MODULE isfcpl !!====================================================================== !! *** MODULE isfcpl *** !! !! iceshelf coupling module : module managing the coupling between NEMO and an ice sheet model !! !!====================================================================== !! History : 4.1 ! 2019-07 (P. Mathiot) Original code !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! isfrst : read/write iceshelf variables in/from restart !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- USE isf_oce ! ice shelf variable USE isfutils, ONLY : debug USE lib_mpp , ONLY: mpp_sum, mpp_max ! mpp routine USE domvvl , ONLY: dom_vvl_zgr ! vertical scale factor interpolation ! USE oce ! ocean dynamics and tracers USE in_out_manager ! I/O manager USE iom ! I/O library ! IMPLICIT NONE PRIVATE PUBLIC isfcpl_rst_write, isfcpl_init ! iceshelf restart read and write PUBLIC isfcpl_ssh, isfcpl_tra, isfcpl_vol, isfcpl_cons ! iceshelf correction for ssh, tra, dyn and conservation TYPE isfcons INTEGER :: ii ! i global INTEGER :: jj ! j global INTEGER :: kk ! k level REAL(wp):: dvol ! volume increment REAL(wp):: dsal ! salt increment REAL(wp):: dtem ! heat increment REAL(wp):: lon ! lon REAL(wp):: lat ! lat INTEGER :: ngb ! 0/1 (valid location or not (ie on halo or no neigbourg)) END TYPE ! !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! NEMO/OCE 4.0 , NEMO Consortium (2018) !! $Id$ !! Software governed by the CeCILL license (see ./LICENSE) !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- CONTAINS SUBROUTINE isfcpl_init() !!--------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE iscpl_init *** !! !! ** Purpose : correct ocean state for new wet cell and horizontal divergence !! correction for the dynamical adjustement !! !! ** Action : - compute ssh on new wet cell !! - compute T/S on new wet cell !! - compute horizontal divergence correction as a volume flux !! - compute the T/S/vol correction increment to keep trend to 0 !! !!--------------------------------------------------------------------- INTEGER :: id !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! start on an euler time step neuler = 0 ! ! allocation and initialisation to 0 CALL isf_alloc_cpl() ! ! check presence of variable needed for coupling ! iom_varid return 0 if not found id = 1 id = id * iom_varid(numror, 'ssmask', ldstop = .false.) id = id * iom_varid(numror, 'tmask' , ldstop = .false.) id = id * iom_varid(numror, 'e3t_n' , ldstop = .false.) id = id * iom_varid(numror, 'e3u_n' , ldstop = .false.) id = id * iom_varid(numror, 'e3v_n' , ldstop = .false.) IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) ' isfcpl_init:', id IF (id == 0) THEN IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) ' isfcpl_init: restart variables for ice sheet coupling are missing, skip coupling for this leg ' IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) ' ~~~~~~~~~~~' IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) '' ELSE ! extrapolation ssh CALL isfcpl_ssh() ! ! extrapolation tracer properties CALL isfcpl_tra() ! ! correction of the horizontal divergence and associated temp. and salt content flux ! Need to : - include in the cpl cons the risfcpl_vol/tsc contribution ! - decide how to manage thickness level change in conservation CALL isfcpl_vol() ! ! apply the 'conservation' method IF ( ln_isfcpl_cons ) CALL