MODULE trcsub !!====================================================================== !! *** MODULE trcsubstp *** !! TOP : Averages physics variables for TOP substepping. !!====================================================================== !! History : 1.0 ! 2011-10 (K. Edwards) Original !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- #if defined key_top !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! trc_sub : passive tracer system sub-stepping !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- USE oce_trc ! ocean dynamics and active tracers variables USE trc USE trabbl ! bottom boundary layer USE zdf_oce USE domvvl USE divhor ! horizontal divergence USE sbcrnf , ONLY: h_rnf, nk_rnf ! River runoff USE bdy_oce , ONLY: ln_bdy, bdytmask ! BDY ! USE prtctl_trc ! Print control for debbuging USE in_out_manager ! USE iom USE lbclnk #if defined key_agrif USE agrif_oce_update USE agrif_oce_interp #endif IMPLICIT NONE PUBLIC trc_sub_stp ! called by trc_stp PUBLIC trc_sub_ini ! called by trc_ini to initialize substepping arrays. PUBLIC trc_sub_reset ! called by trc_stp to reset physics variables PUBLIC trc_sub_ssh ! called by trc_stp to reset physics variables REAL(wp) :: r1_ndttrc ! = 1 / nn_dttrc REAL(wp) :: r1_ndttrcp1 ! = 1 / (nn_dttrc+1) !! averaged and temporary saved variables (needed when a larger passive tracer time-step is used) !! ---------------------------------------------------------------- REAL(wp), PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:,:) :: un_tm , un_temp !: i-horizontal velocity average [m/s] REAL(wp), PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:,:) :: vn_tm , vn_temp !: j-horizontal velocity average [m/s] REAL(wp), PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:,:) :: wn_temp !: hold current values of avt, un, vn, wn REAL(wp), PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:,:,:) :: tsn_tm , tsn_temp !: t/s average [m/s] REAL(wp), PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:,:) :: avs_tm , avs_temp !: vertical diffusivity coeff. at w-point [m2/s] REAL(wp), PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:,:) :: rhop_tm , rhop_temp !: REAL(wp), PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: sshn_tm , sshn_temp !: average ssh for the now step [m] REAL(wp), PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: rnf_tm , rnf_temp !: river runoff REAL(wp), PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: h_rnf_tm , h_rnf_temp !: depth in metres to the bottom of the relevant grid box REAL(wp), PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: hmld_tm , hmld_temp !: mixed layer depth average [m] REAL(wp), PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: fr_i_tm , fr_i_temp !: average ice fraction [m/s] REAL(wp), PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: emp_tm , emp_temp !: freshwater budget: volume flux [Kg/m2/s] REAL(wp), PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: fmmflx_tm , fmmflx_temp !: freshwater budget: freezing/melting [Kg/m2/s] REAL(wp), PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: emp_b_hold, emp_b_temp !: hold emp from the beginning of each sub-stepping[m] REAL(wp), PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: qsr_tm , qsr_temp !: solar radiation average [m] REAL(wp), PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: wndm_tm , wndm_temp !: 10m wind average [m] ! REAL(wp), PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: sshb_hold !:hold sshb from the beginning of each sub-stepping[m] REAL(wp), PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: sshb_temp, ssha_temp REAL(wp), PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:,:) :: hdivn_temp, rotn_temp REAL(wp), PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:,:) :: hdivb_temp, rotb_temp ! ! !!- bottom boundary layer param (ln_trabbl=T) REAL(wp), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: ahu_bbl_tm, ahu_bbl_temp ! BBL diffusive i-coef. REAL(wp), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: ahv_bbl_tm, ahv_bbl_temp ! BBL diffusive j-coef. REAL(wp), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: utr_bbl_tm, utr_bbl_temp ! BBL u-advection REAL(wp), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: vtr_bbl_tm, vtr_bbl_temp ! BBL v-advection ! !!- iso-neutral slopes (if l_ldfslp=T) REAL(wp), PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:,:) :: uslp_temp, vslp_temp, wslpi_temp, wslpj_temp !: hold current values REAL(wp), PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:,:) :: uslp_tm , vslp_tm , wslpi_tm , wslpj_tm !: time mean !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! NEMO/TOP 4.0 , NEMO Consortium (2018) !! $Id$ !! Software governed by the CeCILL licence (./LICENSE) !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- CONTAINS SUBROUTINE trc_sub_stp( kt ) !!------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE trc_stp *** !! !! ** Purpose : Average variables needed for sub-stepping passive tracers !! !! ** Method : Called every timestep to increment _tm (time mean) variables !! on TOP steps, calculate averages. !!------------------------------------------------------------------- INTEGER, INTENT( in ) :: kt ! ocean time-step index ! INTEGER :: ji, jj, jk ! dummy loop indices REAL(wp):: z1_ne3t, z1_ne3u, z1_ne3v, z1_ne3w ! local scalars !!