond is not needed. ! ! Parameters: ! ! on entry ! ! abd real(lda, n) ! contains the matrix in band storage. the columns ! of the matrix are stored in the columns of abd and ! the diagonals of the matrix are stored in rows ! ml+1 through 2*ml+mu+1 of abd . ! see the comments below for details. ! ! lda integer ! the leading dimension of the array abd . ! lda must be >= 2*ml + mu + 1 . ! ! n integer ! the order of the original matrix. ! ! ml integer ! number of diagonals below the main diagonal. ! 0 <= ml < n . ! ! mu integer ! number of diagonals above the main diagonal. ! 0 <= mu < n . ! more efficient if ml <= mu . ! on return ! ! abd an upper triangular matrix in band storage and ! the multipliers which were used to obtain it. ! the factorization can be written a = l*u where ! l is a product of permutation and unit lower ! triangular matrices and u is upper triangular. ! ! ipvt integer(n) ! an integer vector of pivot indices. ! ! info integer ! = 0 normal value. ! = k if u(k,k) == 0.0E+00 . this is not an error ! condition for this subroutine, but it does ! indicate that sgbsl will divide by zero if ! called. use rcond in sgbco for a reliable ! indication of singularity. ! ! band storage ! ! if a is a band matrix, the following program segment ! will set up the input. ! ! ml = (band width below the diagonal) ! mu = (band width above the diagonal) ! m = ml + mu + 1 ! do j = 1, n ! i1 = max ( 1, j-mu ) ! i2 = min ( n, j+ml ) ! do i = i1, i2 ! k = i - j + m ! abd(k,j) = a(i,j) ! end do ! end do ! ! this uses rows ml+1 through 2*ml+mu+1 of abd . ! in addition, the first ml rows in abd are used for ! elements generated during the triangularization. ! the total number of rows needed in abd is 2*ml+mu+1 . ! the ml+mu by ml+mu upper left triangle and the ! ml by ml lower right triangle are not referenced. ! ! linpack. this version dated 08/14/78 . ! cleve moler, university of new mexico, argonne national lab. ! integer lda integer n ! real abd(lda,n) integer i integer i0 integer info integer ipvt(n) integer isamax integer j integer j0 integer j1 integer ju integer jz integer k integer l integer lm integer m integer ml integer mm integer mu real t ! m = ml + mu + 1 info = 0 ! ! Zero initial fill-in columns. ! j0 = mu + 2 j1 = min ( n, m ) - 1 do jz = j0, j1 i0 = m + 1 - jz do i = i0, ml abd(i,jz) = 0.0E+00 end do end do jz = j1 ju = 0 ! ! Gaussian elimination with partial pivoting. ! do k = 1, n-1 ! ! Zero next fill-in column. ! jz = jz + 1 if ( jz <= n ) then abd(1:ml,jz) = 0.0E+00 end if ! ! Find L = pivot index. ! lm = min ( ml, n-k ) l = isamax ( lm+1, abd(m,k), 1 ) + m - 1 ipvt(k) = l + k - m ! ! Zero pivot implies this column already triangularized. ! if ( abd(l,k) == 0.0E+00 ) then info = k ! ! Interchange if necessary. ! else if ( l /= m ) then t = abd(l,k) abd(l,k) = abd(m,k) abd(m,k) = t end if ! ! Compute multipliers. ! t = -1.0E+00 / abd(m,k) call sscal ( lm, t, abd(m+1,k), 1 ) ! ! Row elimination with column indexing. ! ju = min ( max ( ju, mu+ipvt(k) ), n ) mm = m do j = k+1, ju l = l - 1 mm = mm - 1 t = abd(l,j) if ( l /= mm ) then abd(l,j) = abd(mm,j) abd(mm,j) = t end if call saxpy ( lm, t, abd(m+1,k), 1, abd(mm+1,j), 1 ) end do end if end do ipvt(n) = n if ( abd(m,n) == 0.0E+00 ) then info = n end if return end subroutine sgbsl(abd,lda,n,ml,mu,ipvt,b,job) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! SGBSL solves a banded linear system factored by SGBCO or SGBFA. ! ! ! Description: ! ! sgbsl solves the real band system ! a * x = b or trans(a) * x = b ! using the factors computed by sbgco or sgbfa. ! ! on entry ! ! abd real(lda, n) ! the output from sbgco or sgbfa. ! ! lda integer ! the leading dimension of the array abd . ! ! n integer ! the order of the original matrix. ! ! ml integer ! number of diagonals below the main diagonal. ! ! mu integer ! number of diagonals above the main diagonal. ! ! ipvt integer(n) ! the pivot vector from sbgco or sgbfa. ! ! b real(n) ! the right hand side vector. ! ! job integer ! = 0 to solve a*x = b , ! = nonzero to solve trans(a)*x = b , where ! trans(a) is the transpose. ! ! on return ! ! b the solution vector x . ! ! error condition ! ! a division by zero will occur if the input factor contains a ! zero on the diagonal. technically, this indicates singularity, ! but it is often caused by improper arguments or improper ! setting of lda . it will not occur if the subroutines are ! called correctly and if sbgco has set rcond > 0.0E+00 ! or sgbfa has set info == 0 . ! ! to compute inverse(a) * c where c is a matrix ! with p columns ! call sbgco(abd,lda,n,ml,mu,ipvt,rcond,z) ! if (rcond is too small) go to ... ! do j = 1, p ! call sgbsl(abd,lda,n,ml,mu,ipvt,c(1,j),0) ! end do ! ! linpack. this version dated 08/14/78 . ! cleve moler, university of new mexico, argonne national lab. ! ! references dongarra j.j., bunch j.r., moler c.b., stewart g.w., ! *linpack users guide*, siam, 1979. ! integer lda integer n ! real abd(lda,*) real b(*) integer ipvt(*) integer job integer k integer kb integer l integer la integer lb integer lm integer m integer ml integer mu real sdot real t ! m = mu + ml + 1 if ( job == 0 ) then if ( ml /= 0 ) then do k = 1, n-1 lm = min(ml,n-k) l = ipvt(k) t = b(l) if (l /= k) then b(l) = b(k) b(k) = t end if call saxpy(lm,t,abd(m+1,k),1,b(k+1),1) end do end if do kb = 1, n k = n + 1 - kb b(k) = b(k)/abd(m,k) lm = min(k,m) - 1 la = m - lm lb = k - lm t = -b(k) call saxpy(lm,t,abd(la,k),1,b(lb),1) end do else do k = 1, n lm = min(k,m) - 1 la = m - lm lb = k - lm t = sdot(lm,abd(la,k),1,b(lb),1) b(k) = (b(k) - t)/abd(m,k) end do if ( ml /= 0) then do kb = 1, n-1 k = n - kb lm = min(ml,n-k) b(k) = b(k) + sdot(lm,abd(m+1,k),1,b(k+1),1) l = ipvt(k) if (l /= k) then t = b(l) b(l) = b(k) b(k) = t end if end do end if end if return end subroutine sgeco(a,lda,n,ipvt,rcond,z) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! SGECO factors a real matrix by gaussian elimination ! and estimates the condition of the matrix. ! ! if rcond is not needed, sgefa is slightly faster. ! to solve a*x = b , follow sgeco by sgesl. ! to compute inverse(a)*c , follow sgeco by sgesl. ! to compute determinant(a) , follow sgeco by sgedi. ! to compute inverse(a) , follow sgeco by sgedi. ! ! on entry ! ! a real(lda, n) ! the matrix to be factored. ! ! lda integer ! the leading dimension of the array a . ! ! n integer ! the order of the matrix a . ! ! on return ! ! a an upper triangular matrix and the multipliers ! which were used to obtain it. ! the factorization can be written a = l*u , where ! l is a product of permutation and unit lower ! triangular matrices and u is upper triangular. ! ! ipvt integer(n) ! an integer vector of pivot indices. ! ! rcond real ! an estimate of the reciprocal condition of a . ! for the system a*x = b , relative perturbations ! in a and b of size epsilon may cause ! relative perturbations in x of size epsilon/rcond . ! if rcond is so small that the logical expression ! 1.0E+00 + rcond == 1.0E+00 ! is true, then a may be singular to working ! precision. in particular, rcond is zero if ! exact singularity is detected or the estimate ! underflows. ! ! z real(n) ! a work vector whose contents are usually unimportant. ! if a is close to a singular matrix, then z is ! an approximate null vector in the sense that ! norm(a*z) = rcond*norm(a)*norm(z) . ! ! linpack. this version dated 08/14/78 . ! cleve moler, university of new mexico, argonne national lab. ! ! references dongarra j.j., bunch j.r., moler c.b., stewart g.w., ! *linpack users guide*, siam, 1979. ! integer lda integer n ! integer ipvt(n) real a(lda,*) real anorm real ek integer info integer j integer k integer kb integer l real rcond real s real sasum real sdot real sm real t real wk real wkm real ynorm real z(*) ! ! compute 1-norm of a ! anorm = 0.0E+00 do j = 1, n anorm = max (anorm,sasum(n,a(1,j),1)) end do ! ! factor ! call sgefa(a,lda,n,ipvt,info) ! ! rcond = 1/(norm(a)*(estimate of norm(inverse(a)))) . ! estimate = norm(z)/norm(y) where a*z = y and trans(a)*y = e . ! trans(a) is the transpose of a . the components of e are ! chosen to cause maximum local growth in the elements of w where ! trans(u)*w = e . the vectors are frequently rescaled to avoid ! overflow. ! ! solve trans(u)*w = e ! ek = 1.0E+00 z(1:n) = 0.0E+00 do k = 1, n if (z(k) /= 0.0) ek = sign(ek,-z(k)) if (abs(ek-z(k)) > abs(a(k,k))) then s = abs(a(k,k))/abs(ek-z(k)) call sscal(n,s,z,1) ek = s*ek end if wk = ek - z(k) wkm = -ek - z(k) s = abs(wk) sm = abs(wkm) if (a(k,k) /= 0.0) then wk = wk/a(k,k) wkm = wkm/a(k,k) else wk = 1.0E+00 wkm = 1.0E+00 end if if ( k+1 <= n) then do j = k+1, n sm = sm + abs(z(j)+wkm*a(k,j)) z(j) = z(j) + wk*a(k,j) s = s + abs(z(j)) end do if ( s < sm ) then t = wkm - wk wk = wkm do j = k+1, n z(j) = z(j) + t*a(k,j) end do end if end if z(k) = wk end do s = 1.0/sasum(n,z,1) call sscal(n,s,z,1) ! ! solve trans(l)*y = w ! do kb = 1, n k = n + 1 - kb if (k < n) z(k) = z(k) + sdot(n-k,a(k+1,k),1,z(k+1),1) if ( abs(z(k)) > 1.0) then s = 1.0/abs(z(k)) call sscal(n,s,z,1) end if l = ipvt(k) t = z(l) z(l) = z(k) z(k) = t end do s = 1.0/sasum(n,z,1) call sscal(n,s,z,1) ynorm = 1.0E+00 ! ! solve l*v = y ! do k = 1, n l = ipvt(k) t = z(l) z(l) = z(k) z(k) = t if (k < n) call saxpy(n-k,t,a(k+1,k),1,z(k+1),1) if (abs(z(k)) > 1.0) then s = 1.0/abs(z(k)) call sscal(n,s,z,1) ynorm = s*ynorm end if end do s = 1.0/sasum(n,z,1) call sscal(n,s,z,1) ynorm = s*ynorm ! ! solve u*z = v ! do kb = 1, n k = n + 1 - kb if (abs(z(k)) > abs(a(k,k))) then s = abs(a(k,k))/abs(z(k)) call sscal(n,s,z,1) ynorm = s*ynorm end if if (a(k,k) /= 0.0) z(k) = z(k)/a(k,k) if (a(k,k) == 0.0) z(k) = 1.0E+00 t = -z(k) call saxpy(k-1,t,a(1,k),1,z(1),1) end do ! ! make znorm = 1.0E+00 ! s = 1.0/sasum(n,z,1) call sscal(n,s,z,1) ynorm = s*ynorm if (anorm /= 0.0) rcond = ynorm/anorm if (anorm == 0.0) rcond = 0.0E+00 return end subroutine sgefa(a,lda,n,ipvt,info) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! SGEFA factors a real matrix by gaussian elimination. ! ! ! sgefa is usually called by sgeco, but it can be called ! directly with a saving in time if rcond is not needed. ! (time for sgeco) = (1 + 9/n)*(time for sgefa) . ! ! on entry ! ! a real(lda, n) ! the matrix to be factored. ! ! lda integer ! the leading dimension of the array a . ! ! n integer ! the order of the matrix a . ! ! on return ! ! a an upper triangular matrix and the multipliers ! which were used to obtain it. ! the factorization can be written a = l*u , where ! l is a product of permutation and unit lower ! triangular matrices and u is upper triangular. ! ! ipvt integer(n) ! an integer vector of pivot indices. ! ! info integer ! = 0 normal value. ! = k if u(k,k) == 0.0E+00 . this is not an error ! condition for this subroutine, but it does ! indicate that sgesl or sgedi will divide by zero ! if called. use rcond in sgeco for a reliable ! indication of singularity. ! ! references dongarra j.j., bunch j.r., moler c.b., stewart g.w., ! *linpack users guide*, siam, 1979. ! integer lda integer n ! real a(lda,n) integer info integer ipvt(*) integer isamax integer j integer k integer l real t ! info = 0 do k = 1, n-1 ! ! find l = pivot index ! l = isamax(n-k+1,a(k,k),1) + k - 1 ipvt(k) = l ! ! zero pivot implies this column already triangularized ! if (a(l,k) == 0.0E+00 ) then info = k ! ! interchange if necessary ! else if ( l /= k) then t = a(l,k) a(l,k) = a(k,k) a(k,k) = t end if ! ! compute multipliers ! t = -1.0/a(k,k) call sscal(n-k,t,a(k+1,k),1) ! ! row elimination with column indexing ! do j = k+1, n t = a(l,j) if (l /= k) then a(l,j) = a(k,j) a(k,j) = t end if call saxpy(n-k,t,a(k+1,k),1,a(k+1,j),1) end do end if end do ipvt(n) = n if (a(n,n) == 0.0) info = n return end subroutine sgefs(a,lda,n,v,itask,ind,work,iwork,rcond) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! SGEFS solves a general nxn system of single ! precision linear equations using linpack subroutines sgeco ! and sgesl. that is, if a is an nxn real matrix and if x ! and b are real n-vectors, then sgefs solves the equation ! ! a*x=b. ! ! the matrix a is first factored into upper and lower tri- ! angular matrices u and l using partial pivoting. these ! factors and the pivoting information are used to find the ! solution vector x. an approximate condition number is ! calculated to provide a rough estimate of the number of ! digits of accuracy in the computed solution. ! ! if the equation a*x=b is to be solved for more than one vector ! b, the factoring of a does not need to be performed again and ! the option to only solve (itask == 2) will be faster for ! the succeeding solutions. in this case, the contents of a, ! lda, n and iwork must not have been altered by the user follow- ! ing factorization (itask=1). ind will not be changed by sgefs ! in this case. other settings of itask are used to solve linear ! systems involving the transpose of a. ! ! Parameters: ! ! a real(lda,n) ! on entry, the doubly subscripted array with dimension ! (lda,n) which contains the coefficient matrix. ! on return, an upper triangular matrix u and the ! multipliers necessary to construct a matrix l ! so that a=l*u. ! lda integer ! the leading dimension of the array a. lda must be great- ! er than or equal to n. (terminal error message ind=-1) ! n integer ! the order of the matrix a. the first n elements of ! the array a are the elements of the first column of ! the matrix a. n must be greater than or equal to 1. ! (terminal error message ind=-2) ! v real(n) ! on entry, the singly subscripted array(vector) of di- ! mension n which contains the right hand side b of a ! system of simultaneous linear equations a*x=b. ! on return, v contains the solution vector, x . ! itask integer ! if itask=1, the matrix a is factored and then the ! linear equation is solved. ! if itask=2, the equation is solved using the existing ! factored matrix a and iwork. ! if itask=3, the matrix is factored and a'x=b is solved ! if itask=4, the transposed equation is solved using the ! existing factored matrix a and iwork. ! if itask < 1 or itask > 4, then the terminal error ! message ind=-3 is printed. ! ind integer ! gt. 0 ind is a rough estimate of the number of digits ! of accuracy in the solution, x. ! lt. 0 see error message corresponding to ind below. ! work real(n) ! a singly subscripted array of dimension at least n. ! iwork integer(n) ! a singly subscripted array of dimension at least n. ! rcond real ! estimate of 1.0/cond(a) ! ! error messages printed ! ! ind=-1 fatal n is greater than lda. ! ind=-2 fatal n is less than 1. ! ind=-3 fatal itask is less than 1 or greater than 4. ! ind=-4 fatal the matrix a is computationally singular. ! a solution has not been computed. ! ind=-10 warning the solution has no apparent significance. ! the solution may be inaccurate or the matrix ! a may be poorly scaled. ! ! references subroutine sgefs was developed by group c-3, los alamos ! scientific laboratory, los alamos, nm 87545. ! the linpack subroutines used by sgefs are described in ! detail in the *linpack users guide* published by ! the society for industrial and applied mathematics ! (siam) dated 1979. ! integer lda integer n ! real a(lda,n) integer ind integer itask integer iwork(*) integer job real rcond real v(*) real work(*) ! if ( lda < n ) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'SGEFS - Fatal error!' write ( *, * ) ' LDA < N.' return end if if ( n <= 0 ) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'SGEFS - Fatal error!' write ( *, * ) ' N <= 0.' return end if if ( itask < 1 ) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'SGEFS - Fatal error!' write ( *, * ) ' ITASK < 1.' return end if if ( itask > 4 ) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'SGEFS - Fatal error!' write ( *, * ) ' ITASK > 4.' return end if ! ! Factor the matrix. ! if ( itask == 1 .or. itask == 3 ) then call sgeco ( a, lda, n, iwork, rcond, work ) ! ! Check for computational singularity. ! if ( rcond == 0.0E+00 ) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'SGEFS - Error!' write ( *, * ) ' The matrix is compuationally singular.' return end if ! ! Estimate the number of significant digits. ! ind = - int ( log10 ( epsilon ( rcond ) / rcond ) ) if (ind <= 0 ) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'SGEFS - Warning!' write ( *, * ) ' Solution may have no significant digits.' end if end if if ( itask <= 2 ) then job = 0 else job = 1 end if call sgesl ( a, lda, n, iwork, v, job ) return end subroutine sgesl(a,lda,n,ipvt,b,job) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! SGESL solves a linear system factored by SGEFA or SGECO. ! ! ! on entry ! ! a real(lda, n) ! the output from sgeco or sgefa. ! ! lda integer ! the leading dimension of the array a . ! ! n integer ! the order of the matrix a . ! ! ipvt integer(n) ! the pivot vector from sgeco or sgefa. ! ! b real(n) ! the right hand side vector. ! ! job integer ! = 0 to solve a*x = b , ! = nonzero to solve trans(a)*x = b where ! trans(a) is the transpose. ! ! on return ! ! b the solution vector x . ! ! error condition ! ! a division by zero will occur if the input factor contains a ! zero on the diagonal. technically, this indicates singularity, ! but it is often caused by improper arguments or improper ! setting of lda . it will not occur if the subroutines are ! called correctly and if sgeco has set rcond > 0.0E+00 ! or sgefa has set info == 0 . ! ! to compute inverse(a) * c where c is a matrix ! with p columns ! call sgeco(a,lda,n,ipvt,rcond,z) ! if (rcond is too small) go to ... ! do j = 1, p ! call sgesl(a,lda,n,ipvt,c(1,j),0) ! end do ! integer lda integer n ! real a(lda,n) real b(n) integer ipvt(*) integer job integer k integer kb integer l real sdot real t ! if (job == 0) then ! ! job = 0 , solve a * x = b ! first solve l*y = b ! do k = 1, n-1 l = ipvt(k) t = b(l) if (l /= k) then b(l) = b(k) b(k) = t end if call saxpy(n-k,t,a(k+1,k),1,b(k+1),1) end do ! ! solve u*x = y ! do k = n, 1, -1 b(k) = b(k)/a(k,k) t = -b(k) call saxpy(k-1,t,a(1,k),1,b(1),1) end do else ! ! job = nonzero, solve trans(a) * x = b ! first solve trans(u)*y = b ! do k = 1, n t = sdot(k-1,a(1,k),1,b(1),1) b(k) = (b(k) - t)/a(k,k) end do ! ! Solve trans(l)*x = y ! do kb = 1, n-1 k = n - kb b(k) = b(k) + sdot(n-k,a(k+1,k),1,b(k+1),1) l = ipvt(k) if (l /= k) then t = b(l) b(l) = b(k) b(k) = t end if end do end if return end subroutine sinqb ( n, x, wsave ) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! SINQB computes the fast sine transform of quarter wave data. ! ! ! Discussion: ! ! SINQB computes a sequence from its representation in terms of a sine ! series with odd wave numbers. ! ! SINQF is the unnormalized inverse of SINQB since a call of SINQB ! followed by a call of SINQF will multiply the input sequence X by 4*N. ! ! The array WSAVE must be initialized by calling SINQI. ! ! The transform is defined by: ! ! X_out(I) = sum ( 1 <= K <= N ) ! ! 