MODULE sbcblk_algo_ncar !!====================================================================== !! *** MODULE sbcblk_algo_ncar *** !! Computes: !! * bulk transfer coefficients C_D, C_E and C_H !! * air temp. and spec. hum. adjusted from zt (2m) to zu (10m) if needed !! * the effective bulk wind speed at 10m U_blk !! => all these are used in bulk formulas in sbcblk.F90 !! !! Using the bulk formulation/param. of Large & Yeager 2008 !! !! Routine turb_ncar maintained and developed in AeroBulk !! ( !! !! L. Brodeau, 2015 !!===================================================================== !! History : 3.6 ! 2016-02 (L.Brodeau) successor of old turb_ncar of former sbcblk_core.F90 !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! turb_ncar : computes the bulk turbulent transfer coefficients !! adjusts t_air and q_air from zt to zu m !! returns the effective bulk wind speed at 10m !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- USE oce ! ocean dynamics and tracers USE dom_oce ! ocean space and time domain USE phycst ! physical constants USE sbc_oce ! Surface boundary condition: ocean fields USE sbcwave, ONLY : cdn_wave ! wave module #if defined key_si3 || defined key_cice USE sbc_ice ! Surface boundary condition: ice fields #endif ! USE iom ! I/O manager library USE lib_mpp ! distribued memory computing library USE in_out_manager ! I/O manager USE prtctl ! Print control USE lib_fortran ! to use key_nosignedzero USE sbcblk_phy ! all thermodynamics functions, rho_air, q_sat, etc... !LB IMPLICIT NONE PRIVATE PUBLIC :: TURB_NCAR ! called by sbcblk.F90 INTEGER , PARAMETER :: nb_itt = 5 ! number of itterations !! * Substitutions # include "do_loop_substitute.h90" !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- CONTAINS SUBROUTINE turb_ncar( zt, zu, sst, t_zt, ssq, q_zt, U_zu, & & Cd, Ch, Ce, t_zu, q_zu, U_blk, & & Cdn, Chn, Cen ) !!---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE turb_ncar *** !! !! ** Purpose : Computes turbulent transfert coefficients of surface !! fluxes according to Large & Yeager (2004) and Large & Yeager (2008) !! If relevant (zt /= zu), adjust temperature and humidity from height zt to zu !! Returns the effective bulk wind speed at 10m to be used in the bulk formulas !! !! !! INPUT : !! ------- !! * zt : height for temperature and spec. hum. of air [m] !! * zu : height for wind speed (usually 10m) [m] !! * sst : bulk SST [K] !! * t_zt : potential air temperature at zt [K] !! * ssq : specific humidity at saturation at SST [kg/kg] !! * q_zt : specific humidity of air at zt [kg/kg] !! * U_zu : scalar wind speed at zu [m/s] !! !! !! OUTPUT : !! -------- !! * Cd : drag coefficient !! * Ch : sensible heat coefficient !! * Ce : evaporation coefficient !! * t_zu : pot. air temperature adjusted at wind height zu [K] !! * q_zu : specific humidity of air // [kg/kg] !! * U_blk : bulk wind speed at zu [m/s] !! !! !! ** Author: L. Brodeau, June 2019 / AeroBulk ( !!