isfcpl_cons() ! END IF ! ! mask velocity properly (mask used in restart not compatible with new mask) un(:,:,:) = un(:,:,:) * umask(:,:,:) vn(:,:,:) = vn(:,:,:) * vmask(:,:,:) ! ! all before fields set to now values tsb (:,:,:,:) = tsn (:,:,:,:) ub (:,:,:) = un (:,:,:) vb (:,:,:) = vn (:,:,:) sshb (:,:) = sshn (:,:) e3t_b(:,:,:) = e3t_n(:,:,:) ! prepare writing restart IF( lwxios ) THEN CALL iom_set_rstw_var_active('ssmask') CALL iom_set_rstw_var_active('tmask') CALL iom_set_rstw_var_active('e3t_n') CALL iom_set_rstw_var_active('e3u_n') CALL iom_set_rstw_var_active('e3v_n') END IF ! END SUBROUTINE isfcpl_init ! SUBROUTINE isfcpl_rst_write(kt) !!--------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE iscpl_rst_write *** !! !! ** Purpose : write icesheet coupling variables in restart !! !!-------------------------- IN -------------------------------------- INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: kt !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! IF( lwxios ) CALL iom_swap( cwxios_context ) CALL iom_rstput( kt, nitrst, numrow, 'tmask' , tmask , ldxios = lwxios ) CALL iom_rstput( kt, nitrst, numrow, 'ssmask' , ssmask, ldxios = lwxios ) CALL iom_rstput( kt, nitrst, numrow, 'e3t_n' , e3t_n , ldxios = lwxios ) CALL iom_rstput( kt, nitrst, numrow, 'e3u_n' , e3u_n , ldxios = lwxios ) CALL iom_rstput( kt, nitrst, numrow, 'e3v_n' , e3v_n , ldxios = lwxios ) CALL iom_rstput( kt, nitrst, numrow, 'gdepw_n', gdepw_n , ldxios = lwxios ) IF( lwxios ) CALL iom_swap( cxios_context ) ! END SUBROUTINE isfcpl_rst_write SUBROUTINE isfcpl_ssh() !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE iscpl_ssh *** !! !! ** Purpose : basic guess of ssh in new wet cell !! !! ** Method : basic extrapolation from neigbourg cells !! !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! INTEGER :: ji, jj, jd, jk !! loop index INTEGER :: jip1, jim1, jjp1, jjm1 !! REAL(wp):: zsummsk REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj) :: zdssmask, zssmask0, zssmask_b, zssh !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! CALL iom_get( numror, jpdom_autoglo, 'ssmask' , zssmask_b, ldxios = lrxios ) ! need to extrapolate T/S ! compute new ssh if we open a full water column ! rude average of the closest neigbourgs (e1e2t not taking into account) ! zssh(:,:) = sshn(:,:) zssmask0(:,:) = zssmask_b(:,:) ! DO jd = 1, nn_drown ! zdssmask(:,:) = ssmask(:,:) - zssmask0(:,:) DO jj = 2,jpj-1 DO ji = 2,jpi-1 jip1=ji+1; jim1=ji-1; jjp1=jj+1; jjm1=jj-1; ! zsummsk = zssmask0(jip1,jj) + zssmask0(jim1,jj) + zssmask0(ji,jjp1) + zssmask0(ji,jjm1) ! IF (zdssmask(ji,jj) == 1._wp .AND. zsummsk /= 0._wp) THEN sshn(ji,jj)=( zssh(jip1,jj)*zssmask0(jip1,jj) & & + zssh(jim1,jj)*zssmask0(jim1,jj) & & + zssh(ji,jjp1)*zssmask0(ji,jjp1) & & + zssh(ji,jjm1)*zssmask0(ji,jjm1)) / zsummsk zssmask_b(ji,jj) = 1._wp ENDIF END DO END DO ! zssh(:,:) = sshn(:,:) zssmask0(:,:) = zssmask_b(:,:) ! CALL lbc_lnk_multi( 'iscplrst', zssh, 'T', 1., zssmask0, 'T', 1. ) ! END DO ! ! update sshn sshn(:,:) = zssh(:,:) * ssmask(:,:) ! sshb(:,:) = sshn(:,:) ! IF ( ln_isfdebug ) CALL debug('isfcpl_ssh: sshn',sshn(:,:)) ! ! recompute the vertical scale factor, depth and water thickness IF(lwp) write(numout,*) 'isfcpl_ssh : recompute scale factor from sshn (new wet cell)' IF(lwp) write(numout,*) '~~~~~~~~~~~' DO jk = 1, jpk e3t_n(:,:,jk) = e3t_0(:,:,jk) * ( ht_0(:,:) + sshn(:,:) ) & & / ( ht_0(:,:) + 1._wp - ssmask(:,:) ) * tmask(:,:,jk) & & + e3t_0(:,:,jk) * (1._wp -tmask(:,:,jk)) END DO e3t_b(:,:,:) = e3t_n(:,:,:) CALL dom_vvl_zgr() ! END SUBROUTINE isfcpl_ssh SUBROUTINE isfcpl_tra() !