MODULE iom !!===================================================================== !! *** MODULE iom *** !! Input/Output manager : Library to read input files !!==================================================================== !! History : 9.0 ! 05 12 (J. Belier) Original code !! 9.0 ! 06 02 (S. Masson) Adaptation to NEMO !! " ! 07 07 (D. Storkey) Changes to iom_gettime !!-------------------------------------------------------------------- !!gm caution add !DIR nec: improved performance to be checked as well as no result changes !!-------------------------------------------------------------------- !! iom_open : open a file read only !! iom_close : close a file or all files opened by iom !! iom_get : read a field (interfaced to several routines) !! iom_gettime : read the time axis cdvar in the file !! iom_varid : get the id of a variable in a file !! iom_rstput : write a field in a restart file (interfaced to several routines) !!-------------------------------------------------------------------- USE in_out_manager ! I/O manager USE dom_oce ! ocean space and time domain USE lbclnk ! lateal boundary condition / mpp exchanges USE iom_def ! iom variables definitions USE iom_ioipsl ! NetCDF format with IOIPSL library USE iom_nf90 ! NetCDF format with native NetCDF library USE iom_rstdimg ! restarts access direct format "dimg" style... #if defined key_iomput USE sbc_oce, ONLY : nn_fsbc ! ocean space and time domain USE domngb ! ocean space and time domain USE phycst ! physical constants USE dianam ! build name of file USE mod_event_client USE mod_attribut # endif IMPLICIT NONE PUBLIC ! must be public to be able to access iom_def through iom #if defined key_iomput LOGICAL, PUBLIC, PARAMETER :: lk_iomput = .TRUE. !: iom_put flag #else LOGICAL, PUBLIC, PARAMETER :: lk_iomput = .FALSE. !: iom_put flag #endif PUBLIC iom_init, iom_open, iom_close, iom_setkt, iom_varid, iom_get, iom_gettime, iom_rstput, iom_put PRIVATE iom_rp0d, iom_rp1d, iom_rp2d, iom_rp3d PRIVATE iom_g0d, iom_g1d, iom_g2d, iom_g3d, iom_get_123d PRIVATE iom_p2d, iom_p3d #if defined key_iomput PRIVATE set_grid # endif INTERFACE iom_get MODULE PROCEDURE iom_g0d, iom_g1d, iom_g2d, iom_g3d END INTERFACE INTERFACE iom_rstput MODULE PROCEDURE iom_rp0d, iom_rp1d, iom_rp2d, iom_rp3d END INTERFACE INTERFACE iom_put MODULE PROCEDURE iom_p0d, iom_p2d, iom_p3d END INTERFACE #if defined key_iomput INTERFACE iom_setkt MODULE PROCEDURE event__set_timestep END INTERFACE # endif !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! OPA 9.0 , LOCEAN-IPSL (2006) !! $Id$ !! Software governed by the CeCILL licence (modipsl/doc/NEMO_CeCILL.txt) !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- CONTAINS SUBROUTINE iom_init !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE *** !! !! ** Purpose : !! !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- #if defined key_iomput REAL(wp) :: ztmp !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! read the xml file CALL event__parse_xml_file( 'iodef.xml' ) ! <- to get from the nameliste (namrun)... ! calendar parameters SELECT CASE ( nleapy ) ! Choose calendar for IOIPSL CASE ( 1) ; CALL event__set_calendar('gregorian') CASE ( 0) ; CALL event__set_calendar('noleap' ) CASE (30) ; CALL event__set_calendar('360d' ) END SELECT ztmp = fjulday - adatrj IF( ABS(ztmp - REAL(NINT(ztmp),wp)) < 0.1 / rday ) ztmp = REAL(NINT(ztmp),wp) ! avoid truncation error CALL event__set_time_parameters( nit000 - 1, ztmp, rdt ) ! horizontal grid definition CALL set_scalar CALL set_grid( "grid_T", glamt, gphit ) CALL set_grid( "grid_U", glamu, gphiu ) CALL set_grid( "grid_V", glamv, gphiv ) CALL set_grid( "grid_W", glamt, gphit ) ! vertical grid definition CALL event__set_vert_axis( "deptht", gdept_0 ) CALL event__set_vert_axis( "depthu", gdept_0 ) CALL event__set_vert_axis( "depthv", gdept_0 ) CALL event__set_vert_axis( "depthw", gdepw_0 ) ! automatic definitions of some of the xml attributs CALL set_xmlatt ! end file definition CALL event__close_io_definition #endif END SUBROUTINE iom_init SUBROUTINE iom_open( cdname, kiomid, ldwrt, kdom, kiolib, ldstop, ldiof ) !!--------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** SUBROUTINE iom_open *** !! !! ** Purpose : open an input file (return 0 if not found) !!--------------------------------------------------------------------- CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in ) :: cdname ! File name INTEGER , INTENT( out) :: kiomid ! iom identifier of the opened file LOGICAL , INTENT(in ), OPTIONAL :: ldwrt ! open in write modeb (default = .FALSE.) INTEGER , INTENT(in ), OPTIONAL :: kdom ! Type of domain to be written (default = jpdom_local_noovlap) INTEGER , INTENT(in ), OPTIONAL :: kiolib ! library used to open the file (default = jpnf90) LOGICAL , INTENT(in ), OPTIONAL :: ldstop ! stop if open to read a non-existing file (default = .TRUE.) LOGICAL , INTENT(in ), OPTIONAL :: ldiof ! Interp On the Fly, needed for AGRIF (default = .FALSE.) CHARACTER(LEN=100) :: clname ! the name of the file based on cdname [[+clcpu]+clcpu] CHARACTER(LEN=100) :: cltmpn ! tempory name to store clname (in writting mode) CHARACTER(LEN=10) :: clsuffix ! ".nc" or ".dimg" CHARACTER(LEN=15) :: clcpu ! the cpu number (max jpmax_digits digits) CHARACTER(LEN=100) :: clinfo ! info character LOGICAL :: llok ! check the existence LOGICAL :: llwrt ! local definition of ldwrt LOGICAL :: llnoov ! local definition to read overlap LOGICAL :: llstop ! local definition of ldstop LOGICAL :: lliof ! local definition of ldiof INTEGER :: iolib ! library do we use to open the file INTEGER :: icnt ! counter for digits in clcpu (max = jpmax_digits) INTEGER :: iln, ils ! lengths of character INTEGER :: idom ! type of domain INTEGER :: istop ! INTEGER, DIMENSION(2,5) :: idompar ! domain parameters: ! local number of points for x,y dimensions ! position of first local point for x,y dimensions ! position of last local point for x,y dimensions ! start halo size for x,y dimensions ! end halo size for x,y dimensions !