------------------------------------------------------------------- ! IF( ln_timing ) CALL timing_start('trc_sub_stp') ! IF( kt == nit000 ) THEN IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) 'trc_sub_stp : substepping of the passive tracers' IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) '~~~~~~~~~~~' ! sshb_hold (:,:) = sshn (:,:) emp_b_hold (:,:) = emp_b (:,:) ! r1_ndttrc = 1._wp / REAL( nn_dttrc , wp ) r1_ndttrcp1 = 1._wp / REAL( nn_dttrc + 1, wp ) ENDIF IF( MOD( kt , nn_dttrc ) /= 0 ) THEN ! un_tm (:,:,:) = un_tm (:,:,:) + un (:,:,:) * e3u_n(:,:,:) vn_tm (:,:,:) = vn_tm (:,:,:) + vn (:,:,:) * e3v_n(:,:,:) tsn_tm (:,:,:,jp_tem) = tsn_tm (:,:,:,jp_tem) + tsn (:,:,:,jp_tem) * e3t_n(:,:,:) tsn_tm (:,:,:,jp_sal) = tsn_tm (:,:,:,jp_sal) + tsn (:,:,:,jp_sal) * e3t_n(:,:,:) rhop_tm (:,:,:) = rhop_tm (:,:,:) + rhop (:,:,:) * e3t_n(:,:,:) avs_tm (:,:,:) = avs_tm (:,:,:) + avs (:,:,:) * e3w_n(:,:,:) IF( l_ldfslp ) THEN uslp_tm (:,:,:) = uslp_tm (:,:,:) + uslp (:,:,:) vslp_tm (:,:,:) = vslp_tm (:,:,:) + vslp (:,:,:) wslpi_tm(:,:,:) = wslpi_tm(:,:,:) + wslpi(:,:,:) wslpj_tm(:,:,:) = wslpj_tm(:,:,:) + wslpj(:,:,:) ENDIF IF( ln_trabbl ) THEN IF( nn_bbl_ldf == 1 ) THEN ahu_bbl_tm(:,:) = ahu_bbl_tm(:,:) + ahu_bbl(:,:) ahv_bbl_tm(:,:) = ahv_bbl_tm(:,:) + ahv_bbl(:,:) ENDIF IF( nn_bbl_adv == 1 ) THEN utr_bbl_tm(:,:) = utr_bbl_tm(:,:) + utr_bbl(:,:) vtr_bbl_tm(:,:) = vtr_bbl_tm(:,:) + vtr_bbl(:,:) ENDIF ENDIF ! sshn_tm (:,:) = sshn_tm (:,:) + sshn (:,:) rnf_tm (:,:) = rnf_tm (:,:) + rnf (:,:) h_rnf_tm (:,:) = h_rnf_tm (:,:) + h_rnf (:,:) hmld_tm (:,:) = hmld_tm (:,:) + hmld (:,:) fr_i_tm (:,:) = fr_i_tm (:,:) + fr_i (:,:) emp_tm (:,:) = emp_tm (:,:) + emp (:,:) fmmflx_tm(:,:) = fmmflx_tm(:,:) + fmmflx(:,:) qsr_tm (:,:) = qsr_tm (:,:) + qsr (:,:) wndm_tm (:,:) = wndm_tm (:,:) + wndm (:,:) ! ELSE ! It is time to substep ! 1. set temporary arrays to hold physics/dynamical variables un_temp (:,:,:) = un (:,:,:) vn_temp (:,:,:) = vn (:,:,:) wn_temp (:,:,:) = wn (:,:,:) tsn_temp (:,:,:,:) = tsn (:,:,:,:) rhop_temp (:,:,:) = rhop (:,:,:) avs_temp (:,:,:) = avs (:,:,:) IF( l_ldfslp ) THEN uslp_temp (:,:,:) = uslp (:,:,:) ; wslpi_temp (:,:,:) = wslpi (:,:,:) vslp_temp (:,:,:) = vslp (:,:,:) ; wslpj_temp (:,:,:) = wslpj (:,:,:) ENDIF IF( ln_trabbl ) THEN IF( nn_bbl_ldf == 1 ) THEN ahu_bbl_temp(:,:) = ahu_bbl(:,:) ahv_bbl_temp(:,:) = ahv_bbl(:,:) ENDIF IF( nn_bbl_adv == 1 ) THEN utr_bbl_temp(:,:) = utr_bbl(:,:) vtr_bbl_temp(:,:) = vtr_bbl(:,:) ENDIF ENDIF sshn_temp (:,:) = sshn (:,:) sshb_temp (:,:) = sshb (:,:) ssha_temp (:,:) = ssha (:,:) rnf_temp (:,:) = rnf (:,:) h_rnf_temp (:,:) = h_rnf (:,:) hmld_temp (:,:) = hmld (:,:) fr_i_temp (:,:) = fr_i (:,:) emp_temp (:,:) = emp (:,:) emp_b_temp (:,:) = emp_b (:,:) fmmflx_temp(:,:) = fmmflx(:,:) qsr_temp (:,:) = qsr (:,:) wndm_temp (:,:) = wndm (:,:) ! ! Variables reset in trc_sub_ssh hdivn_temp (:,:,:) = hdivn (:,:,:) ! ! 