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE iscpl_tra *** !! !! ** Purpose : compute new tn, sn in case of evolving geometry of ice shelves !! !! ** Method : tn, sn : basic extrapolation from neigbourg cells !! !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj,jpk) :: ztmask_b !REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:,: ), INTENT(in ) :: pdepw_b !! depth w before !! INTEGER :: ji, jj, jk, jd !! loop index INTEGER :: jip1, jim1, jjp1, jjm1, jkp1, jkm1 !! REAL(wp):: zsummsk REAL(wp):: zdz, zdzm1, zdzp1 !! REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj) :: zdmask REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj,jpk) :: ztmask0, zwmaskn REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj,jpk) :: ztmask1, zwmaskb, ztmp3d REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj,jpk,jpts) :: zts0 !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! CALL iom_get( numror, jpdom_autoglo, 'tmask' , ztmask_b, ldxios = lrxios ) ! need to extrapolate T/S !CALL iom_get( numror, jpdom_autoglo, 'wmask' , zwmask_b, ldxios = lrxios ) ! need to extrapolate T/S !CALL iom_get( numror, jpdom_autoglo, 'gdepw_n', zdepw_b(:,:,:), ldxios = lrxios ) ! need to interpol vertical profile (vvl) ! ! ! compute new T/S (interpolation) if vvl only for common wet cell in before and after wmask !PM: Is this IF needed since change to VVL by default !bugged : to be corrected (PM) ! back up original t/s/mask !tsb (:,:,:,:) = tsn(:,:,:,:) ! ! compute new T/S (interpolation) if vvl only for common wet cell in before and after wmask ! IF (.NOT.ln_linssh) THEN ! DO jk = 2,jpk-1 ! DO jj = 1,jpj ! DO ji = 1,jpi ! IF (wmask(ji,jj,jk) * zwmaskb(ji,jj,jk) == 1._wp .AND. (tmask(ji,jj,1)==0._wp .OR. ztmask_b(ji,jj,1)==0._wp) ) THEN ! ! !compute weight ! zdzp1 = MAX(0._wp,pdepw_b(ji,jj,jk+1) - gdepw_n(ji,jj,jk+1)) ! zdzm1 = MAX(0._wp,gdepw_n(ji,jj,jk ) - pdepw_b(ji,jj,jk )) ! zdz = e3t_n(ji,jj,jk) - zdzp1 - zdzm1 ! if isf : e3t = gdepw_n(ji,jj,jk+1)- gdepw_n(ji,jj,jk) ! ! IF (zdz .LT. 0._wp) THEN ! CALL ctl_stop( 'STOP', 'rst_iscpl : unable to compute the interpolation' ) ! END IF ! ! tsn(ji,jj,jk,jp_tem) = ( zdzp1*tsb(ji,jj,jk+1,jp_tem) & ! & + zdz *tsb(ji,jj,jk ,jp_tem) & ! & + zdzm1*tsb(ji,jj,jk-1,jp_tem) )/e3t_n(ji,jj,jk) ! ! tsn(ji,jj,jk,jp_sal) = ( zdzp1*tsb(ji,jj,jk+1,jp_sal) & ! & + zdz *tsb(ji,jj,jk ,jp_sal) & ! & + zdzm1*tsb(ji,jj,jk-1,jp_sal) )/e3t_n(ji,jj,jk) ! ! END IF ! END DO ! END DO ! END DO ! END IF zts0(:,:,:,:) = tsn(:,:,:,:) ztmask0(:,:,:) = ztmask_b(:,:,:) ztmask1(:,:,:) = ztmask_b(:,:,:) ! ! iterate the extrapolation processes nn_drown times DO jd = 1,nn_drown ! resolution dependent (OK for ISOMIP+ case) DO jk = 1,jpk-1 ! ! define new wet cell zdmask(:,:) = tmask(:,:,jk) - ztmask0(:,:,jk); ! DO jj = 2,jpj-1 DO ji = 2,jpi-1 jip1=ji+1; jim1=ji-1; jjp1=jj+1; jjm1=jj-1; ! ! check if a wet neigbourg cell is present zsummsk = ztmask0(jip1,jj ,jk) + ztmask0(jim1,jj ,jk) & + ztmask0(ji ,jjp1,jk) + ztmask0(ji ,jjm1,jk) ! ! if neigbourg wet cell available at the same level IF ( zdmask(ji,jj) == 1._wp .AND. zsummsk /= 0._wp ) THEN ! ! horizontal