MODULE obs_grid !!====================================================================== !! *** MODULE obs_grid *** !! Observation diagnostics: Various tools for grid searching etc. !!====================================================================== !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! obs_grid_search : Find i,j on the ORCA grid from lat,lon !! obs_level_search : Find level from depth !! obs_zlevel_search : Find depth level from observed depth !! obs_tlevel_search : Find temperature level from observed temp !! obs_rlevel_search : Find density level from observed density !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! * Modules used USE par_kind, ONLY : & ! Precision variables & wp USE par_oce, ONLY : & ! Ocean parameters & jpk, & & jpni, & & jpnj, & & jpnij USE dom_oce ! Ocean space and time domain variables USE obs_mpp, ONLY : & ! MPP support routines for observation diagnostics & obs_mpp_find_obs_proc, & & mpp_global_max, & & obs_mpp_max_integer USE phycst, ONLY : & ! Physical constants & rad USE obs_utils, ONLY : & ! Observation operator utility functions & grt_cir_dis, & & chkerr USE in_out_manager ! Printing support USE netcdf USE obs_const, ONLY : & & obfillflt ! Fillvalue USE lib_mpp, ONLY : & & ctl_warn, ctl_stop IMPLICIT NONE !! * Routine accessibility PUBLIC obs_grid_setup, & ! Setup grid searching & obs_grid_search, & ! Find i, j on the ORCA grid from lat, lon & obs_grid_deallocate, & ! Deallocate the look up table & obs_level_search ! Find level from depth PRIVATE linquad, & ! Determine whether a point lies within a cell & maxdist, & ! Find the maximum distance between 2 pts in a cell & obs_grd_bruteforce, & ! Find i, j on the ORCA grid from lat, lon & obs_grd_lookup ! Find i, j on the ORCA grid from lat, lon quicker !!* Module variables !! Default values REAL, PUBLIC :: rn_gridsearchres = 0.5 ! Resolution of grid INTEGER, PRIVATE :: gsearch_nlons_def ! Num of longitudes INTEGER, PRIVATE :: gsearch_nlats_def ! Num of latitudes REAL(wp), PRIVATE :: gsearch_lonmin_def ! Min longitude REAL(wp), PRIVATE :: gsearch_latmin_def ! Min latitude REAL(wp), PRIVATE :: gsearch_dlon_def ! Lon spacing REAL(wp), PRIVATE :: gsearch_dlat_def ! Lat spacing !! Variable versions INTEGER, PRIVATE :: nlons ! Num of longitudes INTEGER, PRIVATE :: nlats ! Num of latitudes REAL(wp), PRIVATE :: lonmin ! Min longitude REAL(wp), PRIVATE :: latmin ! Min latitude REAL(wp), PRIVATE :: dlon ! Lon spacing REAL(wp), PRIVATE :: dlat ! Lat spacing INTEGER, PRIVATE :: maxxdiff, maxydiff ! Max diffs between model points INTEGER, PRIVATE :: limxdiff, limydiff ! Data storage REAL(wp), PRIVATE, DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: & & lons, & & lats INTEGER, PRIVATE, DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: & & ixpos, & & iypos, & & iprocn ! Switches LOGICAL, PUBLIC :: ln_grid_search_lookup ! Use lookup table to speed up grid search LOGICAL, PUBLIC :: ln_grid_global ! Use global distribution of observations CHARACTER(LEN=44), PUBLIC :: & & cn_gridsearchfile ! file name head for grid search lookup !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! NEMO/OCE 4.0 , NEMO Consortium (2018) !! $Id$ !! Software governed by the CeCILL licence (./LICENSE) !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- CONTAINS SUBROUTINE obs_grid_search( kobsin, plam, pphi, kobsi, kobsj, kproc, & & cdgrid ) !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE obs_grid_search *** !! !! ** Purpose : Search local gridpoints to find the grid box containing !! the observations calls either !! obs_grd_bruteforce - the original brute force search !! or !! obs_grd_lookup - uses a lookup table to do a fast !!search !!History : !! ! 2007-12 (D. Lea) !!