source: trunk/00FlowSolve_PL/PROJECTS/NEW_SRC/solve_for_xyper_pressure.f90 @ 15

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1subroutine psolve_xy_periodic
2#define DEBUG_LEVEL 1
3!Solve the elliptic equation for pressure subject to appropriate
4!boundary conditions. Interior and boundary differential operators
5!are defined in subroutine matvec.
7use mpi_parameters
8use grid_info
9use dependent_variables,    only: pressure   ! soln vector
10use intermediate_variables, only: b          ! rhs vector
11use counters_flags_etc
12use boundary_information
13use user_parameters,        only: LAPACK_FLAG
14use columnslab
15implicit none
16include '../input/problem_size.h'
17include 'mpif.h'
19real                    :: pi,xx,mean_value,kx_max,ky_max,kmax,kstar
20real                    :: XF,YF,bsum,lambda2
21real, allocatable       :: kx(:),ky(:)
22real, allocatable       :: soln(:),tmp(:),C3(:)
23real, allocatable       :: L_star(:,:)
25real, allocatable                   :: b_col(:,:,:),p_col(:,:,:)
26real, allocatable                   :: work(:,:,:)
27integer                             :: N,nrhs,ldb,ii,row
28integer, allocatable                :: ipiv(:)
29integer                             :: sizeofreal
31integer,parameter                   :: locnx=(nx-1)/numprocs
33#if DEBUG_LEVEL >=1
34   if(myid==0) then
35      write(0,*) 'hello world from solve_for_pressure: xy periodic case'
36   endif
39! Create a derived data type for ease of swaps
40  call MPI_TYPE_EXTENT(MPI_REAL,sizeofreal,ierr)
41! data type for 1d section of basic data slice: m1/nprocs
42  call MPI_TYPE_VECTOR(locnx,1,1,MPI_REAL,oneslice,ierr)
43! data type for 2d section of basic data slice: m2=ny 1d sections
44  call MPI_TYPE_HVECTOR(ny,1,nx*sizeofreal,oneslice,twoslice,ierr)  !
45! data type for 3d section of basic data slice:locnz=nz/numprocs 2d sections
46  call MPI_TYPE_HVECTOR(locnz,1,nx*ny*sizeofreal,twoslice,subslice,ierr)
47  call MPI_TYPE_COMMIT(subslice,ierr)
48  call MPI_BARRIER(comm,ierr)
52!(1) exchange data so that each processor has columns of b~ --> b_col(1:locnx,1:ny,1:nz)
53  allocate( b_col(locnx,ny,nz),p_col(locnx,ny,nz) )   ! don't keep extra x endpt in col storage
54  b_col(:,:,:) = 0.
55  p_col(:,:,:) = 0.
56  call slabs_to_columns(b,b_col)
57  p_col(:,:,:)=0.
59!(2) each processor compute global arrays kx&ky
60  N=nx-1                 ! nx includes both boundary points, N only 1
61  pi=4.*atan(1.)
62  allocate(kx(N+1))
63  kx(:) = 0.
64  do i=1,N/2+1
65   kx(i)=2.*pi*(i-1.)    ! FFTW real to half-complex storage
66  enddo
67  do i=2,N/2
68   kx(N-i+2)=kx(i)       ! FFTW real to half-complex storage
69  enddo
70  kx(N+1)=0.             ! extra location, convenient for alignment of arrays
71  kx_max=2.*pi*(N/2.)
74  N=ny-1                 ! ny includes both boundary points, N only 1
75  allocate(ky(N+1))
76  ky(:) = 0.
77  do j=1,N/2+1
78   ky(j)=2.*pi*(j-1.)    ! FFTW real to half-complex storage
79  enddo
80  do j=2,N/2
81   ky(N-j+2)=ky(j)       ! FFTW real to half-complex storage
82  enddo
83  ky(N+1)=0.             ! extra location, convenient for alignment of arrays
84  ky_max=2.*pi*(N/2.)
86  allocate( C3(nz) )    ! global integration weights for zeta direction
87  C3(:) = 0.
88  if( nz < 9 ) then
89   write(0,*) 'nz too small for integration scheme in solve_for_xypressure'
90   stop
91  endif
92  C3(5:nz-4)=1.0
93  C3(1)=17./48.
94  C3(2)=59./48.
95  C3(3)=43./48.
96  C3(4)=49./48.
97  C3(nz)=17./48.
98  C3(nz-1)=59./48.
99  C3(nz-2)=43./48.
100  C3(nz-3)=49./48.
102!(3) each processor  allocate storage for L_star, a FD approximation to L
103  allocate( ipiv(nz+1), L_star(nz+1,nz+1) )
104  ipiv(:) = 0
105  L_star(:,:) = 0.
106  allocate( soln(nz),tmp(nz+1) )
107  soln(:) = 0.