4 * X_in(K) * sin ( ( 2 * K - 1 ) * I * PI / ( 2 * N ) ) ! ! Modified: ! ! 12 March 2001 ! ! Author: ! ! Paul Swarztrauber, ! National Center for Atmospheric Research ! ! Reference: ! ! David Kahaner, Clever Moler, Steven Nash, ! Numerical Methods and Software, ! Prentice Hall, 1988. ! ! P N Swarztrauber, ! Vectorizing the FFT's, ! in Parallel Computations (G. Rodrigue, editor), ! Academic Press, 1982, pages 51-83. ! ! B L Buzbee, ! The SLATEC Common Math Library, ! in Sources and Development of Mathematical Software (W. Cowell, editor), ! Prentice Hall, 1984, pages 302-318. ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, integer N, the length of the array to be transformed. The ! method is more efficient when N is the product of small primes. ! ! Input/output, real X(N). ! On input, the sequence to be transformed. ! On output, the transformed sequence. ! ! Input, real WSAVE(3*N+15), a work array. The WSAVE array must be ! initialized by calling SINQI. A different WSAVE array must be used ! for each different value of N. ! integer n ! integer k real wsave(3*n+15) real x(n) ! if ( n < 1 ) then return end if if ( n == 1 ) then x(1) = 4.0E+00 * x(1) return end if x(2:n:2) = -x(2:n:2) call cosqb ( n, x, wsave ) ! ! Reverse the X vector. ! call rvec_reverse ( n, x ) return end subroutine sinqf ( n, x, wsave ) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! SINQF computes the fast sine transform of quarter wave data. ! ! ! Discussion: ! ! SINQF computes the coefficients in a sine series representation with ! only odd wave numbers. ! ! SINQB is the unnormalized inverse of SINQF since a call of SINQF ! followed by a call of SINQB will multiply the input sequence X by 4*N. ! ! The array WSAVE, which is used by SINQF, must be initialized by ! calling SINQI. ! ! The transform is defined by: ! ! X_out(I) = (-1)**(I-1) * X_in(N) + sum ( 1 <= K <= N-1 ) ! 2 * X_in(K) * sin ( ( 2 * I - 1 ) * K * PI / ( 2 * N ) ) ! ! Modified: ! ! 09 March 2001 ! ! Author: ! ! Paul Swarztrauber, ! National Center for Atmospheric Research ! ! Reference: ! ! David Kahaner, Clever Moler, Steven Nash, ! Numerical Methods and Software, ! Prentice Hall, 1988. ! ! P N Swarztrauber, ! Vectorizing the FFT's, ! in Parallel Computations (G. Rodrigue, editor), ! Academic Press, 1982, pages 51-83. ! ! B L Buzbee, ! The SLATEC Common Math Library, ! in Sources and Development of Mathematical Software (W. Cowell, editor), ! Prentice Hall, 1984, pages 302-318. ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, integer N, the length of the array to be transformed. The ! method is more efficient when N is the product of small primes. ! ! Input/output, real X(N). ! On input, the sequence to be transformed. ! On output, the transformed sequence. ! ! Input, real WSAVE(3*N+15), a work array. The WSAVE array must be ! initialized by calling SINQI. A different WSAVE array must be used ! for each different value of N. ! integer n ! integer k real wsave(3*n+15) real x(n) ! if ( n <= 1 ) then return end if ! ! Reverse the X vector. ! call rvec_reverse ( n, x ) call cosqf ( n, x, wsave ) x(2:n:2) = -x(2:n:2) return end subroutine sinqi ( n, wsave ) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! SINQI initializes WSAVE, used in SINQF and SINQB. ! ! ! Discussion: ! ! The prime factorization of N together with a tabulation of the ! trigonometric functions are computed and stored in WSAVE. ! ! Modified: ! ! 09 March 2001 ! ! Author: ! ! Paul Swarztrauber, ! National Center for Atmospheric Research ! ! Reference: ! ! David Kahaner, Clever Moler, Steven Nash, ! Numerical Methods and Software, ! Prentice Hall, 1988. ! ! P N Swarztrauber, ! Vectorizing the FFT's, ! in Parallel Computations (G. Rodrigue, editor), ! Academic Press, 1982, pages 51-83. ! ! B L Buzbee, ! The SLATEC Common Math Library, ! in Sources and Development of Mathematical Software (W. Cowell, editor), ! Prentice Hall, 1984, pages 302-318. ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, integer N, the length of the array to be transformed. ! ! Output, real WSAVE(3*N+15), contains data, dependent on the value ! of N, which is necessary for the SINQF or SINQB routines. ! integer n ! real wsave(3*n+15) ! call cosqi ( n, wsave ) return end subroutine sint ( n, x, wsave ) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! SINT computes the discrete Fourier sine transform of an odd sequence. ! ! ! Discussion: ! ! SINT is the unnormalized inverse of itself since a call of SINT ! followed by another call of SINT will multiply the input sequence ! X by 2*(N+1). ! ! The array WSAVE must be initialized by calling SINTI. ! ! The transform is defined by: ! ! X_out(I) = sum ( 1 <= K <= N ) ! 2 * X_in(K) * sin ( K * I * PI / ( N + 1 ) ) ! ! Modified: ! ! 09 March 2001 ! ! Author: ! ! Paul Swarztrauber, ! National Center for Atmospheric Research ! ! Reference: ! ! David Kahaner, Clever Moler, Steven Nash, ! Numerical Methods and Software, ! Prentice Hall, 1988. ! ! P N Swarztrauber, ! Vectorizing the FFT's, ! in Parallel Computations (G. Rodrigue, editor), ! Academic Press, 1982, pages 51-83. ! ! B L Buzbee, ! The SLATEC Common Math Library, ! in Sources and Development of Mathematical Software (W. Cowell, editor), ! Prentice Hall, 1984, pages 302-318. ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, integer N, the length of the sequence to be transformed. ! The method is most efficient when N+1 is the product of small primes. ! ! Input/output, real X(N). ! On input, the sequence to be transformed. ! On output, the transformed sequence. ! ! Input, real WSAVE((5*N+30)/2), a work array. The WSAVE array must be ! initialized by calling SINTI. A different WSAVE array must be used ! for each different value of N. ! integer n ! integer iw1 integer iw2 integer iw3 real wsave((5*n+30)/2) real x(n) ! write ( *, * ) 'DEBUG: entered SINT' iw1 = n / 2 + 1 iw2 = iw1 + n + 1 iw3 = iw2 + n + 1 call sint1 ( n, x, wsave(1), wsave(iw1), wsave(iw2), wsave(iw3) ) write ( *, * ) 'DEBUG: leaving SINT' return end subroutine sint1 ( n, war, was, xh, x, ifac ) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! SINT1 is a lower level routine used by SINT. ! ! ! Modified: ! ! 09 March 2001 ! ! Author: ! ! Paul Swarztrauber, ! National Center for Atmospheric Research ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, integer N, the length of the sequence to be transformed. ! ! Input/output, real WAR(N). ! On input, the sequence to be transformed. ! On output, the transformed sequence. ! ! Input, real WAS(N/2). ! ! Input, real XH(N). ! ! Input, real X(N). ! ! Input, integer IFAC(15). ! IFAC(1) = N, the number that was factored. ! IFAC(2) = NF, the number of factors. ! IFAC(3:2+NF), the factors. ! integer n ! integer i integer ifac(15) integer k integer kc integer ns2 real, parameter :: sqrt3 = 1.73205080756888E+00 real t1 real t2 real war(n) real was(n/2) real x(n) real xh(n) real xhold ! write ( *, * ) 'DEBUG: entered SINT1' xh(1:n) = war(1:n) war(1:n) = x(1:n) if ( n <= 1 ) then xh(1) = 2.0E+00 * xh(1) return end if if ( n == 2 ) then xhold = sqrt3 * ( xh(1) + xh(2) ) xh(2) = sqrt3 * ( xh(1) - xh(2) ) xh(1) = xhold return end if ns2 = n / 2 x(1) = 0.0E+00 do k = 1, n/2 t1 = xh(k) - xh(n+1-k) t2 = was(k) * ( xh(k) + xh(n+1-k) ) x(k+1) = t1 + t2 x(n+2-k) = t2 - t1 end do if ( mod ( n, 2 ) /= 0 ) then x(n/2+2) = 4.0E+00 * xh(n/2+1) end if write ( *, * ) 'DEBUG: calling RFFTF1' call rfftf1 ( n+1, x, xh, war, ifac ) write ( *, * ) 'DEBUG: back from RFFTF1' xh(1) = 0.5E+00 * x(1) do i = 3, n, 2 xh(i-1) = -x(i) xh(i) = xh(i-2) + x(i-1) end do if ( mod ( n, 2 ) == 0 ) then xh(n) = -x(n+1) end if x(1:n) = war(1:n) war(1:n) = xh(1:n) write ( *, * ) 'DEBUG: leaving SINT1' return end subroutine sinti ( n, wsave ) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! SINTI initializes WSAVE, used in SINT. ! ! ! Discussion: ! ! The prime factorization of N together with a tabulation of the ! trigonometric functions are computed and stored in WSAVE. ! ! Modified: ! ! 09 March 2001 ! ! Author: ! ! Paul Swarztrauber, ! National Center for Atmospheric Research ! ! Reference: ! ! David Kahaner, Clever Moler, Steven Nash, ! Numerical Methods and Software, ! Prentice Hall, 1988. ! ! P N Swarztrauber, ! Vectorizing the FFT's, ! in Parallel Computations (G. Rodrigue, editor), ! Academic Press, 1982, pages 51-83. ! ! B L Buzbee, ! The SLATEC Common Math Library, ! in Sources and Development of Mathematical Software (W. Cowell, editor), ! Prentice Hall, 1984, pages 302-318. ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, integer N, the length of the sequence to be transformed. ! The method is most efficient when N+1 is a product of small primes. ! ! Output, real WSAVE((5*N+30)/2), contains data, dependent on the value ! of N, which is necessary for the SINT routine. ! integer n ! real dt integer k real pimach real wsave((5*n+30)/2) ! if ( n <= 1 ) then return end if dt = pimach() / real ( n + 1 ) do k = 1, n/2 wsave(k) = 2.0E+00 * sin ( real ( k ) * dt ) end do call rffti ( n+1, wsave((n/2)+1) ) return end subroutine sndofd(nr,n,xpls,fcn,fpls,a,sx,rnoise,stepsz,anbr) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! SNDOFD approximates a Hessian with a second order finite difference. ! ! ! Parameters: ! ! nr --> row dimension of matrix ! n --> dimension of problem ! xpls(n) --> new iterate: x[k] ! fcn --> name of subroutine to evaluate function ! fpls --> function value at new iterate, f(xpls) ! a(n,n) <-- finite difference approximation to hessian ! only lower triangular matrix and diagonal ! are returned ! sx(n) --> diagonal scaling matrix for x ! rnoise --> relative noise in fname [f(x)] ! stepsz(n) --> workspace (stepsize in i-th component direction) ! anbr(n) --> workspace (neighbor in i-th direction) ! integer n integer nr ! real a(nr,n) real anbr(n) real fhat real fpls integer i integer j real ov3 real rnoise real stepsz(n) real sx(n) real xpls(n) real xtmpi real xtmpj ! external fcn ! ! find i-th stepsize and evaluate neighbor in direction ! of i-th unit vector. ! ov3 = 1.0E+00 / 3.0E+00 do i = 1, n stepsz(i)=rnoise**ov3 * max(abs(xpls(i)),1.0E+00 / sx(i) ) xtmpi=xpls(i) xpls(i)=xtmpi+stepsz(i) call fcn(n,xpls,anbr(i)) xpls(i)=xtmpi end do ! ! calculate column i of a ! do i = 1, n xtmpi=xpls(i) xpls(i)=xtmpi+2.0*stepsz(i) call fcn(n,xpls,fhat) a(i,i)=((fpls-anbr(i))+(fhat-anbr(i)))/(stepsz(i)*stepsz(i)) ! ! calculate sub-diagonal elements of column ! if ( i /= n ) then xpls(i)=xtmpi+stepsz(i) do j=i+1,n xtmpj=xpls(j) xpls(j)=xtmpj+stepsz(j) call fcn(n,xpls,fhat) a(j,i)=((fpls-anbr(i))+(fhat-anbr(j)))/(stepsz(i)*stepsz(j)) xpls(j)=xtmpj end do end if xpls(i) = xtmpi end do return end function snrm2 ( n, x, incx ) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! SNRM2 computes the Euclidean norm of a vector. ! ! ! Discussion: ! ! The original SNRM2 algorithm is accurate but written in a bizarre, ! unreadable and obsolete format. This version goes for clarity. ! ! Modified: ! ! 01 June 2000 ! ! Reference: ! ! Lawson, Hanson, Kincaid, Krogh, ! Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms for Fortran Usage, ! Algorithm 539, ! ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, ! Volume 5, Number 3, September 1979, pages 308-323. ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, integer N, the number of entries in the vector. ! ! Input, real X(*), the vector whose norm is to be computed. ! ! Input, integer INCX, the increment between successive entries of X. ! ! Output, real SNRM2, the Euclidean norm of X. ! integer i integer incx integer ix integer n real samax real snrm2 real stemp real x(*) real xmax ! if ( n <= 0 ) then snrm2 = 0.0E+00 else xmax = samax ( n, x, incx ) if ( xmax == 0.0E+00 ) then snrm2 = 0.0E+00 else if ( incx >= 0 ) then ix = 1 else ix = ( - n + 1 ) * incx + 1 end if stemp = 0.0E+00 do i = 1, n stemp = stemp + ( x(ix) / xmax )**2 ix = ix + incx end do snrm2 = xmax * sqrt ( stemp ) end if end if return end subroutine snsq(fcn,jac,iopt,n,x,fvec,fjac,ldfjac,xtol,maxfev,ml, & mu,epsfcn,diag,mode,factor,nprint,info,nfev,njev,r,lr,qtf,wa1, & wa2,wa3,wa4) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! SNSQ finds a zero of a system of n nonlinear functions in n variables. ! ! ! by a modification of the powell ! hybrid method. this code is the combination of the minpack ! codes (argonne) hybrd and hybrdj. ! ! Description: ! ! 1. purpose. ! ! the purpose of snsq is to find a zero of a system of n non- ! linear functions in n variables by a modification of the powell ! hybrid method. the user must provide a subroutine which calcu- ! lates the functions. the user has the option of either to ! provide a subroutine which calculates the jacobian or to let the ! code calculate it by a forward-difference approximation. ! this code is the combination of the minpack codes (argonne) ! hybrd and hybrdj. ! ! ! 2. subroutine and type statements. ! ! subroutine snsq(fcn,jac,iopt,n,x,fvec,fjac,ldfjac,xtol,maxfev, ! * ml,mu,epsfcn,diag,mode,factor,nprint,info,nfev, ! * njev,r,lr,qtf,wa1,wa2,wa3,wa4) ! integer iopt,n,maxfev,ml,mu,mode,nprint,info,nfev,ldfjac,njev,lr ! real xtol,epsfcn,factor ! real x(n),fvec(n),diag(n),fjac(ldfjac,n),r(lr),qtf(n), ! * wa1(n),wa2(n),wa3(n),wa4(n) ! external fcn,jac ! ! ! 