PROGRAM fbgenerate !!--------------------------------------------------------------------- !! !! ** PROGRAM fbmatchup ** !! !! ** Purpose : Generate a feedback file of pseudo obs !! !! ** Method : Use of utilities from obs_fbm. !! !! ** Action : Read in data from a namelist file and generate a feedback !! file of pseudo observations !! !! Usage: For any parameter, if 3 values are given, these will be treated as !! bounds (start, stop, step), EXCEPT when only 3 values are expected. !! !! For spatial coord, date and time !! 3 values with nlat=3 will be treated as three separate values !! 3 values with nobs=3 will be treated as three separate values !! 3 values with nobs>3 will be treated as a start, end and step !! Giving a FillValue in one of namelist entries may have unexpected consequences !! e.g., discarding rest of list of values !! !! For time bounds, start(HHMM), end(HHMM), step(minutes) !! For date bounds, start(YYYYMMDD), end(YYYYMMDD), step(days) !! !! To split obs evenly in time, date and time should be given two values !! describing the start and end times. !! !! Can use logical flag to shuffle timestamps to remove position-time correlation. !! !! Can use logical flag to add uniformly sampled perturbation (up to defined limit) to positions !! !! For obs values, can list either single value for all (x,y,z) !! or can specify single profile for all (x,y) !! or can specify all values 1 profile after another. !! !! In namelist to set vals(nlev,nobs,nvar) !! set all obs (for variable 1) at all levels to one value !! vals(:,:,1)= 1.0 !! set all obs (for variable 2) at all levels to one value !! vals(:,:,2)= 35.0 !! set one profile (for variable 1), apply to all !! vals(:,:,1)= 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0 !! set all profiles profile (for variable 1) !! vals(:,1,1)= 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0 !! vals(:,2,1)= 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0 !! vals(:,nobs,1)= 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0 !! !! !! Limitations: Uses an allocatable array in a namelist. This is not meant !! to be allowed in F95, but it works when compiled with xlf90_r !! (and is allowed in Fortran2003). !! !! Forces same depth levels on all profiles. !! !! History : !! ! 2014 (J. Waters) Initial version !! ! 2014-02 (R. King) Adapted for profiles and bounds on vars !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- USE obs_fbm USE fbgenerate_coords USE test_fbgenerate IMPLICIT NONE TYPE(obfbdata) :: fbobsdata CHARACTER(len=256) :: filenameout #ifndef NOIARGCPROTO INTEGER,EXTERNAL :: iargc #endif INTEGER :: nobs, nvar, nlev, ntyp, nadd, next, lgrid, ierr, nlats, nlons INTEGER :: i, j INTEGER :: FillValue_int REAL(KIND=fbdp) :: FillValue_real INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: dates(:), times(:) REAL(KIND=fbdp), ALLOCATABLE :: julian_dates(:) REAL(KIND=fbdp) :: phys_spacing, lat_step, current_lat, perturb_limit REAL(KIND=fbdp), ALLOCATABLE :: lats(:), lons(:), deps(:), vals(:,:,:), model_vals(:,:,:) CHARACTER(LEN=ilenwmo) :: cdwmo, cdtyp CHARACTER(LEN=ilenwmo), ALLOCATABLE :: variable(:) CHARACTER(LEN=ilenlong), ALLOCATABLE :: variable_longname(:) CHARACTER(LEN=ilenunit), ALLOCATABLE :: variable_units(:) LOGICAL, PARAMETER :: test_prog = .FALSE. LOGICAL :: ln_listobs, ln_physpace, ln_gridobs, ln_shuffletimes, ln_perturb_posn REAL(KIND=fbdp), PARAMETER :: earth_radius = 6371.0_fbdp REAL(KIND=fbdp), PARAMETER :: pi = 3.14159_fbdp !!!! set up default values and read in namelist !