basic extrapolation tsn(ji,jj,jk,1)=( zts0(jip1,jj ,jk,1) * ztmask0(jip1,jj ,jk) & & + zts0(jim1,jj ,jk,1) * ztmask0(jim1,jj ,jk) & & + zts0(ji ,jjp1,jk,1) * ztmask0(ji ,jjp1,jk) & & + zts0(ji ,jjm1,jk,1) * ztmask0(ji ,jjm1,jk) ) / zsummsk tsn(ji,jj,jk,2)=( zts0(jip1,jj ,jk,2) * ztmask0(jip1,jj ,jk) & & + zts0(jim1,jj ,jk,2) * ztmask0(jim1,jj ,jk) & & + zts0(ji ,jjp1,jk,2) * ztmask0(ji ,jjp1,jk) & & + zts0(ji ,jjm1,jk,2) * ztmask0(ji ,jjm1,jk) ) / zsummsk ! ! update mask for next pass ztmask1(ji,jj,jk)=1 ! ! in case no neigbourg wet cell available at the same level ! check if a wet cell is available below ELSEIF (zdmask(ji,jj) == 1._wp .AND. zsummsk == 0._wp) THEN ! ! vertical extrapolation if horizontal extrapolation failed jkm1=max(1,jk-1) ; jkp1=min(jpk,jk+1) ! ! check if a wet neigbourg cell is present zsummsk = ztmask0(ji,jj,jkm1) + ztmask0(ji,jj,jkp1) IF (zdmask(ji,jj) == 1._wp .AND. zsummsk /= 0._wp ) THEN tsn(ji,jj,jk,1)=( zts0(ji,jj,jkp1,1)*ztmask0(ji,jj,jkp1) & & + zts0(ji,jj,jkm1,1)*ztmask0(ji,jj,jkm1)) / zsummsk tsn(ji,jj,jk,2)=( zts0(ji,jj,jkp1,2)*ztmask0(ji,jj,jkp1) & & + zts0(ji,jj,jkm1,2)*ztmask0(ji,jj,jkm1)) / zsummsk ! ! update mask for next pass ztmask1(ji,jj,jk)=1._wp END IF END IF END DO END DO END DO ! ! update temperature and salinity and mask zts0(:,:,:,:) = tsn(:,:,:,:) ztmask0(:,:,:) = ztmask1(:,:,:) ! CALL lbc_lnk_multi( 'iscplrst', zts0(:,:,:,jp_tem), 'T', 1., zts0(:,:,:,jp_sal), 'T', 1., ztmask0, 'T', 1.) ! END DO ! nn_drown ! ! mask new tsn field tsn(:,:,:,jp_tem) = zts0(:,:,:,jp_tem) * tmask(:,:,:) tsn(:,:,:,jp_sal) = zts0(:,:,:,jp_sal) * tmask(:,:,:) ! ! sanity check ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! case we open a cell but no neigbour cells available to get an estimate of T and S DO jk = 1,jpk-1 DO jj = 1,jpj DO ji = 1,jpi IF (tmask(ji,jj,jk) == 1._wp .AND. tsn(ji,jj,jk,2) == 0._wp) & & CALL ctl_stop('STOP', 'failing to fill all new weet cell, & & try increase nn_drown or activate XXXX & & in your domain cfg computation' ) END DO END DO END DO ! END SUBROUTINE isfcpl_tra SUBROUTINE isfcpl_vol() !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE iscpl_vol *** !! !! ** Purpose : compute the correction of the local divergence to apply !! during the first time step after the coupling. !! !! ** Method : - compute horizontal vol div. before/after coupling !! - compute vertical input !! - compute correction !! !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! INTEGER :: ji, jj, jk INTEGER :: ikb, ikt !! REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj,jpk) :: zqvolb, zqvoln ! vol flux div. before/after coupling REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj,jpk) :: ze3u_b, ze3v_b ! vertical scale factor before/after coupling REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj,jpk) :: ztmask_b ! mask before coupling !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! CALL iom_get( numror, jpdom_autoglo, 'tmask' , ztmask_b, ldxios = lrxios ) CALL iom_get( numror, jpdom_autoglo, 'e3u_n' , ze3u_b , ldxios = lrxios ) CALL iom_get( numror, jpdom_autoglo, 'e3v_n' , ze3v_b , ldxios = lrxios ) ! ! 1.0: compute horizontal volume flux divergence difference before-after coupling ! DO jk = 1, jpk ! Horizontal slab ! 