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Initializations and control ! ============= kiomid = -1 clinfo = ' iom_open ~~~ ' istop = nstop ! if iom_open is called for the first time: initialize iom_file(:)%nfid to 0 ! (could be done when defining iom_file in f95 but not in f90) #if ! defined key_agrif IF( iom_open_init == 0 ) THEN iom_file(:)%nfid = 0 iom_open_init = 1 ENDIF #else IF( Agrif_Root() ) THEN IF( iom_open_init == 0 ) THEN iom_file(:)%nfid = 0 iom_open_init = 1 ENDIF ENDIF #endif ! do we read or write the file? IF( PRESENT(ldwrt) ) THEN ; llwrt = ldwrt ELSE ; llwrt = .FALSE. ENDIF ! do we call ctl_stop if we try to open a non-existing file in read mode? IF( PRESENT(ldstop) ) THEN ; llstop = ldstop ELSE ; llstop = .TRUE. ENDIF ! what library do we use to open the file? IF( PRESENT(kiolib) ) THEN ; iolib = kiolib ELSE ; iolib = jpnf90 ENDIF ! are we using interpolation on the fly? IF( PRESENT(ldiof) ) THEN ; lliof = ldiof ELSE ; lliof = .FALSE. ENDIF ! do we read the overlap ! ugly patch SM+JMM+RB to overwrite global definition in some cases llnoov = (jpni * jpnj ) == jpnij .AND. .NOT. lk_agrif ! create the file name by added, if needed, TRIM(Agrif_CFixed()) and TRIM(clsuffix) ! ============= clname = trim(cdname) #if defined key_agrif IF ( .NOT. Agrif_Root() .AND. .NOT. lliof ) THEN iln = INDEX(clname,'/') cltmpn = clname(1:iln) clname = clname(iln+1:LEN_TRIM(clname)) clname=TRIM(cltmpn)//TRIM(Agrif_CFixed())//'_'//TRIM(clname) ENDIF #endif ! which suffix should we use? SELECT CASE (iolib) CASE (jpioipsl ) ; clsuffix = '.nc' CASE (jpnf90 ) ; clsuffix = '.nc' CASE (jprstdimg) ; clsuffix = '.dimg' CASE DEFAULT ; clsuffix = '' CALL ctl_stop( TRIM(clinfo), 'accepted IO library are only jpioipsl, jpnf90 and jprstdimg' ) END SELECT ! Add the suffix if needed iln = LEN_TRIM(clname) ils = LEN_TRIM(clsuffix) IF( iln <= ils .OR. INDEX( TRIM(clname), TRIM(clsuffix), back = .TRUE. ) /= iln - ils + 1 ) & & clname = TRIM(clname)//TRIM(clsuffix) cltmpn = clname ! store this name ! try to find if the file to be opened already exist ! ============= INQUIRE( FILE = clname, EXIST = llok ) IF( .NOT.llok ) THEN ! we try to add the cpu number to the name IF( iolib == jprstdimg ) THEN ; WRITE(clcpu,*) narea ELSE ; WRITE(clcpu,*) narea-1 ENDIF clcpu = TRIM(ADJUSTL(clcpu)) iln = INDEX(clname,TRIM(clsuffix), back = .TRUE.) clname = clname(1:iln-1)//'_'//TRIM(clcpu)//TRIM(clsuffix) icnt = 0 INQUIRE( FILE = clname, EXIST = llok ) ! we try different formats for the cpu number by adding 0 DO WHILE( .NOT.llok .AND. icnt < jpmax_digits ) clcpu = "0"//trim(clcpu) clname = clname(1:iln-1)//'_'//TRIM(clcpu)//TRIM(clsuffix) INQUIRE( FILE = clname, EXIST = llok ) icnt = icnt + 1 END DO ENDIF IF( llwrt ) THEN ! check the domain definition ! JMM + SM: ugly patch before getting the new version of lib_mpp) ! idom = jpdom_local_noovlap ! default definition IF( llnoov ) THEN ; idom = jpdom_local_noovlap ! default definition ELSE ; idom = jpdom_local_full ! default definition ENDIF IF( PRESENT(kdom) ) idom = kdom ! create the domain informations ! ============= SELECT CASE (idom) CASE (jpdom_local_full) idompar(:,1) = (/ jpi , jpj /) idompar(:,2) = (/ nimpp , njmpp /) idompar(:,3) = (/ nimpp + jpi - 1 , njmpp + jpj - 1 /) idompar(:,4) = (/ nldi - 1 , nldj - 1 /) idompar(:,5) = (/ jpi - nlei , jpj - nlej /) CASE (jpdom_local_noextra) idompar(:,1) = (/ nlci , nlcj /) idompar(:,2) = (/ nimpp , njmpp /) idompar(:,3) = (/ nimpp + nlci - 1, njmpp + nlcj - 1 /) idompar(:,4) = (/ nldi - 1 , nldj - 1 /) idompar(:,5) = (/ nlci - nlei , nlcj - nlej /) CASE (jpdom_local_noovlap) idompar(:,1) = (/ nlei - nldi + 1, nlej - nldj + 1 /) idompar(:,2) = (/ nimpp + nldi - 1, njmpp + nldj - 1 /) idompar(:,3) = (/ nimpp + nlei - 1, njmpp + nlej - 1 /) idompar(:,4) = (/ 0 , 0 /) idompar(:,5) = (/ 0 , 0 /) CASE DEFAULT CALL ctl_stop( TRIM(clinfo), 'wrong value of kdom, only jpdom_local* cases are accepted' ) END SELECT ENDIF ! Open the NetCDF or RSTDIMG file ! ============= ! do we have some free file identifier? IF( MINVAL(iom_file(:)%nfid) /= 0 ) & & CALL ctl_stop( TRIM(clinfo), 'No more free file identifier', 'increase jpmax_files in iom_def' ) ! if no file was found... IF( .NOT. llok ) THEN IF( .NOT. llwrt ) THEN ! we are in read mode IF( llstop ) THEN ; CALL ctl_stop( TRIM(clinfo), 'File '//TRIM(cltmpn)//'* not found' ) ELSE ; istop = nstop + 1 ! make sure that istop /= nstop so we don't open the file ENDIF ELSE ! we are in write mode so we clname = cltmpn ! get back the file name without the cpu number ENDIF ENDIF IF( istop == nstop ) THEN ! no error within this routine SELECT CASE (iolib) CASE (jpioipsl ) ; CALL iom_ioipsl_open( clname, kiomid, llwrt, llok, idompar ) CASE (jpnf90 ) ; CALL iom_nf90_open( clname, kiomid, llwrt, llok, idompar ) CASE (jprstdimg) ; CALL iom_rstdimg_open( clname, kiomid, llwrt, llok, idompar ) CASE DEFAULT CALL ctl_stop( TRIM(clinfo)//' accepted IO library are only jpioipsl, jpnf90 and jprstdimg' ) END SELECT ENDIF ! END SUBROUTINE iom_open SUBROUTINE iom_close( kiomid ) !!-------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** SUBROUTINE iom_close *** !! !! ** Purpose : close an input file, or all files opened by iom !!