!---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! NEMO system team, System and Interface for oceanic RElocable Nesting !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! MODULE: grid ! ! DESCRIPTION: !> @brief This module is grid manager. !> !> @details !> to get NEMO pivot point index:
!> @code !> il_pivot=grid_get_pivot(td_file) !> @endcode !> - il_pivot is NEMO pivot point index F(0), T(1) !> - td_file is mpp structure !> !> to get NEMO periodicity index:
!> @code !> il_perio=grid_get_perio(td_file) !> @endcode !> - il_perio is NEMO periodicity index (0,1,2,3,4,5,6) !> - td_file is mpp structure !> !> to check domain validity:
!> @code !> CALL grid_check_dom(td_coord, id_imin, id_imax, id_jmin, id_jmax) !> @endcode !> - td_coord is coordinates mpp structure !> - id_imin is i-direction lower left point indice !> - id_imax is i-direction upper right point indice !> - id_jmin is j-direction lower left point indice !> - id_jmax is j-direction upper right point indice !> !> to get closest coarse grid indices of fine grid domain:
!> @code !> il_index(:,:)=grid_get_coarse_index(td_coord0, td_coord1, !> [id_rho,] [cd_point]) !> @endcode !> or !> @code !> il_index(:,:)=grid_get_coarse_index(td_lon0, td_lat0, td_coord1, !> [id_rho,] [cd_point]) !> @endcode !> or !> @code !> il_index(:,:)=grid_get_coarse_index(td_coord0, td_lon1, td_lat1, !> [id_rho,] [cd_point]) !> @endcode !> or !> @code !> il_index(:,:)=grid_get_coarse_index(td_lon0, td_lat0, td_lon1, td_lat1, !> [id_rho,] [cd_point]) !> @endcode !> - il_index(:,:) is coarse grid indices (/ (/ imin0, imax0 /), !> (/ jmin0, jmax0 /) /) !> - td_coord0 is coarse grid coordinate mpp structure !> - td_coord1 is fine grid coordinate mpp structure !> - td_lon0 is coarse grid longitude variable structure !> - td_lat0 is coarse grid latitude variable structure !> - td_lon1 is fine grid longitude variable structure !> - td_lat1 is fine grid latitude variable structure !> - id_rho is array of refinment factor (default 1) !> - cd_point is Arakawa grid point (default 'T') !> !> to know if grid is global:
!> @code !> ll_global=grid_is_global(td_lon, td_lat) !> @endcode !> - td_lon is longitude variable structure !> - td_lat is latitude variable structure !> !> to know if grid contains north fold:
!> @code !> ll_north=grid_is_north_fold(td_lat) !> @endcode !> - td_lat is latitude variable structure !> !> to get coarse grid indices of the closest point from one fine grid !> point:
!> @code !> il_index(:)=grid_get_closest(dd_lon0(:,:), dd_lat0(:,:), dd_lon1, dd_lat1 !> [,dd_fill] [,cd_pos]) !> @endcode !> - il_index(:) is coarse grid indices (/ i0, j0 /) !> - dd_lon0 is coarse grid array of longitude value (real(8)) !> - dd_lat0 is coarse grid array of latitude value (real(8)) !> - dd_lon1 is fine grid longitude value (real(8)) !> - dd_lat1 is fine grid latitude value (real(8)) !> - dd_fill !> - cd_pos !> !> to compute distance between a point A and grid points:
!> @code !> il_dist(:,:)=grid_distance(dd_lon, dd_lat, dd_lonA, dd_latA) !> @endcode !> - il_dist(:,:) is array of distance between point A and grid points !> - dd_lon is array of longitude value (real(8)) !> - dd_lat is array of longitude value (real(8)) !> - dd_lonA is longitude of point A (real(8)) !> - dd_latA is latitude of point A (real(8)) !> !> to get offset between fine grid and coarse grid:
!> @code !> il_offset(:,:)=grid_get_fine_offset(td_coord0, !> id_imin0, id_jmin0, id_imax0, id_jmax0, !> td_coord1 !> [,id_rho] [,cd_point]) !> @endcode !> or !> @code !> il_offset(:,:)=grid_get_fine_offset(dd_lon0, dd_lat0, !> id_imin0, id_jmin0,id_imax0, id_jmax0, !> td_coord1 !> [,id_rho] [,cd_point]) !> @endcode !> or !> @code !> il_offset(:,:)=grid_get_fine_offset(td_coord0, !> id_imin0, id_jmin0, id_imax0, id_jmax0, !> dd_lon1, dd_lat1 !> [,id_rho] [,cd_point]) !> @endcode !> or !> @code !> il_offset(:,:)=grid_get_fine_offset(dd_lon0, dd_lat0, !> id_imin0, id_jmin0, id_imax0, id_jmax0, !> dd_lon1, dd_lat1 !> [,id_rho] [,cd_point]) !> @endcode !> - il_offset(:,:) is offset array !> (/ (/ i_offset_left, i_offset_right /), (/ j_offset_lower, j_offset_upper /) /) !> - td_coord0 is coarse grid coordinate mpp structure !> - dd_lon0 is coarse grid longitude array (real(8)) !> - dd_lat0 is coarse grid latitude array (real(8)) !> - id_imin0 is coarse grid lower left corner i-indice of fine grid !> domain !> - id_jmin0 is coarse grid lower left corner j-indice of fine grid !> domain !> - id_imax0 is coarse grid upper right corner i-indice of fine grid !> domain !> - id_jmax0 is coarse grid upper right corner j-indice of fine grid !> domain !> - td_coord1 is fine grid coordinate mpp structure !> - dd_lon1 is fine grid longitude array (real(8)) !> - dd_lat1 is fine grid latitude array (real(8)) !> - id_rho is array of refinment factor (default 1) !> - cd_point is Arakawa grid point (default 'T') !> !> to check fine and coarse grid coincidence:
!> @code !> CALL grid_check_coincidence(td_coord0, td_coord1, !> id_imin0, id_imax0, id_jmin0, id_jmax0 !> ,id_rho) !> @endcode !> - td_coord0 is coarse grid coordinate mpp structure !> - td_coord1 is fine grid coordinate mpp structure !> - id_imin0 is coarse grid lower left corner i-indice of fine grid !> domain !> - id_imax0 is coarse grid upper right corner i-indice of fine grid !> domain !> - id_jmin0 is coarse grid lower left corner j-indice of fine grid !> domain !> - id_jmax0 is coarse grid upper right corner j-indice of fine grid !> domain !> - id_rho is array of refinement factor !> !> to add ghost cell at boundaries:
!> @code !> CALL grid_add_ghost(td_var, id_ghost) !> @endcode !> - td_var is array of variable structure !> - id_ghost is 2D array of ghost cell factor !> !> to delete ghost cell at boundaries:
!> @code !> CALL grid_del_ghost(td_var, id_ghost) !> @endcode !> - td_var is array of variable structure !> - id_ghost is 2D array of ghost cell factor !> !> to get ghost cell factor (use or not):
!> @code !> il_factor(:)= grid_get_ghost( td_var ) !> @endcode !> or !> @code !> il_factor(:)= grid_get_ghost( td_mpp ) !> @endcode !> - il_factor(:) is array of ghost cell factor (0 or 1) !> - td_var is variable structure !> - td_mpp is mpp sturcture !> !> to compute closed sea domain:
!> @code !> il_mask(:,:)=grid_split_domain(td_var, [id_level]) !> @endcode !> - il_mask(:,:) is domain mask !> - td_var is variable strucutre !> - id_level is level to be used [optional] !> !> to fill small closed sea with _FillValue:
!> @code !> CALL grid_fill_small_dom(td_var, id_mask, [id_minsize]) !> @endcode !> - td_var is variable structure !> - id_mask is domain mask (from grid_split_domain) !> - id_minsize is minimum size of sea to be kept [optional] !> !> @author !> J.Paul ! REVISION HISTORY: !> @date November, 2013 - Initial Version !> @date September, 2014 !> - add header !> @date October, 2014 !> - use mpp file structure instead of file !> @date February, 2015 !> - add function grid_fill_small_msk to fill small domain inside bigger one !> @date February, 2016 !> - improve way to check coincidence (bug fix) !> - manage grid cases for T,U,V or F point, with even or odd refinment (bug fix) !> @date April, 2016 !> - add function to get closest grid point using coarse grid coordinates strucutre ! !> @note Software governed by the CeCILL licence (./LICENSE) !---------------------------------------------------------------------- MODULE grid USE netcdf USE kind ! F90 kind parameter USE fct ! basic usefull function USE global ! global parameter USE phycst ! physical constant USE logger ! log file manager USE file ! file manager USE att ! attribute manager USE var ! variable manager USE dim ! dimension manager USE iom ! I/O manager USE mpp ! MPP manager USE dom ! domain manager USE iom_mpp ! MPP I/O manager USE iom_dom ! DOM I/O manager IMPLICIT NONE ! NOTE_avoid_public_variables_if_possible ! type and variable ! function and subroutine PUBLIC :: grid_get_info !< get information about mpp global domain (pivot, perio, ew) PUBLIC :: grid_get_pivot !< get NEMO pivot point index PUBLIC :: grid_get_perio !< get NEMO periodicity index PUBLIC :: grid_get_ew_overlap !< get East West overlap PUBLIC :: grid_check_dom !< check domain validity PUBLIC :: grid_get_coarse_index !< get closest coarse grid indices of fine grid domain. PUBLIC :: grid_is_global !< check if grid is global or not PUBLIC :: grid_is_north_fold PUBLIC :: grid_get_closest !< return closest coarse grid point from another point PUBLIC :: grid_distance !< compute grid distance to a point PUBLIC :: grid_get_fine_offset !< get fine grid offset PUBLIC :: grid_check_coincidence !< check fine and coarse grid coincidence PUBLIC :: grid_add_ghost !< add ghost cell at boundaries. PUBLIC :: grid_del_ghost !< delete ghost cell at boundaries. PUBLIC :: grid_get_ghost !< return ghost cell factor PUBLIC :: grid_split_domain !< compute closed sea domain PUBLIC :: grid_fill_small_dom !< fill small closed sea with fill value PUBLIC :: grid_fill_small_msk !< fill small domain inside bigger one ! get closest coarse grid indices of fine grid domain PRIVATE :: grid__get_coarse_index_ff ! - using coarse and fine grid coordinates files PRIVATE :: grid__get_coarse_index_cf ! - using coarse grid array of lon,lat and fine grid coordinates files PRIVATE :: grid__get_coarse_index_fc ! - using coarse grid coordinates files, and fine grid array of lon,lat PRIVATE :: grid__get_coarse_index_cc ! - using coarse and fine grid array of lon,lat ! return closest coarse grid point from another point PRIVATE :: grid__get_closest_str ! - using coarse grid coordinates strucutre PRIVATE :: grid__get_closest_arr ! - using coarse grid array of lon,lat ! get offset between fine and coarse grid PRIVATE :: grid__get_fine_offset_ff ! - using coarse and fine grid coordinates files PRIVATE :: grid__get_fine_offset_cf ! - using coarse grid array of lon,lat and fine grid coordinates files PRIVATE :: grid__get_fine_offset_fc ! - using coarse grid coordinates files, and fine grid array of lon,lat PRIVATE :: grid__get_fine_offset_cc ! - using coarse and fine grid array of lon,lat ! get information about global domain (pivot, perio, ew) PRIVATE :: grid__get_info_mpp ! - using mpp files structure PRIVATE :: grid__get_info_file ! - using files structure ! get NEMO pivot point index PRIVATE :: grid__get_pivot_mpp ! - using mpp files structure PRIVATE :: grid__get_pivot_file ! - using files structure PRIVATE :: grid__get_pivot_var ! - using variable structure PRIVATE :: grid__get_pivot_varT ! compute NEMO pivot point index for variable on grid T PRIVATE :: grid__get_pivot_varU ! compute NEMO pivot point index for variable on grid U PRIVATE :: grid__get_pivot_varV ! compute NEMO pivot point index for variable on grid V PRIVATE :: grid__get_pivot_varF ! compute NEMO pivot point index for variable on grid F ! get NEMO periodicity index PRIVATE :: grid__get_perio_mpp ! - using mpp files structure PRIVATE :: grid__get_perio_file ! - using files structure PRIVATE :: grid__get_perio_var ! - using variable structure ! get East West overlap PRIVATE :: grid__get_ew_overlap_mpp ! - using mpp files structure PRIVATE :: grid__get_ew_overlap_file ! - using files structure PRIVATE :: grid__get_ew_overlap_var ! - using longitude variable structure ! return ghost cell factor PRIVATE :: grid__get_ghost_mpp ! - using mpp files structure PRIVATE :: grid__get_ghost_var ! - using array of lon,lat PRIVATE :: grid__check_corner ! check that fine grid is inside coarse grid PRIVATE :: grid__check_lat ! check that fine grid latitude are inside coarse grid latitude INTERFACE grid_get_info MODULE PROCEDURE grid__get_info_mpp MODULE PROCEDURE grid__get_info_file END INTERFACE grid_get_info INTERFACE grid_get_pivot MODULE PROCEDURE grid__get_pivot_mpp MODULE PROCEDURE grid__get_pivot_file MODULE PROCEDURE grid__get_pivot_var END INTERFACE grid_get_pivot INTERFACE grid_get_perio MODULE PROCEDURE grid__get_perio_mpp MODULE PROCEDURE grid__get_perio_file MODULE PROCEDURE grid__get_perio_var END INTERFACE grid_get_perio INTERFACE grid_get_ew_overlap MODULE PROCEDURE grid__get_ew_overlap_mpp MODULE PROCEDURE grid__get_ew_overlap_file MODULE PROCEDURE grid__get_ew_overlap_var END INTERFACE grid_get_ew_overlap INTERFACE grid_get_ghost MODULE PROCEDURE grid__get_ghost_var MODULE PROCEDURE grid__get_ghost_mpp END INTERFACE grid_get_ghost INTERFACE grid_get_closest MODULE PROCEDURE grid__get_closest_str MODULE PROCEDURE grid__get_closest_arr END INTERFACE grid_get_closest INTERFACE grid_get_coarse_index MODULE PROCEDURE grid__get_coarse_index_ff MODULE PROCEDURE grid__get_coarse_index_cf MODULE PROCEDURE grid__get_coarse_index_fc MODULE PROCEDURE grid__get_coarse_index_cc END INTERFACE grid_get_coarse_index INTERFACE grid_get_fine_offset MODULE PROCEDURE grid__get_fine_offset_ff MODULE PROCEDURE grid__get_fine_offset_fc MODULE PROCEDURE grid__get_fine_offset_cf MODULE PROCEDURE grid__get_fine_offset_cc END INTERFACE grid_get_fine_offset CONTAINS !------------------------------------------------------------------- !> @brief This subroutine get information about global domain, given file !> strucutre. !> !> @details !> open edge files then: !> - compute NEMO pivot point !> - compute NEMO periodicity !> - compute East West overlap !> !> @note need all processor files to be there !> @author J.Paul !> @date October, 2014 - Initial Version !> !> @param[inout] td_file file structure !------------------------------------------------------------------- SUBROUTINE grid__get_info_file(td_file) IMPLICIT NONE ! Argument TYPE(TFILE), INTENT(INOUT) :: td_file ! local variable INTEGER(i4) :: il_ew INTEGER(i4) :: il_pivot INTEGER(i4) :: il_perio INTEGER(i4) :: il_attid TYPE(TATT) :: tl_att TYPE(TFILE) :: tl_file ! loop indices INTEGER(i4) :: ji !---------------------------------------------------------------- ! intialise il_pivot=-1 il_perio=-1 il_ew =-1 ! copy structure tl_file=file_copy(td_file) ! open file to be used CALL iom_open(tl_file) IF( td_file%i_perio >= 0 .AND. td_file%i_perio <= 6 )THEN il_perio=td_file%i_perio ELSE ! look for attribute in file il_attid=att_get_index(tl_file%t_att(:),'periodicity') IF( il_attid /= 0 )THEN il_perio=INT(tl_file%t_att(il_attid)%d_value(1),i4) ENDIF ENDIF IF( td_file%i_ew >= 0 )THEN il_ew=td_file%i_ew ELSE ! look for attribute in file il_attid=att_get_index(tl_file%t_att(:),'ew_overlap') IF( il_attid /= 0 )THEN il_ew=INT(tl_file%t_att(il_attid)%d_value(1),i4) ENDIF ENDIF SELECT CASE(il_perio) CASE(3,4) il_pivot=0 CASE(5,6) il_pivot=1 CASE(0,1,2) il_pivot=1 END SELECT IF( il_pivot < 0 .OR. il_pivot > 1 )THEN ! get pivot il_pivot=grid_get_pivot(tl_file) ENDIF IF( il_perio < 0 .OR. il_perio > 6 )THEN ! get periodicity il_perio=grid_get_perio(tl_file, il_pivot) ENDIF IF( il_ew < 0 )THEN ! get periodicity il_ew=grid_get_ew_overlap(tl_file) ENDIF ! close CALL iom_close(tl_file) !save in file structure td_file%i_ew=il_ew td_file%i_pivot=il_pivot td_file%i_perio=il_perio ! save in variable of file structure tl_att=att_init("ew_overlap",il_ew) DO ji=1,td_file%i_nvar IF( td_file%t_var(ji)%t_dim(jp_I)%l_use )THEN CALL var_move_att(td_file%t_var(ji),tl_att) ENDIF ENDDO ! clean CALL file_clean(tl_file) CALL att_clean(tl_att) IF( td_file%i_perio == -1 )THEN CALL logger_fatal("GRID GET INFO: can not read or compute "//& & "domain periodicity from file "//TRIM(td_file%c_name)//"."//& & " you have to inform periodicity in namelist.") ENDIF END SUBROUTINE grid__get_info_file !------------------------------------------------------------------- !> @brief This subroutine get information about global domain, given mpp !> structure. !> !> @details !> open edge files then: !> - compute NEMO pivot point !> - compute NEMO periodicity !> - compute East West overlap !> !> @note need all processor files !> @author J.Paul !> @date October, 2014 - Initial Version !> !> @param[in] td_mpp mpp structure !------------------------------------------------------------------- SUBROUTINE grid__get_info_mpp(td_mpp) IMPLICIT NONE ! Argument TYPE(TMPP) , INTENT(INOUT) :: td_mpp ! local variable INTEGER(i4) :: il_ew INTEGER(i4) :: il_pivot INTEGER(i4) :: il_perio INTEGER(i4) :: il_attid TYPE(TATT) :: tl_att TYPE(TMPP) :: tl_mpp ! loop indices INTEGER(i4) :: ji INTEGER(i4) :: jj !---------------------------------------------------------------- ! intialise il_pivot=-1 il_perio=-1 il_ew =-1 CALL logger_info("GRID GET INFO: look for "//TRIM(td_mpp%c_name)) ! copy structure tl_mpp=mpp_copy(td_mpp) ! select edge files CALL mpp_get_contour(tl_mpp) ! open mpp file to be used CALL iom_mpp_open(tl_mpp) IF( td_mpp%i_perio >= 0 .AND. td_mpp%i_perio <= 6 )THEN il_perio=td_mpp%i_perio ELSE ! look for attribute in mpp files il_attid=att_get_index(tl_mpp%t_proc(1)%t_att(:),'periodicity') IF( il_attid /= 0 )THEN il_perio=INT(tl_mpp%t_proc(1)%t_att(il_attid)%d_value(1),i4) ENDIF ENDIF IF( td_mpp%i_ew >= 0 )THEN il_ew=td_mpp%i_ew ELSE ! look for attribute in mpp files il_attid=att_get_index(tl_mpp%t_proc(1)%t_att(:),'ew_overlap') IF( il_attid /= 0 )THEN il_ew=INT(tl_mpp%t_proc(1)%t_att(il_attid)%d_value(1),i4) ENDIF ENDIF CALL logger_info("GRID GET INFO: perio "//TRIM(fct_str(il_perio))) SELECT CASE(il_perio) CASE(3,4) il_pivot=1 CASE(5,6) il_pivot=0 CASE(0,1,2) il_pivot=1 END SELECT IF( il_pivot < 0 .OR. il_pivot > 1 )THEN ! get pivot CALL logger_info("GRID GET INFO: look for pivot ") il_pivot=grid_get_pivot(tl_mpp) ENDIF IF( il_perio < 0 .OR. il_perio > 6 )THEN ! get periodicity CALL logger_info("GRID GET INFO: look for perio ") il_perio=grid_get_perio(tl_mpp, il_pivot) ENDIF IF( il_ew < 0 )THEN ! get periodicity CALL logger_info("GRID GET INFO: look for overlap ") il_ew=grid_get_ew_overlap(tl_mpp) ENDIF ! close CALL iom_mpp_close(tl_mpp) !save in mpp structure td_mpp%i_ew=il_ew td_mpp%i_pivot=il_pivot td_mpp%i_perio=il_perio ! save in variable of mpp structure IF( ASSOCIATED(td_mpp%t_proc) )THEN tl_att=att_init("ew_overlap",il_ew) DO jj=1,td_mpp%i_nproc DO ji=1,td_mpp%t_proc(jj)%i_nvar IF( td_mpp%t_proc(jj)%t_var(ji)%t_dim(jp_I)%l_use )THEN CALL var_move_att(td_mpp%t_proc(jj)%t_var(ji),tl_att) ENDIF ENDDO ENDDO ENDIF ! clean CALL mpp_clean(tl_mpp) CALL att_clean(tl_att) IF( td_mpp%i_perio == -1 )THEN CALL logger_fatal("GRID GET INFO: can not read or compute "//& & "domain periodicity from mpp "//TRIM(td_mpp%c_name)//"."//& & " you have to inform periodicity in namelist.") ENDIF END SUBROUTINE grid__get_info_mpp !------------------------------------------------------------------- !> @brief !> This function compute NEMO pivot point index of the input variable. !> - F-point : 0 !> - T-point : 1 !> !> @details !> check north points of latitude grid (indices jpj to jpj-3) depending on which grid point !> (T,F,U,V) variable is defined !> !> @note variable must be at least 2D variable, and should not be coordinate !> variable (i.e lon, lat) !> !> @warning !> - do not work with ORCA2 grid (T-point) !> !> @author J.Paul !> @date November, 2013 - Initial version !> @date September, 2014 !> - add dummy loop in case variable not over right point. !> @date October, 2014 !> - work on variable structure instead of file structure ! !> @param[in] td_lat latitude variable structure !> @param[in] td_var variable structure !> @return pivot point index !------------------------------------------------------------------- FUNCTION grid__get_pivot_var(td_var) IMPLICIT NONE ! Argument TYPE(TVAR), INTENT(IN) :: td_var ! function INTEGER(i4) :: grid__get_pivot_var ! local variable INTEGER(i4), DIMENSION(ip_maxdim) :: il_dim REAL(dp) , DIMENSION(:,:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: dl_value ! loop indices INTEGER(i4) :: jj !---------------------------------------------------------------- ! intitalise grid__get_pivot_var=-1 IF( .NOT. ASSOCIATED(td_var%d_value) .OR. & & .NOT. ALL(td_var%t_dim(1:2)%l_use) )THEN CALL logger_error("GRID GET PIVOT: can not compute pivot point"//& & " with variable "//TRIM(td_var%c_name)//"."