#!/bin/bash #set -vx # ncmax $var_nm $fl_nm : What is maximum of variable? function ncmax { ncap2 -O -C -v -s "foo=${1}.max();print(foo)" ${2} ~/foo.nc | cut -f 3- -d ' ' ; } # ncmin $var_nm $fl_nm : What is minimum of variable? function ncmin { ncap2 -O -C -v -s "foo=${1}.min();print(foo)" ${2} ~/foo.nc | cut -f 3- -d ' ' ; } # ncmdn $var_nm $fl_nm : What is median of variable? function ncmdn { ncap2 -O -C -v -s "foo=gsl_stats_median_from_sorted_data(${1}.sort());print(foo)" ${2} ~/foo.nc | cut -f 3- -d ' ' ; } ## ## simple report generator for the test case ## ## ## Variables which may need to be adapted to your experiment: ## # RUNDIR = directory where the test case is executed: contains all outputs RUNDIR=`pwd` # NB_NEMO_IT = expected total number of NEMO iterations NB_NEMO_IT=160 # NB_OASIS_OUTFILES = number of debug.root.0* OASIS output files NB_OASIS_OUTFILES=2 ## ## END of variables to be checked - Nothing need to be changed below ## # check if directory is here if [ ! -d $RUNDIR ]; then printf "%-27s %s %s\n" $RUNDIR "directory does not exist. Check RUNDIR variable in script. Stop" return fi cd $RUNDIR echo " " echo "Check results of test case in directory: " `pwd` echo " " ## ## Check if OASIS execution has been successful ## echo " OASIS successful (true if OASIS outputs in debug.root.0? includes SUCCESSFUL RUN) : " count=0 for file in debug.root.0* do echo $file ; grep "SUCCESSFUL RUN" $file count=`expr $count + 1` done echo "OASIS success checked on $count files" [ $count = $NB_OASIS_OUTFILES ] && echo true || echo false ## ## Check if NEMO execution has been sucessful ## echo " " echo " NEMO execution is successful if the run.stat file contains one line for each of NB_NEMO_IT iterations, indicating they have indeed been computed" if [ ! -f ./run.stat ]; then echo " the run.stat file does not exist: NEMO did not end its first time step" echo " NEMO UNSUCESSFUL. Stop" return fi echo "From run.stat NEMO output file, NEMO has executed the 160 time steps:" nemo_iterations=`wc -l ./run.stat | awk {'print $1'} `; [ $nemo_iterations = $NB_NEMO_IT ] && echo true || echo false ## ## Check mean value of sst field seen by toyatm ## if [ ! -f ./ATSSTSST_toyatm_01.nc ]; then echo " the ATSSTSST_toyatm_01.nc file does not exist: the test is not successful" echo " Test case UNSUCESSFUL. Stop" return fi echo " " echo "Examining ATSSTSST variable sea surface temperature as seen by toyatm, unit is degree Kelvin (min. should be around 271., max. around 302., median around 280.)" ASSTmin=`ncmin ATSSTSST ATSSTSST_toyatm_01.nc` ASSTmax=`ncmax ATSSTSST ATSSTSST_toyatm_01.nc` ASSTmed=`ncmdn ATSSTSST ATSSTSST_toyatm_01.nc` echo "Minimum value of ATSSTSST variable in ATSSTSST_toyatm_01.nc file = " $ASSTmin echo "Maximum value of ATSSTSST variable in ATSSTSST_toyatm_01.nc file = " $ASSTmax echo "Median value of ATSSTSST variable in ATSSTSST_toyatm_01.nc file = " $ASSTmed MINMAX=0 if [ ${ASSTmin%%.*} -lt 270 -o ${ASSTmax%%.*} -gt 310 ]; then echo " Min. or max. values of ATSSTSST do not look reasonable. Check the test again " MINMAX=1 fi ## ## Summary ## echo " " if [ $count = $NB_OASIS_OUTFILES ] && [ $nemo_iterations = $NB_NEMO_IT ] && [ $MINMAX = 0 ] then echo " The run looks very succesful!" echo " Have a look to the ASTSSTSST.nc file (using ncview for example): sea surface temperatures as seen by the toyatm and compare it to the reference file (CPL/ref_ATSSTSST_last_time_step.jpg) " echo " Units are in degrees Kelvin and it will confirm the test is successful" echo " " else echo "The test case is unsuccessful. Check all inputs and outputs" fi