-------------------------------------------------------------------- INTEGER, INTENT(inout), OPTIONAL :: kiomid ! iom identifier of the file to be closed ! ! return 0 when file is properly closed ! ! No argument: all files opened by iom are closed INTEGER :: jf ! dummy loop indices INTEGER :: i_s, i_e ! temporary integer CHARACTER(LEN=100) :: clinfo ! info character !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! clinfo = ' iom_close ~~~ ' IF( PRESENT(kiomid) ) THEN i_s = kiomid i_e = kiomid ELSE i_s = 1 i_e = jpmax_files #if defined key_iomput CALL event__stop_ioserver #endif ENDIF IF( i_s > 0 ) THEN DO jf = i_s, i_e IF( iom_file(jf)%nfid > 0 ) THEN SELECT CASE (iom_file(jf)%iolib) CASE (jpioipsl ) ; CALL iom_ioipsl_close( jf ) CASE (jpnf90 ) ; CALL iom_nf90_close( jf ) CASE (jprstdimg) ; CALL iom_rstdimg_close( jf ) CASE DEFAULT CALL ctl_stop( TRIM(clinfo)//' accepted IO library are only jpioipsl, jpnf90 and jprstdimg' ) END SELECT iom_file(jf)%nfid = 0 ! free the id IF( PRESENT(kiomid) ) kiomid = 0 ! return 0 as id to specify that the file was closed IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) TRIM(clinfo)//' close file: '//TRIM(iom_file(jf)%name)//' ok' ELSEIF( PRESENT(kiomid) ) THEN WRITE(ctmp1,*) '--->', kiomid CALL ctl_stop( TRIM(clinfo)//' Invalid file identifier', ctmp1 ) ENDIF END DO ENDIF ! END SUBROUTINE iom_close FUNCTION iom_varid ( kiomid, cdvar, kdimsz, ldstop ) !!----------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** FUNCTION iom_varid *** !! !! ** Purpose : get the id of a variable in a file (return 0 if not found) !!----------------------------------------------------------------------- INTEGER , INTENT(in ) :: kiomid ! file Identifier CHARACTER(len=*) , INTENT(in ) :: cdvar ! name of the variable INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), INTENT( out), OPTIONAL :: kdimsz ! size of the dimensions LOGICAL , INTENT(in ), OPTIONAL :: ldstop ! stop if looking for non-existing variable (default = .TRUE.) ! INTEGER :: iom_varid, iiv, i_nvd LOGICAL :: ll_fnd CHARACTER(LEN=100) :: clinfo ! info character LOGICAL :: llstop ! local definition of ldstop !!----------------------------------------------------------------------- iom_varid = 0 ! default definition ! do we call ctl_stop if we look for non-existing variable? IF( PRESENT(ldstop) ) THEN ; llstop = ldstop ELSE ; llstop = .TRUE. ENDIF ! IF( kiomid > 0 ) THEN clinfo = 'iom_varid, file: '//trim(iom_file(kiomid)%name)//', var: '//trim(cdvar) IF( iom_file(kiomid)%nfid == 0 ) THEN CALL ctl_stop( trim(clinfo), 'the file is not open' ) ELSE ll_fnd = .FALSE. iiv = 0 ! DO WHILE ( .NOT.ll_fnd .AND. iiv < iom_file(kiomid)%nvars ) iiv = iiv + 1 ll_fnd = ( TRIM(cdvar) == TRIM(iom_file(kiomid)%cn_var(iiv)) ) END DO ! IF( .NOT.ll_fnd ) THEN iiv = iiv + 1 IF( iiv <= jpmax_vars ) THEN SELECT CASE (iom_file(kiomid)%iolib) CASE (jpioipsl ) ; iom_varid = iom_ioipsl_varid( kiomid, cdvar, iiv, kdimsz ) CASE (jpnf90 ) ; iom_varid = iom_nf90_varid ( kiomid, cdvar, iiv, kdimsz ) CASE (jprstdimg) ; iom_varid = -1 ! all variables are listed in iom_file CASE DEFAULT CALL ctl_stop( TRIM(clinfo)//' accepted IO library are only jpioipsl, jpnf90 and jprstdimg' ) END SELECT ELSE CALL ctl_stop( trim(clinfo), 'Too many variables in the file '//iom_file(kiomid)%name, & & 'increase the parameter jpmax_vars') ENDIF IF( llstop .AND. iom_varid == -1 ) CALL ctl_stop( TRIM(clinfo)//' not found' ) ELSE iom_varid = iiv IF( PRESENT(kdimsz) ) THEN i_nvd = iom_file(kiomid)%ndims(iiv) IF( i_nvd == size(kdimsz) ) THEN kdimsz(:) = iom_file(kiomid)%dimsz(1:i_nvd,iiv) ELSE WRITE(ctmp1,*) i_nvd, size(kdimsz) CALL ctl_stop( trim(clinfo), 'error in kdimsz size'//trim(ctmp1) ) ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF ! END FUNCTION iom_varid !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! INTERFACE iom_get !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- SUBROUTINE iom_g0d( kiomid, cdvar, pvar ) INTEGER , INTENT(in ) :: kiomid ! Identifier of the file CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in ) :: cdvar ! Name of the variable REAL(wp) , INTENT( out) :: pvar ! read field ! INTEGER :: idvar ! variable id ! IF( kiomid > 0 ) THEN idvar = iom_varid( kiomid, cdvar ) IF( iom_file(kiomid)%nfid > 0 .AND. idvar > 0 ) THEN SELECT CASE (iom_file(kiomid)%iolib) CASE (jpioipsl ) ; CALL iom_ioipsl_get( kiomid, idvar, pvar ) CASE (jpnf90 ) ; CALL iom_nf90_get( kiomid, idvar, pvar ) CASE (jprstdimg) ; CALL iom_rstdimg_get( kiomid, idvar, pvar ) CASE DEFAULT CALL ctl_stop( 'iom_g0d: accepted IO library are only jpioipsl, jpnf90 and jprstdimg' ) END SELECT ENDIF ENDIF END SUBROUTINE iom_g0d SUBROUTINE iom_g1d( kiomid, kdom, cdvar, pvar, ktime, kstart, kcount ) INTEGER , INTENT(in ) :: kiomid ! Identifier of the file INTEGER , INTENT(in ) :: kdom ! Type of domain to be read CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in ) :: cdvar ! Name of the variable REAL(wp) , INTENT( out), DIMENSION(:) :: pvar ! read field INTEGER , INTENT(in ) , OPTIONAL :: ktime ! record number INTEGER , INTENT(in ), DIMENSION(1), OPTIONAL :: kstart ! start axis position of the reading INTEGER , INTENT(in ), DIMENSION(1), OPTIONAL :: kcount ! number of points in each axis ! IF( kiomid > 0 ) THEN IF( iom_file(kiomid)%nfid > 0 ) CALL iom_get_123d( kiomid, kdom , cdvar , pv_r1d=pvar, & & ktime=ktime, kstart=kstart, kcount=kcount ) ENDIF END SUBROUTINE iom_g1d SUBROUTINE iom_g2d( kiomid, kdom, cdvar, pvar, ktime, kstart, kcount ) INTEGER , INTENT(in ) :: kiomid ! Identifier of the file INTEGER , INTENT(in ) :: kdom ! Type of domain to be read CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in ) :: cdvar ! Name of the variable REAL(wp) , INTENT( out), DIMENSION(:,:) :: pvar ! read field INTEGER , INTENT(in ) , OPTIONAL :: ktime ! record number INTEGER , INTENT(in ), DIMENSION(2) , OPTIONAL :: kstart ! start axis position of the reading INTEGER , INTENT(in ), DIMENSION(2) , OPTIONAL :: kcount ! number of points in each axis ! IF( kiomid > 0 ) THEN IF( iom_file(kiomid)%nfid > 0 ) CALL iom_get_123d( kiomid, kdom , cdvar , pv_r2d=pvar, & & ktime=ktime, kstart=kstart, kcount=kcount ) ENDIF END SUBROUTINE iom_g2d SUBROUTINE iom_g3d( kiomid, kdom, cdvar, pvar, ktime, kstart, kcount ) INTEGER , INTENT(in ) :: kiomid ! Identifier of the file INTEGER , INTENT(in ) :: kdom ! Type of domain to be read CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in ) :: cdvar ! Name of the variable REAL(wp) , INTENT( out), DIMENSION(:,:,:) :: pvar ! read field INTEGER , INTENT(in ) , OPTIONAL :: ktime ! record number INTEGER , INTENT(in ), DIMENSION(3) , OPTIONAL :: kstart ! start axis position of the reading INTEGER , INTENT(in ), DIMENSION(3) , OPTIONAL :: kcount ! number of points in each axis ! IF( kiomid > 0 ) THEN IF( iom_file(kiomid)%nfid > 0 ) CALL iom_get_123d( kiomid, kdom , cdvar , pv_r3d=pvar, & & ktime=ktime, kstart=kstart, kcount=kcount ) ENDIF END SUBROUTINE iom_g3d !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- SUBROUTINE iom_get_123d( kiomid, kdom , cdvar , & & pv_r1d, pv_r2d, pv_r3d, & & ktime , kstart, kcount ) !!----------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE iom_get_123d *** !! !! ** Purpose : read a 1D/2D/3D variable !! !! ** Method : read ONE record at each CALL !!----------------------------------------------------------------------- INTEGER , INTENT(in ) :: kiomid ! Identifier of the file INTEGER , INTENT(in ) :: kdom ! Type of domain to be read CHARACTER(len=*) , INTENT(in ) :: cdvar ! Name of the variable REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:) , INTENT( out), OPTIONAL :: pv_r1d ! read field (1D case) REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:) , INTENT( out), OPTIONAL :: pv_r2d ! read field (2D case) REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:,:) , INTENT( out), OPTIONAL :: pv_r3d ! read field (3D case) INTEGER , INTENT(in ), OPTIONAL :: ktime ! record number INTEGER , DIMENSION(:) , INTENT(in ), OPTIONAL :: kstart ! start position of the reading in each axis INTEGER , DIMENSION(:) , INTENT(in ), OPTIONAL :: kcount ! number of points to be read in each axis ! LOGICAL :: llnoov ! local definition to read overlap INTEGER :: jl ! loop on number of dimension INTEGER :: idom ! type of domain INTEGER :: idvar ! id of the variable INTEGER :: inbdim ! number of dimensions of the variable INTEGER :: idmspc ! number of spatial dimensions INTEGER :: itime ! record number INTEGER :: istop ! temporary value of nstop INTEGER :: ix1, ix2, iy1, iy2 ! subdomain indexes INTEGER :: ji, jj ! loop counters INTEGER :: irankpv ! INTEGER :: ind1, ind2 ! substring index INTEGER, DIMENSION(jpmax_dims) :: istart ! starting point to read for each axis INTEGER, DIMENSION(jpmax_dims) :: icnt ! number of value to read along each axis INTEGER, DIMENSION(jpmax_dims) :: idimsz ! size of the dimensions of the variable INTEGER, DIMENSION(jpmax_dims) :: ishape ! size of the dimensions of the variable REAL(wp) :: zscf, zofs ! sacle_factor and add_offset INTEGER :: itmp ! temporary integer CHARACTER(LEN=100) :: clinfo ! info character CHARACTER(LEN=100) :: clname ! file name CHARACTER(LEN=1) :: clrankpv, cldmspc ! !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! clname = iom_file(kiomid)%name ! esier to read clinfo = ' iom_get_123d, file: '//trim(clname)//', var: '//trim(cdvar) ! local definition of the domain ? idom = kdom ! do we read the overlap ! ugly patch SM+JMM+RB to overwrite global definition in some cases llnoov = (jpni * jpnj ) == jpnij .AND. .NOT. lk_agrif ! check kcount and kstart optionals parameters... IF( PRESENT(kcount) .AND. (.NOT. PRESENT(kstart)) ) CALL ctl_stop(trim(clinfo), 'kcount present needs kstart present') IF( PRESENT(kstart) .AND. (.NOT. PRESENT(kcount)) ) CALL ctl_stop(trim(clinfo), 'kstart present needs kcount present') IF( PRESENT(kstart) .AND. idom /= jpdom_unknown ) CALL ctl_stop(trim(clinfo), 'kstart present needs kdom = jpdom_unknown') ! Search for the variable in the data base (eventually actualize data) istop = nstop idvar = iom_varid( kiomid, cdvar ) ! IF( idvar > 0 ) THEN ! to write iom_file(kiomid)%dimsz in a shorter way ! idimsz(:) = iom_file(kiomid)%dimsz(:, idvar) inbdim = iom_file(kiomid)%ndims(idvar) ! number of dimensions in the file idmspc = inbdim ! number of spatial dimensions in the file IF( iom_file(kiomid)%luld(idvar) ) idmspc = inbdim - 1 IF( idmspc > 3 ) CALL ctl_stop(trim(clinfo), 'the file has more than 3 spatial dimensions this case is not coded...') ! ! update idom definition... ! Identify the domain in case of jpdom_auto(glo/dta) definition IF( idom == jpdom_autoglo .OR. idom == jpdom_autodta ) THEN IF( idom == jpdom_autoglo ) THEN ; idom = jpdom_global ELSE ; idom = jpdom_data ENDIF ind1 = INDEX( clname, '_', back = .TRUE. ) + 1 ind2 = INDEX( clname, '.', back = .TRUE. ) - 1 IF( ind2 > ind1 ) THEN ; IF( VERIFY( clname(ind1:ind2), '0123456789' ) == 0 ) idom = jpdom_local ; ENDIF ENDIF ! Identify the domain in case of jpdom_local definition IF( idom == jpdom_local ) THEN IF( idimsz(1) == jpi .AND. idimsz(2) == jpj ) THEN ; idom = jpdom_local_full ELSEIF( idimsz(1) == nlci .AND. idimsz(2) == nlcj ) THEN ; idom = jpdom_local_noextra ELSEIF( idimsz(1) == (nlei - nldi + 1) .AND. idimsz(2) == (nlej - nldj + 1) ) THEN ; idom = jpdom_local_noovlap ELSE ; CALL ctl_stop( trim(clinfo), 'impossible to identify the local domain' ) ENDIF ENDIF ! ! check the consistency between input array and data