//& & " no value associated or missing dimension.") ELSE il_dim(:)=td_var%t_dim(:)%i_len ALLOCATE(dl_value(il_dim(1),4,1,1)) ! extract value dl_value(:,:,:,:)=td_var%d_value( 1:il_dim(1), & & il_dim(2)-3:il_dim(2),& & 1:1, & & 1:1 ) SELECT CASE(TRIM(td_var%c_point)) CASE('T') grid__get_pivot_var=grid__get_pivot_varT(dl_value) CASE('U') grid__get_pivot_var=grid__get_pivot_varU(dl_value) CASE('V') grid__get_pivot_var=grid__get_pivot_varV(dl_value) CASE('F') grid__get_pivot_var=grid__get_pivot_varF(dl_value) END SELECT ! dummy loop in case variable not over right point ! (ex: nav_lon over U-point) IF( grid__get_pivot_var == -1 )THEN ! no pivot point found CALL logger_warn("GRID GET PIVOT: something wrong "//& & "when computing pivot point with variable "//& & TRIM(td_var%c_name)) DO jj=1,ip_npoint SELECT CASE(TRIM(cp_grid_point(jj))) CASE('T') CALL logger_debug("GRID GET PIVOT: check variable on point T") grid__get_pivot_var=grid__get_pivot_varT(dl_value) CASE('U') CALL logger_debug("GRID GET PIVOT: check variable on point U") grid__get_pivot_var=grid__get_pivot_varU(dl_value) CASE('V') CALL logger_debug("GRID GET PIVOT: check variable on point V") grid__get_pivot_var=grid__get_pivot_varV(dl_value) CASE('F') CALL logger_debug("GRID GET PIVOT: check variable on point F") grid__get_pivot_var=grid__get_pivot_varF(dl_value) END SELECT IF( grid__get_pivot_var /= -1 )THEN CALL logger_info("GRID GET PIVOT: variable "//& & TRIM(td_var%c_name)//" seems to be on grid point "//& & TRIM(cp_grid_point(jj)) ) EXIT ENDIF ENDDO ENDIF IF( grid__get_pivot_var == -1 )THEN CALL logger_warn("GRID GET PIVOT: not able to found pivot point. "//& & "Force to use pivot point T.") grid__get_pivot_var = 1 ENDIF ! clean DEALLOCATE(dl_value) ENDIF END FUNCTION grid__get_pivot_var !------------------------------------------------------------------- !> @brief !> This function compute NEMO pivot point index for variable on grid T. !> !> @details !> - F-point : 0 !> - T-point : 1 !> !> @note array of value must be only the top border of the domain. !> !> @author J.Paul !> @date October, 2014 - Initial version ! !> @param[in] dd_value array of value !> @return pivot point index !------------------------------------------------------------------- FUNCTION grid__get_pivot_varT(dd_value) IMPLICIT NONE ! Argument REAL(dp), DIMENSION(:,:,:,:), INTENT(IN) :: dd_value ! function INTEGER(i4) :: grid__get_pivot_varT ! local variable INTEGER(i4) :: il_midT INTEGER(i4) :: il_midF INTEGER(i4) :: it1 INTEGER(i4) :: it2 INTEGER(i4) :: jt1 INTEGER(i4) :: jt2 INTEGER(i4) :: if1 INTEGER(i4) :: if2 INTEGER(i4) :: jf1 INTEGER(i4) :: jf2 INTEGER(i4), DIMENSION(ip_maxdim) :: il_dim LOGICAL :: ll_check ! loop indices INTEGER(i4) :: ji !---------------------------------------------------------------- ! intitalise grid__get_pivot_varT=-1 il_dim(:)=SHAPE(dd_value(:,:,:,:)) ! T-point pivot !case of ORCA2, ORCA025, ORCA12 grid jt1=4 ; jt2=2 il_midT=il_dim(1)/2+1 ! F-point pivot !case of ORCA05 grid jf1=4 ; jf2=3 il_midF=il_dim(1)/2 ! check T-point pivot DO ji=2,il_midT ll_check=.TRUE. it1=ji it2=il_dim(1)-(ji-2) IF( dd_value(it1,jt1,1,1) /= dd_value(it2,jt2,1,1) )THEN ll_check=.FALSE. EXIT ENDIF ENDDO IF( ll_check )THEN CALL logger_info("GRID GET PIVOT: T-pivot") grid__get_pivot_varT=1 ELSE ! check F-point pivot DO ji=1,il_midF ll_check=.TRUE. if1=ji if2=il_dim(1)-(ji-1) IF( dd_value(if1,jf1,1,1) /= dd_value(if2,jf2,1,1) )THEN ll_check=.FALSE. EXIT ENDIF ENDDO IF( ll_check )THEN CALL logger_info("GRID GET PIVOT: F-pivot") grid__get_pivot_varT=0 ENDIF ENDIF END FUNCTION grid__get_pivot_varT !------------------------------------------------------------------- !> @brief !> This function compute NEMO pivot point index for variable on grid U. !> !> @details !> - F-point : 0 !> - T-point : 1 !> !> @note array of value must be only the top border of the domain. !> !> @author J.Paul !> @date October, 2014 - Initial version ! !> @param[in] dd_value array of value !> @return pivot point index !------------------------------------------------------------------- FUNCTION grid__get_pivot_varU(dd_value) IMPLICIT NONE ! Argument REAL(dp), DIMENSION(:,:,:,:), INTENT(IN) :: dd_value ! function INTEGER(i4) :: grid__get_pivot_varU ! local variable INTEGER(i4) :: il_midT INTEGER(i4) :: il_midF INTEGER(i4) :: it1 INTEGER(i4) :: it2 INTEGER(i4) :: jt1 INTEGER(i4) :: jt2 INTEGER(i4) :: if1 INTEGER(i4) :: if2 INTEGER(i4) :: jf1 INTEGER(i4) :: jf2 INTEGER(i4), DIMENSION(ip_maxdim) :: il_dim LOGICAL :: ll_check ! loop indices INTEGER(i4) :: ji !---------------------------------------------------------------- ! intitalise grid__get_pivot_varU=-1 il_dim(:)=SHAPE(dd_value(:,:,:,:)) ! T-point pivot !case of ORCA2, ORCA025, ORCA12 grid jt1=4 ; jt2=2 il_midT=il_dim(1)/2+1 ! F-point pivot !case of ORCA05 grid jf1=4 ; jf2=3 il_midF=il_dim(1)/2 ! check T-point pivot DO ji=1,il_midT ll_check=.TRUE. it1=ji it2=il_dim(1)-(ji-2) IF( dd_value(it1,jt1,1,1) /= dd_value(it2-1,jt2,1,1) )THEN ll_check=.FALSE. EXIT ENDIF ENDDO IF( ll_check )THEN CALL logger_info("GRID GET PIVOT: T-pivot") grid__get_pivot_varU=1 ELSE ! check F-point pivot DO ji=1,il_midF ll_check=.TRUE. if1=ji if2=il_dim(1)-(ji-1) IF( dd_value(if1,jf1,1,1) /= dd_value(if2-1,jf2,1,1) )THEN ll_check=.FALSE. EXIT ENDIF ENDDO IF( ll_check )THEN CALL logger_info("GRID GET PIVOT: F-pivot") grid__get_pivot_varU=0 ENDIF ENDIF END FUNCTION grid__get_pivot_varU !------------------------------------------------------------------- !> @brief !> This function compute NEMO pivot point index for variable on grid V. !> !> @details !> - F-point : 0 !> - T-point : 1 !> !> @note array of value must be only the top border of the domain. !> !> @author J.Paul !> @date October, 2014 - Initial version ! !> @param[in] dd_value array of value !> @return pivot point index !------------------------------------------------------------------- FUNCTION grid__get_pivot_varV(dd_value) IMPLICIT NONE ! Argument REAL(dp), DIMENSION(:,:,:,:), INTENT(IN) :: dd_value ! function INTEGER(i4) :: grid__get_pivot_varV ! local variable INTEGER(i4) :: il_midT INTEGER(i4) :: il_midF INTEGER(i4) :: it1 INTEGER(i4) :: it2 INTEGER(i4) :: jt1 INTEGER(i4) :: jt2 INTEGER(i4) :: if1 INTEGER(i4) :: if2 INTEGER(i4) :: jf1 INTEGER(i4) :: jf2 INTEGER(i4), DIMENSION(ip_maxdim) :: il_dim LOGICAL :: ll_check ! loop indices INTEGER(i4) :: ji !---------------------------------------------------------------- ! intitalise grid__get_pivot_varV=-1 il_dim(:)=SHAPE(dd_value(:,:,:,:)) ! T-point pivot !case of ORCA2, ORCA025, ORCA12 grid jt1=4 ; jt2=2 il_midT=il_dim(1)/2+1 ! F-point pivot !case of ORCA05 grid jf1=4 ; jf2=3 il_midF=il_dim(1)/2 ! check T-point pivot DO ji=2,il_midT ll_check=.TRUE. it1=ji it2=il_dim(1)-(ji-2) IF( dd_value(it1,jt1,1,1) /= dd_value(it2,jt2-1,1,1) )THEN ll_check=.FALSE. EXIT ENDIF ENDDO IF( ll_check )THEN CALL logger_info("GRID GET PIVOT: T-pivot") grid__get_pivot_varV=1 ELSE ! check F-point pivot DO ji=1,il_midF ll_check=.TRUE. if1=ji if2=il_dim(1)-(ji-1) IF( dd_value(if1,jf1,1,1) /= dd_value(if2,jf2-1,1,1) )THEN ll_check=.FALSE. EXIT ENDIF ENDDO IF( ll_check )THEN CALL logger_info("GRID GET PIVOT: F-pivot") grid__get_pivot_varV=0 ENDIF ENDIF END FUNCTION grid__get_pivot_varV !------------------------------------------------------------------- !> @brief !> This function compute NEMO pivot point index for variable on grid F. !> !> @details !> - F-point : 0 !> - T-point : 1 !> !> @note array of value must be only the top border of the domain. !> !> @author J.Paul !> @date October, 2014 - Initial version ! !> @param[in] dd_value array of value !> @return pivot point index !------------------------------------------------------------------- FUNCTION grid__get_pivot_varF(dd_value) IMPLICIT NONE ! Argument REAL(dp), DIMENSION(:,:,:,:), INTENT(IN) :: dd_value ! function INTEGER(i4) :: grid__get_pivot_varF ! local variable INTEGER(i4) :: il_midT INTEGER(i4) :: il_midF INTEGER(i4) :: it1 INTEGER(i4) :: it2 INTEGER(i4) :: jt1 INTEGER(i4) :: jt2 INTEGER(i4) :: if1 INTEGER(i4) :: if2 INTEGER(i4) :: jf1 INTEGER(i4) :: jf2 INTEGER(i4), DIMENSION(ip_maxdim) :: il_dim LOGICAL :: ll_check ! loop indices INTEGER(i4) :: ji !---------------------------------------------------------------- ! intitalise grid__get_pivot_varF=-1 il_dim(:)=SHAPE(dd_value(:,:,:,:)) ! T-point pivot !case of ORCA2, ORCA025, ORCA12 grid jt1=4 ; jt2=2 il_midT=il_dim(1)/2+1 ! F-point pivot !case of ORCA05 grid jf1=4 ; jf2=3 il_midF=il_dim(1)/2 ! check T-point pivot DO ji=1,il_midT ll_check=.TRUE. it1=ji it2=il_dim(1)-(ji-2) IF( dd_value(it1,jt1,1,1) /= dd_value(it2-1,jt2-1,1,1) )THEN ll_check=.FALSE. EXIT ENDIF ENDDO IF( ll_check )THEN CALL logger_info("GRID GET PIVOT: T-pivot") grid__get_pivot_varF=1 ELSE ! check F-point pivot DO ji=1,il_midF ll_check=.TRUE. if1=ji if2=il_dim(1)-(ji-1) IF( dd_value(if1,jf1,1,1) /= dd_value(if2-1,jf2-1,1,1) )THEN ll_check=.FALSE. EXIT ENDIF ENDDO IF( ll_check )THEN CALL logger_info("GRID GET PIVOT: F-pivot") grid__get_pivot_varF=0 ENDIF ENDIF END FUNCTION grid__get_pivot_varF !------------------------------------------------------------------- !> @brief !> This function compute NEMO pivot point index from input file variable. !> - F-point : 0 !> - T-point : 1 !> !> @details !> check north points of latitude grid (indices jpj to jpj-3) depending on which grid point !> (T,F,U,V) variable is defined !> !> @warning !> - do not work with ORCA2 grid (T-point) !> !> @author J.Paul !> @date Ocotber, 2014 - Initial version ! !> @param[in] td_file file structure !> @return pivot point index !------------------------------------------------------------------- FUNCTION grid__get_pivot_file(td_file) IMPLICIT NONE ! Argument TYPE(TFILE), INTENT(IN) :: td_file ! function INTEGER(i4) :: grid__get_pivot_file ! local variable INTEGER(i4) :: il_varid INTEGER(i4), DIMENSION(ip_maxdim) :: il_dim LOGICAL :: ll_north TYPE(TVAR) :: tl_var TYPE(TVAR) :: tl_lat ! loop indices INTEGER(i4) :: ji !---------------------------------------------------------------- ! intitalise grid__get_pivot_file=-1 ! look for north fold il_varid=var_get_index(td_file%t_var(:), 'latitude') IF( il_varid == 0 )THEN CALL logger_error("GRID GET PIVOT: no variable with name "//& & "or standard name latitude in file structure "//& & TRIM(td_file%c_name)) ENDIF IF( ASSOCIATED(td_file%t_var(il_varid)%d_value) )THEN tl_lat=var_copy(td_file%t_var(il_varid)) ELSE tl_lat=iom_read_var(td_file, 'latitude') ENDIF ll_north=grid_is_north_fold(tl_lat) ! clean CALL var_clean(tl_lat) IF( ll_north )THEN ! look for suitable variable DO ji=1,td_file%i_nvar IF( .NOT. ALL(td_file%t_var(ji)%t_dim(1:2)%l_use) ) CYCLE IF( ASSOCIATED(td_file%t_var(ji)%d_value) )THEN tl_var=var_copy(td_file%t_var(ji)) ELSE il_dim(:)=td_file%t_var(ji)%t_dim(:)%i_len tl_var=iom_read_var(td_file, & & td_file%t_var(ji)%c_name, & & id_start=(/1,il_dim(2)-3,1,1/), & & id_count=(/il_dim(1),4,1,1/) ) ENDIF ENDDO IF( ASSOCIATED(tl_var%d_value) )THEN grid__get_pivot_file=grid_get_pivot(tl_var) ENDIF ! clean CALL var_clean(tl_var) ELSE CALL logger_warn("GRID GET PIVOT: no north fold. force to use T-PIVOT") grid__get_pivot_file=1 ENDIF END FUNCTION grid__get_pivot_file !------------------------------------------------------------------- !> @brief !> This function compute NEMO pivot point index from input mpp variable. !> - F-point : 0 !> - T-point : 1 !> !> @details !> check north points of latitude grid (indices jpj to jpj-3) depending on which grid point !> (T,F,U,V) variable is defined !> !> @warning !> - do not work with ORCA2 grid (T-point) !> !> @author J.Paul !> @date October, 2014 - Initial version ! !> @param[in] td_mpp mpp file structure !> @return pivot point index !------------------------------------------------------------------- FUNCTION grid__get_pivot_mpp(td_mpp) IMPLICIT NONE ! Argument TYPE(TMPP), INTENT(IN) :: td_mpp ! function INTEGER(i4) :: grid__get_pivot_mpp ! local variable INTEGER(i4) :: il_varid INTEGER(i4), DIMENSION(ip_maxdim) :: il_dim LOGICAL :: ll_north TYPE(TVAR) :: tl_var TYPE(TVAR) :: tl_lat ! loop indices INTEGER(i4) :: ji !---------------------------------------------------------------- ! intitalise grid__get_pivot_mpp=-1 ! look for north fold il_varid=var_get_index(td_mpp%t_proc(1)%t_var(:), 'latitude') IF( il_varid == 0 )THEN CALL logger_error("GRID GET PIVOT: no variable with name "//& & "or standard name latitude in mpp structure "//& & TRIM(td_mpp%c_name)//". Assume there is north fold and "//& & "try to get pivot point") ll_north=.TRUE. ELSE IF( ASSOCIATED(td_mpp%t_proc(1)%t_var(il_varid)%d_value) )THEN ! tl_lat=mpp_recombine_var(td_mpp, 'latitude') ELSE tl_lat=iom_mpp_read_var(td_mpp, 'latitude') ENDIF ll_north=grid_is_north_fold(tl_lat) ENDIF IF( ll_north )THEN IF( ASSOCIATED(tl_lat%d_value) )THEN grid__get_pivot_mpp=grid_get_pivot(tl_lat) ELSE ! look for suitable variable DO ji=1,td_mpp%t_proc(1)%i_nvar IF(.NOT. ALL(td_mpp%t_proc(1)%t_var(ji)%t_dim(1:2)%l_use)) CYCLE IF( ASSOCIATED(td_mpp%t_proc(1)%t_var(ji)%d_value) )THEN CALL logger_debug("GRID GET PIVOT: mpp_recombine_var"//& & TRIM(td_mpp%t_proc(1)%t_var(ji)%c_name)) tl_var=mpp_recombine_var(td_mpp, & & TRIM(td_mpp%t_proc(1)%t_var(ji)%c_name)) ELSE CALL logger_debug("GRID GET PIVOT: iom_mpp_read_var "//& & TRIM(td_mpp%t_proc(1)%t_var(ji)%c_name)) il_dim(:)=td_mpp%t_dim(:)%i_len ! read variable tl_var=iom_mpp_read_var(td_mpp, & & td_mpp%t_proc(1)%t_var(ji)%c_name, & & id_start=(/1,il_dim(2)-3,1,1/), & & id_count=(/il_dim(1),4,1,1/) ) ENDIF EXIT ENDDO IF( ASSOCIATED(tl_var%d_value) )THEN grid__get_pivot_mpp=grid_get_pivot(tl_var) ELSE CALL logger_warn("GRID GET PIVOT: force to use T-PIVOT") grid__get_pivot_mpp=1 ENDIF ! clean CALL var_clean(tl_var) ENDIF ELSE CALL logger_warn("GRID GET PIVOT: no north fold. force to use T-PIVOT") grid__get_pivot_mpp=1 ENDIF CALL var_clean(tl_lat) END FUNCTION grid__get_pivot_mpp !------------------------------------------------------------------- !> @brief !> This subroutine search NEMO periodicity index given variable structure and !> pivot point index. !> @details !> The variable must be on T point. !> !> 0: closed boundaries !> 1: cyclic east-west boundary !> 2: symmetric boundary condition across the equator !> 3: North fold boundary (with a T-point pivot) !> 4: North fold boundary (with a T-point pivot) and cyclic east-west boundary !> 5: North fold boundary (with a F-point pivot) !> 6: North fold boundary (with a F-point pivot) and cyclic east-west boundary !> !> @warning pivot point should have been computed before run this script. see grid_get_pivot. !> !> @author J.Paul !> @date November, 2013 - Initial version !> @date October, 2014 !> - work on variable structure instead of file structure ! !> @param[in] td_var variable structure !> @param[in] id_pivot pivot point index !------------------------------------------------------------------- FUNCTION grid__get_perio_var(td_var, id_pivot) IMPLICIT NONE ! Argument TYPE(TVAR) , INTENT(IN) :: td_var INTEGER(i4), INTENT(IN) :: id_pivot ! function INTEGER(i4) :: grid__get_perio_var ! local variable INTEGER(i4) :: il_perio INTEGER(i4), DIMENSION(ip_maxdim) :: il_dim ! loop indices !---------------------------------------------------------------- ! intitalise grid__get_perio_var=-1 IF( id_pivot < 0 .OR. id_pivot > 1 )THEN CALL logger_error("GRID GET PERIO: invalid pivot point index. "//& & "you should use grid_get_pivot to compute it") ENDIF IF( .NOT. ASSOCIATED(td_var%d_value) .OR. & & .NOT. ALL(td_var%t_dim(1:2)%l_use) )THEN CALL logger_error("GRID GET PERIO: can not compute periodicity"//& & " with variable "//TRIM(td_var%c_name)//"."//& & " no value associated or missing dimension.") ELSE il_dim(:)=td_var%t_dim(:)%i_len CALL logger_debug("GRID GET PERIO: use varibale "//TRIM(td_var%c_name)) CALL logger_debug("GRID GET PERIO: fill value "//TRIM(fct_str(td_var%d_fill))) CALL logger_debug("GRID GET PERIO: first value "//TRIM(fct_str(td_var%d_value(1,1,1,1)))) IF(ALL(td_var%d_value( 1 , : ,1,1)/=td_var%d_fill).AND.& & ALL(td_var%d_value(il_dim(1), : ,1,1)/=td_var%d_fill).AND.& & ALL(td_var%d_value( : , 1 ,1,1)/=td_var%d_fill).AND.& & ALL(td_var%d_value( : ,il_dim(2),1,1)/=td_var%d_fill))THEN ! no boundary closed CALL logger_error("GRID GET PERIO: can't determined periodicity. "//& & "there is no boundary closed for variable "//& & TRIM(td_var%c_name) ) ! check pivot SELECT CASE(id_pivot) CASE(0) ! F pivot CALL logger_warn("GRID GET PERIO: assume domain is global") grid__get_perio_var=6 CASE(1) ! T pivot CALL logger_warn("GRID GET PERIO: assume domain is global") grid__get_perio_var=4 END SELECT ELSE il_perio=-1 ! check periodicity IF(ANY(td_var%d_value( 1 ,:,1,1)/=td_var%d_fill).OR.& & ANY(td_var%d_value(il_dim(1),:,1,1)/=td_var%d_fill))THEN ! East-West cyclic (1,4,6) IF( ANY(td_var%d_value(:, 1, 1, 1) /= td_var%d_fill) )THEN ! South boundary not closed CALL logger_debug("GRID GET PERIO: East_West cyclic") CALL logger_debug("GRID GET PERIO: South boundary not closed") CALL logger_error("GRID GET PERIO: should have been an "//& & "impossible case") ELSE ! South boundary closed (1,4,6) CALL logger_info("GRID GET PERIO: South boundary closed") IF(ANY(td_var%d_value(:,il_dim(2),1,1)/=td_var%d_fill) )THEN ! North boundary not closed (4,6) CALL logger_info("GRID GET PERIO: North boundary not closed") ! check pivot SELECT CASE(id_pivot) CASE(0) ! F pivot il_perio=6 CASE(1) ! T pivot il_perio=4 CASE DEFAULT CALL logger_error("GRID GET PERIO: invalid pivot ") END SELECT ELSE ! North boundary closed CALL logger_info("GRID GET PERIO: North boundary closed") il_perio=1 ! North and South boundaries closed ENDIF ENDIF ELSE ! East-West boundaries closed (0,2,3,5) CALL logger_info("GRID GET PERIO: East West boundaries closed") IF( ANY(td_var%d_value(:, 1, 1, 1) /= td_var%d_fill) )THEN ! South boundary not closed (2) CALL logger_info("GRID GET PERIO: South boundary not closed") IF(ANY(td_var%d_value(:,il_dim(2),1,1)/=td_var%d_fill))THEN ! North boundary not closed CALL logger_debug("GRID GET PERIO: East West boundaries "//& & "closed") CALL logger_debug("GRID GET PERIO: South boundary not closed") CALL logger_debug("GRID GET PERIO: North boundary not closed") CALL logger_error("GRID GET PERIO: should have been "//& & "an impossible case") ELSE ! North boundary closed il_perio=2 ! East-West and North boundaries closed ENDIF ELSE ! South boundary closed (0,3,5) CALL logger_info("GRID GET PERIO: South boundary closed") IF(ANY(td_var%d_value(:,il_dim(2),1,1)/=td_var%d_fill))THEN ! North boundary not closed (3,5) CALL logger_info("GRID GET PERIO: North boundary not closed") ! check pivot SELECT CASE(id_pivot) CASE(0) ! F pivot il_perio=5 CASE(1) ! T pivot il_perio=3 CASE DEFAULT CALL logger_error("GRID GET PERIO: invalid pivot") END SELECT ELSE ! North boundary closed CALL logger_info("GRID GET PERIO: North boundary closed") il_perio=0 ! all boundary closed ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF grid__get_perio_var=il_perio ENDIF ENDIF END FUNCTION grid__get_perio_var !------------------------------------------------------------------- !> @brief !> This subroutine search NEMO periodicity index given file structure, and !> optionaly pivot point index. !> @details !> The variable used must be on T point. !> !> 0: closed boundaries !> 1: cyclic east-west boundary !> 2: symmetric boundary condition across the equator !> 3: North fold boundary (with a F-point pivot) !> 4: North fold boundary (with a F-point pivot) and cyclic east-west boundary !> 5: North fold boundary (with a T-point pivot) !> 6: North fold boundary (with a T-point pivot) and cyclic east-west boundary !> !> @warning pivot point should have been computed before run this script. see grid_get_pivot. !> !> @author J.Paul !> @date October, 2014 - Initial version !> !> @param[in] td_file file structure !> @param[in] id_pivot pivot point index !------------------------------------------------------------------- FUNCTION grid__get_perio_file(td_file, id_pivot) IMPLICIT NONE ! Argument TYPE(TFILE), INTENT(IN) :: td_file INTEGER(i4), INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: id_pivot ! function INTEGER(i4) :: grid__get_perio_file ! local variable INTEGER(i4) :: il_varid INTEGER(i4) :: il_pivot INTEGER(i4), DIMENSION(ip_maxdim) :: il_dim TYPE(TVAR) :: tl_var ! loop indices INTEGER(i4) :: ji !