#!/bin/bash ################################### ## Definitions for batch system #SBATCH -A omr@cpu # Accounting information #SBATCH --job-name=CPL_TESTCASE # Job name ##SBATCH --partition=cpu_p1 # Partition Name #SBATCH --ntasks=29 # Total number of MPI processes #SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=40 # Number of MPI processes per node #SBATCH --hint=nomultithread # 1 MPI process per node (no hyperthreading) #SBATCH --time=00:10:00 # Maximum execution time (HH:MM:SS) #SBATCH --output=cpltestcase_%j # Name of output listing file #SBATCH --error=cpltestcase_%j # Name of error listing file (the same) ################################### ## ## CONFIG_DIR is submission directory ## CONFIG_DIR=${SLURM_SUBMIT_DIR} # cd ${CONFIG_DIR} pwd ## ## Define and create execution directory and move there ## XXD=`date +%F%H%M%S` echo " XXD " $XXD mkdir -p $WORK/OUT/CPLTESTCASE/$XXD cd $WORK/OUT/CPLTESTCASE/$XXD echo "RUN directory " `pwd` ## ## Get input files for NEMO ## DATA1DIR=$WORK/FORCING/ORCA2_ICE_PISCES_v4.0 for file in $DATA1DIR/* do ln -s $file . || exit 2 done # Get input namelist and xml files for file in $CONFIG_DIR/*namelist*_ref $CONFIG_DIR/*namelist*_cfg $CONFIG_DIR/*.xml do cp $file . || exit 3 done ## ## Get input files for TOYATM, including the namcouple file ## TOYATM_DIR=$CONFIG_DIR/../../../tools/TOYATM/EXP for file in $TOYATM_DIR/* do cp $file . || exit 4 done ## ## Get Executables ## cp $CONFIG_DIR/nemo nemo.exe || exit 5 cp $TOYATM_DIR/toyatm.exe . || exit 5 ## ## Get script generating summary report cp $CONFIG_DIR/gen_report.sh . echo "DIR BEFORE EXEC" ls -l echo '(3) Prepare launch of the run' echo '----------------' export MPIRUN="srun --mpi=pmi2 --cpu-bind=cores -K1" NB_PROCS_NEMO=28 NB_PROCS_OASIS=1 NB_PROCS_TOYATM=1 date touch ./run_file echo 0-27 ./nemo.exe >>./run_file echo 28 ./toyatm.exe >>./run_file echo run_file cat ./run_file ## ## Run the CPL test case using 27 processes for nemo and 1 for toyatm ## echo '(4) Run the code' echo '----------------' time srun --multi-prog ./run_file echo "DIR AFTER EXEC" ls -l date pwd ## ## simple report generator for the test case ## ./gen_report.sh | tee CPL_OASIS_results cat CPL_OASIS_results ## Copy Summary of results back into submission directory cp CPL_OASIS_results ${CONFIG_DIR}