rank in the file ! ! initializations itime = 1 IF( PRESENT(ktime) ) itime = ktime irankpv = 1 * COUNT( (/PRESENT(pv_r1d)/) ) + 2 * COUNT( (/PRESENT(pv_r2d)/) ) + 3 * COUNT( (/PRESENT(pv_r3d)/) ) WRITE(clrankpv, fmt='(i1)') irankpv WRITE(cldmspc , fmt='(i1)') idmspc ! IF( idmspc < irankpv ) THEN CALL ctl_stop( TRIM(clinfo), 'The file has only '//cldmspc//' spatial dimension', & & 'it is impossible to read a '//clrankpv//'D array from this file...' ) ELSEIF( idmspc == irankpv ) THEN IF( PRESENT(pv_r1d) .AND. idom /= jpdom_unknown ) & & CALL ctl_stop( TRIM(clinfo), 'case not coded...You must use jpdom_unknown' ) ELSEIF( idmspc > irankpv ) THEN IF( PRESENT(pv_r2d) .AND. itime == 1 .AND. idimsz(3) == 1 .AND. idmspc == 3 ) THEN CALL ctl_warn( trim(clinfo), '2D array but 3 spatial dimensions for the data...' , & & 'As the size of the z dimension is 1 and as we try to read the first record, ', & & 'we accept this case, even if there is a possible mix-up between z and time dimension' ) idmspc = idmspc - 1 ELSE CALL ctl_stop( TRIM(clinfo), 'To keep iom lisibility, when reading a '//clrankpv//'D array,' , & & 'we do not accept data with more than '//cldmspc//' spatial dimension', & & 'Use ncwa -a to suppress the unnecessary dimensions' ) ENDIF ENDIF ! ! definition of istart and icnt ! icnt (:) = 1 istart(:) = 1 istart(idmspc+1) = itime IF( PRESENT(kstart) ) THEN ; istart(1:idmspc) = kstart(1:idmspc) ; icnt(1:idmspc) = kcount(1:idmspc) ELSE IF( idom == jpdom_unknown ) THEN ; icnt(1:idmspc) = idimsz(1:idmspc) ELSE IF( .NOT. PRESENT(pv_r1d) ) THEN ! not a 1D array IF( idom == jpdom_data ) THEN ; istart(1:2) = (/ mig(1), mjg(1) /) ! icnt(1:2) done bellow ELSEIF( idom == jpdom_global ) THEN ; istart(1:2) = (/ nimpp , njmpp /) ! icnt(1:2) done bellow ENDIF ! we do not read the overlap -> we start to read at nldi, nldj ! JMM + SM: ugly patch before getting the new version of lib_mpp) ! IF( idom /= jpdom_local_noovlap ) istart(1:2) = istart(1:2) + (/ nldi - 1, nldj - 1 /) IF( llnoov .AND. idom /= jpdom_local_noovlap ) istart(1:2) = istart(1:2) + (/ nldi - 1, nldj - 1 /) ! we do not read the overlap and the extra-halos -> from nldi to nlei and from nldj to nlej ! JMM + SM: ugly patch before getting the new version of lib_mpp) ! icnt(1:2) = (/ nlei - nldi + 1, nlej - nldj + 1 /) IF( llnoov ) THEN ; icnt(1:2) = (/ nlei - nldi + 1, nlej - nldj + 1 /) ELSE ; icnt(1:2) = (/ nlci , nlcj /) ENDIF IF( PRESENT(pv_r3d) ) THEN IF( idom == jpdom_data ) THEN ; icnt(3) = jpkdta ELSE ; icnt(3) = jpk ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF ! check that istart and icnt can be used with this file !- DO jl = 1, jpmax_dims itmp = istart(jl)+icnt(jl)-1 IF( itmp > idimsz(jl) .AND. idimsz(jl) /= 0 ) THEN WRITE( ctmp1, FMT="('(istart(', i1, ') + icnt(', i1, ') - 1) = ', i5)" ) jl, jl, itmp WRITE( ctmp2, FMT="(' is larger than idimsz(', i1,') = ', i5)" ) jl, idimsz(jl) CALL ctl_stop( trim(clinfo), 'start and count too big regarding to the size of the data, ', ctmp1, ctmp2 ) ENDIF END DO ! check that icnt matches the input array !- IF( idom == jpdom_unknown ) THEN IF( irankpv == 1 ) ishape(1:1) = SHAPE(pv_r1d) IF( irankpv == 2 ) ishape(1:2) = SHAPE(pv_r2d) IF( irankpv == 3 ) ishape(1:3) = SHAPE(pv_r3d) ctmp1 = 'd' ELSE IF( irankpv == 2 ) THEN ! JMM + SM: ugly patch before getting the new version of lib_mpp) ! ishape(1:2) = SHAPE(pv_r2d(nldi:nlei,nldj:nlej )) ; ctmp1 = 'd(nldi:nlei,nldj:nlej)' IF( llnoov ) THEN ; ishape(1:2)=SHAPE(pv_r2d(nldi:nlei,nldj:nlej )) ; ctmp1='d(nldi:nlei,nldj:nlej)' ELSE ; ishape(1:2)=SHAPE(pv_r2d(1 :nlci,1 :nlcj )) ; ctmp1='d(1:nlci,1:nlcj)' ENDIF ENDIF IF( irankpv == 3 ) THEN ! JMM + SM: ugly patch before getting the new version of lib_mpp) ! ishape(1:3) = SHAPE(pv_r3d(nldi:nlei,nldj:nlej,:)) ; ctmp1 = 'd(nldi:nlei,nldj:nlej,:)' IF( llnoov ) THEN ; ishape(1:3)=SHAPE(pv_r3d(nldi:nlei,nldj:nlej,:)) ; ctmp1='d(nldi:nlei,nldj:nlej,:)' ELSE ; ishape(1:3)=SHAPE(pv_r3d(1 :nlci,1 :nlcj,:)) ; ctmp1='d(1:nlci,1:nlcj,:)' ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF DO jl = 1, irankpv WRITE( ctmp2, FMT="(', ', i1,'): ', i5,' /= icnt(', i1,'):', i5)" ) jl, ishape(jl), jl, icnt(jl) IF( ishape(jl) /= icnt(jl) ) CALL ctl_stop( TRIM(clinfo), 'size(pv_r'//clrankpv//TRIM(ctmp1)//TRIM(ctmp2) ) END DO ENDIF ! read the data !- IF( idvar > 0 .AND. istop == nstop ) THEN ! no additional errors until this point... ! ! find the right index of the array to be read ! JMM + SM: ugly patch before getting the new version of lib_mpp) ! IF( idom /= jpdom_unknown ) THEN ; ix1 = nldi ; ix2 = nlei ; iy1 = nldj ; iy2 = nlej ! ELSE ; ix1 = 1 ; ix2 = icnt(1) ; iy1 = 1 ; iy2 = icnt(2) ! ENDIF IF( llnoov ) THEN IF( idom /= jpdom_unknown ) THEN ; ix1 = nldi ; ix2 = nlei ; iy1 = nldj ; iy2 = nlej ELSE ; ix1 = 1 ; ix2 = icnt(1) ; iy1 = 1 ; iy2 = icnt(2) ENDIF ELSE IF( idom /= jpdom_unknown ) THEN ; ix1 = 1 ; ix2 = nlci ; iy1 = 1 ; iy2 = nlcj ELSE ; ix1 = 1 ; ix2 = icnt(1) ; iy1 = 1 ; iy2 = icnt(2) ENDIF ENDIF SELECT CASE (iom_file(kiomid)%iolib) CASE (jpioipsl ) ; CALL iom_ioipsl_get( kiomid, idvar, inbdim, istart, icnt, ix1, ix2, iy1, iy2, & & pv_r1d, pv_r2d, pv_r3d ) CASE (jpnf90 ) ; CALL iom_nf90_get( kiomid, idvar, inbdim, istart, icnt, ix1, ix2, iy1, iy2, & & pv_r1d, pv_r2d, pv_r3d ) CASE (jprstdimg) ; CALL iom_rstdimg_get( kiomid, idom, idvar, ix1, ix2, iy1, iy2, & & pv_r1d, pv_r2d, pv_r3d ) CASE DEFAULT CALL ctl_stop( TRIM(clinfo)//' accepted IO library are only jpioipsl, jpnf90 and jprstdimg' ) END SELECT IF( istop == nstop ) THEN ! no additional errors until this point... IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,"(10x,' read ',a,' (rec: ',i4,') in ',a,' ok')") TRIM(cdvar), itime, TRIM(iom_file(kiomid)%name) !