---------------------------------------------------------------- !initialise grid__get_perio_file=-1 IF(PRESENT(id_pivot) )THEN il_pivot=id_pivot ELSE il_pivot=grid_get_pivot(td_file) ENDIF IF( il_pivot < 0 .OR. il_pivot > 1 )THEN CALL logger_error("GRID GET PERIO: invalid pivot point index. "//& & "you should use grid_get_pivot to compute it") ENDIF ! look for suitable variable il_varid=0 DO ji=1,td_file%i_nvar IF( .NOT. ALL(td_file%t_var(ji)%t_dim(1:2)%l_use) ) CYCLE SELECT CASE(TRIM(fct_lower(td_file%t_var(ji)%c_stdname)) ) CASE('longitude','latitude') CASE DEFAULT il_varid=ji EXIT END SELECT ENDDO IF( il_varid==0 )THEN CALL logger_error("GRID GET PERIO: no suitable variable to compute "//& & " periodicity in file "//TRIM(td_file%c_name)) ELSE il_dim(:)= td_file%t_var(il_varid)%t_dim(:)%i_len ! read variable tl_var=iom_read_var(td_file, & & td_file%t_var(il_varid)%c_name, & & id_start=(/1,1,1,1/), & & id_count=(/il_dim(1),il_dim(2),1,1/) ) grid__get_perio_file=grid_get_perio(tl_var,il_pivot) ! clean CALL var_clean(tl_var) ENDIF END FUNCTION grid__get_perio_file !------------------------------------------------------------------- !> @brief !> This subroutine search NEMO periodicity given mpp structure and optionaly !> pivot point index. !> @details !> The variable used must be on T point. !> !> 0: closed boundaries !> 1: cyclic east-west boundary !> 2: symmetric boundary condition across the equator !> 3: North fold boundary (with a T-point pivot) !> 4: North fold boundary (with a T-point pivot) and cyclic east-west boundary !> 5: North fold boundary (with a F-point pivot) !> 6: North fold boundary (with a F-point pivot) and cyclic east-west boundary !> !> @warning pivot point should have been computed before run this script. see grid_get_pivot. !> !> @author J.Paul !> @date October, 2014 - Initial version ! !> @param[in] td_mpp mpp file structure !> @param[in] id_pivot pivot point index !------------------------------------------------------------------- FUNCTION grid__get_perio_mpp(td_mpp, id_pivot) IMPLICIT NONE ! Argument TYPE(TMPP) , INTENT(IN) :: td_mpp INTEGER(i4), INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: id_pivot ! function INTEGER(i4) :: grid__get_perio_mpp ! local variable INTEGER(i4) :: il_varid INTEGER(i4) :: il_pivot INTEGER(i4), DIMENSION(ip_maxdim) :: il_dim TYPE(TVAR) :: tl_var ! loop indices INTEGER(i4) :: ji !---------------------------------------------------------------- ! initialise grid__get_perio_mpp=-1 IF(PRESENT(id_pivot) )THEN il_pivot=id_pivot ELSE il_pivot=grid_get_pivot(td_mpp) ENDIF IF( il_pivot < 0 .OR. il_pivot > 1 )THEN CALL logger_error("GRID GET PERIO: invalid pivot point index. "//& & "you should use grid_get_pivot to compute it") ENDIF ! look for suitable variable il_varid=0 DO ji=1,td_mpp%t_proc(1)%i_nvar IF( .NOT. ALL(td_mpp%t_proc(1)%t_var(ji)%t_dim(1:2)%l_use) ) CYCLE SELECT CASE(TRIM(fct_lower(td_mpp%t_proc(1)%t_var(ji)%c_stdname)) ) CASE('longitude','latitude') CASE DEFAULT il_varid=ji EXIT END SELECT ENDDO IF( il_varid==0 )THEN CALL logger_error("GRID GET PERIO: no suitable variable to compute "//& & " periodicity in file "//TRIM(td_mpp%c_name)) ELSE DO ji=1,ip_maxdim IF( td_mpp%t_proc(1)%t_var(il_varid)%t_dim(ji)%l_use )THEN il_dim(ji)=td_mpp%t_dim(ji)%i_len ELSE il_dim(ji)=1 ENDIF ENDDO ! read variable tl_var=iom_mpp_read_var(td_mpp, & & td_mpp%t_proc(1)%t_var(il_varid)%c_name, & & id_start=(/1,1,1,1/), & & id_count=(/il_dim(1),il_dim(2),1,1/) ) grid__get_perio_mpp=grid_get_perio(tl_var, il_pivot) ! clean CALL var_clean(tl_var) ENDIF END FUNCTION grid__get_perio_mpp !------------------------------------------------------------------- !> @brief This function get East-West overlap. ! !> @details !> If no East-West wrap return -1, !> else return the size of the ovarlap band. !> East-West overlap is computed comparing longitude value of the !> South part of the domain, to avoid north fold boundary. !> ! !> @author J.Paul !> @date November, 2013 - Initial Version !> @date October, 2014 !> - work on mpp file structure instead of file structure !> @date October, 2016 !> - check longitude as longname !> !> @param[in] td_lon longitude variable structure !> @return East West overlap !------------------------------------------------------------------- FUNCTION grid__get_ew_overlap_var(td_var) IMPLICIT NONE ! Argument TYPE(TVAR), INTENT(INOUT) :: td_var ! function INTEGER(i4) :: grid__get_ew_overlap_var ! local variable REAL(dp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: dl_value REAL(dp), DIMENSION(:) , ALLOCATABLE :: dl_vare REAL(dp), DIMENSION(:) , ALLOCATABLE :: dl_varw REAL(dp) :: dl_delta REAL(dp) :: dl_varmax REAL(dp) :: dl_varmin INTEGER(i4) :: il_east INTEGER(i4) :: il_west INTEGER(i4) :: il_jmin INTEGER(i4) :: il_jmax INTEGER(i4), PARAMETER :: il_max_overlap = 5 ! loop indices INTEGER(i4) :: ji !---------------------------------------------------------------- ! initialise grid__get_ew_overlap_var=-1 IF( ASSOCIATED(td_var%d_value) )THEN IF( td_var%t_dim(1)%i_len > 1 )THEN il_west=1 il_east=td_var%t_dim(1)%i_len ALLOCATE( dl_value(td_var%t_dim(1)%i_len, & & td_var%t_dim(2)%i_len) ) dl_value(:,:)=td_var%d_value(:,:,1,1) ! we do not use jmax as dimension length due to north fold boundary il_jmin=1+ip_ghost il_jmax=(td_var%t_dim(2)%i_len-ip_ghost)/2 ALLOCATE( dl_vare(il_jmax-il_jmin+1) ) ALLOCATE( dl_varw(il_jmax-il_jmin+1) ) dl_vare(:)=dl_value(il_east,il_jmin:il_jmax) dl_varw(:)=dl_value(il_west,il_jmin:il_jmax) IF( .NOT.( ALL(dl_vare(:)==td_var%d_fill) .AND. & & ALL(dl_varw(:)==td_var%d_fill) ) )THEN IF( TRIM(td_var%c_stdname) == 'longitude' .OR. & & SCAN( TRIM(td_var%c_longname), 'longitude') == 0 )THEN WHERE( dl_value(:,:) > 180._dp .AND. & & dl_value(:,:) /= td_var%d_fill ) dl_value(:,:)=360.-dl_value(:,:) END WHERE dl_varmax=MAXVAL(dl_value(:,il_jmin:il_jmax)) dl_varmin=MINVAL(dl_value(:,il_jmin:il_jmax)) dl_delta=(dl_varmax-dl_varmin)/td_var%t_dim(1)%i_len IF( ALL(ABS(dl_vare(:)) - ABS(dl_varw(:)) == dl_delta) )THEN grid__get_ew_overlap_var=0 ENDIF ENDIF IF( grid__get_ew_overlap_var == -1 )THEN DO ji=0,il_max_overlap IF( il_east-ji == il_west )THEN ! case of small domain EXIT ELSE dl_vare(:)=dl_value(il_east-ji,il_jmin:il_jmax) IF( ALL( dl_varw(:) == dl_vare(:) ) )THEN grid__get_ew_overlap_var=ji+1 EXIT ENDIF ENDIF ENDDO ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF ELSE CALL logger_error("GRID GET EW OVERLAP: input variable standard name"//& & TRIM(td_var%c_stdname)//" can not be used to compute East West "//& & "overalp. no value associated. ") ENDIF END FUNCTION grid__get_ew_overlap_var !------------------------------------------------------------------- !> @brief This function get East-West overlap. ! !> @details !> If no East-West wrap return -1, !> else return the size of the ovarlap band. !> East-West overlap is computed comparing longitude value of the !> South part of the domain, to avoid north fold boundary. !> !> @author J.Paul !> @date October, 2014 - Initial Version !> @date October, 2016 !> - check varid for longitude_T !> !> @param[in] td_file file structure !> @return East West overlap !------------------------------------------------------------------- FUNCTION grid__get_ew_overlap_file(td_file) IMPLICIT NONE ! Argument TYPE(TFILE), INTENT(INOUT) :: td_file ! function INTEGER(i4) :: grid__get_ew_overlap_file ! local variable INTEGER(i4) :: il_varid TYPE(TVAR) :: tl_var ! loop indices INTEGER(i4) :: ji !---------------------------------------------------------------- il_varid=var_get_id(td_file%t_var(:), 'longitude', 'longitude_T') IF( il_varid /= 0 )THEN ! read longitude on boundary tl_var=iom_read_var(td_file, il_varid) ELSE DO ji=1,td_file%i_nvar IF( .NOT. ALL(td_file%t_var(ji)%t_dim(1:2)%l_use) ) CYCLE tl_var=iom_read_var(td_file, td_file%t_var(ji)%c_name) EXIT ENDDO ENDIF grid__get_ew_overlap_file=grid_get_ew_overlap(tl_var) ! clean CALL var_clean(tl_var) END FUNCTION grid__get_ew_overlap_file !------------------------------------------------------------------- !> @brief This function get East-West overlap. ! !> @details !> If no East-West wrap return -1, !> else return the size of the ovarlap band. !> East-West overlap is computed comparing longitude value of the !> South part of the domain, to avoid north fold boundary. !> ! !> @author J.Paul !> @date November, 2013 - Initial Version !> @date October, 2014 !> - work on mpp file structure instead of file structure !> @date October, 2016 !> - check varid for longitude_T !> !> @param[in] td_mpp mpp structure !> @return East West overlap !------------------------------------------------------------------- FUNCTION grid__get_ew_overlap_mpp(td_mpp) IMPLICIT NONE ! Argument TYPE(TMPP), INTENT(INOUT) :: td_mpp ! function INTEGER(i4) :: grid__get_ew_overlap_mpp ! local variable INTEGER(i4) :: il_ew INTEGER(i4) :: il_varid TYPE(TVAR) :: tl_var ! loop indices INTEGER(i4) :: ji !---------------------------------------------------------------- ! initialise grid__get_ew_overlap_mpp=td_mpp%i_ew ! read longitude on boundary il_varid=var_get_id(td_mpp%t_proc(1)%t_var(:),'longitude', 'longitude_T') IF( il_varid /= 0 )THEN tl_var=iom_mpp_read_var(td_mpp, il_varid) ELSE DO ji=1,td_mpp%t_proc(1)%i_nvar IF( .NOT. ALL(td_mpp%t_proc(1)%t_var(ji)%t_dim(1:2)%l_use) ) CYCLE tl_var=iom_mpp_read_var(td_mpp, td_mpp%t_proc(1)%t_var(ji)%c_name) EXIT ENDDO ENDIF il_ew=grid_get_ew_overlap(tl_var) IF( il_ew >= 0 )THEN grid__get_ew_overlap_mpp=il_ew ENDIF ! clean CALL var_clean(tl_var) END FUNCTION grid__get_ew_overlap_mpp !------------------------------------------------------------------- !> @brief This subroutine check if there is north fold. !> !> @details !> check if maximum latitude greater than 88°N !> !> @author J.Paul !> @date November, 2013 - Initial Version !> !> @param[in] td_lat latitude variable structure !------------------------------------------------------------------- LOGICAL FUNCTION grid_is_north_fold(td_lat) IMPLICIT NONE ! Argument TYPE(TVAR), INTENT(IN) :: td_lat ! local variable ! loop indices !---------------------------------------------------------------- ! init grid_is_north_fold=.FALSE. IF( .NOT. ASSOCIATED(td_lat%d_value) )THEN CALL logger_error("GRID IS NORTH FOLD: "//& & " no value associated to latitude") ELSE IF( MAXVAL(td_lat%d_value(:,:,:,:), & & td_lat%d_value(:,:,:,:)/= td_lat%d_fill) >= 88.0 )THEN grid_is_north_fold=.TRUE. ENDIF ENDIF END FUNCTION grid_is_north_fold !------------------------------------------------------------------- !> @brief This subroutine check domain validity. ! !> @details !> If maximum latitude greater than 88°N, program will stop. !> @note Not able to manage north fold for now. ! !> @author J.Paul !> @date November, 2013 - Initial Version !> @date October, 2014 !> - work on mpp file structure instead of file structure ! !> @param[in] cd_coord coordinate file !> @param[in] id_imin i-direction lower left point indice !> @param[in] id_imax i-direction upper right point indice !> @param[in] id_jmin j-direction lower left point indice !> @param[in] id_jmax j-direction upper right point indice !------------------------------------------------------------------- SUBROUTINE grid_check_dom(td_coord, id_imin, id_imax, id_jmin, id_jmax) IMPLICIT NONE ! Argument TYPE(TMPP) , INTENT(IN) :: td_coord INTEGER(i4), INTENT(IN) :: id_imin INTEGER(i4), INTENT(IN) :: id_imax INTEGER(i4), INTENT(IN) :: id_jmin INTEGER(i4), INTENT(IN) :: id_jmax ! local variable TYPE(TVAR) :: tl_var TYPE(TMPP) :: tl_coord TYPE(TDOM) :: tl_dom ! loop indices !---------------------------------------------------------------- IF( id_jmin > id_jmax .OR. id_jmax == 0 )THEN CALL logger_fatal("GRID CHECK DOM: invalid domain. "//& & "can not create configuration with north pole.") ELSE IF( id_imin == id_imax .AND. td_coord%i_ew < 0 )THEN CALL logger_fatal("GRID CHECK DOM: invalid domain."//& & " can not create east-west cyclic fine grid"//& & " inside closed coarse grid") ENDIF ! copy structure tl_coord=mpp_copy(td_coord) ! compute domain tl_dom=dom_init( tl_coord, & & id_imin, id_imax,& & id_jmin, id_jmax ) ! open mpp files to be used CALL iom_dom_open(tl_coord, tl_dom) ! read variable value on domain tl_var=iom_dom_read_var(tl_coord,'latitude',tl_dom) ! close mpp files CALL iom_dom_close(tl_coord) ! clean structure CALL mpp_clean(tl_coord) IF( MAXVAL(tl_var%d_value(:,:,:,:), & & tl_var%d_value(:,:,:,:)/= tl_var%d_fill) >= 88.0 )THEN CALL logger_debug("GRID CHECK DOM: max latitude "//& & TRIM(fct_str(MAXVAL(tl_var%d_value(:,:,:,:)))) ) CALL logger_fatal("GRID CHECK DOM: invalid domain. "//& & "can not create configuration too close from north pole.") ENDIF ! clean CALL dom_clean(tl_dom) CALL var_clean(tl_var) ENDIF END SUBROUTINE grid_check_dom !------------------------------------------------------------------- !> @brief This function get closest coarse grid indices of fine grid domain. ! !> @details !> it use coarse and fine grid coordinates files. !> optionally, you could specify the array of refinment factor (default 1.) !> optionally, you could specify on which Arakawa grid point you want to !> work (default 'T') !> !> @author J.Paul !> @date November, 2013 - Initial Version !> @date September, 2014 !> - use grid point to read coordinates variable. !> @date October, 2014 !> - work on mpp file structure instead of file structure !> @date February, 2015 !> - use longitude or latitude as standard name, if can not find !> longitude_T, latitude_T... !> !> @param[in] td_coord0 coarse grid coordinate mpp structure !> @param[in] td_coord1 fine grid coordinate mpp structure !> @param[in] id_rho array of refinment factor (default 1.) !> @param[in] cd_point Arakawa grid point (default 'T'). !> @return coarse grid indices(/(/imin0, imax0/), (/jmin0, jmax0/)/) !> !------------------------------------------------------------------- FUNCTION grid__get_coarse_index_ff( td_coord0, td_coord1, & & id_rho, cd_point ) IMPLICIT NONE ! Argument TYPE(TMPP) , INTENT(IN) :: td_coord0 TYPE(TMPP) , INTENT(IN) :: td_coord1 INTEGER(i4) , DIMENSION(:), INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: id_rho CHARACTER(LEN=*) , INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: cd_point ! function INTEGER(i4), DIMENSION(2,2) :: grid__get_coarse_index_ff ! local variable CHARACTER(LEN= 1) :: cl_point CHARACTER(LEN=lc) :: cl_name INTEGER(i4) :: il_imin0 INTEGER(i4) :: il_imax0 INTEGER(i4) :: il_jmin0 INTEGER(i4) :: il_jmax0 INTEGER(i4) :: il_ind INTEGER(i4), DIMENSION(2,2) :: il_xghost0 INTEGER(i4), DIMENSION(2,2) :: il_xghost1 INTEGER(i4), DIMENSION(:) , ALLOCATABLE :: il_rho TYPE(TVAR) :: tl_lon0 TYPE(TVAR) :: tl_lat0 TYPE(TVAR) :: tl_lon1 TYPE(TVAR) :: tl_lat1 TYPE(TMPP) :: tl_coord0 TYPE(TMPP) :: tl_coord1 ! loop indices !---------------------------------------------------------------- ! init grid__get_coarse_index_ff(:,:)=0 ALLOCATE(il_rho(ip_maxdim)) il_rho(:)=1 IF( PRESENT(id_rho) ) il_rho(:)=id_rho(:) cl_point='T' IF( PRESENT(cd_point) ) cl_point=TRIM(fct_upper(cd_point)) ! copy structure tl_coord0=mpp_copy(td_coord0) tl_coord1=mpp_copy(td_coord1) IF( .NOT. ASSOCIATED(tl_coord0%t_proc) .OR. & & .NOT. ASSOCIATED(tl_coord1%t_proc) )THEN CALL logger_error("GRID GET COARSE INDEX: can not get coarse "//& & "grid indices. decompsition of mpp file "//TRIM(tl_coord0%c_name)//& & " and/or "//TRIM(tl_coord1%c_name)//" not defined." ) ELSE ! Coarse grid ! get ghost cell factor on coarse grid il_xghost0(:,:)=grid_get_ghost( tl_coord0 ) ! open mpp files CALL iom_mpp_open(tl_coord0) ! read coarse longitue and latitude WRITE(cl_name,*) 'longitude_'//TRIM(cl_point) il_ind=var_get_id(tl_coord0%t_proc(1)%t_var(:), cl_name) IF( il_ind == 0 )THEN CALL logger_warn("GRID GET COARSE INDEX: no variable "//& & TRIM(cl_name)//" in file "//TRIM(tl_coord0%c_name)//". & & try to use longitude.") WRITE(cl_name,*) 'longitude' ENDIF tl_lon0=iom_mpp_read_var(tl_coord0, TRIM(cl_name)) WRITE(cl_name,*) 'latitude_'//TRIM(cl_point) il_ind=var_get_id(tl_coord0%t_proc(1)%t_var(:), cl_name) IF( il_ind == 0 )THEN CALL logger_warn("GRID GET COARSE INDEX: no variable "//& & TRIM(cl_name)//" in file "//TRIM(tl_coord0%c_name)//". & & try to use latitude.") WRITE(cl_name,*) 'latitude' ENDIF tl_lat0=iom_mpp_read_var(tl_coord0, TRIM(cl_name)) CALL grid_del_ghost(tl_lon0, il_xghost0(:,:)) CALL grid_del_ghost(tl_lat0, il_xghost0(:,:)) ! close mpp files CALL iom_mpp_close(tl_coord0) ! Fine grid ! get ghost cell factor on fine grid il_xghost1(:,:)=grid_get_ghost( tl_coord1 ) ! open mpp files CALL iom_mpp_open(tl_coord1) ! read fine longitue and latitude WRITE(cl_name,*) 'longitude_'//TRIM(cl_point) il_ind=var_get_id(tl_coord1%t_proc(1)%t_var(:), cl_name) IF( il_ind == 0 )THEN CALL logger_warn("GRID GET COARSE INDEX: no variable "//& & TRIM(cl_name)//" in file "//TRIM(tl_coord1%c_name)//". & & try to use longitude.") WRITE(cl_name,*) 'longitude' ENDIF tl_lon1=iom_mpp_read_var(tl_coord1, TRIM(cl_name)) WRITE(cl_name,*) 'latitude_'//TRIM(cl_point) il_ind=var_get_id(tl_coord1%t_proc(1)%t_var(:), cl_name) IF( il_ind == 0 )THEN CALL logger_warn("GRID GET COARSE INDEX: no variable "//& & TRIM(cl_name)//" in file "//TRIM(tl_coord1%c_name)//". & & try to use latitude.") WRITE(cl_name,*) 'latitude' ENDIF tl_lat1=iom_mpp_read_var(tl_coord1, TRIM(cl_name)) CALL grid_del_ghost(tl_lon1, il_xghost1(:,:)) CALL grid_del_ghost(tl_lat1, il_xghost1(:,:)) ! close mpp files CALL iom_mpp_close(tl_coord1) ! compute grid__get_coarse_index_ff(:,:)=grid_get_coarse_index(tl_lon0,tl_lat0,& & tl_lon1,tl_lat1,& & il_rho(:) ) ! add ghost cell to indices il_imin0=grid__get_coarse_index_ff(1,1)+il_xghost0(jp_I,1)*ip_ghost il_imax0=grid__get_coarse_index_ff(1,2)+il_xghost0(jp_I,1)*ip_ghost il_jmin0=grid__get_coarse_index_ff(2,1)+il_xghost0(jp_J,1)*ip_ghost il_jmax0=grid__get_coarse_index_ff(2,2)+il_xghost0(jp_J,1)*ip_ghost grid__get_coarse_index_ff(jp_I,1)=il_imin0 grid__get_coarse_index_ff(jp_I,2)=il_imax0 grid__get_coarse_index_ff(jp_J,1)=il_jmin0 grid__get_coarse_index_ff(jp_J,2)=il_jmax0 CALL var_clean(tl_lon0) CALL var_clean(tl_lat0) CALL var_clean(tl_lon1) CALL var_clean(tl_lat1) ENDIF ! clean CALL mpp_clean(tl_coord0) CALL mpp_clean(tl_coord1) DEALLOCATE(il_rho) END FUNCTION grid__get_coarse_index_ff !------------------------------------------------------------------- !> @brief This function get closest coarse grid indices of fine grid domain. ! !> @details !> it use coarse array of longitude and latitude and fine grid coordinates file. !> optionaly, you could specify the array of refinment factor (default 1.) !> optionally, you could specify on which Arakawa grid point you want to !> work (default 'T') !> !> @author J.Paul !> @date November, 2013 - Initial Version !> @date September, 2014 !> - use grid point to read coordinates variable. !> @date October, 2014 !> - work on mpp file structure instead of file structure !> @date February, 2015 !> - use longitude or latitude as standard name, if can not find !> longitude_T, latitude_T... !> !> @param[in] td_longitude0 coarse grid longitude !> @param[in] td_latitude0 coarse grid latitude !> @param[in] td_coord1 fine grid coordinate mpp structure !> @param[in] id_rho array of refinment factor !> @param[in] cd_point Arakawa grid point (default 'T') !> @return coarse grid indices (/(/imin0, imax0/), (/jmin0, jmax0/)/) !------------------------------------------------------------------- FUNCTION grid__get_coarse_index_cf( td_lon0, td_lat0, td_coord1, & & id_rho, cd_point ) IMPLICIT NONE ! Argument TYPE(TVAR ) , INTENT(IN) :: td_lon0 TYPE(TVAR ) , INTENT(IN) :: td_lat0 TYPE(TMPP ) , INTENT(IN) :: td_coord1 INTEGER(i4) , DIMENSION(:), INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: id_rho CHARACTER(LEN=*) , INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: cd_point ! function INTEGER(i4), DIMENSION(2,2) :: grid__get_coarse_index_cf ! local variable CHARACTER(LEN= 1) :: cl_point CHARACTER(LEN=lc) :: cl_name INTEGER(i4) :: il_ind INTEGER(i4), DIMENSION(:) , ALLOCATABLE :: il_rho INTEGER(i4), DIMENSION(2,2) :: il_xghost TYPE(TVAR) :: tl_lon1 TYPE(TVAR) :: tl_lat1 TYPE(TMPP) :: tl_coord1 ! loop indices !