MODULE sed !!====================================================================== !! *** sed *** !! Sediment : set sediment global variables !!====================================================================== !! History : !! ! 06-12 (C. Ethe) Orignal !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- USE oce_sed USE in_out_manager IMPLICIT NONE PUBLIC PUBLIC sed_alloc !! Namelist REAL(wp), PUBLIC :: reac_sil !: reactivity of silicate in [l.mol-1.s-1] REAL(wp), PUBLIC :: reac_clay !: reactivity of clay in [l.mol-1.s-1] REAL(wp), PUBLIC :: reac_ligc !: reactivity of Ligands [l.mol-1.s-1] REAL(wp), PUBLIC :: reac_pocl !: reactivity of pocl in [s-1] REAL(wp), PUBLIC :: reac_pocs !: reactivity of pocs in [s-1] REAL(wp), PUBLIC :: reac_pocr !: reactivity of pocr in [s-1] REAL(wp), PUBLIC :: reac_nh4 !: reactivity of NH4 in [l.mol-1.s-1] REAL(wp), PUBLIC :: reac_h2s !: reactivity of ODU in [l.mol-1.s-1] REAL(wp), PUBLIC :: reac_fe2 !: reactivity of Fe2+ in [l.mol-1.s-1] REAL(wp), PUBLIC :: reac_feh2s !: reactivity of Fe2+ in [l.mol-1.s-1] REAL(wp), PUBLIC :: reac_fes !: reactivity of Fe with H2S in [l.mol-1.s-1] REAL(wp), PUBLIC :: reac_feso !: reactivity of FeS with O2 in [l.mol-1.s-1] REAL(wp), PUBLIC :: reac_cal !: reactivity of cal in [l.mol-1.s-1] REAL(wp), PUBLIC :: adsnh4 !: adsorption coefficient of NH4 REAL(wp), PUBLIC :: ratligc !: C/L ratio in POC REAL(wp), PUBLIC :: so2ut REAL(wp), PUBLIC :: srno3 REAL(wp), PUBLIC :: spo4r REAL(wp), PUBLIC :: srDnit REAL(wp), PUBLIC :: dtsed !: sedimentation time step REAL(wp), PUBLIC :: dtsed2 !: sedimentation time step INTEGER , PUBLIC :: nitsed000 INTEGER , PUBLIC :: nitsedend INTEGER, PUBLIC :: nrseddt REAL , PUBLIC :: sedmask REAL(wp), PUBLIC :: denssol !: density of solid material LOGICAL , PUBLIC :: lrst_sed !: logical to control the trc restart write LOGICAL , PUBLIC :: ln_rst_sed = .TRUE. !: initialisation from a restart file or not LOGICAL , PUBLIC :: ln_btbz = .FALSE. !: Depth variation of the bioturbation coefficient LOGICAL , PUBLIC :: ln_irrig = .FALSE. !: iActivation of the bioirrigation LOGICAL , PUBLIC :: ln_sed_2way = .FALSE. !: 2 way coupling with PISCES LOGICAL , PUBLIC :: ln_sediment_offline = .FALSE. !: Offline mode for sediment module INTEGER , PUBLIC :: nn_rstsed !: control of the time step ( 0 or 1 ) for pass. tr. INTEGER , PUBLIC :: nn_dtsed = 1 !: frequency of step on passive tracers CHARACTER(len = 80) , PUBLIC :: cn_sedrst_in !: suffix of pass. tracer restart name (input) CHARACTER(len = 256), PUBLIC :: cn_sedrst_indir !: restart input directory CHARACTER(len = 80) , PUBLIC :: cn_sedrst_out !: suffix of pass. tracer restart name (output) CHARACTER(len = 256), PUBLIC :: cn_sedrst_outdir !: restart output directory ! REAL(wp), PUBLIC, DIMENSION(:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: pwcp !: pore water sediment data at given time-step REAL(wp), PUBLIC, DIMENSION(:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: pwcp0 !: pore water sediment data at initial time