#!/bin/sh alias echo='/bin/echo -e' clean() { ## Not sure if this step is needed, guess latexmk should be able to detect a change echo "\t¤ Clean previous build" ## Delete temp files from previous build echo "\t\t- delete all temporary files (.aux, .bbl, ...)" find latex/$1 -regextype posix-extended \ -regex ".*\.(aux|bbl|blg|dvi|fdb|fls|idx|ilg|ind|log|maf|mtc|out|pdf|toc).*" \ -exec rm {} \; ## Remove minted folders echo "\t\t- remove pygments input hash files (\"_minted\" folders)" find latex/$1 -type d -name '_minted*' -exec rm -r {} \; 2> /dev/null ## HTML exports #echo ' - possible HTML export' #find latex/$1 -type d -name 'html*' -exec rm -r {} \; echo } build() { echo "\t¤ Generation of the PDF format\n" cd latex/$1/main latexmk $opts $1'_manual' 1> /dev/null [ -f $1'_manual'.pdf ] && mv $1'_manual'.pdf ../../.. cd - > /dev/null echo }