---------------------------------------------------------------- ! init grid__get_coarse_index_cf(:,:)=0 ALLOCATE(il_rho(ip_maxdim) ) il_rho(:)=1 IF( PRESENT(id_rho) ) il_rho(:)=id_rho(:) ! copy structure tl_coord1=mpp_copy(td_coord1) cl_point='T' IF( PRESENT(cd_point) ) cl_point=TRIM(fct_upper(cd_point)) IF( .NOT. ASSOCIATED(tl_coord1%t_proc) )THEN CALL logger_error("GRID GET COARSE INDEX: decompsition of mpp "//& & "file "//TRIM(tl_coord1%c_name)//" not defined." ) ELSE IF( .NOT. ASSOCIATED(td_lon0%d_value) .OR. & & .NOT. ASSOCIATED(td_lat0%d_value) )THEN CALL logger_error("GRID GET COARSE INDEX: some coarse grid"//& & " coordinate value are not associated.") ELSE IF( TRIM(td_lon0%c_point)/='' )THEN cl_point=TRIM(td_lon0%c_point) ELSEIF( TRIM(td_lat0%c_point)/='' )THEN cl_point=TRIM(td_lat0%c_point) ENDIF ! Fine grid ! get ghost cell factor on fine grid il_xghost(:,:)=grid_get_ghost( tl_coord1 ) ! open mpp files CALL iom_mpp_open(tl_coord1) ! read fine longitue and latitude WRITE(cl_name,*) 'longitude_'//TRIM(cl_point) il_ind=var_get_id(tl_coord1%t_proc(1)%t_var(:), cl_name) IF( il_ind == 0 )THEN CALL logger_warn("GRID GET COARSE INDEX: no variable "//& & TRIM(cl_name)//"in file "//TRIM(tl_coord1%c_name)//". & & try to use longitude.") WRITE(cl_name,*) 'longitude' ENDIF tl_lon1=iom_mpp_read_var(tl_coord1, TRIM(cl_name)) WRITE(cl_name,*) 'latitude_'//TRIM(cl_point) il_ind=var_get_id(tl_coord1%t_proc(1)%t_var(:), cl_name) IF( il_ind == 0 )THEN CALL logger_warn("GRID GET COARSE INDEX: no variable "//& & TRIM(cl_name)//"in file "//TRIM(tl_coord1%c_name)//". & & try to use longitude.") WRITE(cl_name,*) 'latitude' ENDIF tl_lat1=iom_mpp_read_var(tl_coord1, TRIM(cl_name)) CALL grid_del_ghost(tl_lon1, il_xghost(:,:)) CALL grid_del_ghost(tl_lat1, il_xghost(:,:)) ! close mpp files CALL iom_mpp_close(tl_coord1) ! compute grid__get_coarse_index_cf(:,:)=grid_get_coarse_index(td_lon0,td_lat0,& & tl_lon1,tl_lat1,& & il_rho(:), cl_point ) CALL var_clean(tl_lon1) CALL var_clean(tl_lat1) ENDIF DEALLOCATE(il_rho) CALL mpp_clean(tl_coord1) END FUNCTION grid__get_coarse_index_cf !------------------------------------------------------------------- !> @brief This function get closest coarse grid indices of fine grid domain. ! !> @details !> it use coarse grid coordinates file and fine grid array of longitude and latitude. !> optionaly, you could specify the array of refinment factor (default 1.) !> optionally, you could specify on which Arakawa grid point you want to !> work (default 'T') !> !> @author J.Paul !> @date November, 2013 - Initial Version !> @date September, 2014 !> - use grid point to read coordinates variable. !> @date October, 2014 !> - work on mpp file structure instead of file structure !> @date February, 2015 !> - use longitude or latitude as standard name, if can not find !> longitude_T, latitude_T... !> !> @param[in] td_coord0 coarse grid coordinate mpp structure !> @param[in] td_lon1 fine grid longitude !> @param[in] td_lat1 fine grid latitude !> @param[in] id_rho array of refinment factor (default 1.) !> @param[in] cd_point Arakawa grid point (default 'T') !> @return coarse grid indices (/(/imin0, imax0/), (/jmin0, jmax0/)/) !------------------------------------------------------------------- FUNCTION grid__get_coarse_index_fc( td_coord0, td_lon1, td_lat1, & & id_rho, cd_point ) IMPLICIT NONE ! Argument TYPE(TMPP ) , INTENT(IN) :: td_coord0 TYPE(TVAR ) , INTENT(IN) :: td_lon1 TYPE(TVAR ) , INTENT(IN) :: td_lat1 INTEGER(i4) , DIMENSION(:), INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: id_rho CHARACTER(LEN=*) , INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: cd_point ! function INTEGER(i4), DIMENSION(2,2) :: grid__get_coarse_index_fc ! local variable CHARACTER(LEN= 1) :: cl_point CHARACTER(LEN=lc) :: cl_name INTEGER(i4) :: il_imin0 INTEGER(i4) :: il_imax0 INTEGER(i4) :: il_jmin0 INTEGER(i4) :: il_jmax0 INTEGER(i4) :: il_ind INTEGER(i4), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: il_rho INTEGER(i4), DIMENSION(2,2) :: il_xghost TYPE(TVAR) :: tl_lon0 TYPE(TVAR) :: tl_lat0 TYPE(TMPP) :: tl_coord0 ! loop indices !---------------------------------------------------------------- ! init grid__get_coarse_index_fc(:,:)=0 ALLOCATE(il_rho(ip_maxdim)) il_rho(:)=1 IF( PRESENT(id_rho) ) il_rho(:)=id_rho(:) cl_point='T' IF( PRESENT(cd_point) ) cl_point=TRIM(fct_upper(cd_point)) ! copy structure tl_coord0=mpp_copy(td_coord0) IF( .NOT. ASSOCIATED(tl_coord0%t_proc) )THEN CALL logger_error("GRID GET COARSE INDEX: decompsition of mpp "//& & "file "//TRIM(tl_coord0%c_name)//" not defined." ) ELSE IF( .NOT. ASSOCIATED(td_lon1%d_value) .OR. & & .NOT. ASSOCIATED(td_lat1%d_value) )THEN CALL logger_error("GRID GET COARSE INDEX: some fine grid"//& & " coordinate value are not associated.") ELSE IF( TRIM(td_lon1%c_point)/='' )THEN cl_point=TRIM(td_lon1%c_point) ELSEIF( TRIM(td_lat1%c_point)/='' )THEN cl_point=TRIM(td_lat1%c_point) ENDIF ! get ghost cell factor on coarse grid il_xghost(:,:)=grid_get_ghost( tl_coord0 ) ! open mpp files CALL iom_mpp_open(tl_coord0) ! read coarse longitue and latitude WRITE(cl_name,*) 'longitude_'//TRIM(cl_point) il_ind=var_get_id(tl_coord0%t_proc(1)%t_var(:), cl_name) IF( il_ind == 0 )THEN CALL logger_warn("GRID GET COARSE INDEX: no variable "//& & TRIM(cl_name)//"in file "//TRIM(tl_coord0%c_name)//". & & try to use longitude.") WRITE(cl_name,*) 'longitude' ENDIF tl_lon0=iom_mpp_read_var(tl_coord0, TRIM(cl_name)) WRITE(cl_name,*) 'latitude_'//TRIM(cl_point) il_ind=var_get_id(tl_coord0%t_proc(1)%t_var(:), cl_name) IF( il_ind == 0 )THEN CALL logger_warn("GRID GET COARSE INDEX: no variable "//& & TRIM(cl_name)//"in file "//TRIM(tl_coord0%c_name)//". & & try to use latitude.") WRITE(cl_name,*) 'latitude' ENDIF tl_lat0=iom_mpp_read_var(tl_coord0, TRIM(cl_name)) CALL grid_del_ghost(tl_lon0, il_xghost(:,:)) CALL grid_del_ghost(tl_lat0, il_xghost(:,:)) ! close mpp files CALL iom_mpp_close(tl_coord0) grid__get_coarse_index_fc(:,:)=grid_get_coarse_index(tl_lon0,tl_lat0,& & td_lon1,td_lat1,& & il_rho(:), cl_point ) ! remove ghost cell il_imin0=grid__get_coarse_index_fc(1,1)+il_xghost(jp_I,1)*ip_ghost il_imax0=grid__get_coarse_index_fc(1,2)+il_xghost(jp_I,1)*ip_ghost il_jmin0=grid__get_coarse_index_fc(2,1)+il_xghost(jp_J,1)*ip_ghost il_jmax0=grid__get_coarse_index_fc(2,2)+il_xghost(jp_J,1)*ip_ghost grid__get_coarse_index_fc(1,1)=il_imin0 grid__get_coarse_index_fc(1,2)=il_imax0 grid__get_coarse_index_fc(2,1)=il_jmin0 grid__get_coarse_index_fc(2,2)=il_jmax0 CALL var_clean(tl_lon0) CALL var_clean(tl_lat0) ENDIF CALL mpp_clean(tl_coord0) DEALLOCATE(il_rho) END FUNCTION grid__get_coarse_index_fc !------------------------------------------------------------------- !> @brief This function get closest coarse grid indices of fine grid domain. ! !> @details !> it use coarse and fine grid array of longitude and latitude. !> optionaly, you could specify the array of refinment factor (default 1.) !> optionally, you could specify on which Arakawa grid point you want to !> work (default 'T') !> !> @note do not use ghost cell !> !> @author J.Paul !> @date November, 2013 - Initial Version !> @date September, 2014 !> - check grid point !> - take into account EW overlap !> @date February, 2016 !> - use delta (lon or lat) !> - manage cases for T,U,V or F point, with even or odd refinment !> !> @param[in] td_lon0 coarse grid longitude !> @param[in] td_lat0 coarse grid latitude !> @param[in] td_lon1 fine grid longitude !> @param[in] td_lat1 fine grid latitude !> @param[in] id_rho array of refinment factor !> @param[in] cd_point Arakawa grid point ('T','U','V','F') !> @return coarse grid indices (/(/imin0, imax0/), (/jmin0, jmax0/)/) !> !> @todo !> -check case boundary domain on overlap band !------------------------------------------------------------------- FUNCTION grid__get_coarse_index_cc( td_lon0, td_lat0, td_lon1, td_lat1, & & id_rho, cd_point ) IMPLICIT NONE ! Argument TYPE(TVAR) , INTENT(IN) :: td_lon0 TYPE(TVAR) , INTENT(IN) :: td_lat0 TYPE(TVAR) , INTENT(IN) :: td_lon1 TYPE(TVAR) , INTENT(IN) :: td_lat1 INTEGER(i4) , DIMENSION(:), INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: id_rho CHARACTER(LEN=*) , INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: cd_point ! function INTEGER(i4), DIMENSION(2,2) :: grid__get_coarse_index_cc ! local variable CHARACTER(LEN= 1) :: cl_point0 CHARACTER(LEN= 1) :: cl_point1 LOGICAL , DIMENSION(2) :: ll_even REAL(dp) :: dl_lon1 REAL(dp) :: dl_dlon REAL(dp) :: dl_lat1 REAL(dp) :: dl_dlat INTEGER(i4) :: il_ew0 INTEGER(i4) :: il_imin0 INTEGER(i4) :: il_imax0 INTEGER(i4) :: il_jmin0 INTEGER(i4) :: il_jmax0 INTEGER(i4) :: il_ew1 INTEGER(i4) :: il_imin1 INTEGER(i4) :: il_imax1 INTEGER(i4) :: il_jmin1 INTEGER(i4) :: il_jmax1 INTEGER(i4) :: il_imin INTEGER(i4) :: il_imax INTEGER(i4) :: il_jmin INTEGER(i4) :: il_jmax INTEGER(i4), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: il_rho INTEGER(i4), DIMENSION(2) :: il_ill INTEGER(i4), DIMENSION(2) :: il_ilr INTEGER(i4), DIMENSION(2) :: il_iul INTEGER(i4), DIMENSION(2) :: il_iur INTEGER(i4), DIMENSION(2,2) :: il_xghost0 INTEGER(i4), DIMENSION(2,2) :: il_yghost0 INTEGER(i4), DIMENSION(2,2) :: il_xghost1 INTEGER(i4), DIMENSION(2,2) :: il_yghost1 TYPE(TVAR) :: tl_lon0 TYPE(TVAR) :: tl_lat0 TYPE(TVAR) :: tl_lon1 TYPE(TVAR) :: tl_lat1 ! loop indices !---------------------------------------------------------------- ! init grid__get_coarse_index_cc(:,:)=0 ALLOCATE( il_rho(ip_maxdim) ) il_rho(:)=1 IF( PRESENT(id_rho) ) il_rho(:)=id_rho(:) ll_even(:)=(/ (MOD(id_rho(jp_I),2)==0), (MOD(id_rho(jp_J),2)==0) /) cl_point0='T' cl_point1='T' IF( PRESENT(cd_point) )THEN cl_point0=TRIM(fct_upper(cd_point)) cl_point1=TRIM(fct_upper(cd_point)) ENDIF IF( .NOT. ASSOCIATED(td_lon0%d_value) .OR. & & .NOT. ASSOCIATED(td_lat0%d_value) .OR. & & .NOT. ASSOCIATED(td_lon1%d_value) .OR. & & .NOT. ASSOCIATED(td_lat1%d_value) )THEN CALL logger_error("GRID GET COARSE INDEX: some fine or coarse grid"//& & " coordinate value not associated.") ELSE IF( TRIM(td_lon0%c_point)/='' )THEN cl_point0=TRIM(td_lon0%c_point) ELSEIF( TRIM(td_lat0%c_point)/='' )THEN cl_point0=TRIM(td_lat0%c_point) ENDIF IF( TRIM(td_lon1%c_point)/='' )THEN cl_point1=TRIM(td_lon1%c_point) ELSEIF( TRIM(td_lat1%c_point)/='' )THEN cl_point1=TRIM(td_lat1%c_point) ENDIF IF( cl_point0 /= cl_point1 )THEN CALL logger_error("GRID GET COARSE INDEX: fine and coarse grid"//& & " coordinate not on same grid point.") ENDIF IF( grid_is_global(td_lon1, td_lat1) )THEN IF( grid_is_global(td_lon0, td_lat0) )THEN CALL logger_trace("GRID GET COARSE INDEX: fine grid is global ") grid__get_coarse_index_cc(:,:) = 1 grid__get_coarse_index_cc(:,:) = 0 ELSE CALL logger_error("GRID GET COARSE INDEX: fine grid is "//& & "global, coarse grid not.") ENDIF ELSE il_xghost0(:,:)=grid_get_ghost( td_lon0 ) il_yghost0(:,:)=grid_get_ghost( td_lat0 ) IF( ANY(il_xghost0(:,:) /= il_yghost0(:,:)) )THEN CALL logger_error("GRID GET COARSE INDEX: coarse grid "//& & "coordinate do not share same ghost cell") ENDIF tl_lon0=var_copy(td_lon0) tl_lat0=var_copy(td_lat0) CALL grid_del_ghost(tl_lon0, il_xghost0(:,:)) CALL grid_del_ghost(tl_lat0, il_xghost0(:,:)) ! "global" coarse grid indice il_imin0=1 il_jmin0=1 il_imax0=tl_lon0%t_dim(1)%i_len il_jmax0=tl_lon0%t_dim(2)%i_len ! get east west overlap for coarse grid il_ew0=tl_lon0%i_ew IF( il_ew0 >= 0 )THEN ! last point before overlap il_imax0=il_imax0-il_ew0 ENDIF il_xghost1(:,:)=grid_get_ghost( td_lon1 ) il_yghost1(:,:)=grid_get_ghost( td_lat1 ) IF( ANY(il_xghost1(:,:) /= il_yghost1(:,:)) )THEN CALL logger_error("GRID GET COARSE INDEX: fine grid "//& & "coordinate do not share same ghost cell") ENDIF tl_lon1=var_copy(td_lon1) tl_lat1=var_copy(td_lat1) CALL grid_del_ghost(tl_lon1, il_xghost1(:,:)) CALL grid_del_ghost(tl_lat1, il_xghost1(:,:)) ! "global" fine grid indice il_imin1=1 il_jmin1=1 il_imax1=tl_lon1%t_dim(1)%i_len il_jmax1=tl_lon1%t_dim(2)%i_len ! get east west overlap for fine grid il_ew1=tl_lon1%i_ew IF( il_ew1 >= 0 )THEN ! last point before overlap il_imax1=il_imax1-il_ew1 ENDIF ! get indices for each corner !1- search lower left corner indices dl_lon1=tl_lon1%d_value( il_imin1, il_jmin1, 1, 1 ) dl_lat1=tl_lat1%d_value( il_imin1, il_jmin1, 1, 1 ) IF( dl_lon1 == tl_lon1%d_fill .OR. & & dl_lat1 == tl_lat1%d_fill )THEN CALL logger_error("GRID GET COARSE INDEX: lower left corner "//& & "point is FillValue. remove ghost cell "//& & "before running grid_get_coarse_index.") ENDIF !!!!! i-direction !!!!! IF( ll_even(jp_I) )THEN ! even SELECT CASE(TRIM(cl_point1)) CASE('F','U') dl_dlon= ( tl_lon1%d_value(il_imin1+1,il_jmin1,1,1) - & & tl_lon1%d_value(il_imin1 ,il_jmin1,1,1) ) / & & 2. CASE DEFAULT dl_dlon=0 END SELECT ELSE ! odd dl_dlon= ( tl_lon1%d_value(il_imin1+1,il_jmin1,1,1) - & & tl_lon1%d_value(il_imin1 ,il_jmin1,1,1) ) / & & 2. ENDIF !!!!! j-direction !!!!! IF( ll_even(jp_J) )THEN ! even SELECT CASE(TRIM(cl_point1)) CASE('F','V') dl_dlat= ( tl_lat1%d_value(il_imin1,il_jmin1+1,1,1) - & & tl_lat1%d_value(il_imin1,il_jmin1 ,1,1) ) / & & 2. CASE DEFAULT dl_dlat=0 END SELECT ELSE ! odd dl_dlat= ( tl_lat1%d_value(il_imin1,il_jmin1+1,1,1) - & & tl_lat1%d_value(il_imin1,il_jmin1 ,1,1) ) / & & 2. ENDIF dl_lon1 = dl_lon1 + dl_dlon dl_lat1 = dl_lat1 + dl_dlat ! look for closest point on coarse grid il_ill(:)= grid_get_closest(tl_lon0%d_value(il_imin0:il_imax0, & & il_jmin0:il_jmax0, & & 1,1), & & tl_lat0%d_value(il_imin0:il_imax0, & & il_jmin0:il_jmax0, & & 1,1), & & dl_lon1, dl_lat1, 'll' ) !2- search upper left corner indices dl_lon1=tl_lon1%d_value( il_imin1, il_jmax1, 1, 1 ) dl_lat1=tl_lat1%d_value( il_imin1, il_jmax1, 1, 1 ) IF( dl_lon1 == tl_lon1%d_fill .OR. & & dl_lat1 == tl_lat1%d_fill )THEN CALL logger_error("GRID GET COARSE INDEX: upper left corner "//& & "point is FillValue. remove ghost cell "//& & "running grid_get_coarse_index.") ENDIF !!!!! i-direction !!!!! IF( ll_even(jp_I) )THEN ! even SELECT CASE(TRIM(cl_point1)) CASE('F','U') dl_dlon= ( tl_lon1%d_value(il_imin1+1,il_jmax1,1,1) - & & tl_lon1%d_value(il_imin1 ,il_jmax1,1,1) ) / & & 2. CASE DEFAULT dl_dlon=0 END SELECT ELSE ! odd dl_dlon= ( tl_lon1%d_value(il_imin1+1,il_jmax1,1,1) - & & tl_lon1%d_value(il_imin1 ,il_jmax1,1,1) ) / & & 2. ENDIF !!!!! j-direction !!!!! IF( ll_even(jp_J) )THEN ! even SELECT CASE(TRIM(cl_point1)) CASE('F','V') dl_dlat= ( tl_lat1%d_value(il_imin1,il_jmax1 ,1,1) - & & tl_lat1%d_value(il_imin1,il_jmax1-1,1,1) ) / & & 2. CASE DEFAULT dl_dlat=0 END SELECT ELSE ! odd dl_dlat= ( tl_lat1%d_value(il_imin1,il_jmax1 ,1,1) - & & tl_lat1%d_value(il_imin1,il_jmax1-1,1,1) ) / & & 2. ENDIF dl_lon1 = dl_lon1 + dl_dlon dl_lat1 = dl_lat1 - dl_dlat ! look for closest point on coarse grid il_iul(:)= grid_get_closest(tl_lon0%d_value(il_imin0:il_imax0, & & il_jmin0:il_jmax0, & & 1,1), & & tl_lat0%d_value(il_imin0:il_imax0, & & il_jmin0:il_jmax0, & & 1,1), & & dl_lon1, dl_lat1, 'ul' ) !3- search lower right corner indices dl_lon1=tl_lon1%d_value( il_imax1, il_jmin1, 1, 1 ) dl_lat1=tl_lat1%d_value( il_imax1, il_jmin1, 1, 1 ) IF( dl_lon1 == tl_lon1%d_fill .OR. & & dl_lat1 == tl_lat1%d_fill )THEN CALL logger_error("GRID GET COARSE INDEX: lower right corner "//& & "point is FillValue. remove ghost cell "//& & "running grid_get_coarse_index.") ENDIF !!!!! i-direction !!!!! IF( ll_even(jp_I) )THEN ! even SELECT CASE(TRIM(cl_point1)) CASE('F','U') dl_dlon= ( tl_lon1%d_value(il_imax1 ,il_jmin1,1,1) - & & tl_lon1%d_value(il_imax1-1,il_jmin1,1,1) ) / & & 2. CASE DEFAULT dl_dlon=0 END SELECT ELSE ! odd dl_dlon= ( tl_lon1%d_value(il_imax1 ,il_jmin1,1,1) - & & tl_lon1%d_value(il_imax1-1,il_jmin1,1,1) ) / & & 2. ENDIF !!!!! j-direction !!!!! IF( ll_even(jp_J) )THEN ! even SELECT CASE(TRIM(cl_point1)) CASE('F','V') dl_dlat= ( tl_lat1%d_value(il_imax1,il_jmin1+1,1,1) - & & tl_lat1%d_value(il_imax1,il_jmin1 ,1,1) ) / & & 2. CASE DEFAULT dl_dlat=0 END SELECT ELSE ! odd dl_dlat= ( tl_lat1%d_value(il_imax1,il_jmin1+1,1,1) - & & tl_lat1%d_value(il_imax1,il_jmin1 ,1,1) ) / & & 2. ENDIF dl_lon1 = dl_lon1 - dl_dlon dl_lat1 = dl_lat1 + dl_dlat ! look for closest point on coarse grid il_ilr(:)= grid_get_closest(tl_lon0%d_value(il_imin0:il_imax0, & & il_jmin0:il_jmax0, & & 1,1), & & tl_lat0%d_value(il_imin0:il_imax0, & & il_jmin0:il_jmax0, & & 1,1), & & dl_lon1, dl_lat1, 'lr' ) !4- search upper right corner indices dl_lon1=tl_lon1%d_value( il_imax1, il_jmax1, 1, 1 ) dl_lat1=tl_lat1%d_value( il_imax1, il_jmax1, 1, 1 ) IF( dl_lon1 == tl_lon1%d_fill .OR. & & dl_lat1 == tl_lat1%d_fill )THEN CALL logger_error("GRID GET COARSE INDEX: upper right corner "//& & "point is FillValue. remove ghost cell "//& & "before running grid_get_coarse_index.") ENDIF !!!!! i-direction !!!!! IF( ll_even(jp_I) )THEN ! even SELECT CASE(TRIM(cl_point1)) CASE('F','U') dl_dlon= ( tl_lon1%d_value(il_imax1 ,il_jmax1,1,1) - & & tl_lon1%d_value(il_imax1-1,il_jmax1,1,1) ) / & & 2. CASE DEFAULT dl_dlon=0 END SELECT ELSE ! odd dl_dlon= ( tl_lon1%d_value(il_imax1 ,il_jmax1,1,1) - & & tl_lon1%d_value(il_imax1-1,il_jmax1,1,1) ) / & & 2. ENDIF !!!!! j-direction !!!!! IF( ll_even(jp_J) )THEN ! even SELECT CASE(TRIM(cl_point1)) CASE('F','V') dl_dlat= ( tl_lat1%d_value(il_imax1,il_jmax1 ,1,1) - & & tl_lat1%d_value(il_imax1,il_jmax1-1,1,1) ) / & & 2. CASE DEFAULT dl_dlat=0 END SELECT ELSE ! odd dl_dlat= ( tl_lat1%d_value(il_imax1,il_jmax1 ,1,1) - & & tl_lat1%d_value(il_imax1,il_jmax1-1,1,1) ) / & & 2. ENDIF dl_lon1 = dl_lon1 - dl_dlon dl_lat1 = dl_lat1 - dl_dlat ! look for closest point on coarse grid il_iur(:)= grid_get_closest(tl_lon0%d_value(il_imin0:il_imax0, & & il_jmin0:il_jmax0, & & 1,1), & & tl_lat0%d_value(il_imin0:il_imax0, & & il_jmin0:il_jmax0, & & 1,1), & & dl_lon1, dl_lat1, 'ur' ) ! coarse grid indices il_imin = il_imin0-1+MIN(il_ill(1), il_iul(1)) il_imax = il_imin0-1+MAX(il_ilr(1), il_iur(1)) IF( il_imax <= il_ew0 )THEN !il_imin = 1 il_imax = tl_lon0%t_dim(1)%i_len - il_ew0 + il_imax ENDIF il_jmin = il_jmin0-1+MIN(il_ill(2), il_ilr(2)) il_jmax = il_jmin0-1+MAX(il_iul(2), il_iur(2)) ! special case if east west overlap IF( il_ew1 >= 0 )THEN CALL logger_debug("GRID GET COARSE INDEX: East-West overlap "//& & "found for fine grid " ) il_imin = 1 il_imax = tl_lon0%t_dim(1)%i_len ENDIF ENDIF grid__get_coarse_index_cc(1,1) = il_imin grid__get_coarse_index_cc(1,2) = il_imax grid__get_coarse_index_cc(2,1) = il_jmin grid__get_coarse_index_cc(2,2) = il_jmax ! clean CALL var_clean(tl_lon1) CALL var_clean(tl_lat1) CALL var_clean(tl_lon0) CALL var_clean(tl_lat0) ENDIF DEALLOCATE( il_rho ) END FUNCTION grid__get_coarse_index_cc !------------------------------------------------------------------- !> @brief This function check if grid is global or not ! !> @details ! !> @author J.Paul !> @date November, 2013 - Initial Version ! !> @param[in] td_lon longitude structure !> @param[in] td_lat latitude structure !------------------------------------------------------------------- FUNCTION grid_is_global(td_lon, td_lat) IMPLICIT NONE ! Argument TYPE(TVAR), INTENT(IN) :: td_lon TYPE(TVAR), INTENT(IN) :: td_lat ! function LOGICAL :: grid_is_global ! local variable INTEGER(i4) :: il_ew INTEGER(i4) :: il_south INTEGER(i4) :: il_north REAL(dp) :: dl_lat_min REAL(dp) :: dl_lat_max ! loop indices !---------------------------------------------------------------- ! init grid_is_global=.FALSE. IF( ANY( td_lon%t_dim(:)%i_len /= td_lat%t_dim(:)%i_len ) )THEN CALL logger_fatal("GRID IS GLOBAL: dimension of longitude and "//& & " latitude differ") ENDIF IF( .NOT. ASSOCIATED(td_lon%d_value) .OR. & & .NOT. ASSOCIATED(td_lat%d_value) )THEN CALL logger_error("GRID IS GLOBAL: no value associated to "//& & " longitude or latitude strucutre") ELSE il_south=1 il_north=td_lon%t_dim(2)%i_len dl_lat_min=MINVAL(td_lat%d_value(:,il_south,1,1)) dl_lat_max=MAXVAL(td_lat%d_value(:,il_north,1,1)) IF( dl_lat_min < -77.0 .AND. dl_lat_max > 89.0 )THEN il_ew=td_lon%i_ew IF( il_ew >= 0 )THEN grid_is_global=.TRUE. ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF END FUNCTION grid_is_global !------------------------------------------------------------------- !> @brief This function return grid indices of the closest point !> from point (lon1,lat1) !> !> @details !> !> @note overlap band should have been already removed from coarse grid array !