2. Create averages and reassign variables un_tm (:,:,:) = un_tm (:,:,:) + un (:,:,:) * e3u_n(:,:,:) vn_tm (:,:,:) = vn_tm (:,:,:) + vn (:,:,:) * e3v_n(:,:,:) tsn_tm (:,:,:,jp_tem) = tsn_tm (:,:,:,jp_tem) + tsn (:,:,:,jp_tem) * e3t_n(:,:,:) tsn_tm (:,:,:,jp_sal) = tsn_tm (:,:,:,jp_sal) + tsn (:,:,:,jp_sal) * e3t_n(:,:,:) rhop_tm (:,:,:) = rhop_tm (:,:,:) + rhop (:,:,:) * e3t_n(:,:,:) avs_tm (:,:,:) = avs_tm (:,:,:) + avs (:,:,:) * e3w_n(:,:,:) IF( l_ldfslp ) THEN uslp_tm (:,:,:) = uslp_tm (:,:,:) + uslp (:,:,:) vslp_tm (:,:,:) = vslp_tm (:,:,:) + vslp (:,:,:) wslpi_tm (:,:,:) = wslpi_tm(:,:,:) + wslpi(:,:,:) wslpj_tm (:,:,:) = wslpj_tm(:,:,:) + wslpj(:,:,:) ENDIF IF( ln_trabbl ) THEN IF( nn_bbl_ldf == 1 ) THEN ahu_bbl_tm(:,:) = ahu_bbl_tm(:,:) + ahu_bbl(:,:) ahv_bbl_tm(:,:) = ahv_bbl_tm(:,:) + ahv_bbl(:,:) ENDIF IF( nn_bbl_adv == 1 ) THEN utr_bbl_tm(:,:) = utr_bbl_tm(:,:) + utr_bbl(:,:) vtr_bbl_tm(:,:) = vtr_bbl_tm(:,:) + vtr_bbl(:,:) ENDIF ENDIF sshn_tm (:,:) = sshn_tm (:,:) + sshn (:,:) rnf_tm (:,:) = rnf_tm (:,:) + rnf (:,:) h_rnf_tm (:,:) = h_rnf_tm (:,:) + h_rnf (:,:) hmld_tm (:,:) = hmld_tm (:,:) + hmld (:,:) fr_i_tm (:,:) = fr_i_tm (:,:) + fr_i (:,:) emp_tm (:,:) = emp_tm (:,:) + emp (:,:) fmmflx_tm(:,:) = fmmflx_tm (:,:) + fmmflx(:,:) qsr_tm (:,:) = qsr_tm (:,:) + qsr (:,:) wndm_tm (:,:) = wndm_tm (:,:) + wndm (:,:) ! sshn (:,:) = sshn_tm (:,:) * r1_ndttrcp1 sshb (:,:) = sshb_hold (:,:) rnf (:,:) = rnf_tm (:,:) * r1_ndttrcp1 h_rnf (:,:) = h_rnf_tm (:,:) * r1_ndttrcp1 hmld (:,:) = hmld_tm (:,:) * r1_ndttrcp1 ! variables that are initialized after averages emp_b (:,:) = emp_b_hold (:,:) IF( kt == nittrc000 ) THEN wndm (:,:) = wndm_tm (:,:) * r1_ndttrc qsr (:,:) = qsr_tm (:,:) * r1_ndttrc emp (:,:) = emp_tm (:,:) * r1_ndttrc fmmflx(:,:) = fmmflx_tm (:,:) * r1_ndttrc fr_i (:,:) = fr_i_tm (:,:) * r1_ndttrc IF( ln_trabbl ) THEN IF( nn_bbl_ldf == 1 ) THEN ahu_bbl(:,:) = ahu_bbl_tm (:,:) * r1_ndttrc ahv_bbl(:,:) = ahv_bbl_tm (:,:) * r1_ndttrc ENDIF IF( nn_bbl_adv == 1 ) THEN utr_bbl(:,:) = utr_bbl_tm (:,:) * r1_ndttrc vtr_bbl(:,:) = vtr_bbl_tm (:,:) * r1_ndttrc ENDIF ENDIF ELSE wndm (:,:) = wndm_tm (:,:) * r1_ndttrcp1 qsr (:,:) = qsr_tm (:,:) * r1_ndttrcp1 emp (:,:) = emp_tm (:,:) * r1_ndttrcp1 fmmflx(:,:) = fmmflx_tm (:,:) * r1_ndttrcp1 fr_i (:,:) = fr_i_tm (:,:) * r1_ndttrcp1 IF( ln_trabbl ) THEN IF( nn_bbl_ldf == 1 ) THEN ahu_bbl(:,:) = ahu_bbl_tm (:,:) * r1_ndttrcp1 ahv_bbl(:,:) = ahv_bbl_tm (:,:) * r1_ndttrcp1 