108  tmp(:) = 0.
109  nrhs=1
110  ldb=nz+1   ! leading dimension of B, i.e. # of rows in augmented rhs vector
112!(4) loop over kx,ky space and iteratively solve the perturbed problems
113  do i=1,locnx
114   ii=i+myid*locnx       ! global kx indexing variable
115   do j=1,ny-1
117    bsum = sum( b_col(i,j,1:nz)*C3(1:nz) )   ! integral of b dzeta (/dzeta)
118    lambda2=  (kx(ii))**2 * (1./Grid(0)%x_xi(1,1)**2)  &
119             +(ky(j))**2 * (1./Grid(0)%y_eta(1)**2) 
121!   rhs of matrix eqn
122    tmp(1:nz)=b_col(i,j,1:nz)
124!   Augment the rhs for compatability condition
125    if( ii==1 .and. j==1 ) then
126     tmp(nz+1)=0.
127    else
128     tmp(nz+1)=-bsum/lambda2   ! augmented rhs, compatability condition
129    endif
131    L_star(:,:)=0.
133!   set diagonal elements
135    do row=3,nz-2
136     xx = (global_Czz(row)/global_det_J(row) )*(1./(60*Grid(0)%dzeta**2)) 
137     L_star(row,row-2)=-5.*xx
138     L_star(row,row-1)=80.*xx
139     L_star(row,row)=-150.*xx
140     L_star(row,row+1)=80.*xx
141     L_star(row,row+2)=-5.*xx
142    enddo
143!  1st row
144    row=1
145    xx = (global_Czz(row)/global_det_J(row) )*(1./(60*Grid(0)%dzeta**2)) 
146    L_star(row,1)=-(725./3.)*xx
147    L_star(row,2)=280.*xx
148    L_star(row,3)=-30.*xx
149    L_star(row,4)=-(40./3.)*xx
150    L_star(row,5)=5.*xx
151!  2nd row
152    row=2
153    xx = (global_Czz(row)/global_det_J(row) )*(1./(60*Grid(0)%dzeta**2)) 
154    L_star(row,1)=(290./3.)*xx
155    L_star(row,2)=-180.*xx
156    L_star(row,3)=90.*xx
157    L_star(row,4)=-(20./3.)*xx
158!  last row
159    row=nz
160    xx = (global_Czz(row)/global_det_J(row) )*(1./(60*Grid(0)%dzeta**2)) 
161    L_star(nz,nz)=-(725./3.)*xx
162    L_star(nz,nz-1)=280.*xx
163    L_star(nz,nz-2)=-30.*xx
164    L_star(nz,nz-3)=-(40./3.)*xx
165    L_star(nz,nz-4)=5.*xx
166!  2nd last row
167    row=nz-1
168    xx = (global_Czz(row)/global_det_J(row) )*(1./(60*Grid(0)%dzeta**2)) 
169    L_star(nz-1,nz)=(290./3.)*xx
170    L_star(nz-1,nz-1)=-180.*xx
171    L_star(nz-1,nz-2)=90.*xx
172    L_star(nz-1,nz-3)=-(20./3.)*xx
174!Add in the term for horizontal derivatives
175    do row=1,nz
176     L_star(row,row)=L_star(row,row) - lambda2
177    enddo
179! add in the terms for  a*b_zeta*p_zeta
180! (1st & nz rows don't get anything: p_zeta=0 by BCs, or use approx form, no difference)
181    do row=3,nz-2
182     xx = (1./(global_det_J(row)))*global_Cz(row)/(24.*Grid(0)%dzeta) 
183     L_star(row,row-2)=L_star(row,row-2)+(2.)*xx
184     L_star(row,row-1)=L_star(row,row-1)-(16.)*xx
185     L_star(row,row+1)=L_star(row,row+1)+(16.)*xx
186     L_star(row,row+2)=L_star(row,row+2)-(2.)*xx
187    enddo
188!  1st row
189    row=1
190    xx = (1./(global_det_J(row)))*global_Cz(row)/(24.*Grid(0)%dzeta) 
191    L_star(row,1)=L_star(row,1)-(50)*xx
192    L_star(row,2)=L_star(row,2)+(96.)*xx
193    L_star(row,3)=L_star(row,3)-(72.)*xx