3. parameters. ! ! parameters designated as input parameters must be specified on ! entry to snsq and are not changed on exit, while parameters ! designated as output parameters need not be specified on entry ! and are set to appropriate values on exit from snsq. ! ! fcn is the name of the user-supplied subroutine which calculates ! the functions. fcn must be declared in an external statement ! in the user calling program, and should be written as follows. ! ! subroutine fcn(n,x,fvec,iflag) ! integer n,iflag ! real x(n),fvec(n) ! ! calculate the functions at x and ! return this vector in fvec. ! ! return ! end ! ! the value of iflag should not be changed by fcn unless the ! user wants to terminate execution of snsq. in this case, set ! iflag to a negative integer. ! ! jac is the name of the user-supplied subroutine which calculates ! the jacobian. if iopt=1, then jac must be declared in an ! external statement in the user calling program, and should be ! written as follows. ! ! subroutine jac(n,x,fvec,fjac,ldfjac,iflag) ! integer n,ldfjac,iflag ! real x(n),fvec(n),fjac(ldfjac,n) ! ! calculate the jacobian at x and return this ! matrix in fjac. fvec contains the function ! values at x and should not be altered. ! ! return ! end ! ! the value of iflag should not be changed by jac unless the ! user wants to terminate execution of snsq. in this case, set ! iflag to a negative integer. ! ! if iopt=2, jac can be ignored (treat it as a dummy argument). ! ! iopt is an input variable which specifies how the jacobian will ! be calculated. if iopt=1, then the user must supply the ! jacobian through the subroutine jac. if iopt=2, then the ! code will approximate the jacobian by forward-differencing. ! ! n is a positive integer input variable set to the number of ! functions and variables. ! ! x is an array of length n. on input, x must contain an initial ! estimate of the solution vector. on output, x contains the ! final estimate of the solution vector. ! ! fvec is an output array of length n which contains the functions ! evaluated at the output x. ! ! fjac is an output n by n array which contains the orthogonal ! matrix q produced by the qr factorization of the final approx- ! imate jacobian. ! ! ldfjac is a positive integer input variable not less than n ! which specifies the leading dimension of the array fjac. ! ! xtol is a non-negative input variable. termination occurs when ! the relative error between two consecutive iterates is at most ! xtol. therefore, xtol measures the relative error desired in ! the approximate solution. section 4 contains more details ! about xtol. ! ! maxfev is a positive integer input variable. termination occurs ! when the number of calls to fcn is at least maxfev by the end ! of an iteration. ! ! ml is a non-negative integer input variable which specifies the ! number of subdiagonals within the band of the jacobian matrix. ! if the jacobian is not banded or iopt=1, set ml to at ! least n - 1. ! ! mu is a non-negative integer input variable which specifies the ! number of superdiagonals within the band of the jacobian ! matrix. if the jacobian is not banded or iopt=1, set mu to at ! least n - 1. ! ! epsfcn is an input variable used in determining a suitable step ! for the forward-difference approximation. this approximation ! assumes that the relative errors in the functions are of the ! order of epsfcn. if epsfcn is less than the machine preci- ! sion, it is assumed that the relative errors in the functions ! are of the order of the machine precision. if iopt=1, then ! epsfcn can be ignored (treat it as a dummy argument). ! ! diag is an array of length n. if mode = 1 (see below), diag is ! internally set. if mode = 2, diag must contain positive ! entries that serve as implicit (multiplicative) scale factors ! for the variables. ! ! mode is an integer input variable. if mode = 1, the variables ! will be scaled internally. if mode = 2, the scaling is speci- ! fied by the input diag. other values of mode are equivalent ! to mode = 1. ! ! factor is a positive input variable used in determining the ini- ! tial step bound. this bound is set to the product of factor ! and the euclidean norm of diag*x if nonzero, or else to factor ! itself. in most cases factor should lie in the interval ! (.1,100.). 100. is a generally recommended value. ! ! nprint is an integer input variable that enables controlled ! printing of iterates if it is positive. in this case, fcn is ! called with iflag = 0 at the beginning of the first iteration ! and every nprint iteration thereafter and immediately prior ! to return, with x and fvec available for printing. appropriate ! print statements must be added to fcn(see example). if nprint ! is not positive, no special calls of fcn with iflag = 0 are ! made. ! ! info is an integer output variable. if the user has terminated ! execution, info is set to the (negative) value of iflag. see ! description of fcn and jac. otherwise, info is set as follows. ! ! info = 0 improper input parameters. ! ! info = 1 relative error between two consecutive iterates is ! at most xtol. ! ! info = 2 number of calls to fcn has reached or exceeded ! maxfev. ! ! info = 3 xtol is too small. no further improvement in the ! approximate solution x is possible. ! ! info = 4 iteration is not making good progress, as measured ! by the improvement from the last five jacobian eval- ! uations. ! ! info = 5 iteration is not making good progress, as measured ! by the improvement from the last ten iterations. ! ! sections 4 and 5 contain more details about info. ! ! nfev is an integer output variable set to the number of calls to ! fcn. ! ! njev is an integer output variable set to the number of calls to ! jac. (if iopt=2, then njev is set to zero.) ! ! r is an output array of length lr which contains the upper ! triangular matrix produced by the qr factorization of the ! final approximate jacobian, stored rowwise. ! ! lr is a positive integer input variable not less than ! (n*(n+1))/2. ! ! qtf is an output array of length n which contains the vector ! (q transpose)*fvec. ! ! wa1, wa2, wa3, and wa4 are work arrays of length n. ! ! ! 4. successful completion. ! ! the accuracy of snsq is controlled by the convergence parameter ! xtol. this parameter is used in a test which makes a comparison ! between the approximation x and a solution xsol. snsq termi- ! nates when the test is satisfied. if the convergence parameter ! is less than the machine precision (as defined by the function ! r1mach(4)), then snsq only attempts to satisfy the test ! defined by the machine precision. further progress is not ! usually possible. ! ! the test assumes that the functions are reasonably well behaved, ! and, if the jacobian is supplied by the user, that the functions ! and the jacobian are coded consistently. if these conditions ! are not satisfied, then snsq may incorrectly indicate conver- ! gence. the coding of the jacobian can be checked by the ! subroutine chkder. if the jacobian is coded correctly or iopt=2, ! then the validity of the answer can be checked, for example, by ! rerunning snsq with a tighter tolerance. ! ! convergence test. if snrm2(z) denotes the euclidean norm of a ! vector z and d is the diagonal matrix whose entries are ! defined by the array diag, then this test attempts to guaran- ! tee that ! ! snrm2(d*(x-xsol)) <= xtol*snrm2(d*xsol). ! ! if this condition is satisfied with xtol = 10**(-k), then the ! larger components of d*x have k significant decimal digits and ! info is set to 1. there is a danger that the smaller compo- ! nents of d*x may have large relative errors, but the fast rate ! of convergence of snsq usually avoids this possibility. ! unless high precision solutions are required, the recommended ! value for xtol is the square root of the machine precision. ! ! ! 5. unsuccessful completion. ! ! unsuccessful termination of snsq can be due to improper input ! parameters, arithmetic interrupts, an excessive number of func- ! tion evaluations, or lack of good progress. ! ! improper input parameters. info is set to 0 if iopt < 1, ! or iopt > 2, or n <= 0, or ldfjac < n, or ! xtol < 0.0, or maxfev <= 0, or ml < 0, or mu < 0, ! or factor <= 0.0, or lr < (n*(n+1))/2. ! ! arithmetic interrupts. if these interrupts occur in the fcn ! subroutine during an early stage of the computation, they may ! be caused by an unacceptable choice of x by snsq. in this ! case, it may be possible to remedy the situation by rerunning ! snsq with a smaller value of factor. ! ! excessive number of function evaluations. a reasonable value ! for maxfev is 100*(n+1) for iopt=1 and 200*(n+1) for iopt=2. ! if the number of calls to fcn reaches maxfev, then this ! indicates that the routine is converging very slowly as ! measured by the progress of fvec, and info is set to 2. this ! situation should be unusual because, as indicated below, lack ! of good progress is usually diagnosed earlier by snsq, ! causing termination with info = 4 or info = 5. ! ! lack of good progress. snsq searches for a zero of the system ! by minimizing the sum of the squares of the functions. in so ! doing, it can become trapped in a region where the minimum ! does not correspond to a zero of the system and, in this situ- ! ation, the iteration eventually fails to make good progress. ! in particular, this will happen if the system does not have a ! zero. if the system has a zero, rerunning snsq from a dif- ! ferent starting point may be helpful. ! ! ! 6. characteristics of the algorithm. ! ! snsq is a modification of the powell hybrid method. two of its ! main characteristics involve the choice of the correction as a ! convex combination of the newton and scaled gradient directions, ! and the updating of the jacobian by the rank-1 method of broy- ! den. the choice of the correction guarantees (under reasonable ! conditions) global convergence for starting points far from the ! solution and a fast rate of convergence. the jacobian is ! calculated at the starting point by either the user-supplied ! subroutine or a forward-difference approximation, but it is not ! recalculated until the rank-1 method fails to produce satis- ! factory progress. ! ! timing. the time required by snsq to solve a given problem ! depends on n, the behavior of the functions, the accuracy ! requested, and the starting point. the number of arithmetic ! operations needed by snsq is about 11.5*(n**2) to process ! each evaluation of the functions (call to fcn) and 1.3*(n**3) ! to process each evaluation of the jacobian (call to jac, ! if iopt = 1). unless fcn and jac can be evaluated quickly, ! the timing of snsq will be strongly influenced by the time ! spent in fcn and jac. ! ! storage. snsq requires (3*n**2 + 17*n)/2 single precision ! storage locations, in addition to the storage required by the ! program. there are no internally declared storage arrays. ! ! ! 7. example. ! ! the problem is to determine the values of x(1), x(2), ..., x(9), ! which solve the system of tridiagonal equations ! ! (3-2*x(1))*x(1) -2*x(2) = -1 ! -x(i-1) + (3-2*x(i))*x(i) -2*x(i+1) = -1, i=2-8 ! -x(8) + (3-2*x(9))*x(9) = -1 ! c ********** ! ! program test(input,output,tape6=output) ! c ! c driver for snsq example. ! c ! integer j,iopt,n,maxfev,ml,mu,mode,nprint,info,nfev,ldfjac,lr, ! * nwrite ! real xtol,epsfcn,factor,fnorm ! real x(9),fvec(9),diag(9),fjac(9,9),r(45),qtf(9), ! * wa1(9),wa2(9),wa3(9),wa4(9) ! real snrm2,r1mach ! external fcn ! data nwrite /6/ ! ! iopt = 2 ! n = 9 ! c ! c the following starting values provide a rough solution. ! c ! do j = 1, 9 ! x(j) = -1.0E+00 ! end do ! ! ldfjac = 9 ! lr = 45 ! c ! c set xtol to the square root of the machine precision. ! c unless high precision solutions are required, ! c this is the recommended setting. ! c ! xtol = sqrt(r1mach(4)) ! c ! maxfev = 2000 ! ml = 1 ! mu = 1 ! epsfcn = 0.0E+00 ! mode = 2 ! do j = 1, 9 ! diag(j) = 1.0E+00 ! end do ! factor = 1.e2 ! nprint = 0 ! c ! call snsq(fcn,jac,iopt,n,x,fvec,fjac,ldfjac,xtol,maxfev,ml,mu, ! * epsfcn,diag,mode,factor,nprint,info,nfev,njev, ! * r,lr,qtf,wa1,wa2,wa3,wa4) ! fnorm = snrm2(n,fvec,1) ! write (nwrite,1000) fnorm,nfev,info,(x(j),j=1,n) ! stop ! 1000 format (5x,' final l2 norm of the residuals',e15.7 // ! * 5x,' number of function evaluations',i10 // ! * 5x,' exit parameter',16x,i10 // ! * 5x,' final approximate solution' // (5x,3e15.7)) ! end ! subroutine fcn(n,x,fvec,iflag) ! integer n,iflag ! real x(n),fvec(n) ! integer k ! real temp,temp1,temp2 ! c ! if (iflag /= 0) go to 5 ! c ! c insert print statements here when nprint is positive. ! c ! return ! 5 continue ! do k = 1, n ! temp = (3.0E+00 - 2.0*x(k))*x(k) ! temp1 = 0.0E+00 ! if (k /= 1) temp1 = x(k-1) ! temp2 = 0.0E+00 ! if (k /= n) temp2 = x(k+1) ! fvec(k) = temp - temp1 - 2.0*temp2 + 1.0E+00 ! end do ! return ! end ! ! results obtained with different compilers or machines ! may be slightly different. ! ! final l2 norm of the residuals 0.1192636e-07 ! ! number of function evaluations 14 ! ! exit parameter 1 ! ! final approximate solution ! ! -0.5706545e+00 -0.6816283e+00 -0.7017325e+00 ! -0.7042129e+00 -0.7013690e+00 -0.6918656e+00 ! -0.6657920e+00 -0.5960342e+00 -0.4164121e+00 ! ! references powell, m. j. d. ! a hybrid method for nonlinear equations. ! numerical methods for nonlinear algebraic equations, ! p. rabinowitz, editor. gordon and breach, 1970. ! integer ldfjac integer lr integer n ! real actred real delta real diag(n) real epsfcn real epsmch real factor real fjac(ldfjac,n) real fnorm real fnorm1 real fvec(n) integer i integer iflag integer info integer iopt integer iter integer iwa(1) integer j logical jeval integer jm1 integer l integer maxfev integer ml integer mode integer mu integer ncfail integer ncsuc integer nfev integer njev integer nprint integer nslow1 integer nslow2 real p001 real p0001 real, parameter :: p1 = 0.1E+00 real, parameter :: p5 = 0.5E+00 real pnorm real prered real qtf(n) real r(lr) real r1mach real ratio logical sing real snrm2 real sum real temp real xnorm real wa1(n) real wa2(n) real wa3(n) real wa4(n) real x(n) real xtol ! external fcn external jac ! data p001,p0001 /1.0e-03,1.0e-04/ ! epsmch = epsilon ( epsmch ) info = 0 iflag = 0 nfev = 0 njev = 0 if (iopt < 1 .or. iopt > 2 ) then go to 300 else if ( n <= 0 .or. xtol < 0.0E+00 .or. maxfev <= 0 ) then go to 300 else if ( ml < 0 .or. mu < 0 .or. factor <= 0.0E+00 ) then go to 300 else if ( ldfjac < n .or. lr < (n*(n + 1))/2) then go to 300 end if if ( mode /= 2 ) then go to 20 end if do j = 1, n if ( diag(j) <= 0.0E+00 ) then go to 300 end if end do 20 continue ! ! evaluate the function at the starting point and calculate its norm. ! iflag = 1 call fcn ( n, x, fvec, iflag ) nfev = 1 if (iflag < 0) go to 300 fnorm = snrm2 ( n, fvec, 1 ) ! ! initialize iteration counter and monitors. ! iter = 1 ncsuc = 0 ncfail = 0 nslow1 = 0 nslow2 = 0 ! ! beginning of the outer loop. ! 30 continue jeval = .true. ! ! calculate the jacobian matrix. ! if ( iopt /= 2 ) then ! ! user supplies jacobian ! call jac(n,x,fvec,fjac,ldfjac,iflag) njev = njev+1 ! ! code approximates the jacobian ! else iflag = 2 call fdjac1 ( fcn, n, x, fvec, fjac, ldfjac, iflag, ml, mu, epsfcn ) nfev = nfev + min(ml+mu+1,n) end if if (iflag < 0) go to 300 ! ! compute the qr factorization of the jacobian. ! call qrfac(n,n,fjac,ldfjac,.false.,iwa,1,wa1,wa2,wa3) ! ! on the first iteration and if mode is 1, scale according ! to the norms of the columns of the initial jacobian. ! if (iter /= 1) go to 70 if (mode == 2) go to 50 diag(1:n) = wa2(1:n) do j = 1, n if (wa2(j) == 0.0) diag(j) = 1.0E+00 end do 50 continue ! ! on the first iteration, calculate the norm of the scaled x ! and initialize the step bound delta. ! wa3(1:n) = diag(1:n) * x(1:n) xnorm = snrm2(n,wa3,1) delta = factor*xnorm if (delta == 0.0) delta = factor 70 continue ! ! form (q transpose)*fvec and store in qtf. ! qtf(1:n) = fvec(1:n) do j = 1, n if ( fjac(j,j) /= 0.0E+00 ) then sum = 0.0E+00 do i = j, n sum = sum + fjac(i,j)*qtf(i) end do temp = -sum/fjac(j,j) do i = j, n qtf(i) = qtf(i) + fjac(i,j)*temp end do end if end do ! ! copy the triangular factor of the qr factorization into r. ! sing = .false. do j = 1, n l = j jm1 = j - 1 do i = 1, jm1 r(l) = fjac(i,j) l = l + n - i end do r(l) = wa1(j) if (wa1(j) == 0.0) sing = .true. end do ! ! accumulate the orthogonal factor in fjac. ! call qform(n,n,fjac,ldfjac,wa1) ! ! rescale if necessary. ! if (mode == 2) go to 170 do j = 1, n diag(j) = max (diag(j),wa2(j)) end do 170 continue ! ! beginning of the inner loop. ! 