--- overlap areas and extra hallows (mpp) IF( PRESENT(pv_r2d) .AND. idom /= jpdom_unknown ) THEN CALL lbc_lnk( pv_r2d,'Z',-999.,'no0' ) ELSEIF( PRESENT(pv_r3d) .AND. idom /= jpdom_unknown ) THEN ! this if could be simplified with the new lbc_lnk that works with any size of the 3rd dimension IF( icnt(3) == jpk ) THEN CALL lbc_lnk( pv_r3d,'Z',-999.,'no0' ) ELSE ! put some arbitrary value (a call to lbc_lnk will be done later...) DO jj = nlcj+1, jpj ; pv_r3d(1:nlci, jj, :) = pv_r3d(1:nlci, nlej, :) ; END DO DO ji = nlci+1, jpi ; pv_r3d(ji , : , :) = pv_r3d(nlei , : , :) ; END DO ENDIF ENDIF !--- Apply scale_factor and offset zscf = iom_file(kiomid)%scf(idvar) ! scale factor zofs = iom_file(kiomid)%ofs(idvar) ! offset IF( PRESENT(pv_r1d) ) THEN IF( zscf /= 1. ) pv_r1d(:) = pv_r1d(:) * zscf IF( zofs /= 0. ) pv_r1d(:) = pv_r1d(:) + zofs ELSEIF( PRESENT(pv_r2d) ) THEN !CDIR COLLAPSE IF( zscf /= 1.) pv_r2d(:,:) = pv_r2d(:,:) * zscf !CDIR COLLAPSE IF( zofs /= 0.) pv_r2d(:,:) = pv_r2d(:,:) + zofs ELSEIF( PRESENT(pv_r3d) ) THEN !CDIR COLLAPSE IF( zscf /= 1.) pv_r3d(:,:,:) = pv_r3d(:,:,:) * zscf !CDIR COLLAPSE IF( zofs /= 0.) pv_r3d(:,:,:) = pv_r3d(:,:,:) + zofs ENDIF ! ENDIF ! ENDIF ! END SUBROUTINE iom_get_123d SUBROUTINE iom_gettime( kiomid, ptime, cdvar, kntime, cdunits, cdcalendar ) !!-------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** SUBROUTINE iom_gettime *** !! !! ** Purpose : read the time axis cdvar in the file !!-------------------------------------------------------------------- INTEGER , INTENT(in ) :: kiomid ! file Identifier REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:) , INTENT( out) :: ptime ! the time axis CHARACTER(len=*), OPTIONAL , INTENT(in ) :: cdvar ! time axis name INTEGER , OPTIONAL , INTENT( out) :: kntime ! number of times in file CHARACTER(len=*), OPTIONAL , INTENT( out) :: cdunits ! units attribute of time coordinate CHARACTER(len=*), OPTIONAL , INTENT( out) :: cdcalendar ! calendar attribute of ! INTEGER, DIMENSION(1) :: kdimsz INTEGER :: idvar ! id of the variable CHARACTER(LEN=32) :: tname ! local name of time coordinate CHARACTER(LEN=100) :: clinfo ! info character !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! IF ( PRESENT(cdvar) ) THEN tname = cdvar ELSE tname = iom_file(kiomid)%uldname ENDIF IF( kiomid > 0 ) THEN clinfo = 'iom_gettime, file: '//trim(iom_file(kiomid)%name)//', var: '//trim(tname) IF ( PRESENT(kntime) ) THEN idvar = iom_varid( kiomid, tname, kdimsz = kdimsz ) kntime = kdimsz(1) ELSE idvar = iom_varid( kiomid, tname ) ENDIF ! ptime(:) = 0. ! default definition IF( idvar > 0 ) THEN IF( iom_file(kiomid)%ndims(idvar) == 1 ) THEN IF( iom_file(kiomid)%luld(idvar) ) THEN IF( iom_file(kiomid)%dimsz(1,idvar) == size(ptime) ) THEN SELECT CASE (iom_file(kiomid)%iolib) CASE (jpioipsl ) ; CALL iom_ioipsl_gettime( kiomid, idvar, ptime, cdunits, cdcalendar ) CASE (jpnf90 ) ; CALL iom_nf90_gettime( kiomid, idvar, ptime, cdunits, cdcalendar ) CASE (jprstdimg) ; CALL ctl_stop( TRIM(clinfo)//' case IO library == jprstdimg not coded...' ) CASE DEFAULT CALL ctl_stop( TRIM(clinfo)//' accepted IO library are only jpioipsl, jpnf90 and jprstdimg' ) END SELECT ELSE WRITE(ctmp1,*) 'error with the size of ptime ',size(ptime),iom_file(kiomid)%dimsz(1,idvar) CALL ctl_stop( trim(clinfo), trim(ctmp1) ) ENDIF ELSE CALL ctl_stop( trim(clinfo), 'variable dimension is not unlimited... use iom_get' ) ENDIF ELSE CALL ctl_stop( trim(clinfo), 'the variable has more than 1 dimension' ) ENDIF ELSE CALL ctl_stop( trim(clinfo), 'variable not found in '//iom_file(kiomid)%name ) ENDIF ENDIF ! END SUBROUTINE iom_gettime !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! INTERFACE iom_rstput !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- SUBROUTINE iom_rp0d( kt, kwrite, kiomid, cdvar, pvar, ktype ) INTEGER , INTENT(in) :: kt ! ocean time-step INTEGER , INTENT(in) :: kwrite ! writing time-step INTEGER , INTENT(in) :: kiomid ! Identifier of the file CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in) :: cdvar ! time axis name REAL(wp) , INTENT(in) :: pvar ! written field INTEGER , INTENT(in), OPTIONAL :: ktype ! variable external type INTEGER :: ivid ! variable id IF( kiomid > 0 ) THEN IF( iom_file(kiomid)%nfid > 0 ) THEN ivid = iom_varid( kiomid, cdvar, ldstop = .FALSE. ) SELECT CASE (iom_file(kiomid)%iolib) CASE (jpioipsl ) ; CALL iom_ioipsl_rstput( kt, kwrite, kiomid, cdvar, ivid, ktype, pv_r0d = pvar ) CASE (jpnf90 ) ; CALL iom_nf90_rstput( kt, kwrite, kiomid, cdvar, ivid, ktype, pv_r0d = pvar ) CASE (jprstdimg) ; IF( kt == kwrite ) CALL iom_rstdimg_rstput( kiomid, cdvar, ivid, pvar ) CASE DEFAULT CALL ctl_stop( 'iom_rp0d: accepted IO library are only jpioipsl, jpnf90 and jprstdimg' ) END SELECT ENDIF ENDIF END SUBROUTINE iom_rp0d SUBROUTINE iom_rp1d( kt, kwrite, kiomid, cdvar, pvar, ktype ) INTEGER , INTENT(in) :: kt ! ocean time-step INTEGER , INTENT(in) :: kwrite ! writing time-step INTEGER , INTENT(in) :: kiomid ! Identifier of the file CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in) :: cdvar ! time axis name REAL(wp) , INTENT(in), DIMENSION( jpk) :: pvar ! written field INTEGER , INTENT(in), OPTIONAL :: ktype ! variable external type INTEGER :: ivid ! variable id IF( kiomid > 0 ) THEN IF( iom_file(kiomid)%nfid > 0 ) THEN ivid = iom_varid( kiomid, cdvar, ldstop = .FALSE. ) SELECT CASE (iom_file(kiomid)%iolib) CASE (jpioipsl ) ; CALL iom_ioipsl_rstput( kt, kwrite, kiomid, cdvar, ivid, ktype, pv_r1d = pvar ) CASE (jpnf90 ) ; CALL iom_nf90_rstput( kt, kwrite, kiomid, cdvar, ivid, ktype, pv_r1d = pvar ) CASE (jprstdimg) ; IF( kt == kwrite ) CALL iom_rstdimg_rstput( kiomid, cdvar, ivid, pv_r1d = pvar ) CASE DEFAULT CALL ctl_stop( 'iom_rp1d: accepted IO library are only jpioipsl, jpnf90 and jprstdimg' ) END SELECT ENDIF ENDIF END SUBROUTINE iom_rp1d SUBROUTINE iom_rp2d( kt, kwrite, kiomid, cdvar, pvar, ktype ) INTEGER , INTENT(in) :: kt ! ocean time-step INTEGER , INTENT(in) :: kwrite ! writing time-step INTEGER , INTENT(in) :: kiomid ! Identifier of the file CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in) :: cdvar ! time axis name REAL(wp) , INTENT(in), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj ) :: pvar ! written field INTEGER , INTENT(in), OPTIONAL :: ktype ! variable external type INTEGER :: ivid ! variable id IF( kiomid > 0 ) THEN IF( iom_file(kiomid)%nfid > 0 ) THEN ivid = iom_varid( kiomid, cdvar, ldstop = .FALSE. ) SELECT CASE (iom_file(kiomid)%iolib) CASE (jpioipsl ) ; CALL iom_ioipsl_rstput( kt, kwrite, kiomid, cdvar, ivid, ktype, pv_r2d = pvar ) CASE (jpnf90 ) ; CALL iom_nf90_rstput( kt, kwrite, kiomid, cdvar, ivid, ktype, pv_r2d = pvar ) CASE (jprstdimg) ; IF( kt == kwrite ) CALL iom_rstdimg_rstput( kiomid, cdvar, ivid, pv_r2d = pvar ) CASE DEFAULT CALL ctl_stop( 'iom_rp2d: accepted IO library are only jpioipsl, jpnf90 and jprstdimg' ) END SELECT ENDIF ENDIF END SUBROUTINE iom_rp2d SUBROUTINE iom_rp3d( kt, kwrite, kiomid, cdvar, pvar, ktype ) INTEGER , INTENT(in) :: kt ! ocean time-step INTEGER , INTENT(in) :: kwrite ! writing time-step INTEGER , INTENT(in) :: kiomid ! Identifier of the file CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in) :: cdvar ! time axis name REAL(wp) , INTENT(in), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj,jpk) :: pvar ! written field INTEGER , INTENT(in), OPTIONAL :: ktype ! variable external type INTEGER :: ivid ! variable id IF( kiomid > 0 ) THEN IF( iom_file(kiomid)%nfid > 0 ) THEN ivid = iom_varid( kiomid, cdvar, ldstop = .FALSE. ) SELECT CASE (iom_file(kiomid)%iolib) CASE (jpioipsl ) ; CALL iom_ioipsl_rstput( kt, kwrite, kiomid, cdvar, ivid, ktype, pv_r3d = pvar ) CASE (jpnf90 ) ; CALL iom_nf90_rstput( kt, kwrite, kiomid, cdvar, ivid, ktype, pv_r3d = pvar ) CASE (jprstdimg) ; IF( kt == kwrite ) CALL iom_rstdimg_rstput( kiomid, cdvar, ivid, pv_r3d = pvar ) CASE DEFAULT CALL ctl_stop( 'iom_rp3d: accepted IO library are only jpioipsl and jprstdimg' ) END SELECT ENDIF ENDIF END SUBROUTINE iom_rp3d !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! INTERFACE iom_put !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- SUBROUTINE iom_p0d( cdname, pfield0d ) CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(in) :: cdname REAL(wp) , INTENT(in) :: pfield0d #if defined key_iomput CALL event__write_field2D( cdname, RESHAPE( (/pfield0d/), (/1,1/) ) ) #else IF( .FALSE. ) WRITE(numout,*) cdname, pfield0d ! useless test to avoid compilation warnings #endif END SUBROUTINE iom_p0d SUBROUTINE iom_p2d( cdname, pfield2d ) CHARACTER(LEN=*) , INTENT(in) :: cdname REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj), INTENT(in) :: pfield2d #if defined key_iomput CALL event__write_field2D( cdname, pfield2d(nldi:nlei, nldj:nlej) ) #else IF( .FALSE. ) WRITE(numout,*) cdname, pfield2d ! useless test to avoid compilation warnings #endif END SUBROUTINE iom_p2d SUBROUTINE iom_p3d( cdname, pfield3d ) CHARACTER(LEN=*) , INTENT(in) :: cdname REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj,jpk), INTENT(in) :: pfield3d #if defined key_iomput CALL event__write_field3D( cdname, pfield3d(nldi:nlei, nldj:nlej, :) ) #else IF( .FALSE. ) WRITE(numout,*) cdname, pfield3d ! useless test to avoid compilation warnings #endif END SUBROUTINE iom_p3d !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- #if defined key_iomput SUBROUTINE set_grid( cdname, plon, plat ) !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE *** !! !! ** Purpose : define horizontal grids !! !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- CHARACTER(LEN=*) , INTENT(in) :: cdname REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj), INTENT(in) :: plon REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj), INTENT(in) :: plat CALL event__set_grid_dimension( cdname, jpiglo, jpjglo) CALL event__set_grid_domain( cdname, nlei-nldi+1, nlej-nldj+1, nimpp+nldi-1, njmpp+nldj-1, & & plon(nldi:nlei, nldj:nlej), plat(nldi:nlei, nldj:nlej) ) CALL event__set_grid_type_nemo( cdname ) END SUBROUTINE set_grid SUBROUTINE set_scalar !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE *** !! !! ** Purpose : define fake grids for scalar point !! !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- REAL(wp), DIMENSION(1,1) :: zz = 1. !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- CALL event__set_grid_dimension( 'scalarpoint', jpnij, 1) CALL event__set_grid_domain ( 'scalarpoint', 1, 1, narea, 1, zz, zz ) CALL event__set_grid_type_nemo( 'scalarpoint' ) END SUBROUTINE set_scalar SUBROUTINE set_xmlatt !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE *** !! !! ** Purpose : automatic definitions of some of the xml attributs... !! !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- CHARACTER(len=6),DIMENSION( 9) :: clsuff ! suffix name CHARACTER(len=1),DIMENSION( 3) :: clgrd ! suffix name CHARACTER(len=72) :: clname ! file name CHARACTER(len=1) :: cl1 ! 1 character CHARACTER(len=2) :: cl2 ! 1 character INTEGER :: idt ! time-step in seconds INTEGER :: iddss, ihhss ! number of seconds in 1 day, 1 hour and 1 year INTEGER :: iyymo ! number of months in 1 year INTEGER :: jg, jh, jd, jm, jy ! loop counters INTEGER :: ix, iy ! i-,j- index REAL(wp) ,DIMENSION(11) :: zlontao ! longitudes of tao moorings REAL(wp) ,DIMENSION( 7) :: zlattao ! latitudes of tao moorings REAL(wp) ,DIMENSION( 4) :: zlonrama ! longitudes of rama moorings REAL(wp) ,DIMENSION(11) :: zlatrama ! latitudes of rama moorings REAL(wp) ,DIMENSION( 3) :: zlonpira ! longitudes of pirata moorings REAL(wp) ,DIMENSION( 9) :: zlatpira ! latitudes of pirata moorings !