------------------------------------------------------------------------ !! * Arguments INTEGER :: & & kobsin ! Size of the observation arrays REAL(KIND=wp), DIMENSION(kobsin), INTENT(IN) :: & & plam, & ! Longitude of obsrvations & pphi ! Latitude of observations INTEGER, DIMENSION(kobsin), INTENT(OUT) :: & & kobsi, & ! I-index of observations & kobsj, & ! J-index of observations & kproc ! Processor number of observations CHARACTER(LEN=1) :: & & cdgrid ! Grid to search IF(kobsin > 0) THEN IF ( ln_grid_search_lookup .AND. ( cdgrid == 'T' ) ) THEN CALL obs_grd_lookup( kobsin, plam, pphi, & & kobsi, kobsj, kproc ) ELSE IF ( cdgrid == 'T' ) THEN CALL obs_grd_bruteforce( jpi, jpj, jpiglo, jpjglo, & & 1, nlci, 1, nlcj, & & nproc, jpnij, & & glamt, gphit, tmask, & & kobsin, plam, pphi, & & kobsi, kobsj, kproc ) ELSEIF ( cdgrid == 'U' ) THEN CALL obs_grd_bruteforce( jpi, jpj, jpiglo, jpjglo, & & 1, nlci, 1, nlcj, & & nproc, jpnij, & & glamu, gphiu, umask, & & kobsin, plam, pphi, & & kobsi, kobsj, kproc ) ELSEIF ( cdgrid == 'V' ) THEN CALL obs_grd_bruteforce( jpi, jpj, jpiglo, jpjglo, & & 1, nlci, 1, nlcj, & & nproc, jpnij, & & glamv, gphiv, vmask, & & kobsin, plam, pphi, & & kobsi, kobsj, kproc ) ELSEIF ( cdgrid == 'F' ) THEN CALL obs_grd_bruteforce( jpi, jpj, jpiglo, jpjglo, & & 1, nlci, 1, nlcj, & & nproc, jpnij, & & glamf, gphif, fmask, & & kobsin, plam, pphi, & & kobsi, kobsj, kproc ) ELSE CALL ctl_stop( 'Grid not supported' ) ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF END SUBROUTINE obs_grid_search #include "obs_grd_bruteforce.h90" SUBROUTINE obs_grd_lookup( kobs, plam, pphi, kobsi, kobsj, kproc ) !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE obs_grid_lookup *** !! !! ** Purpose : Search local gridpoints to find the grid box containing !! the observations (much faster then obs_grd_bruteforce) !! !! ** Method : Call to linquad !! !! ** Action : Return kproc holding the observation and kiobsi,kobsj !! valid on kproc=nproc processor only. !! !! History : !! ! 2007-12 (D. Lea) new routine based on obs_grid_search !!! updated with fixes from new version of obs_grid_search_bruteforce !!! speeded up where points are not near a "difficult" region like an edge !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! * Arguments INTEGER :: kobs ! Size of the observation arrays REAL(KIND=wp), DIMENSION(kobs), INTENT(IN) :: & & plam, & ! Longitude of obsrvations & pphi ! Latitude of observations INTEGER, DIMENSION(kobs), INTENT(OUT) :: & & kobsi, & ! I-index of observations & kobsj, & ! J-index of observations & kproc ! Processor number of observations !! * Local declarations REAL(KIND=wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: & & zplam REAL(wp) :: zlammax REAL(wp) :: zlam INTEGER :: ji INTEGER :: jj INTEGER :: jk INTEGER :: jo INTEGER :: isx INTEGER :: isy INTEGER :: jimin INTEGER :: jimax INTEGER :: jjmin INTEGER :: jjmax INTEGER :: jojimin INTEGER :: jojimax INTEGER :: jojjmin INTEGER :: jojjmax INTEGER :: ipx1 INTEGER :: ipy1 INTEGER :: ip INTEGER :: jp INTEGER :: ipx INTEGER :: ipy INTEGER :: ipmx INTEGER :: jlon INTEGER :: jlat INTEGER :: joffset INTEGER :: jostride REAL(KIND=wp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: & & zlamg, & & zphig, & & zmskg, & & zphitmax,& & zphitmin,& & zlamtmax,& & zlamtmin LOGICAL, DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: & & llinvalidcell REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: & & zlamtm, & & zphitm LOGICAL :: llfourflag INTEGER :: ifourflagcountt INTEGER :: ifourflagcountf INTEGER, DIMENSION(5) :: ifourflagcountr !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Define grid for grid search !----------------------------------------------------------------------- IF (ln_grid_global) THEN jlon = jpiglo jlat = jpjglo joffset = nproc jostride = jpnij ELSE jlon = jpi jlat = jpj joffset = 0 jostride = 1 ENDIF !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Set up data for grid search !