180 continue ! ! if requested, call fcn to enable printing of iterates. ! if (nprint > 0) then iflag = 0 if (mod(iter-1,nprint) == 0) call fcn(n,x,fvec,iflag) if (iflag < 0) go to 300 end if ! ! determine the direction p. ! call dogleg ( n, r, lr, diag, qtf, delta, wa1, wa2, wa3 ) ! ! store the direction p and x + p. calculate the norm of p. ! wa1(1:n) = -wa1(1:n) wa2(1:n) = x(1:n) + wa1(1:n) wa3(1:n) = diag(1:n)*wa1(1:n) pnorm = snrm2(n,wa3,1) ! ! on the first iteration, adjust the initial step bound. ! if (iter == 1) delta = min (delta,pnorm) ! ! Evaluate the function at x + p and calculate its norm. ! iflag = 1 call fcn(n,wa2,wa4,iflag) nfev = nfev + 1 if (iflag < 0) go to 300 fnorm1 = snrm2(n,wa4,1) ! ! Compute the scaled actual reduction. ! actred = - 1.0E+00 if (fnorm1 < fnorm) actred = 1.0E+00 - (fnorm1/fnorm)**2 ! ! compute the scaled predicted reduction. ! l = 1 do i = 1, n sum = 0.0E+00 do j = i, n sum = sum + r(l)*wa1(j) l = l + 1 end do wa3(i) = qtf(i) + sum end do temp = snrm2(n,wa3,1) prered = 0.0E+00 if (temp < fnorm) prered = 1.0E+00 - (temp/fnorm)**2 ! ! Compute the ratio of the actual to the predicted reduction. ! ratio = 0.0E+00 if (prered > 0.0) ratio = actred/prered ! ! update the step bound. ! if ( ratio < p1 ) then ncsuc = 0 ncfail = ncfail + 1 delta = p5*delta else ncfail = 0 ncsuc = ncsuc + 1 if (ratio >= p5 .or. ncsuc > 1) then delta = max (delta,pnorm/p5) end if if (abs(ratio-1.0) <= p1) delta = pnorm/p5 end if ! ! successful iteration. update x, fvec, and their norms. ! if ( ratio >= p0001 ) then x(1:n) = wa2(1:n) wa2(1:n) = diag(1:n)*x(1:n) fvec(1:n) = wa4(1:n) xnorm = snrm2(n,wa2,1) fnorm = fnorm1 iter = iter + 1 end if ! ! determine the progress of the iteration. ! nslow1 = nslow1 + 1 if (actred >= p001) nslow1 = 0 if (jeval) nslow2 = nslow2 + 1 if (actred >= p1) nslow2 = 0 ! ! test for convergence. ! if (delta <= xtol*xnorm .or. fnorm == 0.0) info = 1 if (info /= 0) go to 300 ! ! tests for termination and stringent tolerances. ! if (nfev >= maxfev) info = 2 if (p1* max (p1*delta,pnorm) <= epsmch*xnorm) info = 3 if (nslow2 == 5) info = 4 if (nslow1 == 10) info = 5 if (info /= 0) go to 300 ! ! criterion for recalculating jacobian ! if (ncfail == 2) go to 290 ! ! calculate the rank one modification to the jacobian ! and update qtf if necessary. ! do j = 1, n sum = 0.0E+00 do i = 1, n sum = sum + fjac(i,j)*wa4(i) end do wa2(j) = (sum - wa3(j))/pnorm wa1(j) = diag(j)*((diag(j)*wa1(j))/pnorm) if (ratio >= p0001) qtf(j) = sum end do ! ! compute the qr factorization of the updated jacobian. ! call r1updt(n,n,r,lr,wa1,wa2,wa3,sing) call r1mpyq(n,n,fjac,ldfjac,wa2,wa3) call r1mpyq(1,n,qtf,1,wa2,wa3) ! ! end of the inner loop. ! jeval = .false. go to 180 290 continue ! ! end of the outer loop. ! go to 30 300 continue ! ! termination, either normal or user imposed. ! if (iflag < 0) info = iflag iflag = 0 if (nprint > 0) call fcn(n,x,fvec,iflag) if (info < 0) call xerror( & 'snsq -- execution terminated because user set iflag negative.',63,1,1) if (info == 0) call xerror( 'snsq -- invalid input parameter.',34,2,1) if (info == 2) call xerror( 'snsq -- too many function evaluations.',40,9,1) if (info == 3) then call xerror( 'snsq -- xtol too small. no further improvement possible.', & 58,3,1) end if if ( info > 4 ) then call xerror( 'snsq -- iteration not making good progress.',45,1,1) end if return end subroutine snsqe(fcn,jac,iopt,n,x,fvec,tol,nprint,info,wa,lwa) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! SNSQE is the easy-to-use version of SNSQ. ! ! ! Discussion: ! ! SNSQ finds a zero of a system of N nonlinear functions in N variables by a ! modification of the Powell hybrid method. This code is the ! combination of the MINPACK codes HYBRD1 and HYBRJ1. ! ! Description: ! ! 1. purpose. ! ! ! the purpose of snsqe is to find a zero of a system of n non- ! linear functions in n variables by a modification of the powell ! hybrid method. this is done by using the more general nonlinear ! equation solver snsq. the user must provide a subroutine which ! calculates the functions. the user has the option of either to ! provide a subroutine which calculates the jacobian or to let the ! code calculate it by a forward-difference approximation. this ! code is the combination of the minpack codes (argonne) hybrd1 ! and hybrj1. ! ! ! 2. subroutine and type statements. ! ! subroutine snsqe(fcn,jac,iopt,n,x,fvec,tol,nprint,info, ! * wa,lwa) ! integer iopt,n,nprint,info,lwa ! real tol ! real x(n),fvec(n),wa(lwa) ! external fcn,jac ! ! 3. parameters. ! ! parameters designated as input parameters must be specified on ! entry to snsqe and are not changed on exit, while parameters ! designated as output parameters need not be specified on entry ! and are set to appropriate values on exit from snsqe. ! ! fcn is the name of the user-supplied subroutine which calculates ! the functions. fcn must be declared in an external statement ! in the user calling program, and should be written as follows. ! ! subroutine fcn(n,x,fvec,iflag) ! integer n,iflag ! real x(n),fvec(n) ! ! calculate the functions at x and ! return this vector in fvec. ! ! return ! end ! ! the value of iflag should not be changed by fcn unless the ! user wants to terminate execution of snsqe. in this case, set ! iflag to a negative integer. ! ! jac is the name of the user-supplied subroutine which calculates ! the jacobian. if iopt=1, then jac must be declared in an ! external statement in the user calling program, and should be ! written as follows. ! ! subroutine jac(n,x,fvec,fjac,ldfjac,iflag) ! integer n,ldfjac,iflag ! real x(n),fvec(n),fjac(ldfjac,n) ! ! calculate the jacobian at x and return this ! matrix in fjac. fvec contains the function ! values at x and should not be altered. ! ! return ! end ! ! the value of iflag should not be changed by jac unless the ! user wants to terminate execution of snsqe. in this case, set ! iflag to a negative integer. ! ! if iopt=2, jac can be ignored (treat it as a dummy argument). ! ! iopt is an input variable which specifies how the jacobian will ! be calculated. if iopt=1, then the user must supply the ! jacobian through the subroutine jac. if iopt=2, then the ! code will approximate the jacobian by forward-differencing. ! ! n is a positive integer input variable set to the number of ! functions and variables. ! ! x is an array of length n. on input, x must contain an initial ! estimate of the solution vector. on output, x contains the ! final estimate of the solution vector. ! ! fvec is an output array of length n which contains the functions ! evaluated at the output x. ! ! tol is a non-negative input variable. termination occurs when ! the algorithm estimates that the relative error between x and ! the solution is at most tol. section 4 contains more details ! about tol. ! ! nprint is an integer input variable that enables controlled ! printing of iterates if it is positive. in this case, fcn is ! called with iflag = 0 at the beginning of the first iteration ! and every nprint iteration thereafter and immediately prior ! to return, with x and fvec available for printing. appropriate ! print statements must be added to fcn (see example). if nprint ! is not positive, no special calls of fcn with iflag = 0 are ! made. ! ! info is an integer output variable. if the user has terminated ! execution, info is set to the (negative) value of iflag. see ! description of fcn and jac. otherwise, info is set as follows. ! ! info = 0 improper input parameters. ! ! info = 1 algorithm estimates that the relative error between ! x and the solution is at most tol. ! ! info = 2 number of calls to fcn has reached or exceeded ! 100*(n+1) for iopt=1 or 200*(n+1) for iopt=2. ! ! info = 3 tol is too small. no further improvement in the ! approximate solution x is possible. ! ! info = 4 iteration is not making good progress. ! ! sections 4 and 5 contain more details about info. ! ! wa is a work array of length lwa. ! ! lwa is a positive integer input variable not less than ! (3*n**2+13*n))/2. ! ! ! 4. successful completion. ! ! the accuracy of snsqe is controlled by the convergence parame- ! ter tol. this parameter is used in a test which makes a compar- ! ison between the approximation x and a solution xsol. snsqe ! terminates when the test is satisfied. if tol is less than the ! machine precision (as defined by the function r1mach(4)), then ! snsqe attemps only to satisfy the test defined by the machine ! precision. further progress is not usually possible. unless ! high precision solutions are required, the recommended value ! for tol is the square root of the machine precision. ! ! the test assumes that the functions are reasonably well behaved, ! and, if the jacobian is supplied by the user, that the functions ! and the jacobian coded consistently. if these conditions ! are not satisfied, snsqe may incorrectly indicate convergence. ! the coding of the jacobian can be checked by the subroutine ! chkder. if the jacobian is coded correctly or iopt=2, then ! the validity of the answer can be checked, for example, by ! rerunning snsqe with a tighter tolerance. ! ! convergence test. if snrm2(z) denotes the euclidean norm of a ! vector z, then this test attempts to guarantee that ! ! snrm2(x-xsol) <= tol*snrm2(xsol). ! ! if this condition is satisfied with tol = 10**(-k), then the ! larger components of x have k significant decimal digits and ! info is set to 1. there is a danger that the smaller compo- ! nents of x may have large relative errors, but the fast rate ! of convergence of snsqe usually avoids this possibility. ! ! ! 5. unsuccessful completion. ! ! unsuccessful termination of snsqe can be due to improper input ! parameters, arithmetic interrupts, an excessive number of func- ! tion evaluations, errors in the functions, or lack of good prog- ! ress. ! ! improper input parameters. info is set to 0 if iopt < 1, or ! iopt > 2, or n <= 0, or tol < 0.0, or ! lwa < (3*n**2+13*n)/2. ! ! arithmetic interrupts. if these interrupts occur in the fcn ! subroutine during an early stage of the computation, they may ! be caused by an unacceptable choice of x by snsqe. in this ! case, it may be possible to remedy the situation by not evalu- ! ating the functions here, but instead setting the components ! of fvec to numbers that exceed those in the initial fvec. ! ! excessive number of function evaluations. if the number of ! calls to fcn reaches 100*(n+1) for iopt=1 or 200*(n+1) for ! iopt=2, then this indicates that the routine is converging ! very slowly as measured by the progress of fvec, and info is ! set to 2. this situation should be unusual because, as ! indicated below, lack of good progress is usually diagnosed ! earlier by snsqe, causing termination with info = 4. ! ! errors in the functions. when iopt=2, the choice of step length ! in the forward-difference approximation to the jacobian ! assumes that the relative errors in the functions are of the ! order of the machine precision. if this is not the case, ! snsqe may fail (usually with info = 4). the user should ! then either use snsq and set the step length or use iopt=1 ! and supply the jacobian. ! ! lack of good progress. snsqe searches for a zero of the system ! by minimizing the sum of the squares of the functions. in so ! doing, it can become trapped in a region where the minimum ! does not correspond to a zero of the system and, in this situ- ! ation, the iteration eventually fails to make good progress. ! in particular, this will happen if the system does not have a ! zero. if the system has a zero, rerunning snsqe from a dif- ! ferent starting point may be helpful. ! ! ! 6. characteristics of the algorithm. ! ! snsqe is a modification of the powell hybrid method. two of ! its main characteristics involve the choice of the correction as ! a convex combination of the newton and scaled gradient direc- ! tions, and the updating of the jacobian by the rank-1 method of ! broyden. the choice of the correction guarantees (under reason- ! able conditions) global convergence for starting points far from ! the solution and a fast rate of convergence. the jacobian is ! calculated at the starting point by either the user-supplied ! subroutine or a forward-difference approximation, but it is not ! recalculated until the rank-1 method fails to produce satis- ! factory progress. ! ! timing. the time required by snsqe to solve a given problem ! depends on n, the behavior of the functions, the accuracy ! requested, and the starting point. the number of arithmetic ! operations needed by snsqe is about 11.5*(n**2) to process ! each evaluation of the functions (call to fcn) and 1.3*(n**3) ! to process each evaluation of the jacobian (call to jac, ! if iopt = 1). unless fcn and jac can be evaluated quickly, ! the timing of snsqe will be strongly influenced by the time ! spent in fcn and jac. ! ! storage. snsqe requires (3*n**2 + 17*n)/2 single precision ! storage locations, in addition to the storage required by the ! program. there are no internally declared storage arrays. ! ! ! 7. example. ! ! the problem is to determine the values of x(1), x(2), ..., x(9), ! which solve the system of tridiagonal equations ! ! (3-2*x(1))*x(1) -2*x(2) = -1 ! -x(i-1) + (3-2*x(i))*x(i) -2*x(i+1) = -1, i=2-8 ! -x(8) + (3-2*x(9))*x(9) = -1 ! ! program test(input,output,tape6=output) ! c ! c driver for snsqe example. ! c ! integer j,n,iopt,nprint,info,lwa,nwrite ! real tol,fnorm ! real x(9),fvec(9),wa(180) ! real snrm2,r1mach ! external fcn ! data nwrite /6/ ! c ! iopt = 2 ! n = 9 ! c ! c the following starting values provide a rough solution. ! c ! do j = 1, 9 ! x(j) = -1.0E+00 ! end do ! ! lwa = 180 ! nprint = 0 ! c ! c set tol to the square root of the machine precision. ! c unless high precision solutions are required, ! c this is the recommended setting. ! c ! tol = sqrt(r1mach(4)) ! c ! call snsqe(fcn,jac,iopt,n,x,fvec,tol,nprint,info,wa,lwa) ! fnorm = snrm2(n,fvec) ! write (nwrite,1000) fnorm,info,(x(j),j=1,n) ! stop ! 1000 format (5x,' final l2 norm of the residuals',e15.7 // ! * 5x,' exit parameter',16x,i10 // ! * 5x,' final approximate solution' // (5x,3e15.7)) ! end ! subroutine fcn(n,x,fvec,iflag) ! integer n,iflag ! real x(n),fvec(n) ! integer k ! real temp,temp1,temp2 ! ! do k = 1, n ! temp = (3.0E+00 - 2.0*x(k))*x(k) ! temp1 = 0.0E+00 ! if (k /= 1) temp1 = x(k-1) ! temp2 = 0.0E+00 ! if (k /= n) temp2 = x(k+1) ! fvec(k) = temp - temp1 - 2.0*temp2 + 1.0E+00 ! end do ! ! return ! end ! ! results obtained with different compilers or machines ! may be slightly different. ! ! final l2 norm of the residuals 0.1192636e-07 ! ! exit parameter 1 ! ! final approximate solution ! ! -0.5706545e+00 -0.6816283e+00 -0.7017325e+00 ! -0.7042129e+00 -0.7013690e+00 -0.6918656e+00 ! -0.6657920e+00 -0.5960342e+00 -0.4164121e+00 ! ! references powell, m. j. d. ! a hybrid method for nonlinear equations. ! numerical methods for nonlinear algebraic equations, ! p. rabinowitz, editor. gordon and breach, 1970. ! integer lwa integer n ! real epsfcn real, parameter :: factor = 100.0E+00 real fvec(n) integer index integer info integer iopt integer j integer lr integer maxfev integer ml integer mode integer mu integer nfev integer njev integer nprint real tol real wa(lwa) real x(n) real xtol ! external fcn external jac ! info = 0 ! ! Check the input parameters for errors. ! if (iopt < 1 .or. iopt > 2 .or. n <= 0 .or. tol < 0.0E+00 .or. & lwa < (3*n**2 +13*n)/2) then go to 20 end if maxfev = 100*(n + 1) if ( iopt == 2 ) maxfev = 2*maxfev xtol = tol ml = n - 1 mu = n - 1 epsfcn = 0.0E+00 mode = 2 wa(1:n) = 1.0E+00 lr = (n*(n + 1))/2 index = 6*n + lr call snsq ( fcn, jac, iopt, n, x, fvec, wa(index+1), n, xtol, maxfev, ml, mu, & epsfcn, wa(1), mode, factor, nprint, info, nfev, njev, & wa(6*n+1), lr, wa(n+1), wa(2*n+1), wa(3*n+1), wa(4*n+1), wa(5*n+1) ) if (info == 5) info = 4 20 continue if (info == 0) then call xerror( 'snsqe -- invalid input parameter.',34,2,1) end if return end subroutine sqrank(a,lda,m,n,tol,kr,jpvt,qraux,work) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! SQRANK computes the QR factorization of a rectangular matrix. ! ! ! this routine is used in conjunction with sqrlss to solve linear ! systems of equations in a least square sense. ! ! Description: ! ! sqrank is used in conjunction with sqrlss to solve ! overdetermined, underdetermined and singular linear systems ! in a least squares sense. ! sqrank uses the linpack subroutine sqrdc to compute the qr ! factorization, with column pivoting, of an m by n matrix a . ! the numerical rank is determined using the tolerance tol. ! ! for more information, see chapter 9 of linpack users guide, ! j. dongarra et all, siam, 1979. ! ! on entry ! ! a real (lda,n) . ! the matrix whose decomposition is to be computed. ! ! lda integer. ! the leading dimension of a . ! ! m integer. ! the number of rows of a . ! ! n integer. ! the number of columns of a . ! ! tol real. ! a relative tolerance used to determine the numerical ! rank. the problem should be scaled so that all the elements ! of a have roughly the same absolute accuracy, eps. then a ! reasonable value for tol is roughly eps divided by ! the magnitude of the largest element. ! ! jpvt integer(n) ! ! qraux real(n) ! ! work real(n) ! three auxilliary vectors used by sqrdc . ! ! on return ! ! a contains the output from sqrdc. ! the triangular matrix r of the qr factorization is ! contained in the upper triangle and information needed ! to recover the orthogonal matrix q is stored below ! the diagonal in a and in the vector qraux . ! ! kr integer. ! the numerical rank. ! ! jpvt the pivot information from sqrdc. ! ! columns jpvt(1),...,jpvt(kr) of the original matrix are linearly ! independent to within the tolerance tol and the remaining columns ! are linearly dependent. abs(a(1,1))/abs(a(kr,kr)) is an estimate ! of the condition number of the matrix of independent columns, ! and of r . this estimate will be <= 1/tol . ! ! usage.....see subroutine sqrlss ! ! reference(s) ! ! dongarra, et al, linpack users guide, siam, 1979 ! integer lda integer n ! real a(lda,n) integer j integer jpvt(*) integer k integer kr integer m real qraux(*) real tol real work(*) ! jpvt(1:n) = 0 call sqrdc(a,lda,m,n,qraux,jpvt,work,1) kr = 0 k = min(m,n) do j = 1, k if (abs(a(j,j)) <= tol*abs(a(1,1))) then return end if kr = j end do return end subroutine sqrdc(x,ldx,n,p,qraux,jpvt,work,job) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! SQRDC computes the QR factorization of a rectangular matrix. ! ! ! column