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NAMELIST/namfbgeneratesetup/ln_listobs,ln_physpace,ln_gridobs,ln_shuffletimes,ln_perturb_posn,perturb_limit,nobs,nlats,nlons,phys_spacing,nlev,nvar,nadd NAMELIST/namfbgenerate/ntyp,lats,lons,deps,times,dates,vals,model_vals,variable,variable_longname,variable_units,cdwmo,cdtyp IF (test_prog) THEN WRITE(*,*) "In test mode:" CALL tester ELSE IF (iargc()/=1) THEN WRITE(*,*)'Usage:' WRITE(*,*)'fbgenerate ' CALL abort ENDIF CALL getarg(1,filenameout) ! set up default values for namfbgeneratesetup ln_listobs=.FALSE. ln_physpace=.FALSE. ln_gridobs=.FALSE. ln_shuffletimes=.FALSE. ln_perturb_posn=.FALSE. nobs=0 nlats=0 nlons=0 phys_spacing =100.0_fbdp nlev=0 nvar=0 ! Read in number of obs and number of depths from namelist (before reading other variables) FillValue_real = 99999.0_fbdp FillValue_int = 99999 OPEN(10,file='') READ(10,namfbgeneratesetup) CLOSE(10) ! Calculate number of observations IF ((ln_gridobs) .AND. (.NOT.ln_physpace) .AND. (.NOT.ln_listobs)) THEN IF( ( nlats .LE. 0 ) .OR. (nlons .LE. 0) )THEN WRITE(6,*)'ERROR: nlats and nlons must be greater than 0 if ln_gridobs set' ELSE nobs=nlats*nlons WRITE(*,*) "Constructing a grid of lat-lons" ENDIF ELSE IF ((.NOT.ln_gridobs) .AND. (ln_physpace) .AND. (.NOT.ln_listobs)) THEN IF ((phys_spacing .LE. 0) .OR.(phys_spacing .GE. earth_radius)) THEN WRITE(6,*)'ERROR: phys_spacing must be greater than 0 and less than 6371km.' ELSE nlats = INT(pi * earth_radius / phys_spacing) IF (MOD(nlats,2)==0) nlats=nlats-1 ! Ensure nlats is odd to have even number around equator. lat_step = 180.0_fbdp / (nlats-1) nobs=0 current_lat=0.0_fbdp ! Sum up number of lons at each latitude DO i=1,(nlats-1)/2 current_lat = current_lat + lat_step * (pi/180.0_fbdp) nobs = nobs + INT(2.0_fbdp * pi * earth_radius * cos(current_lat) / phys_spacing) END DO nobs = nobs * 2 + INT(2.0_fbdp * pi * earth_radius / phys_spacing) WRITE(*,*) "Using a physical seperation of ~", INT(phys_spacing),"km" END IF ELSE IF ((.NOT.ln_gridobs) .AND. (.NOT.ln_physpace) .AND. (ln_listobs)) THEN IF( nobs .LE. 0 ) THEN WRITE(6,*)'ERROR: nobs must be greater than 0' ENDIF WRITE(*,*) "Constructing a list of lat-lons" ELSE WRITE(*,*)'ERROR: one (and only one) of the logical flags must be true!' CALL abort ENDIF ALLOCATE(dates(nobs), & times(nobs), & julian_dates(nobs), & lats(nobs), & lons(nobs), & deps(nlev), & variable(nvar), & variable_longname(nvar), & variable_units(nvar),& vals(nlev,nobs,nvar),& model_vals(nlev,nobs,nvar),& STAT=ierr & ) IF (ierr /= 0) THEN WRITE(*,*) "Could not allocate observation arrays:" WRITE(*,*) "dates(", nobs, ")" WRITE(*,*) "times(", nobs, ")" WRITE(*,*) "lats(", nobs, ")" WRITE(*,*) "lons(", nobs, ")" WRITE(*,*) "deps(", nlev, ")" WRITE(*,*) "variable(", nvar, ")" WRITE(*,*) "variable_longname(", nvar, ")" WRITE(*,*) "variable_units(", nvar, ")" WRITE(*,*) "vals(", nlev, nobs, nvar, ")" WRITE(*,*) "model_vals(", nlev, nobs, nvar, ")" CALL abort END IF !!!! set up default values and read in namelist !