#if defined MULTI # define NAT_IN(k) cd_nat(k) # define SGN_IN(k) psgn(k) # define F_SIZE(ptab) kfld # define OPT_K(k) ,ipf # if defined DIM_2d # if defined SINGLE_PRECISION # define ARRAY_TYPE(i,j,k,l,f) TYPE(PTR_2D_sp) , INTENT(inout) :: ptab(f) # else # define ARRAY_TYPE(i,j,k,l,f) TYPE(PTR_2D_dp) , INTENT(inout) :: ptab(f) # endif # define ARRAY_IN(i,j,k,l,f) ptab(f)%pt2d(i,j) # define K_SIZE(ptab) 1 # define L_SIZE(ptab) 1 # endif # if defined DIM_3d # if defined SINGLE_PRECISION # define ARRAY_TYPE(i,j,k,l,f) TYPE(PTR_3D_sp) , INTENT(inout) :: ptab(f) # else # define ARRAY_TYPE(i,j,k,l,f) TYPE(PTR_3D_dp) , INTENT(inout) :: ptab(f) # endif # define ARRAY_IN(i,j,k,l,f) ptab(f)%pt3d(i,j,k) # define K_SIZE(ptab) SIZE(ptab(1)%pt3d,3) # define L_SIZE(ptab) 1 # endif # if defined DIM_4d # if defined SINGLE_PRECISION # define ARRAY_TYPE(i,j,k,l,f) TYPE(PTR_4D_sp) , INTENT(inout) :: ptab(f) # else # define ARRAY_TYPE(i,j,k,l,f) TYPE(PTR_4D_dp) , INTENT(inout) :: ptab(f) # endif # define ARRAY_IN(i,j,k,l,f) ptab(f)%pt4d(i,j,k,l) # define K_SIZE(ptab) SIZE(ptab(1)%pt4d,3) # define L_SIZE(ptab) SIZE(ptab(1)%pt4d,4) # endif #else # if defined SINGLE_PRECISION # define ARRAY_TYPE(i,j,k,l,f) REAL(sp) , INTENT(inout) :: ARRAY_IN(i,j,k,l,f) # else # define ARRAY_TYPE(i,j,k,l,f) REAL(dp) , INTENT(inout) :: ARRAY_IN(i,j,k,l,f) # endif # define NAT_IN(k) cd_nat # define SGN_IN(k) psgn # define F_SIZE(ptab) 1 # define OPT_K(k) # if defined DIM_2d # define ARRAY_IN(i,j,k,l,f) ptab(i,j) # define K_SIZE(ptab) 1 # define L_SIZE(ptab) 1 # endif # if defined DIM_3d # define ARRAY_IN(i,j,k,l,f) ptab(i,j,k) # define K_SIZE(ptab) SIZE(ptab,3) # define L_SIZE(ptab) 1 # endif # if defined DIM_4d # define ARRAY_IN(i,j,k,l,f) ptab(i,j,k,l) # define K_SIZE(ptab) SIZE(ptab,3) # define L_SIZE(ptab) SIZE(ptab,4) # endif #endif # if defined SINGLE_PRECISION # define PRECISION sp # define SENDROUTINE mppsend_sp # define RECVROUTINE mpprecv_sp # else # define PRECISION dp # define SENDROUTINE mppsend_dp # define RECVROUTINE mpprecv_dp # endif #if defined MULTI SUBROUTINE ROUTINE_LNK( cdname, ptab, cd_nat, psgn, kfld, kfillmode, pfillval, lsend, lrecv, ihlcom ) INTEGER , INTENT(in ) :: kfld ! number of pt3d arrays #else SUBROUTINE ROUTINE_LNK( cdname, ptab, cd_nat, psgn , kfillmode, pfillval, lsend, lrecv, ihlcom ) #endif ARRAY_TYPE(:,:,:,:,:) ! array or pointer of arrays on which the boundary condition is applied CHARACTER(len=*) , INTENT(in ) :: cdname ! name of the calling subroutine CHARACTER(len=1) , INTENT(in ) :: NAT_IN(:) ! nature of array grid-points REAL(wp) , INTENT(in ) :: SGN_IN(:) ! sign used across the north fold boundary INTEGER , OPTIONAL, INTENT(in ) :: kfillmode ! filling method for halo over land (default = constant) REAL(wp), OPTIONAL, INTENT(in ) :: pfillval ! background value (used at closed boundaries) LOGICAL, DIMENSION(4),OPTIONAL, INTENT(in ) :: lsend, lrecv ! communication with other 4 proc INTEGER ,OPTIONAL, INTENT(in ) :: ihlcom ! number of ranks and rows to be communicated ! INTEGER :: ji, jj, jk, jl, jf ! dummy loop indices INTEGER :: ipi, ipj, ipk, ipl, ipf ! dimension of the input array INTEGER :: isize, ishift, ishift2 ! local integers INTEGER :: ireq_we, ireq_ea, ireq_so, ireq_no ! mpi_request id INTEGER :: ierr INTEGER :: ifill_we, ifill_ea, ifill_so, ifill_no INTEGER :: ihl ! number of ranks and rows to be communicated REAL(PRECISION) :: zland INTEGER , DIMENSION(MPI_STATUS_SIZE) :: istat ! for mpi_isend REAL(PRECISION), DIMENSION(:,:,:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: zsnd_we, zrcv_we, zsnd_ea, zrcv_ea ! east -west & west - east halos REAL(PRECISION), DIMENSION(:,:,:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: zsnd_so, zrcv_so, zsnd_no, zrcv_no ! north-south & south-north halos LOGICAL :: llsend_we, llsend_ea, llsend_no, llsend_so ! communication send LOGICAL :: llrecv_we, llrecv_ea, llrecv_no, llrecv_so ! communication receive LOGICAL :: lldo_nfd ! do north pole folding !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! ----------------------------------------- ! ! 0. local variables initialization ! ! ----------------------------------------- ! ! ipk = K_SIZE(ptab) ! 3rd dimension ipl = L_SIZE(ptab) ! 4th - ipf = F_SIZE(ptab) ! 5th - use in "multi" case (array of pointers) ! IF( PRESENT(ihlcom) ) THEN ; ihl = ihlcom ELSE ; ihl = 1 END IF ! IF( narea == 1 .AND. numcom == -1 ) CALL mpp_report( cdname, ipk, ipl, ipf, ld_lbc = .TRUE. ) ! IF ( PRESENT(lsend) .AND. PRESENT(lrecv) ) THEN llsend_we = lsend(1) ; llsend_ea = lsend(2) ; llsend_so = lsend(3) ; llsend_no = lsend(4) llrecv_we = lrecv(1) ; llrecv_ea = lrecv(2) ; llrecv_so = lrecv(3) ; llrecv_no = lrecv(4) ELSE IF( PRESENT(lsend) .OR. PRESENT(lrecv) ) THEN WRITE(ctmp1,*) ' E R R O R : Routine ', cdname, ' is calling lbc_lnk with only one of the two arguments lsend or lrecv' WRITE(ctmp2,*) ' ========== ' CALL ctl_stop( ' ', ctmp1, ctmp2, ' ' ) ELSE ! send and receive with every neighbour llsend_we = nbondi == 1 .OR. nbondi == 0 ! keep for compatibility, should be defined in mppini llsend_ea = nbondi == -1 .OR. nbondi == 0 ! keep for compatibility, should be defined in mppini llsend_so = nbondj == 1 .OR. nbondj == 0 ! keep for compatibility, should be defined in mppini llsend_no = nbondj == -1 .OR. nbondj == 0 ! keep for compatibility, should be defined in mppini llrecv_we = llsend_we ; llrecv_ea = llsend_ea ; llrecv_so = llsend_so ; llrecv_no = llsend_no END IF lldo_nfd = npolj /= 0 ! keep for compatibility, should be defined in mppini zland = 0._wp ! land filling value: zero by default