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ALLOCATE( & & zlamg(jlon,jlat), & & zphig(jlon,jlat), & & zmskg(jlon,jlat), & & zphitmax(jlon-1,jlat-1), & & zphitmin(jlon-1,jlat-1), & & zlamtmax(jlon-1,jlat-1), & & zlamtmin(jlon-1,jlat-1), & & llinvalidcell(jlon-1,jlat-1), & & zlamtm(4,jlon-1,jlat-1), & & zphitm(4,jlon-1,jlat-1) & & ) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Copy data to local arrays !----------------------------------------------------------------------- IF (ln_grid_global) THEN zlamg(:,:) = -1.e+10 zphig(:,:) = -1.e+10 zmskg(:,:) = -1.e+10 ! Add various grids here. DO jj = 1, nlcj DO ji = 1, nlci zlamg(mig(ji),mjg(jj)) = glamt(ji,jj) zphig(mig(ji),mjg(jj)) = gphit(ji,jj) zmskg(mig(ji),mjg(jj)) = tmask(ji,jj,1) END DO END DO CALL mpp_global_max( zlamg ) CALL mpp_global_max( zphig ) CALL mpp_global_max( zmskg ) ELSE ! Add various grids here. DO jj = 1, jlat DO ji = 1, jlon zlamg(ji,jj) = glamt(ji,jj) zphig(ji,jj) = gphit(ji,jj) zmskg(ji,jj) = tmask(ji,jj,1) END DO END DO ENDIF !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Copy longitudes !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ALLOCATE( & & zplam(kobs) & & ) DO jo = 1, kobs zplam(jo) = plam(jo) END DO !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Set default values for output !----------------------------------------------------------------------- kproc(:) = -1 kobsi(:) = -1 kobsj(:) = -1 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Copy grid positions to temporary arrays and renormalize to 0 to 360. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- DO jj = 1, jlat-1 DO ji = 1, jlon-1 zlamtm(1,ji,jj) = zlamg(ji ,jj ) zphitm(1,ji,jj) = zphig(ji ,jj ) zlamtm(2,ji,jj) = zlamg(ji+1,jj ) zphitm(2,ji,jj) = zphig(ji+1,jj ) zlamtm(3,ji,jj) = zlamg(ji+1,jj+1) zphitm(3,ji,jj) = zphig(ji+1,jj+1) zlamtm(4,ji,jj) = zlamg(ji ,jj+1) zphitm(4,ji,jj) = zphig(ji ,jj+1) END DO END DO WHERE ( zlamtm(:,:,:) < 0.0_wp ) zlamtm(:,:,:) = zlamtm(:,:,:) + 360.0_wp END WHERE WHERE ( zlamtm(:,:,:) > 360.0_wp ) zlamtm(:,:,:) = zlamtm(:,:,:) - 360.0_wp END WHERE !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Handle case of the wraparound; beware, not working with orca180 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- DO jj = 1, jlat-1 DO ji = 1, jlon-1 zlammax = MAXVAL( zlamtm(:,ji,jj) ) WHERE (zlammax - zlamtm(:, ji, jj) > 180 ) & & zlamtm(:,ji,jj) = zlamtm(:,ji,jj) + 360._wp zphitmax(ji,jj) = MAXVAL(zphitm(:,ji,jj)) zphitmin(ji,jj) = MINVAL(zphitm(:,ji,jj)) zlamtmax(ji,jj) = MAXVAL(zlamtm(:,ji,jj)) zlamtmin(ji,jj) = MINVAL(zlamtm(:,ji,jj)) END DO END DO !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Search for boxes with only land points mark them invalid !----------------------------------------------------------------------- llinvalidcell(:,:) = .FALSE. DO jj = 1, jlat-1 DO ji = 1, jlon-1 llinvalidcell(ji,jj) = & & zmskg(ji ,jj ) == 0.0_wp .AND. & & zmskg(ji+1,jj ) == 0.0_wp .AND. & & zmskg(ji+1,jj+1) == 0.0_wp .AND. & & zmskg(ji ,jj+1) == 0.0_wp END DO END DO if(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) 'obs_grid_lookup do coordinate search using lookup table' !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Do coordinate search using lookup table with local searches. ! - For land points kproc is set to number of the processor + 1000000 ! and we continue the search. ! - For ocean points kproc is set to the number of the processor ! and we stop the search. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ifourflagcountt = 0 ifourflagcountf = 0 ifourflagcountr(:) = 0 !------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! Master loop for grid search !