MODULE sbcmod_tam #ifdef key_tam !!====================================================================== !! *** MODULE sbcmod_tam *** !! Surface module : provide to the ocean its surface boundary condition !! Tangent&Adjoint module !!====================================================================== !! History of the direct module : !! 3.0 ! 07-2006 (G. Madec) Original code !! - ! 08-2008 (S. Masson, E. .... ) coupled interface !! History of the T&A module : !! 3.0 ! 11-2008 (A. Vidard) TAM of the 2006-07 version !! 3.2 ! 04-2010 (A. Vidard) Nemo3.2 update !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! sbc_init : read namsbc namelist !! sbc : surface ocean momentum, heat and freshwater boundary conditions !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- USE par_kind USE phycst USE lbclnk USE lbclnk_tam ! USE ice_oce ! sea-ice model : LIM USE dom_oce USE sbc_oce USE sbcmod USE sbc_oce_tam USE sbcssm_tam USE sbcana_tam !*B & sbc_ana_tan, & !*B & sbc_ana_adj, & !*B & sbc_ana_adj_tst USE sbcflx_tam ! USE sbcblk_clio ! surface boundary condition: bulk formulation : CLIO ! USE sbcblk_core ! surface boundary condition: bulk formulation : CORE ! USE sbcice_if ! surface boundary condition: ice-if sea-ice model ! USE sbcice_lim ! surface boundary condition: LIM 3.0 sea-ice model ! USE sbcice_lim_2 ! surface boundary condition: LIM 2.0 sea-ice model ! USE sbccpl ! surface boundary condition: coupled florulation USE sbcssr_tam USE closea_tam ! USE sbcrnf_tam ! surface boundary condition: runoffs USE sbcrnf USE sbcfwb_tam USE in_out_manager IMPLICIT NONE PRIVATE PUBLIC sbc_init_tam ! routine called by step_tam.F90 PUBLIC sbc_tan ! routine called by step_tam.F90 PUBLIC sbc_adj ! routine called by step_tam.F90 PUBLIC sbc_adj_tst ! routine called by tst.F90 INTEGER :: nn_ico_cpl = 0 !: ice-ocean coupling indicator ! ! = 0 LIM-3 old case ! ! = 1 stresses computed using now ocean velocity ! ! = 2 combination of 0 and 1 cases INTEGER :: nsbc ! type of surface boundary condition (deduced from namsbc informations) INTEGER :: nice ! type of ice in the surface boundary condition (deduced from namsbc informations) LOGICAL, SAVE :: lfirst = .TRUE. ! initialisation flag !! * Substitutions # include "domzgr_substitute.h90" !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! NEMO/OPA 3.0 , LOCEAN-IPSL (2008) !! $Id: sbcmod.F90 1172 2008-09-10 15:32:47Z ctlod $ !! Software governed by the CeCILL licence (modipsl/doc/NEMO_CeCILL.txt) !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- CONTAINS SUBROUTINE sbc_init_tam !!--------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE sbc_init_tam *** !! !! ** Purpose of the direct routine: !! Initialisation of the ocean surface boundary computation !! !! ** Method : Read the namsbc namelist and set derived parameters !! !! ** Action : - read namsbc parameters !! - nsbc: type of sbc !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- INTEGER :: icpt ! temporary integer !! !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- IF (lfirst) THEN nsbc = 0 IF (ln_flx) THEN nsbc = 2 IF (lwp) WRITE(numout, *) 'sbc_init_tam: flux formulation' ELSE IF (lwp) WRITE(numout, *) 'sbc_init_tam: analytical SBC formulation '// & & ' of GYRE configuration' ENDIF !CALL sbc_init IF( nn_ice == 0 ) fr_i_tl(:,:) = 0.e0 ! no ice in the domain, ice fraction is always zero lfirst = .FALSE. END IF ! END SUBROUTINE sbc_init_tam SUBROUTINE sbc_tan( kt ) !!