> of longitude and latitude, before running this function !> !> if you add cd_pos argument, you could choice to return closest point at !> - lower left (ll) of the point !> - lower right (lr) of the point !> - upper left (ul) of the point !> - upper right (ur) of the point !> - lower (lo) of the point !> - upper (up) of the point !> - left (le) of the point !> - right (ri) of the point !> !> @author J.Paul !> @date April, 2016 - Initial Version !> @date October, 2016 !> - use max of zero and east-west overlap instead of east-west overlap !> !> @param[in] td_coord0 coarse grid coordinate mpp structure !> @param[in] dd_lon1 fine grid longitude !> @param[in] dd_lat1 fine grid latitude !> @param[in] cd_pos relative position of grid point from point !> @param[in] dd_fill fill value !> @return coarse grid indices of closest point of fine grid point !------------------------------------------------------------------- FUNCTION grid__get_closest_str( td_coord0, dd_lon1, dd_lat1, cd_pos, dd_fill ) & & RESULT(id_res) IMPLICIT NONE ! Argument TYPE(TMPP ) , INTENT(IN) :: td_coord0 REAL(dp), INTENT(IN) :: dd_lon1 REAL(dp), INTENT(IN) :: dd_lat1 CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: cd_pos REAL(dp), INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: dd_fill ! function INTEGER(i4), DIMENSION(2) :: id_res ! local variable CHARACTER(LEN=lc) :: cl_point CHARACTER(LEN=lc) :: cl_name INTEGER(i4) :: il_ind INTEGER(i4) :: il_ew REAL(dp) , DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: dl_lon0 REAL(dp) , DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: dl_lat0 TYPE(TVAR) :: tl_lon0 TYPE(TVAR) :: tl_lat0 TYPE(TMPP) :: tl_coord0 !---------------------------------------------------------------- id_res(:)=-1 cl_point='T' ! copy structure tl_coord0=mpp_copy(td_coord0) IF( .NOT. ASSOCIATED(tl_coord0%t_proc) )THEN CALL logger_error("GRID GET CLOSEST: decompsition of mpp "//& & "file "//TRIM(tl_coord0%c_name)//" not defined." ) ELSE ! open mpp files CALL iom_mpp_open(tl_coord0) ! read coarse longitue and latitude WRITE(cl_name,*) 'longitude_'//TRIM(cl_point) il_ind=var_get_id(tl_coord0%t_proc(1)%t_var(:), cl_name) IF( il_ind == 0 )THEN CALL logger_warn("GRID GET CLOSEST: no variable "//& & TRIM(cl_name)//"in file "//TRIM(tl_coord0%c_name)//". & & try to use longitude.") WRITE(cl_name,*) 'longitude' ENDIF tl_lon0=iom_mpp_read_var(tl_coord0, TRIM(cl_name)) WRITE(cl_name,*) 'latitude_'//TRIM(cl_point) il_ind=var_get_id(tl_coord0%t_proc(1)%t_var(:), cl_name) IF( il_ind == 0 )THEN CALL logger_warn("GRID GET CLOSEST: no variable "//& & TRIM(cl_name)//"in file "//TRIM(tl_coord0%c_name)//". & & try to use latitude.") WRITE(cl_name,*) 'latitude' ENDIF tl_lat0=iom_mpp_read_var(tl_coord0, TRIM(cl_name)) ! close mpp files CALL iom_mpp_close(tl_coord0) il_ew=MAX(0,tl_coord0%i_ew) ALLOCATE(dl_lon0(tl_coord0%t_dim(jp_I)%i_len-il_ew, & & tl_coord0%t_dim(jp_J)%i_len) ) ALLOCATE(dl_lat0(tl_coord0%t_dim(jp_I)%i_len-il_ew, & & tl_coord0%t_dim(jp_J)%i_len) ) dl_lon0(:,:)=tl_lon0%d_value(il_ew+1:,:,1,1) dl_lat0(:,:)=tl_lat0%d_value(il_ew+1:,:,1,1) id_res(:)=grid_get_closest( dl_lon0, dl_lat0, dd_lon1, dd_lat1, cd_pos, dd_fill ) DEALLOCATE(dl_lon0, dl_lat0) CALL var_clean(tl_lon0) CALL var_clean(tl_lat0) CALL mpp_clean(tl_coord0) ENDIF END FUNCTION grid__get_closest_str !------------------------------------------------------------------- !> @brief This function return grid indices of the closest point !> from point (lon1,lat1) !> !> @details !> !> @note overlap band should have been already removed from coarse grid array !> of longitude and latitude, before running this function !> !> if you add cd_pos argument, you could choice to return closest point at !> - lower left (ll) of the point !> - lower right (lr) of the point !> - upper left (ul) of the point !> - upper right (ur) of the point !> - lower (lo) of the point !> - upper (up) of the point !> - left (le) of the point !> - right (ri) of the point !> !> @author J.Paul !> @date November, 2013 - Initial Version !> @date February, 2015 !> - change dichotomy method to manage ORCA grid !> @date February, 2016 !> - add optional use of relative position ! !> @param[in] dd_lon0 coarse grid array of longitude !> @param[in] dd_lat0 coarse grid array of latitude !> @param[in] dd_lon1 fine grid longitude !> @param[in] dd_lat1 fine grid latitude !> @param[in] cd_pos relative position of grid point from point !> @param[in] dd_fill fill value !> @return coarse grid indices of closest point of fine grid point !------------------------------------------------------------------- FUNCTION grid__get_closest_arr( dd_lon0, dd_lat0, dd_lon1, dd_lat1, cd_pos, dd_fill ) IMPLICIT NONE ! Argument REAL(dp), DIMENSION(:,:), INTENT(IN) :: dd_lon0 REAL(dp), DIMENSION(:,:), INTENT(IN) :: dd_lat0 REAL(dp), INTENT(IN) :: dd_lon1 REAL(dp), INTENT(IN) :: dd_lat1 CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: cd_pos REAL(dp), INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: dd_fill ! function INTEGER(i4), DIMENSION(2) :: grid__get_closest_arr ! local variable INTEGER(i4) :: il_iinf INTEGER(i4) :: il_imid INTEGER(i4) :: il_isup INTEGER(i4) :: il_jinf INTEGER(i4) :: il_jmid INTEGER(i4) :: il_jsup INTEGER(i4), DIMENSION(2) :: il_shape INTEGER(i4), DIMENSION(1) :: il_ind LOGICAL :: ll_north LOGICAL :: ll_continue REAL(dp) :: dl_lon1 REAL(dp) , DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: dl_dist REAL(dp) , DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: dl_lon0 ! loop indices !---------------------------------------------------------------- IF( ANY( SHAPE(dd_lon0(:,:)) /= SHAPE(dd_lat0(:,:)) ) )THEN CALL logger_fatal("GRID GET CLOSEST: dimension of longitude and "//& & " latitude differ") ENDIF il_shape(:)=SHAPE(dd_lon0(:,:)) ALLOCATE( dl_lon0(il_shape(1),il_shape(2)) ) dl_lon0(:,:) = dd_lon0(:,:) WHERE(dd_lon0(:,:) < 0 ) dl_lon0(:,:) = dd_lon0(:,:) + 360. dl_lon1 = dd_lon1 IF( dd_lon1 < 0 ) dl_lon1 = dd_lon1 + 360. ! first, use dichotomy to reduce domain il_iinf = 1 ; il_jinf = 1 il_isup = il_shape(1) ; il_jsup = il_shape(2) il_shape(1)= il_isup - il_iinf + 1 il_shape(2)= il_jsup - il_jinf + 1 ll_north=.FALSE. ll_continue=.FALSE. ! avoid to use fillvalue for reduce domain on first time IF( PRESENT(dd_fill) )THEN DO WHILE( ALL(dl_lon0(il_isup,:) == dd_fill) ) il_isup=il_isup-1 ENDDO DO WHILE( ALL(dl_lon0(il_iinf,:) == dd_fill) ) il_iinf=il_iinf+1 ENDDO DO WHILE( ALL(dd_lat0(:,il_jsup) == dd_fill) ) il_jsup=il_jsup-1 ENDDO DO WHILE( ALL(dd_lat0(:,il_jinf) == dd_fill) ) il_jinf=il_jinf+1 ENDDO il_shape(1)= il_isup - il_iinf + 1 il_shape(2)= il_jsup - il_jinf + 1 ENDIF ! special case for north ORCA grid IF( dd_lat1 > 19. .AND. dl_lon1 < 74. )THEN ll_north=.TRUE. ENDIF IF( .NOT. ll_north )THEN ! look for meridian 0°/360° il_jmid = il_jinf + INT(il_shape(2)/2) il_ind(:) = MAXLOC( dl_lon0(il_iinf:il_isup,il_jmid), & & dl_lon0(il_iinf:il_isup,il_jmid) <= 360._dp ) il_imid=il_ind(1) IF( dl_lon1 == dl_lon0(il_imid,il_jmid) .AND. & & dd_lat1 == dd_lat0(il_imid,il_jmid) )THEN il_iinf = il_imid ; il_isup = il_imid il_jinf = il_jmid ; il_jsup = il_jmid ELSE IF( ALL(dl_lon0(il_isup,il_jinf:il_jsup) > dl_lon1 ) .AND. & & il_imid /= il_isup )THEN ! 0 < lon1 < lon0(isup) ! point east il_iinf = il_imid+1 ll_continue=.TRUE. ELSE IF( ALL(dl_lon0(il_iinf,il_jinf:il_jsup) < dl_lon1 ) .AND. & & il_imid /= il_iinf )THEN ! lon0(iinf) < lon1 < 360 ! point west il_isup = il_imid ll_continue=.TRUE. ENDIF il_shape(1)= il_isup - il_iinf + 1 il_shape(2)= il_jsup - il_jinf + 1 il_imid = il_iinf + INT(il_shape(1)/2) il_jmid = il_jinf + INT(il_shape(2)/2) ! exit when close enough of point IF( ANY(il_shape(:) < 10 ) ) ll_continue=.FALSE. ENDIF ENDIF ! DO WHILE( ll_continue .AND. .NOT. ll_north ) ll_continue=.FALSE. IF( dl_lon1 == dl_lon0(il_imid,il_jmid) .AND. & & dd_lat1 == dd_lat0(il_imid,il_jmid) )THEN il_iinf = il_imid ; il_isup = il_imid il_jinf = il_jmid ; il_jsup = il_jmid ELSE IF( ALL(dl_lon0(il_imid,il_jinf:il_jsup) < dl_lon1) )THEN ! point east il_iinf = il_imid ll_continue=.TRUE. ELSE IF( ALL(dl_lon0(il_imid,il_jinf:il_jsup) > dl_lon1) )THEN ! point west il_isup = il_imid ll_continue=.TRUE. ENDIF IF( ALL(dd_lat0(il_iinf:il_isup,il_jmid) < dd_lat1) )THEN ! point north il_jinf = il_jmid ll_continue=.TRUE. ELSE IF( ALL(dd_lat0(il_iinf:il_isup,il_jmid) > dd_lat1) )THEN ! point south il_jsup = il_jmid ll_continue=.TRUE. ENDIF il_shape(1)= il_isup - il_iinf + 1 il_shape(2)= il_jsup - il_jinf + 1 il_imid = il_iinf + INT(il_shape(1)/2) il_jmid = il_jinf + INT(il_shape(2)/2) ! exit when close enough of point IF( ANY(il_shape(:) < 10 ) ) ll_continue=.FALSE. ENDIF ENDDO ! then find closest point by computing distances il_shape(1)= il_isup - il_iinf + 1 il_shape(2)= il_jsup - il_jinf + 1 ALLOCATE( dl_dist(il_shape(1), il_shape(2)) ) dl_dist(:,:)=grid_distance(dl_lon0(il_iinf:il_isup,il_jinf:il_jsup), & & dd_lat0(il_iinf:il_isup,il_jinf:il_jsup), & & dl_lon1, dd_lat1 ) IF( PRESENT(cd_pos) )THEN ! SELECT CASE(TRIM(cd_pos)) CASE('le') WHERE( dd_lat0(il_iinf:il_isup,il_jinf:il_jsup) > dd_lat1 ) dl_dist(:,:)=NF90_FILL_DOUBLE END WHERE CASE('ri') WHERE( dd_lat0(il_iinf:il_isup,il_jinf:il_jsup) < dd_lat1 ) dl_dist(:,:)=NF90_FILL_DOUBLE END WHERE CASE('up') WHERE( dl_lon0(il_iinf:il_isup,il_jinf:il_jsup) < dl_lon1 ) dl_dist(:,:)=NF90_FILL_DOUBLE END WHERE CASE('lo') WHERE( dl_lon0(il_iinf:il_isup,il_jinf:il_jsup) > dl_lon1 ) dl_dist(:,:)=NF90_FILL_DOUBLE END WHERE CASE('ll') WHERE( dl_lon0(il_iinf:il_isup,il_jinf:il_jsup) > dl_lon1 .OR. & & dd_lat0(il_iinf:il_isup,il_jinf:il_jsup) > dd_lat1 ) dl_dist(:,:)=NF90_FILL_DOUBLE END WHERE CASE('lr') WHERE( dl_lon0(il_iinf:il_isup,il_jinf:il_jsup) < dl_lon1 .OR. & & dd_lat0(il_iinf:il_isup,il_jinf:il_jsup) > dd_lat1 ) dl_dist(:,:)=NF90_FILL_DOUBLE END WHERE CASE('ul') WHERE( dl_lon0(il_iinf:il_isup,il_jinf:il_jsup) > dl_lon1 .OR. & & dd_lat0(il_iinf:il_isup,il_jinf:il_jsup) < dd_lat1 ) dl_dist(:,:)=NF90_FILL_DOUBLE END WHERE CASE('ur') WHERE( dl_lon0(il_iinf:il_isup,il_jinf:il_jsup) < dl_lon1 .OR. & & dd_lat0(il_iinf:il_isup,il_jinf:il_jsup) < dd_lat1 ) dl_dist(:,:)=NF90_FILL_DOUBLE END WHERE END SELECT ENDIF grid__get_closest_arr(:)=MINLOC(dl_dist(:,:),dl_dist(:,:)/=NF90_FILL_DOUBLE) grid__get_closest_arr(1)=grid__get_closest_arr(1)+il_iinf-1 grid__get_closest_arr(2)=grid__get_closest_arr(2)+il_jinf-1 DEALLOCATE( dl_dist ) DEALLOCATE( dl_lon0 ) END FUNCTION grid__get_closest_arr !------------------------------------------------------------------- !> @brief This function compute the distance between a point A and grid points. ! !> @details ! !> @author J.Paul !> @date November, 2013 - Initial Version ! !> @param[in] dd_lon grid longitude array !> @param[in] dd_lat grid latitude array !> @param[in] dd_lonA longitude of point A !> @param[in] dd_latA latitude of point A !> @param[in] dd_fill !> @return array of distance between point A and grid points. !------------------------------------------------------------------- FUNCTION grid_distance(dd_lon, dd_lat, dd_lonA, dd_latA ) IMPLICIT NONE ! Argument REAL(dp), DIMENSION(:,:), INTENT(IN) :: dd_lon REAL(dp), DIMENSION(:,:), INTENT(IN) :: dd_lat REAL(dp), INTENT(IN) :: dd_lonA REAL(dp), INTENT(IN) :: dd_latA ! function REAL(dp), DIMENSION(SIZE(dd_lon(:,:),DIM=1),& & SIZE(dd_lon(:,:),DIM=2)) :: grid_distance ! local variable INTEGER(i4), DIMENSION(2) :: il_shape REAL(dp) , DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: dl_lon REAL(dp) , DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: dl_lat REAL(dp) :: dl_lonA REAL(dp) :: dl_latA REAL(dp) :: dl_tmp ! loop indices INTEGER(i4) :: ji INTEGER(i4) :: jj !---------------------------------------------------------------- IF( ANY( SHAPE(dd_lon(:,:)) /= SHAPE(dd_lat(:,:)) ) )THEN CALL logger_fatal("GRID DISTANCE: dimension of longitude and "//& & " latitude differ") ENDIF il_shape(:)=SHAPE(dd_lon(:,:)) ALLOCATE(dl_lon(il_shape(1),il_shape(2))) ALLOCATE(dl_lat(il_shape(1),il_shape(2))) dl_lon(:,:) = dd_lon(:,:) dl_lonA = dd_lonA WHERE(dd_lon(:,:) < 0 ) dl_lon(:,:) = dd_lon(:,:) + 360. IF( dd_lonA < 0 ) dl_lonA = dd_lonA + 360. dl_lonA = dd_lonA * dp_deg2rad dl_latA = dd_latA * dp_deg2rad dl_lon(:,:) = dl_lon(:,:) * dp_deg2rad dl_lat(:,:) = dd_lat(:,:) * dp_deg2rad grid_distance(:,:)=NF90_FILL_DOUBLE DO jj=1,il_shape(2) DO ji=1,il_shape(1) IF( dl_lon(ji,jj) == dl_lonA .AND. & & dl_lat(ji,jj) == dl_latA )THEN grid_distance(ji,jj)=0.0 ELSE dl_tmp= SIN(dl_latA)*SIN(dl_lat(ji,jj)) + & & COS(dl_latA)*COS(dl_lat(ji,jj)) * & & COS(dl_lon(ji,jj)-dl_lonA) ! check to avoid mistake with ACOS IF( dl_tmp < -1.0 ) dl_tmp = -1.0 IF( dl_tmp > 1.0 ) dl_tmp = 1.0 grid_distance(ji,jj)=ACOS(dl_tmp)*dp_rearth ENDIF ENDDO ENDDO DEALLOCATE(dl_lon) DEALLOCATE(dl_lat) END FUNCTION grid_distance !------------------------------------------------------------------- !> @brief This function get offset between fine grid and coarse grid. ! !> @details !> optionally, you could specify on which Arakawa grid point you want to !> work (default 'T') !> offset value could be 0,1,..,rho-1 ! !> @author J.Paul !> @date September, 2014 - Initial Version !> @date October, 2014 !> - work on mpp file structure instead of file structure ! !> @param[in] td_coord0 coarse grid coordinate !> @param[in] id_imin0 coarse grid lower left corner i-indice of fine grid domain !> @param[in] id_jmin0 coarse grid lower left corner j-indice of fine grid domain !> @param[in] id_imax0 coarse grid upper right corner i-indice of fine grid domain !> @param[in] id_jmax0 coarse grid upper right corner j-indice of fine grid domain !> @param[in] td_coord1 fine grid coordinate !> @param[in] id_rho array of refinement factor !> @param[in] cd_point Arakawa grid point !> @return offset array (/ (/i_offset_left,i_offset_right/),(/j_offset_lower,j_offset_upper/) /) !------------------------------------------------------------------- FUNCTION grid__get_fine_offset_ff( td_coord0, & & id_imin0, id_jmin0, id_imax0, id_jmax0, & & td_coord1, id_rho, cd_point ) IMPLICIT NONE ! Argument TYPE(TMPP) , INTENT(IN) :: td_coord0 TYPE(TMPP) , INTENT(IN) :: td_coord1 INTEGER(i4) , INTENT(IN) :: id_imin0 INTEGER(i4) , INTENT(IN) :: id_jmin0 INTEGER(i4) , INTENT(IN) :: id_imax0 INTEGER(i4) , INTENT(IN) :: id_jmax0 INTEGER(i4) , DIMENSION(:), INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: id_rho CHARACTER(LEN=*) , INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: cd_point ! function INTEGER(i4), DIMENSION(2,2) :: grid__get_fine_offset_ff ! local variable INTEGER(i4) :: il_imin0 INTEGER(i4) :: il_jmin0 INTEGER(i4) :: il_imax0 INTEGER(i4) :: il_jmax0 INTEGER(i4) :: il_ind INTEGER(i4), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: il_rho INTEGER(i4), DIMENSION(2,2) :: il_xghost0 INTEGER(i4), DIMENSION(2,2) :: il_xghost1 CHARACTER(LEN= 1) :: cl_point CHARACTER(LEN=lc) :: cl_name REAL(dp) , DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: dl_lon0 REAL(dp) , DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: dl_lat0 REAL(dp) , DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: dl_lon1 REAL(dp) , DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: dl_lat1 TYPE(TVAR) :: tl_lon0 TYPE(TVAR) :: tl_lat0 TYPE(TVAR) :: tl_lon1 TYPE(TVAR) :: tl_lat1 TYPE(TMPP) :: tl_coord0 TYPE(TMPP) :: tl_coord1 ! loop indices !---------------------------------------------------------------- ! init grid__get_fine_offset_ff(:,:)=-1 ALLOCATE(il_rho(ip_maxdim)) il_rho(:)=1 IF( PRESENT(id_rho) ) il_rho(:)=id_rho(:) cl_point='T' IF( PRESENT(cd_point) ) cl_point=TRIM(fct_upper(cd_point)) ! copy structure tl_coord0=mpp_copy(td_coord0) tl_coord1=mpp_copy(td_coord1) IF( .NOT. ASSOCIATED(tl_coord0%t_proc) .OR. & & .NOT. ASSOCIATED(tl_coord1%t_proc) )THEN CALL logger_error("GRID GET FINE OFFSET: can not get coarse "//& & "grid indices. decompsition of mpp file "//TRIM(tl_coord0%c_name)//& & " and/or "//TRIM(tl_coord1%c_name)//" not defined." ) ELSE !1- Coarse grid ! get ghost cell factor on coarse grid il_xghost0(:,:)=grid_get_ghost( tl_coord0 ) ! open mpp files CALL iom_mpp_open(tl_coord0) ! read coarse longitue and latitude WRITE(cl_name,*) 'longitude_'//TRIM(cl_point) il_ind=var_get_id(tl_coord0%t_proc(1)%t_var(:), cl_name) IF( il_ind == 0 )THEN CALL logger_warn("GRID GET FINE OFFSET: no variable "//& & TRIM(cl_name)//" in file "//TRIM(tl_coord0%c_name)//". & & try to use longitude.") WRITE(cl_name,*) 'longitude' ENDIF tl_lon0=iom_mpp_read_var(tl_coord0, TRIM(cl_name)) WRITE(cl_name,*) 'latitude_'//TRIM(cl_point) il_ind=var_get_id(tl_coord0%t_proc(1)%t_var(:), cl_name) IF( il_ind == 0 )THEN CALL logger_warn("GRID GET FINE OFFSET: no variable "//& & TRIM(cl_name)//" in file "//TRIM(tl_coord0%c_name)//". & & try to use latitude.") WRITE(cl_name,*) 'latitude' ENDIF tl_lat0=iom_mpp_read_var(tl_coord0, TRIM(cl_name)) ! close mpp files CALL iom_mpp_close(tl_coord0) CALL grid_del_ghost(tl_lon0, il_xghost0(:,:)) CALL grid_del_ghost(tl_lat0, il_xghost0(:,:)) ALLOCATE(dl_lon0(tl_lon0%t_dim(jp_I)%i_len, & & tl_lon0%t_dim(jp_J)%i_len )) dl_lon0(:,:)=tl_lon0%d_value(:,:,1,1) ALLOCATE(dl_lat0(tl_lat0%t_dim(jp_I)%i_len, & & tl_lat0%t_dim(jp_J)%i_len )) dl_lat0(:,:)=tl_lat0%d_value(:,:,1,1) ! clean CALL var_clean(tl_lon0) CALL var_clean(tl_lat0) ! adjust coarse grid indices il_imin0=id_imin0-il_xghost0(jp_I,1) il_imax0=id_imax0-il_xghost0(jp_I,1) il_jmin0=id_jmin0-il_xghost0(jp_J,1) il_jmax0=id_jmax0-il_xghost0(jp_J,1) !2- Fine grid ! get ghost cell factor on fine grid il_xghost1(:,:)=grid_get_ghost( tl_coord1 ) ! open mpp files CALL iom_mpp_open(tl_coord1) ! read fine longitue and latitude WRITE(cl_name,*) 'longitude_'//TRIM(cl_point) il_ind=var_get_id(tl_coord1%t_proc(1)%t_var(:), cl_name) IF( il_ind == 0 )THEN CALL logger_warn("GRID GET FINE OFFSET: no variable "//& & TRIM(cl_name)//" in file "//TRIM(tl_coord1%c_name)//". & & try to use longitude.") WRITE(cl_name,*) 'longitude' ENDIF tl_lon1=iom_mpp_read_var(tl_coord1, TRIM(cl_name)) WRITE(cl_name,*) 'latitude_'//TRIM(cl_point) il_ind=var_get_id(tl_coord1%t_proc(1)%t_var(:), cl_name) IF( il_ind == 0 )THEN CALL logger_warn("GRID GET FINE OFFSET: no variable "//& & TRIM(cl_name)//" in file "//TRIM(tl_coord1%c_name)//". & & try to use latitude.") WRITE(cl_name,*) 'latitude' ENDIF tl_lat1=iom_mpp_read_var(tl_coord1, TRIM(cl_name)) ! close mpp files CALL iom_mpp_close(tl_coord1) CALL grid_del_ghost(tl_lon1, il_xghost1(:,:)) CALL grid_del_ghost(tl_lat1, il_xghost1(:,:)) ALLOCATE(dl_lon1(tl_lon1%t_dim(jp_I)%i_len, & & tl_lon1%t_dim(jp_J)%i_len )) dl_lon1(:,:)=tl_lon1%d_value(:,:,1,1) ALLOCATE(dl_lat1(tl_lat1%t_dim(jp_I)%i_len, & & tl_lat1%t_dim(jp_J)%i_len )) dl_lat1(:,:)=tl_lat1%d_value(:,:,1,1) ! clean CALL var_clean(tl_lon1) CALL var_clean(tl_lat1) !3- compute grid__get_fine_offset_ff(:,:)=grid_get_fine_offset( & & dl_lon0(:,:), dl_lat0(:,:),& & il_imin0, il_jmin0, & & il_imax0, il_jmax0, & & dl_lon1(:,:), dl_lat1(:,:),& & id_rho(:), cl_point ) DEALLOCATE(dl_lon0, dl_lat0) DEALLOCATE(dl_lon1, dl_lat1) ENDIF ! clean CALL mpp_clean(tl_coord0) CALL mpp_clean(tl_coord1) DEALLOCATE(il_rho) END FUNCTION grid__get_fine_offset_ff !------------------------------------------------------------------- !> @brief This function get offset between fine grid and coarse grid. ! !> @details !> optionally, you could specify on which Arakawa grid point you want to !> work (default 'T') !> offset value could be 0,1,..,rho-1 ! !> @author J.Paul !> @date September, 2014 - Initial Version !> @date October, 2014 !> - work on mpp file structure instead of file structure ! !> @param[in] dd_lon0 coarse grid longitude array !> @param[in] dd_lat0 coarse grid latitude array !> @param[in] id_imin0 coarse grid lower left corner i-indice of fine grid domain !> @param[in] id_jmin0 coarse grid lower left corner j-indice of fine grid domain !> @param[in] id_imax0 coarse grid upper right corner i-indice of fine grid domain !> @param[in] id_jmax0 coarse grid upper right corner j-indice of fine grid domain !> @param[in] td_coord1 fine grid coordinate !> @param[in] id_rho array of refinement factor !> @param[in] cd_point Arakawa grid point !> @return offset array (/ (/i_offset_left,i_offset_right/),(/j_offset_lower,j_offset_upper/) /) !