------------------------------------------------------------------------ gpkobs: DO jo = 1+joffset, kobs, jostride ! Normal case ! specify 4 points which surround the lat lon of interest ! x i,j+1 x i+1, j+1 ! ! ! * lon,lat ! x i,j x i+1,j ! bottom corner point ipx1 = INT( ( zplam(jo) - lonmin ) / dlon + 1.0 ) ipy1 = INT( ( pphi (jo) - latmin ) / dlat + 1.0 ) ipx = ipx1 + 1 ipy = ipy1 + 1 ! flag for searching around four points separately ! default to false llfourflag = .FALSE. ! check for point fully outside of region IF ( (ipx1 > nlons) .OR. (ipy1 > nlats) .OR. & & (ipx < 1) .OR. (ipy < 1) ) THEN CYCLE ENDIF ! check wrap around IF ( (ipx > nlons) .OR. (ipy > nlats) .OR. & & (ipx1 < 1) .OR. (ipy1 < 1) ) THEN llfourflag=.TRUE. ifourflagcountr(1) = ifourflagcountr(1) + 1 ENDIF IF (.NOT. llfourflag) THEN IF (MAXVAL(ixpos(ipx1:ipx,ipy1:ipy)) == -1) CYCLE! cycle if no lookup points found ENDIF jimin = 0 jimax = 0 jjmin = 0 jjmax = 0 IF (.NOT. llfourflag) THEN ! calculate points range ! define a square region encompassing the four corner points ! do I need the -1 points? jojimin = MINVAL(ixpos(ipx1:ipx,ipy1:ipy)) - 1 jojimax = MAXVAL(ixpos(ipx1:ipx,ipy1:ipy)) + 1 jojjmin = MINVAL(iypos(ipx1:ipx,ipy1:ipy)) - 1 jojjmax = MAXVAL(iypos(ipx1:ipx,ipy1:ipy)) + 1 jimin = jojimin - 1 jimax = jojimax + 1 jjmin = jojjmin - 1 jjmax = jojjmax + 1 IF ( jojimin < 0 .OR. jojjmin < 0) THEN llfourflag = .TRUE. ifourflagcountr(2) = ifourflagcountr(2) + 1 ENDIF IF ( jojimax - jojimin > maxxdiff) THEN llfourflag = .TRUE. ifourflagcountr(3) = ifourflagcountr(3) + 1 ENDIF IF ( jojjmax - jojjmin > maxydiff) THEN llfourflag = .TRUE. ifourflagcountr(4) = ifourflagcountr(4) + 1 ENDIF ENDIF ipmx = 0 IF (llfourflag) ipmx = 1 IF (llfourflag) THEN ifourflagcountt = ifourflagcountt + 1 ELSE ifourflagcountf = ifourflagcountf + 1 ENDIF gridpointsn : DO ip = 0, ipmx DO jp = 0, ipmx IF ( kproc(jo) /= -1 ) EXIT gridpointsn ipx = ipx1 + ip ipy = ipy1 + jp IF (llfourflag) THEN ! deal with wrap around IF ( ipx > nlons ) ipx = 1 IF ( ipy > nlats ) ipy = 1 IF ( ipx < 1 ) ipx = nlons IF ( ipy < 1 ) ipy = nlats ! get i,j isx = ixpos(ipx,ipy) isy = iypos(ipx,ipy) ! estimate appropriate search region (use max/min values) jimin = isx - maxxdiff - 1 jimax = isx + maxxdiff + 1 jjmin = isy - maxydiff - 1 jjmax = isy + maxydiff + 1 ENDIF IF ( jimin < 1 ) jimin = 1 IF ( jimax > jlon-1 ) jimax = jlon-1 IF ( jjmin < 1 ) jjmin = 1 IF ( jjmax > jlat-1 ) jjmax = jlat-1 !--------------------------------------------------------------- ! Ensure that all observation longtiudes are between 0 and 360 !--------------------------------------------------------------- IF ( zplam(jo) < 0.0_wp ) zplam(jo) = zplam(jo) + 360.0_wp IF ( zplam(jo) > 360.0_wp ) zplam(jo) = zplam(jo) - 360.0_wp !--------------------------------------------------------------- ! Find observations which are on within 1e-6 of a grid point !--------------------------------------------------------------- gridloop: DO jj = jjmin, jjmax DO ji = jimin, jimax IF ( ABS( zphig(ji,jj) - pphi(jo) ) < 1e-6 ) THEN zlam = zlamg(ji,jj) IF ( zlam < 0.0_wp ) zlam = zlam + 360.0_wp IF ( zlam > 360.0_wp ) zlam = zlam - 360.0_wp IF ( ABS( zlam - zplam(jo) ) < 1e-6 ) THEN IF ( llinvalidcell(ji,jj) ) THEN kproc(jo) = nproc + 1000000 kobsi(jo) = ji + 1 kobsj(jo) = jj + 1 CYCLE ELSE kproc(jo) = nproc kobsi(jo) = ji + 1 kobsj(jo) = jj + 1 EXIT gridloop ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF END DO END DO gridloop !--------------------------------------------------------------- ! Ensure that all observation longtiudes are between -180/180 !--------------------------------------------------------------- IF ( zplam(jo) > 180 ) zplam(jo) = zplam(jo) - 360.0_wp IF ( kproc(jo) == -1 ) THEN ! Normal case gridpoints : DO jj = jjmin, jjmax DO ji = jimin, jimax IF ( ( zplam(jo) > zlamtmax(ji,jj) ) .OR. & & ( zplam(jo) < zlamtmin(ji,jj) ) ) CYCLE IF ( ABS( pphi(jo) ) < 85 ) THEN IF ( ( pphi(jo) > zphitmax(ji,jj) ) .OR. & & ( pphi(jo) < zphitmin(ji,jj) ) ) CYCLE ENDIF IF ( linquad( zplam(jo), pphi(jo), & & zlamtm(:,ji,jj), zphitm(:,ji,jj) ) ) THEN IF ( llinvalidcell(ji,jj) ) THEN kproc(jo) = nproc + 1000000 kobsi(jo) = ji + 1 kobsj(jo) = jj + 1 CYCLE ELSE