!! file io_params.h !! comment lines start with ! !! comments to right of assignments are ok !!=============================================================== num_netcdf_files=1 !====================================================================== filename_root(1) = 'snapXZ' !! directory,processor id and time step ! are appended to filenames as appropriate nsteps(1) = 10 !! number of time steps btwn writes mode(1) = 'new' !! 'new' file every nsteps(:) or 'append' ! 1st index --> dimension, 2nd index is id for this file ilocs(1,1) = 1 !! start index for i (x) dimension ilocs(2,1) = 256 !! end index for i ilocs(3,1) = 1 !! increment for i loop ! collapse space diminsions like this jlocs(1,1) = 1 !! start index for j (y) dimension jlocs(2,1) = 1 !! end index for j jlocs(3,1) = 1 !! increment for j loop ! klocs are globally indexed klocs(1,1) = 1 !! start index for k (z) dimension klocs(2,1) = 256 !! end index for k klocs(3,1) = 1 !! increment for k loop ! 1==> write the variable, 0==> don't write the variable variable_key(1,1)=1 !! write u variable_key(2,1)=1 !! write v variable_key(3,1)=1 !! write w variable_key(4,1)=1 !! write s1 variable_key(5,1)=0 !! dont write s2 variable_key(6,1)=0 !! dont write vort_x variable_key(7,1)=0 !! dont write vort_y variable_key(8,1)=0 !! dont write vort_z