------------------------------------------------------------------- FUNCTION grid__get_fine_offset_cf( dd_lon0, dd_lat0, & & id_imin0, id_jmin0, id_imax0, id_jmax0, & & td_coord1, id_rho, cd_point ) IMPLICIT NONE ! Argument REAL(dp) , DIMENSION(:,:), INTENT(IN) :: dd_lon0 REAL(dp) , DIMENSION(:,:), INTENT(IN) :: dd_lat0 TYPE(TMPP) , INTENT(IN) :: td_coord1 INTEGER(i4) , INTENT(IN) :: id_imin0 INTEGER(i4) , INTENT(IN) :: id_jmin0 INTEGER(i4) , INTENT(IN) :: id_imax0 INTEGER(i4) , INTENT(IN) :: id_jmax0 INTEGER(i4) , DIMENSION(:) , INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: id_rho CHARACTER(LEN=*) , INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: cd_point ! function INTEGER(i4), DIMENSION(2,2) :: grid__get_fine_offset_cf ! local variable INTEGER(i4) :: il_ind INTEGER(i4), DIMENSION(2,2) :: il_xghost1 INTEGER(i4), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: il_rho CHARACTER(LEN= 1) :: cl_point CHARACTER(LEN=lc) :: cl_name REAL(dp) , DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: dl_lon1 REAL(dp) , DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: dl_lat1 TYPE(TVAR) :: tl_lon1 TYPE(TVAR) :: tl_lat1 TYPE(TMPP) :: tl_coord1 ! loop indices !---------------------------------------------------------------- ! init grid__get_fine_offset_cf(:,:)=-1 ALLOCATE(il_rho(ip_maxdim)) il_rho(:)=1 IF( PRESENT(id_rho) ) il_rho(:)=id_rho(:) cl_point='T' IF( PRESENT(cd_point) ) cl_point=TRIM(fct_upper(cd_point)) ! copy structure tl_coord1=mpp_copy(td_coord1) IF( .NOT. ASSOCIATED(tl_coord1%t_proc) )THEN CALL logger_error("GRID GET FINE OFFSET: decompsition of mpp "//& & "file "//TRIM(tl_coord1%c_name)//" not defined." ) ELSE ! Fine grid ! get ghost cell factor on fine grid il_xghost1(:,:)=grid_get_ghost( tl_coord1 ) ! open mpp files CALL iom_mpp_open(tl_coord1) ! read fine longitue and latitude WRITE(cl_name,*) 'longitude_'//TRIM(cl_point) il_ind=var_get_id(tl_coord1%t_proc(1)%t_var(:), cl_name) IF( il_ind == 0 )THEN CALL logger_warn("GRID GET FINE OFFSET: no variable "//& & TRIM(cl_name)//" in file "//TRIM(tl_coord1%c_name)//". & & try to use longitude.") WRITE(cl_name,*) 'longitude' ENDIF tl_lon1=iom_mpp_read_var(tl_coord1, TRIM(cl_name)) WRITE(cl_name,*) 'latitude_'//TRIM(cl_point) il_ind=var_get_id(tl_coord1%t_proc(1)%t_var(:), cl_name) IF( il_ind == 0 )THEN CALL logger_warn("GRID GET FINE OFFSET: no variable "//& & TRIM(cl_name)//" in file "//TRIM(tl_coord1%c_name)//". & & try to use latitude.") WRITE(cl_name,*) 'latitude' ENDIF tl_lat1=iom_mpp_read_var(tl_coord1, TRIM(cl_name)) ! close mpp files CALL iom_mpp_close(tl_coord1) CALL grid_del_ghost(tl_lon1, il_xghost1(:,:)) CALL grid_del_ghost(tl_lat1, il_xghost1(:,:)) ALLOCATE(dl_lon1(tl_lon1%t_dim(jp_I)%i_len, & & tl_lon1%t_dim(jp_J)%i_len )) dl_lon1(:,:)=tl_lon1%d_value(:,:,1,1) ALLOCATE(dl_lat1(tl_lat1%t_dim(jp_I)%i_len, & & tl_lat1%t_dim(jp_J)%i_len )) dl_lat1(:,:)=tl_lat1%d_value(:,:,1,1) ! clean CALL var_clean(tl_lon1) CALL var_clean(tl_lat1) ! compute grid__get_fine_offset_cf(:,:)=grid_get_fine_offset( & & dd_lon0(:,:), dd_lat0(:,:),& & id_imin0, id_jmin0, & & id_imax0, id_jmax0, & & dl_lon1(:,:), dl_lat1(:,:),& & id_rho(:), cl_point ) DEALLOCATE(dl_lon1, dl_lat1) ENDIF ! clean CALL mpp_clean(tl_coord1) DEALLOCATE(il_rho) END FUNCTION grid__get_fine_offset_cf !------------------------------------------------------------------- !> @brief This function get offset between fine grid and coarse grid. ! !> @details !> optionally, you could specify on which Arakawa grid point you want to !> work (default 'T') !> offset value could be 0,1,..,rho-1 ! !> @author J.Paul !> @date September, 2014 - Initial Version !> @date October, 2014 !> - work on mpp file structure instead of file structure ! !> @param[in] td_coord0 coarse grid coordinate !> @param[in] id_imin0 coarse grid lower left corner i-indice of fine grid domain !> @param[in] id_jmin0 coarse grid lower left corner j-indice of fine grid domain !> @param[in] id_imax0 coarse grid upper right corner i-indice of fine grid domain !> @param[in] id_jmax0 coarse grid upper right corner j-indice of fine grid domain !> @param[in] dd_lon1 fine grid longitude array !> @param[in] dd_lat1 fine grid latitude array !> @param[in] id_rho array of refinement factor !> @param[in] cd_point Arakawa grid point !> @return offset array (/ (/i_offset_left,i_offset_right/),(/j_offset_lower,j_offset_upper/) /) !------------------------------------------------------------------- FUNCTION grid__get_fine_offset_fc( td_coord0, & & id_imin0, id_jmin0, id_imax0, id_jmax0, & & dd_lon1, dd_lat1, & & id_rho, cd_point ) IMPLICIT NONE ! Argument TYPE(TMPP) , INTENT(IN) :: td_coord0 REAL(dp) , DIMENSION(:,:), INTENT(IN) :: dd_lon1 REAL(dp) , DIMENSION(:,:), INTENT(IN) :: dd_lat1 INTEGER(i4) , INTENT(IN) :: id_imin0 INTEGER(i4) , INTENT(IN) :: id_jmin0 INTEGER(i4) , INTENT(IN) :: id_imax0 INTEGER(i4) , INTENT(IN) :: id_jmax0 INTEGER(i4) , DIMENSION(:) , INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: id_rho CHARACTER(LEN=*) , INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: cd_point ! function INTEGER(i4), DIMENSION(2,2) :: grid__get_fine_offset_fc ! local variable INTEGER(i4) :: il_imin0 INTEGER(i4) :: il_jmin0 INTEGER(i4) :: il_imax0 INTEGER(i4) :: il_jmax0 INTEGER(i4) :: il_ind INTEGER(i4), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: il_rho INTEGER(i4), DIMENSION(2,2) :: il_xghost0 CHARACTER(LEN= 1) :: cl_point CHARACTER(LEN=lc) :: cl_name REAL(dp) , DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: dl_lon0 REAL(dp) , DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: dl_lat0 TYPE(TVAR) :: tl_lon0 TYPE(TVAR) :: tl_lat0 TYPE(TMPP) :: tl_coord0 ! loop indices !---------------------------------------------------------------- ! init grid__get_fine_offset_fc(:,:)=-1 ALLOCATE(il_rho(ip_maxdim)) il_rho(:)=1 IF( PRESENT(id_rho) ) il_rho(:)=id_rho(:) cl_point='T' IF( PRESENT(cd_point) ) cl_point=TRIM(fct_upper(cd_point)) ! copy structure tl_coord0=mpp_copy(td_coord0) IF( .NOT. ASSOCIATED(tl_coord0%t_proc) )THEN CALL logger_error("GRID GET FINE OFFSET: decompsition of mpp "//& & "file "//TRIM(tl_coord0%c_name)//" not defined." ) ELSE !1- Coarse grid ! get ghost cell factor on coarse grid il_xghost0(:,:)=grid_get_ghost( tl_coord0 ) ! open mpp files CALL iom_mpp_open(tl_coord0) ! read coarse longitude and latitude WRITE(cl_name,*) 'longitude_'//TRIM(cl_point) il_ind=var_get_id(tl_coord0%t_proc(1)%t_var(:), cl_name) IF( il_ind == 0 )THEN CALL logger_warn("GRID GET FINE OFFSET: no variable "//& & TRIM(cl_name)//" in file "//TRIM(tl_coord0%c_name)//". & & try to use longitude.") WRITE(cl_name,*) 'longitude' ENDIF tl_lon0=iom_mpp_read_var(tl_coord0, TRIM(cl_name)) WRITE(cl_name,*) 'latitude_'//TRIM(cl_point) il_ind=var_get_id(tl_coord0%t_proc(1)%t_var(:), cl_name) IF( il_ind == 0 )THEN CALL logger_warn("GRID GET FINE OFFSET: no variable "//& & TRIM(cl_name)//" in file "//TRIM(tl_coord0%c_name)//". & & try to use latitude.") WRITE(cl_name,*) 'latitude' ENDIF tl_lat0=iom_mpp_read_var(tl_coord0, TRIM(cl_name)) ! close mpp files CALL iom_mpp_close(tl_coord0) CALL grid_del_ghost(tl_lon0, il_xghost0(:,:)) CALL grid_del_ghost(tl_lat0, il_xghost0(:,:)) ALLOCATE(dl_lon0(tl_lon0%t_dim(jp_I)%i_len, & & tl_lon0%t_dim(jp_J)%i_len )) dl_lon0(:,:)=tl_lon0%d_value(:,:,1,1) ALLOCATE(dl_lat0(tl_lat0%t_dim(jp_I)%i_len, & & tl_lat0%t_dim(jp_J)%i_len )) dl_lat0(:,:)=tl_lat0%d_value(:,:,1,1) ! clean CALL var_clean(tl_lon0) CALL var_clean(tl_lat0) ! adjust coarse grid indices il_imin0=id_imin0-il_xghost0(jp_I,1) il_imax0=id_imax0-il_xghost0(jp_I,1) il_jmin0=id_jmin0-il_xghost0(jp_J,1) il_jmax0=id_jmax0-il_xghost0(jp_J,1) !3- compute grid__get_fine_offset_fc(:,:)=grid_get_fine_offset(& & dl_lon0(:,:), dl_lat0(:,:),& & il_imin0, il_jmin0, & & il_imax0, il_jmax0, & & dd_lon1(:,:), dd_lat1(:,:),& & id_rho(:), cl_point ) DEALLOCATE(dl_lon0, dl_lat0) ENDIF ! clean CALL mpp_clean(tl_coord0) DEALLOCATE(il_rho) END FUNCTION grid__get_fine_offset_fc !------------------------------------------------------------------- !> @brief This function get offset between fine grid and coarse grid. ! !> @details !> offset value could be 0,1,..,rho-1 ! !> @author J.Paul !> @date November, 2013 - Initial Version !> @date September, 2014 !> - rename from grid_get_fine_offset !> @date May, 2015 !> - improve way to find offset !> @date July, 2015 !> - manage case close to greenwich meridian !> @date February, 2016 !> - use grid_get_closest to assess offset !> - use delta (lon or lat) !> - manage cases for T,U,V or F point, with even or odd refinment !> - check lower left(upper right) fine grid point inside lower left(upper !> right) coarse grid cell. !> !> @todo check case close from North fold. !> !> @param[in] dd_lon0 coarse grid longitude array !> @param[in] dd_lat0 coarse grid latitude array !> @param[in] id_imin0 coarse grid lower left corner i-indice of fine grid domain !> @param[in] id_jmin0 coarse grid lower left corner j-indice of fine grid domain !> @param[in] id_imax0 coarse grid upper right corner i-indice of fine grid domain !> @param[in] id_jmax0 coarse grid upper right corner j-indice of fine grid domain !> @param[in] dd_lon1 fine grid longitude array !> @param[in] dd_lat1 fine grid latitude array !> @param[in] id_rho array of refinement factor !> @param[in] cd_point Arakawa grid point !> @return offset array (/ (/i_offset_left,i_offset_right/),(/j_offset_lower,j_offset_upper/) /) !------------------------------------------------------------------- FUNCTION grid__get_fine_offset_cc( dd_lon0, dd_lat0, & & id_imin0, id_jmin0, id_imax0, id_jmax0, & & dd_lon1, dd_lat1, id_rho, cd_point ) IMPLICIT NONE ! Argument REAL(dp) , DIMENSION(:,:), INTENT(IN) :: dd_lon0 REAL(dp) , DIMENSION(:,:), INTENT(IN) :: dd_lat0 REAL(dp) , DIMENSION(:,:), INTENT(IN) :: dd_lon1 REAL(dp) , DIMENSION(:,:), INTENT(IN) :: dd_lat1 INTEGER(i4) , INTENT(IN) :: id_imin0 INTEGER(i4) , INTENT(IN) :: id_jmin0 INTEGER(i4) , INTENT(IN) :: id_imax0 INTEGER(i4) , INTENT(IN) :: id_jmax0 INTEGER(i4) , DIMENSION(:) , INTENT(IN) :: id_rho CHARACTER(LEN=*) , INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: cd_point ! function INTEGER(i4), DIMENSION(2,2) :: grid__get_fine_offset_cc ! local variable CHARACTER(LEN= 1) :: cl_point INTEGER(i4) :: i1 INTEGER(i4) :: i2 INTEGER(i4) :: j1 INTEGER(i4) :: j2 INTEGER(i4), DIMENSION(2) :: il_shape0 INTEGER(i4), DIMENSION(2) :: il_shape1 INTEGER(i4), DIMENSION(2) :: il_ind REAL(dp) , DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: dl_lon0 REAL(dp) , DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: dl_lon1 REAL(dp) :: dl_lonmax0 REAL(dp) :: dl_latmax0 REAL(dp) :: dl_lonmin0 REAL(dp) :: dl_latmin0 REAL(dp) :: dl_lon0F REAL(dp) :: dl_lat0F REAL(dp) :: dl_dlon REAL(dp) :: dl_dlat LOGICAL , DIMENSION(2) :: ll_even LOGICAL :: ll_greenwich ! loop indices INTEGER(i4) :: ii INTEGER(i4) :: ij !---------------------------------------------------------------- IF( ANY( SHAPE(dd_lon0(:,:)) /= SHAPE(dd_lat0(:,:)) ) )THEN CALL logger_fatal("GRID GET FINE OFFSET: dimension of coarse "//& & "longitude and latitude differ") ENDIF IF( ANY( SHAPE(dd_lon1(:,:)) /= SHAPE(dd_lat1(:,:)) ) )THEN CALL logger_fatal("GRID GET FINE OFFSET: dimension of fine "//& & "longitude and latitude differ") ENDIF ll_even(:)=(/ (MOD(id_rho(jp_I),2)==0), (MOD(id_rho(jp_J),2)==0) /) cl_point='T' IF( PRESENT(cd_point) ) cl_point=TRIM(fct_upper(cd_point)) il_shape0(:)=SHAPE(dd_lon0(:,:)) ALLOCATE( dl_lon0(il_shape0(1),il_shape0(2)) ) il_shape1(:)=SHAPE(dd_lon1(:,:)) ALLOCATE( dl_lon1(il_shape1(1),il_shape1(2)) ) dl_lon0(:,:)=dd_lon0(:,:) WHERE( dd_lon0(:,:) < 0 ) dl_lon0(:,:)=dd_lon0(:,:)+360. dl_lon1(:,:)=dd_lon1(:,:) WHERE( dd_lon1(:,:) < 0 ) dl_lon1(:,:)=dd_lon1(:,:)+360. ! init grid__get_fine_offset_cc(:,:)=-1 ll_greenwich=.FALSE. IF( il_shape1(jp_J) == 1 )THEN grid__get_fine_offset_cc(jp_J,:)=((id_rho(jp_J)-1)/2) !!! work on i-direction !!! look for i-direction left offset i1=1 ; i2=MIN((id_rho(jp_I)+2),il_shape1(jp_I)) j1=1 ; j2=1 ! check if cross greenwich meridien IF( minval(dl_lon0(id_imin0:id_imin0+1,id_jmin0))<5. .OR. & & maxval(dl_lon0(id_imin0:id_imin0+1,id_jmin0))>355. )THEN ! close to greenwich meridien ll_greenwich=.TRUE. ! 0:360 => -180:180 WHERE( dl_lon0(id_imin0:id_imin0+1,id_jmin0) > 180. ) dl_lon0(id_imin0:id_imin0+1,id_jmin0) = & & dl_lon0(id_imin0:id_imin0+1,id_jmin0)-360. END WHERE WHERE( dl_lon1(i1:i2,j1:j2) > 180. ) dl_lon1(i1:i2,j1:j2)=dl_lon1(i1:i2,j1:j2)-360. END WHERE ENDIF ! max lognitude of the left cell dl_lonmax0=dl_lon0(id_imin0+1,id_jmin0) IF( dl_lon1(1,1) < dl_lonmax0 )THEN !!!!! i-direction !!!!! IF( ll_even(jp_I) )THEN ! even SELECT CASE(TRIM(cl_point)) CASE('F','U') dl_dlon= ( dl_lon0(id_imin0+1,id_jmin0) - & & dl_lon0(id_imin0 ,id_jmin0) ) / & & ( 2.*id_rho(jp_I) ) CASE DEFAULT dl_dlon=0 END SELECT ELSE ! odd dl_dlon= ( dl_lon0(id_imin0+1,id_jmin0) - & & dl_lon0(id_imin0 ,id_jmin0) ) / & & ( 2.*id_rho(jp_I) ) ENDIF dl_lon0F= dl_lon0(id_imin0+1,id_jmin0) + dl_dlon dl_lat0F= dd_lat0(id_imin0+1,id_jmin0) il_ind(:)=grid_get_closest( dl_lon1(i1:i2,j1:j2), dd_lat1(i1:i2,j1:j2), & & dl_lon0F, dl_lat0F, 'le' ) ii=il_ind(1) !!!!! i-direction !!!!! IF( ll_even(jp_I) )THEN ! even SELECT CASE(TRIM(cl_point)) CASE('T','V') grid__get_fine_offset_cc(jp_I,1)=id_rho(jp_I)-ii CASE DEFAULT !'F','U' grid__get_fine_offset_cc(jp_I,1)=(id_rho(jp_I)+1)-ii END SELECT ELSE ! odd grid__get_fine_offset_cc(jp_I,1)=(id_rho(jp_I)+1)-ii ENDIF ELSE CALL logger_error("GRID GET FINE OFFSET: coarse grid indices do "//& & " not match fine grid left corner.") ENDIF IF( ll_greenwich )THEN ! close to greenwich meridien ll_greenwich=.FALSE. ! -180:180 => 0:360 WHERE( dl_lon0(id_imin0:id_imin0+1,id_jmin0) < 0. ) dl_lon0(id_imin0:id_imin0+1,id_jmin0) = & & dl_lon0(id_imin0:id_imin0+1,id_jmin0)+360. END WHERE WHERE( dl_lon1(i1:i2,j1:j2) < 0. ) dl_lon1(i1:i2,j1:j2)=dl_lon1(i1:i2,j1:j2)+360. END WHERE ENDIF !!!!!! look for i-direction right offset !!!!!! i1=MAX(1,il_shape1(jp_I)-(id_rho(jp_I)+2)+1) ; i2=il_shape1(jp_I) j1=1 ; j2=1 ! check if cross greenwich meridien IF( minval(dl_lon0(id_imax0-1:id_imax0,id_jmin0))<5. .OR. & & maxval(dl_lon0(id_imax0-1:id_imax0,id_jmin0))>355. )THEN ! close to greenwich meridien ll_greenwich=.TRUE. ! 0:360 => -180:180 WHERE( dl_lon0(id_imax0-1:id_imax0,id_jmin0) > 180. ) dl_lon0(id_imax0-1:id_imax0,id_jmin0) = & & dl_lon0(id_imax0-1:id_imax0,id_jmin0)-360. END WHERE WHERE( dl_lon1(i1:i2,j1:j2) > 180. ) dl_lon1(i1:i2,j1:j2)=dl_lon1(i1:i2,j1:j2)-360. END WHERE ENDIF ! min lognitude of the right cell dl_lonmin0=dl_lon0(id_imax0-1,id_jmin0) IF( dl_lon1(il_shape1(jp_I),il_shape1(jp_J)) > dl_lonmin0 )THEN !!!!! i-direction !!!!! IF( ll_even(jp_I) )THEN ! even SELECT CASE(TRIM(cl_point)) CASE('F','U') dl_dlon= ( dl_lon0(id_imax0 ,id_jmin0) - & & dl_lon0(id_imax0-1,id_jmin0) ) / & & ( 2.*id_rho(jp_I) ) CASE DEFAULT dl_dlon=0 END SELECT ELSE ! odd dl_dlon= ( dl_lon0(id_imax0 ,id_jmin0) - & & dl_lon0(id_imax0-1,id_jmin0) ) / & & ( 2.*id_rho(jp_I) ) ENDIF dl_lon0F= dl_lon0(id_imax0-1,id_jmin0) - dl_dlon dl_lat0F= dd_lat0(id_imax0-1,id_jmin0) il_ind(:)=grid_get_closest( dl_lon1(i1:i2,j1:j2), dd_lat1(i1:i2,j1:j2), & & dl_lon0F, dl_lat0F, 'ri' ) ii=(MIN(il_shape1(jp_I),(id_rho(jp_I)+2))-il_ind(1)+1) !!!!! i-direction !!!!! IF( ll_even(jp_I) )THEN ! even SELECT CASE(TRIM(cl_point)) CASE('T','V') grid__get_fine_offset_cc(jp_I,2)=id_rho(jp_I)-ii CASE DEFAULT !'F','U' grid__get_fine_offset_cc(jp_I,2)=(id_rho(jp_I)+1)-ii END SELECT ELSE ! odd grid__get_fine_offset_cc(jp_I,2)=(id_rho(jp_I)+1)-ii ENDIF ELSE CALL logger_error("GRID GET FINE OFFSET: coarse grid indices do "//& & " not match fine grid right corner.") ENDIF IF( ll_greenwich )THEN ! close to greenwich meridien ll_greenwich=.FALSE. ! -180:180 => 0:360 WHERE( dl_lon0(id_imax0-1:id_imax0,id_jmin0) < 0. ) dl_lon0(id_imax0-1:id_imax0,id_jmin0) = & & dl_lon0(id_imax0-1:id_imax0,id_jmin0)+360. END WHERE WHERE( dl_lon1(i1:i2,j1:j2) < 0. ) dl_lon1(i1:i2,j1:j2)=dl_lon1(i1:i2,j1:j2)+360. END WHERE ENDIF ELSEIF( il_shape1(jp_I) == 1 )THEN grid__get_fine_offset_cc(jp_I,:)=((id_rho(jp_I)-1)/2) !!! work on j-direction !!! look for j-direction lower offset i1=1 ; i2=1 j1=1 ; j2=MIN((id_rho(jp_J)+2),il_shape1(jp_J)) ! max latitude of the lower cell dl_latmax0=dd_lat0(id_imin0,id_jmin0+1) IF( dd_lat1(1,1) < dl_latmax0 )THEN IF( ll_even(jp_J) )THEN ! even SELECT CASE(TRIM(cl_point)) CASE('F','V') dl_dlat= ( dd_lat0(id_imin0,id_jmin0+1) - & & dd_lat0(id_imin0,id_jmin0 ) ) / & & ( 2.*id_rho(jp_J) ) CASE DEFAULT dl_dlat=0 END SELECT ELSE ! odd dl_dlat= ( dd_lat0(id_imin0,id_jmin0+1) - & & dd_lat0(id_imin0,id_jmin0 ) ) / & & ( 2.*id_rho(jp_J) ) ENDIF dl_lon0F= dl_lon0(id_imin0,id_jmin0+1) dl_lat0F= dd_lat0(id_imin0,id_jmin0+1) + dl_dlat il_ind(:)=grid_get_closest( dl_lon1(i1:i2,j1:j2), dd_lat1(i1:i2,j1:j2), & & dl_lon0F, dl_lat0F, 'lo' ) ij=il_ind(2) !!!!! i-direction !!!!! IF( ll_even(jp_I) )THEN ! even SELECT CASE(TRIM(cl_point)) CASE('T','V') grid__get_fine_offset_cc(jp_I,1)=id_rho(jp_I)-ii CASE DEFAULT !'F','U' grid__get_fine_offset_cc(jp_I,1)=(id_rho(jp_I)+1)-ii END SELECT ELSE ! odd grid__get_fine_offset_cc(jp_I,1)=(id_rho(jp_I)+1)-ii ENDIF ELSE CALL logger_error("GRID GET FINE OFFSET: coarse grid indices do "//& & " not match fine grid lower corner.") ENDIF !!! look for j-direction upper offset i1=1 ; i2=1 j1=MAX(1,il_shape1(jp_J)-(id_rho(jp_J)+2)+1) ; j2=il_shape1(jp_J) ! min latitude of the upper cell dl_latmin0=dd_lat0(id_imin0,id_jmax0-1) IF( dd_lat1(il_shape1(jp_I),il_shape1(jp_J)) > dl_latmin0 )THEN IF( ll_even(jp_J) )THEN ! even SELECT CASE(TRIM(cl_point)) CASE('F','V') dl_dlat= ( dd_lat0(id_imin0,id_jmax0 ) - & & dd_lat0(id_imin0,id_jmax0-1) ) / & & ( 2.*id_rho(jp_J) ) CASE DEFAULT dl_dlat=0 END SELECT ELSE ! odd dl_dlat= ( dd_lat0(id_imin0,id_jmax0 ) - & & dd_lat0(id_imin0,id_jmax0-1) ) / & & ( 2*id_rho(jp_J) ) ENDIF dl_lon0F= dl_lon0(id_imin0,id_jmax0-1) dl_lat0F= dd_lat0(id_imin0,id_jmax0-1) - dl_dlat il_ind(:)=grid_get_closest( dl_lon1(i1:i2,j1:j2), dd_lat1(i1:i2,j1:j2), & & dl_lon0F, dl_lat0F, 'up' ) ij=(MIN(il_shape1(jp_J),(id_rho(jp_J)+2))-il_ind(2)+1) !!!!! j-direction !!!!! IF( ll_even(jp_J) )THEN ! even SELECT CASE(TRIM(cl_point)) CASE('T','U') grid__get_fine_offset_cc(jp_J,2)=id_rho(jp_J)-ij CASE DEFAULT !'F','V' grid__get_fine_offset_cc(jp_J,2)=(id_rho(jp_J)+1)-ij END SELECT ELSE ! odd grid__get_fine_offset_cc(jp_J,2)=(id_rho(jp_J)+1)-ij ENDIF ELSE CALL logger_error("GRID GET FINE OFFSET: coarse grid indices do "//& & " not match fine grid upper corner.") ENDIF ELSE ! il_shape1(1) > 1 .AND. il_shape1(2) > 1 !!!!!! look for lower left offset !!!!!! i1=1 ; i2=MIN((id_rho(jp_I)+2),il_shape1(jp_I)) j1=1 ; j2=MIN((id_rho(jp_J)+2),il_shape1(jp_J)) ! check if cross greenwich meridien IF( minval(dl_lon0(id_imin0:id_imin0+1,id_jmin0:id_jmin0+1))<5. .OR. & & maxval(dl_lon0(id_imin0:id_imin0+1,id_jmin0:id_jmin0+1))>355. )THEN ! close to greenwich meridien ll_greenwich=.TRUE. ! 0:360 => -180:180 WHERE( dl_lon0(id_imin0:id_imin0+1,id_jmin0:id_jmin0+1) > 180. ) dl_lon0(id_imin0:id_imin0+1,id_jmin0:id_jmin0+1) = & & dl_lon0(id_imin0:id_imin0+1,id_jmin0:id_jmin0+1)-360. END WHERE WHERE( dl_lon1(i1:i2,j1:j2) > 180. ) dl_lon1(i1:i2,j1:j2)=dl_lon1(i1:i2,j1:j2)-360. END WHERE ENDIF ! max longitude of the lower left cell dl_lonmax0=MAX(dl_lon0(id_imin0+1,id_jmin0),dl_lon0(id_imin0+1,id_jmin0+1)) ! max latitude of the lower left cell dl_latmax0=MAX(dd_lat0(id_imin0,id_jmin0+1),dd_lat0(id_imin0+1,id_jmin0+1)) IF( dl_lon1(1,1) < dl_lonmax0 .AND. & & dd_lat1(1,1) < dl_latmax0 )THEN !!!!! i-direction !!!!! IF( ll_even(jp_I) )THEN ! even SELECT CASE(TRIM(cl_point)) CASE('F','U') dl_dlon= ( dl_lon0(id_imin0+1,id_jmin0+1) - & & dl_lon0(id_imin0 ,id_jmin0+1) ) / & & ( 2.*id_rho(jp_I) ) CASE DEFAULT dl_dlon=0 END SELECT ELSE ! odd dl_dlon= ( dl_lon0(id_imin0+1,id_jmin0+1) - & & dl_lon0(id_imin0 ,id_jmin0+1) ) / & & ( 2.*id_rho(jp_I) ) ENDIF !!!!! j-direction !!!!! IF( ll_even(jp_J) )THEN ! even SELECT CASE(TRIM(cl_point)) CASE('F','V') dl_dlat= ( dd_lat0(id_imin0+1,id_jmin0+1) - & & dd_lat0(id_imin0+1,id_jmin0 ) ) / & & ( 2.