IF( PRESENT( pfillval ) ) zland = pfillval ! set land value ! define the method we will use to fill the halos in each direction IF( llrecv_we ) THEN ; ifill_we = jpfillmpi ELSEIF( l_Iperio ) THEN ; ifill_we = jpfillperio ELSEIF( PRESENT(kfillmode) ) THEN ; ifill_we = kfillmode ELSE ; ifill_we = jpfillcst END IF ! IF( llrecv_ea ) THEN ; ifill_ea = jpfillmpi ELSEIF( l_Iperio ) THEN ; ifill_ea = jpfillperio ELSEIF( PRESENT(kfillmode) ) THEN ; ifill_ea = kfillmode ELSE ; ifill_ea = jpfillcst END IF ! IF( llrecv_so ) THEN ; ifill_so = jpfillmpi ELSEIF( l_Jperio ) THEN ; ifill_so = jpfillperio ELSEIF( PRESENT(kfillmode) ) THEN ; ifill_so = kfillmode ELSE ; ifill_so = jpfillcst END IF ! IF( llrecv_no ) THEN ; ifill_no = jpfillmpi ELSEIF( l_Jperio ) THEN ; ifill_no = jpfillperio ELSEIF( PRESENT(kfillmode) ) THEN ; ifill_no = kfillmode ELSE ; ifill_no = jpfillcst END IF ! #if defined PRINT_CAUTION ! ! ================================================================================== ! ! CAUTION: semi-column notation is often impossible because of the cpp preprocessing ! ! ================================================================================== ! ! #endif ! ! -------------------------------------------------- ! ! 1. Do east and west MPI exchange if needed ! ! -------------------------------------------------- ! ! ! Must exchange the whole column (from 1 to jpj) to get the corners if we have no south/north neighbourg isize = ihl * jpj * ipk * ipl * ipf ! ! Allocate local temporary arrays to be sent/received. Fill arrays to be sent IF( llsend_we ) ALLOCATE( zsnd_we(ihl,jpj,ipk,ipl,ipf) ) IF( llsend_ea ) ALLOCATE( zsnd_ea(ihl,jpj,ipk,ipl,ipf) ) IF( llrecv_we ) ALLOCATE( zrcv_we(ihl,jpj,ipk,ipl,ipf) ) IF( llrecv_ea ) ALLOCATE( zrcv_ea(ihl,jpj,ipk,ipl,ipf) ) ! IF( llsend_we ) THEN ! copy western side of the inner mpi domain in local temporary array to be sent by MPI ishift = ihl DO jf = 1, ipf ; DO jl = 1, ipl ; DO jk = 1, ipk ; DO jj = 1, jpj ; DO ji = 1, ihl zsnd_we(ji,jj,jk,jl,jf) = ARRAY_IN(ishift+ji,jj,jk,jl,jf) ! ihl + 1 -> 2*ihl END DO ; END DO ; END DO ; END DO ; END DO ENDIF ! IF(llsend_ea ) THEN ! copy eastern side of the inner mpi domain in local temporary array to be sent by MPI ishift = jpi - 2 * ihl DO jf = 1, ipf ; DO jl = 1, ipl ; DO jk = 1, ipk ; DO jj = 1, jpj ; DO ji = 1, ihl zsnd_ea(ji,jj,jk,jl,jf) = ARRAY_IN(ishift+ji,jj,jk,jl,jf) ! jpi - 2*ihl + 1 -> jpi - ihl END DO ; END DO ; END DO ; END DO ; END DO ENDIF ! IF( ln_timing ) CALL tic_tac(.TRUE.) ! ! non-blocking send of the western/eastern side using local temporary arrays IF( llsend_we ) CALL SENDROUTINE( 1, zsnd_we(1,1,1,1,1), isize, nowe, ireq_we ) IF( llsend_ea ) CALL SENDROUTINE( 2, zsnd_ea(1,1,1,1,1), isize, noea, ireq_ea ) ! blocking receive of the western/eastern halo in local temporary arrays IF( llrecv_we ) CALL RECVROUTINE( 2, zrcv_we(1,1,1,1,1), isize, nowe ) IF( llrecv_ea ) CALL RECVROUTINE( 1, zrcv_ea(1,1,1,1,1), isize, noea ) ! IF( ln_timing ) CALL tic_tac(.FALSE.) ! ! ! ----------------------------------- ! ! 