ENDIF IF( nn_bbl_adv == 1 ) THEN utr_bbl(:,:) = utr_bbl_tm (:,:) * r1_ndttrcp1 vtr_bbl(:,:) = vtr_bbl_tm (:,:) * r1_ndttrcp1 ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF ! DO jk = 1, jpk DO jj = 1, jpj DO ji = 1, jpi z1_ne3t = r1_ndttrcp1 / e3t_n(ji,jj,jk) z1_ne3u = r1_ndttrcp1 / e3u_n(ji,jj,jk) z1_ne3v = r1_ndttrcp1 / e3v_n(ji,jj,jk) z1_ne3w = r1_ndttrcp1 / e3w_n(ji,jj,jk) ! un (ji,jj,jk) = un_tm (ji,jj,jk) * z1_ne3u vn (ji,jj,jk) = vn_tm (ji,jj,jk) * z1_ne3v tsn (ji,jj,jk,jp_tem) = tsn_tm (ji,jj,jk,jp_tem) * z1_ne3t tsn (ji,jj,jk,jp_sal) = tsn_tm (ji,jj,jk,jp_sal) * z1_ne3t rhop (ji,jj,jk) = rhop_tm (ji,jj,jk) * z1_ne3t !!gm : BUG ==>> for avs I don't understand the division by e3w avs (ji,jj,jk) = avs_tm (ji,jj,jk) * z1_ne3w END DO END DO END DO IF( l_ldfslp ) THEN wslpi(:,:,:) = wslpi_tm(:,:,:) wslpj(:,:,:) = wslpj_tm(:,:,:) uslp (:,:,:) = uslp_tm (:,:,:) vslp (:,:,:) = vslp_tm (:,:,:) ENDIF ! CALL trc_sub_ssh( kt ) ! after ssh & vertical velocity ! ENDIF ! IF( ln_timing ) CALL timing_stop('trc_sub_stp') ! END SUBROUTINE trc_sub_stp SUBROUTINE trc_sub_ini !!------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE trc_sub_ini *** !! !! ** Purpose : Initialize variables needed for sub-stepping passive tracers !! !! ** Method : !! Compute the averages for sub-stepping !!------------------------------------------------------------------- INTEGER :: ierr !!------------------------------------------------------------------- ! IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) 'trc_sub_ini : initial set up of the passive tracers substepping' IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) '~~~~~~~' ierr = trc_sub_alloc () IF( lk_mpp ) CALL mpp_sum( ierr ) IF( ierr /= 0 ) CALL ctl_stop( 'STOP', 'top_sub_alloc : unable to allocate standard ocean arrays' ) un_tm (:,:,:) = un (:,:,:) * e3u_n(:,:,:) vn_tm (:,:,:) = vn (:,:,:) * e3v_n(:,:,:) tsn_tm (:,:,:,jp_tem) = tsn (:,:,:,jp_tem) * e3t_n(:,:,:) tsn_tm (:,:,:,jp_sal) = tsn (:,:,:,jp_sal) * e3t_n(:,:,:) rhop_tm (:,:,:) = rhop (:,:,:) * e3t_n(:,:,:) !!gm : BUG? ==>> for avt & avs I don't understand the division by e3w avs_tm (:,:,:) = avs (:,:,:) * e3w_n(:,:,:) IF( l_ldfslp ) THEN wslpi_tm(:,:,:) = wslpi(:,:,:) wslpj_tm(:,:,:) = wslpj(:,:,:) uslp_tm (:,:,:) = uslp (:,:,:) vslp_tm (:,:,:) = vslp (:,:,:) ENDIF sshn_tm (:,:) = sshn (:,:) rnf_tm (:,:) = rnf (:,:) h_rnf_tm (:,:) = h_rnf (:,:) hmld_tm (:,:) = hmld (:,:) ! Physics variables that are set after initialization: fr_i_tm (:,:) = 0._wp emp_tm (:,:) = 0._wp fmmflx_tm(:,:) = 0._wp qsr_tm (:,:) = 0._wp wndm_tm (:,:) = 0._wp IF( ln_trabbl ) THEN IF( nn_bbl_ldf == 1 ) THEN ahu_bbl_tm(:,:) = 0._wp ahv_bbl_tm(:,:) = 0._wp ENDIF IF( nn_bbl_adv == 1 ) THEN utr_bbl_tm(:,:) = 0._wp vtr_bbl_tm(:,:) = 0._wp ENDIF ENDIF ! END SUBROUTINE trc_sub_ini SUBROUTINE trc_sub_reset( kt ) !!