1.1: get volume flux before coupling (>0 out) DO jj = 2, jpjm1 DO ji = 2, jpim1 zqvolb(ji,jj,jk) = ( e2u(ji,jj) * ze3u_b(ji,jj,jk) * un(ji,jj,jk) - e2u(ji-1,jj ) * ze3u_b(ji-1,jj ,jk) * un(ji-1,jj ,jk) & & + e1v(ji,jj) * ze3v_b(ji,jj,jk) * vn(ji,jj,jk) - e1v(ji ,jj-1) * ze3v_b(ji ,jj-1,jk) * vn(ji ,jj-1,jk) ) & & * ztmask_b(ji,jj,jk) END DO ENDDO ! ! 1.2: get volume flux after coupling (>0 out) ! properly mask velocity ! (velocity are still mask with old mask at this stage) un(:,:,jk) = un(:,:,jk) * umask(:,:,jk) vn(:,:,jk) = vn(:,:,jk) * vmask(:,:,jk) ! compute volume flux divergence after coupling DO jj = 2, jpjm1 DO ji = 2, jpim1 zqvoln(ji,jj,jk) = ( e2u(ji,jj) * e3u_n(ji,jj,jk) * un(ji,jj,jk) - e2u(ji-1,jj ) * e3u_n(ji-1,jj ,jk) * un(ji-1,jj ,jk) & & + e1v(ji,jj) * e3v_n(ji,jj,jk) * vn(ji,jj,jk) - e1v(ji ,jj-1) * e3v_n(ji ,jj-1,jk) * vn(ji ,jj-1,jk) ) & & * tmask(ji,jj,jk) END DO ENDDO ! ! 1.3: get 3d volume flux difference (before - after cpl) (>0 out) ! correction to add is _b - _n risfcpl_vol(:,:,jk) = zqvolb(:,:,jk) - zqvoln(:,:,jk) END DO ! ! 2.0: include the contribution of the vertical velocity in the volume flux correction ! DO jj = 2, jpjm1 DO ji = 2, jpim1 ! ikt = mikt(ji,jj) IF ( ikt > 1 .AND. ssmask(ji,jj) == 1 ) THEN risfcpl_vol(ji,jj,ikt) = risfcpl_vol(ji,jj,ikt) + SUM(zqvolb(ji,jj,1:ikt-1)) ! test sign ENDIF ! END DO ENDDO ! CALL lbc_lnk( 'iscpl', risfcpl_vol, 'T', 1. ) ! ! 3.0: set total correction (div, tra, ssh) ! ! 3.1: mask volume flux divergence correction risfcpl_vol(:,:,:) = risfcpl_vol(:,:,:) * tmask(:,:,:) ! ! 3.2: get 3d tra increment to apply at the first time step ! temperature and salt content flux computed using local tsn ! (very simple advection scheme) ! (>0 out) risfcpl_tsc(:,:,:,jp_tem) = -risfcpl_vol(:,:,:) * tsn(:,:,:,jp_tem) risfcpl_tsc(:,:,:,jp_sal) = -risfcpl_vol(:,:,:) * tsn(:,:,:,jp_sal) ! ! 3.3: ssh correction (for dynspg_ts) risfcpl_ssh(:,:) = 0.0 DO jk = 1,jpk risfcpl_ssh(:,:) = risfcpl_ssh(:,:) + risfcpl_vol(:,:,jk) * r1_e1e2t(:,:) END DO END SUBROUTINE isfcpl_vol SUBROUTINE isfcpl_cons() !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE iscpl_cons *** !! !! ** Purpose : compute the corrective increment in volume/salt/heat to put back the vol/heat/salt !! removed or added during the coupling processes (wet or dry new cell) !! !! ** Method : - compare volume/heat/salt before and after !! - look for the closest wet cells (share amoung neigbourgs if there are) !! - build the correction increment to applied at each time step !! !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! TYPE(isfcons), DIMENSION(:),ALLOCATABLE :: zisfpts ! list of point receiving a correction ! INTEGER :: ji , jj , jk , jproc ! loop index INTEGER :: jip1 , jim1, jjp1, jjm1 ! dummy indices INTEGER :: iig , ijg, ik ! dummy indices INTEGER :: jisf ! start, end and current position in the increment array INTEGER :: ingb, ifind ! 0/1 target found or need to be found INTEGER :: nisfl_area ! global number of cell concerned by the wet->dry case INTEGER, DIMENSION(jpnij) :: nisfl ! local number of cell concerned by the wet->dry case ! REAL(wp) :: z1_sum, z1_rdtiscpl REAL(wp) :: zdtem, zdsal, zdvol, zratio ! tem, sal, vol increment REAL(wp) :: zlon , zlat ! target location REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj,jpk) :: ztmask_b ! mask before REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj,jpk) :: ze3t_b ! scale factor before REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj,jpk) :: zt_b ! scale factor before REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj,jpk) :: zs_b ! scale factor before !