2. Fill east and west halos ! ! ----------------------------------- ! ! ! 2.1 fill weastern halo ! ---------------------- ! ishift = 0 ! fill halo from ji = 1 to ihl SELECT CASE ( ifill_we ) CASE ( jpfillnothing ) ! no filling CASE ( jpfillmpi ) ! use data received by MPI DO jf = 1, ipf ; DO jl = 1, ipl ; DO jk = 1, ipk ; DO jj = 1, jpj ; DO ji = 1, ihl ARRAY_IN(ji,jj,jk,jl,jf) = zrcv_we(ji,jj,jk,jl,jf) ! 1 -> ihl END DO; END DO ; END DO ; END DO ; END DO CASE ( jpfillperio ) ! use east-weast periodicity ishift2 = jpi - 2 * ihl DO jf = 1, ipf ; DO jl = 1, ipl ; DO jk = 1, ipk ; DO jj = 1, jpj ; DO ji = 1, ihl ARRAY_IN(ji,jj,jk,jl,jf) = ARRAY_IN(ishift2+ji,jj,jk,jl,jf) END DO; END DO ; END DO ; END DO ; END DO CASE ( jpfillcopy ) ! filling with inner domain values DO jf = 1, ipf ! number of arrays to be treated IF( .NOT. NAT_IN(jf) == 'F' ) THEN ! do nothing for F point DO jl = 1, ipl ; DO jk = 1, ipk ; DO jj = 1, jpj ; DO ji = 1, ihl ARRAY_IN(ji,jj,jk,jl,jf) = ARRAY_IN(ihl+1,jj,jk,jl,jf) END DO ; END DO ; END DO ; END DO ENDIF END DO CASE ( jpfillcst ) ! filling with constant value DO jf = 1, ipf ! number of arrays to be treated IF( .NOT. NAT_IN(jf) == 'F' ) THEN ! do nothing for F point DO jl = 1, ipl ; DO jk = 1, ipk ; DO jj = 1, jpj ; DO ji = 1, ihl ARRAY_IN(ji,jj,jk,jl,jf) = zland END DO; END DO ; END DO ; END DO ENDIF END DO END SELECT ! ! 2.2 fill eastern halo ! --------------------- ishift = jpi - ihl ! fill halo from ji = jpi-ihl+1 to jpi SELECT CASE ( ifill_ea ) CASE ( jpfillnothing ) ! no filling CASE ( jpfillmpi ) ! use data received by MPI DO jf = 1, ipf ; DO jl = 1, ipl ; DO jk = 1, ipk ; DO jj = 1, jpj ; DO ji = 1, ihl ARRAY_IN(ishift+ji,jj,jk,jl,jf) = zrcv_ea(ji,jj,jk,jl,jf) ! jpi - ihl + 1 -> jpi END DO ; END DO ; END DO ; END DO ; END DO CASE ( jpfillperio ) ! use east-weast periodicity ishift2 = ihl DO jf = 1, ipf ; DO jl = 1, ipl ; DO jk = 1, ipk ; DO jj = 1, jpj ; DO ji = 1, ihl ARRAY_IN(ishift+ji,jj,jk,jl,jf) = ARRAY_IN(ishift2+ji,jj,jk,jl,jf) END DO ; END DO ; END DO ; END DO ; END DO CASE ( jpfillcopy ) ! filling with inner domain values DO jf = 1, ipf ; DO jl = 1, ipl ; DO jk = 1, ipk ; DO jj = 1, jpj ; DO ji = 1, ihl ARRAY_IN(ishift+ji,jj,jk,jl,jf) = ARRAY_IN(ishift,jj,jk,jl,jf) END DO ; END DO ; END DO ; END DO ; END DO CASE ( jpfillcst ) ! filling with constant value DO jf = 1, ipf ; DO jl = 1, ipl ; DO jk = 1, ipk ; DO jj = 1, jpj ; DO ji = 1, ihl ARRAY_IN(ishift+ji,jj,jk,jl,jf) = zland END DO; END DO ; END DO ; END DO ; END DO END SELECT ! ! ------------------------------- ! ! 