MODULE crslbclnk !!====================================================================== !! *** MODULE crslbclnk *** !! A temporary solution for lbclnk for coarsened grid. !! Ocean : lateral boundary conditions for grid coarsening !!===================================================================== !! History : ! 2012-06 (J. Simeon, G. Madec, C. Ethe, C. Calone) Original code !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- USE par_kind, ONLY: wp USE dom_oce USE crs ! USE lbclnk USE in_out_manager INTERFACE crs_lbc_lnk MODULE PROCEDURE crs_lbc_lnk_3d, crs_lbc_lnk_2d END INTERFACE PUBLIC crs_lbc_lnk !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! NEMO/OCE 4.0 , NEMO Consortium (2018) !! $Id$ !! Software governed by the CeCILL license (see ./LICENSE) !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- CONTAINS SUBROUTINE crs_lbc_lnk_3d( pt3d1, cd_type1, psgn, kfillmode, pfillval ) !!--------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** SUBROUTINE crs_lbc_lnk *** !! !! ** Purpose : set lateral boundary conditions for coarsened grid !! !! ** Method : Swap domain indices from full to coarse domain !! before arguments are passed directly to lbc_lnk. !! Upon exiting, switch back to full domain indices. !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- CHARACTER(len=1) , INTENT(in ) :: cd_type1 ! grid type REAL(wp) , INTENT(in ) :: psgn ! control of the sign REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi_crs,jpj_crs,jpk), INTENT(inout) :: pt3d1 ! 3D array on which the lbc is applied INTEGER , OPTIONAL , INTENT(in ) :: kfillmode ! filling method for halo over land (default = cst) REAL(wp) , OPTIONAL , INTENT(in ) :: pfillval ! background value (used at closed boundaries) ! LOGICAL :: ll_grid_crs !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ll_grid_crs = ( jpi == jpi_crs ) ! IF( .NOT.ll_grid_crs ) CALL dom_grid_crs ! Save the parent grid information & Switch to coarse grid domain ! CALL lbc_lnk( 'crslbclnk', pt3d1, cd_type1, psgn, kfillmode, pfillval ) ! IF( .NOT.ll_grid_crs ) CALL dom_grid_glo ! Return to parent grid domain ! END SUBROUTINE crs_lbc_lnk_3d SUBROUTINE crs_lbc_lnk_2d(pt2d, cd_type, psgn, kfillmode, pfillval ) !!--------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** SUBROUTINE crs_lbc_lnk *** !! !! ** Purpose : set lateral boundary conditions for coarsened grid !! !! ** Method : Swap domain indices from full to coarse domain !! before arguments are passed directly to lbc_lnk. !! Upon exiting, switch back to full domain indices. !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- CHARACTER(len=1) , INTENT(in ) :: cd_type ! grid type REAL(wp) , INTENT(in ) :: psgn ! control of the sign REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi_crs,jpj_crs), INTENT(inout) :: pt2d ! 2D array on which the lbc is applied INTEGER , OPTIONAL , INTENT(in ) :: kfillmode ! filling method for halo over land (default = constant) REAL(wp) , OPTIONAL , INTENT(in ) :: pfillval ! background value (used at closed boundaries) ! LOGICAL :: ll_grid_crs !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ll_grid_crs = ( jpi == jpi_crs ) ! IF( .NOT.ll_grid_crs ) CALL dom_grid_crs ! Save the parent grid information & Switch to coarse grid domain ! CALL lbc_lnk( 'crslbclnk', pt2d, cd_type, psgn, kfillmode, pfillval ) ! IF( .NOT.ll_grid_crs ) CALL dom_grid_glo ! Return to parent grid domain ! END SUBROUTINE crs_lbc_lnk_2d !!====================================================================== END MODULE crslbclnk