pivoting ! based on the 2-norms of the reduced columns may be ! performed at the user's option. ! ! on entry ! ! x real(ldx,p), where ldx >= n. ! x contains the matrix whose decomposition is to be ! computed. ! ! ldx integer. ! ldx is the leading dimension of the array x. ! ! n integer. ! n is the number of rows of the matrix x. ! ! p integer. ! p is the number of columns of the matrix x. ! ! jpvt integer(p). ! jpvt contains integers that control the selection ! of the pivot columns. the k-th column x(k) of x ! is placed in one of three classes according to the ! value of jpvt(k). ! ! if jpvt(k) > 0, then x(k) is an initial ! column. ! ! if jpvt(k) == 0, then x(k) is a free column. ! ! if jpvt(k) < 0, then x(k) is a final column. ! ! before the decomposition is computed, initial columns ! are moved to the beginning of the array x and final ! columns to the end. both initial and final columns ! are frozen in place during the computation and only ! free columns are moved. at the k-th stage of the ! reduction, if x(k) is occupied by a free column, ! it is interchanged with the free column of largest ! reduced norm. jpvt is not referenced if ! job == 0. ! ! work real(p). ! work is a work array. work is not referenced if ! job == 0. ! ! job integer. ! job is an integer that initiates column pivoting. ! if job == 0, no pivoting is done. ! if job /= 0, pivoting is done. ! ! on return ! ! x x contains in its upper triangle the upper ! triangular matrix r of the qr factorization. ! below its diagonal x contains information from ! which the orthogonal part of the decomposition ! can be recovered. note that if pivoting has ! been requested, the decomposition is not that ! of the original matrix x but that of x ! with its columns permuted as described by jpvt. ! ! qraux real(p). ! qraux contains further information required to recover ! the orthogonal part of the decomposition. ! ! jpvt jpvt(k) contains the index of the column of the ! original matrix that has been interchanged into ! the k-th column, if pivoting was requested. ! ! linpack. this version dated 08/14/78 . ! g. w. stewart, university of maryland, argonne national lab. ! ! references dongarra j.j., bunch j.r., moler c.b., stewart g.w., ! *linpack users guide*, siam, 1979. ! integer ldx integer p ! integer j integer jj integer job integer jp integer jpvt(p) integer l integer lp1 integer lup integer maxj real maxnrm integer n logical negj real nrmxl integer pl integer pu real qraux(1) real sdot real snrm2 logical swapj real t real tt real work(1) real x(ldx,1) ! pl = 1 pu = 0 if ( job /= 0 ) then ! ! pivoting has been requested. rearrange the columns according to jpvt. ! do j = 1, p swapj = jpvt(j) > 0 negj = jpvt(j) < 0 jpvt(j) = j if (negj) jpvt(j) = -j if (swapj) then if (j /= pl) call sswap(n,x(1,pl),1,x(1,j),1) jpvt(j) = jpvt(pl) jpvt(pl) = j pl = pl + 1 end if end do pu = p do jj = 1, p j = p - jj + 1 if (jpvt(j) < 0) then jpvt(j) = -jpvt(j) if (j /= pu) then call sswap(n,x(1,pu),1,x(1,j),1) jp = jpvt(pu) jpvt(pu) = jpvt(j) jpvt(j) = jp end if pu = pu - 1 end if end do end if ! ! compute the norms of the free columns. ! do j = pl, pu qraux(j) = snrm2(n,x(1,j),1) work(j) = qraux(j) end do ! ! perform the householder reduction of x. ! lup = min(n,p) do l = 1, lup if ( pl <= l .and. l < pu ) then ! ! locate the column of largest norm and bring it into the pivot position. ! maxnrm = 0.0E+00 maxj = l do j = l, pu if ( qraux(j) > maxnrm ) then maxnrm = qraux(j) maxj = j end if end do if (maxj /= l) then call sswap(n,x(1,l),1,x(1,maxj),1) qraux(maxj) = qraux(l) work(maxj) = work(l) jp = jpvt(maxj) jpvt(maxj) = jpvt(l) jpvt(l) = jp end if end if qraux(l) = 0.0E+00 if (l == n) go to 190 ! ! compute the householder transformation for column l. ! nrmxl = snrm2(n-l+1,x(l,l),1) if (nrmxl == 0.0) go to 180 if (x(l,l) /= 0.0) nrmxl = sign(nrmxl,x(l,l)) call sscal(n-l+1,1.0/nrmxl,x(l,l),1) x(l,l) = 1.0E+00 + x(l,l) ! ! apply the transformation to the remaining columns, updating the norms. ! lp1 = l + 1 do j = lp1, p t = -sdot(n-l+1,x(l,l),1,x(l,j),1)/x(l,l) call saxpy(n-l+1,t,x(l,l),1,x(l,j),1) if (j < pl .or. j > pu) go to 150 if ( qraux(j) /= 0.0E+00 ) then tt = 1.0E+00 - (abs(x(l,j))/qraux(j))**2 tt = max (tt,0.0) t = tt tt = 1.0E+00 + 0.05*tt*(qraux(j)/work(j))**2 if (tt /= 1.0) then qraux(j) = qraux(j)*sqrt(t) else qraux(j) = snrm2(n-l,x(l+1,j),1) work(j) = qraux(j) end if end if 150 continue end do ! ! save the transformation. ! qraux(l) = x(l,l) x(l,l) = -nrmxl 180 continue 190 continue end do return end subroutine sqrls (a,lda,m,n,tol,kr,b,x,rsd,jpvt,qraux,work,itask,ind) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! SQRLS solves an linear system in the least squares sense. ! ! ! Discussion: ! ! The linear system may be overdetermined, underdetermined or singular. ! The solution is obtained using a QR factorization of the ! coefficient matrix. ! ! Reference: ! ! David Kahaner, Clever Moler, Steven Nash, ! Numerical Methods and Software, ! Prentice Hall, 1988. ! ! sqrls is used to solve in a least squares sense ! overdetermined, underdetermined and singular linear systems . ! the system is a*x approximates b where a is m by n. ! b is a given m-vector, and x is the n-vector to be computed. ! a solution x is found which minimimzes the sum of squares (2-norm) ! of the residual, a*x - b . ! the numerical rank of a is determined using the tolerance tol. ! ! sqrls uses the linpack subroutine sqrdc to compute the qr ! factorization, with column pivoting, of an m by n matrix a . ! for more information, see chapter 9 of the reference below. ! ! ! on entry ! ! a real (lda,n) . ! the matrix whose decomposition is to be computed. ! in a least squares data fitting problem, a(i,j) is the ! value of the j-th basis (model) function at the i-th ! data point. ! ! lda integer. ! the leading dimension of a . ! ! m integer. ! the number of rows of a . ! ! n integer. ! the number of columns of a . ! ! tol real. ! a relative tolerance used to determine the numerical ! rank. the problem should be scaled so that all the ! elements of a have roughly the same absolute accuracy ! eps. then a reasonable value for tol is roughly eps ! divided by the magnitude of the largest element. ! ! jpvt integer(n) ! qraux real(n) ! work real(n) ! three auxiliary arrays used to factor the matrix a. ! (not required if itask > 1) ! ! b real(m) ! the right hand side of the linear system. ! in a least squares data fitting problem b(i) contains the ! value of i-th observation. ! ! itask integer. ! if itask=1, then sqrls factors the matrix a and ! solves the least squares problem. ! if itask=2, then sqrls assumes that the matrix a ! was factored with an earlier call to ! sqrls, and only solves the least squares ! problem. ! ! on return ! ! x real(n) . ! a least squares solution to the linear system. ! ! rsd real(m) . ! the residual, b - a*x . rsd may overwrite b . ! ! ind integer ! error code: ind = 0: no error ! ind = -1: n > lda (fatal error) ! ind = -2: n < 1 (fatal error) ! ind = -3: itask < 1 (fatal error) ! ! a contains the output from sqrdc. ! the triangular matrix r of the qr factorization is ! contained in the upper triangle and information needed ! to recover the orthogonal matrix q is stored below ! the diagonal in a and in the vector qraux . ! ! kr integer. ! the numerical rank. ! ! jpvt the pivot information from sqrdc. ! ! columns jpvt(1),...,jpvt(kr) of the original matrix are linearly ! independent to within the tolerance tol and the remaining columns ! are linearly dependent. abs(a(1,1))/abs(a(kr,kr)) is an estimate ! of the condition number of the matrix of independent columns, ! and of r . this estimate will be <= 1/tol . ! ! usage.... ! sqrls can be efficiently used to solve several least squares ! problems with the same matrix a. the first system is solved ! with itask = 1. the subsequent systems are solved with ! itask = 2, to avoid the recomputation of the matrix factors. ! the parameters kr, jpvt, and qraux must not be modified ! between calls to sqrls. ! integer lda integer m integer n ! real a(lda,n) real b(m) integer ind integer itask integer jpvt(n) integer kr real qraux(n) real rsd(m) real tol real work(n) real x(n) ! if ( lda < n ) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'SQRLS - Fatal error!' write ( *, * ) ' LDA < N.' stop end if if ( n <= 0 ) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'SQRLS - Fatal error!' write ( *, * ) ' N <= 0.' stop end if if ( itask < 1 ) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'SQRLS - Fatal error!' write ( *, * ) ' ITASK < 1.' stop end if ind = 0 ! ! Factor the matrix. ! if ( itask == 1 ) then call sqrank ( a, lda, m, n, tol, kr, jpvt, qraux, work ) end if ! ! Solve the least-squares problem. ! call sqrlss ( a, lda, m, n, kr, b, x, rsd, jpvt, qraux ) return end subroutine sqrlss ( a, lda, m, n, kr, b, x, rsd, jpvt, qraux ) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! SQRLSS solves a linear system in a least squares sense. ! ! ! Discussion: ! ! SQRLSS must be preceeded by a call to SQRANK. ! ! The system is to be solved is ! A * X = B ! where ! A is an M by N matrix with rank KR, as determined by SQRANK, ! B is a given M-vector, ! X is the N-vector to be computed. ! ! A solution X, with at most KR nonzero components, is found which ! minimizes the 2-norm of the residual (A*X-B). ! ! on entry ! ! a,lda,m,n,kr,jpvt,qraux ! the output from sqrank . ! ! b real(m) . ! the right hand side of the linear system. ! ! on return ! ! x real(n) . ! a least squares solution to the linear system. ! ! rsd real(m) . ! the residual, b - a*x . rsd may overwite b . ! ! usage.... ! once the matrix a has been formed, sqrank should be ! called once to decompose it. then for each right hand ! side, b, sqrlss should be called once to obtain the ! solution and residual. ! ! reference(s) ! dongarra, et al, linpack users guide, siam, 1979 ! integer lda integer n ! real a(lda,1) real b(*) integer info integer j integer jpvt(1) integer k integer kr integer m real qraux(*) real rsd(*) real t real x(n) ! if ( kr /= 0 ) then call sqrsl(a,lda,m,kr,qraux,b,rsd,rsd,x,rsd,rsd,110,info) end if jpvt(1:n) = - jpvt(1:n) do j = 1, n if (j > kr) x(j) = 0.0E+00 end do do j = 1, n if (jpvt(j) <= 0) then k = -jpvt(j) jpvt(j) = k do while ( k /= j ) t = x(j) x(j) = x(k) x(k) = t jpvt(k) = -jpvt(k) k = jpvt(k) end do end if end do return end subroutine sqrsl(x,ldx,n,k,qraux,y,qy,qty,b,rsd,xb,job,info) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! SQRSL applies the output of sqrdc to compute coordinate ! transformations, projections, and least squares solutions. ! for k <= min(n,p), let xk be the matrix ! ! xk = (x(jpvt(1)),x(jpvt(2)), ... ,x(jpvt(k))) ! ! formed from columnns jpvt(1), ... ,jpvt(k) of the original ! n x p matrix x that was input to sqrdc (if no pivoting was ! done, xk consists of the first k columns of x in their ! original order). sqrdc produces a factored orthogonal matrix q ! and an upper triangular matrix r such that ! ! xk = q * (r) ! (0) ! ! this information is contained in coded form in the arrays ! x and qraux. ! ! on entry ! ! x real(ldx,p) ! x contains the output of sqrdc. ! ! ldx integer ! ldx is the leading dimension of the array x. ! ! n integer ! n is the number of rows of the matrix xk. it must ! have the same value as n in sqrdc. ! ! k integer ! k is the number of columns of the matrix xk. k ! must not be greater than min(n,p), where p is the ! same as in the calling sequence to sqrdc. ! ! qraux real(p) ! qraux contains the auxiliary output from sqrdc. ! ! y real(n) ! y contains an n-vector that is to be manipulated ! by sqrsl. ! ! job integer ! job specifies what is to be computed. job has ! the decimal expansion abcde, with the following ! meaning. ! ! if a /= 0, compute qy. ! if b,c,d, or e /= 0, compute qty. ! if c /= 0, compute b. ! if d /= 0, compute rsd. ! if e /= 0, compute xb. ! ! note that a request to compute b, rsd, or xb ! automatically triggers the computation of qty, for ! which an array must be provided in the calling ! sequence. ! ! on return ! ! qy real(n). ! qy contains q*y, if its computation has been ! requested. ! ! qty real(n). ! qty contains trans(q)*y, if its computation has ! been requested. here trans(q) is the ! transpose of the matrix q. ! ! b real(k) ! b contains the solution of the least squares problem ! ! minimize norm2(y - xk*b), ! ! if its computation has been requested. (note that ! if pivoting was requested in sqrdc, the j-th ! component of b will be associated with column jpvt(j) ! of the original matrix x that was input into sqrdc.) ! ! rsd real(n). ! rsd contains the least squares residual y - xk*b, ! if its computation has been requested. rsd is ! also the orthogonal projection of y onto the ! orthogonal complement of the column space of xk. ! ! xb real(n). ! xb contains the least squares approximation xk*b, ! if its computation has been requested. xb is also ! the orthogonal projection of y onto the column space ! of x. ! ! info integer. ! info is zero unless the computation of b has ! been requested and r is exactly singular. in ! this case, info is the index of the first zero ! diagonal element of r and b is left unaltered. ! ! the parameters qy, qty, b, rsd, and xb are not referenced ! if their computation is not requested and in this case ! can be replaced by dummy variables in the calling program. ! to save storage, the user may in some cases use the same ! array for different parameters in the calling sequence. a ! frequently occuring example is when one wishes to compute ! any of b, rsd, or xb and does not need y or qty. in this ! case one may identify y, qty, and one of b, rsd, or xb, while ! providing separate arrays for anything else that is to be ! computed. thus the calling sequence ! ! call sqrsl(x,ldx,n,k,qraux,y,dum,y,b,y,dum,110,info) ! ! will result in the computation of b and rsd, with rsd ! overwriting y. more generally, each item in the following ! list contains groups of permissible identifications for ! a single callinng sequence. ! ! 1. (y,qty,b) (rsd) (xb) (qy) ! ! 2. (y,qty,rsd) (b) (xb) (qy) ! ! 3. (y,qty,xb) (b) (rsd) (qy) ! ! 4. (y,qy) (qty,b) (rsd) (xb) ! ! 5. (y,qy) (qty,rsd) (b) (xb) ! ! 6. (y,qy) (qty,xb) (b) (rsd) ! ! in any group the value returned in the array allocated to ! the group corresponds to the last member of the group. ! ! linpack. this version dated 08/14/78 . ! g. w. stewart, university of maryland, argonne national lab. ! ! references dongarra j.j., bunch j.r., moler c.b., stewart g.w., ! *linpack users guide*, siam, 1979. ! integer k integer ldx ! real b(k) logical cb logical cqty logical cqy logical cr logical cxb integer i integer info integer j integer jj integer job integer ju integer n real qraux(1) real qty(1) real qy(1) real rsd(1) real sdot real t real temp real x(ldx,1) real xb(1) real y(1) ! ! set info flag. ! info = 0 ! ! determine what is to be computed. ! cqy = job/10000 /= 0 cqty = mod(job,10000) /= 0 cb = mod(job,1000)/100 /= 0 cr = mod(job,100)/10 /= 0 cxb = mod(job,10) /= 0 ju = min(k,n-1) ! ! special action when n=1. ! if (ju == 0) then if (cqy) qy(1) = y(1) if (cqty) qty(1) = y(1) if (cxb) xb(1) = y(1) if ( cb ) then if (x(1,1) == 0.0) then info = 1 else b(1) = y(1)/x(1,1) end if end if if (cr) rsd(1) = 0.0E+00 go to 250 end if ! ! set up to compute qy or qty. ! if (cqy) then qy(1:n) = y(1:n) end if if (cqty) then qty(1:n) = y(1:n) end if ! ! Compute QY. ! if ( cqy ) then do jj = 1, ju j = ju - jj + 1 if ( qraux(j) /= 0.0E+00 ) then temp = x(j,j) x(j,j) = qraux(j) t = -sdot(n-j+1,x(j,j),1,qy(j),1)/x(j,j) call saxpy(n-j+1,t,x(j,j),1,qy(j),1) x(j,j) = temp end if end do end if ! ! Compute Q' * Y. ! if ( cqty ) then do j = 1, ju if ( qraux(j) /= 0.0) then temp = x(j,j) x(j,j) = qraux(j) t = -sdot(n-j+1,x(j,j),1,qty(j),1)/x(j,j) call saxpy(n-j+1,t,x(j,j),1,qty(j),1) x(j,j) = temp end if end do end if ! ! set up to compute b, rsd, or xb. ! if ( cb ) then b(1:k) = qty(1:k) end if if ( cxb ) then xb(1:k) = qty(1:k) end if if ( cr .and. k < n ) then rsd(k+1:n) = qty(k+1:n) end if if ( cxb .and. k+1 <= n ) then xb(k+1:n) = 0.0E+00 end if if ( cr ) then rsd(1:k) = 0.0E+00 end if ! ! compute b. ! if ( cb ) then do jj = 1, k j = k - jj + 1 if (x(j,j) == 0.0) then info = j go to 180 end if b(j) = b(j)/x(j,j) if (j /= 1) then t = -b(j) call saxpy(j-1,t,x(1,j),1,b,1) end if end do 180 continue end if if ( .and. .not.cxb) go to 240 ! ! Compute rsd or xb as required. ! do jj = 1, ju j = ju - jj + 1 if (qraux(j) == 0.0E+00 ) go to 220 temp = x(j,j) x(j,j) = qraux(j) if ( cr ) then t = -sdot(n-j+1,x(j,j),1,rsd(j),1)/x(j,j) call saxpy(n-j+1,t,x(j,j),1,rsd(j),1) end if if (.not.cxb) go to 210 t = -sdot(n-j+1,x(j,j),1,xb(j),1)/x(j,j) call saxpy(n-j+1,t,x(j,j),1,xb(j),1) 210 continue x(j,j) = temp 220 continue end do 240 continue 250 continue return end subroutine srot ( n, x, incx, y, incy, c, s ) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! SROT applies a plane rotation. ! ! ! Modified: ! ! 