MODULE floblk !!====================================================================== !! *** MODULE floblk *** !! Ocean floats : trajectory computation !!====================================================================== !! !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! flotblk : compute float trajectories with Blanke algorithme !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- USE flo_oce ! ocean drifting floats USE oce ! ocean dynamics and tracers USE dom_oce ! ocean space and time domain USE phycst ! physical constants USE in_out_manager ! I/O manager USE lib_mpp ! distribued memory computing library IMPLICIT NONE PRIVATE PUBLIC flo_blk ! routine called by floats.F90 !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! NEMO/OCE 4.0 , NEMO Consortium (2018) !! $Id$ !! Software governed by the CeCILL license (see ./LICENSE) !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- CONTAINS SUBROUTINE flo_blk( kt, Kbb, Kmm ) !!--------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE flo_blk *** !! !! ** Purpose : Compute the geographical position,latitude, longitude !! and depth of each float at each time step. !! !! ** Method : The position of a float is computed with Bruno Blanke !! algorithm. We need to know the velocity field, the old positions !! of the floats and the grid defined on the domain. !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- INTEGER, INTENT( in ) :: kt ! ocean time step INTEGER, INTENT( in ) :: Kbb, Kmm ! ocean time level indices !! #ifndef key_agrif !RB super quick fix to compile with agrif INTEGER :: jfl ! dummy loop arguments INTEGER :: ind, ifin, iloop REAL(wp) :: & zuinfl,zvinfl,zwinfl, & ! transport across the input face zuoutfl,zvoutfl,zwoutfl, & ! transport across the ouput face zvol, & ! volume of the mesh zsurfz, & ! surface of the face of the mesh zind REAL(wp), DIMENSION ( 2 ) :: zsurfx, zsurfy ! surface of the face of the mesh INTEGER , DIMENSION ( jpnfl ) :: iil, ijl, ikl ! index of nearest mesh INTEGER , DIMENSION ( jpnfl ) :: iiloc , ijloc INTEGER , DIMENSION ( jpnfl ) :: iiinfl, ijinfl, ikinfl ! index of input mesh of the float. INTEGER , DIMENSION ( jpnfl ) :: iioutfl, ijoutfl, ikoutfl ! index of output mesh of the float. REAL(wp) , DIMENSION ( jpnfl ) :: zgifl, zgjfl, zgkfl ! position of floats, index on ! ! velocity mesh. REAL(wp) , DIMENSION ( jpnfl ) :: ztxfl, ztyfl, ztzfl ! time for a float to quit the mesh ! ! across one of the face x,y and z REAL(wp) , DIMENSION ( jpnfl ) :: zttfl ! time for a float to quit the mesh REAL(wp) , DIMENSION ( jpnfl ) :: zagefl ! time during which, trajectorie of ! ! the float has been computed REAL(wp) , DIMENSION ( jpnfl ) :: zagenewfl ! new age of float after calculation ! ! of new position REAL(wp) , DIMENSION ( jpnfl ) :: zufl, zvfl, zwfl ! interpolated vel. at float position REAL(wp) , DIMENSION ( jpnfl ) :: zudfl, zvdfl, zwdfl ! velocity diff input/output of mesh REAL(wp) , DIMENSION ( jpnfl ) :: zgidfl, zgjdfl, zgkdfl ! direction index of float !!--------------------------------------------------------------------- IF( kt == nit000 ) THEN IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) 'flo_blk : compute Blanke trajectories for floats ' IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) '~~~~~~~ ' ENDIF ! Initialisation of parameters DO jfl = 1, jpnfl ! ages of floats are put at zero zagefl(jfl) = 0. ! index on the velocity grid ! We considere k coordinate negative, with this transformation ! the computation in the 3 direction is the same. zgifl(jfl) = tpifl(jfl) - 0.5 zgjfl(jfl) = tpjfl(jfl) - 0.5 zgkfl(jfl) = MIN(-1.,-(tpkfl(jfl))) ! surface drift every 10 days IF( ln_argo ) THEN IF( MOD(kt,150) >= 146 .OR. MOD(kt,150) == 0 ) zgkfl(jfl) = -1. ENDIF ! index of T mesh iil(jfl) = 1 + INT(zgifl(jfl)) ijl(jfl) = 1 + INT(zgjfl(jfl)) ikl(jfl) = INT(zgkfl(jfl)) END DO iloop = 0 222 DO jfl = 1, jpnfl # if defined key_mpp_mpi IF( iil(jfl) >= mig(Nis0) .AND. iil(jfl) <= mig(Nie0) .AND. & ijl(jfl) >= mjg(Njs0) .AND. ijl(jfl) <= mjg(Nje0) ) THEN iiloc(jfl) = iil(jfl) - mig(1) + 1 ijloc(jfl) = ijl(jfl) - mjg(1) + 1 # else iiloc(jfl) = iil(jfl) ijloc(jfl) = ijl(jfl) # endif ! compute the transport across the mesh where the float is. !!bug (gm) change e3t into e3. but never checked zsurfx(1) = e2u(iiloc(jfl)-1,ijloc(jfl) ) * e3u(iiloc(jfl)-1,ijloc(jfl) ,-ikl(jfl),Kmm) zsurfx(2) = e2u(iiloc(jfl) ,ijloc(jfl) ) * e3u(iiloc(jfl) ,ijloc(jfl) ,-ikl(jfl),Kmm) zsurfy(1) = e1v(iiloc(jfl) ,ijloc(jfl)-1) * e3v(iiloc(jfl) ,ijloc(jfl)-1,-ikl(jfl),Kmm) zsurfy(2) = e1v(iiloc(jfl) ,ijloc(jfl) ) * e3v(iiloc(jfl) ,ijloc(jfl) ,-ikl(jfl),Kmm) ! for a isobar float zsurfz is put to zero. The vertical velocity will be zero too. zsurfz = e1e2t(iiloc(jfl),ijloc(jfl)) zvol = zsurfz * e3t(iiloc(jfl),ijloc(jfl),-ikl(jfl),Kmm) ! zuinfl =( uu(iiloc(jfl)-1,ijloc(jfl),-ikl(jfl),Kbb) + uu(iiloc(jfl)-1,ijloc(jfl),-ikl(jfl),Kmm) )/2.