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !============================================================================== ! 1.0: initialisation !============================================================================== ! get restart variable CALL iom_get( numror, jpdom_autoglo, 'tmask' , ztmask_b(:,:,:), ldxios = lrxios ) ! need to extrapolate T/S CALL iom_get( numror, jpdom_autoglo, 'e3t_n' , ze3t_b(:,:,:) , ldxios = lrxios ) CALL iom_get( numror, jpdom_autoglo, 'tn' , zt_b(:,:,:) , ldxios = lrxios ) CALL iom_get( numror, jpdom_autoglo, 'sn' , zs_b(:,:,:) , ldxios = lrxios ) ! compute run length nstp_iscpl = nitend - nit000 + 1 rdt_iscpl = nstp_iscpl * rn_rdt z1_rdtiscpl = 1._wp / rdt_iscpl IF (lwp) WRITE(numout,*) ' nb of stp for cons = ', nstp_iscpl IF (lwp) WRITE(numout,*) ' coupling time step = ', rdt_iscpl ! initialisation correction risfcpl_cons_vol = 0.0 risfcpl_cons_ssh = 0.0 risfcpl_cons_tsc = 0.0 !============================================================================== ! 2.0: diagnose the heat, salt and volume input and compute the correction variable ! for case where we wet a cell or cell still wet (no change in cell status) !============================================================================== DO jk = 1,jpk-1 DO jj = nldj,nlej DO ji = nldi,nlei ! volume diff zdvol = e3t_n(ji,jj,jk) * tmask(ji,jj,jk) - ze3t_b(ji,jj,jk) * ztmask_b(ji,jj,jk) ! heat diff zdtem = tsn (ji,jj,jk,jp_tem) * e3t_n(ji,jj,jk) * tmask (ji,jj,jk) & - zt_b(ji,jj,jk) * ze3t_b(ji,jj,jk) * ztmask_b(ji,jj,jk) ! salt diff zdsal = tsn(ji,jj,jk,jp_sal) * e3t_n(ji,jj,jk) * tmask (ji,jj,jk) & - zs_b(ji,jj,jk) * ze3t_b(ji,jj,jk) * ztmask_b(ji,jj,jk) ! volume, heat and salt differences in each cell (>0 means correction is an outward flux) ! in addition to the geometry change unconservation, need to add the divergence correction as it is flux across the boundary risfcpl_cons_vol(ji,jj,jk) = ( zdvol * e1e2t(ji,jj) + risfcpl_vol(ji,jj,jk) ) * z1_rdtiscpl risfcpl_cons_tsc(ji,jj,jk,jp_sal) = ( - zdsal * e1e2t(ji,jj) + risfcpl_tsc(ji,jj,jk,jp_sal) ) * z1_rdtiscpl risfcpl_cons_tsc(ji,jj,jk,jp_tem) = ( - zdtem * e1e2t(ji,jj) + risfcpl_tsc(ji,jj,jk,jp_tem) ) * z1_rdtiscpl END DO END DO END DO ! !============================================================================== ! 3.0: diagnose the heat, salt and volume input and compute the correction variable ! for case where we close a cell !============================================================================== ! ! compute the total number of point receiving a correction increment for each processor ! local nisfl(:)=0 DO jk = 1,jpk-1 DO jj = nldj,nlej DO ji = nldi,nlei jip1=MIN(ji+1,jpi) ; jim1=MAX(ji-1,1) ; jjp1=MIN(jj+1,jpj) ; jjm1=MAX(jj-1,1) ; IF ( tmask(ji,jj,jk) == 0._wp .AND. ztmask_b(ji,jj,jk) == 1._wp ) nisfl(narea) = nisfl(narea) + MAX(SUM(tmask(jim1:jip1,jjm1:jjp1,jk)),1._wp) ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO ! ! global CALL mpp_sum('isfcpl',nisfl ) ! ! allocate list of point receiving correction ALLOCATE(zisfpts(nisfl(narea))) ! zisfpts(:) = isfcons(0,0,0,-HUGE(1.0), -HUGE(1.0), -HUGE(1.0), -HUGE(1.0), -HUGE(1.0), 0) ! ! start computing the correction and fill zisfpts ! local jisf = 0 