08 April 1999 ! ! Reference: ! ! Lawson, Hanson, Kincaid, Krogh, ! Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms for Fortran Usage, ! Algorithm 539, ! ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, ! Volume 5, Number 3, September 1979, pages 308-323. ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, integer N, the number of entries in the vectors. ! ! Input/output, real X(*), one of the vectors to be rotated. ! ! Input, integer INCX, the increment between successive entries of X. ! ! Input/output, real Y(*), one of the vectors to be rotated. ! ! Input, integer INCY, the increment between successive elements of Y. ! ! Input, real C, S, parameters (presumably the cosine and sine of ! some angle) that define a plane rotation. ! real c integer i integer incx integer incy integer ix integer iy integer n real s real stemp real x(*) real y(*) ! if ( n <= 0 ) then else if ( incx == 1 .and. incy == 1 ) then do i = 1, n stemp = c * x(i) + s * y(i) y(i) = c * y(i) - s * x(i) x(i) = stemp end do else if ( incx >= 0 ) then ix = 1 else ix = ( - n + 1 ) * incx + 1 end if if ( incy >= 0 ) then iy = 1 else iy = ( - n + 1 ) * incy + 1 end if do i = 1, n stemp = c * x(ix) + s * y(iy) y(iy) = c * y(iy) - s * x(ix) x(ix) = stemp ix = ix + incx iy = iy + incy end do end if return end subroutine srotg ( sa, sb, c, s ) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! SROTG constructs a Givens plane rotation. ! ! ! Modified: ! ! 08 April 1999 ! ! Reference: ! ! Lawson, Hanson, Kincaid, Krogh, ! Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms for Fortran Usage, ! Algorithm 539, ! ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, ! Volume 5, Number 3, September 1979, pages 308-323. ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input/output, real SA, SB, ... ! ! Output, real C, S, ... ! real c real r real roe real s real sa real sb real scale real z ! if ( abs ( sa ) > abs ( sb ) ) then roe = sa else roe = sb end if scale = abs ( sa ) + abs ( sb ) if ( scale == 0.0E+00 ) then c = 1.0E+00 s = 0.0E+00 r = 0.0E+00 else r = scale * sqrt ( ( sa / scale )**2 + ( sb / scale )**2 ) r = sign ( 1.0, roe ) * r c = sa / r s = sb / r end if if ( abs ( c ) > 0.0E+00 .and. abs ( c ) <= s ) then z = 1.0E+00 / c else z = s end if sa = r sb = z return end subroutine sscal ( n, sa, x, incx ) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! SSCAL scales a vector by a constant. ! ! ! Modified: ! ! 08 April 1999 ! ! Reference: ! ! Lawson, Hanson, Kincaid, Krogh, ! Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms for Fortran Usage, ! Algorithm 539, ! ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, ! Volume 5, Number 3, September 1979, pages 308-323. ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, integer N, the number of entries in the vector. ! ! Input, real SA, the multiplier. ! ! Input/output, real X(*), the vector to be scaled. ! ! Input, integer INCX, the increment between successive entries of X. ! integer i integer incx integer ix integer m integer n real sa real x(*) ! if ( n <= 0 ) then else if ( incx == 1 ) then m = mod ( n, 5 ) x(1:m) = sa * x(1:m) do i = m+1, n, 5 x(i) = sa * x(i) x(i+1) = sa * x(i+1) x(i+2) = sa * x(i+2) x(i+3) = sa * x(i+3) x(i+4) = sa * x(i+4) end do else if ( incx >= 0 ) then ix = 1 else ix = ( - n + 1 ) * incx + 1 end if do i = 1, n x(ix) = sa * x(ix) ix = ix + incx end do end if return end subroutine ssvdc(x,ldx,n,p,s,e,u,ldu,v,ldv,work,job,info) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! SSVDC computes the singular value decomposition of a rectangular matrix. ! ! ! The routine reduces a real nxp matrix x by ! orthogonal transformations u and v to diagonal form. the ! diagonal elements s(i) are the singular values of x. the ! columns of u are the corresponding left singular vectors, ! and the columns of v the right singular vectors. ! ! on entry ! ! x real(ldx,p), where ldx >= n. ! x contains the matrix whose singular value ! decomposition is to be computed. x is ! destroyed by ssvdc. ! ! ldx integer ! ldx is the leading dimension of the array x. ! ! n integer ! n is the number of rows of the matrix x. ! ! p integer ! p is the number of columns of the matrix x. ! ! ldu integer ! ldu is the leading dimension of the array u. ! (see below). ! ! ldv integer ! ldv is the leading dimension of the array v. ! (see below). ! ! work real(n) ! work is a scratch array. ! ! job integer ! job controls the computation of the singular ! vectors. it has the decimal expansion ab ! with the following meaning ! ! a == 0 do not compute the left singular ! vectors. ! a == 1 return the n left singular vectors ! in u. ! a >= 2 return the first min(n,p) singular ! vectors in u. ! b == 0 do not compute the right singular ! vectors. ! b == 1 return the right singular vectors ! in v. ! ! on return ! ! s real(mm), where mm=min(n+1,p). ! the first min(n,p) entries of s contain the ! singular values of x arranged in descending ! order of magnitude. ! ! e real(p). ! e ordinarily contains zeros. however, see the ! discussion of info for exceptions. ! ! u real(ldu,k), where ldu >= n. if joba == 1, then ! k == n. if joba >= 2 , then ! k == min(n,p). ! u contains the matrix of right singular vectors. ! u is not referenced if joba == 0. if n <= p ! or if joba == 2, then u may be identified with x ! in the subroutine call. ! ! v real(ldv,p), where ldv >= p. ! v contains the matrix of right singular vectors. ! v is not referenced if job == 0. if p <= n, ! then v may be identified with x in the ! subroutine call. ! ! info integer. ! the singular values (and their corresponding ! singular vectors) s(info+1),s(info+2),...,s(m) ! are correct (here m=min(n,p)). thus if ! info == 0, all the singular values and their ! vectors are correct. in any event, the matrix ! b = trans(u)*x*v is the bidiagonal matrix ! with the elements of s on its diagonal and the ! elements of e on its super-diagonal (trans(u) ! is the transpose of u). thus the singular ! values of x and b are the same. ! ! linpack. this version dated 03/19/79 . ! g. w. stewart, university of maryland, argonne national lab. ! integer ldu integer ldv integer ldx ! real b real c real cs real e(*) real el real emm1 real f real g integer i integer info integer iter integer j integer job integer jobu integer k integer kase integer kk integer n integer p real s(*) real sdot real t real t1 real test real u(ldu,*) real v(ldv,*) logical wantu logical wantv real work(*) real x(ldx,*) real ztest integer l,ll,lls,lm1,lp1,ls,lu,m,maxit integer mm,mm1,mp1,nct,nctp1,ncu,nrt,nrtp1 real snrm2,scale,shift,sl,sm,sn,smm1 ! ! set the maximum number of iterations. ! maxit = 30 ! ! determine what is to be computed. ! wantu = .false. wantv = .false. jobu = mod(job,100)/10 ncu = n if (jobu > 1) ncu = min(n,p) if (jobu /= 0) wantu = .true. if (mod(job,10) /= 0) wantv = .true. ! ! reduce x to bidiagonal form, storing the diagonal elements ! in s and the super-diagonal elements in e. ! info = 0 nct = min(n-1,p) nrt = max(0,min(p-2,n)) lu = max(nct,nrt) do l = 1, lu lp1 = l + 1 if (l <= nct) then ! ! compute the transformation for the l-th column and ! place the l-th diagonal in s(l). ! s(l) = snrm2(n-l+1,x(l,l),1) if (s(l) /= 0.0) then if (x(l,l) /= 0.0) s(l) = sign(s(l),x(l,l)) call sscal(n-l+1,1.0/s(l),x(l,l),1) x(l,l) = 1.0E+00 + x(l,l) end if s(l) = -s(l) end if if (p < lp1) go to 50 do j = lp1, p ! ! apply the transformation. ! if ( l <= nct ) then if ( s(l) /= 0.0E+00 ) then t = -sdot(n-l+1,x(l,l),1,x(l,j),1)/x(l,l) call saxpy(n-l+1,t,x(l,l),1,x(l,j),1) end if end if ! ! place the l-th row of x into e for the ! subsequent calculation of the row transformation. ! e(j) = x(l,j) end do 50 continue ! ! place the transformation in u for subsequent back multiplication. ! if ( wantu .and. l <= nct ) then u(l:n,l) = x(l:n,l) end if if (l > nrt) go to 150 ! ! compute the l-th row transformation and place the ! l-th super-diagonal in e(l). ! e(l) = snrm2(p-l,e(lp1),1) if (e(l) /= 0.0) then if (e(lp1) /= 0.0) e(l) = sign(e(l),e(lp1)) call sscal(p-l,1.0/e(l),e(lp1),1) e(lp1) = 1.0E+00 + e(lp1) end if e(l) = -e(l) if (lp1 > n .or. e(l) == 0.0) go to 120 ! ! apply the transformation. ! work(lp1:n) = 0.0E+00 do j = lp1, p call saxpy(n-l,e(j),x(lp1,j),1,work(lp1),1) end do do j = lp1, p call saxpy(n-l,-e(j)/e(lp1),work(lp1),1,x(lp1,j),1) end do 120 continue ! ! Place the transformation in v for subsequent back multiplication. ! if ( wantv ) then v(lp1:p,l) = e(lp1:p) end if 150 continue end do ! ! Set up the final bidiagonal matrix or order m. ! m = min(p,n+1) nctp1 = nct + 1 nrtp1 = nrt + 1 if (nct < p) s(nctp1) = x(nctp1,nctp1) if (n < m) s(m) = 0.0E+00 if (nrtp1 < m) e(nrtp1) = x(nrtp1,m) e(m) = 0.0E+00 ! ! Generate u. ! if ( wantu ) then do j = nctp1, ncu u(1:n,j) = 0.0E+00 u(j,j) = 1.0E+00 end do do ll = 1, nct l = nct - ll + 1 if (s(l) /= 0.0) then lp1 = l + 1 do j = l+1, ncu t = -sdot(n-l+1,u(l,l),1,u(l,j),1)/u(l,l) call saxpy(n-l+1,t,u(l,l),1,u(l,j),1) end do call sscal ( n-l+1, -1.0, u(l,l), 1 ) u(l,l) = 1.0E+00 + u(l,l) u(1:l-1,l) = 0.0E+00 else u(1:n,l) = 0.0E+00 u(l,l) = 1.0E+00 end if end do end if ! ! Generate v. ! if ( wantv ) then do ll = 1, p l = p - ll + 1 lp1 = l + 1 if ( l <= nrt ) then if ( e(l) /= 0.0E+00 ) then do j = lp1, p t = -sdot(p-l,v(lp1,l),1,v(lp1,j),1)/v(lp1,l) call saxpy(p-l,t,v(lp1,l),1,v(lp1,j),1) end do end if end if v(1:p,l) = 0.0E+00 v(l,l) = 1.0E+00 end do end if ! ! main iteration loop for the singular values. ! mm = m iter = 0 360 continue ! ! quit if all the singular values have been found. ! if (m == 0) go to 620 ! ! if too many iterations have been performed, set flag and return. ! if ( iter >= maxit ) then info = m go to 620 end if ! ! this section of the program inspects for ! negligible elements in the s and e arrays. on ! completion the variables kase and l are set as follows. ! ! kase = 1 if s(m) and e(l-1) are negligible and l= 0.0) go to 580 s(l) = -s(l) if (wantv) call sscal(p,-1.0,v(1,l),1) 580 continue ! ! order the singular value. ! 590 if (l == mm) go to 600 if (s(l) >= s(l+1)) go to 600 t = s(l) s(l) = s(l+1) s(l+1) = t if (wantv .and. l < p) then call sswap(p,v(1,l),1,v(1,l+1),1) end if if (wantu .and. l < n) then call sswap(n,u(1,l),1,u(1,l+1),1) end if l = l + 1 go to 590 600 continue iter = 0 m = m - 1 610 continue go to 360 620 continue return end subroutine sswap ( n, x, incx, y, incy ) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! SSWAP interchanges two vectors. ! ! ! Modified: ! ! 08 April 1999 ! ! Reference: ! ! Lawson, Hanson, Kincaid, Krogh, ! Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms for Fortran Usage, ! Algorithm 539, ! ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, ! Volume 5, Number 3, September 1979, pages 308-323. ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, integer N, the number of entries in the vectors. ! ! Input/output, real X(*), one of the vectors to swap. ! ! Input, integer INCX, the increment between successive entries of X. ! ! Input/output, real Y(*), one of the vectors to swap. ! ! Input, integer INCY, the increment between successive elements of Y. ! integer i integer incx integer incy integer ix integer iy integer m integer n real stemp real x(*) real y(*) ! if ( n <= 0 ) then else if ( incx == 1 .and. incy == 1 ) then m = mod ( n, 3 ) do i = 1, m stemp = x(i) x(i) = y(i) y(i) = stemp end do do i = m+1, n, 3 stemp = x(i) x(i) = y(i) y(i) = stemp stemp = x(i + 1) x(i + 1) = y(i + 1) y(i + 1) = stemp stemp = x(i + 2) x(i + 2) = y(i + 2) y(i + 2) = stemp end do else if ( incx >= 0 ) then ix = 1 else ix = ( - n + 1 ) * incx + 1 end if if ( incy >= 0 ) then iy = 1 else iy = ( - n + 1 ) * incy + 1 end if do i = 1, n stemp = x(ix) x(ix) = y(iy) y(iy) = stemp ix = ix + incx iy = iy + incy end do end if return end subroutine tregup(nr,n,x,f,g,a,fcn,sc,sx,nwtake,stepmx,steptl, & dlt,iretcd,xplsp,fplsp,xpls,fpls,mxtake,ipr,method,udiag) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! TREGUP decides whether to accept the next optimization iterate. ! ! ! Parameters: ! ! nr --> row dimension of matrix ! n --> dimension of problem ! x(n) --> old iterate x[k-1] ! f --> function value at old iterate, f(x) ! g(n) --> gradient at old iterate, g(x), or approximate ! a(n,n) --> cholesky decomposition of hessian in ! lower triangular part and diagonal. ! hessian or approx in upper triangular part ! fcn --> name of subroutine to evaluate function ! sc(n) --> current step ! sx(n) --> diagonal scaling matrix for x ! nwtake --> boolean, =.true. if newton step taken ! stepmx --> maximum allowable step size ! steptl --> relative step size at which successive iterates ! considered close enough to terminate algorithm ! dlt <--> trust region radius ! iretcd <--> return code ! =0 xpls accepted as next iterate; ! dlt trust region for next iteration. ! =1 xpls unsatisfactory but accepted as next iterate ! because xpls-x < smallest allowable ! step length. ! =2 f(xpls) too large. continue current iteration ! with new reduced dlt. ! =3 f(xpls) sufficiently small, but quadratic model ! predicts f(xpls) sufficiently well to continue ! current iteration with new doubled dlt. ! xplsp(n) <--> workspace [value needs to be retained between ! succesive calls of k-th global step] ! fplsp <--> [retain value between successive calls] ! xpls(n) <-- new iterate x[k] ! fpls <--function value at new iterate, f(xpls) ! mxtake <-- boolean flag indicating step of maximum length used ! ipr --> device to which to send output ! method --> algorithm to use to solve minimization problem ! =1 line search ! =2 double dogleg ! =3 more-hebdon ! udiag(n) --> diagonal of hessian in a(.,.) ! integer n integer nr ! real a(nr,n) real dlt real dltf real dltfp real dltmp real dltp real f real fpls real fplsp real g(n) integer i integer ipr integer iretcd integer j integer method logical mxtake logical nwtake real rln real sc(n) real sdot real slp real stepmx real steptl real sx(n) real temp real udiag(n) real x(n) real xpls(n) real xplsp(n) ! external fcn ! mxtake = .false. xpls(1:n) = x(1:n) + sc(1:n) call fcn ( n, xpls, fpls ) dltf = fpls - f slp = sdot ( n, g, 1, sc, 1 ) ! ! next statement added for case of compilers which do not optimize ! evaluation of next "if" statement (in which case fplsp could be ! undefined). ! if ( iretcd==4) fplsp=0.0E+00 if ( iretcd/=3 .or. (fpls=fplsp .or. dltf> 1.e-4*slp)) ! then ! ! reset xpls to xplsp and terminate global step ! iretcd=0 xpls(1:n)=xplsp(1:n) fpls=fplsp dlt=.5*dlt go to 230 ! else ! ! fpls too large ! 130 if ( dltf<= 1.e-4*slp) go to 170 ! if ( dltf> 1.e-4*slp) ! then rln=0. do i=1,n rln=max(rln,abs(sc(i))/max(abs(xpls(i)),1./sx(i))) end do if ( rln>=steptl) go to 150 ! if ( rln= .1*dlt) go to 155 ! if ( dltmp< .1*dlt) ! then dlt=.1*dlt go to 160 ! else 155 dlt=dltmp ! end if 160 continue go to 230 ! end if ! else ! ! fpls sufficiently small ! 170 continue dltfp=0. if (method == 3) go to 180 ! ! if (method == 2) ! then ! do i = 1, n temp = 0.0E+00 do j = i, n temp = temp + (a(j, i)*sc(j)) end do dltfp = dltfp + temp*temp end do go to 190 180 continue do i = 1, n dltfp = dltfp + udiag(i)*sc(i)*sc(i) temp = 0.0E+00 do j = i+1, n temp = temp + a(i, j)*sc(i)*sc(j) end do dltfp = dltfp + 2.0*temp end do 190 dltfp = slp + dltfp/2.0E+00 if ( iretcd==2 .or. (abs(dltfp-dltf)> .1*abs(dltf)) & .or. nwtake .or. (dlt> .99*stepmx)) go to 210 ! if ( iretcd/=2 .and. (abs(dltfp-dltf) <= .1*abs(dltf)) ! + .and. (.not.nwtake) .and. (dlt<= .99*stepmx)) ! then ! ! double trust region and continue global step ! iretcd=3 xplsp(1:n)=xpls(1:n) fplsp=fpls dlt=min(2.*dlt,stepmx) go to 230 ! else ! ! accept xpls as next iterate. choose new trust region. ! 210 continue iretcd=0 if ( dlt> .99*stepmx) mxtake=.true. if ( dltf< .1*dltfp) go to 220 ! if ( dltf>= .1*dltfp) ! then ! ! decrease trust region for next iteration ! dlt=.5*dlt go to 230 ! else ! ! check whether to increase trust region for next iteration ! 220 if ( dltf<= .75*dltfp) dlt=min(2.*dlt,stepmx) ! end if ! end if ! end if ! end if 230 continue return end subroutine uncmin (n,x0,fcn,x,f,info,w,lw) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! UNCMIN minimizes a smooth nonlinear function of n variables. ! ! ! a subroutine that computes the function value at any point ! must be supplied. derivative values are not required. ! this subroutine provides the simplest interface to the uncmin ! minimization package. user has no control over options. ! ! Discussion: ! ! this routine uses a quasi-newton algorithm with line search ! to minimize the function represented by the subroutine fcn. ! at each iteration, the nonlinear function is approximated ! by a quadratic function derived from a taylor series. ! the quadratic function is minimized to obtain a search direction, ! and an approximate minimum of the nonlinear function along ! the search direction is found using a line search. the ! algorithm computes an approximation to the second derivative ! matrix of the nonlinear function using quasi-newton techniques. ! ! the uncmin package is quite general, and provides many options ! for the user. however, this subroutine is designed to be ! easy to use, with few choices allowed. for example: ! ! 