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ntyp=-1 lats(:) = FillValue_real lons(:) = FillValue_real deps(:) = FillValue_real times(:) = FillValue_int dates(:) = FillValue_int vals(:,:,:) = FillValue_real model_vals(:,:,:) = FillValue_real variable=REPEAT('X',ilenwmo) variable_longname=REPEAT('X',ilenwmo) variable_units=REPEAT('X',ilenwmo) cdwmo=REPEAT('X',ilenwmo) !station identifier cdtyp="90" !station type WRITE(*,*) "Creating a fdbk file with", nobs, "observations" WRITE(*,*) "with", nvar, "variables and",nlev, "depths." OPEN(10,file='') READ(10,namfbgenerate) CLOSE(10) ! Use bounds to construct the full arrays of coords and values IF (ln_physpace) THEN CALL set_spatial_coords_physpace(lats,lons,nobs,FillValue_real,phys_spacing) ELSE IF (ln_gridobs) THEN CALL set_spatial_coords_grid(lats,lons,nobs,nlats,nlons,FillValue_real) ELSE CALL set_spatial_coords(lats,lons,nobs,FillValue_real) END IF ! Add random perturbation to position if ln_perturb_posn=.TRUE. IF (ln_perturb_posn) CALL perturb_positions(lats,lons,perturb_limit) CALL set_datetime(dates,times,julian_dates,nobs,FillValue_int) CALL set_depths(deps,nlev,FillValue_real) CALL set_obs_values(vals,nvar,nobs,nlev,FillValue_real) CALL set_obs_values(model_vals,nvar,nobs,nlev,FillValue_real) !nadd=1 ! Hx next=0 ! e.g. TEMP ! Add TEMP as extra variable if POTM is defined. DO i=1,nvar IF (variable(i)(1:4) == "POTM") THEN next=1 ! e.g. If set to zero, will not add extra TEMP variable EXIT END IF END DO CALL init_obfbdata(fbobsdata) !!!! Allocate the obfb type !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CALL alloc_obfbdata( fbobsdata, nvar, nobs, nlev, nadd, next, .FALSE.) !!!! Read data specified in the namelist into obfd type!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! fbobsdata%cname = variable(:) fbobsdata%coblong = variable_longname(:) fbobsdata%cobunit = variable_units(:) fbobsdata%cdjuldref = "19500101000000" fbobsdata%cdwmo = cdwmo fbobsdata%cdtyp = cdtyp ! Add model counterpart values if nadd=1 IF (nadd > 0) THEN IF (nadd /= 1) THEN CALL abort WRITE(*,*) "Not set-up to add more than 1 additional variable." ELSE fbobsdata%caddname = "Hx" fbobsdata%caddlong(1,:) = "Model interpolated " // variable_longname(:) fbobsdata%caddunit(1,:) = variable_units(:) fbobsdata%padd(:,:,1,:)=model_vals(:,:,:) END IF END IF ! Add TEMP as extra variable if POTM is defined. IF (next==1) THEN fbobsdata%cextname = "TEMP" END IF ! set up pos/time variables fbobsdata%plam(:)=lons(:) fbobsdata%pphi(:)=lats(:) DO i=1,nobs fbobsdata%pdep(:,i)=deps(:) END DO fbobsdata%ptim(:)= julian_dates(:) ! Shuffle the time array to spread the profiles across the time period IF (ln_shuffletimes) CALL shuffle(fbobsdata%ptim) ! read in variable data and flags fbobsdata%ivqc(:,:)=1 fbobsdata%ivqcf(:,:,:)=1 fbobsdata%ivlqc(:,:,:)=1 fbobsdata%pob(:,:,:)=vals(:,:,:) !set up all QC flags fbobsdata%ioqc(:)=1 fbobsdata%ioqcf(:,:)=0 fbobsdata%ipqc(:)=1 fbobsdata%ipqcf(:,:)=0 fbobsdata%idqc(:,:)=1 !0 fbobsdata%idqcf(:,:,:)=0 fbobsdata%itqc(:)=1 fbobsdata%kindex(:)=0 !!!! Write out the obfb type !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CALL write_obfbdata(TRIM(filenameout),fbobsdata) DEALLOCATE(dates, & times, & julian_dates,& lats, & lons, & deps, & variable, & variable_longname, & variable_units, & vals, & model_vals & ) END IF !test prog END PROGRAM fbgenerate