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! idt = NINT( rdttra(1) ) iddss = NINT( rday ) ! number of seconds in 1 day ihhss = NINT( rmmss * rhhmm ) ! number of seconds in 1 hour iyymo = NINT( raamo ) ! number of months in 1 year ! frequency of the call of iom_put (attribut: freq_op) CALL event__set_attribut( 'field_definition', attr( field__freq_op, idt ) ) ! model time-step CALL event__set_attribut( 'SBC' , attr( field__freq_op, idt * nn_fsbc ) ) ! SBC time-step ! output file names (attribut: name) clsuff(:) = (/ 'grid_T', 'grid_U', 'grid_V', 'grid_W', 'icemod', 'ptrc_T', 'diad_T', 'dbio_T', 'scalar' /) DO jg = 1, SIZE(clsuff) ! grid type DO jh = 1, 12 ! 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 12 hours IF( MOD(12,jh) == 0 ) THEN WRITE(cl2,'(i2)') jh CALL dia_nam( clname, jh * ihhss, clsuff(jg), ldfsec = .TRUE. ) CALL event__set_attribut( TRIM(ADJUSTL(cl2))//'h_'//clsuff(jg), attr( file__name, TRIM(clname) ) ) ENDIF END DO DO jd = 1, 5, 2 ! 1, 3, 5 days WRITE(cl1,'(i1)') jd CALL dia_nam( clname, jd * iddss, clsuff(jg), ldfsec = .TRUE. ) CALL event__set_attribut( cl1//'d_'//clsuff(jg), attr( file__name, TRIM(clname) ) ) END DO DO jm = 1, 6 ! 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 months IF( MOD(6,jm) == 0 ) THEN WRITE(cl1,'(i1)') jm CALL dia_nam( clname, -jm, clsuff(jg) ) CALL event__set_attribut( cl1//'m_'//clsuff(jg), attr( file__name, TRIM(clname) ) ) ENDIF END DO DO jy = 1, 10 ! 1, 2, 5, 10 years IF( MOD(10,jy) == 0 ) THEN WRITE(cl2,'(i2)') jy CALL dia_nam( clname, -jy * iyymo, clsuff(jg) ) CALL event__set_attribut( TRIM(ADJUSTL(cl2))//'y_'//clsuff(jg), attr( file__name, TRIM(clname) ) ) ENDIF END DO END DO ! Zooms... clgrd = (/ 'T', 'U', 'W' /) DO jg = 1, SIZE(clgrd) ! grid type cl1 = clgrd(jg) ! Equatorial section (attributs: jbegin, ni, name_suffix) CALL dom_ngb( 0., 0., ix, iy, cl1 ) CALL event__set_attribut( 'Eq'//cl1, attr( zoom__jbegin , iy ) ) CALL event__set_attribut( 'Eq'//cl1, attr( zoom__ni , jpiglo ) ) CALL event__set_attribut( 'Eq'//cl1, attr( file__name_suffix, '_Eq' ) ) END DO ! TAO moorings (attributs: ibegin, jbegin, name_suffix) zlontao = (/ 137.0, 147.0, 156.0, 165.0, -180.0, -170.0, -155.0, -140.0, -125.0, -110.0, -95.0 /) zlattao = (/ -8.0, -5.0, -2.0, 0.0, 2.0, 5.0, 8.0 /) CALL set_mooring( zlontao, zlattao ) ! RAMA moorings (attributs: ibegin, jbegin, name_suffix) zlonrama = (/ 55.0, 67.0, 80.5, 90.0 /) zlatrama = (/ -16.0, -12.0, -8.0, -4.0, -1.5, 0.0, 1.5, 4.0, 8.0, 12.0, 15.0 /) CALL set_mooring( zlonrama, zlatrama ) ! PIRATA moorings (attributs: ibegin, jbegin, name_suffix) zlonpira = (/ -38.0, -23.0, -10.0 /) zlatpira = (/ -19.0, -14.0, -8.0, 0.0, 4.0, 8.0, 12.0, 15.0, 20.0 /) CALL set_mooring( zlonpira, zlatpira ) END SUBROUTINE set_xmlatt SUBROUTINE set_mooring( plon, plat) !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE *** !! !! ** Purpose : automatic definitions of moorings xml attributs... !! !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), INTENT(in) :: plon, plat ! longitudes/latitudes oft the mooring ! !!$ CHARACTER(len=1),DIMENSION(4) :: clgrd = (/ 'T', 'U', 'V', 'W' /) ! suffix name CHARACTER(len=1),DIMENSION(1) :: clgrd = (/ 'T' /) ! suffix name CHARACTER(len=72) :: clname ! file name CHARACTER(len=1) :: cl1 ! 1 character CHARACTER(len=6) :: clon,clat ! name of longitude, latitude INTEGER :: ji, jj, jg ! loop counters INTEGER :: ix, iy ! i-,j- index REAL(wp) :: zlon, zlat !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- DO jg = 1, SIZE(clgrd) cl1 = clgrd(jg) DO ji = 1, SIZE(plon) DO jj = 1, SIZE(plat) zlon = plon(ji) zlat = plat(jj) ! modifications for RAMA moorings IF( zlon == 67. .AND. zlat == 15. ) zlon = 65. IF( zlon == 90. .AND. zlat <= -4. ) zlon = 95. IF( zlon == 95. .AND. zlat == -4. ) zlat = -5. ! modifications for PIRATA moorings IF( zlon == -38. .AND. zlat == -19. ) zlon = -34. IF( zlon == -38. .AND. zlat == -14. ) zlon = -32. IF( zlon == -38. .AND. zlat == -8. ) zlon = -30. IF( zlon == -38. .AND. zlat == 0. ) zlon = -35. IF( zlon == -23. .AND. zlat == 20. ) zlat = 21. IF( zlon == -10. .AND. zlat == -14. ) zlat = -10. IF( zlon == -10. .AND. zlat == -8. ) zlat = -6. IF( zlon == -10. .AND. zlat == 4. ) THEN ; zlon = 0. ; zlat = 0. ; ENDIF CALL dom_ngb( zlon, zlat, ix, iy, cl1 ) IF( zlon >= 0. ) THEN IF( zlon == REAL(NINT(zlon), wp) ) THEN ; WRITE(clon, '(i3, a)') NINT( zlon), 'e' ELSE ; WRITE(clon, '(f5.1,a)') zlon , 'e' ENDIF ELSE IF( zlon == REAL(NINT(zlon), wp) ) THEN ; WRITE(clon, '(i3, a)') NINT(-zlon), 'w' ELSE ; WRITE(clon, '(f5.1,a)') -zlon , 'w' ENDIF ENDIF IF( zlat >= 0. ) THEN IF( zlat == REAL(NINT(zlat), wp) ) THEN ; WRITE(clat, '(i2, a)') NINT( zlat), 'n' ELSE ; WRITE(clat, '(f4.1,a)') zlat , 'n' ENDIF ELSE IF( zlat == REAL(NINT(zlat), wp) ) THEN ; WRITE(clat, '(i2, a)') NINT(-zlat), 's' ELSE ; WRITE(clat, '(f4.1,a)') -zlat , 's' ENDIF ENDIF clname = TRIM(ADJUSTL(clat))//TRIM(ADJUSTL(clon)) CALL event__set_attribut( TRIM(clname)//cl1, attr( zoom__ibegin , ix ) ) CALL event__set_attribut( TRIM(clname)//cl1, attr( zoom__jbegin , iy ) ) CALL event__set_attribut( TRIM(clname)//cl1, attr( file__name_suffix, '_'//TRIM(clname) ) ) END DO END DO END DO END SUBROUTINE set_mooring #else SUBROUTINE iom_setkt( kt ) INTEGER, INTENT(in ):: kt IF( .FALSE. ) WRITE(numout,*) kt ! useless test to avoid compilation warnings END SUBROUTINE iom_setkt #endif !!====================================================================== END MODULE iom