1. only function values need be computed. first derivative ! values are obtained by finite-differencing. this can be ! very costly when the number of variables is large. ! ! 2. it is assumed that the function values can be obtained ! accurately (to an accuracy comparable to the precision of ! the computer arithmetic). ! ! 3. at most 150 iterations are allowed. ! ! 4. it is assumed that the function values are well-scaled, ! that is, that the optimal function value is not pathologically ! large or small. ! ! for more information, see the reference listed below. ! ! Parameters: ! ! n --> integer ! dimension of problem ! x0(n) --> real ! initial estimate of minimum ! fcn --> name of routine to evaluate minimization function. ! must be declared external in calling routine, and ! have calling sequence ! subroutine fcn(n, x, f) ! with n and x as here, f the computed function value. ! x(n) <-- real ! local minimum ! f <-- real ! function value at local minimum x ! info <-- integer ! termination code ! info = 0: optimal solution found ! info = 1: terminated with gradient small, ! x is probably optimal ! info = 2: terminated with stepsize small, ! x is probably optimal ! info = 3: lower point cannot be found, ! x is probably optimal ! info = 4: iteration limit (150) exceeded ! info = 5: too many large steps, ! function may be unbounded ! info = -1: insufficient workspace ! w(lw) --> real ! workspace ! lw --> integer ! size of workspace, at least n*(n+10) ! ! references r.b. schnabel, j.e. koontz, and be.e. weiss, a modular ! system of algorithms for unconstrained minimization, ! report cu-cs-240-82, comp. sci. dept., univ. of ! colorado at boulder, 1982. ! integer lw integer n ! real dlt real epsm character errmsg*68 real f real fscale real gradtl integer ia integer iagflg integer iahflg integer iexp integer ig integer info integer ipr integer it integer itnlim integer iw1 integer iw2 integer iw3 integer iw4 integer iw5 integer iw6 integer iw7 integer iw8 integer lwmin integer method integer msg integer ndigit integer nr real stepmx real steptl real w(lw) real x(n) real x0(n) ! external fcn, d1fcn, d2fcn ! ! subdivide workspace ! ig = 1 it = ig + n iw1 = it + n iw2 = iw1 + n iw3 = iw2 + n iw4 = iw3 + n iw5 = iw4 + n iw6 = iw5 + n iw7 = iw6 + n iw8 = iw7 + n ia = iw8 + n lwmin = ia + n*n-1 if (lwmin > lw) then info = -1 write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'UNCMIN - Fatal error!' write ( *, * ) ' Insufficient workspace.' write ( *, * ) ' LW < LWMIN.' write ( *, * ) ' LW = ', lw write ( *, * ) ' LWMIN = ', lwmin stop end if ! ! set up parameters for optdrv ! ! parameters that should not be changed when using condensed code ! ! nr = parameter used to divide workspace ! method = 1 (line search) -- do not change ! msg = 9 => no printing, n=1 allowed ! iahflg = 1 => analytic hessian supplied (0 otherwise) ! ipr = device for output (irrelevant in current version) ! dlt = (irrelevant parameter for method = 1) ! epsm = machine epsilon ! nr = n method = 1 msg = 9 iahflg = 0 ipr = 6 dlt = -1.0E+00 epsm = epsilon ( epsm ) ! ! parameters that may be changed: ! ! iexp = 1 => function expensive to evaluate (iexp = 0 => cheap) ! iagflg = 1 => analytic gradient supplied (0 otherwise) ! ndigit = -1 => optdrv assumes f is fully accurate ! itnlim = 150 = maximum number of iterations allowed ! gradtl = zero tolerance for gradient, for convergence tests ! stepmx = maximum allowable step size ! steptl = zero tolerance for step, for convergence tests ! fscale = typical order-of-magnitude size of function ! typsiz = typical order-of-magnitude size of x (stored in w(lt)) ! iexp = 1 iagflg = 0 ndigit = -1 itnlim = 150 gradtl = epsm**(1.0/3.0) stepmx = 0.0E+00 steptl = sqrt(epsm) fscale = 1.0E+00 w(it:it+n-1) = 1.0E+00 ! ! minimize function ! call optdrv (nr, n, x0, fcn, d1fcn, d2fcn, w(it), fscale, & method, iexp, msg, ndigit, itnlim, iagflg, iahflg, & ipr, dlt, gradtl, stepmx, steptl, & x, f, w(ig), info, w(ia), & w(iw1), w(iw2), w(iw3), w(iw4), & w(iw5), w(iw6), w(iw7), w(iw8)) if (info == 1) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'UNCMIN - Note!' write ( *, * ) ' INFO = 1.' write ( *, * ) ' The iteration probably converged.' write ( *, * ) ' The gradient is very small.' return end if if (info == 2) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'UNCMIN - Note!' write ( *, * ) ' INFO = 2.' write ( *, * ) ' The iteration probably converged.' write ( *, * ) ' The stepsize is very small.' return end if if (info == 3) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'UNCMIN - Warning!' write ( *, * ) ' INFO = 3.' write ( *, * ) ' Cannot find a point with lower value.' write ( *, * ) ' (But not completely happy with the current value.)' return end if if (info == 4) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'UNCMIN - Warning!' write ( *, * ) ' INFO = 4.' write ( *, * ) ' Too many iterations.' return end if if (info == 5) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'UNCMIN - Warning!' write ( *, * ) ' INFO = 5.' write ( *, * ) ' Too many large steps.' write ( *, * ) ' The function may be unbounded.' return end if return end function uni ( ) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! UNI generates real uniform random numbers on [0,1). ! ! ! Reference: ! ! David Kahaner, Clever Moler, Steven Nash, ! Numerical Methods and Software, ! Prentice Hall, 1988. ! ! ! usage: ! to initialize the generator ! useed = ustart(iseed) ! where: iseed is any nonzero integer ! will return floating point value of iseed. ! ! subsequently ! u = uni() ! will return a real uniform on [0,1) ! ! one initialization is necessary, but any number of evaluations ! of uni in any order, are allowed. ! ! note: depending upon the value of k (see below), the output ! of uni may differ from one machine to another. ! ! typical usage: ! ! real u,uni,ustart,useed ! integer iseed !c set seed ! iseed = 305 ! useed = ustart(iseed) ! do i = 1,1000 ! u = uni() ! end do !c note: if k=24 (the default, see below) the output value of !c u will be 0.1570390462475... ! write(*,*) u ! end ! ! note on portability: users can choose to run uni in its default ! mode (requiring no user action) which will generate the same ! sequence of numbers on any computer supporting floating point ! numbers with at least 24 bit mantissas, or in a mode that ! will generate numbers with a longer period on computers with ! larger mantissas. ! to exercise this option: b e f o r e invoking ustart insert ! the instruction ubits = unib(k) k >= 24 ! where k is the number of bits in the mantissa of your floating ! point word (k=48 for cray, cyber 205). unib returns the ! floating point value of k that it actually used. ! k input as <= 24, then ubits=24. ! k input as > 24, then ubits=float(k) ! if k>24 the sequence of numbers generated by uni may differ ! from one computer to another. ! ! ! ! references marsaglia g., "comments on the perfect uniform random ! number generator", unpublished notes, wash s. u. ! real, save :: c = 362436.0E+00 / 16777216.0E+00 real, parameter :: cd = 7654321.0E+00 / 16777216.0E+00 real, parameter :: cm = 16777213.0E+00 / 16777216.0E+00 real, parameter :: csave = 362436.0E+00 / 16777216.0E+00 integer, save :: i = 17 integer i1 integer ii integer iseed integer, save :: j = 5 integer j1 integer jj integer, save :: k = 24 integer k1 integer kk integer l1 integer m1 real s real t real, save, dimension ( 17 ) :: u = (/ & 0.8668672834288, 0.3697986366357, 0.8008968294805, & 0.4173889774680, 0.8254561579836, 0.9640965269077, & 0.4508667414265, 0.6451309529668, 0.1645456024730, & 0.2787901807898, 0.06761531340295, 0.9663226330820, & 0.01963343943798, 0.02947398211399, 0.1636231515294, & 0.3976343250467, 0.2631008574685 /) real uni real unib real ustart ! ! load data array in case user forgets to initialize. ! this array is the result of calling uni 100000 times ! with iseed=305 and k=64. ! ! basic generator is fibonacci ! uni = u(i)-u(j) if ( uni<0.0)uni = uni+1.0E+00 u(i) = uni i = i-1 if ( i==0)i = 17 j = j-1 if ( j==0)j = 17 ! ! second generator is congruential ! c = c-cd if ( c<0.0) c=c+cm ! ! combination generator ! uni = uni-c if ( uni<0.0)uni = uni+1.0E+00 return ! entry ustart ( iseed ) ! ! set up ... ! convert iseed to four smallish positive integers. ! i1 = mod(abs(iseed),177)+1 j1 = mod(abs(iseed),167)+1 k1 = mod(abs(iseed),157)+1 l1 = mod(abs(iseed),147)+1 ! ! generate random bit pattern in array based on given seed. ! do ii = 1,17 s = 0.0E+00 t = 0.5 ! do for each of the bits of mantissa of word ! loop over k bits, where k is defaulted to 24 but can ! be changed by user call to unib(k) ! do jj = 1,k m1 = mod(mod(i1*j1,179)*k1,179) i1 = j1 j1 = k1 k1 = m1 l1 = mod(53*l1+1,169) if ( mod(l1*m1,64)>=32)s=s+t t = .5*t end do u(ii) = s end do ustart = real(iseed) return ! entry unib ( kk ) if ( kk <= 24 ) then k = 24 else k = kk end if unib = real ( k ) return end function uniform_01_sample ( iseed ) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! UNIFORM_01_SAMPLE is a portable random number generator. ! ! ! Formula: ! ! ISEED = ISEED * (7**5) mod (2**31 - 1) ! RANDOM = ISEED * / ( 2**31 - 1 ) ! ! Modified: ! ! 01 March 1999 ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input/output, integer ISEED, the integer "seed" used to generate ! the output random number, and updated in preparation for the ! next one. ISEED should not be zero. ! ! Output, real UNIFORM_01_SAMPLE, a random value between 0 and 1. ! ! ! IA = 7**5 ! IB = 2**15 ! IB16 = 2**16 ! IP = 2**31-1 ! integer, parameter :: ia = 16807 integer, parameter :: ib15 = 32768 integer, parameter :: ib16 = 65536 integer, parameter :: ip = 2147483647 ! integer iprhi integer iseed integer ixhi integer k integer leftlo integer loxa real uniform_01_sample ! ! Don't let ISEED be 0. ! if ( iseed == 0 ) then iseed = ip end if ! ! Get the 15 high order bits of ISEED. ! ixhi = iseed / ib16 ! ! Get the 16 low bits of ISEED and form the low product. ! loxa = ( iseed - ixhi * ib16 ) * ia ! ! Get the 15 high order bits of the low product. ! leftlo = loxa / ib16 ! ! Form the 31 highest bits of the full product. ! iprhi = ixhi * ia + leftlo ! ! Get overflow past the 31st bit of full product. ! k = iprhi / ib15 ! ! Assemble all the parts and presubtract IP. The parentheses are ! essential. ! iseed = ( ( ( loxa - leftlo * ib16 ) - ip ) + ( iprhi - k * ib15 ) * ib16 ) & + k ! ! Add IP back in if necessary. ! if ( iseed < 0 ) then iseed = iseed + ip end if ! ! Multiply by 1 / (2**31-1). ! uniform_01_sample = real ( iseed ) * 4.656612875E-10 return end subroutine xerabt(messg,nmessg) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! XERABT aborts program execution and prints error message. ! ! ! Reference: ! ! David Kahaner, Clever Moler, Steven Nash, ! Numerical Methods and Software, ! Prentice Hall, 1988. ! ! abstract ! ***note*** machine dependent routine ! xerabt aborts the execution of the program. ! the error message causing the abort is given in the calling ! sequence, in case one needs it for printing on a dayfile, ! for example. ! ! description of parameters ! messg and nmessg are as in xerror, except that nmessg may ! be zero, in which case no message is being supplied. ! ! written by ron jones, with slatec common math library subcommittee ! latest revision --- 19 mar 1980 ! references jones r.e., kahaner d.k., "xerror, the slatec error- ! handling package", sand82-0800, sandia laboratories, ! 1982. ! character*(*) messg integer nmessg ! stop end subroutine xerclr ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! XERCLR resets current error number to zero. ! ! ! Reference: ! ! David Kahaner, Clever Moler, Steven Nash, ! Numerical Methods and Software, ! Prentice Hall, 1988. ! ! abstract ! this routine simply resets the current error number to zero. ! this may be necessary to do in order to determine that ! a certain error has occurred again since the last time ! numxer was referenced. ! ! written by ron jones, with slatec common math library subcommittee ! latest revision --- 7 june 1978 ! references jones r.e., kahaner d.k., "xerror, the slatec error- ! handling package", sand82-0800, sandia laboratories, ! 1982. ! integer j4save integer junk ! junk = j4save ( 1, 0, .true. ) return end subroutine xerctl(messg1,nmessg,nerr,level,kontrl) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! XERCTL allows user control over handling of individual errors. ! ! ! Reference: ! ! David Kahaner, Clever Moler, Steven Nash, ! Numerical Methods and Software, ! Prentice Hall, 1988. ! ! abstract ! allows user control over handling of individual errors. ! just after each message is recorded, but before it is ! processed any further (i.e., before it is printed or ! a decision to abort is made), a call is made to xerctl. ! if the user has provided his own version of xerctl, he ! can then override the value of kontrol used in processing ! this message by redefining its value. ! kontrl may be set to any value from -2 to 2. ! the meanings for kontrl are the same as in xsetf, except ! that the value of kontrl changes only for this message. ! if kontrl is set to a value outside the range from -2 to 2, ! it will be moved back into that range. ! ! description of parameters ! ! --input-- ! messg1 - the first word (only) of the error message. ! nmessg - same as in the call to xerror or xerrwv. ! nerr - same as in the call to xerror or xerrwv. ! level - same as in the call to xerror or xerrwv. ! kontrl - the current value of the control flag as set ! by a call to xsetf. ! ! --output-- ! kontrl - the new value of kontrl. if kontrl is not ! defined, it will remain at its original value. ! this changed value of control affects only ! the current occurrence of the current message. ! references jones r.e., kahaner d.k., "xerror, the slatec error- ! handling package", sand82-0800, sandia laboratories, ! 1982. ! integer kontrl integer level character*20 messg1 integer nerr integer nmessg ! return end subroutine xerdmp ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! XERDMP prints the error tables and then clears them. ! ! ! Reference: ! ! David Kahaner, Clever Moler, Steven Nash, ! Numerical Methods and Software, ! Prentice Hall, 1988. ! ! abstract ! xerdmp prints the error tables, then clears them. ! ! written by ron jones, with slatec common math library subcommittee ! latest revision --- 7 june 1978 ! references jones r.e., kahaner d.k., "xerror, the slatec error- ! handling package", sand82-0800, sandia laboratories, ! 1982. ! integer kount ! call xersav(' ',0,0,0,kount) return end subroutine xermax ( maxnum ) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! XERMAX sets maximum number of times any error message is to be printed. ! ! ! Reference: ! ! David Kahaner, Clever Moler, Steven Nash, ! Numerical Methods and Software, ! Prentice Hall, 1988. ! ! abstract ! xermax sets the maximum number of times any message ! is to be printed. that is, non-fatal messages are ! not to be printed after they have occured maxnum times. ! such non-fatal messages may be printed less than ! maxnum times even if they occur maxnum times, if error ! suppression mode (kontrl=0) is ever in effect. ! ! description of parameter ! --input-- ! maxnum - the maximum number of times any one message ! is to be printed. ! ! written by ron jones, with slatec common math library subcommittee ! latest revision --- 7 june 1978 ! references jones r.e., kahaner d.k., "xerror, the slatec error- ! handling package", sand82-0800, sandia laboratories, ! 1982. ! integer j4save integer junk integer maxnum ! junk = j4save ( 4, maxnum, .true. ) return end subroutine xerprt(messg,nmessg) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! XERPRT prints a message on each file indicated by xgetua. ! ! ! latest revision --- 16 sept 1987 ! references jones r.e., kahaner d.k., "xerror, the slatec error- ! handling package", sand82-0800, sandia laboratories, ! 