------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE trc_sub_reset *** !! !! ** Purpose : Reset physics variables averaged for substepping !! !! ** Method : !! Compute the averages for sub-stepping !!------------------------------------------------------------------- INTEGER, INTENT( in ) :: kt ! ocean time-step index INTEGER :: jk ! dummy loop indices !!------------------------------------------------------------------- ! IF( ln_timing ) CALL timing_start('trc_sub_reset') ! ! restore physics variables un (:,:,:) = un_temp (:,:,:) vn (:,:,:) = vn_temp (:,:,:) wn (:,:,:) = wn_temp (:,:,:) tsn (:,:,:,:) = tsn_temp (:,:,:,:) rhop (:,:,:) = rhop_temp (:,:,:) avs (:,:,:) = avs_temp (:,:,:) IF( l_ldfslp ) THEN wslpi (:,:,:)= wslpi_temp (:,:,:) wslpj (:,:,:)= wslpj_temp (:,:,:) uslp (:,:,:)= uslp_temp (:,:,:) vslp (:,:,:)= vslp_temp (:,:,:) ENDIF sshn (:,:) = sshn_temp (:,:) sshb (:,:) = sshb_temp (:,:) ssha (:,:) = ssha_temp (:,:) rnf (:,:) = rnf_temp (:,:) h_rnf (:,:) = h_rnf_temp (:,:) ! hmld (:,:) = hmld_temp (:,:) fr_i (:,:) = fr_i_temp (:,:) emp (:,:) = emp_temp (:,:) fmmflx(:,:) = fmmflx_temp(:,:) emp_b (:,:) = emp_b_temp (:,:) qsr (:,:) = qsr_temp (:,:) wndm (:,:) = wndm_temp (:,:) IF( ln_trabbl ) THEN IF( nn_bbl_ldf == 1 ) THEN ahu_bbl(:,:) = ahu_bbl_temp(:,:) ahv_bbl(:,:) = ahv_bbl_temp(:,:) ENDIF IF( nn_bbl_adv == 1 ) THEN utr_bbl(:,:) = utr_bbl_temp(:,:) vtr_bbl(:,:) = vtr_bbl_temp(:,:) ENDIF ENDIF ! hdivn (:,:,:) = hdivn_temp (:,:,:) ! ! Start new averages un_tm (:,:,:) = un (:,:,:) * e3u_n(:,:,:) vn_tm (:,:,:) = vn (:,:,:) * e3v_n(:,:,:) tsn_tm (:,:,:,jp_tem) = tsn (:,:,:,jp_tem) * e3t_n(:,:,:) tsn_tm (:,:,:,jp_sal) = tsn (:,:,:,jp_sal) * e3t_n(:,:,:) rhop_tm (:,:,:) = rhop (:,:,:) * e3t_n(:,:,:) avs_tm (:,:,:) = avs (:,:,:) * e3w_n(:,:,:) IF( l_ldfslp ) THEN uslp_tm (:,:,:) = uslp (:,:,:) vslp_tm (:,:,:) = vslp (:,:,:) wslpi_tm(:,:,:) = wslpi(:,:,:) wslpj_tm(:,:,:) = wslpj(:,:,:) ENDIF ! sshb_hold (:,:) = sshn (:,:) emp_b_hold (:,:) = emp (:,:) sshn_tm (:,:) = sshn (:,:) rnf_tm (:,:) = rnf (:,:) h_rnf_tm (:,:) = h_rnf (:,:) hmld_tm (:,:) = hmld (:,:) fr_i_tm (:,:) = fr_i (:,:) emp_tm (:,:) = emp (:,:) fmmflx_tm (:,:) = fmmflx(:,:) qsr_tm (:,:) = qsr (:,:) wndm_tm (:,:) = wndm (:,:) IF( ln_trabbl ) THEN IF( nn_bbl_ldf == 1 ) THEN ahu_bbl_tm(:,:) = ahu_bbl(:,:) ahv_bbl_tm(:,:) = ahv_bbl(:,:) ENDIF IF( nn_bbl_adv == 1 ) THEN utr_bbl_tm(:,:) = utr_bbl(:,:) vtr_bbl_tm(:,:) = vtr_bbl(:,:) ENDIF ENDIF ! ! IF( ln_timing ) CALL timing_stop('trc_sub_reset') ! END SUBROUTINE trc_sub_reset SUBROUTINE trc_sub_ssh( kt ) !