194    L_star(row,4)=L_star(row,4)+(32.)*xx
195    L_star(row,5)=L_star(row,5)-(6.)*xx
196!  2nd row
197    row=2
198    xx = (1./(global_det_J(row)))*global_Cz(row)/(24.*Grid(0)%dzeta) 
199    L_star(row,1)=L_star(row,1)-(68./3.)*xx
200    L_star(row,2)=L_star(row,2)+(12.)*xx
201    L_star(row,3)=L_star(row,3)+(12.)*xx
202    L_star(row,4)=L_star(row,4)-(4./3.)*xx
203!  nz-1 row
204    row=nz-1
205    xx = (1./(global_det_J(row)))*global_Cz(row)/(24.*Grid(0)%dzeta) 
206    L_star(row,nz)=L_star(row,nz)+(28./3.)*xx
207    L_star(row,nz-1)=L_star(row,nz-1)+(12.)*xx
208    L_star(row,nz-2)=L_star(row,nz-2)-(20.)*xx
209    L_star(row,nz-3)=L_star(row,nz-3)+(8./3.)*xx
210!  nz row
211    row=nz
212    xx = (1./(global_det_J(row)))*global_Cz(row)/(24.*Grid(0)%dzeta) 
213    L_star(row,nz)=L_star(row,nz)+(50)*xx
214    L_star(row,nz-1)=L_star(row,nz-1)-(96.)*xx
215    L_star(row,nz-2)=L_star(row,nz-2)+(72.)*xx
216    L_star(row,nz-3)=L_star(row,nz-3)-(32.)*xx
217    L_star(row,nz-4)=L_star(row,nz-4)+(6.)*xx
219!   Augmented system for unique soln with Neumann BCs:
220    L_star(nz+1,1:nz)=C3   ! extra row: compatability condition
221    L_star(1:nz,nz+1)=1.   ! xtra col : perturb rhs such that compatability can be satisfied
223!   solve the augmented system
224    if( LAPACK_FLAG == 'double' ) then
225!!!     call DGESV(nz+1,nrhs,L_star,nz+1,ipiv,tmp,ldb,ierr)
226      write(0,*) 'LAPACK_FLAG = double instead of single'
227      stop
228    elseif( LAPACK_FLAG == 'single' ) then
229     call SGESV(nz+1,nrhs,L_star,nz+1,ipiv,tmp,ldb,ierr)
230    endif
232    soln(1:nz)=tmp(1:nz)  ! xGESV overwrites the rhs vector w/ the soln
234    p_col(i,j,1:nz)=soln(1:nz)   ! save soln vectors in p_col
236   enddo
237  enddo
239 deallocate( soln,tmp,C3,kx,ky )
242!(5) do the data exchanges so that each processor gets slabs of p --> work(1:nx,1:ny,1:locnz)
243 allocate( work(nx,ny,locnz) )
244 work(:,:,:) = 0.
245!!! xlv
246!!! call columns_to_slabs(p_col,work)
247   call columns_to_slabs(p_col,work)
248   work(nx,:,:)=0.
249   work(:,ny,:)=0.
250!!! xlv
252! Now we need to inverse transform the pressure solution
253! to recover P(xi,eta,zeta).
254  call xy_fft(work,pressure,nx,ny,locnz,-1)   ! -1 for inverse direction
256!Store updated total pressure in pressure(:,:,:,2).
257 if( psolve_scheme .eq. 'total_pressure' ) then
258   pressure(:,:,:,2)=pressure(:,:,:,1)
259 elseif( psolve_scheme .eq. 'change_in_pressure' ) then
260  pressure(:,:,:,2)=pressure(:,:,:,2)+pressure(:,:,:,1)
261 endif
263!release the MPI derived data types  (created before)
264 call MPI_BARRIER(comm,ierr)
265 call MPI_TYPE_FREE(oneslice,ierr)
266 call MPI_TYPE_FREE(twoslice,ierr)
267 call MPI_TYPE_FREE(subslice,ierr)
269 deallocate(b_col,p_col,ipiv,L_star,work)
271end subroutine psolve_xy_periodic
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