DO jk = 1,jpk-1 DO jj = nldj,nlej DO ji = nldi,nlei IF ( tmask(ji,jj,jk) == 0._wp .AND. ztmask_b(ji,jj,jk) == 1._wp ) THEN jip1=MIN(ji+1,jpi) ; jim1=MAX(ji-1,1) ; jjp1=MIN(jj+1,jpj) ; jjm1=MAX(jj-1,1) ; zdvol = risfcpl_cons_vol(ji,jj,jk ) zdsal = risfcpl_cons_tsc(ji,jj,jk,jp_sal) zdtem = risfcpl_cons_tsc(ji,jj,jk,jp_tem) IF ( SUM( tmask(jim1:jip1,jjm1:jjp1,jk) ) > 0._wp ) THEN ! spread correction amoung neigbourg wet cells (horizontal direction first) ! as it is a rude correction corner and lateral cell have the same weight ! z1_sum = 1._wp / SUM( tmask(jim1:jip1,jjm1:jjp1,jk) ) ! ! lateral cells IF (tmask(jip1,jj ,jk) == 1) CALL update_isfpts(zisfpts, jisf, jip1, jj , jk, zdvol, zdsal, zdtem, z1_sum) IF (tmask(jim1,jj ,jk) == 1) CALL update_isfpts(zisfpts, jisf, jim1, jj , jk, zdvol, zdsal, zdtem, z1_sum) IF (tmask(ji ,jjp1,jk) == 1) CALL update_isfpts(zisfpts, jisf, ji , jjp1, jk, zdvol, zdsal, zdtem, z1_sum) IF (tmask(ji ,jjm1,jk) == 1) CALL update_isfpts(zisfpts, jisf, ji , jjm1, jk, zdvol, zdsal, zdtem, z1_sum) ! ! corner cells IF (tmask(jip1,jjm1,jk) == 1) CALL update_isfpts(zisfpts, jisf, jip1, jjm1, jk, zdvol, zdsal, zdtem, z1_sum) IF (tmask(jim1,jjm1,jk) == 1) CALL update_isfpts(zisfpts, jisf, jim1, jjm1, jk, zdvol, zdsal, zdtem, z1_sum) IF (tmask(jim1,jjp1,jk) == 1) CALL update_isfpts(zisfpts, jisf, jim1, jjp1, jk, zdvol, zdsal, zdtem, z1_sum) IF (tmask(jip1,jjp1,jk) == 1) CALL update_isfpts(zisfpts, jisf, jip1, jjp1, jk, zdvol, zdsal, zdtem, z1_sum) ! ELSE IF ( tmask(ji,jj,jk+1) == 1._wp ) THEN ! spread correction amoung neigbourg wet cells (vertical direction) CALL update_isfpts(zisfpts, jisf, ji , jj , jk+1, zdvol, zdsal, zdtem, 1., 0) ELSE ! need to find where to put correction in later on CALL update_isfpts(zisfpts, jisf, ji , jj , jk , zdvol, zdsal, zdtem, 1., 1) END IF END IF END DO END DO END DO ! ! share data among all processes because for some point we need to find the closest wet point (could be on other process) DO jproc=1,jpnij ! ! share total number of isf point treated for proc jproc IF (jproc==narea) THEN nisfl_area=nisfl(jproc) ELSE nisfl_area=0 END IF CALL mpp_max('isfcpl',nisfl_area) ! DO jisf = 1,nisfl_area ! IF (jproc==narea) THEN ! indices (conversion to global indices and sharing) iig = zisfpts(jisf)%ii ; ijg = zisfpts(jisf)%jj ; ik = zisfpts(jisf)%kk ! ! data zdvol = zisfpts(jisf)%dvol ; zdsal = zisfpts(jisf)%dsal ; zdtem = zisfpts(jisf)%dtem ! ! location zlat = zisfpts(jisf)%lat ; zlon = zisfpts(jisf)%lon ! ! find flag ingb = zisfpts(jisf)%ngb ELSE iig =0 ; ijg =0 ; ik =0 zdvol=-HUGE(1.0) ; zdsal=-HUGE(1.0) ; zdtem=-HUGE(1.0) zlat =-HUGE(1.0) ; zlon =-HUGE(1.0) ingb = 0 END IF ! ! share data (need synchronisation of data as get_correction call a global com) CALL mpp_max('isfcpl',iig) ; CALL mpp_max('isfcpl',ijg) ; CALL mpp_max('isfcpl',ik) CALL mpp_max('isfcpl',zdvol) ; CALL mpp_max('isfcpl',zdsal) ; CALL mpp_max('isfcpl',zdtem) CALL mpp_max('isfcpl',zlat) ; CALL mpp_max('isfcpl',zlon) CALL mpp_max('isfcpl',ingb) ! ! fill the 3d correction array CALL get_correction(iig, ijg, ik, zlon, zlat, zdvol, zdsal, zdtem, ingb) END DO END DO ! !============================================================================== ! 4.0: finalisation and compute ssh equivalent of the volume correction !