---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- REAL(wp), INTENT(in ) :: zt ! height for t_zt and q_zt [m] REAL(wp), INTENT(in ) :: zu ! height for U_zu [m] REAL(wp), INTENT(in ), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj) :: sst ! sea surface temperature [Kelvin] REAL(wp), INTENT(in ), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj) :: t_zt ! potential air temperature [Kelvin] REAL(wp), INTENT(in ), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj) :: ssq ! sea surface specific humidity [kg/kg] REAL(wp), INTENT(in ), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj) :: q_zt ! specific air humidity at zt [kg/kg] REAL(wp), INTENT(in ), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj) :: U_zu ! relative wind module at zu [m/s] REAL(wp), INTENT( out), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj) :: Cd ! transfer coefficient for momentum (tau) REAL(wp), INTENT( out), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj) :: Ch ! transfer coefficient for sensible heat (Q_sens) REAL(wp), INTENT( out), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj) :: Ce ! transfert coefficient for evaporation (Q_lat) REAL(wp), INTENT( out), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj) :: t_zu ! pot. air temp. adjusted at zu [K] REAL(wp), INTENT( out), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj) :: q_zu ! spec. humidity adjusted at zu [kg/kg] REAL(wp), INTENT( out), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj) :: U_blk ! bulk wind speed at zu [m/s] REAL(wp), INTENT( out), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj) :: Cdn, Chn, Cen ! neutral transfer coefficients ! INTEGER :: j_itt LOGICAL :: l_zt_equal_zu = .FALSE. ! if q and t are given at same height as U ! REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj) :: Cx_n10 ! 10m neutral latent/sensible coefficient REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj) :: sqrt_Cd_n10 ! root square of Cd_n10 REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj) :: zeta_u ! stability parameter at height zu REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj) :: zpsi_h_u REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj) :: ztmp0, ztmp1, ztmp2 REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj) :: stab ! stability test integer !!---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- l_zt_equal_zu = ( ABS(zu - zt) < 0.01_wp ) ! testing "zu == zt" is risky with double precision U_blk = MAX( 0.5_wp , U_zu ) ! relative wind speed at zu (normally 10m), we don't want to fall under 0.5 m/s !! First guess of stability: ztmp0 = virt_temp(t_zt, q_zt) - virt_temp(sst, ssq) ! air-sea difference of virtual pot. temp. at zt stab = 0.5_wp + sign(0.5_wp,ztmp0) ! stab = 1 if dTv > 0 => STABLE, 0 if unstable !! Neutral coefficients at 10m: IF( ln_cdgw ) THEN ! wave drag case cdn_wave(:,:) = cdn_wave(:,:) + rsmall * ( 1._wp - tmask(:,:,1) ) ztmp0 (:,:) = cdn_wave(:,:) ELSE ztmp0 = cd_neutral_10m( U_blk ) ENDIF sqrt_Cd_n10 = SQRT( ztmp0 ) !! Initializing transf. coeff. with their first guess neutral equivalents : Cd = ztmp0 Ce = 1.e-3_wp*( 34.6_wp * sqrt_Cd_n10 ) Ch = 1.e-3_wp*sqrt_Cd_n10*(18._wp*stab + 32.7_wp*(1._wp - stab)) stab = sqrt_Cd_n10 ! Temporaty array !!! stab == SQRT(Cd) IF( ln_cdgw ) THEN Cen = Ce Chn = Ch ENDIF !! First guess of temperature and humidity at height zu: t_zu = MAX( t_zt , 180._wp ) ! who knows what's given on masked-continental regions... q_zu = MAX( q_zt , 1.e-6_wp ) ! " !! ITERATION BLOCK DO j_itt = 1, nb_itt ! ztmp1 = t_zu - sst ! Updating air/sea differences ztmp2 = q_zu - ssq ! Updating turbulent scales : (L&Y 2004 eq. (7)) ztmp0 = stab*U_blk ! u* (stab == SQRT(Cd)) ztmp1 = Ch/stab*ztmp1 ! theta* (stab == SQRT(Cd)) ztmp2 = Ce/stab*ztmp2 ! q* (stab == SQRT(Cd)) ! Estimate the inverse of Monin-Obukov length (1/L) at height zu: ztmp0 = One_on_L( t_zu, q_zu, ztmp0, ztmp1, ztmp2 ) !! Stability parameters : zeta_u = zu*ztmp0 zeta_u = sign( min(abs(zeta_u),10._wp), zeta_u ) zpsi_h_u = psi_h( zeta_u ) !! Shifting temperature and humidity at zu (L&Y 2004 eq. (9b-9c)) IF( .NOT. l_zt_equal_zu ) THEN !! Array 'stab' is free for the moment so using it to store 'zeta_t' stab = zt*ztmp0 stab = SIGN( MIN(ABS(stab),10._wp), stab ) ! Temporaty array stab == zeta_t !!! stab = LOG(zt/zu) + zpsi_h_u - psi_h(stab) ! stab just used as temp array again! t_zu = t_zt - ztmp1/vkarmn*stab ! ztmp1 is still theta* L&Y 2004 eq.(9b) q_zu = q_zt - ztmp2/vkarmn*stab ! ztmp2 is still q* L&Y 2004 eq.(9c) q_zu = max(0._wp, q_zu) ENDIF ! Update neutral wind speed at 10m and neutral Cd at 10m (L&Y 2004 eq. 9a)... ! In very rare low-wind conditions, the old way of estimating the ! neutral wind speed at 10m leads to a negative value that causes the code ! to crash. To prevent this a threshold of 0.25m/s is imposed. ztmp2 = psi_m(zeta_u) IF( ln_cdgw ) THEN ! surface wave case stab = vkarmn / ( vkarmn / sqrt_Cd_n10 - ztmp2 ) ! (stab == SQRT(Cd)) Cd = stab * stab ztmp0 = (LOG(zu/10._wp) - zpsi_h_u) / vkarmn / sqrt_Cd_n10 ztmp2 = stab / sqrt_Cd_n10 ! (stab == SQRT(Cd)) ztmp1 = 1._wp + Chn * ztmp0 Ch = Chn * ztmp2 / ztmp1 ! L&Y 2004 eq. (10b) ztmp1 = 1._wp + Cen * ztmp0 Ce = Cen * ztmp2 / ztmp1 ! L&Y 2004 eq. (10c) ELSE ! Update neutral wind speed at 10m and neutral Cd at 10m (L&Y 2004 eq. 9a)... ! In very rare low-wind conditions, the old way of estimating the ! neutral wind speed at 10m leads to a negative value that causes the code ! to crash. To prevent this a threshold of 0.25m/s is imposed. ztmp0 = MAX( 0.25_wp , U_blk/(1._wp + sqrt_Cd_n10/vkarmn*(LOG(zu/10._wp) - ztmp2)) ) ! U_n10 (ztmp2 == psi_m(zeta_u)) ztmp0 = cd_neutral_10m(ztmp0) ! Cd_n10 Cdn(:,:) = ztmp0 sqrt_Cd_n10 = sqrt(ztmp0) stab = 0.5_wp + sign(0.5_wp,zeta_u) ! update stability Cx_n10 = 1.e-3_wp*sqrt_Cd_n10*(18._wp*stab + 32.7_wp*(1._wp - stab)) ! L&Y 2004 eq. (6c-6d) (Cx_n10 == Ch_n10) Chn(:,:) = Cx_n10 !! Update of transfer coefficients: ztmp1 = 1._wp + sqrt_Cd_n10/vkarmn*(LOG(zu/10._wp) - ztmp2) ! L&Y 2004 eq. (10a) (ztmp2 == psi_m(zeta_u)) Cd = ztmp0 / ( ztmp1*ztmp1 ) stab = SQRT( Cd ) ! Temporary array !!! (stab == SQRT(Cd)) ztmp0 = (LOG(zu/10._wp) - zpsi_h_u) / vkarmn / sqrt_Cd_n10 ztmp2 = stab / sqrt_Cd_n10 ! (stab == SQRT(Cd)) ztmp1 = 1._wp + Cx_n10*ztmp0 ! (Cx_n10 == Ch_n10) Ch = Cx_n10*ztmp2 / ztmp1 ! L&Y 2004 eq. (10b) Cx_n10 = 1.e-3_wp * (34.6_wp * sqrt_Cd_n10) ! L&Y 2004 eq. (6b) ! Cx_n10 == Ce_n10 Cen(:,:) = Cx_n10 ztmp1 = 1._wp + Cx_n10*ztmp0 Ce = Cx_n10*ztmp2 / ztmp1 ! L&Y 2004 eq. (10c) ENDIF END DO !DO j_itt = 1, nb_itt END SUBROUTINE turb_ncar FUNCTION cd_neutral_10m( pw10 ) !!