--------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE sbc_tan *** !! !! ** Purpose of the direct routine: !! provide at each time-step the ocean surface boundary !! condition (momentum, heat and freshwater fluxes) !! !! ** Method : blah blah to be written ????????? !! CAUTION : never mask the surface stress field (tke sbc) !! !! ** Action : - set the ocean surface boundary condition, i.e. !! utau, vtau, qns, qsr, emp, emps, qrp, erp !! - updte the ice fraction : fr_i !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: kt ! ocean time step !!--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ocean to sbc mean sea surface variables (ss._m) ! --------------------------------------- CALL sbc_ssm_tan( kt ) ! sea surface mean currents (at U- and V-points), ! ! temperature and salinity (at T-point) over nf_sbc time-step ! ! (i.e. sst_m, sss_m, ssu_m, ssv_m) ! sbc formulation ! --------------- SELECT CASE( nsbc ) ! Compute ocean surface boundary condition ! ! (i.e. utau,vtau, qns, qsr, emp, emps) CASE( 0 ) ; CALL sbc_gyre_tan ( kt ) ! analytical formulation : GYRE configuration ! no! in default !CASE( 1 ) ; CALL sbc_ana_tan ( kt ) ! analytical formulation : uniform sbc CASE( 2 ) ; CALL sbc_flx_tan ( kt ) ! flux formulation !CASE( 3 ) ; CALL sbc_blk_clio_tan( kt ) ! bulk formulation : CLIO for the ocean !CASE( 4 ) ; CALL sbc_blk_core_tan( kt ) ! bulk formulation : CORE for the ocean !CASE( 5 ) ; CALL sbc_cpl_tan ( kt ) ! coupled formulation CASE( 6 ) ; CALL sbc_sqb_tan (kt) END SELECT ! Misc. Options ! ------------- ! not available !*B SELECT CASE( nn_ice ) ! Update heat and freshwater fluxes over sea-ice areas !*B CASE( 1 ) ; CALL sbc_ice_if_tan ( kt ) ! Ice-cover climatology ("Ice-if" model) !*B ! !*B CASE( 2 ) ; CALL sbc_ice_lim_2_tan( kt, nsbc ) ! LIM 2.0 ice model !*B ! !*B CASE( 3 ) ; CALL sbc_ice_lim_tan ( kt, nsbc, nn_ico_cpl) ! LIM 3.0 ice model !*B END SELECT ! add runoffs to fresh water fluxes... not needed in tangent IF( ln_ssr ) CALL sbc_ssr_tan( kt ) ! add SST/SSS damping term IF( nn_fwb /= 0 ) CALL sbc_fwb_tan( kt, nn_fwb, nn_fsbc ) ! control the freshwater budget IF( nn_closea == 1 ) CALL sbc_clo_tan( kt ) ! treatment of closed sea in the model domain ! ! (update freshwater fluxes) ! !RBbug do not understand why see ticket 667 CALL lbc_lnk( emp_tl, 'T', 1. ) ! ! END SUBROUTINE sbc_tan !!====================================================================== SUBROUTINE sbc_adj( kt ) !!--------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE sbc_adj *** !! !! ** Purpose of the direct routine: !! provide at each time-step the ocean surface boundary !! condition (momentum, heat and freshwater fluxes) !! !! ** Method : blah blah to be written ????????? !! CAUTION : never mask the surface stress field (tke sbc) !! !! ** Action : - set the ocean surface boundary condition, i.e. !! utau, vtau, qns, qsr, emp, emps, qrp, erp !! - updte the ice fraction : fr_i !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: kt ! ocean time step !!