3. north fold treatment ! ! ------------------------------- ! ! ! do it before south directions so concerned processes can do it without waiting for the comm with the sourthern neighbor ! IF( lldo_nfd .AND. ifill_no /= jpfillnothing ) THEN ! SELECT CASE ( jpni ) CASE ( 1 ) ; CALL lbc_nfd( ptab, NAT_IN(:), SGN_IN(:) OPT_K(:) ) ! only 1 northern proc, no mpp CASE DEFAULT ; CALL mpp_nfd( ptab, NAT_IN(:), SGN_IN(:) OPT_K(:) ) ! for all northern procs. END SELECT ! ifill_no = jpfillnothing ! force to do nothing for the northern halo as we just done the north pole folding ! ENDIF ! ! ---------------------------------------------------- ! ! 4. Do north and south MPI exchange if needed ! ! ---------------------------------------------------- ! ! IF( llsend_so ) ALLOCATE( zsnd_so(jpi,ihl,ipk,ipl,ipf) ) IF( llsend_no ) ALLOCATE( zsnd_no(jpi,ihl,ipk,ipl,ipf) ) IF( llrecv_so ) ALLOCATE( zrcv_so(jpi,ihl,ipk,ipl,ipf) ) IF( llrecv_no ) ALLOCATE( zrcv_no(jpi,ihl,ipk,ipl,ipf) ) ! isize = jpi * ihl * ipk * ipl * ipf ! allocate local temporary arrays to be sent/received. Fill arrays to be sent IF( llsend_so ) THEN ! copy sourhern side of the inner mpi domain in local temporary array to be sent by MPI ishift = ihl DO jf = 1, ipf ; DO jl = 1, ipl ; DO jk = 1, ipk ; DO jj = 1, ihl ; DO ji = 1, jpi zsnd_so(ji,jj,jk,jl,jf) = ARRAY_IN(ji,ishift+jj,jk,jl,jf) ! ihl+1 -> 2*ihl END DO ; END DO ; END DO ; END DO ; END DO ENDIF ! IF( llsend_no ) THEN ! copy eastern side of the inner mpi domain in local temporary array to be sent by MPI ishift = jpj - 2 * ihl DO jf = 1, ipf ; DO jl = 1, ipl ; DO jk = 1, ipk ; DO jj = 1, ihl ; DO ji = 1, jpi zsnd_no(ji,jj,jk,jl,jf) = ARRAY_IN(ji,ishift+jj,jk,jl,jf) ! jpj-2*ihl+1 -> jpj-ihl END DO ; END DO ; END DO ; END DO ; END DO ENDIF ! IF( ln_timing ) CALL tic_tac(.TRUE.) ! ! non-blocking send of the southern/northern side IF( llsend_so ) CALL SENDROUTINE( 3, zsnd_so(1,1,1,1,1), isize, noso, ireq_so ) IF( llsend_no ) CALL SENDROUTINE( 4, zsnd_no(1,1,1,1,1), isize, nono, ireq_no ) ! blocking receive of the southern/northern halo IF( llrecv_so ) CALL RECVROUTINE( 4, zrcv_so(1,1,1,1,1), isize, noso ) IF( llrecv_no ) CALL RECVROUTINE( 3, zrcv_no(1,1,1,1,1), isize, nono ) ! IF( ln_timing ) CALL tic_tac(.FALSE.) ! ! ------------------------------------- ! ! 5. Fill south and north halos ! ! ------------------------------------- ! ! ! 5.1 fill southern halo ! ---------------------- ! ishift = 0 ! fill halo from jj = 1 to ihl SELECT CASE ( ifill_so ) CASE ( jpfillnothing ) ! no filling CASE ( jpfillmpi ) ! use data received by MPI DO jf = 1, ipf ; DO jl = 1, ipl ; DO jk = 1, ipk ; DO jj = 1, ihl ; DO ji = 1, jpi ARRAY_IN(ji,jj,jk,jl,jf) = zrcv_so(ji,jj,jk,jl,jf) ! 