============================================================================== ! ! mask (>0 out) risfcpl_cons_vol(:,:,: ) = risfcpl_cons_vol(:,:,: ) * tmask(:,:,:) risfcpl_cons_tsc(:,:,:,jp_sal) = risfcpl_cons_tsc(:,:,:,jp_sal) * tmask(:,:,:) risfcpl_cons_tsc(:,:,:,jp_tem) = risfcpl_cons_tsc(:,:,:,jp_tem) * tmask(:,:,:) ! ! add lbclnk CALL lbc_lnk_multi( 'iscplrst', risfcpl_cons_tsc(:,:,:,jp_tem), 'T', 1., risfcpl_cons_tsc(:,:,:,jp_sal), 'T', 1., & & risfcpl_cons_vol(:,:,:) , 'T', 1.) ! ! ssh correction (for dynspg_ts) DO jk = 1,jpk risfcpl_cons_ssh(:,:) = risfcpl_cons_ssh(:,:) + risfcpl_cons_vol(:,:,jk) END DO risfcpl_cons_ssh(:,:) = risfcpl_cons_ssh(:,:) * r1_e1e2t(:,:) ! END SUBROUTINE isfcpl_cons ! SUBROUTINE update_isfpts(sisfpts, kpts, ki, kj, kk, pdvol, pdsal, pdtem, pratio, kfind) !!--------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE update_isfpts *** !! !! ** Purpose : if a cell become dry, we need to put the corrective increment elsewhere !! !! ** Action : update the list of point !! !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- TYPE(isfcons), DIMENSION(:), INTENT(inout) :: sisfpts INTEGER, INTENT(inout) :: kpts !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- INTEGER, INTENT(in ) :: ki, kj, kk ! target location (kfind=0) ! ! or source location (kfind=1) INTEGER, INTENT(in ), OPTIONAL :: kfind ! 0 target cell already found ! ! 1 target to be determined REAL(wp), INTENT(in ) :: pdvol, pdsal, pdtem, pratio ! vol/sal/tem increment ! ! and ratio in case increment span over multiple cells. !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- INTEGER :: ifind !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! increment position kpts = kpts + 1 ! ! define if we need to look for closest valid wet cell (no neighbours or neigbourg on halo) IF ( PRESENT(kfind) ) THEN ifind = kfind ELSE ifind = ( 1 - tmask_h(ki,kj) ) * tmask(ki,kj,kk) END IF ! ! update isfpts structure sisfpts(kpts) = isfcons(mig(ki), mjg(kj), kk, pratio * pdvol, pratio * pdsal, pratio * pdtem, glamt(ki,kj), gphit(ki,kj), ifind ) ! END SUBROUTINE update_isfpts ! SUBROUTINE get_correction( ki, kj, kk, plon, plat, pvolinc, psalinc, pteminc, kfind) !!--------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE get_correction *** !! !! ** Action : - Find the closest valid cell if needed (wet and not on the halo) !! - Scale the correction depending of pratio (case where multiple wet neigbourgs) !! - Fill the correction array !! !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- INTEGER , INTENT(in) :: ki, kj, kk, kfind ! target point indices REAL(wp), INTENT(in) :: plon, plat ! target point lon/lat REAL(wp), INTENT(in) :: pvolinc, pteminc,psalinc ! correction increment for vol/temp/salt !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- INTEGER :: jj, ji, iig, ijg !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! define global indice of correction location iig = ki ; ijg = kj IF ( kfind == 1 ) CALL dom_ngb( plon, plat, iig, ijg,'T', kk) ! ! fill the correction array DO jj = mj0(ijg),mj1(ijg) DO ji = mi0(iig),mi1(iig) ! correct the vol_flx and corresponding heat/salt flx in the closest cell risfcpl_cons_vol(ji,jj,kk) = risfcpl_cons_vol(ji,jj,kk ) + pvolinc risfcpl_cons_tsc(ji,jj,kk,jp_sal) = risfcpl_cons_tsc(ji,jj,kk,jp_sal) + psalinc risfcpl_cons_tsc(ji,jj,kk,jp_tem) = risfcpl_cons_tsc(ji,jj,kk,jp_tem) + pteminc END DO END DO END SUBROUTINE get_correction END MODULE isfcpl