---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !! Estimate of the neutral drag coefficient at 10m as a function !! of neutral wind speed at 10m !! !! Origin: Large & Yeager 2008 eq.(11a) and eq.(11b) !! !! ** Author: L. Brodeau, june 2016 / AeroBulk ( !!---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj), INTENT(in) :: pw10 ! scalar wind speed at 10m (m/s) REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj) :: cd_neutral_10m ! INTEGER :: ji, jj ! dummy loop indices REAL(wp) :: zgt33, zw, zw6 ! local scalars !!---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! DO_2D( 1, 1, 1, 1 ) ! zw = pw10(ji,jj) zw6 = zw*zw*zw zw6 = zw6*zw6 ! ! When wind speed > 33 m/s => Cyclone conditions => special treatment zgt33 = 0.5_wp + SIGN( 0.5_wp, (zw - 33._wp) ) ! If pw10 < 33. => 0, else => 1 ! cd_neutral_10m(ji,jj) = 1.e-3_wp * ( & & (1._wp - zgt33)*( 2.7_wp/zw + 0.142_wp + zw/13.09_wp - 3.14807E-10_wp*zw6) & ! wind < 33 m/s & + zgt33 * 2.34_wp ) ! wind >= 33 m/s ! cd_neutral_10m(ji,jj) = MAX(cd_neutral_10m(ji,jj), 1.E-6_wp) ! END_2D ! END FUNCTION cd_neutral_10m FUNCTION psi_m( pzeta ) !!---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !! Universal profile stability function for momentum !! !! Psis, L&Y 2004 eq. (8c), (8d), (8e) !! !! pzeta : stability paramenter, z/L where z is altitude measurement !! and L is M-O length !! !! ** Author: L. Brodeau, June 2016 / AeroBulk ( !!---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj) :: psi_m REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj), INTENT(in) :: pzeta ! INTEGER :: ji, jj ! dummy loop indices REAL(wp) :: zx2, zx, zstab ! local scalars !!---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DO_2D( 1, 1, 1, 1 ) zx2 = SQRT( ABS( 1._wp - 16._wp*pzeta(ji,jj) ) ) zx2 = MAX( zx2 , 1._wp ) zx = SQRT( zx2 ) zstab = 0.5_wp + SIGN( 0.5_wp , pzeta(ji,jj) ) ! psi_m(ji,jj) = zstab * (-5._wp*pzeta(ji,jj)) & ! Stable & + (1._wp - zstab) * (2._wp*LOG((1._wp + zx)*0.5_wp) & ! Unstable & + LOG((1._wp + zx2)*0.5_wp) - 2._wp*ATAN(zx) + rpi*0.5_wp) ! " ! END_2D END FUNCTION psi_m FUNCTION psi_h( pzeta ) !!---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !! Universal profile stability function for temperature and humidity !! !! Psis, L&Y 2004 eq. (8c), (8d), (8e) !! !! pzeta : stability paramenter, z/L where z is altitude measurement !! and L is M-O length !! !! ** Author: L. Brodeau, June 2016 / AeroBulk ( !!---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj) :: psi_h REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj), INTENT(in) :: pzeta ! INTEGER :: ji, jj ! dummy loop indices REAL(wp) :: zx2, zstab ! local scalars !!---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! DO_2D( 1, 1, 1, 1 ) zx2 = SQRT( ABS( 1._wp - 16._wp*pzeta(ji,jj) ) ) zx2 = MAX( zx2 , 1._wp ) zstab = 0.5_wp + SIGN( 0.5_wp , pzeta(ji,jj) ) ! psi_h(ji,jj) = zstab * (-5._wp*pzeta(ji,jj)) & ! Stable & + (1._wp - zstab) * (2._wp*LOG( (1._wp + zx2)*0.5_wp )) ! Unstable ! END_2D END FUNCTION psi_h !!====================================================================== END MODULE sbcblk_algo_ncar