1 -> ihl END DO; END DO ; END DO ; END DO ; END DO CASE ( jpfillperio ) ! use north-south periodicity ishift2 = jpj - 2 * ihl DO jf = 1, ipf ; DO jl = 1, ipl ; DO jk = 1, ipk ; DO jj = 1, ihl ; DO ji = 1, jpi ARRAY_IN(ji,jj,jk,jl,jf) = ARRAY_IN(ji,ishift2+jj,jk,jl,jf) END DO; END DO ; END DO ; END DO ; END DO CASE ( jpfillcopy ) ! filling with inner domain values DO jf = 1, ipf ! number of arrays to be treated IF( .NOT. NAT_IN(jf) == 'F' ) THEN ! do nothing for F point DO jl = 1, ipl ; DO jk = 1, ipk ; DO jj = 1, ihl ; DO ji = 1, jpi ARRAY_IN(ji,jj,jk,jl,jf) = ARRAY_IN(ji,ihl+1,jk,jl,jf) END DO ; END DO ; END DO ; END DO ENDIF END DO CASE ( jpfillcst ) ! filling with constant value DO jf = 1, ipf ! number of arrays to be treated IF( .NOT. NAT_IN(jf) == 'F' ) THEN ! do nothing for F point DO jl = 1, ipl ; DO jk = 1, ipk ; DO jj = 1, ihl ; DO ji = 1, jpi ARRAY_IN(ji,jj,jk,jl,jf) = zland END DO; END DO ; END DO ; END DO ENDIF END DO END SELECT ! ! 5.2 fill northern halo ! ---------------------- ishift = jpj - ihl ! fill halo from jj = jpj-ihl+1 to jpj SELECT CASE ( ifill_no ) CASE ( jpfillnothing ) ! no filling CASE ( jpfillmpi ) ! use data received by MPI DO jf = 1, ipf ; DO jl = 1, ipl ; DO jk = 1, ipk ; DO jj = 1, ihl ; DO ji = 1, jpi ARRAY_IN(ji,ishift+jj,jk,jl,jf) = zrcv_no(ji,jj,jk,jl,jf) ! jpj-ihl+1 -> jpj END DO ; END DO ; END DO ; END DO ; END DO CASE ( jpfillperio ) ! use north-south periodicity ishift2 = ihl DO jf = 1, ipf ; DO jl = 1, ipl ; DO jk = 1, ipk ; DO jj = 1, ihl ; DO ji = 1, jpi ARRAY_IN(ji,ishift+jj,jk,jl,jf) = ARRAY_IN(ji,ishift2+jj,jk,jl,jf) END DO; END DO ; END DO ; END DO ; END DO CASE ( jpfillcopy ) ! filling with inner domain values DO jf = 1, ipf ; DO jl = 1, ipl ; DO jk = 1, ipk ; DO jj = 1, ihl ; DO ji = 1, jpi ARRAY_IN(ji,ishift+jj,jk,jl,jf) = ARRAY_IN(ji,ishift,jk,jl,jf) END DO; END DO ; END DO ; END DO ; END DO CASE ( jpfillcst ) ! filling with constant value DO jf = 1, ipf ; DO jl = 1, ipl ; DO jk = 1, ipk ; DO jj = 1, ihl ; DO ji = 1, jpi ARRAY_IN(ji,ishift+jj,jk,jl,jf) = zland END DO; END DO ; END DO ; END DO ; END DO END SELECT ! ! -------------------------------------------- ! ! 6. deallocate local temporary arrays ! ! -------------------------------------------- ! ! IF( llsend_we ) THEN CALL mpi_wait(ireq_we, istat, ierr ) DEALLOCATE( zsnd_we ) ENDIF IF( llsend_ea ) THEN CALL mpi_wait(ireq_ea, istat, ierr ) DEALLOCATE( zsnd_ea ) ENDIF IF( llsend_so ) THEN CALL mpi_wait(ireq_so, istat, ierr ) DEALLOCATE( zsnd_so ) ENDIF IF( llsend_no ) THEN CALL mpi_wait(ireq_no, istat, ierr ) DEALLOCATE( zsnd_no ) ENDIF ! IF( llrecv_we ) DEALLOCATE( zrcv_we ) IF( llrecv_ea ) DEALLOCATE( zrcv_ea ) IF( llrecv_so ) DEALLOCATE( zrcv_so ) IF( llrecv_no ) DEALLOCATE( zrcv_no ) ! END SUBROUTINE ROUTINE_LNK #undef ARRAY_TYPE #undef NAT_IN #undef SGN_IN #undef ARRAY_IN #undef K_SIZE #undef L_SIZE #undef F_SIZE #undef OPT_K