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE trc_sub_ssh *** !! !! ** Purpose : compute the after ssh (ssha), the now vertical velocity !! and update the now vertical coordinate (ln_linssh=F). !! !! ** Method : - Using the incompressibility hypothesis, the vertical !! velocity is computed by integrating the horizontal divergence !! from the bottom to the surface minus the scale factor evolution. !! The boundary conditions are w=0 at the bottom (no flux) and. !! !! ** action : ssha : after sea surface height !! wn : now vertical velocity !! sshu_a, sshv_a, sshf_a : after sea surface height (ln_linssh=F) !! !! Reference : Leclair, M., and G. Madec, 2009, Ocean Modelling. !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: kt ! time step ! INTEGER :: ji, jj, jk ! dummy loop indices REAL(wp) :: zcoefu, zcoefv, zcoeff, z1_2rho0 ! local scalars REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj) :: zhdiv !!--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! IF( ln_timing ) CALL timing_start('trc_sub_ssh') ! IF( kt == nittrc000 ) THEN ! IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) 'trc_sub_ssh : after sea surface height and now vertical velocity ' IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) '~~~~~~~~~~~ ' ! wn(:,:,jpk) = 0._wp ! bottom boundary condition: w=0 (set once for all) ! ENDIF ! !!gm BUG here ! hdivn will include the runoff divergence at the wrong timestep !!!! CALL div_hor( kt ) ! Horizontal divergence & Relative vorticity ! ! !------------------------------! ! ! After Sea Surface Height ! ! !------------------------------! zhdiv(:,:) = 0._wp DO jk = 1, jpkm1 ! Horizontal divergence of barotropic transports zhdiv(:,:) = zhdiv(:,:) + e3t_n(:,:,jk) * hdivn(:,:,jk) END DO ! ! Sea surface elevation time stepping ! In forward Euler time stepping case, the same formulation as in the leap-frog case can be used ! because emp_b field is initialized with the vlaues of emp field. Hence, 0.5 * ( emp + emp_b ) = emp z1_2rho0 = 0.5 * r1_rho0 ssha(:,:) = ( sshb(:,:) - rDt * ( z1_2rho0 * ( emp_b(:,:) + emp(:,:) ) + zhdiv(:,:) ) ) * tmask(:,:,1) IF( .NOT.ln_dynspg_ts ) THEN ! These lines are not necessary with time splitting since ! boundary condition on sea level is set during ts loop #if defined key_agrif CALL agrif_ssh( kt ) #endif IF( ln_bdy ) THEN ssha(:,:) = ssha(:,:) * bdytmask(:,:) CALL lbc_lnk( ssha, 'T', 1. ) ENDIF ENDIF ! ! !------------------------------! ! ! Now Vertical Velocity ! ! !