REAL(wp), PUBLIC, DIMENSION(:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: solcp !: solid sediment data at given time-step REAL(wp), PUBLIC, DIMENSION(:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: solcp0 !: solid sediment data at initial time REAL(wp), PUBLIC, DIMENSION(:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: diff !! * Shared module variables REAL(wp), PUBLIC, DIMENSION(:,: ), ALLOCATABLE :: pwcp_dta !: pore water data at given time-step REAL(wp), PUBLIC, DIMENSION(:,: ), ALLOCATABLE :: rainrm_dta !: rain data at at initial time REAL(wp), PUBLIC, DIMENSION(:,: ), ALLOCATABLE :: rainrm !: rain data at given time-step REAL(wp), PUBLIC, DIMENSION(:,: ), ALLOCATABLE :: rainrg !: rain of each solid component in [g/(cm**2.s)] REAL(wp), PUBLIC, DIMENSION(:,: ), ALLOCATABLE :: fromsed !: REAL(wp), PUBLIC, DIMENSION(:,: ), ALLOCATABLE :: tosed !: REAL(wp), PUBLIC, DIMENSION(:,: ), ALLOCATABLE :: rloss !: REAL(wp), PUBLIC, DIMENSION(:,: ), ALLOCATABLE :: tokbot ! REAL(wp), PUBLIC, DIMENSION(: ), ALLOCATABLE :: temp !: temperature REAL(wp), PUBLIC, DIMENSION(: ), ALLOCATABLE :: salt !: salinity REAL(wp), PUBLIC, DIMENSION(: ), ALLOCATABLE :: press !: pressure REAL(wp), PUBLIC, DIMENSION(: ), ALLOCATABLE :: raintg !: total massic flux rained in each cell (sum of sol. comp.) REAL(wp), PUBLIC, DIMENSION(: ), ALLOCATABLE :: fecratio !: Fe/C ratio in falling particles to the sediments REAL(wp), PUBLIC, DIMENSION(: ), ALLOCATABLE :: dzdep !: total thickness of solid material rained [cm] in each cell REAL(wp), PUBLIC, DIMENSION(: ), ALLOCATABLE :: zkbot !: total thickness of solid material rained [cm] in each cell REAL(wp), PUBLIC, DIMENSION(: ), ALLOCATABLE :: wacc !: total thickness of solid material rained [cm] in each cell ! REAL(wp), PUBLIC, DIMENSION(:,: ), ALLOCATABLE :: hipor !: [h+] in mol/kg*densSW REAL(wp), PUBLIC, DIMENSION(:,: ), ALLOCATABLE :: co3por !: [co3--]solid sediment at initial time REAL(wp), PUBLIC, DIMENSION(:,: ), ALLOCATABLE :: dz3d !: ??? REAL(wp), PUBLIC, DIMENSION(:,: ), ALLOCATABLE :: volw3d !: ??? REAL(wp), PUBLIC, DIMENSION(:,: ), ALLOCATABLE :: vols3d !: ??? !! Chemistry REAL(wp), PUBLIC, DIMENSION(: ), ALLOCATABLE :: densSW REAL(wp), PUBLIC, DIMENSION(: ), ALLOCATABLE :: borats REAL(wp), PUBLIC, DIMENSION(: ), ALLOCATABLE :: calcon2 REAL(wp), PUBLIC, DIMENSION(: ), ALLOCATABLE :: akbs REAL(wp), PUBLIC, DIMENSION(: ), ALLOCATABLE :: ak1s REAL(wp), PUBLIC, DIMENSION(: ), ALLOCATABLE :: ak2s REAL(wp), PUBLIC, DIMENSION(: ), ALLOCATABLE :: akws REAL(wp), PUBLIC, DIMENSION(: ), ALLOCATABLE :: ak12s REAL(wp), PUBLIC, DIMENSION(: ), ALLOCATABLE :: ak1ps REAL(wp), PUBLIC, DIMENSION(: ), ALLOCATABLE :: ak2ps REAL(wp), PUBLIC, DIMENSION(: ), ALLOCATABLE :: ak3ps REAL(wp), PUBLIC, DIMENSION(: ), ALLOCATABLE :: ak12ps REAL(wp), PUBLIC, DIMENSION(: ), ALLOCATABLE :: ak123ps REAL(wp), PUBLIC, DIMENSION(: ), ALLOCATABLE :: aksis REAL(wp), PUBLIC, DIMENSION(: ), ALLOCATABLE :: aksps REAL(wp), PUBLIC, DIMENSION(: ), ALLOCATABLE :: sieqs REAL(wp), PUBLIC, DIMENSION(: ), ALLOCATABLE :: aks3s REAL(wp), PUBLIC, DIMENSION(: ), ALLOCATABLE :: akf3s REAL(wp), PUBLIC, DIMENSION(: ), ALLOCATABLE :: sulfats REAL(wp), PUBLIC, DIMENSION(: ), ALLOCATABLE :: fluorids REAL(wp), PUBLIC, DIMENSION(: ), ALLOCATABLE :: mol_wgt !: molecular weight of solid sediment data REAL(wp), PUBLIC, DIMENSION(:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: trc_data !: tracer data to share with sediment model !! Geometry INTEGER , PUBLIC, SAVE :: jpoce, indoce !: Ocean points ( number/indices ) INTEGER , PUBLIC, DIMENSION(: ), ALLOCATABLE :: iarroce !: Computation of 1D array of sediments points REAL(wp), PUBLIC, DIMENSION(:,: ), ALLOCATABLE :: epkbot !: ocean bottom layer thickness REAL(wp), PUBLIC, DIMENSION(:,: ), ALLOCATABLE :: gdepbot !: Depth of the sediment REAL(wp), PUBLIC, DIMENSION(: ), ALLOCATABLE :: dzkbot !: ocean bottom layer thickness in meters REAL(wp), PUBLIC, DIMENSION(: ), ALLOCATABLE :: dz !: sediment layers thickness REAL(wp), PUBLIC, DIMENSION(: ), ALLOCATABLE :: por !: porosity profile REAL(wp), PUBLIC, DIMENSION(: ), ALLOCATABLE :: por1 !: 1-por REAL(wp), PUBLIC, DIMENSION(: ), ALLOCATABLE :: volw !: volume of pore water cell fraction REAL(wp), PUBLIC, DIMENSION(: ), ALLOCATABLE :: vols !: volume of solid cell fraction REAL(wp), PUBLIC, DIMENSION(:,: ), ALLOCATABLE :: db !: bioturbation ceofficient REAL(wp), PUBLIC, DIMENSION(:,: ), ALLOCATABLE :: irrig !: bioturbation ceofficient REAL(wp), PUBLIC, DIMENSION(: ), ALLOCATABLE :: rdtsed !: sediment model time-step REAL(wp), PUBLIC, DIMENSION(:,: ), ALLOCATABLE :: sedligand REAL(wp) :: dens !: density of solid material !! Inputs / Outputs CHARACTER( len = 80 ), DIMENSION(jptrased ) :: sedtrcl CHARACTER( len = 20 ), DIMENSION(jptrased ) :: sedtrcd , sedtrcu CHARACTER( len = 80 ), DIMENSION(jpdia3dsed) :: seddia3l CHARACTER( len = 20 ), DIMENSION(jpdia3dsed) :: seddia3d, seddia3u CHARACTER( len = 80 ), DIMENSION(jpdia2dsed) :: seddia2l CHARACTER( len = 20 ), DIMENSION(jpdia2dsed) :: seddia2d, seddia2u ! REAL(wp), PUBLIC, DIMENSION(:,:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: trcsedi REAL(wp), PUBLIC, DIMENSION(:,:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: flxsedi3d REAL(wp), PUBLIC, DIMENSION(:,:,: ), ALLOCATABLE :: flxsedi2d INTEGER, PUBLIC :: numsed = 27 ! units !! $Id$ CONTAINS INTEGER FUNCTION sed_alloc() !!------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE sed_alloc *** !!------------------------------------------------------------------- USE lib_mpp, ONLY: ctl_stop !!------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ALLOCATE( trc_data(jpi,jpj,jpdta) , & & epkbot(jpi,jpj), gdepbot(jpi,jpj) , & & dz(jpksed) , por(jpksed) , por1(jpksed) , & & volw(jpksed), vols(jpksed), rdtsed(jpksed) , & & trcsedi (jpi,jpj,jpksed,jptrased) , & & flxsedi3d(jpi,jpj,jpksed,jpdia3dsed) , & & flxsedi2d(jpi,jpj,jpdia2dsed) , & & mol_wgt(jpsol), STAT=sed_alloc ) IF( sed_alloc /= 0 ) CALL ctl_stop( 'STOP', 'sed_alloc: failed to allocate arrays' ) ! END FUNCTION sed_alloc END MODULE sed