--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Misc. Options ! ------------- !RBbug do not understand why see ticket 667 CALL lbc_lnk_adj( emp_ad, 'T', 1. ) ! IF( nn_closea == 1 ) CALL sbc_clo_adj( kt ) ! treatment of closed sea in the model domain IF( nn_fwb /= 0 ) CALL sbc_fwb_adj( kt, nn_fwb, nn_fsbc ) ! control the freshwater budget IF( ln_ssr ) CALL sbc_ssr_adj( kt ) ! add SST/SSS damping term SELECT CASE( nn_ice ) ! Update heat and freshwater fluxes over ice-covered areas ! CASE( 1 ) ; CALL sbc_ice_if_adj ( kt ) ! Ice-cover climatology ("Ice-if" model) ! ! CASE( 2 ) ; CALL sbc_ice_lim_2_adj( kt, nsbc ) ! LIM 2.0 ice model ! ! CASE( 3 ) ; CALL sbc_ice_lim_adj ( kt, nsbc, nn_ico_cpl) ! LIM 3.0 ice model END SELECT ! sbc formulation ! --------------- SELECT CASE( nsbc ) ! Compute ocean surface boundary condition ! ! (i.e. utau,vtau, qns, qsr, emp, emps) CASE( 0 ) ; CALL sbc_gyre_adj ( kt ) ! analytical formulation : GYRE configuration ! CASE( 1 ) ; CALL sbc_ana_adj ( kt ) ! analytical formulation : uniform sbc CASE( 2 ) ; CALL sbc_flx_adj ( kt ) ! flux formulation ! CASE( 3 ) ; CALL sbc_blk_clio_adj( kt ) ! bulk formulation : CLIO for the ocean ! CASE( 4 ) ; CALL sbc_blk_core_adj( kt ) ! bulk formulation : CORE for the ocean ! CASE( 5 ) ; CALL sbc_cpl_adj ( kt ) ! coupled formulation !CASE( 6 ) ; CALL sbc_sqb_adj ( kt ) END SELECT ! ocean to sbc mean sea surface variables (ss._m) ! --------------------------------------- CALL sbc_ssm_adj( kt ) ! sea surface mean currents (at U- and V-points), ! ! temperature and salinity (at T-point) over nf_sbc time-step ! ! (i.e. sst_m, sss_m, ssu_m, ssv_m) END SUBROUTINE sbc_adj SUBROUTINE sbc_adj_tst( kumadt ) !!----------------------------------------------------------------------- !! !! *** ROUTINE sbc_adj_tst *** !! !! ** Purpose : Test the adjoint routine. !! !! ** Method : Verify the scalar product !! !! ( L dx )^T W dy = dx^T L^T W dy !! !! where L = tangent routine !! L^T = adjoint routine !! W = diagonal matrix of scale factors !! dx = input perturbation (random field) !! dy = L dx !! !!----------------------------------------------------------------------- !! * Modules used !! * Arguments INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: & & kumadt ! Output unit CALL sbc_fwb_adj_tst( kumadt ) ! control the freshwater budget CALL sbc_ssr_adj_tst( kumadt ) ! add SST/SSS damping term !! CALL sbc_rnf_adj_tst( kumadt ) ! add runoffs to fresh water fluxes !! CALL sbc_ice_if_adj_tst( kumadt ) ! Ice-cover climatology ("Ice-if" model) !! CALL sbc_ice_lim_2_adj_tst( kumadt ) ! LIM 2.0 ice model !! CALL sbc_ice_lim_adj_tst( kumadt ) ! LIM 3.0 ice model #if defined key_gyre CALL sbc_gyre_adj_tst( kumadt ) ! analytical formulation : GYRE configuration #endif !! CALL sbc_ana_adj_tst( kumadt ) ! analytical formulation : uniform sbc CALL sbc_flx_adj_tst( kumadt ) ! flux formulation ! CALL sbc_blk_clio_adj_tst( kumadt ) ! bulk formulation : CLIO for the ocean ! CALL sbc_blk_core_adj_tst( kumadt ) ! bulk formulation : CORE for the ocean ! CALL sbc_cpl_adj_tst( kumadt ) ! coupled formulation CALL sbc_ssm_adj_tst( kumadt ) ! sea surface mean currents (at U- and V-points), IF( nn_closea == 1 ) CALL sbc_clo_adj_tst( kumadt ) ! closed seas, END SUBROUTINE sbc_adj_tst !!====================================================================== #endif END MODULE sbcmod_tam