------------------------------! DO jk = jpkm1, 1, -1 ! integrate from the bottom the hor. divergence ! - ML - need 3 lines here because replacement of e3t by its expression yields too long lines otherwise wn(:,:,jk) = wn(:,:,jk+1) - e3t_n(:,:,jk) * hdivn(:,:,jk) & & - ( e3t_a(:,:,jk) - e3t_b(:,:,jk) ) * r1_Dt * tmask(:,:,jk) IF( ln_bdy ) wn(:,:,jk) = wn(:,:,jk) * bdytmask(:,:) END DO ! IF( ln_timing ) CALL timing_stop('trc_sub_ssh') ! END SUBROUTINE trc_sub_ssh INTEGER FUNCTION trc_sub_alloc() !!------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE trc_sub_alloc *** !!------------------------------------------------------------------- USE lib_mpp, ONLY: ctl_warn INTEGER :: ierr(3) !!------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ierr(:) = 0 ! ALLOCATE( un_temp(jpi,jpj,jpk) , vn_temp(jpi,jpj,jpk) , & & wn_temp(jpi,jpj,jpk) , & & rhop_temp(jpi,jpj,jpk) , rhop_tm(jpi,jpj,jpk) , & & sshn_temp(jpi,jpj) , sshb_temp(jpi,jpj) , & & ssha_temp(jpi,jpj) , & & rnf_temp(jpi,jpj) , h_rnf_temp(jpi,jpj) , & & tsn_temp(jpi,jpj,jpk,2) , emp_b_temp(jpi,jpj) , & & emp_temp(jpi,jpj) , fmmflx_temp(jpi,jpj) , & & hmld_temp(jpi,jpj) , qsr_temp(jpi,jpj) , & & fr_i_temp(jpi,jpj) , fr_i_tm(jpi,jpj) , & & wndm_temp(jpi,jpj) , wndm_tm(jpi,jpj) , & & avs_tm(jpi,jpj,jpk) , avs_temp(jpi,jpj,jpk) , & & hdivn_temp(jpi,jpj,jpk) , hdivb_temp(jpi,jpj,jpk), & & un_tm(jpi,jpj,jpk) , vn_tm(jpi,jpj,jpk) , & & sshn_tm(jpi,jpj) , sshb_hold(jpi,jpj) , & & tsn_tm(jpi,jpj,jpk,2) , & & emp_tm(jpi,jpj) , fmmflx_tm(jpi,jpj) , & & emp_b_hold(jpi,jpj) , & & hmld_tm(jpi,jpj) , qsr_tm(jpi,jpj) , & & rnf_tm(jpi,jpj) , h_rnf_tm(jpi,jpj) , STAT=ierr(1) ) ! IF( l_ldfslp ) THEN ALLOCATE( uslp_temp(jpi,jpj,jpk) , wslpi_temp(jpi,jpj,jpk), & & vslp_temp(jpi,jpj,jpk) , wslpj_temp(jpi,jpj,jpk), & & uslp_tm (jpi,jpj,jpk) , wslpi_tm (jpi,jpj,jpk), & & vslp_tm (jpi,jpj,jpk) , wslpj_tm (jpi,jpj,jpk), STAT=ierr(2) ) ENDIF IF( ln_trabbl ) THEN ALLOCATE( ahu_bbl_temp(jpi,jpj) , utr_bbl_temp(jpi,jpj) , & & ahv_bbl_temp(jpi,jpj) , vtr_bbl_temp(jpi,jpj) , & & ahu_bbl_tm (jpi,jpj) , utr_bbl_tm (jpi,jpj) , & & ahv_bbl_tm (jpi,jpj) , vtr_bbl_tm (jpi,jpj) , STAT=ierr(3) ) ENDIF ! trc_sub_alloc = MAXVAL( ierr ) ! IF( trc_sub_alloc /= 0 ) CALL ctl_warn('trc_sub_alloc: failed to allocate arrays') ! END FUNCTION trc_sub_alloc #else !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! Default key NO passive tracers !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- CONTAINS SUBROUTINE trc_sub_stp( kt ) ! Empty routine WRITE(*,*) 'trc_sub_stp: You should not have seen this print! error?', kt END SUBROUTINE trc_sub_stp SUBROUTINE trc_sub_ini ! Empty routine WRITE(*,*) 'trc_sub_ini: You should not have seen this print! error?', kt END SUBROUTINE trc_sub_ini #endif !!====================================================================== END MODULE trcsub