kproc(jo) = nproc kobsi(jo) = ji + 1 kobsj(jo) = jj + 1 EXIT gridpoints ENDIF ENDIF END DO END DO gridpoints ENDIF ! In case of failure retry for obs. longtiude + 360. IF ( kproc(jo) == -1 ) THEN gridpoints_greenwich : DO jj = jjmin, jjmax DO ji = jimin, jimax IF ( ( zplam(jo)+360.0_wp > zlamtmax(ji,jj) ) .OR. & & ( zplam(jo)+360.0_wp < zlamtmin(ji,jj) ) ) CYCLE IF ( ABS( pphi(jo) ) < 85 ) THEN IF ( ( pphi(jo) > zphitmax(ji,jj) ) .OR. & & ( pphi(jo) < zphitmin(ji,jj) ) ) CYCLE ENDIF IF ( linquad( zplam(jo)+360.0_wp, pphi(jo), & & zlamtm(:,ji,jj), zphitm(:,ji,jj) ) ) THEN IF ( llinvalidcell(ji,jj) ) THEN kproc(jo) = nproc + 1000000 kobsi(jo) = ji + 1 kobsj(jo) = jj + 1 CYCLE ELSE kproc(jo) = nproc kobsi(jo) = ji + 1 kobsj(jo) = jj + 1 EXIT gridpoints_greenwich ENDIF ENDIF END DO END DO gridpoints_greenwich ENDIF ! kproc END DO END DO gridpointsn END DO gpkobs ! kobs !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Synchronize kproc on all processors !---------------------------------------------------------------------- IF ( ln_grid_global ) THEN CALL obs_mpp_max_integer( kproc, kobs ) CALL obs_mpp_max_integer( kobsi, kobs ) CALL obs_mpp_max_integer( kobsj, kobs ) ELSE CALL obs_mpp_find_obs_proc( kproc, kobs ) ENDIF WHERE( kproc(:) >= 1000000 ) kproc(:) = kproc(:) - 1000000 END WHERE DEALLOCATE( & & zlamg, & & zphig, & & zmskg, & & zphitmax, & & zphitmin, & & zlamtmax, & & zlamtmin, & & llinvalidcell, & & zlamtm, & & zphitm, & & zplam & & ) END SUBROUTINE obs_grd_lookup SUBROUTINE obs_grid_setup !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE obs_grid_setup *** !! !! ** Purpose : Setup a lookup table to reduce the searching required !! for converting lat lons to grid point location !! produces or reads in a preexisting file for use in !! obs_grid_search_lookup_local !! !! ** Method : calls obs_grid_search_bruteforce_local with a array !! of lats and lons !! !! History : !! ! 2007-12 (D. Lea) new routine !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! * Local declarations CHARACTER(LEN=15), PARAMETER :: & & cpname = 'obs_grid_setup' CHARACTER(LEN=40) :: cfname INTEGER :: ji INTEGER :: jj INTEGER :: jk INTEGER :: jo INTEGER :: idfile, idny, idnx, idxpos, idypos INTEGER :: idlat, idlon, fileexist INTEGER, DIMENSION(2) :: incdim CHARACTER(LEN=20) :: datestr=" ",timestr=" " REAL(wp) :: tmpx1, tmpx2, tmpy1, tmpy2 REAL(wp) :: meanxdiff, meanydiff REAL(wp) :: meanxdiff1, meanydiff1 REAL(wp) :: meanxdiff2, meanydiff2 INTEGER :: numx1, numx2, numy1, numy2, df INTEGER :: jimin, jimax, jjmin, jjmax REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: & & lonsi, & & latsi INTEGER, DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: & & ixposi, & & iyposi, & & iproci INTEGER, PARAMETER :: histsize=90 INTEGER, DIMENSION(histsize) :: & & histx1, histx2, histy1, histy2 REAL, DIMENSION(histsize) :: & & fhistx1, fhistx2, fhisty1, fhisty2 REAL(wp) :: histtol IF (ln_grid_search_lookup) THEN WRITE(numout,*) 'Calling obs_grid_setup' IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*)'Grid search resolution : ', rn_gridsearchres gsearch_nlons_def = NINT( 360.0_wp / rn_gridsearchres ) gsearch_nlats_def = NINT( 180.0_wp / rn_gridsearchres ) gsearch_lonmin_def = -180.0_wp + 0.5_wp * rn_gridsearchres gsearch_latmin_def = -90.0_wp + 0.5_wp * rn_gridsearchres gsearch_dlon_def = rn_gridsearchres gsearch_dlat_def = rn_gridsearchres IF (lwp) THEN WRITE(numout,*)'Grid search gsearch_nlons_def = ',gsearch_nlons_def WRITE(numout,*)'Grid search gsearch_nlats_def = ',gsearch_nlats_def WRITE(numout,*)'Grid search gsearch_lonmin_def = ',gsearch_lonmin_def WRITE(numout,*)'Grid search gsearch_latmin_def = ',gsearch_latmin_def WRITE(numout,*)'Grid search gsearch_dlon_def = ',gsearch_dlon_def WRITE(numout,*)'Grid search gsearch_dlat_def = ',gsearch_dlat_def ENDIF IF ( ln_grid_global ) THEN WRITE(cfname, FMT="(A,'_',A)") & & TRIM(cn_gridsearchfile), '' ELSE