*id_rho(jp_J) ) CASE DEFAULT dl_dlat=0 END SELECT ELSE ! odd dl_dlat= ( dd_lat0(id_imin0+1,id_jmin0+1) - & & dd_lat0(id_imin0+1,id_jmin0 ) ) / & & ( 2.*id_rho(jp_J) ) ENDIF dl_lon0F= dl_lon0(id_imin0+1,id_jmin0+1) + dl_dlon dl_lat0F= dd_lat0(id_imin0+1,id_jmin0+1) + dl_dlat il_ind(:)=grid_get_closest( dl_lon1(i1:i2,j1:j2), dd_lat1(i1:i2,j1:j2), & & dl_lon0F, dl_lat0F, 'll' ) ii=il_ind(1) ij=il_ind(2) !!!!! i-direction !!!!! IF( ll_even(jp_I) )THEN ! even SELECT CASE(TRIM(cl_point)) CASE('T','V') grid__get_fine_offset_cc(jp_I,1)=id_rho(jp_I)-ii CASE DEFAULT !'F','U' grid__get_fine_offset_cc(jp_I,1)=(id_rho(jp_I)+1)-ii END SELECT ELSE ! odd grid__get_fine_offset_cc(jp_I,1)=(id_rho(jp_I)+1)-ii ENDIF !!!!! j-direction !!!!! IF( ll_even(jp_J) )THEN ! even SELECT CASE(TRIM(cl_point)) CASE('T','U') grid__get_fine_offset_cc(jp_J,1)=id_rho(jp_J)-ij CASE DEFAULT !'F','V' grid__get_fine_offset_cc(jp_J,1)=(id_rho(jp_J)+1)-ij END SELECT ELSE ! odd grid__get_fine_offset_cc(jp_J,1)=(id_rho(jp_J)+1)-ij ENDIF ELSE CALL logger_error("GRID GET FINE OFFSET: coarse grid indices do"//& & " not match fine grid lower left corner.") ENDIF IF( ll_greenwich )THEN ! close to greenwich meridien ll_greenwich=.FALSE. ! -180:180 => 0:360 WHERE( dl_lon0(id_imin0:id_imin0+1,id_jmin0:id_jmin0+1) < 0. ) dl_lon0(id_imin0:id_imin0+1,id_jmin0:id_jmin0+1) = & & dl_lon0(id_imin0:id_imin0+1,id_jmin0:id_jmin0+1)+360. END WHERE WHERE( dl_lon1(i1:i2,j1:j2) < 0. ) dl_lon1(i1:i2,j1:j2)=dl_lon1(i1:i2,j1:j2)+360. END WHERE ENDIF !!!!!! look for upper right offset !!!!!! i1=MAX(1,il_shape1(jp_I)-(id_rho(jp_I)+2)+1) ; i2=il_shape1(jp_I) j1=MAX(1,il_shape1(jp_J)-(id_rho(jp_J)+2)+1) ; j2=il_shape1(jp_J) ! check if cross greenwich meridien IF( minval(dl_lon0(id_imax0-1:id_imax0,id_jmax0-1:id_jmax0))<5. .OR. & & maxval(dl_lon0(id_imax0-1:id_imax0,id_jmax0-1:id_jmax0))>355. )THEN ! close to greenwich meridien ll_greenwich=.TRUE. ! 0:360 => -180:180 WHERE( dl_lon0(id_imax0-1:id_imax0,id_jmax0-1:id_jmax0) > 180. ) dl_lon0(id_imax0-1:id_imax0,id_jmax0-1:id_jmax0) = & & dl_lon0(id_imax0-1:id_imax0,id_jmax0-1:id_jmax0)-360. END WHERE WHERE( dl_lon1(i1:i2,j1:j2) > 180. ) dl_lon1(i1:i2,j1:j2)=dl_lon1(i1:i2,j1:j2)-360. END WHERE ENDIF ! min latitude of the upper right cell dl_lonmin0=MIN(dl_lon0(id_imax0-1,id_jmax0-1),dl_lon0(id_imax0-1,id_jmax0)) ! min latitude of the upper right cell dl_latmin0=MIN(dd_lat0(id_imax0-1,id_jmax0-1),dd_lat0(id_imax0,id_jmax0-1)) IF( dl_lon1(il_shape1(jp_I),il_shape1(jp_J)) > dl_lonmin0 .AND. & & dd_lat1(il_shape1(jp_I),il_shape1(jp_J)) > dl_latmin0 )THEN !!!!! i-direction !!!!! IF( ll_even(jp_I) )THEN ! even SELECT CASE(TRIM(cl_point)) CASE('F','U') dl_dlon= ( dl_lon0(id_imax0 ,id_jmax0-1) - & & dl_lon0(id_imax0-1,id_jmax0-1) ) / & & ( 2.*id_rho(jp_I) ) CASE DEFAULT dl_dlon=0 END SELECT ELSE ! odd dl_dlon= ( dl_lon0(id_imax0 ,id_jmax0-1) - & & dl_lon0(id_imax0-1,id_jmax0-1) ) / & & ( 2*id_rho(jp_I) ) ENDIF !!!!! j-direction !!!!! IF( ll_even(jp_J) )THEN ! even SELECT CASE(TRIM(cl_point)) CASE('F','V') dl_dlat= ( dd_lat0(id_imax0-1,id_jmax0 ) - & & dd_lat0(id_imax0-1,id_jmax0-1) ) / & & ( 2.*id_rho(jp_J) ) CASE DEFAULT dl_dlat=0 END SELECT ELSE ! odd dl_dlat= ( dd_lat0(id_imax0-1,id_jmax0 ) - & & dd_lat0(id_imax0-1,id_jmax0-1) ) / & & ( 2*id_rho(jp_J) ) ENDIF dl_lon0F= dl_lon0(id_imax0-1,id_jmax0-1) - dl_dlon dl_lat0F= dd_lat0(id_imax0-1,id_jmax0-1) - dl_dlat il_ind(:)=grid_get_closest( dl_lon1(i1:i2,j1:j2), dd_lat1(i1:i2,j1:j2), & & dl_lon0F, dl_lat0F, 'ur' ) ii=(MIN(il_shape1(jp_I),(id_rho(jp_I)+2))-il_ind(1)+1) ij=(MIN(il_shape1(jp_J),(id_rho(jp_J)+2))-il_ind(2)+1) !!!!! i-direction !!!!! IF( ll_even(jp_I) )THEN ! even SELECT CASE(TRIM(cl_point)) CASE('T','V') grid__get_fine_offset_cc(jp_I,2)=id_rho(jp_I)-ii CASE DEFAULT !'F','U' grid__get_fine_offset_cc(jp_I,2)=(id_rho(jp_I)+1)-ii END SELECT ELSE ! odd grid__get_fine_offset_cc(jp_I,2)=(id_rho(jp_I)+1)-ii ENDIF !!!!! j-direction !!!!! IF( ll_even(jp_J) )THEN ! even SELECT CASE(TRIM(cl_point)) CASE('T','U') grid__get_fine_offset_cc(jp_J,2)=id_rho(jp_J)-ij CASE DEFAULT !'F','V' grid__get_fine_offset_cc(jp_J,2)=(id_rho(jp_J)+1)-ij END SELECT ELSE ! odd grid__get_fine_offset_cc(jp_J,2)=(id_rho(jp_J)+1)-ij ENDIF ELSE CALL logger_error("GRID GET FINE OFFSET: coarse grid indices do"//& & " not match fine grid upper right corner.") ENDIF IF( ll_greenwich )THEN ! close to greenwich meridien ll_greenwich=.FALSE. ! -180:180 => 0:360 WHERE( dl_lon0(id_imax0-1:id_imax0,id_jmax0-1:id_jmax0) < 0. ) dl_lon0(id_imax0-1:id_imax0,id_jmax0-1:id_jmax0) = & & dl_lon0(id_imax0-1:id_imax0,id_jmax0-1:id_jmax0)+360. END WHERE WHERE( dl_lon1(i1:i2,j1:j2) < 0. ) dl_lon1(i1:i2,j1:j2)=dl_lon1(i1:i2,j1:j2)+360. END WHERE ENDIF ENDIF DEALLOCATE( dl_lon0 ) DEALLOCATE( dl_lon1 ) IF( ANY(grid__get_fine_offset_cc(:,:)==-1) )THEN CALL logger_fatal("GRID GET FINE OFFSET: can not found "//& & " offset between coarse and fine grid.") ENDIF END FUNCTION grid__get_fine_offset_cc !------------------------------------------------------------------- !> @brief This subroutine check fine and coarse grid coincidence. ! !> @details ! !> @author J.Paul !> @date November, 2013- Initial Version !> @date October, 2014 !> - work on mpp file structure instead of file structure !> @date February, 2016 !> - use F-point to check coincidence for even refinment !> - use F-point estimation, if can not read it. !> !> @param[in] td_coord0 coarse grid coordinate file structure !> @param[in] td_coord1 fine grid coordinate file structure !> @param[in] id_imin0 coarse grid lower left corner i-indice of fine grid domain !> @param[in] id_imax0 coarse grid upper right corner i-indice of fine grid domain !> @param[in] id_jmin0 coarse grid lower left corner j-indice of fine grid domain !> @param[in] id_jmax0 coarse grid upper right corner j-indice of fine grid domain !> @param[in] id_rho array of refinement factor !------------------------------------------------------------------- SUBROUTINE grid_check_coincidence( td_coord0, td_coord1, & & id_imin0, id_imax0, & & id_jmin0, id_jmax0, & & id_rho ) IMPLICIT NONE ! Argument TYPE(TMPP) , INTENT(IN) :: td_coord0 TYPE(TMPP) , INTENT(IN) :: td_coord1 INTEGER(i4) , INTENT(IN) :: id_imin0 INTEGER(i4) , INTENT(IN) :: id_imax0 INTEGER(i4) , INTENT(IN) :: id_jmin0 INTEGER(i4) , INTENT(IN) :: id_jmax0 INTEGER(i4), DIMENSION(:), INTENT(IN) :: id_rho ! local variable INTEGER(i4) :: il_imid1 INTEGER(i4) :: il_jmid1 INTEGER(i4) :: il_ew0 INTEGER(i4) :: il_ew1 INTEGER(i4) :: il_ind INTEGER(i4) :: il_imin1 INTEGER(i4) :: il_imax1 INTEGER(i4) :: il_jmin1 INTEGER(i4) :: il_jmax1 INTEGER(i4), DIMENSION(2) :: il_ind0 INTEGER(i4), DIMENSION(2) :: il_ind1 INTEGER(i4), DIMENSION(2) :: il_ill1 INTEGER(i4), DIMENSION(2) :: il_ilr1 INTEGER(i4), DIMENSION(2) :: il_iul1 INTEGER(i4), DIMENSION(2) :: il_iur1 REAL(dp) :: dl_lon0F REAL(dp) :: dl_lat0F REAL(dp) :: dl_lon0 REAL(dp) :: dl_lat0 REAL(dp) :: dl_lon1F REAL(dp) :: dl_lat1F REAL(dp) :: dl_lon1 REAL(dp) :: dl_lat1 REAL(dp) :: dl_delta LOGICAL :: ll_coincidence LOGICAL :: ll_even LOGICAL :: ll_grid0F LOGICAL :: ll_grid1F TYPE(TVAR) :: tl_lon0 TYPE(TVAR) :: tl_lat0 TYPE(TVAR) :: tl_lon0F TYPE(TVAR) :: tl_lat0F TYPE(TVAR) :: tl_lon1 TYPE(TVAR) :: tl_lat1 TYPE(TVAR) :: tl_lon1F TYPE(TVAR) :: tl_lat1F TYPE(TMPP) :: tl_coord0 TYPE(TMPP) :: tl_coord1 TYPE(TDOM) :: tl_dom0 ! loop indices INTEGER(i4) :: ji INTEGER(i4) :: jj !---------------------------------------------------------------- ll_coincidence=.TRUE. ll_even=.FALSE. IF( MOD(id_rho(jp_I)*id_rho(jp_J),2) == 0 )THEN ll_even=.TRUE. ENDIF ! copy structure tl_coord0=mpp_copy(td_coord0) ! compute domain tl_dom0=dom_init( tl_coord0, & & id_imin0, id_imax0,& & id_jmin0, id_jmax0 ) ! open mpp files CALL iom_dom_open(tl_coord0, tl_dom0) ! read variable value on domain il_ind=var_get_index(tl_coord0%t_proc(1)%t_var(:), 'longitude_T') IF( il_ind /= 0 )THEN tl_lon0=iom_dom_read_var(tl_coord0,'longitude_T',tl_dom0) ELSE tl_lon0=iom_dom_read_var(tl_coord0,'longitude',tl_dom0) ENDIF il_ind=var_get_index(tl_coord0%t_proc(1)%t_var(:), 'latitude_T') IF( il_ind /= 0 )THEN tl_lat0=iom_dom_read_var(tl_coord0,'latitude_T' ,tl_dom0) ELSE tl_lat0=iom_dom_read_var(tl_coord0,'latitude' ,tl_dom0) ENDIF IF( ll_even )THEN ! look for variable value on domain for F point il_ind=var_get_index(tl_coord0%t_proc(1)%t_var(:), 'longitude_F') IF( il_ind /= 0 )THEN tl_lon0F=iom_dom_read_var(tl_coord0,'longitude_F',tl_dom0) ENDIF il_ind=var_get_index(tl_coord0%t_proc(1)%t_var(:), 'latitude_F') IF( il_ind /= 0 )THEN tl_lat0F=iom_dom_read_var(tl_coord0,'latitude_F' ,tl_dom0) ENDIF ll_grid0F=.FALSE. IF( ASSOCIATED(tl_lon0F%d_value) .AND. & & ASSOCIATED(tl_lat0F%d_value) )THEN ll_grid0F=.TRUE. ENDIF ENDIF ! close mpp files CALL iom_dom_close(tl_coord0) ! clean structure CALL mpp_clean(tl_coord0) CALL dom_clean(tl_dom0) ! copy structure tl_coord1=mpp_copy(td_coord1) ! open mpp files CALL iom_mpp_open(tl_coord1) ! read fine longitue and latitude il_ind=var_get_index(tl_coord1%t_proc(1)%t_var(:), TRIM(tl_lon0%c_longname)) IF( il_ind /= 0 )THEN tl_lon1=iom_mpp_read_var(tl_coord1,TRIM(tl_lon0%c_longname)) ELSE tl_lon1=iom_mpp_read_var(tl_coord1,'longitude') ENDIF il_ind=var_get_index(tl_coord1%t_proc(1)%t_var(:), TRIM(tl_lat0%c_longname)) IF( il_ind /= 0 )THEN tl_lat1=iom_mpp_read_var(tl_coord1,TRIM(tl_lat0%c_longname)) ELSE tl_lat1=iom_mpp_read_var(tl_coord1,'latitude') ENDIF IF( ll_even )THEN ! look for variable value on domain for F point il_ind=var_get_index(tl_coord1%t_proc(1)%t_var(:), 'longitude_F') IF( il_ind /= 0 )THEN tl_lon1F=iom_mpp_read_var(tl_coord1,'longitude_F') ENDIF il_ind=var_get_index(tl_coord1%t_proc(1)%t_var(:), 'latitude_F') IF( il_ind /= 0 )THEN tl_lat1F=iom_mpp_read_var(tl_coord1,'latitude_F') ENDIF ll_grid1F=.FALSE. IF( ASSOCIATED(tl_lon1F%d_value) .AND. & & ASSOCIATED(tl_lat1F%d_value) )THEN ll_grid1F=.TRUE. ENDIF ENDIF ! close mpp files CALL iom_mpp_close(tl_coord1) ! clean structure CALL mpp_clean(tl_coord1) CALL logger_debug("GRID CHECK COINCIDENCE:"//& & " fine grid "//TRIM(td_coord1%c_name) ) CALL logger_debug("GRID CHECK COINCIDENCE:"//& & " coarse grid "//TRIM(td_coord0%c_name) ) ! check domain ! check global grid IF( .NOT. grid_is_global(tl_lon0, tl_lat0) )THEN IF( grid_is_global(tl_lon1, tl_lat1) )THEN ll_coincidence=.FALSE. CALL logger_fatal("GRID CHECK COINCIDENCE:"//& & " fine grid is global,"//& & " coarse grid is not ") ELSE il_ew1=tl_lon1%i_ew IF( il_ew1 >= 0 )THEN ! ew overlap il_ew0=tl_lon0%i_ew IF( il_ew0 < 0 )THEN CALL logger_fatal("GRID CHECK COINCIDENCE: "//& & "fine grid has east west overlap,"//& & " coarse grid not ") ENDIF il_jmin1=1+ip_ghost il_jmax1=tl_lon1%t_dim(2)%i_len-ip_ghost ll_coincidence=grid__check_lat(& & tl_lat0%d_value(1,:,1,1),& & tl_lat1%d_value(1,il_jmin1:il_jmax1,1,1)) ELSE ! other case il_imin1=1+ip_ghost il_jmin1=1+ip_ghost il_imax1=tl_lon1%t_dim(1)%i_len-ip_ghost il_jmax1=tl_lon1%t_dim(2)%i_len-ip_ghost ll_coincidence=grid__check_corner(& & tl_lon0%d_value(:,:,1,1),& & tl_lat0%d_value(:,:,1,1),& & tl_lon1%d_value(il_imin1:il_imax1, & & il_jmin1:il_jmax1, & & 1,1),& & tl_lat1%d_value(il_imin1:il_imax1, & & il_jmin1:il_jmax1, & & 1,1) ) ENDIF ENDIF IF( .NOT. ll_coincidence )THEN CALL logger_fatal("GRID CHECK COINCIDENCE: no coincidence "//& & "between fine grid and coarse grid: invalid domain." ) ENDIF ENDIF ! check refinement factor ! select point in middle of fine grid il_imid1=INT(tl_lon1%t_dim(1)%i_len*0.5) il_jmid1=INT(tl_lon1%t_dim(2)%i_len*0.5) dl_lon1=tl_lon1%d_value(il_imid1, il_jmid1,1,1) dl_lat1=tl_lat1%d_value(il_imid1, il_jmid1,1,1) ! select closest point on coarse grid il_ind0(:)=grid_get_closest(tl_lon0%d_value(:,:,1,1),& & tl_lat0%d_value(:,:,1,1),& & dl_lon1, dl_lat1 ) IF( ANY(il_ind0(:)==0) )THEN CALL logger_fatal("GRID CHECK COINCIDENCE: can not find valid "//& & "coarse grid indices: invalid domain." ) ENDIF IF( .NOT. ll_even )THEN ! case odd refinment in both direction ! work on T-point dl_lon0=tl_lon0%d_value(il_ind0(1),il_ind0(2),1,1) dl_lat0=tl_lat0%d_value(il_ind0(1),il_ind0(2),1,1) il_ind1(:)=grid_get_closest(tl_lon1%d_value(:,:,1,1),& & tl_lat1%d_value(:,:,1,1),& & dl_lon0, dl_lat0 ) ! check i-direction refinement factor DO ji=0,MIN(3,il_imid1) IF( il_ind1(1)+ji*id_rho(jp_I)+1 > tl_lon1%t_dim(1)%i_len )THEN CALL logger_warn("GRID CHECK COINCIDENCE: domain to small "//& & " to check i-direction refinement factor ") EXIT ELSE dl_lon0=tl_lon0%d_value(il_ind0(1)+ji ,il_ind0(2),1,1) dl_lon1=tl_lon1%d_value(il_ind1(1)+ji*id_rho(jp_I),il_ind1(2),1,1) ! assume there could be little difference due to interpolation IF( ABS(dl_lon1 - dl_lon0) > dp_delta )THEN ll_coincidence=.FALSE. CALL logger_debug("GRID CHECK COINCIDENCE: invalid "//& & "i-direction refinement factor ("//& & TRIM(fct_str(id_rho(jp_I)))//& & ") between fine grid and coarse grid ") ENDIF ENDIF ENDDO ! check j-direction refinement factor DO jj=0,MIN(3,il_jmid1) IF( il_ind1(2)+jj*id_rho(jp_J)+1 > tl_lat1%t_dim(2)%i_len )THEN CALL logger_warn("GRID CHECK COINCIDENCE: domain to small "//& & " to check j-direction refinement factor ") EXIT ELSE dl_lat0=tl_lat0%d_value(il_ind0(1),il_ind0(2)+jj ,1,1) dl_lat1=tl_lat1%d_value(il_ind1(1),il_ind1(2)+jj*id_rho(jp_J),1,1) ! assume there could be little difference due to interpolation IF( ABS(dl_lat1-dl_lat0) > dp_delta )THEN ll_coincidence=.FALSE. CALL logger_debug("GRID CHECK COINCIDENCE: invalid "//& & "j-direction refinement factor ("//& & TRIM(fct_str(id_rho(jp_J)))//& & ") between fine grid and coarse grid ") ENDIF ENDIF ENDDO ELSE ! case even refinment at least in one direction ! work on F-point dl_delta=dp_delta ! look for lower left fine point in coarse cell. IF( ll_grid0F )THEN ! lower left corner of coarse cell dl_lon0F=tl_lon0F%d_value(il_ind0(1)-1,il_ind0(2)-1,1,1) dl_lat0F=tl_lat0F%d_value(il_ind0(1)-1,il_ind0(2)-1,1,1) ELSE ! approximate lower left corner of coarse cell (with T point) dl_lon0F=( tl_lon0%d_value(il_ind0(1) ,il_ind0(2) ,1,1) + & & tl_lon0%d_value(il_ind0(1) ,il_ind0(2)-1,1,1) + & & tl_lon0%d_value(il_ind0(1)-1,il_ind0(2) ,1,1) + & & tl_lon0%d_value(il_ind0(1)-1,il_ind0(2)-1,1,1) ) * 0.25 dl_lat0F=( tl_lat0%d_value(il_ind0(1) ,il_ind0(2) ,1,1) + & & tl_lat0%d_value(il_ind0(1) ,il_ind0(2)-1,1,1) + & & tl_lat0%d_value(il_ind0(1)-1,il_ind0(2) ,1,1) + & & tl_lat0%d_value(il_ind0(1)-1,il_ind0(2)-1,1,1) ) * 0.25 ! as we use approximation of F-point we relax condition dl_delta=100*dp_delta ENDIF IF( ll_grid1F )THEN il_ind1(:)=grid_get_closest(tl_lon1F%d_value(:,:,1,1),& & tl_lat1F%d_value(:,:,1,1),& & dl_lon0F, dl_lat0F ) ELSE il_ill1(:)=grid_get_closest(tl_lon1%d_value(:,:,1,1),& & tl_lat1%d_value(:,:,1,1),& & dl_lon0F, dl_lat0F, 'll' ) il_ilr1(:)=grid_get_closest(tl_lon1%d_value(:,:,1,1),& & tl_lat1%d_value(:,:,1,1),& & dl_lon0F, dl_lat0F, 'lr' ) il_iul1(:)=grid_get_closest(tl_lon1%d_value(:,:,1,1),& & tl_lat1%d_value(:,:,1,1),& & dl_lon0F, dl_lat0F, 'ul' ) il_iur1(:)=grid_get_closest(tl_lon1%d_value(:,:,1,1),& & tl_lat1%d_value(:,:,1,1),& & dl_lon0F, dl_lat0F, 'ur' ) ! as we use approximation of F-point we relax condition dl_delta=100*dp_delta ENDIF ! check i-direction refinement factor DO ji=0,MIN(3,il_imid1) IF( il_ind1(1)+ji*id_rho(jp_I)+1 > tl_lon1%t_dim(1)%i_len )THEN CALL logger_warn("GRID CHECK COINCIDENCE: domain to small "//& & " to check i-direction refinement factor ") EXIT ELSE IF( ll_grid0F )THEN dl_lon0F=tl_lon0F%d_value(il_ind0(1)+ji-1, il_ind0(2)-1,1,1) ELSE dl_lon0F= 0.25 * & & ( tl_lon0%d_value(il_ind0(1)+ji , il_ind0(2) ,1,1) + & & tl_lon0%d_value(il_ind0(1)+ji-1, il_ind0(2) ,1,1) + & & tl_lon0%d_value(il_ind0(1)+ji , il_ind0(2)-1,1,1) + & & tl_lon0%d_value(il_ind0(1)+ji-1, il_ind0(2)-1,1,1) ) ENDIF IF( ll_grid1F )THEN dl_lon1F= tl_lon1F%d_value( il_ind1(1)+ji*id_rho(jp_I), & & il_ind1(2),1,1) ELSE dl_lon1F= 0.25 * & & ( tl_lon1%d_value( il_ill1(1)+ji*id_rho(jp_I), & & il_ill1(2),1,1) + & & tl_lon1%d_value( il_ilr1(1)+ji*id_rho(jp_I), & & il_ilr1(2),1,1) + & & tl_lon1%d_value( il_iul1(1)+ji*id_rho(jp_I), & & il_iul1(2),1,1) + & & tl_lon1%d_value( il_iur1(1)+ji*id_rho(jp_I), & & il_iur1(2),1,1) ) ENDIF ! assume there could be little difference due to interpolation IF( ABS(dl_lon1F - dl_lon0F) > dl_delta )THEN ll_coincidence=.FALSE. CALL logger_debug("GRID CHECK COINCIDENCE: invalid "//& & "i-direction refinement factor ("//& & TRIM(fct_str(id_rho(jp_I)))//& & ") between fine grid and coarse grid ") ENDIF ENDIF ENDDO ! check j-direction refinement factor DO jj=0,MIN(3,il_jmid1) IF( il_ind1(2)+jj*id_rho(jp_J)+1 > tl_lat1%t_dim(2)%i_len )THEN CALL logger_warn("GRID CHECK COINCIDENCE: domain to small "//& & " to check j-direction refinement factor ") EXIT ELSE IF( ll_grid0F )THEN dl_lat0F=tl_lat0F%d_value(il_ind0(1)-1, il_ind0(2)+jj-1,1,1) ELSE dl_lat0F= 0.25 * & & ( tl_lat0%d_value(il_ind0(1) , il_ind0(2)+jj ,1,1) + & & tl_lat0%d_value(il_ind0(1)-1, il_ind0(2)+jj ,1,1) + & & tl_lat0%d_value(il_ind0(1) , il_ind0(2)+jj-1,1,1) + & & tl_lat0%d_value(il_ind0(1)-1, il_ind0(2)+jj-1,1,1) ) ENDIF IF( ll_grid1F )THEN dl_lat1F= tl_lat1F%d_value( il_ind1(1), & & il_ind1(2)+jj*id_rho(jp_J),1,1) ELSE dl_lat1F= 0.25 * & & ( tl_lat1%d_value( il_ill1(1), & & il_ill1(2)+jj*id_rho(jp_J),1,1) + & & tl_lat1%d_value( il_ilr1(1), & & il_ilr1(2)+jj*id_rho(jp_J),1,1) + & & tl_lat1%d_value( il_iul1(1), & & il_iul1(2)+jj*id_rho(jp_J),1,1) + & & tl_lat1%d_value( il_iur1(1), & & il_iur1(2)+jj*id_rho(jp_J),1,1) ) ENDIF ! assume there could be little difference due to interpolation IF( ABS(dl_lat1F - dl_lat0F) > dl_delta )THEN ll_coincidence=.FALSE. CALL logger_debug("GRID CHECK COINCIDENCE: invalid "//& & "i-direction refinement factor ("//& & TRIM(fct_str(id_rho(jp_I)))//& & ") between fine grid and coarse grid ") ENDIF ENDIF ENDDO ENDIF ! clean CALL var_clean(tl_lon1) CALL var_clean(tl_lat1) CALL var_clean(tl_lon0) CALL var_clean(tl_lat0) IF( .NOT. ll_coincidence )THEN CALL logger_fatal("GRID CHECK COINCIDENCE: no coincidence "//& & "between fine and coarse grid: "//& & "invalid refinement factor" ) ENDIF END SUBROUTINE grid_check_coincidence !------------------------------------------------------------------- !> @brief This function check that fine grid is !> inside coarse grid ! !> @details !> !> @author J.Paul !> @date November, 2013 - Initial Version ! !> @param[in] dd_lon0 array of coarse grid longitude !> @param[in] dd_lat0 array of coarse grid latitude !> @param[in] dd_lon1 array of fine grid longitude !> @param[in] dd_lat1 array of fine grid latitude !> @return logical, fine grid is inside coarse grid !------------------------------------------------------------------- FUNCTION grid__check_corner(dd_lon0, dd_lat0, & & dd_lon1, dd_lat1 ) IMPLICIT NONE ! Argument REAL(dp), DIMENSION(:,:), INTENT(IN) :: dd_lon0 REAL(dp), DIMENSION(:,:), INTENT(IN) :: dd_lat0 REAL(dp), DIMENSION(:,:), INTENT(IN) :: dd_lon1 REAL(dp), DIMENSION(:,:), INTENT(IN) :: dd_lat1 ! function LOGICAL :: grid__check_corner ! local variable INTEGER(i4), DIMENSION(2) :: il_shape0 INTEGER(i4), DIMENSION(2) :: il_shape1 INTEGER(i4) :: il_imin0 INTEGER(i4) :: il_jmin0 INTEGER(i4) :: il_imax0 INTEGER(i4) :: il_jmax0 INTEGER(i4) :: il_imin1 INTEGER(i4) :: il_jmin1 INTEGER(i4) :: il_imax1 INTEGER(i4) :: il_jmax1 REAL(dp) :: dl_lon0 REAL(dp) :: dl_lat0 REAL(dp) :: dl_lon1 REAL(dp) :: dl_lat1 ! loop indices !