*zsurfx(1) zuoutfl=( uu(iiloc(jfl) ,ijloc(jfl),-ikl(jfl),Kbb) + uu(iiloc(jfl) ,ijloc(jfl),-ikl(jfl),Kmm) )/2.*zsurfx(2) zvinfl =( vv(iiloc(jfl),ijloc(jfl)-1,-ikl(jfl),Kbb) + vv(iiloc(jfl),ijloc(jfl)-1,-ikl(jfl),Kmm) )/2.*zsurfy(1) zvoutfl=( vv(iiloc(jfl),ijloc(jfl) ,-ikl(jfl),Kbb) + vv(iiloc(jfl),ijloc(jfl) ,-ikl(jfl),Kmm) )/2.*zsurfy(2) zwinfl =-(wb(iiloc(jfl),ijloc(jfl),-(ikl(jfl)-1)) & & + ww(iiloc(jfl),ijloc(jfl),-(ikl(jfl)-1)) )/2. * zsurfz*nisobfl(jfl) zwoutfl=-(wb(iiloc(jfl),ijloc(jfl),- ikl(jfl) ) & & + ww(iiloc(jfl),ijloc(jfl),- ikl(jfl) ) )/2. * zsurfz*nisobfl(jfl) ! interpolation of velocity field on the float initial position zufl(jfl)= zuinfl + ( zgifl(jfl) - float(iil(jfl)-1) ) * ( zuoutfl - zuinfl) zvfl(jfl)= zvinfl + ( zgjfl(jfl) - float(ijl(jfl)-1) ) * ( zvoutfl - zvinfl) zwfl(jfl)= zwinfl + ( zgkfl(jfl) - float(ikl(jfl)-1) ) * ( zwoutfl - zwinfl) ! faces of input and output ! u-direction IF( zufl(jfl) < 0. ) THEN iioutfl(jfl) = iil(jfl) - 1. iiinfl (jfl) = iil(jfl) zind = zuinfl zuinfl = zuoutfl zuoutfl= zind ELSE iioutfl(jfl) = iil(jfl) iiinfl (jfl) = iil(jfl) - 1 ENDIF ! v-direction IF( zvfl(jfl) < 0. ) THEN ijoutfl(jfl) = ijl(jfl) - 1. ijinfl (jfl) = ijl(jfl) zind = zvinfl zvinfl = zvoutfl zvoutfl = zind ELSE ijoutfl(jfl) = ijl(jfl) ijinfl (jfl) = ijl(jfl) - 1. ENDIF ! w-direction IF( zwfl(jfl) < 0. ) THEN ikoutfl(jfl) = ikl(jfl) - 1. ikinfl (jfl) = ikl(jfl) zind = zwinfl zwinfl = zwoutfl zwoutfl = zind ELSE ikoutfl(jfl) = ikl(jfl) ikinfl (jfl) = ikl(jfl) - 1. ENDIF ! compute the time to go out the mesh across a face ! u-direction zudfl (jfl) = zuoutfl - zuinfl zgidfl(jfl) = float(iioutfl(jfl) - iiinfl(jfl)) IF( zufl(jfl)*zuoutfl <= 0. ) THEN ztxfl(jfl) = HUGE(1._wp) ELSE IF( ABS(zudfl(jfl)) >= 1.E-5 ) THEN ztxfl(jfl)= zgidfl(jfl)/zudfl(jfl) * LOG(zuoutfl/zufl (jfl)) ELSE ztxfl(jfl)=(float(iioutfl(jfl))-zgifl(jfl))/zufl(jfl) ENDIF IF( (ABS(zgifl(jfl)-float(iiinfl (jfl))) <= 1.E-7) .OR. & (ABS(zgifl(jfl)-float(iioutfl(jfl))) <= 1.E-7) ) THEN ztxfl(jfl)=(zgidfl(jfl))/zufl(jfl) ENDIF ENDIF ! v-direction zvdfl (jfl) = zvoutfl - zvinfl zgjdfl(jfl) = float(ijoutfl(jfl)-ijinfl(jfl)) IF( zvfl(jfl)*zvoutfl <= 0. ) THEN ztyfl(jfl) = HUGE(1._wp) ELSE IF( ABS(zvdfl(jfl)) >= 1.E-5 ) THEN ztyfl(jfl) = zgjdfl(jfl)/zvdfl(jfl) * LOG(zvoutfl/zvfl (jfl)) ELSE ztyfl(jfl) = (float(ijoutfl(jfl)) - zgjfl(jfl))/zvfl(jfl) ENDIF IF( (ABS(zgjfl(jfl)-float(ijinfl (jfl))) <= 1.E-7) .OR. & (ABS(zgjfl(jfl)-float(ijoutfl(jfl))) <= 1.E-7) ) THEN ztyfl(jfl) = (zgjdfl(jfl)) / zvfl(jfl) ENDIF ENDIF ! w-direction IF( nisobfl(jfl) == 1. ) THEN zwdfl (jfl) = zwoutfl - zwinfl zgkdfl(jfl) = float(ikoutfl(jfl) - ikinfl(jfl)) IF( zwfl(jfl)*zwoutfl <= 0. ) THEN ztzfl(jfl) = HUGE(1._wp) ELSE IF( ABS(zwdfl(jfl)) >= 1.E-5 ) THEN ztzfl(jfl) = zgkdfl(jfl)/zwdfl(jfl) * LOG(zwoutfl/zwfl (jfl)) ELSE ztzfl(jfl) = (float(ikoutfl(jfl)) - zgkfl(jfl))/zwfl(jfl) ENDIF IF( (ABS(zgkfl(jfl)-float(ikinfl (jfl))) <= 1.E-7) .OR. & (ABS(zgkfl(jfl)-float(ikoutfl(jfl))) <= 1.E-7) ) THEN ztzfl(jfl) = (zgkdfl(jfl)) / zwfl(jfl) ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF ! the time to go leave the mesh is the smallest time IF( nisobfl(jfl) == 1. ) THEN zttfl(jfl) = MIN(ztxfl(jfl),ztyfl(jfl),ztzfl(jfl)) ELSE zttfl(jfl) = MIN(ztxfl(jfl),ztyfl(jfl)) ENDIF ! new age of the FLOAT zagenewfl(jfl) = zagefl(jfl) + zttfl(jfl)*zvol ! test to know if the "age" of the float is not bigger than the ! time step IF( zagenewfl(jfl) > rn_Dt ) THEN zttfl(jfl) = (rn_Dt-zagefl(jfl)) / zvol zagenewfl(jfl) = rn_Dt ENDIF ! In the "minimal" direction we compute the index of new mesh ! on i-direction IF( ztxfl(jfl) <= zttfl(jfl) ) THEN zgifl(jfl) = float(iioutfl(jfl)) ind = iioutfl(jfl) IF( iioutfl(jfl) >= iiinfl(jfl) ) THEN iioutfl(jfl) = iioutfl(jfl) + 1 ELSE iioutfl(jfl) = iioutfl(jfl) - 1 ENDIF iiinfl(jfl) = ind ELSE IF( ABS(zudfl(jfl)) >= 1.E-5 ) THEN zgifl(jfl) = zgifl(jfl) + zgidfl(jfl)*zufl(jfl) & & * ( EXP( zudfl(jfl)/zgidfl(jfl)*zttfl(jfl) ) - 1. ) / zudfl(jfl) ELSE zgifl(jfl) = zgifl(jfl) + zufl(jfl) * zttfl(jfl) ENDIF ENDIF ! on j-direction IF( ztyfl(jfl) <= zttfl(jfl) ) THEN zgjfl(jfl) = float(ijoutfl(jfl)) ind = ijoutfl(jfl) IF( ijoutfl(jfl) >= ijinfl(jfl) ) THEN ijoutfl(jfl) = ijoutfl(jfl) + 1 ELSE ijoutfl(jfl) = ijoutfl(jfl) - 1 ENDIF ijinfl(jfl) = ind ELSE IF( ABS(zvdfl(jfl)) >= 1.E-5 ) THEN zgjfl(jfl) = zgjfl(jfl)+zgjdfl(jfl)*zvfl(jfl) & & * ( EXP(zvdfl(jfl)/zgjdfl(jfl)*zttfl(jfl)) - 1. ) / zvdfl(jfl) ELSE zgjfl(jfl) = zgjfl(jfl)+zvfl(jfl)*zttfl(jfl) ENDIF ENDIF ! on k-direction IF( nisobfl(jfl) == 1. ) THEN IF( ztzfl(jfl) <= zttfl(jfl) ) THEN zgkfl(jfl) = float(ikoutfl(jfl)) ind = ikoutfl(jfl) IF( ikoutfl(jfl) >= ikinfl(jfl) ) THEN ikoutfl(jfl) = ikoutfl(jfl)+1 ELSE ikoutfl(jfl) = ikoutfl(jfl)-1 ENDIF ikinfl(jfl) = ind ELSE IF( ABS(zwdfl(jfl)) >= 1.E-5 ) THEN