1982. ! integer ichar integer iunit integer kunit integer last integer lenmes integer lun(5) character*(*) messg integer nmessg integer nunit ! ! obtain unit numbers and write line to each unit ! call xgetua(lun,nunit) lenmes = len(messg) do kunit=1,nunit iunit = lun(kunit) do ichar=1,lenmes,72 last = min(ichar+71 , lenmes) if ( iunit==0 ) then write (*,'(1x,a)') messg(ichar:last) else write (iunit,'(1x,a)') messg(ichar:last) end if end do end do return end subroutine xerror(messg,nmessg,nerr,level) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! XERROR processes an error (diagnostic) message. ! ! ! Reference: ! ! David Kahaner, Clever Moler, Steven Nash, ! Numerical Methods and Software, ! Prentice Hall, 1988. ! ! abstract ! xerror processes a diagnostic message, in a manner ! determined by the value of level and the current value ! of the library error control flag, kontrl. ! (see subroutine xsetf for details.) ! ! description of parameters ! --input-- ! messg - the hollerith message to be processed, containing ! no more than 72 characters. ! nmessg- the actual number of characters in messg. ! nerr - the error number associated with this message. ! nerr must not be zero. ! level - error category. ! =2 means this is an unconditionally fatal error. ! =1 means this is a recoverable error. (i.e., it is ! non-fatal if xsetf has been appropriately called.) ! =0 means this is a warning message only. ! =-1 means this is a warning message which is to be ! printed at most once, regardless of how many ! times this call is executed. ! ! examples ! call xerror('smooth -- num was zero.',23,1,2) ! call xerror('integ -- less than full accuracy achieved.', ! 43,2,1) ! call xerror('rooter -- actual zero of f found before interval f ! 1ully collapsed.',65,3,0) ! call xerror('exp -- underflows being set to zero.',39,1,-1) ! ! latest revision --- 19 mar 1980 ! written by ron jones, with slatec common math library subcommittee ! references jones r.e., kahaner d.k., "xerror, the slatec error- ! handling package", sand82-0800, sandia laboratories, ! 1982. ! integer level character*(*) messg integer nerr integer nmessg ! call xerrwv(messg,nmessg,nerr,level,0,0,0,0,0.,0.) return end subroutine xerrwv(messg,nmessg,nerr,level,ni,i1,i2,nr,r1,r2) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! XERRWV processes error message allowing 2 integer and two real ! values to be included in the message. ! ! Reference: ! ! David Kahaner, Clever Moler, Steven Nash, ! Numerical Methods and Software, ! Prentice Hall, 1988. ! ! abstract ! xerrwv processes a diagnostic message, in a manner ! determined by the value of level and the current value ! of the library error control flag, kontrl. ! (see subroutine xsetf for details.) ! in addition, up to two integer values and two real ! values may be printed along with the message. ! ! description of parameters ! --input-- ! messg - the hollerith message to be processed. ! nmessg- the actual number of characters in messg. ! nerr - the error number associated with this message. ! nerr must not be zero. ! level - error category. ! =2 means this is an unconditionally fatal error. ! =1 means this is a recoverable error. (i.e., it is ! non-fatal if xsetf has been appropriately called.) ! =0 means this is a warning message only. ! =-1 means this is a warning message which is to be ! printed at most once, regardless of how many ! times this call is executed. ! ni - number of integer values to be printed. (0 to 2) ! i1 - first integer value. ! i2 - second integer value. ! nr - number of real values to be printed. (0 to 2) ! r1 - first real value. ! r2 - second real value. ! ! examples ! call xerrwv('smooth -- num (=i1) was zero.',29,1,2, ! 1 1,num,0,0,0.,0.) ! call xerrwv('quadxy -- requested error (r1) less than minimum ( ! 1r2).,54,77,1,0,0,0,2,errreq,errmin) ! ! latest revision --- 16 sept 1987 ! written by ron jones, with slatec common math library subcommittee ! references jones r.e., kahaner d.k., "xerror, the slatec error- ! handling package", sand82-0800, sandia laboratories, ! 1982. ! character*37 form integer i integer i1 integer i1mach integer i2 integer ifatal integer isizei integer isizef integer iunit integer j4save integer junk integer kdummy integer kount integer kunit integer lerr integer level character*20 lfirst integer lkntrl integer llevel integer lmessg integer lun(5) integer maxmes character*(*) messg integer mkntrl integer nerr integer ni integer nmessg integer nr integer nunit real r1 real r2 ! ! get flags ! lkntrl = j4save(2,0,.false.) maxmes = j4save(4,0,.false.) ! check for valid input if ((nmessg>0).and.(nerr/=0).and.(level>=(-1)).and.(level<=2)) then go to 10 end if if (lkntrl>0) call xerprt('fatal error in...',17) call xerprt('xerror -- invalid input',23) if (lkntrl>0) then call xerprt('job abort due to fatal error.',29) end if if (lkntrl>0) call xersav(' ',0,0,0,kdummy) call xerabt('xerror -- invalid input',23) return 10 continue ! record message junk = j4save(1,nerr,.true.) call xersav(messg,nmessg,nerr,level,kount) ! let user override lfirst = messg lmessg = nmessg lerr = nerr llevel = level call xerctl(lfirst,lmessg,lerr,llevel,lkntrl) ! ! Reset to original values. ! lmessg = nmessg lerr = nerr llevel = level lkntrl = max(-2,min(2,lkntrl)) mkntrl = abs(lkntrl) ! decide whether to print message if ((llevel<2).and.(lkntrl==0)) go to 100 if (((llevel==(-1)).and.(kount>min(1,maxmes))) & .or.((llevel==0) .and.(kount>maxmes)) & .or.((llevel==1) .and.(kount>maxmes).and.(mkntrl==1)) & .or.((llevel==2) .and.(kount>max(1,maxmes)))) then go to 100 end if if (lkntrl<=0) go to 20 call xerprt(' ',1) if (llevel==(-1)) then call xerprt & ('warning message...this message will only be printed once.',57) end if if (llevel==0) call xerprt('warning in...',13) if (llevel==1) call xerprt('recoverable error in...',23) if (llevel==2) call xerprt('fatal error in...',17) 20 continue ! message call xerprt(messg,lmessg) call xgetua(lun,nunit) isizei = log10(real(i1mach(9))) + 1.0E+00 isizef = log10(real(i1mach(10))**i1mach(11)) + 1.0E+00 do kunit=1,nunit iunit = lun(kunit) do i=1,min(ni,2) write (form,21) i,isizei 21 format ('(11x,21hin above message, i',i1,'=,i',i2,') ') if ( iunit==0 ) then if (i==1) write (*,form) i1 if (i==2) write (*,form) i2 else if (i==1) write (iunit,form) i1 if (i==2) write (iunit,form) i2 end if end do do i=1,min(nr,2) write (form,23) i,isizef+10,isizef 23 format ('(11x,21hin above message, r',i1,'=,e',i2,'.',i2,')') if ( iunit==0 ) then if (i==1) write (*,form) r1 if (i==2) write (*,form) r2 else if (i==1) write (iunit,form) r1 if (i==2) write (iunit,form) r2 end if end do if (lkntrl<=0) go to 40 ! error number if ( iunit==0 ) then write(*,30) lerr else write (iunit,30) lerr end if 30 format (15h error number =,i10) 40 continue end do ! ! trace-back 100 continue ifatal = 0 if ((llevel==2).or.((llevel==1).and.(mkntrl==2))) then ifatal = 1 end if ! quit here if message is not fatal if (ifatal<=0) return if ((lkntrl<=0).or.(kount>max(1,maxmes))) go to 120 ! print reason for abort if (llevel==1) call xerprt & ('job abort due to unrecovered error.',35) if (llevel==2) then call xerprt('job abort due to fatal error.',29) end if ! print error summary call xersav(' ',-1,0,0,kdummy) 120 continue ! abort if ((llevel==2).and.(kount>max(1,maxmes))) lmessg = 0 call xerabt(messg,lmessg) return end subroutine xersav(messg,nmessg,nerr,level,icount) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! XERSAV records that an error occurred. ! ! ! Reference: ! ! David Kahaner, Clever Moler, Steven Nash, ! Numerical Methods and Software, ! Prentice Hall, 1988. ! ! abstract ! record that this error occurred. ! ! description of parameters ! --input-- ! messg, nmessg, nerr, level are as in xerror, ! except that when nmessg=0 the tables will be ! dumped and cleared, and when nmessg is less than zero the ! tables will be dumped and not cleared. ! --output-- ! icount will be the number of times this message has ! been seen, or zero if the table has overflowed and ! does not contain this message specifically. ! when nmessg=0, icount will not be altered. ! ! written by ron jones, with slatec common math library subcommittee ! latest revision --- 19 mar 1980 ! references jones r.e., kahaner d.k., "xerror, the slatec error- ! handling package", sand82-0800, sandia laboratories, ! 1982. ! integer i integer i1mach integer icount integer ii integer iunit integer kount(10) integer, save :: kountx integer kunit integer level integer levtab(10) integer lun(5) character ( len = 20 ) mes character*(*) messg character*20 mestab(10) integer nerr integer, save, dimension ( 10 ) :: nertab integer nmessg integer nunit ! save mestab,levtab,kount ! ! next two data statements are necessary to provide a blank ! error table initially ! data kount(1),kount(2),kount(3),kount(4),kount(5), & kount(6),kount(7),kount(8),kount(9),kount(10) & /0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0/ data kountx/0/ ! if (nmessg>0) go to 80 ! dump the table if (kount(1)==0) return ! print to each unit call xgetua(lun,nunit) do kunit=1,nunit iunit = lun(kunit) if (iunit==0) iunit = i1mach(4) ! print table header write (iunit,10) 10 format (32h0 error message summary/ & 51h message start nerr level count) ! print body of table do i=1,10 if (kount(i)==0) go to 30 write (iunit,15) mestab(i),nertab(i),levtab(i),kount(i) 15 format (1x,a20,3i10) end do 30 continue ! print number of other errors if (kountx/=0) write (iunit,40) kountx 40 format (41h0other errors not individually tabulated=,i10) write (iunit,50) 50 format (1x) end do if (nmessg<0) return ! ! clear the error tables ! do i=1,10 kount(i) = 0 end do kountx = 0 return 80 continue ! process a message... ! search for this messg, or else an empty slot for this messg, ! or else determine that the error table is full. mes = messg do 90 i=1,10 ii = i if (kount(i)==0) go to 110 if (mes/=mestab(i)) go to 90 if (nerr/=nertab(i)) go to 90 if (level/=levtab(i)) go to 90 go to 100 90 continue ! three possible cases... ! table is full kountx = kountx+1 icount = 1 return ! message found in table 100 kount(ii) = kount(ii) + 1 icount = kount(ii) return ! empty slot found for new message 110 mestab(ii) = mes nertab(ii) = nerr levtab(ii) = level kount(ii) = 1 icount = 1 return end subroutine xgetf(kontrl) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! XGETF returns current value of error control flag. ! ! ! Reference: ! ! David Kahaner, Clever Moler, Steven Nash, ! Numerical Methods and Software, ! Prentice Hall, 1988. ! ! abstract ! xgetf returns the current value of the error control flag ! in kontrl. see subroutine xsetf for flag value meanings. ! (kontrl is an output parameter only.) ! ! written by ron jones, with slatec common math library subcommittee ! latest revision --- 7 june 1978 ! references jones r.e., kahaner d.k., "xerror, the slatec error- ! handling package", sand82-0800, sandia laboratories, ! 1982. ! integer j4save integer kontrl ! kontrl = j4save(2,0,.false.) return end subroutine xgetua(iunita,n) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! XGETUA returns unit number(s) to which error messages are being sent. ! ! ! Reference: ! ! David Kahaner, Clever Moler, Steven Nash, ! Numerical Methods and Software, ! Prentice Hall, 1988. ! ! abstract ! xgetua may be called to determine the unit number or numbers ! to which error messages are being sent. ! these unit numbers may have been set by a call to xsetun, ! or a call to xsetua, or may be a default value. ! ! description of parameters ! --output-- ! iunit - an array of one to five unit numbers, depending ! on the value of n. a value of zero refers to the ! default unit, as defined by the i1mach machine ! constant routine. only iunit(1),...,iunit(n) are ! defined by xgetua. the values of iunit(n+1),..., ! iunit(5) are not defined (for n < 5) or altered ! in any way by xgetua. ! n - the number of units to which copies of the ! error messages are being sent. n will be in the ! range from 1 to 5. ! ! latest revision --- 19 mar 1980 ! written by ron jones, with slatec common math library subcommittee ! references jones r.e., kahaner d.k., "xerror, the slatec error- ! handling package", sand82-0800, sandia laboratories, ! 1982. ! integer i integer index integer iunita(5) integer j4save integer n ! n = j4save(5,0,.false.) do i=1,n index = i+4 if (i==1) index = 3 iunita(i) = j4save(index,0,.false.) end do return end subroutine xgetun(iunit) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! XGETUN returns the (first) output file to which messages are being sent. ! ! ! Reference: ! ! David Kahaner, Clever Moler, Steven Nash, ! Numerical Methods and Software, ! Prentice Hall, 1988. ! ! abstract ! xgetun gets the (first) output file to which error messages ! are being sent. to find out if more than one file is being ! used, one must use the xgetua routine. ! ! description of parameter ! --output-- ! iunit - the logical unit number of the (first) unit to ! which error messages are being sent. ! a value of zero means that the default file, as ! defined by the i1mach routine, is being used. ! ! written by ron jones, with slatec common math library subcommittee ! latest revision --- 23 may 1979 ! references jones r.e., kahaner d.k., "xerror, the slatec error- ! handling package", sand82-0800, sandia laboratories, ! 1982. ! integer iunit integer j4save ! iunit = j4save(3,0,.false.) return end subroutine xsetf(kontrl) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! XSETF sets the error control flag. ! ! ! Reference: ! ! David Kahaner, Clever Moler, Steven Nash, ! Numerical Methods and Software, ! Prentice Hall, 1988. ! ! abstract ! xsetf sets the error control flag value to kontrl. ! (kontrl is an input parameter only.) ! the following table shows how each message is treated, ! depending on the values of kontrl and level. (see xerror ! for description of level.) ! ! if kontrl is zero or negative, no information other than the ! message itself (including numeric values, if any) will be ! printed. if kontrl is positive, introductory messages, ! trace-backs, etc., will be printed in addition to the message. ! ! abs(kontrl) ! level 0 1 2 ! value ! 2 fatal fatal fatal ! ! 1 not printed printed fatal ! ! 0 not printed printed printed ! ! -1 not printed printed printed ! only only ! once once ! ! written by ron jones, with slatec common math library subcommittee ! latest revision --- 19 mar 1980 ! references jones r.e., kahaner d.k., "xerror, the slatec error- ! handling package", sand82-0800, sandia laboratories, ! 1982. ! integer j4save integer junk integer kontrl ! if ((kontrl>=(-2)).and.(kontrl<=2)) go to 10 call xerrwv('xsetf -- invalid value of kontrl (i1).',33,1,2, & 1,kontrl,0,0,0.,0.) return 10 junk = j4save(2,kontrl,.true.) return end subroutine xsetua(iunita,n) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! XSETUA sets up to 5 unit numbers to which messages are to be sent. ! ! ! Reference: ! ! David Kahaner, Clever Moler, Steven Nash, ! Numerical Methods and Software, ! Prentice Hall, 1988. ! ! abstract ! xsetua may be called to declare a list of up to five ! logical units, each of which is to receive a copy of ! each error message processed by this package. ! the purpose of xsetua is to allow simultaneous printing ! of each error message on, say, a main output file, ! an interactive terminal, and other files such as graphics ! communication files. ! ! description of parameters ! --input-- ! iunit - an array of up to five unit numbers. ! normally these numbers should all be different ! (but duplicates are not prohibited.) ! n - the number of unit numbers provided in iunit ! must have 1 <= n <= 5. ! ! written by ron jones, with slatec common math library subcommittee ! latest revision --- 19 mar 1980 ! references jones r.e., kahaner d.k., "xerror, the slatec error- ! handling package", sand82-0800, sandia laboratories, ! 1982. ! integer i integer index integer iunita(5) integer j4save integer junk integer n ! if ((n>=1).and.(n<=5)) go to 10 call xerrwv('xsetua -- invalid value of n (i1).',34,1,2,1,n,0,0,0.,0.) return 10 continue do i=1,n index = i+4 if (i==1) index = 3 junk = j4save(index,iunita(i),.true.) end do junk = j4save(5,n,.true.) return end subroutine xsetun(iunit) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! XSETUN sets the output file to which error messages are to be sent. ! ! ! Reference: ! ! David Kahaner, Clever Moler, Steven Nash, ! Numerical Methods and Software, ! Prentice Hall, 1988. ! ! abstract ! xsetun sets the output file to which error messages are to ! be sent. only one file will be used. see xsetua for ! how to declare more than one file. ! ! description of parameter ! --input-- ! iunit - an input parameter giving the logical unit number ! to which error messages are to be sent. ! ! written by ron jones, with slatec common math library subcommittee ! latest revision --- 7 june 1978 ! references jones r.e., kahaner d.k., "xerror, the slatec error- ! handling package", sand82-0800, sandia laboratories, ! 1982. ! integer iunit integer j4save integer junk ! junk = j4save(3,iunit,.true.) junk = j4save(5,1,.true.) return end