WRITE(cfname, FMT="(A,'_',I4.4,'of',I4.4,'by',I4.4,'.nc')") & & TRIM(cn_gridsearchfile), nproc, jpni, jpnj ENDIF fileexist=nf90_open( TRIM( cfname ), nf90_nowrite, & & idfile ) IF ( fileexist == nf90_noerr ) THEN ! read data ! initially assume size is as defined (to be fixed) WRITE(numout,*) 'Reading: ',cfname CALL chkerr( nf90_open( TRIM( cfname ), nf90_nowrite, idfile ), & & cpname, __LINE__ ) CALL chkerr( nf90_get_att( idfile, nf90_global, 'maxxdiff', maxxdiff ), & & cpname, __LINE__ ) CALL chkerr( nf90_get_att( idfile, nf90_global, 'maxydiff', maxydiff ), & & cpname, __LINE__ ) CALL chkerr( nf90_get_att( idfile, nf90_global, 'dlon', dlon ), & & cpname, __LINE__ ) CALL chkerr( nf90_get_att( idfile, nf90_global, 'dlat', dlat ), & & cpname, __LINE__ ) CALL chkerr( nf90_get_att( idfile, nf90_global, 'lonmin', lonmin ), & & cpname, __LINE__ ) CALL chkerr( nf90_get_att( idfile, nf90_global, 'latmin', latmin ), & & cpname, __LINE__ ) CALL chkerr( nf90_inq_dimid(idfile, 'nx' , idnx), & & cpname, __LINE__ ) CALL chkerr( nf90_inquire_dimension( idfile, idnx, len = nlons ), & & cpname, __LINE__ ) CALL chkerr( nf90_inq_dimid(idfile, 'ny' , idny), & & cpname, __LINE__ ) CALL chkerr( nf90_inquire_dimension( idfile, idny, len = nlats ), & & cpname, __LINE__ ) ALLOCATE( & & lons(nlons,nlats), & & lats(nlons,nlats), & & ixpos(nlons,nlats), & & iypos(nlons,nlats), & & iprocn(nlons,nlats) & & ) CALL chkerr( nf90_inq_varid( idfile, 'XPOS', idxpos ), & & cpname, __LINE__ ) CALL chkerr( nf90_get_var ( idfile, idxpos, ixpos), & & cpname, __LINE__ ) CALL chkerr( nf90_inq_varid( idfile, 'YPOS', idypos ), & & cpname, __LINE__ ) CALL chkerr( nf90_get_var ( idfile, idypos, iypos), & & cpname, __LINE__ ) CALL chkerr( nf90_close( idfile ), cpname, __LINE__ ) ! setup arrays DO ji = 1, nlons DO jj = 1, nlats lons(ji,jj) = lonmin + (ji-1) * dlon lats(ji,jj) = latmin + (jj-1) * dlat END DO END DO ! if we are not reading the file we need to create it ! create new obs grid search lookup file ELSE ! call obs_grid_search IF (lwp) THEN WRITE(numout,*) 'creating: ',cfname WRITE(numout,*) 'calling obs_grid_search: ',nlons*nlats ENDIF ! set parameters from default values nlons = gsearch_nlons_def nlats = gsearch_nlats_def lonmin = gsearch_lonmin_def latmin = gsearch_latmin_def dlon = gsearch_dlon_def dlat = gsearch_dlat_def ! setup arrays ALLOCATE( & & lonsi(nlons,nlats), & & latsi(nlons,nlats), & & ixposi(nlons,nlats), & & iyposi(nlons,nlats), & & iproci(nlons,nlats) & & ) DO ji = 1, nlons DO jj = 1, nlats lonsi(ji,jj) = lonmin + (ji-1) * dlon latsi(ji,jj) = latmin + (jj-1) * dlat END DO END DO CALL obs_grd_bruteforce( jpi, jpj, jpiglo, jpjglo, & & 1, nlci, 1, nlcj, & & nproc, jpnij, & & glamt, gphit, tmask, & & nlons*nlats, lonsi, latsi, & & ixposi, iyposi, iproci ) ! minimise file size by removing regions with no data from xypos file ! should be able to just use xpos (ypos will have the same areas of missing data) jimin=1 jimax=nlons jjmin=1 jjmax=nlats minlon_xpos: DO ji= 1, nlons IF (COUNT(ixposi(ji,:) >= 0) > 0) THEN jimin=ji EXIT minlon_xpos ENDIF END DO minlon_xpos maxlon_xpos: DO ji= nlons, 1, -1 IF (COUNT(ixposi(ji,:) >= 0) > 0) THEN jimax=ji EXIT maxlon_xpos ENDIF END DO maxlon_xpos minlat_xpos: DO jj= 1, nlats IF (COUNT(ixposi(:,jj) >= 0) > 0) THEN jjmin=jj EXIT minlat_xpos ENDIF END DO minlat_xpos maxlat_xpos: DO jj= nlats, 1, -1 IF (COUNT(ixposi(:,jj) >= 0) > 0) THEN jjmax=jj EXIT maxlat_xpos ENDIF END DO maxlat_xpos lonmin = lonsi(jimin,jjmin) latmin = latsi(jimin,jjmin) nlons = jimax-jimin+1 nlats = jjmax-jjmin+1 ! construct new arrays ALLOCATE( & & lons(nlons,nlats), & & lats(nlons,nlats), & & ixpos(nlons,nlats), & & iypos(nlons,nlats), & & iprocn(nlons,nlats) & & ) lons(:,:) = lonsi(jimin:jimax,jjmin:jjmax) lats(:,:) = latsi(jimin:jimax,jjmin:jjmax) ixpos(:,:) = ixposi(jimin:jimax,jjmin:jjmax) iypos(:,:) = iyposi(jimin:jimax,jjmin:jjmax) iprocn(:,:) = iproci(jimin:jimax,jjmin:jjmax) DEALLOCATE(lonsi,latsi,ixposi,iyposi,iproci) ! calculate (estimate) maxxdiff, maxydiff ! this is to help define the search area for obs_grid_search_lookup maxxdiff = 1 maxydiff = 1 tmpx1 = 0 tmpx2 = 0 tmpy1 = 0 tmpy2 = 0 numx1 = 0 numx2 = 0 numy1 = 0 numy2 = 0 ! calculate the mean absolute xdiff and ydiff ! also calculate a histogram ! note the reason why looking for xdiff and ydiff in both directions ! is to allow for rotated grids DO ji = 1, nlons-1 DO jj = 1, nlats-1 IF ( ixpos(ji,jj) > 0 .AND. iypos(ji,jj) > 0 ) THEN IF ( ixpos(ji+1,jj) > 0 ) THEN df = ABS( ixpos(ji+1,jj) - ixpos(ji,jj) ) tmpx1 = tmpx1+df numx1 = numx1+1 IF ( df < histsize ) histx1(df+1) = histx1(df+1) + 1 ENDIF IF ( ixpos(ji,jj+1) > 0 ) THEN df = ABS( ixpos(ji,jj+1) - ixpos(ji,jj) ) tmpx2 = tmpx2 + df numx2 = numx2 + 1 IF ( df < histsize ) histx2(df+1) = histx2(df+1) + 1 ENDIF IF (iypos(ji+1,jj) > 0) THEN df = ABS( iypos(ji+1,jj) - iypos(ji,jj) ) tmpy1 = tmpy1 + df numy1 = numy1 + 1 IF ( df < histsize ) histy1(df+1) = histy1(df+1) + 1 ENDIF IF ( iypos(ji,jj+1) > 0 ) THEN df = ABS( iypos(ji,jj+1) - iypos(ji,jj) ) tmpy2 = tmpy2 + df numy2 = numy2 + 1 IF ( df < histsize ) histy2(df+1) = histy2(df+1) + 1 ENDIF ENDIF END DO END DO IF (lwp) THEN WRITE(numout,*) 'histograms' WRITE(numout,*) '0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ...' WRITE(numout,*) 'histx1' WRITE(numout,*) histx1 WRITE(numout,*) 'histx2' WRITE(numout,*) histx2 WRITE(numout,*) 'histy1' WRITE(numout,*) histy1 WRITE(numout,*) 'histy2' WRITE(numout,*) histy2 ENDIF meanxdiff1 = tmpx1 / numx1 meanydiff1 = tmpy1 / numy1 meanxdiff2 = tmpx2 / numx2 meanydiff2 = tmpy2 / numy2 meanxdiff = MAXVAL((/ meanxdiff1, meanxdiff2 /)) meanydiff = MAXVAL((/ meanydiff1, meanydiff2 /)) IF (lwp) THEN WRITE(numout,*) tmpx1, tmpx2, tmpy1, tmpy2 WRITE(numout,*) numx1, numx2, numy1, numy2 WRITE(numout,*) 'meanxdiff: ',meanxdiff, meanxdiff1, meanxdiff2 WRITE(numout,*) 'meanydiff: ',meanydiff, meanydiff1, meanydiff2 ENDIF tmpx1 = 0 tmpx2 = 0 tmpy1 = 0 tmpy2 = 0 numx1 = 0 numx2 = 0 numy1 = 0 numy2 = 0 histx1(:) = 0 histx2(:) = 0 histy1(:) = 0 histy2(:) = 0 limxdiff = meanxdiff * 4! limit the difference to avoid picking up wraparound limydiff = meanydiff * 4 DO ji = 1, nlons-1 DO jj = 1, nlats-1 IF ( ixpos(ji,jj) > 0 .AND. iypos(ji,jj) > 0 ) THEN IF ( ixpos(ji+1,jj) > 0 ) THEN df = ABS( ixpos(ji+1,jj)-ixpos(ji,jj) ) tmpx1 = df IF ( df < limxdiff ) numx1 = numx1+1 IF ( df < histsize ) histx1(df+1) = histx1(df+1) + 1 ENDIF IF ( ixpos(ji,jj+1) > 0 ) THEN df = ABS( ixpos(ji,jj+1) - ixpos(ji,jj) ) tmpx2 = df IF ( df < limxdiff ) numx2 = numx2 + 1 IF ( df < histsize ) histx2(df+1) = histx2(df+1) + 1 ENDIF IF (iypos(ji+1,jj) > 0) THEN df = ABS( iypos(ji+1,jj) - iypos(ji,jj) ) tmpy1 = df IF ( df < limydiff ) numy1 = numy1 + 1 IF ( df < histsize ) histy1(df+1) = histy1(df+1) + 1 ENDIF IF (iypos(ji,jj+1) > 0) THEN df = ABS( iypos(ji,jj+1) - iypos(ji,jj) ) tmpy2 = df IF ( df < limydiff ) numy2 = numy2+1 IF ( df < histsize ) histy2(df+1) = histy2(df+1)+1 ENDIF IF ( maxxdiff < tmpx1 .AND. tmpx1 < limxdiff ) & & maxxdiff = tmpx1 IF ( maxxdiff < tmpx2 .AND. tmpx2 < limxdiff ) & & maxxdiff = tmpx2 IF ( maxydiff < tmpy1 .AND. tmpy1 < limydiff ) & & maxydiff = tmpy1 IF ( maxydiff < tmpy2 .AND. tmpy2 < limydiff ) & & maxydiff = tmpy2 ENDIF END DO END DO ! cumulative histograms DO ji = 1, histsize - 1 histx1(ji+1) = histx1(ji+1) + histx1(ji) histx2(ji+1) = histx2(ji+1) + histx2(ji) histy1(ji+1) = histy1(ji+1) + histy1(ji) histy2(ji+1) = histy2(ji+1) + histy2(ji) END DO fhistx1(:) = histx1(:) * 1.0 / numx1 fhistx2(:) = histx2(:) * 1.0 / numx2 fhisty1(:) = histy1(:) * 1.0 / numy1 fhisty2(:) = histy2(:) * 1.0 / numy2 ! output new histograms IF (lwp) THEN WRITE(numout,*) 'cumulative histograms' WRITE(numout,*) '0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ...' WRITE(numout,*) 