#if defined SINGLE_PRECISION # if defined DIM_2d # define ARRAY_TYPE(i,j,k,l) REAL(sp), DIMENSION(i,j) # define PTR_TYPE TYPE(PTR_2D_sp) # define PTR_ptab pt2d # endif # if defined DIM_3d # define ARRAY_TYPE(i,j,k,l) REAL(sp), DIMENSION(i,j,k) # define PTR_TYPE TYPE(PTR_3D_sp) # define PTR_ptab pt3d # endif # if defined DIM_4d # define ARRAY_TYPE(i,j,k,l) REAL(sp), DIMENSION(i,j,k,l) # define PTR_TYPE TYPE(PTR_4D_sp) # define PTR_ptab pt4d # endif # define PRECISION sp #else # if defined DIM_2d # define ARRAY_TYPE(i,j,k,l) REAL(dp), DIMENSION(i,j) # define PTR_TYPE TYPE(PTR_2D_dp) # define PTR_ptab pt2d # endif # if defined DIM_3d # define ARRAY_TYPE(i,j,k,l) REAL(dp), DIMENSION(i,j,k) # define PTR_TYPE TYPE(PTR_3D_dp) # define PTR_ptab pt3d # endif # if defined DIM_4d # define ARRAY_TYPE(i,j,k,l) REAL(dp), DIMENSION(i,j,k,l) # define PTR_TYPE TYPE(PTR_4D_dp) # define PTR_ptab pt4d # endif # define PRECISION dp #endif SUBROUTINE ROUTINE_MULTI( cdname & & , pt1, cdna1, psgn1, pt2 , cdna2 , psgn2 , pt3 , cdna3 , psgn3 , pt4, cdna4, psgn4 & & , pt5, cdna5, psgn5, pt6 , cdna6 , psgn6 , pt7 , cdna7 , psgn7 , pt8, cdna8, psgn8 & & , pt9, cdna9, psgn9, pt10, cdna10, psgn10, pt11, cdna11, psgn11 & & , kfillmode, pfillval, lsend, lrecv, ihlcom ) !!--------------------------------------------------------------------- CHARACTER(len=*) , INTENT(in ) :: cdname ! name of the calling subroutine ARRAY_TYPE(:,:,:,:) , TARGET, INTENT(inout) :: pt1 ! arrays on which the lbc is applied ARRAY_TYPE(:,:,:,:), OPTIONAL, TARGET, INTENT(inout) :: pt2 , pt3 , pt4 , pt5 , pt6 , pt7 , pt8 , pt9 , pt10 , pt11 CHARACTER(len=1) , INTENT(in ) :: cdna1 ! nature of pt2D. array grid-points CHARACTER(len=1) , OPTIONAL , INTENT(in ) :: cdna2, cdna3, cdna4, cdna5, cdna6, cdna7, cdna8, cdna9, cdna10, cdna11 REAL(wp) , INTENT(in ) :: psgn1 ! sign used across the north fold REAL(wp) , OPTIONAL , INTENT(in ) :: psgn2, psgn3, psgn4, psgn5, psgn6, psgn7, psgn8, psgn9, psgn10, psgn11 INTEGER , OPTIONAL , INTENT(in ) :: kfillmode ! filling method for halo over land (default = constant) REAL(wp) , OPTIONAL , INTENT(in ) :: pfillval ! background value (used at closed boundaries) LOGICAL, DIMENSION(4), OPTIONAL , INTENT(in ) :: lsend, lrecv ! indicate how communications are to be carried out INTEGER , OPTIONAL , INTENT(in ) :: ihlcom ! number of ranks and rows to be communicated !! INTEGER :: kfld ! number of elements that will be attributed PTR_TYPE , DIMENSION(11) :: ptab_ptr ! pointer array CHARACTER(len=1) , DIMENSION(11) :: cdna_ptr ! nature of ptab_ptr grid-points REAL(wp) , DIMENSION(11) :: psgn_ptr ! sign used across the north fold boundary !!--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! kfld = 0 ! initial array of pointer size ! ! ! Load the first array CALL ROUTINE_LOAD( pt1, cdna1, psgn1, ptab_ptr, cdna_ptr, psgn_ptr, kfld ) ! ! ! Look if more arrays are added IF( PRESENT(psgn2 ) ) CALL ROUTINE_LOAD( pt2 , cdna2 , psgn2 , ptab_ptr, cdna_ptr, psgn_ptr, kfld ) IF( PRESENT(psgn3 ) ) CALL ROUTINE_LOAD( pt3 , cdna3 , psgn3 , ptab_ptr, cdna_ptr, psgn_ptr, kfld ) IF( PRESENT(psgn4 ) ) CALL ROUTINE_LOAD( pt4 , cdna4 , psgn4 , ptab_ptr, cdna_ptr, psgn_ptr, kfld ) IF( PRESENT(psgn5 ) ) CALL ROUTINE_LOAD( pt5 , cdna5 , psgn5 , ptab_ptr, cdna_ptr, psgn_ptr, kfld ) IF( PRESENT(psgn6 ) ) CALL ROUTINE_LOAD( pt6 , cdna6 , psgn6 , ptab_ptr, cdna_ptr, psgn_ptr, kfld ) IF( PRESENT(psgn7 ) ) CALL ROUTINE_LOAD( pt7 , cdna7 , psgn7 , ptab_ptr, cdna_ptr, psgn_ptr, kfld ) IF( PRESENT(psgn8 ) ) CALL ROUTINE_LOAD( pt8 , cdna8 , psgn8 , ptab_ptr, cdna_ptr, psgn_ptr, kfld ) IF( PRESENT(psgn9 ) ) CALL ROUTINE_LOAD( pt9 , cdna9 , psgn9 , ptab_ptr, cdna_ptr, psgn_ptr, kfld ) IF( PRESENT(psgn10) ) CALL ROUTINE_LOAD( pt10, cdna10, psgn10, ptab_ptr, cdna_ptr, psgn_ptr, kfld ) IF( PRESENT(psgn11) ) CALL ROUTINE_LOAD( pt11, cdna11, psgn11, ptab_ptr, cdna_ptr, psgn_ptr, kfld ) ! CALL lbc_lnk_ptr ( cdname, ptab_ptr, cdna_ptr, psgn_ptr, kfld, kfillmode, pfillval, lsend, lrecv, ihlcom ) ! END SUBROUTINE ROUTINE_MULTI SUBROUTINE ROUTINE_LOAD( ptab, cdna, psgn, ptab_ptr, cdna_ptr, psgn_ptr, kfld ) !!--------------------------------------------------------------------- ARRAY_TYPE(:,:,:,:) , TARGET, INTENT(inout) :: ptab ! arrays on which the lbc is applied CHARACTER(len=1) , INTENT(in ) :: cdna ! nature of pt2d array grid-points REAL(wp) , INTENT(in ) :: psgn ! sign used across the north fold boundary PTR_TYPE , DIMENSION(:), INTENT(inout) :: ptab_ptr ! array of pointers CHARACTER(len=1), DIMENSION(:), INTENT(inout) :: cdna_ptr ! nature of pt2d_array array grid-points REAL(wp) , DIMENSION(:), INTENT(inout) :: psgn_ptr ! sign used across the north fold boundary INTEGER , INTENT(inout) :: kfld ! number of elements that has been attributed !!--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! kfld = kfld + 1 ptab_ptr(kfld)%PTR_ptab => ptab cdna_ptr(kfld) = cdna psgn_ptr(kfld) = psgn ! END SUBROUTINE ROUTINE_LOAD #undef PRECISION #undef ARRAY_TYPE #undef PTR_TYPE #undef PTR_ptab