MODULE trdpen !!====================================================================== !! *** MODULE trdpen *** !! Ocean diagnostics: Potential Energy trends !!===================================================================== !! History : 3.5 ! 2012-02 (G. Madec) original code !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! trd_pen : compute and output Potential Energy trends from T & S trends !! trd_pen_init : initialisation of PE trends !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- USE oce ! ocean dynamics and tracers variables USE dom_oce ! ocean domain USE sbc_oce ! surface boundary condition: ocean USE zdf_oce ! ocean vertical physics USE trd_oce ! trends: ocean variables USE eosbn2 ! equation of state and related derivatives USE ldftra ! lateral diffusion: eddy diffusivity & EIV coeff. USE zdfddm ! vertical physics: double diffusion USE phycst ! physical constants ! USE in_out_manager ! I/O manager USE iom ! I/O manager library USE lib_mpp ! MPP library IMPLICIT NONE PRIVATE PUBLIC trd_pen ! called by all trdtra module PUBLIC trd_pen_init ! called by all nemogcm module INTEGER :: nkstp ! current time step REAL(wp), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:,:,:) :: rab_pe ! partial derivatives of PE anomaly with respect to T and S !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! NEMO/OCE 4.0 , NEMO Consortium (2018) !! $Id$ !! Software governed by the CeCILL license (see ./LICENSE) !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- CONTAINS INTEGER FUNCTION trd_pen_alloc() !!--------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** FUNCTION trd_tra_alloc *** !!--------------------------------------------------------------------- ALLOCATE( rab_pe(jpi,jpj,jpk,jpts) , STAT= trd_pen_alloc ) ! CALL mpp_sum ( 'trdpen', trd_pen_alloc ) IF( trd_pen_alloc /= 0 ) CALL ctl_stop( 'STOP', 'trd_pen_alloc: failed to allocate arrays' ) END FUNCTION trd_pen_alloc SUBROUTINE trd_pen( ptrdx, ptrdy, ktrd, kt, pdt, Kmm ) !!--------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE trd_tra_mng *** !! !! ** Purpose : Dispatch all trends computation, e.g. 3D output, integral !! constraints, barotropic vorticity, kinetic enrgy, !! potential energy, and/or mixed layer budget. !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:,:), INTENT(in) :: ptrdx, ptrdy ! Temperature & Salinity trends INTEGER , INTENT(in) :: ktrd ! tracer trend index INTEGER , INTENT(in) :: kt ! time step index INTEGER , INTENT(in) :: Kmm ! time level index REAL(wp) , INTENT(in) :: pdt ! time step [s] ! INTEGER :: jk ! dummy loop indices REAL(wp), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: z2d ! 2D workspace REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj,jpk) :: zpe ! 3D workspace !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! zpe(:,:,:) = 0._wp ! IF( kt /= nkstp ) THEN ! full eos: set partial derivatives at the 1st call of kt time step nkstp = kt CALL eos_pen( ts(:,:,:,:,Kmm), rab_PE, zpe, Kmm ) CALL iom_put( "alphaPE", rab_pe(:,:,:,jp_tem) ) CALL iom_put( "betaPE" , rab_pe(:,:,:,jp_sal) ) CALL iom_put( "PEanom" , zpe ) ENDIF ! zpe(:,:,jpk) = 0._wp DO jk = 1, jpkm1 zpe(:,:,jk) = ( - ( rab_n(:,:,jk,jp_tem) + rab_pe(:,:,jk,jp_tem) ) * ptrdx(:,:,jk) & & + ( rab_n(:,:,jk,jp_sal) + rab_pe(:,:,jk,jp_sal) ) * ptrdy(:,:,jk) ) END DO SELECT CASE ( ktrd ) CASE ( jptra_xad ) ; CALL iom_put( "petrd_xad", zpe ) ! zonal advection CASE ( jptra_yad ) ; CALL iom_put( "petrd_yad", zpe ) ! merid. advection CASE ( jptra_zad ) ; CALL iom_put( "petrd_zad", zpe ) ! vertical advection IF( ln_linssh ) THEN ! cst volume : adv flux through z=0 surface ALLOCATE( z2d(jpi,jpj) ) z2d(:,:) = ww(:,:,1) * ( & & - ( rab_n(:,:,1,jp_tem) + rab_pe(:,:,1,jp_tem) ) * ts(:,:,1,jp_tem,Kmm) & & + ( rab_n(:,:,1,jp_sal) + rab_pe(:,:,1,jp_sal) ) * ts(:,:,1,jp_sal,Kmm) & & ) / e3t(:,:,1,Kmm) CALL iom_put( "petrd_sad" , z2d ) DEALLOCATE( z2d ) ENDIF CASE ( jptra_ldf ) ; CALL iom_put( "petrd_ldf" , zpe ) ! lateral diffusion CASE ( jptra_zdf ) ; CALL iom_put( "petrd_zdf" , zpe ) ! lateral diffusion (K_z) CASE ( jptra_zdfp ) ; CALL iom_put( "petrd_zdfp", zpe ) ! vertical diffusion (K_z) CASE ( jptra_dmp ) ; CALL iom_put( "petrd_dmp" , zpe ) ! internal 3D restoring (tradmp) CASE ( jptra_bbl ) ; CALL iom_put( "petrd_bbl" , zpe ) ! bottom boundary layer CASE ( jptra_npc ) ; CALL iom_put( "petrd_npc" , zpe ) ! non penetr convect adjustment CASE ( jptra_nsr ) ; CALL iom_put( "petrd_nsr" , zpe ) ! surface forcing + runoff (ln_rnf=T) CASE ( jptra_qsr ) ; CALL iom_put( "petrd_qsr" , zpe ) ! air-sea : penetrative sol radiat CASE ( jptra_bbc ) ; CALL iom_put( "petrd_bbc" , zpe ) ! bottom bound cond (geoth flux) CASE ( jptra_atf ) ; CALL iom_put( "petrd_atf" , zpe ) ! asselin time filter (last trend) ! END SELECT ! ! END SUBROUTINE trd_pen SUBROUTINE trd_pen_init !!--------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE trd_pen_init *** !! !! ** Purpose : initialisation of 3D Kinetic Energy trend diagnostic !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- INTEGER :: ji, jj, jk ! dummy loop indices !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! IF(lwp) THEN WRITE(numout,*) WRITE(numout,*) 'trd_pen_init : 3D Potential ENergy trends' WRITE(numout,*) '~~~~~~~~~~~~~' ENDIF ! ! allocate box volume arrays IF ( trd_pen_alloc() /= 0 ) CALL ctl_stop('trd_pen_alloc: failed to allocate arrays') ! rab_pe(:,:,:,:) = 0._wp ! IF( .NOT.ln_linssh ) CALL ctl_stop('trd_pen_init : PE trends not coded for variable volume') ! nkstp = nit000 - 1 ! END SUBROUTINE trd_pen_init !!====================================================================== END MODULE trdpen