'fhistx1' WRITE(numout,*) fhistx1 WRITE(numout,*) 'fhistx2' WRITE(numout,*) fhistx2 WRITE(numout,*) 'fhisty1' WRITE(numout,*) fhisty1 WRITE(numout,*) 'fhisty2' WRITE(numout,*) fhisty2 ENDIF ! calculate maxxdiff and maxydiff based on cumulative histograms ! where > 0.999 of points are ! maxval just converts 1x1 vector return from maxloc to a scalar histtol = 0.999 tmpx1 = MAXVAL( MAXLOC( fhistx1(:), mask = ( fhistx1(:) <= histtol ) ) ) tmpx2 = MAXVAL( MAXLOC( fhistx2(:), mask = ( fhistx2(:) <= histtol ) ) ) tmpy1 = MAXVAL( MAXLOC( fhisty1(:), mask = ( fhisty1(:) <= histtol ) ) ) tmpy2 = MAXVAL( MAXLOC( fhisty2(:), mask = ( fhisty2(:) <= histtol ) ) ) maxxdiff = MAXVAL( (/ tmpx1, tmpx2 /) ) + 1 maxydiff = MAXVAL( (/ tmpy1, tmpy2 /) ) + 1 ! Write out data IF ( ( .NOT. ln_grid_global ) .OR. & & ( ( ln_grid_global ) .AND. ( nproc==0 ) ) ) THEN CALL chkerr( nf90_create (TRIM(cfname), nf90_clobber, idfile), & & cpname, __LINE__ ) CALL chkerr( nf90_put_att( idfile, nf90_global, 'title', & & 'Mapping file from lon/lat to model grid point' ),& & cpname,__LINE__ ) CALL chkerr( nf90_put_att( idfile, nf90_global, 'maxxdiff', & & maxxdiff ), & & cpname,__LINE__ ) CALL chkerr( nf90_put_att( idfile, nf90_global, 'maxydiff', & & maxydiff ), & & cpname,__LINE__ ) CALL chkerr( nf90_put_att( idfile, nf90_global, 'dlon', dlon ),& & cpname,__LINE__ ) CALL chkerr( nf90_put_att( idfile, nf90_global, 'dlat', dlat ),& & cpname,__LINE__ ) CALL chkerr( nf90_put_att( idfile, nf90_global, 'lonmin', & & lonmin ), & & cpname,__LINE__ ) CALL chkerr( nf90_put_att( idfile, nf90_global, 'latmin', & & latmin ), & & cpname,__LINE__ ) CALL chkerr( nf90_def_dim(idfile, 'nx' , nlons, idnx), & & cpname,__LINE__ ) CALL chkerr( nf90_def_dim(idfile, 'ny' , nlats, idny), & & cpname,__LINE__ ) incdim(1) = idnx incdim(2) = idny CALL chkerr( nf90_def_var( idfile, 'LON', nf90_float, incdim, & & idlon ), & & cpname, __LINE__ ) CALL chkerr( nf90_put_att( idfile, idlon, 'long_name', & & 'longitude' ), & & cpname, __LINE__ ) CALL chkerr( nf90_def_var( idfile, 'LAT', nf90_float, incdim, & & idlat ), & & cpname, __LINE__ ) CALL chkerr( nf90_put_att( idfile, idlat, 'long_name', & & 'latitude' ), & & cpname, __LINE__ ) CALL chkerr( nf90_def_var( idfile, 'XPOS', nf90_int, incdim, & & idxpos ), & & cpname, __LINE__ ) CALL chkerr( nf90_put_att( idfile, idxpos, 'long_name', & & 'x position' ), & & cpname, __LINE__ ) CALL chkerr( nf90_put_att( idfile, idxpos, '_FillValue', -1 ), & & cpname, __LINE__ ) CALL chkerr( nf90_def_var( idfile, 'YPOS', nf90_int, incdim, & & idypos ), & & cpname, __LINE__ ) CALL chkerr( nf90_put_att( idfile, idypos, 'long_name', & & 'y position' ), & & cpname, __LINE__ ) CALL chkerr( nf90_put_att( idfile, idypos, '_FillValue', -1 ), & & cpname, __LINE__ ) CALL chkerr( nf90_enddef( idfile ), cpname, __LINE__ ) CALL chkerr( nf90_put_var( idfile, idlon, lons), & & cpname, __LINE__ ) CALL chkerr( nf90_put_var( idfile, idlat, lats), & & cpname, __LINE__ ) CALL chkerr( nf90_put_var( idfile, idxpos, ixpos), & & cpname, __LINE__ ) CALL chkerr( nf90_put_var( idfile, idypos, iypos), & & cpname, __LINE__ ) CALL chkerr( nf90_close( idfile ), cpname, __LINE__ ) ! should also output max i, max j spacing for use in ! obs_grid_search_lookup ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF END SUBROUTINE obs_grid_setup SUBROUTINE obs_grid_deallocate( ) !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE obs_grid_setup *** !! !! ** Purpose : Deallocate arrays setup by obs_grid_setup !! !! History : !! ! 2007-12 (D. Lea) new routine !!----------------------------------------------------------------------- IF (ln_grid_search_lookup) THEN DEALLOCATE( lons, lats, ixpos, iypos, iprocn ) ENDIF END SUBROUTINE obs_grid_deallocate #include "obs_level_search.h90" #include "linquad.h90" #include "maxdist.h90" #include "find_obs_proc.h90" END MODULE obs_grid