zgkfl(jfl) = zgkfl(jfl)+zgkdfl(jfl)*zwfl(jfl) & & * ( EXP(zwdfl(jfl)/zgkdfl(jfl)*zttfl(jfl)) - 1. ) / zwdfl(jfl) ELSE zgkfl(jfl) = zgkfl(jfl)+zwfl(jfl)*zttfl(jfl) ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF ! coordinate of the new point on the temperature grid iil(jfl) = MAX(iiinfl(jfl),iioutfl(jfl)) ijl(jfl) = MAX(ijinfl(jfl),ijoutfl(jfl)) IF( nisobfl(jfl) == 1 ) ikl(jfl) = MAX(ikinfl(jfl),ikoutfl(jfl)) !!Alexcadm write(*,*)'PE ',narea, !!Alexcadm . iiinfl(jfl),iioutfl(jfl),ijinfl(jfl) !!Alexcadm . ,ijoutfl(jfl),ikinfl(jfl), !!Alexcadm . ikoutfl(jfl),ztxfl(jfl),ztyfl(jfl) !!Alexcadm . ,ztzfl(jfl),zgifl(jfl), !!Alexcadm . zgjfl(jfl) !!Alexcadm IF (jfl == 910) write(*,*)'Flotteur 910', !!Alexcadm . iiinfl(jfl),iioutfl(jfl),ijinfl(jfl) !!Alexcadm . ,ijoutfl(jfl),ikinfl(jfl), !!Alexcadm . ikoutfl(jfl),ztxfl(jfl),ztyfl(jfl) !!Alexcadm . ,ztzfl(jfl),zgifl(jfl), !!Alexcadm . zgjfl(jfl) ! reinitialisation of the age of FLOAT zagefl(jfl) = zagenewfl(jfl) # if defined key_mpp_mpi ELSE ! we put zgifl, zgjfl, zgkfl, zagefl zgifl (jfl) = 0. zgjfl (jfl) = 0. zgkfl (jfl) = 0. zagefl(jfl) = 0. iil(jfl) = 0 ijl(jfl) = 0 ENDIF # endif END DO ! synchronisation CALL mpp_sum( 'floblk', zgifl , jpnfl ) ! sums over the global domain CALL mpp_sum( 'floblk', zgjfl , jpnfl ) CALL mpp_sum( 'floblk', zgkfl , jpnfl ) CALL mpp_sum( 'floblk', zagefl, jpnfl ) CALL mpp_sum( 'floblk', iil , jpnfl ) CALL mpp_sum( 'floblk', ijl , jpnfl ) ! Test to know if a float hasn't integrated enought time IF( ln_argo ) THEN ifin = 1 DO jfl = 1, jpnfl IF( zagefl(jfl) < rn_Dt ) ifin = 0 tpifl(jfl) = zgifl(jfl) + 0.5 tpjfl(jfl) = zgjfl(jfl) + 0.5 END DO ELSE ifin = 1 DO jfl = 1, jpnfl IF( zagefl(jfl) < rn_Dt ) ifin = 0 tpifl(jfl) = zgifl(jfl) + 0.5 tpjfl(jfl) = zgjfl(jfl) + 0.5 IF( nisobfl(jfl) == 1 ) tpkfl(jfl) = -(zgkfl(jfl)) END DO ENDIF !!Alexcadm IF (lwp) write(numout,*) '---------' !!Alexcadm IF (lwp) write(numout,*) 'before Erika:',tpifl(880),tpjfl(880), !!Alexcadm . tpkfl(880),zufl(880),zvfl(880),zwfl(880) !!Alexcadm IF (lwp) write(numout,*) 'first Erika:',tpifl(900),tpjfl(900), !!Alexcadm . tpkfl(900),zufl(900),zvfl(900),zwfl(900) !!Alexcadm IF (lwp) write(numout,*) 'last Erika:',tpifl(jpnfl),tpjfl(jpnfl), !!Alexcadm . tpkfl(jpnfl),zufl(jpnfl),zvfl(jpnfl),zwfl(jpnfl) IF( ifin == 0 ) THEN iloop = iloop + 1 GO TO 222 ENDIF #endif ! ! END SUBROUTINE flo_blk !!====================================================================== END MODULE floblk