---------------------------------------------------------------- ! init grid__check_corner=.TRUE. il_shape0=SHAPE(dd_lon0(:,:)) il_shape1=SHAPE(dd_lon1(:,:)) !1- check if fine grid inside coarse grid domain il_imin0=1 ; il_imax0=il_shape0(1) il_jmin0=1 ; il_jmax0=il_shape0(2) il_imin1=1 ; il_imax1=il_shape1(1) il_jmin1=1 ; il_jmax1=il_shape1(2) ! check lower left corner dl_lon0 = dd_lon0(il_imin0, il_jmin0) dl_lat0 = dd_lat0(il_imin0, il_jmin0) dl_lon1 = dd_lon1(il_imin1, il_jmin1) dl_lat1 = dd_lat1(il_imin1, il_jmin1) IF( (ABS(dl_lon1-dl_lon0)>dp_delta) .AND. (dl_lon1 < dl_lon0 ) .OR. & & (ABS(dl_lat1-dl_lat0)>dp_delta) .AND. (dl_lat1 < dl_lat0 ) )THEN CALL logger_error("GRID CHECK COINCIDENCE: fine grid lower left "//& & "corner not north east of coarse grid (imin,jmin) ") CALL logger_debug(" fine grid lower left ( "//& & TRIM(fct_str(dl_lon1))//","//& & TRIM(fct_str(dl_lat1))//")" ) CALL logger_debug(" coarse grid lower left ( "//& & TRIM(fct_str(dl_lon0))//","//& & TRIM(fct_str(dl_lat0))//")" ) grid__check_corner=.FALSE. ENDIF ! check upper left corner dl_lon0 = dd_lon0(il_imin0, il_jmax0) dl_lat0 = dd_lat0(il_imin0, il_jmax0) dl_lon1 = dd_lon1(il_imin1, il_jmax1) dl_lat1 = dd_lat1(il_imin1, il_jmax1) IF( (ABS(dl_lon1-dl_lon0)>dp_delta) .AND. (dl_lon1 < dl_lon0) .OR. & & (ABS(dl_lat1-dl_lat0)>dp_delta) .AND. (dl_lat1 > dl_lat0) )THEN CALL logger_error("GRID CHECK COINCIDENCE: fine grid upper left "//& & "corner not south east of coarse grid (imin,jmax) ") CALL logger_debug(" fine grid upper left ("//& & TRIM(fct_str(dl_lon1))//","//& & TRIM(fct_str(dl_lat1))//")") CALL logger_debug(" coasre grid upper left ("//& & TRIM(fct_str(dl_lon0))//","//& & TRIM(fct_str(dl_lat0))//")") grid__check_corner=.FALSE. ENDIF ! check lower right corner dl_lon0 = dd_lon0(il_imax0, il_jmin0) dl_lat0 = dd_lat0(il_imax0, il_jmin0) dl_lon1 = dd_lon1(il_imax1, il_jmin1) dl_lat1 = dd_lat1(il_imax1, il_jmin1) IF( (ABS(dl_lon1-dl_lon0)>dp_delta) .AND. (dl_lon1 > dl_lon0) .OR. & & (ABS(dl_lat1-dl_lat0)>dp_delta) .AND. (dl_lat1 < dl_lat0) )THEN CALL logger_error("GRID CHECK COINCIDENCE: fine grid lower right "//& & "corner not north west of coarse grid (imax,jmin) ") CALL logger_debug(" fine grid lower right ( "//& & TRIM(fct_str(dl_lon1))//","//& & TRIM(fct_str(dl_lat1))//")" ) CALL logger_debug(" coarse grid lower right ( "//& & TRIM(fct_str(dl_lon0))//","//& & TRIM(fct_str(dl_lat0))//")" ) grid__check_corner=.FALSE. ENDIF ! check upper right corner dl_lon0 = dd_lon0(il_imax0, il_jmax0) dl_lat0 = dd_lat0(il_imax0, il_jmax0) dl_lon1 = dd_lon1(il_imax1, il_jmax1) dl_lat1 = dd_lat1(il_imax1, il_jmax1) IF( (ABS(dl_lon1-dl_lon0)>dp_delta) .AND. (dl_lon1 > dl_lon0) .OR. & & (ABS(dl_lat1-dl_lat0)>dp_delta) .AND. (dl_lat1 > dl_lat0) )THEN CALL logger_error("GRID CHECK COINCIDENCE: fine grid upper right "//& & "corner not south west of coarse grid (imax,jmax) ") CALL logger_debug(" fine grid upper right ( "//& & TRIM(fct_str(dl_lon1))//","//& & TRIM(fct_str(dl_lat1))//")" ) CALL logger_debug(" fine imax1 jmax1 ( "//& & TRIM(fct_str(il_imax1))//","//& & TRIM(fct_str(il_jmax1))//")" ) CALL logger_debug(" coarse grid upper right ( "//& & TRIM(fct_str(dl_lon0))//","//& & TRIM(fct_str(dl_lat0))//")" ) CALL logger_debug(" fine imax0 jmax0 ( "//& & TRIM(fct_str(il_imax0))//","//& & TRIM(fct_str(il_jmax0))//")" ) grid__check_corner=.FALSE. ENDIF END FUNCTION grid__check_corner !------------------------------------------------------------------- !> @brief This function check that fine grid latitude are !> inside coarse grid latitude ! !> @details ! !> @author J.Paul !> @date November, 2013 - Initial Version ! !> @param[in] dd_lat0 array of coarse grid latitude !> @param[in] dd_lat1 array of fine grid latitude !------------------------------------------------------------------- FUNCTION grid__check_lat(dd_lat0, dd_lat1) IMPLICIT NONE ! Argument REAL(dp), DIMENSION(:), INTENT(IN) :: dd_lat0 REAL(dp), DIMENSION(:), INTENT(IN) :: dd_lat1 ! function LOGICAL :: grid__check_lat ! local variable INTEGER(i4), DIMENSION(1) :: il_shape0 INTEGER(i4), DIMENSION(1) :: il_shape1 INTEGER(i4) :: il_jmin0 INTEGER(i4) :: il_jmax0 INTEGER(i4) :: il_jmin1 INTEGER(i4) :: il_jmax1 ! loop indices !---------------------------------------------------------------- ! init grid__check_lat=.TRUE. il_shape0(:)=SHAPE(dd_lat0(:)) il_shape1(:)=SHAPE(dd_lat1(:)) !1- check if fine grid inside coarse grid domain il_jmin0=1 ; il_jmax0=il_shape0(1) il_jmin1=1 ; il_jmax1=il_shape1(1) ! check lower left fine grid IF( ABS(dd_lat1(il_jmin1)-dd_lat0(il_jmin0)) > dp_delta .AND. & & dd_lat1(il_jmin1) < dd_lat0(il_jmin0) )THEN CALL logger_error("GRID CHECK COINCIDENCE: fine grid lower point"//& & " not north of coarse grid (jmin) ") CALL logger_debug(" fine grid lower point ( "//& & TRIM(fct_str(dd_lat1(il_jmin1)))//")" ) CALL logger_debug(" coarse grid lower point ( "//& & TRIM(fct_str(dd_lat0(il_jmin0)))//")" ) grid__check_lat=.FALSE. ENDIF ! check upper left fine grid IF( ABS(dd_lat1(il_jmax1)-dd_lat0(il_jmax0)) > dp_delta .AND. & & dd_lat1(il_jmax1) > dd_lat0(il_jmax0) )THEN CALL logger_error("GRID CHECK COINCIDENCE: fine grid upper point"//& & " not south of coarse grid (jmax) ") CALL logger_debug(" fine grid upper point ("//& & TRIM(fct_str(dd_lat1(il_jmax1)))//")") CALL logger_debug(" coasre grid upper point ("//& & TRIM(fct_str(dd_lat0(il_jmax0)))//")") grid__check_lat=.FALSE. ENDIF END FUNCTION grid__check_lat !------------------------------------------------------------------- !> @brief !> This subroutine add ghost cell at boundaries. !> !> @author J.Paul !> @date November, 2013 - Initial version ! !> @param[inout] td_var array of variable structure !> @param[in] id_ghost array of ghost cell factor !------------------------------------------------------------------- SUBROUTINE grid_add_ghost(td_var, id_ghost) IMPLICIT NONE ! Argument TYPE(TVAR) , INTENT(INOUT) :: td_var INTEGER(i4), DIMENSION(2,2), INTENT(IN ) :: id_ghost ! local variable INTEGER(i4) :: il_imin INTEGER(i4) :: il_jmin INTEGER(i4) :: il_imax INTEGER(i4) :: il_jmax REAL(dp), DIMENSION(:,:,:,:) , ALLOCATABLE :: dl_value TYPE(TVAR) :: tl_var ! loop indices !---------------------------------------------------------------- IF( ALL(td_var%t_dim(1:2)%l_use) )THEN CALL logger_warn( "ADD GHOST: dimension change in variable "//& & TRIM(td_var%c_name) ) ! copy variable tl_var=var_copy(td_var) CALL var_del_value(td_var) ! compute indice to fill center il_imin=1+id_ghost(jp_I,1)*ip_ghost il_jmin=1+id_ghost(jp_J,1)*ip_ghost il_imax=tl_var%t_dim(1)%i_len+id_ghost(jp_I,1)*ip_ghost il_jmax=tl_var%t_dim(2)%i_len+id_ghost(jp_J,1)*ip_ghost ! compute new dimension td_var%t_dim(1)%i_len = tl_var%t_dim(1)%i_len + & & SUM(id_ghost(jp_I,:))*ip_ghost td_var%t_dim(2)%i_len = tl_var%t_dim(2)%i_len + & & SUM(id_ghost(jp_J,:))*ip_ghost ALLOCATE(dl_value(td_var%t_dim(1)%i_len, & & td_var%t_dim(2)%i_len, & & td_var%t_dim(3)%i_len, & & td_var%t_dim(4)%i_len) ) dl_value(:,:,:,:)=tl_var%d_fill dl_value(il_imin:il_imax, & & il_jmin:il_jmax, & & :,:) = tl_var%d_value(:,:,:,:) ! add variable value CALL var_add_value(td_var,dl_value(:,:,:,:)) ! save variable type td_var%i_type=tl_var%i_type DEALLOCATE( dl_value ) CALL var_clean(tl_var) ENDIF END SUBROUTINE grid_add_ghost !------------------------------------------------------------------- !> @brief !> This subroutine delete ghost cell at boundaries. !> !> @author J.Paul !> @date November, 2013 - Initial version ! !> @param[inout] td_var array of variable structure !> @param[in] id_ghost array of ghost cell factor !------------------------------------------------------------------- SUBROUTINE grid_del_ghost(td_var, id_ghost) IMPLICIT NONE ! Argument TYPE(TVAR) , INTENT(INOUT) :: td_var INTEGER(i4), DIMENSION(2,2), INTENT(IN ) :: id_ghost ! local variable INTEGER(i4) :: il_imin INTEGER(i4) :: il_jmin INTEGER(i4) :: il_imax INTEGER(i4) :: il_jmax REAL(dp), DIMENSION(:,:,:,:) , ALLOCATABLE :: dl_value TYPE(TVAR) :: tl_var ! loop indices !---------------------------------------------------------------- IF( ALL(td_var%t_dim(1:2)%l_use) )THEN IF( ANY(id_ghost(:,:)/=0) )THEN CALL logger_warn( "GRID DEL GHOST: dimension change in variable "//& & TRIM(td_var%c_name) ) ENDIF ! copy variable tl_var=var_copy(td_var) CALL var_del_value(td_var) ! compute indice to get center il_imin=1+id_ghost(jp_I,1)*ip_ghost il_jmin=1+id_ghost(jp_J,1)*ip_ghost il_imax=tl_var%t_dim(1)%i_len-id_ghost(jp_I,2)*ip_ghost il_jmax=tl_var%t_dim(2)%i_len-id_ghost(jp_J,2)*ip_ghost ! compute new dimension td_var%t_dim(1)%i_len = il_imax - il_imin +1 td_var%t_dim(2)%i_len = il_jmax - il_jmin +1 ALLOCATE(dl_value(td_var%t_dim(1)%i_len, & & td_var%t_dim(2)%i_len, & & td_var%t_dim(3)%i_len, & & td_var%t_dim(4)%i_len) ) dl_value(:,:,:,:)=tl_var%d_fill dl_value(:,:,:,:) = tl_var%d_value(il_imin:il_imax, & & il_jmin:il_jmax, & & :,:) ! add variable value CALL var_add_value(td_var,dl_value(:,:,:,:)) ! save variable type td_var%i_type=tl_var%i_type DEALLOCATE( dl_value ) CALL var_clean(tl_var) ENDIF END SUBROUTINE grid_del_ghost !------------------------------------------------------------------- !> @brief This function check if ghost cell are used or not, and return ghost !> cell factor (0,1) in horizontal plan. ! !> @details !> check if domain is global, and if there is an East-West overlap. !> !> @author J.Paul !> @date September, 2014 - Initial Version ! !> @param[in] td_var variable sturcture !> @return array of ghost cell factor !------------------------------------------------------------------- FUNCTION grid__get_ghost_var( td_var ) IMPLICIT NONE ! Argument TYPE(TVAR), INTENT(IN) :: td_var ! function INTEGER(i4), DIMENSION(2,2) :: grid__get_ghost_var ! local variable INTEGER(i4), DIMENSION(ip_maxdim) :: il_dim ! loop indices !---------------------------------------------------------------- ! init grid__get_ghost_var(:,:)=0 IF( .NOT. ALL(td_var%t_dim(1:2)%l_use) )THEN CALL logger_error("GRID GET GHOST: "//TRIM(td_var%c_name)//" is not a suitable"//& & " variable to look for ghost cell (not 2D).") ELSE IF( .NOT. ASSOCIATED(td_var%d_value) )THEN CALL logger_error("GRID GET GHOST: no value associated to "//TRIM(td_var%c_name)//& & ". can't look for ghost cell.") ELSE il_dim(:)=td_var%t_dim(:)%i_len IF(ALL(td_var%d_value( 1 , : ,1,1)/=td_var%d_fill).AND.& & ALL(td_var%d_value(il_dim(1), : ,1,1)/=td_var%d_fill).AND.& & ALL(td_var%d_value( : , 1 ,1,1)/=td_var%d_fill).AND.& & ALL(td_var%d_value( : ,il_dim(2),1,1)/=td_var%d_fill))THEN ! no boundary closed CALL logger_warn("GRID GET GHOST: can't determined ghost cell. "//& & "there is no boundary closed for variable "//& & TRIM(td_var%c_name)) ELSE ! check periodicity IF(ANY(td_var%d_value( 1 ,:,1,1)/=td_var%d_fill).OR.& & ANY(td_var%d_value(il_dim(1),:,1,1)/=td_var%d_fill))THEN ! East-West cyclic (1,4,6) CALL logger_info("GRID GET GHOST: East West cyclic") grid__get_ghost_var(jp_I,:)=0 IF( ANY(td_var%d_value(:, 1, 1, 1) /= td_var%d_fill) )THEN ! South boundary not closed CALL logger_debug("GRID GET GHOST: East_West cyclic") CALL logger_debug("GRID GET GHOST: South boundary not closed") CALL logger_error("GRID GET GHOST: should have been an "//& & "impossible case") ELSE ! South boundary closed (1,4,6) CALL logger_info("GRID GET GHOST: South boundary closed") grid__get_ghost_var(jp_J,1)=1 IF(ANY(td_var%d_value(:,il_dim(2),1,1)/=td_var%d_fill) )THEN ! North boundary not closed (4,6) CALL logger_info("GRID GET GHOST: North boundary not closed") grid__get_ghost_var(jp_J,2)=0 ELSE ! North boundary closed CALL logger_info("GRID GET GHOST: North boundary closed") grid__get_ghost_var(jp_J,2)=1 ENDIF ENDIF ELSE ! East-West boundaries closed (0,2,3,5) CALL logger_info("GRID GET GHOST: East West boundaries closed") grid__get_ghost_var(jp_I,:)=1 IF( ANY(td_var%d_value(:, 1, 1, 1) /= td_var%d_fill) )THEN ! South boundary not closed (2) CALL logger_info("GRID GET GHOST: South boundary not closed") grid__get_ghost_var(jp_J,1)=0 IF(ANY(td_var%d_value(:,il_dim(2),1,1)/=td_var%d_fill))THEN ! North boundary not closed CALL logger_debug("GRID GET GHOST: East West boundaries "//& & "closed") CALL logger_debug("GRID GET GHOST: South boundary not closed") CALL logger_debug("GRID GET GHOST: North boundary not closed") CALL logger_error("GRID GET GHOST: should have been "//& & "an impossible case") ELSE ! North boundary closed grid__get_ghost_var(jp_J,2)=1 ENDIF ELSE ! South boundary closed (0,3,5) CALL logger_info("GRID GET GHOST: South boundary closed") grid__get_ghost_var(jp_J,1)=1 IF(ANY(td_var%d_value(:,il_dim(2),1,1)/=td_var%d_fill))THEN ! North boundary not closed (3,5) CALL logger_info("GRID GET GHOST: North boundary not closed") grid__get_ghost_var(jp_J,2)=0 ELSE ! North boundary closed CALL logger_info("GRID GET GHOST: North boundary closed") grid__get_ghost_var(jp_J,2)=1 ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF END FUNCTION grid__get_ghost_var !------------------------------------------------------------------- !> @brief This function check if ghost cell are used or not, and return ghost !> cell factor (0,1) in i- and j-direction. ! !> @details !> get longitude an latitude array, then !> check if domain is global, and if there is an East-West overlap !> !> @author J.Paul !> @date September, 2014 - Initial Version !> @date October, 2014 !> - work on mpp file structure instead of file structure ! !> @param[in] td_file file sturcture !> @return array of ghost cell factor !------------------------------------------------------------------- FUNCTION grid__get_ghost_mpp( td_mpp ) IMPLICIT NONE ! Argument TYPE(TMPP), INTENT(IN) :: td_mpp ! function INTEGER(i4), DIMENSION(2,2) :: grid__get_ghost_mpp ! local variable !TYPE(TVAR) :: tl_lon !TYPE(TVAR) :: tl_lat TYPE(TMPP) :: tl_mpp !INTEGER(i4) :: il_lonid !INTEGER(i4) :: il_latid ! loop indices !---------------------------------------------------------------- ! init grid__get_ghost_mpp(:,:)=0 IF( .NOT. ASSOCIATED(td_mpp%t_proc) )THEN CALL logger_error("GRID GET GHOST: decomposition of mpp file "//& & TRIM(td_mpp%c_name)//" not defined." ) ELSE ! copy structure tl_mpp=mpp_copy(td_mpp) CALL logger_info("GRID GET FINE GHOST perio"//TRIM(fct_str(tl_mpp%i_perio))) IF( tl_mpp%i_perio < 0 )THEN ! compute NEMO periodicity index CALL grid_get_info(tl_mpp) ENDIF SELECT CASE(tl_mpp%i_perio) CASE(0) grid__get_ghost_mpp(:,:)=1 CASE(1) grid__get_ghost_mpp(jp_J,:)=1 CASE(2) grid__get_ghost_mpp(jp_I,:)=1 grid__get_ghost_mpp(jp_J,2)=1 CASE(3,5) grid__get_ghost_mpp(jp_I,:)=1 grid__get_ghost_mpp(jp_J,1)=1 CASE(4,6) grid__get_ghost_mpp(jp_J,1)=1 CASE DEFAULT END SELECT ! clean CALL mpp_clean(tl_mpp) ENDIF END FUNCTION grid__get_ghost_mpp !------------------------------------------------------------------- !> @brief This subroutine compute closed sea domain. ! !> @details !> to each domain is associated a negative value id (from -1 to ...)
!> optionaly you could specify which level use (default 1) !> !> @author J.Paul !> @date November, 2013 - Initial Version ! !> @param[in] td_var variable strucutre !> @param[in] id_level level !> @return domain mask !------------------------------------------------------------------- FUNCTION grid_split_domain(td_var, id_level) IMPLICIT NONE ! Argument TYPE(TVAR) , INTENT(IN) :: td_var INTEGER(i4), INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: id_level ! function INTEGER(i4), DIMENSION(td_var%t_dim(1)%i_len, & & td_var%t_dim(2)%i_len ) :: grid_split_domain ! local variable INTEGER(i4) :: il_domid INTEGER(i4) :: il_level INTEGER(i4), DIMENSION(2) :: il_shape INTEGER(i4), DIMENSION(2) :: il_ind INTEGER(i4), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: il_mask INTEGER(i4), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: il_tmp LOGICAL :: ll_full ! loop indices INTEGER(i4) :: ji INTEGER(i4) :: jim INTEGER(i4) :: jip INTEGER(i4) :: jj INTEGER(i4) :: jjm INTEGER(i4) :: jjp !---------------------------------------------------------------- il_level=1 IF( PRESENT(id_level) ) il_level=id_level ! init il_domid=-1 il_shape(:)=td_var%t_dim(1:2)%i_len ALLOCATE( il_mask(il_shape(1),il_shape(2)) ) il_mask(:,:)=0 WHERE( td_var%d_value(:,:,il_level,1)/=td_var%d_fill ) il_mask(:,:)=1 il_ind(:)=MAXLOC( il_mask(:,:) ) DO WHILE( il_mask(il_ind(1), il_ind(2)) == 1 ) il_mask(il_ind(1),il_ind(2))=il_domid ll_full=.FALSE. ALLOCATE( il_tmp(il_shape(1),il_shape(2)) ) DO WHILE( .NOT. ll_full ) il_tmp(:,:)=0 ll_full=.TRUE. DO jj=1,il_shape(2) DO ji=1,il_shape(1) IF( il_mask(ji,jj)==il_domid )THEN jim=MAX(1,ji-1) ; jip=MIN(il_shape(1),ji+1) jjm=MAX(1,jj-1) ; jjp=MIN(il_shape(2),jj+1) WHERE( il_mask(jim:jip,jjm:jjp)==1 ) il_mask(jim:jip,jjm:jjp)=il_domid il_tmp(jim:jip,jjm:jjp)=1 END WHERE ENDIF ENDDO ENDDO IF( SUM(il_tmp(:,:))/=0 ) ll_full=.FALSE. ENDDO DEALLOCATE( il_tmp ) il_ind(:)=MAXLOC( il_mask(:,:) ) il_domid=il_domid-1 ENDDO ! save result grid_split_domain(:,:)=il_mask(:,:) DEALLOCATE( il_mask ) CALL logger_info("GRID SPLIT DOMAIN: "//TRIM( fct_str(ABS(il_domid+1)) )//& & " domain found" ) END FUNCTION grid_split_domain !------------------------------------------------------------------- !> @brief This subroutine fill small closed sea with fill value. !> !> @details !> the minimum size (number of point) of closed sea to be kept could be !> sepcify with id_minsize. !> By default only the biggest sea is preserve. !> !> @author J.Paul !> @date November, 2013 - Initial Version !> !> @param[inout] td_var variable structure !> @param[in] id_mask domain mask (from grid_split_domain) !> @param[in] id_minsize minimum size of sea to be kept !------------------------------------------------------------------- SUBROUTINE grid_fill_small_dom(td_var, id_mask, id_minsize) IMPLICIT NONE ! Argument TYPE(TVAR) , INTENT(INOUT) :: td_var INTEGER(i4), DIMENSION(:,:), INTENT(IN ) :: id_mask INTEGER(i4), INTENT(IN ), OPTIONAL :: id_minsize ! local variable INTEGER(i4) :: il_ndom INTEGER(i4) :: il_minsize INTEGER(i4), DIMENSION(2) :: il_shape INTEGER(i4), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: il_tmp ! loop indices INTEGER(i4) :: ji INTEGER(i4) :: jk INTEGER(i4) :: jl !---------------------------------------------------------------- il_shape(:)=SHAPE(id_mask(:,:)) IF( ANY(il_shape(:) /= td_var%t_dim(1:2)%i_len) )THEN CALL logger_error("GRID FILL SMALL DOM: variable and mask "//& & "dimension differ") ELSE il_ndom=MINVAL(id_mask(:,:)) ALLOCATE( il_tmp(il_shape(1),il_shape(2)) ) il_tmp(:,:)=0 DO ji=-1,il_ndom,-1 WHERE( id_mask(:,:)==ji ) il_tmp(:,:)=SUM(id_mask(:,:),id_mask(:,:)==ji)/ji END WHERE ENDDO il_minsize=MAXVAL(il_tmp(:,:)) IF( PRESENT(id_minsize) ) il_minsize=id_minsize DO jl=1,td_var%t_dim(4)%i_len DO jk=1,td_var%t_dim(3)%i_len WHERE( il_tmp(:,:) < il_minsize ) td_var%d_value(:,:,jk,jl)=td_var%d_fill END WHERE ENDDO ENDDO DEALLOCATE( il_tmp ) ENDIF END SUBROUTINE grid_fill_small_dom !------------------------------------------------------------------- !> @brief This subroutine fill small domain inside bigger one. !> !> @details !> the minimum size (number of point) of domain sea to be kept could be !> is sepcified with id_minsize. !> smaller domain are included in the one they are embedded. !> !> @author J.Paul !> @date Ferbruay, 2015 - Initial Version !> !> @param[inout] id_mask domain mask (from grid_split_domain) !> @param[in] id_minsize minimum size of sea to be kept !------------------------------------------------------------------- SUBROUTINE grid_fill_small_msk(id_mask, id_minsize) IMPLICIT NONE ! Argument INTEGER(i4), DIMENSION(:,:), INTENT(INOUT) :: id_mask INTEGER(i4), INTENT(IN ) :: id_minsize ! local variable INTEGER(i4) :: il_ndom INTEGER(i4) :: il_minsize INTEGER(i4) :: il_msk INTEGER(i4) :: jim INTEGER(i4) :: jjm INTEGER(i4) :: jip INTEGER(i4) :: jjp INTEGER(i4), DIMENSION(2) :: il_shape INTEGER(i4), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: il_tmp ! loop indices INTEGER(i4) :: ii INTEGER(i4) :: ij INTEGER(i4) :: ji INTEGER(i4) :: jj !---------------------------------------------------------------- il_shape(:)=SHAPE(id_mask(:,:)) il_ndom=MINVAL(id_mask(:,:)) ALLOCATE( il_tmp(il_shape(1),il_shape(2)) ) il_tmp(:,:)=0 DO ji=-1,il_ndom,-1 WHERE( id_mask(:,:)==ji ) il_tmp(:,:)=SUM(id_mask(:,:),id_mask(:,:)==ji)/ji END WHERE ENDDO DO WHILE( id_minsize > MINVAL(il_tmp(:,:)) ) DO jj=1,il_shape(2) DO ji=1,il_shape(1) IF( il_tmp(ji,jj) < il_minsize )THEN jim=MAX(1,ji-1) ; jip=MIN(il_shape(1),ji+1) jjm=MAX(1,jj-1) ; jjp=MIN(il_shape(2),jj+1) il_msk=0 DO ij=jjm,jjp DO ii=jim,jip IF( id_mask(ii,ij) /= id_mask(ji,jj) )THEN IF( il_msk == 0 )THEN il_msk=id_mask(ii,ij) ELSEIF( il_msk /= id_mask(ii,ij) )THEN CALL logger_error("GRID FILL SMALL MSK: "//& & "small domain not embedded in bigger one"//& & ". point should be between two different"//& & " domain.") ENDIF ENDIF ENDDO ENDDO IF( il_msk /= 0 ) id_mask(ji,jj)=il_msk ENDIF ENDDO ENDDO il_tmp(:,:)=0 DO ji=-1,il_ndom,-1 WHERE( id_mask(:,:)==ji ) il_tmp(:,:)=SUM(id_mask(:,:),id_mask(:,:)==ji)/ji END WHERE ENDDO ENDDO DEALLOCATE( il_tmp ) END SUBROUTINE grid_fill_small_msk END MODULE grid