#!/bin/sh export opts='-shell-escape -pdf' model='NEMO' check_python_module() { python -c " import sys try: import $1 print('\nModule $1 is installed') except ImportError: print('\nModule $1 is NOT installed') print('') sys.exit(42)" } clean() { ## Delete latex build files find latex -regextype posix-extended \ -regex ".*\.(aux|bbl|blg|dvi|fdb|fls|idx|ilg|ind|log|maf|mtc|out|pdf|toc).*" \ -exec rm {} \; ## Remove 'minted' directories find latex -type d -name '_minted*' -exec rm -r {} \; ## HTML exports find latex -type d -name 'html*' -exec rm -r {} \; } build() { cd latex/$1/main latexmk $opts $1'_manual' > /dev/null mv $1'_manual'.pdf ../../.. cd - } check_python_module pygments if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo 'Required python module pygments to correctly build the documentation is missing; exit 42'; echo ''; exit 42; fi clean build $model exit 0